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Dark mode QB64-PE IDE colors themes
If anyone is using a dark mode IDE color theme for the IDE, then please share.

Here is one that I created based on the default VSCode dark color theme.

ROFLMAO pretty soon I'm going to re-create that "IBM Writing Assistant" full-blue one that I saw on this post:

But I will become blind faster. I have discovered "dark mode" is not a solution to it, and I don't understand some people's obsession with it. Like nearly all the themes for KDE Plasma on Linux are "dark mode"! It's because the people don't want to go into GNOME instead. I was forced to tolerate GNOME this year, although it does some things that cause discomfort to a power user or to a tinkerer.

"Dark mode" on Windows10 epic failed, the copy progress dialog was still white! I wonder if Windows11 improves on it... or if it just does the stupid-looking rounded corners like I have to deal with now using Firefox. :/
A lot of work, a lot of effort! And for what? Integrating C or Java source code easily into QB64, keyword: stringTokenizer, that would have really practical use.

The equivalent in Basic, while showing the programmer's skill, but as if one wanted ultimately like reinventing the wheel.
Just a simple example of including programs in other languages in Basic. The Fibonacci number.
Of course, it would be easier to catch the return value for input that is too large in Basic, but it's just an exercise.

The damn Timer isn't working or it's going too fast. . .

The C-Code:
Code: (Select All)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

long fibo(int n)
    long x, y;
    int i;
    x = y = i = 1;
    if (n == 0 || n == 1)
    if (n > 40)
        //sonst Überlauf
    else while (i < n)
        x = x + y; y = x - y; i++;        
The Basic-Code:
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit

'In QB64 mit "Declare Library" wie angegeben
Declare Library "D:\Lab\QuickBasic64\Extern-nicht-Basic\bfibonacci"
  Function fibo& (ByVal N As Integer)
End Declare

Dim As Integer N, rueckgabe
Dim As Single zeitstart, zeitende

Timer On

Locate 3, 3
Input "Berechnet die Fibonacci-Zahl von: ", N

zeitstart = Timer

Locate 5, 3
rueckgabe = fibo&(N%)
If rueckgabe = -1 Then
  Print "Eingabe zu gross!"
  Sleep: System
  Print Using "Die Fibonacci-Zahl von ## = ###,########"; N; fibo&(N%)
End If

zeitende = Timer

Locate 7, 3
Print Using "Sekunden: ##.#### "; zeitende - zeitstart

(06-30-2023, 01:44 AM)Kernelpanic Wrote: Just a simple example of including programs in other languages in Basic. The Fibonacci number.

Are you sure you are posting in the right thread for this?

This thread is for taking something out of your QB64 IDE configuration file. I made a joke which wasn't very good admittedly, but one of the themes for QBJS hurt my eyes with all that blue with white boxes. Shy
How about creating a program that could come up with dark modes at random? :O

This comes up with 20 of them at a time. I have purposely supplied this program dumping the scheme lines into the terminal and not creating any text file. You could comment out the lines which create an output file and change the destination filename to your liking. THIS CANNOT BE "internal/config.ini" or your whole QB64 IDE configuration will be trashed!

Many of the configurations made by this program aren't very good, too extreme sometimes. But I tried to follow along one that was provided.

The lines this silly program creates have to be inserted in a specific place of the "config.ini". In particular:

Code: (Select All)
Instructions1="Create custom color schemes in the IDE (Options->IDE Colors)."
Instructions2="Custom color schemes will be stored in this section."

<<<insert the scheme strings here>>>


Oh yeah, almost forgot to say: change the names of good schemes that you find, which are more suitable than "Random1", "Random2" etc. Change the name that is on RHS of the equals sign only, out of a scheme entry.

It is up to you to plug these definitions into your "config.ini". I will not be held responsible if it ruins what you have carefully sculpted. LOL.

