04-27-2024, 10:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2024, 02:25 PM by johannhowitzer.)
When I was a kid, we had a book called "Beyond Competition." It contained a handful of cooperative games, the one I remember most fondly is "Space Explorer." To play, compile the code and make sure the following resource file is in the same folder:
Code: (Select All)
const true = -1
const false = 0
type coordinate_dec
x as double
y as double
end type
type coordinate_int
x as integer
y as integer
end type
type coordinate_byte
x as byte
y as byte
end type
' ----- Settings -----
dim shared option_sound as byte ' True is on, false is off
dim shared option_window_size as byte ' 1=640x360, [2=1280x720], 3=1920x1080
option_sound = true
option_window_size = 2
'do: loop until screenexists = true
title "Space Explorer"
' ----- Images and screen -----
const screenw = 640
const screenh = 360
dim shared full_screen as unsigned long
full_screen = newimage(screenw, screenh, 32)
screen full_screen
dim shared background_image as unsigned long
dim shared grid_image as unsigned long
dim shared sprite_image as unsigned long
dim shared icon_image as unsigned long
dim shared how_to_play_image(4) as unsigned long
dim shared landing_image(9) as unsigned long
dim shared gameover_image as unsigned long
dim shared reference_image as unsigned long
dim shared store_screen as unsigned long ' Anytime screen state should be stored
dim shared scaled_screen(3) as unsigned long
scaled_screen(1) = newimage( 640, 360, 32)
scaled_screen(2) = newimage(1280, 720, 32)
scaled_screen(3) = newimage(1920, 1080, 32)
screen scaled_screen(option_window_size)
displayorder hardware
source full_screen ' Prevent handles from ever being null
dest full_screen
dim shared camera_x as double
dim shared camera_y as double
' ----- Sprite constants -----
' Cards, numbers are found via animation frame
const spr_card_large = 1
const spr_card_small = 2
const spr_deck = 3
const spr_cursor = 4
const spr_cursor_trail = 5
const spr_fuel = 6
' Path components
const spr_path = 11 ' 6 rotations
const spr_ship = 21 ' 6 rotations
' Planets, take off and landing
const spr_planet = 31
const spr_sun = 41
const spr_asteroid = 42 ' 4 variations
const spr_reticle = 43
' Hex menu icons, inactive and highlighted versions
const spr_iconx_move = 71 ' 6 rotations
const spr_icono_move = 72 ' 6 rotations
const spr_iconx_turnsoftl = 73 ' 6 rotations
const spr_icono_turnsoftl = 74 ' 6 rotations
const spr_iconx_turnsoftr = 75 ' 6 rotations
const spr_icono_turnsoftr = 76 ' 6 rotations
const spr_iconx_turnhardl = 77 ' 6 rotations
const spr_icono_turnhardl = 78 ' 6 rotations
const spr_iconx_turnhardr = 79 ' 6 rotations
const spr_icono_turnhardr = 80 ' 6 rotations
const spr_iconx_depart = 81 ' 6 rotations
const spr_icono_depart = 82 ' 6 rotations
const spr_iconx_discard = 83 ' 6 copies, but none are rotated
const spr_icono_discard = 84 ' 6 copies, but none are rotated
const sprite_total = 100
dim shared sprite_ref(sprite_total) as integer
' --- Sound effects ---
const sfx_menu_move = 1 ' Move menu cursor
const sfx_menu_confirm = 2 ' Confirm menu selection
const sfx_card = 3 ' One card flip
const sfx_shuffle = 4 ' Deck shuffle
const sfx_rocket = 5 ' Moving forward
const sfx_thruster = 6 ' Turning
const sfx_landing = 7 ' Landing on planet
const sfx_takeoff = 8 ' Launching from planet
const sfx_total = 8
dim shared sfx(sfx_total, 100) as unsigned long
