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I need input on a possible bug in v3.5.0
I  have a tutorial user that has reported my pixel perfect collision routines are not working in v3.5.0 but work fine in v3.4.1 but I can't replicate this.

The code below I've tested in the following and it works fine:
- Windows 7 SP2 and QB64PE v3.4.1 and v3.5.0
- The latest version of Linux Mint and QB64PE v3.5.0

For those of you with different versions of Windows, Linux, and MacOS would you kindly run the code below and let me know what you find out? The ZIP file attached contains the code and the two image files needed to run it.

Code: (Select All)
'** Pixel Perfect Collision Demo #5

Type TypeSPRITE '             sprite definition
    image As Long '       sprite image
    mask As Long '        sprite mask image
    x1 As Integer '       upper left X
    y1 As Integer '       upper left Y
    x2 As Integer '       lower right X
    y2 As Integer '       lower right Y
End Type

Type TypePOINT
    x As Integer
    y As Integer
End Type

Dim RedOval As TypeSPRITE '   red oval images
Dim GreenOval As TypeSPRITE ' green oval images

Dim Intersect As TypePOINT

RedOval.image = _LoadImage("redoval.png", 32) '     load red oval image image
GreenOval.image = _LoadImage("greenoval.png", 32) ' load green oval image
MakeMask RedOval '                                                    create mask for red oval image
MakeMask GreenOval '                                                  create mask for green oval image
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32) '                                      enter graphics screen
_MouseHide '                                                          hide the mouse pointer
GreenOval.x1 = 294 '                                                  green oval upper left X
GreenOval.y1 = 165 '                                                  green oval upper left Y
Do '                                                                  begin main program loop
    _Limit 30 '                                                       30 frames per second
    Cls '                                                             clear screen
    While _MouseInput: Wend '                                         get latest mouse information
    _PutImage (GreenOval.x1, GreenOval.y1), GreenOval.image '         display green oval
    _PutImage (RedOval.x1, RedOval.y1), RedOval.image '               display red oval
    RedOval.x1 = _MouseX '                                            record mouse X location
    RedOval.y1 = _MouseY '                                            record mouse Y location
    If PixelCollide(GreenOval, RedOval, Intersect) Then '                        pixel collision?
        Locate 2, 36 '                                                yes, position text cursor
        Print "COLLISION!" '                                          report collision happening
        Circle (Intersect.x, Intersect.y), 4, _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
        Paint (Intersect.x, Intersect.y), _RGB32(255, 255, 0), _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
    End If
    _Display '                                                        update screen with changes
Loop Until _KeyDown(27) '                                             leave when ESC key pressed
System '                                                              return to operating system

Sub MakeMask (Obj As TypeSPRITE)
    '- Creates a negative mask of image for pixel collision detection. -
    '-                                                                 -
    '- Obj - object containing an image and mask image holder          -

    Dim x%, y% '   image column and row counters
    Dim cc~& '     clear transparent color
    Dim Osource& ' original source image
    Dim Odest& '   original destination image

    Obj.mask = _NewImage(_Width(Obj.image), _Height(Obj.image), 32) ' create mask image
    Osource& = _Source '                               save source image
    Odest& = _Dest '                                   save destination image
    _Source Obj.image '                                make object image the source
    _Dest Obj.mask '                                   make object mask image the destination
    cc~& = _RGB32(255, 0, 255) '                       set the color to be used as transparent
    For y% = 0 To _Height(Obj.image) - 1 '             cycle through image rows
        For x% = 0 To _Width(Obj.image) - 1 '          cycle through image columns
            If Point(x%, y%) = cc~& Then '             is image pixel the transparent color?
                PSet (x%, y%), _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 255) '  yes, set corresponding mask image to solid black
            Else '                                     no, pixel is part of actual image
                PSet (x%, y%), cc~& '                  set corresponding mask image to transparent color
            End If
        Next x%
    Next y%
    _Dest Odest& '                                     restore original destination image
    _Source Osource& '                                 restore original source image
    _SetAlpha 0, cc~&, Obj.image '                     set image transparent color
    _SetAlpha 0, cc~&, Obj.mask '                      set mask transparent color