Code: (Select All)

'by mnrvovrfc 30-June-2023

option _explicit

dim sf(1 to 20) as string
dim as integer i, rr, gg, bb, c, w
dim afile$, a$, e$, fe as long

'this was posted originally by a740g on QB64PE forums,
'  so this program's randomization is "guided" by it LOL
'  I added the semicolons to make sure the list of numbers
'  were trios of RGB

randomize timer

afile$ = environ$("USERPROFILE") + "\Documents\qb64ide.txt"
afile$ = environ$("HOME") + "/Documents/qb64ide.txt"

for w = 1 to 20
    a$ = "Scheme" + _trim$(str$(w)) + "$=Random" + _trim$(str$(w)) + "|"
    e$ = a$ + space$(90)
    c = len(a$) + 1
    for i = 1 to 10
        select case i
            case 3, 4, 5
                rr = Rand(16, 96)
                gg = Rand(96, 160)
                bb = Rand(160, 255)
                if Random1(2) = 1 then swap rr, gg
                if Random1(2) = 1 then swap gg, bb
                if Random1(2) = 1 then swap rr, bb
            case 7, 8, 9
                rr = Random1(96)
                gg = Rand(16, 64)
                bb = Rand(32, 96)
                if Random1(2) = 1 then swap gg, bb
                if Random1(2) = 1 then swap rr, gg
                if Random1(2) = 1 then swap rr, bb
            case else
                rr = Rand(64, 255)
                gg = Rand(64, 255)
                bb = Rand(64, 255)
        end select
        mid$(e$, c, 3) = Zeroes$(rr, 3)
        c = c + 3
        mid$(e$, c, 3) = Zeroes$(gg, 3)
        c = c + 3
        mid$(e$, c, 3) = Zeroes$(bb, 3)
        c = c + 3
    sf(w) = e$

'fe = freefile
'open afile$ for output as fe
for w = 1 to 20
    print sf(w)
'close fe

FUNCTION Rand& (fromval&, toval&)
DIM sg%, f&, t&
IF fromval& = toval& THEN
    Rand& = fromval&
f& = fromval&
t& = toval&
IF (f& < 0) AND (t& < 0) THEN
    sg% = -1
    f& = f& * -1
    t& = t& * -1
    sg% = 1
IF f& > t& THEN SWAP f&, t&
Rand& = INT(RND * (t& - f& + 1) + f&) * sg%

FUNCTION Random1& (maxvaluu&)
DIM sg%
sg% = SGN(maxvaluu&)
IF sg% = 0 THEN
    Random1& = 0
    IF sg% = -1 THEN maxvaluu& = maxvaluu& * -1
    Random1& = INT(RND * maxvaluu& + 1) * sg%

FUNCTION Zeroes$ (num AS LONG, numdig AS INTEGER)
DIM b$, hx as long, v as long, sg as integer
IF num < 0 THEN sg = -1: num = num * -1
IF numdig < 0 THEN hx = 1: numdig = numdig * -1 ELSE hx = 0
    b$ = HEX$(num)
    b$ = LTRIM$(STR$(num))
v = numdig - LEN(b$)
IF v > 0 THEN b$ = STRING$(v, 48) + b$
IF sg = -1 THEN b$ = "-" + b$
Zeroes$ = b$

EDIT: These are just four examples:

[Image: four-qb64-ide-random-schemes.jpg]
(06-29-2023, 09:05 PM)a740g Wrote: If anyone is using a dark mode IDE color theme for the IDE, then please share.

Here is one that I created based on the default VSCode dark color theme.


This is my current favorite, used in conjunction with the Px437_IBM_XGA-AI_12x23 font.

The font is available from › fontlist , "The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack".
I just made a couple of mods to first dark blue screen that comes up:

Hey! just noticed that kinda matches my avatar!
b = b + ...
Quote:Are you sure you are posting in the right thread for this?
Yes, doesn't belong here. One should not comment so late. Maybe an Admin can move it to the Thread about "stringTokenizer". Thanks!
Same here, I just tweaked "super dark blue" to my liking:

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