' ----- Resource file -----
dim shared mfi_s(255) as long ' Size
dim shared mfi_o(255) as long ' Offset
dim shared mfi_count as unsigned byte
dim shared mfi_index as unsigned byte
mfi_loader "resource.mfi"
type sprite_structure
pos as coordinate_int ' position in sprite sheet
size as coordinate_int ' size of sprite in sheet
size_draw as coordinate_int ' size of sprite when displayed - equal to size.xy if no stretch
frames as integer ' sprite's frames of animation
fpf as byte ' Frame counter ticks per animation frame (0 defaults to 1)
hb_offset as coordinate_int ' display position relative to hitbox position
hb_size as coordinate_int ' size of hitbox, to be copied to entity_spec().size.xy after parse
image as unsigned long ' Handle of sprite sheet
end type
dim shared sprite_count as integer
dim shared sprite(1000) as sprite_structure
parse_sprites sprite_image
parse_sprites icon_image
' ----- Fonts -----
const fonts = 3
' Glass Fonts - custom pixel font processing and drawing
type font_structure
image as unsigned long
pos as coordinate_int
h as integer
w as integer
end type
' Alignment in font calls
const left_align = 0
const right_align = 1
const center_align = 2
dim shared g_font(fonts, 255) as font_structure ' Number of fonts comes from main program header
' Current font options in use
dim shared font_using as byte ' Index of current font being used
dim shared font_align as byte ' Alignment
dim shared font_dest as unsigned long ' Destination image surface
dim shared font_x as integer ' Rolling font position, set by each glass_fonts call
dim shared font_y as integer
' Font references
const f_loxica = 1 ' Height 16 inclusive
const f_gaia_blue = 2 ' Height 20 inclusive
const f_gaia_red = 3
' ----- Sort and shuffle -----
type sort_structure
s_index as integer ' Reference to array being sorted
s_value as single ' Value being used for sorting
end type
const card_limit = 24
dim shared sorting(card_limit) as sort_structure ' Before sort
dim shared sorting_count as integer
dim shared sorted(2, card_limit) as sort_structure ' After sort
dim shared sorted_count(2) as integer
' ----- Directional data -----
' Grid is along two axes, x increases to the northeast, y increases to the south
' Valid moves can be four cardinals, as well as NW (-1, -1) and SE (+1, +1) diagonals
dim shared move_delta(6) as coordinate_byte
move_delta(1).x = 0: move_delta(1).y = -1
move_delta(2).x = 1: move_delta(2).y = 0
move_delta(3).x = 1: move_delta(3).y = 1
move_delta(4).x = 0: move_delta(4).y = 1
move_delta(5).x = -1: move_delta(5).y = 0
move_delta(6).x = -1: move_delta(6).y = -1
const up = 1
const right = 2
const down = 3
const left = 4
dim shared arrow(4) as string * 2
arrow(up) = chr$(0) + chr$(72)
arrow(right) = chr$(0) + chr$(77)
arrow(down) = chr$(0) + chr$(80)
arrow(left) = chr$(0) + chr$(75)
const boardw = 28
const boardh = 31 ' Actual size is 27x30, one wide border is added to simplify checking for valid moves
' ----- Game state data -----
dim shared valid_cell(boardw, boardh) as byte
dim shared dir_used(boardw, boardh, 6) ' Set to true when that direction leaving/entering a cell has been used
dim shared player_count as byte
player_count = 4
dim shared turn as byte ' Player currently taking turn
dim shared asteroid_seed as byte ' Determined at game start, used to select asteroid appearances
const state_moved = 1 ' Last action was a forward move to an empty cell
