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Text in the form of a circle
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Round text"
Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
R = 75
ct& = RoundText&("QB64 Phoenix call: Hello World!  ", R, _Pi(1.5))
_PutImage (512 - R, 384 - R), ct&

Function RoundText& (text As String, InternalRadius As Integer, StartRadius As Single)
    D = _Dest: So = _Source
    VImg& = _NewImage(_PrintWidth(text) + 1, _FontHeight + 1, 32)
    Ob = (InternalRadius + _FontHeight)
    Ol = InternalRadius
    _Dest VImg&: _PrintString (0, 0), text$: _Dest D
    R& = _NewImage((InternalRadius + _FontHeight) * 2, (InternalRadius + _FontHeight) * 2, 32)
    U = _Width(R&) / 2
    Dim X(4), Y(4), sX(4), sY(4)
    S = 200
    PW = _PrintWidth(text)
    p2 = CInt(PW / S)
    For C = StartRadius To StartRadius + _Pi(2) Step (_Pi(2) / S) ' 200 steps
        X(1) = U + Cos(C) * Ob
        Y(1) = U + Sin(C) * Ob
        X(2) = U + Cos(C) * Ol
        Y(2) = U + Sin(C) * Ol
        X(3) = U + Cos(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ob
        Y(3) = U + Sin(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ob
        X(4) = U + Cos(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ol
        Y(4) = U + Sin(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ol
        sX(1) = (PW / S) * n
        sY(1) = 0
        sX(2) = sX(1)
        sY(2) = _FontHeight
        sX(3) = sX(1) + PW / S
        sY(3) = 0
        sX(4) = sX(3)
        sY(4) = sY(2)

        n = n + p2
        If n > S Then Exit For
        _MapTriangle (sX(1), sY(1))-(sX(2), sY(2))-(sX(3), sY(3)), VImg& To(X(1), Y(1))-(X(2), Y(2))-(X(3), Y(3)), R&
        _MapTriangle (sX(2), sY(2))-(sX(3), sY(3))-(sX(4), sY(4)), VImg& To(X(2), Y(2))-(X(3), Y(3))-(X(4), Y(4)), R&
    RoundText& = R&
End Function

Attached Files Image(s)

(02-25-2023, 02:09 PM)Petr Wrote:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Round text"
Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
R = 75
ct& = RoundText&("QB64 Phoenix call: Hello World!  ", R, _Pi(1.5))
_PutImage (512 - R, 384 - R), ct&

Function RoundText& (text As String, InternalRadius As Integer, StartRadius As Single)
    D = _Dest: So = _Source
    VImg& = _NewImage(_PrintWidth(text) + 1, _FontHeight + 1, 32)
    Ob = (InternalRadius + _FontHeight)
    Ol = InternalRadius
    _Dest VImg&: _PrintString (0, 0), text$: _Dest D
    R& = _NewImage((InternalRadius + _FontHeight) * 2, (InternalRadius + _FontHeight) * 2, 32)
    U = _Width(R&) / 2
    Dim X(4), Y(4), sX(4), sY(4)
    S = 200
    PW = _PrintWidth(text)
    p2 = CInt(PW / S)
    For C = StartRadius To StartRadius + _Pi(2) Step (_Pi(2) / S) ' 200 steps
        X(1) = U + Cos(C) * Ob
        Y(1) = U + Sin(C) * Ob
        X(2) = U + Cos(C) * Ol
        Y(2) = U + Sin(C) * Ol
        X(3) = U + Cos(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ob
        Y(3) = U + Sin(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ob
        X(4) = U + Cos(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ol
        Y(4) = U + Sin(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ol
        sX(1) = (PW / S) * n
        sY(1) = 0
        sX(2) = sX(1)
        sY(2) = _FontHeight
        sX(3) = sX(1) + PW / S
        sY(3) = 0
        sX(4) = sX(3)
        sY(4) = sY(2)

        n = n + p2
        If n > S Then Exit For
        _MapTriangle (sX(1), sY(1))-(sX(2), sY(2))-(sX(3), sY(3)), VImg& To(X(1), Y(1))-(X(2), Y(2))-(X(3), Y(3)), R&
        _MapTriangle (sX(2), sY(2))-(sX(3), sY(3))-(sX(4), sY(4)), VImg& To(X(2), Y(2))-(X(3), Y(3))-(X(4), Y(4)), R&
    RoundText& = R&
End Function

Very good stuff !
Thank you, @CharlieJV here is small modification - program create animation from text. 