End Sub

Function PixelCollide (Obj1 As TypeSPRITE, Obj2 As TypeSPRITE, Intersect As TypePOINT)
    '- Checks for pixel perfect collision between two rectangular areas. -
    '- Returns -1 if in collision                                        -
    '- Returns  0 if no collision                                        -
    '-                                                                   -
    '- obj1 - rectangle 1 coordinates                                    -
    '- obj2 - rectangle 2 coordinates                                    -

    Dim x1%, y1% ' upper left x,y coordinate of rectangular collision area
    Dim x2%, y2% ' lower right x,y coordinate of rectangular collision area
    Dim Test& '    overlap image to test for collision
    Dim Hit% '     -1 (TRUE) if a collision occurs, 0 (FALSE) otherwise
    Dim Osource& ' original source image handle
    Dim p~& '      pixel color being tested in overlap image

    Obj1.x2 = Obj1.x1 + _Width(Obj1.image) - 1 '  calculate lower right x,y coordinates
    Obj1.y2 = Obj1.y1 + _Height(Obj1.image) - 1 ' of both objects
    Obj2.x2 = Obj2.x1 + _Width(Obj2.image) - 1
    Obj2.y2 = Obj2.y1 + _Height(Obj2.image) - 1
    Hit% = 0 '                                    assume no collision

    '** perform rectangular collision check

    If Obj1.x2 >= Obj2.x1 Then '                  rect 1 lower right X >= rect 2 upper left  X ?
        If Obj1.x1 <= Obj2.x2 Then '              rect 1 upper left  X <= rect 2 lower right X ?
            If Obj1.y2 >= Obj2.y1 Then '          rect 1 lower right Y >= rect 2 upper left  Y ?
                If Obj1.y1 <= Obj2.y2 Then '      rect 1 upper left  Y <= rect 2 lower right Y ?

                    '** rectangular collision detected, perform pixel perfect collision check

                    If Obj2.x1 <= Obj1.x1 Then x1% = Obj1.x1 Else x1% = Obj2.x1 ' calculate overlapping
                    If Obj2.y1 <= Obj1.y1 Then y1% = Obj1.y1 Else y1% = Obj2.y1 ' square coordinates
                    If Obj2.x2 <= Obj1.x2 Then x2% = Obj2.x2 Else x2% = Obj1.x2
                    If Obj2.y2 <= Obj1.y2 Then y2% = Obj2.y2 Else y2% = Obj1.y2
                    Test& = _NewImage(x2% - x1% + 1, y2% - y1% + 1, 32) '               make overlap image
                    _PutImage (-(x1% - Obj1.x1), -(y1% - Obj1.y1)), Obj1.image, Test& ' place image 1
                    _PutImage (-(x1% - Obj2.x1), -(y1% - Obj2.y1)), Obj2.mask, Test& '  place image mask 2

                    '** enable the line below to see a visual represenation of mask on image
                    '_PUTIMAGE (x1%, y1%), Test&

                    x2% = x1%
                    y2% = y1%

                    y1% = 0 '                                    reset row counter
                    Osource& = _Source '                         record current source image
                    _Source Test& '                              make test image the source
                    Do '                                         begin row (y) loop
                        x1% = 0 '                                reset column counter
                        Do '                                     begin column (x) loop
                            p~& = Point(x1%, y1%) '              get color at current coordinate

                            '** if color from object 1 then a collision has occurred

                            If p~& <> _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 255) And p~& <> _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 0) Then
                                Hit% = -1
                                Intersect.x = x1% + x2% '        return collision coordinates
                                Intersect.y = y1% + y2%
                            End If
                            x1% = x1% + 1 '                      increment to next column
                        Loop Until x1% = _Width(Test&) Or Hit% ' leave when column checked or collision
                        y1% = y1% + 1 '                          increment to next row
                    Loop Until y1% = _Height(Test&) Or Hit% '    leave when all rows checked or collision
                    _Source Osource& '                           restore original destination
                    _FreeImage Test& '                           test image no longer needed (free RAM)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    PixelCollide = Hit% '                                        return result of collision check

End Function

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 3.45 KB / Downloads: 41)
TerryRitchie, tested ok in Ubuntu 22.04.1 x64
tested with the official 3.5.0 release and with QB64pe latest Git repo
Tested in 3.4.1 then downloaded fresh 3.5 and tested again on my Windows 10 -64 laptop.