const state_turned = 2 ' Last action was a turn or planet departure
const state_landed = 3 ' Last action was a forward move to a planet
dim shared ship_state as byte
dim shared ship_pos as coordinate_byte ' Ship position
dim shared travel as byte ' Direction currently traveling
dim shared next_planet as byte ' Next planet to be visited
dim shared fuel_tanks as byte ' Fuel remaining, starting value affected by player_count
dim shared actions_taken(4) as byte ' Non-discard actions taken by each player
dim shared distance_traveled as integer ' Total distance traveled in hexes
dim shared planet_name$(10)
dim shared planet_preset(10, 6) as coordinate_byte
dim shared planet_at(boardw, boardh) as byte ' Index of planet located here, false if none, true if unused preset
dim shared planet_pos(10) as coordinate_byte ' Position of each planet on board
for x = 0 to boardw
for y = 0 to boardh
planet_at(x, y) = false
valid_cell(x, y) = true
if x = 0 or x = boardw or y = 0 or y = boardh then valid_cell(x, y) = false
for d = 1 to 6: dir_used(x, y, d) = false: next d
next y
' Top edge
if x <> 4 then valid_cell(x, 1) = false
if x < 4 or x > 6 then valid_cell(x, 2) = false
if x = 2 or x = 3 or x > 8 then valid_cell(x, 3) = false
if x > 10 then valid_cell(x, 4) = false
if x > 12 then valid_cell(x, 5) = false
if x > 14 then valid_cell(x, 6) = false
if x > 16 then valid_cell(x, 7) = false
if x > 18 then valid_cell(x, 8) = false
if x > 20 then valid_cell(x, 9) = false
if x > 22 then valid_cell(x, 10) = false
if x > 24 then valid_cell(x, 11) = false
if x > 24 then valid_cell(x, 12) = false
if x > 25 then valid_cell(x, 13) = false
if x > 26 then valid_cell(x, 14) = false
' Bottom edge
if x < 3 then valid_cell(x, 18) = false
if x < 5 then valid_cell(x, 19) = false
if x < 7 then valid_cell(x, 20) = false
if x < 9 then valid_cell(x, 21) = false
if x < 10 then valid_cell(x, 22) = false
if x < 11 then valid_cell(x, 23) = false
if x < 12 then valid_cell(x, 24) = false
if x < 14 then valid_cell(x, 25) = false
if x < 16 then valid_cell(x, 26) = false
if x < 18 then valid_cell(x, 27) = false
if x < 20 then valid_cell(x, 28) = false
if x < 24 then valid_cell(x, 29) = false
if x < 26 then valid_cell(x, 30) = false
next x
' board xx,yy 1 2 3 4 5 6
const mercury = 1: set_preset mercury, 14,14, 15,15, 15,16, 14,16, 13,15, 13,14, "Mercury"
const venus = 2: set_preset venus, 14,12, 17,15, 17,18, 14,18, 11,15, 11,12, "Venus"
const mars = 3: set_preset mars, 15,10, 20,16, 19,21, 13,20, 8,14, 9, 9, "Mars"
const jupiter = 4: set_preset jupiter, 19,13, 21,20, 16,22, 9,17, 7,10, 12, 8, "Jupiter"
const saturn = 5: set_preset saturn, 17, 9, 23,18, 20,24, 11,21, 5,12, 8, 6, "Saturn"
const uranus = 6: set_preset uranus, 21,12, 24,22, 17,25, 7,18, 4, 8, 11, 5, "Uranus"
const neptune = 7: set_preset neptune, 25,14, 26,21, 23,27, 4,17, 2,12, 5, 3, "Neptune"
const pluto = 8: set_preset pluto, 23,11, 27,19, 27,26, 20,28, 1, 9, 1, 4, "Pluto"
const earth = 9: set_preset earth, 16,13, 18,17, 16,19, 12,17, 10,13, 12,11, "Earth"
valid_cell(14, 15) = false ' Sun
dim shared deck(card_limit) as byte ' Contents of the main deck
dim shared deck_size as byte ' Size of the main deck
dim shared hand(4, 3) as byte ' Contents of each player's hand
dim shared hand_size(4) as byte ' Size of each player's hand
' ----- Hand display dimensions -----
const x_offset = 20 ' x pixel change when moving horizontally on board