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Round text as animation"
Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
'easy way for creating animation
Dim Video(40) As Long
AngleStep = _Pi(2) / 40
R = 50
'create animation frames
For VF = 1 To 40
    Psi = Psi + (_Pi(1) / 40)
    Video(VF) = RoundText&("QB64 Phoenix call: Hello World!  ", 20 + Sin(Psi) * R, Angle)
    Angle = Angle + AngleStep
Next VF

'play video
Locate 1: Print "Press Esc to end."
Do Until K& = 27
    For PV = 1 To 40
        K& = _KeyHit
        _PutImage (512 - _Width(Video(PV)) / 2, 384 - _Height(Video(PV)) / 2), Video(PV)
        _Limit 20
        Line (412, 284)-(612, 484), Black, BF

'free memory after end
For FM = 1 To 40
    _FreeImage Video(FM)
Next FM

Function RoundText& (text As String, InternalRadius As Integer, StartRadius As Single)
    D = _Dest: So = _Source
    VImg& = _NewImage(_PrintWidth(text) + 1, _FontHeight + 1, 32)
    Ob = (InternalRadius + _FontHeight)
    Ol = InternalRadius
    _Dest VImg&: _PrintString (0, 0), text$: _Dest D
    R& = _NewImage((InternalRadius + _FontHeight) * 2, (InternalRadius + _FontHeight) * 2, 32)
    U = _Width(R&) / 2
    Dim X(4), Y(4), sX(4), sY(4)
    S = 200
    PW = _PrintWidth(text)
    p2 = CInt(PW / S)
    For C = StartRadius To StartRadius + _Pi(2) Step (_Pi(2) / S) ' 200 steps
        X(1) = U + Cos(C) * Ob
        Y(1) = U + Sin(C) * Ob
        X(2) = U + Cos(C) * Ol
        Y(2) = U + Sin(C) * Ol
        X(3) = U + Cos(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ob
        Y(3) = U + Sin(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ob
        X(4) = U + Cos(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ol
        Y(4) = U + Sin(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ol
        sX(1) = (PW / S) * n
        sY(1) = 0
        sX(2) = sX(1)
        sY(2) = _FontHeight
        sX(3) = sX(1) + PW / S
        sY(3) = 0
        sX(4) = sX(3)
        sY(4) = sY(2)

        n = n + p2
        If n > S Then Exit For
        _MapTriangle (sX(1), sY(1))-(sX(2), sY(2))-(sX(3), sY(3)), VImg& To(X(1), Y(1))-(X(2), Y(2))-(X(3), Y(3)), R&
        _MapTriangle (sX(2), sY(2))-(sX(3), sY(3))-(sX(4), sY(4)), VImg& To(X(2), Y(2))-(X(3), Y(3))-(X(4), Y(4)), R&
    RoundText& = R&
End Function

I've got one that works similar to this, that's been in my toolbox forever:

Code: (Select All)
_Define A-Z As _FLOAT
Dim BlendedScreen As Long

ViewScreen = _NewImage(800, 800, 32): Screen ViewScreen

CreateBlendedScreen 'Create a blended screen of colors
Screen BlendedScreen 'Display that  screen
Sleep 'Pause so folks can view that screen

'For fun, add some fontage to the screen also
Color &HFF000000, 0 'Black with transparent background
f = _LoadFont("cour.ttf", 48)
If f > 0 Then
    _Font f
    w = _PrintWidth("Hello World! We love STEVE! He's Sooo AWESOME!")
    sw = _Width: sh = _Height
    _PrintString ((sw - w) \ 2 + 1, 0), "Hello World! We love STEVE! He's Sooo AWESOME!"
End If

Sleep 'Give the user the time to see our nice screen pattern which we're going to "warp" to our circle.

Screen ViewScreen 'Swap back over to our main screen
CreateCircle 400, 400, 400, 100 'Use that blended screen as reference so we can plot/color our circle in that same pattern
Sleep 'Pause to show the circle before ending the demo

Sub CreateCircle (Xcenter, YCenter, radius As Long, width As Long)
    Shared BlendedScreen As Long
    p = _Pi(2) * radius
    tempimage = _NewImage(p, width, 32)
    _PutImage , BlendedScreen, tempimage
    _Source tempimage
    For i = 0 To p - 1 Step .25
        For w = 0 To width - 1
            ai = 360 / p
            a = _D2R(ai * i)
            x = Xcenter - Sin(a) * (radius - w)
            y = YCenter + Cos(a) * (radius - w)
            PSet (x, y), Point(i, w)
    _Source 0
    _FreeImage tempimage
End Sub