Looks good on 3.5 as well!

PS I'd be more impressed with Collision code if demo used a sort of Christmas Star shape that had ins and outs around the out-line of the shape. But knowing you, Terry it will work anyway Smile OTOH this sort of collision test using POINT depends upon 2 different color objects.
b = b + ...
(01-20-2023, 07:52 PM)bplus Wrote: TOTOH this sort of collision test using POINT depends upon 2 different color objects.

Wouldn't triangle collision be the way to test for stars colliding?

And this runs fine for me in 3.5 and 3.4.1 both, on a Windows 11, 64-bit machine. Smile
I just tried 2 Xmas Stars with Terry's code, looks like a complicated thing using a mask and requiring image object to fit exactly inside image width and height... I don't know. It didn't allow a simple substitution of images of 2 other objects. Damn might have to read the directions, all is lost ;-))

If Terry wants to try here are 2 images to check with collision code colors are red 255, blue 255 and clear or black background.

Attached Files Image(s)
b = b + ...
Thanks for checking on this guys. False alarm.

After working with the tutorial user it was discovered that he didn't put the image files in the same folder. Evidently the image files were in his 3.4.1 folder but not his 3.5.0 folder.

Also, yeah, my pixel collision routine is quite clunky at best. Is there a better way to do pixel perfect detection? I would really welcome a more elegant solution if someone has one.
nevermind... sorry
b = b + ...
(01-21-2023, 01:15 AM)bplus Wrote: Am I remembering @CodeGuy had some collision code for polynomials?

Wrong kind of collision, CodeGuy was always sorting things out.

I remember the Nspace stuff that he and I believe Darthwho were working on years ago and I did play with it. If I remember correctly is was painfully slow when images starting getting larger. Thank for the link though, I'll have another look at it.

(01-21-2023, 01:15 AM)bplus Wrote: nevermind... sorry

LOL, ok.
I said never mind because I found another link and learned it was for regular polygons, heck I have that (I think quite recent).

I remember Petr took a shot at it, slow but for irregular shapes what can you expect. Your code (Terry's) is nice fast-wise.

It is nice challenge I set up a folder and started thinking about it.
b = b + ...

too late,
LOL, Your code work well on Windows 11 64 bit  and QB64 2.0.2   and QB64PE 3.4.1

I have saved your stars and used in the collision demo... 
I find an issue: the width and the height of the image is taken from the whole sprite and not for the dimensions of the star!
(all that black area is used like piece of image and not as transparent color! In other words the background of an image covers the other image when they overlaps.)
So I have thought that we must set black color (the background color  of these images) as transparent before to make the Mask using TerryRitchie tool.
adding these two lines of code before calling MakeMask subroutine,  we got it!
Code: (Select All)
_SetAlpha 0, _RGB32(0), RedOval.image
_SetAlpha 0, _RGB32(0), GreenOval.image

but when we run the code we get another issue about the collisions: the function returns a collision also if there no is.

The result is the same also if we set to transparency the background color taken directly from the loaded images 
as for example this code does
Code: (Select All)
_Source RedOval.image
_SetAlpha 0, Point(10, 10), RedOval.image
_Source GreenOval.image
_SetAlpha 0, Point(10, 10), GreenOval.image
_Source 0
MakeMask RedOval '                                                    create mask for red oval image
MakeMask GreenOval '                                                  create mask for green oval image
so it needs further investigations about what happens with masks.

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