const y_offset = 26 ' y pixel change when moving vertically on board
dim shared hand_ox(4, 2) as integer ' Player hand display top-left corner, second index is card size toggle
dim shared hand_oy(4, 2) as integer
dim shared hand_offset(2) as integer ' Pixel spacing between cards in hand
for s = spr_card_large to spr_card_small: hand_offset(s) = int((size_x(sprite_ref(s)) + 1) * 0.7): next s
margin = 2
x1 = margin ' Left column large and small cards
y1 = margin ' Top row large and small cards
s = spr_card_large
x2 = screenw - 1 - size_x(sprite_ref(s)) - (hand_offset(s) * 2) - margin ' Right column large cards
y2 = screenh - 1 - size_y(sprite_ref(s)) - margin ' Bottom row large cards
hand_ox(1, s) = x1: hand_oy(1, s) = y1 ' Large cards
hand_ox(2, s) = x2: hand_oy(2, s) = y1
hand_ox(3, s) = x1: hand_oy(3, s) = y2
hand_ox(4, s) = x2: hand_oy(4, s) = y2
s = spr_card_small
x3 = screenw - 1 - size_x(sprite_ref(s)) - (hand_offset(s) * 2) - margin ' Right column small cards
y3 = screenh - 1 - size_y(sprite_ref(s)) - margin ' Bottom row small cards
hand_ox(1, s) = x1: hand_oy(1, s) = y1 ' Small cards
hand_ox(2, s) = x3: hand_oy(2, s) = y1
hand_ox(3, s) = x1: hand_oy(3, s) = y3
hand_ox(4, s) = x3: hand_oy(4, s) = y3
' Floating cursor
const trail_length = 3
dim shared cursor_pos(trail_length) as coordinate_int ' Display position of cursor (nonzero indices are trail)
dim shared cursor_goal as coordinate_int ' Destination of cursor
cursor_goal.x = 0
cursor_goal.y = 0
dim shared reticle_flash as byte
dim shared ship_frame as byte
' Title screen
dim menu_text$(6)
menu_start = 1
menu_how = 2
menu_sound = 3
menu_window = 4
menu_quit = 5
cy = 1
putimage(0, 0), background_image, full_screen, (inthalf(width(background_image) - screenw),_
inthalf(height(background_image) - screenh))-step(screenw - 1, screenh - 1)
menu_text$(menu_start) = "Start game - < " + trim$(str$(player_count)) + " Player >"
menu_text$(menu_how) = "How to play"
if option_sound = true then menu_text$(menu_sound) = "Sound: < ON >" else menu_text$(menu_sound) = "Sound: < OFF >"
menu_text$(menu_window) = "Window size: < x" + trim$(str$(option_window_size)) + " >"
menu_text$(menu_quit) = "Quit"
set_font f_gaia_blue, center_align, full_screen
font_pos inthalf(screenw), 110
glass_fonts_at "- SPACE EXPLORER -"
glass_fonts_at ""
for m = menu_start to menu_quit
set_font f_gaia_blue, center_align, full_screen
t$ = menu_text$(m)
if cy = m then font_using = f_gaia_red else t$ = text_replace$(text_replace$(t$, "< ", ""), " >", "")
glass_fonts_at t$
next m
limit 60
k$ = inkey$
loop while k$ = ""
if k$ = arrow(up) then play_sound sfx_menu_move: cy = wrap(cy - 1, menu_start, menu_quit)
if k$ = arrow(down) then play_sound sfx_menu_move: cy = wrap(cy + 1, menu_start, menu_quit)
dx = 0
if k$ = arrow(right) or k$ = chr$(13) or k$ = " " then dx = 1
if k$ = arrow(left) then dx = -1
select case cy
case menu_start
if k$ <> chr$(13) and k$ <> " " then play_sound sfx_menu_move: player_count = wrap(player_count + dx, 2, 4)
case menu_sound
option_sound = wrap(option_sound + dx, true, false)
if dx <> 0 then play_sound sfx_menu_move
case menu_window
option_window_size = wrap(option_window_size + dx, 1, 3)
if dx <> 0 then play_sound sfx_menu_move: screen scaled_screen(option_window_size): dest full_screen
end select
if k$ = chr$(27) then play_sound sfx_menu_move: cy = menu_quit
if k$ <> chr$(13) and k$ <> " " then continue
if cy = menu_quit then system