Sub CreateBlendedScreen
    Shared BlendedScreen As Long
    If BlendedScreen = 0 Then BlendedScreen = _NewImage(1536, 50, 32) Else Exit Sub
    'step from red to green
    Dim kolor As _Float, i As _Float
    _Dest BlendedScreen
    For i = 0 To 255
        kolor = kolor + 1
        Line (i, 0)-Step(0, 99), _RGB32(255, kolor, 0)
    For i = 256 To 511
        kolor = kolor - 1
        Line (i, 0)-Step(0, 99), _RGB32(kolor, 255, 0)
    For i = 512 To 767
        kolor = kolor + 1
        Line (i, 0)-Step(0, 99), _RGB32(0, 255, kolor)
    For i = 768 To 1023
        kolor = kolor - 1
        Line (i, 0)-Step(0, 99), _RGB32(0, kolor, 255)
    For i = 1024 To 1279
        kolor = kolor + 1
        Line (i, 0)-Step(0, 99), _RGB32(kolor, 0, 255)
    For i = 1280 To 1535
        kolor = kolor - 1
        Line (i, 0)-Step(0, 99), _RGB32(255, 0, kolor)
    _Dest ViewScreen
End Sub

Yes, very similar... two discs, with text between ! Big Grin
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
(02-25-2023, 08:12 PM)Petr Wrote: Thank you, @CharlieJV here is small modification - program create animation from text. 

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Round text as animation"
Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
'easy way for creating animation
Dim Video(40) As Long
AngleStep = _Pi(2) / 40
R = 50
'create animation frames
For VF = 1 To 40
    Psi = Psi + (_Pi(1) / 40)
    Video(VF) = RoundText&("QB64 Phoenix call: Hello World!  ", 20 + Sin(Psi) * R, Angle)
    Angle = Angle + AngleStep
Next VF

'play video
Locate 1: Print "Press Esc to end."
Do Until K& = 27
    For PV = 1 To 40
        K& = _KeyHit
        _PutImage (512 - _Width(Video(PV)) / 2, 384 - _Height(Video(PV)) / 2), Video(PV)
        _Limit 20
        Line (412, 284)-(612, 484), Black, BF

'free memory after end
For FM = 1 To 40
    _FreeImage Video(FM)
Next FM

Function RoundText& (text As String, InternalRadius As Integer, StartRadius As Single)
    D = _Dest: So = _Source
    VImg& = _NewImage(_PrintWidth(text) + 1, _FontHeight + 1, 32)
    Ob = (InternalRadius + _FontHeight)
    Ol = InternalRadius
    _Dest VImg&: _PrintString (0, 0), text$: _Dest D
    R& = _NewImage((InternalRadius + _FontHeight) * 2, (InternalRadius + _FontHeight) * 2, 32)
    U = _Width(R&) / 2
    Dim X(4), Y(4), sX(4), sY(4)
    S = 200
    PW = _PrintWidth(text)
    p2 = CInt(PW / S)
    For C = StartRadius To StartRadius + _Pi(2) Step (_Pi(2) / S) ' 200 steps
        X(1) = U + Cos(C) * Ob
        Y(1) = U + Sin(C) * Ob
        X(2) = U + Cos(C) * Ol
        Y(2) = U + Sin(C) * Ol
        X(3) = U + Cos(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ob
        Y(3) = U + Sin(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ob
        X(4) = U + Cos(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ol
        Y(4) = U + Sin(C + _Pi(2) / S) * Ol
        sX(1) = (PW / S) * n
        sY(1) = 0
        sX(2) = sX(1)
        sY(2) = _FontHeight
        sX(3) = sX(1) + PW / S
        sY(3) = 0
        sX(4) = sX(3)
        sY(4) = sY(2)

        n = n + p2
        If n > S Then Exit For
        _MapTriangle (sX(1), sY(1))-(sX(2), sY(2))-(sX(3), sY(3)), VImg& To(X(1), Y(1))-(X(2), Y(2))-(X(3), Y(3)), R&
        _MapTriangle (sX(2), sY(2))-(sX(3), sY(3))-(sX(4), sY(4)), VImg& To(X(2), Y(2))-(X(3), Y(3))-(X(4), Y(4)), R&
    RoundText& = R&
End Function

Wow, I like that one Petr! Nice job.
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:

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