play_sound sfx_menu_confirm
if cy = menu_how then
h_page = 1
putimage(0, 0), background_image, full_screen, (inthalf(width(background_image) - screenw),_
inthalf(height(background_image) - screenh))-step(screenw - 1, screenh - 1)
' Instructional splash image
putimage(0, 0), how_to_play_image(h_page), full_screen
' Text
set_font f_loxica, left_align, full_screen
select case h_page
case 1
glass_fonts "Your mission is to visit each planet in the solar system,", 70, 27
glass_fonts "then return to Earth.", 70, 42
glass_fonts "You must visit the planets in order moving outward from the Sun,", 202, 171
glass_fonts "so Mercury first, Pluto last.", 202, 186
glass_fonts "Be careful, you have a limited supply of fuel!", 55, 256
glass_fonts "One unit of fuel is spent each time the deck runs out of cards.", 55, 271
glass_fonts "If you run out of fuel and cards, you'll be stranded in space!", 55, 286
case 2
glass_fonts "Play any card to move forward that number of spaces.", 164, 8
glass_fonts "Asteroids must be avoided, you can't move through them.", 164, 23
glass_fonts "You also cannot move along a path you previously used.", 164, 38
glass_fonts "You can make a shallow turn left or right by playing a 5 or 6.", 129, 180
glass_fonts "Sharp turns can be made with a 3, 4, or 6.", 129, 195
glass_fonts "Once you've made a turn, you must move forward before turning again.", 129, 210
case 3
glass_fonts "To land on a planet, you need to move exactly the right distance.", 45, 102
glass_fonts "You cannot move through planets normally.", 45, 117
glass_fonts "After landing, you must choose a launch direction.", 193, 194
glass_fonts "Playing 1 will launch you to the north, 2 launches northeast,", 193, 209
glass_fonts "and so on clockwise, so 6 launches northwest.", 193, 224
glass_fonts "Turning and launch angles are displayed during the game for reference.", 213, 282
case 4
glass_fonts "Each turn, you can play any number of cards.", 63, 101
glass_fonts "If you play nothing, then discard two cards to pass your turn.", 63, 116
glass_fonts "To do this, choose the card you'll keep, then choose 'discard.'", 63, 131
glass_fonts "Each player has a hand of three cards, and everyone can see all hands.", 121, 249
glass_fonts "Work together and plan ahead to complete your mission!", 121, 264
end select
glass_fonts "Page " + trim$(str$(h_page)) + "/4", 10, screenh - 10 - g_font(font_using, 0).h
limit 60
k$ = inkey$
loop while k$ = ""
if k$ = arrow(left) then
if h_page > 1 then play_sound sfx_menu_move
h_page = max(h_page - 1, 1)
end if
if k$ = arrow(right) or k$ = chr$(13) or k$ = " " then
if h_page < 4 then play_sound sfx_menu_move
if h_page => 4 and k$ <> arrow(right) then exit do
h_page = min(h_page + 1, 4)
end if
if k$ = chr$(27) then play_sound sfx_menu_move: exit do
end if
if cy <> menu_start then continue
' Start game
asteroid_seed = timer
randomize timer
select case player_count
case 2: fuel_tanks = 7
case 3: fuel_tanks = 8
case 4: fuel_tanks = 10
end select
for n = 1 to 4: actions_taken(n) = 0: next n
distance_traveled = 0
for n = 1 to card_limit: sorting(n).s_index = ((n - 1) mod 6) + 1: next n
sorting_count = card_limit
for p = 1 to player_count: fill_hand(p): next p
turn = 1
for x = 0 to boardw: for y = 0 to boardh: for d = 1 to 6
dir_used(x, y, d) = false
next d: next y: next x
' Planet positions
for p = 1 to 9
for r = 1 to 6
planet_at( planet_preset(p, r).x, planet_preset(p, r).y) = true
valid_cell(planet_preset(p, r).x, planet_preset(p, r).y) = false
next r
set_planet p, rand(6)
next p
ship_pos.x = planet_pos(earth).x
ship_pos.y = planet_pos(earth).y
travel = rand(6) ' Departure from Earth
ship_state = state_turned
next_planet = mercury
' Initial camera and floating cursor
camera_x = half(hex_center_x(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y) + hex_center_x(planet_pos(next_planet).x, planet_pos(next_planet).y))
camera_y = half(hex_center_y(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y) + hex_center_y(planet_pos(next_planet).x, planet_pos(next_planet).y))
cursor_pos(0).x = true ' Setting to true means next update, it will be set to goal instead of approaching goal
cursor_pos(0).y = true
cy = 1
' ===== Routine index =====
'--- Game mechanics ---
'play_game ' Main game loop
'shuffle_deck ' Shuffle a new deck with all cards not present in a player's hand
'fill_hand ' Fill a player's hand, shuffling when necessary
'end_turn ' Fill the current hand, then advance the turn counter
'f legal_move ' Determine whether moving a given direction from a given position is allowed
'set_preset ' Set the six preset locations for each planet
'set_planet ' Set the position of a planet to one of its six presets
'--- Graphics ---
'draw_board ' Draw all board and UI elements
'draw_cursor ' Draw the red arrow cursor and trail
'draw_sprite ' Draw a specified animation frame of a sprite at a given position on screen
'display_screen ' Display the main screen in hardware mode, accounting for window size option
'capture_screen ' Copy the contents of the screen for later use
'restore_screen ' Put the stored screen contents back on the screen
'clear_image ' Fill an image surface with a given color
'play_sound ' Play a sound effect by name
'--- Shorthand and conversion ---
'f compass$ ' Convert a numerical direction to compass direction text
'f text_replace$ ' Search a string for instances of a given piece, and replace all with another piece
'f hex_center_x ' Take board coordinates and return display coordinates of center of hex cell,
'f hex_center_y ' relative to board center at 14, 15
'f size_x ' Return the visual dimensions of a sprite
'f size_y
'--- Files and data handling ---
'mfi_loader ' Load the archived resource file, containing images and sounds
'f load_gfx& ' Retrieve an image from the loaded resource file and return its handle
'f load_sfx& ' Retrieve a sound from the loaded resource file and return its handle
'load_settings ' Load any existing settings file, otherwise create one from defaults
'save_settings ' Save settings to a file
'parse_sprites ' Scan a sprite sheet for sprite positions and dimensions, using detection pixels
'set_sprite_ref ' Set references to sprites found in sheets in sequence, using named constants
' ------------------------------------
' ========== Game mechanics ==========
' ------------------------------------
sub play_game
cx = 1
' Game over check
if fuel_tanks <= 0 and deck_size <= 0 then
' Iterate through each player's hand, if any possible action is found, it's not a game over
game_over = true
for p = 1 to player_count
for c = 1 to hand_size(p)
v = hand(p, c)
a_move = true
a_shall_l = true
a_shall_r = true
a_sharp_l = true
a_sharp_r = true
a_depart = true
if ship_state = state_landed then a_move = false
for n = 1 to v
dx = ship_pos.x + (move_delta(travel).x * n)
dy = ship_pos.y + (move_delta(travel).y * n)
if legal_move(dx, dy, travel) = false then a_move = false: exit for
if n < v and planet_at(dx, dy) = next_planet then a_move = false: exit for
next n
d = wrap(travel - 1, 1, 6): a_shall_l = legal_move(ship_pos.x + move_delta(d).x, ship_pos.y + move_delta(d).y, d)
d = wrap(travel + 1, 1, 6): a_shall_r = legal_move(ship_pos.x + move_delta(d).x, ship_pos.y + move_delta(d).y, d)
d = wrap(travel - 2, 1, 6): a_sharp_l = legal_move(ship_pos.x + move_delta(d).x, ship_pos.y + move_delta(d).y, d)
d = wrap(travel + 2, 1, 6): a_sharp_r = legal_move(ship_pos.x + move_delta(d).x, ship_pos.y + move_delta(d).y, d)
if ship_state <> state_moved then a_shall_l = false: a_shall_r = false: a_sharp_l = false: a_sharp_r = false
if v < 5 then a_shall_l = false: a_shall_r = false
if v < 3 or v = 5 then a_sharp_l = false: a_sharp_r = false
if ship_state <> state_landed then a_depart = false
if dir_used(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y, v) = true then a_depart = false ' Departing in the same direction landed
if a_move + a_shall_l + a_shall_r + a_sharp_l + a_sharp_r + a_depart <> false then game_over = false: exit for
next c
if game_over = false then exit for
next p
if game_over = true then
topx = -screenw: botx = screenw: xstep = 16: h = inthalf(screenh)
for frame = 1 to 130
limit 60
draw_board cx
line(0, 0)-(screenw, screenh), rgba32(0, 0, 0, (frame / 130) * 255), bf
if frame <= 40 then topx = topx + xstep
if frame > 40 and frame <= 80 then botx = botx - xstep
putimage(topx, 0)-step(screenw - 1, h - 1), gameover_image, full_screen, (0, 0)-step(screenw - 1, h - 1)
putimage(botx, h)-step(screenw - 1, h - 1), gameover_image, full_screen, (0, h)-step(screenw - 1, h - 1)
next frame
limit 60
k$ = inkey$
loop until k$ = ""
limit 60
k$ = inkey$
loop while k$ = ""
exit sub
end if
end if
s = sprite_ref(spr_card_large)
cursor_goal.x = hand_ox(turn, spr_card_large) + inthalf(size_x(s)) + (hand_offset(spr_card_large) * (cx - 1))
cursor_goal.y = hand_oy(turn, spr_card_large) + size_y(s) - inthalf(size_y(sprite_ref(spr_cursor))) + (int(size_y(s) * 0.2) * -sgn(turn - 2.5))
limit 60
draw_board cx
k$ = inkey$
loop while k$ = ""
menu_end = hand_size(turn) + 1
if hand_size(turn) => 3 then l = hand_size(turn) else l = menu_end
if k$ = arrow(left) then play_sound sfx_card: cx = wrap(cx - 1, 1, l)
if k$ = arrow(right) then play_sound sfx_card: cx = wrap(cx + 1, 1, l)
if k$ = chr$(27) then
play_sound sfx_menu_move
' Quit confirmation
w = inthalf(text_width(t$, f_gaia_red))
h = inthalf(g_font(f_gaia_red, 0).h)
margin = 10
limit 60
draw_board cx
set_font f_gaia_red, center_align, full_screen
line(inthalf(screenw) - w - margin, inthalf(screenh) - h - margin)-(inthalf(screenw) + w + margin, inthalf(screenh) + h + margin), rgba32( 0, 0, 0, 255), bf
line(inthalf(screenw) - w - margin, inthalf(screenh) - h - margin)-(inthalf(screenw) + w + margin, inthalf(screenh) + h + margin), rgba32(11, 148, 217, 255), b
glass_fonts t$, inthalf(screenw), inthalf(screenh) - h
k$ = lcase$(inkey$)
loop while k$ = ""
play_sound sfx_menu_confirm
if k$ = "y" then exit sub else continue
end if
if k$ <> chr$(13) and k$ <> " " then continue
' Selection confirmed
if cx = menu_end then end_turn: cx = 1: continue
play_sound sfx_menu_confirm
' Prepare action menu
v = hand(turn, cx)
a_move = true
a_shall_l = true
a_shall_r = true
a_sharp_l = true
a_sharp_r = true
a_depart = true
a_discard = true
' Action conditions
if ship_state = state_landed then a_move = false
for n = 1 to v
dx = ship_pos.x + (move_delta(travel).x * n)
dy = ship_pos.y + (move_delta(travel).y * n)
if legal_move(dx, dy, travel) = false then a_move = false: exit for
if n < v and planet_at(dx, dy) = next_planet then a_move = false: exit for
next n
d = wrap(travel - 1, 1, 6): a_shall_l = legal_move(ship_pos.x + move_delta(d).x, ship_pos.y + move_delta(d).y, d)
d = wrap(travel + 1, 1, 6): a_shall_r = legal_move(ship_pos.x + move_delta(d).x, ship_pos.y + move_delta(d).y, d)
d = wrap(travel - 2, 1, 6): a_sharp_l = legal_move(ship_pos.x + move_delta(d).x, ship_pos.y + move_delta(d).y, d)
d = wrap(travel + 2, 1, 6): a_sharp_r = legal_move(ship_pos.x + move_delta(d).x, ship_pos.y + move_delta(d).y, d)
if ship_state <> state_moved then a_shall_l = false: a_shall_r = false: a_sharp_l = false: a_sharp_r = false
if v < 5 then a_shall_l = false: a_shall_r = false
if v < 3 or v = 5 then a_sharp_l = false: a_sharp_r = false
if ship_state <> state_landed then a_depart = false
if dir_used(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y, v) = true then a_depart = false ' Departing in the same direction landed
if hand_size(turn) < 3 then a_discard = false
' Menu positions
total_a = 0
if a_move = true then total_a = total_a + 1: a_move = total_a
if a_shall_l = true then total_a = total_a + 1: a_shall_l = total_a
if a_shall_r = true then total_a = total_a + 1: a_shall_r = total_a
if a_sharp_l = true then total_a = total_a + 1: a_sharp_l = total_a
if a_sharp_r = true then total_a = total_a + 1: a_sharp_r = total_a
if a_depart = true then total_a = total_a + 1: a_depart = total_a
if a_discard = true then total_a = total_a + 1: a_discard = total_a
if total_a = 0 then continue
a_ox = 60: a_oy = 2
cx2 = 1
limit 60
draw_board cx
x = 2
if turn mod 2 = 0 then x = screenw - (x_offset * (total_a + 1)) - (y_offset - x_offset) - 2
y = hand_oy(1, spr_card_large) + size_y(sprite_ref(spr_card_large)) + 3
if turn > 2 then y = hand_oy(3, spr_card_large) - y_offset - inthalf(y_offset) - 2
y1 = 0
for n = 1 to total_a
select case n
case a_move: s = sprite_ref(spr_iconx_move): m = travel
case a_shall_l: s = sprite_ref(spr_iconx_turnsoftl): m = travel
case a_shall_r: s = sprite_ref(spr_iconx_turnsoftr): m = travel
case a_sharp_l: s = sprite_ref(spr_iconx_turnhardl): m = travel
case a_sharp_r: s = sprite_ref(spr_iconx_turnhardr): m = travel
case a_depart: s = sprite_ref(spr_iconx_depart): m = v
case a_discard: s = sprite_ref(spr_iconx_discard): m = 1
end select
if n = cx2 then s = s + 1
draw_sprite s, m, x, y + y1
' Cursor
if n = cx2 then cursor_goal.x = x + inthalf(y_offset): cursor_goal.y = y + y1 + 28
x = x + x_offset + 1
y1 = toggle(y1, 0, inthalf(y_offset)) ' Stagger hexes up and down
next n
select case cx2
case a_move: t$ = "Move forward"
case a_shall_l: t$ = "Shallow left turn"
case a_shall_r: t$ = "Shallow right turn"
case a_sharp_l: t$ = "Sharp left turn"
case a_sharp_r: t$ = "Sharp right turn"
case a_depart: t$ = "Launch"
case a_discard: t$ = "Discard other cards"
end select
set_font f_loxica, center_align, full_screen
w = inthalf(text_width(t$, f_loxica))
margin = 5
line(inthalf(screenw) - w - margin, margin)-(inthalf(screenw) + w + margin, (margin * 3) + g_font(font_using, 0).h), rgba32( 0, 0, 0, 255), bf
line(inthalf(screenw) - w - margin, margin)-(inthalf(screenw) + w + margin, (margin * 3) + g_font(font_using, 0).h), rgba32(11, 148, 217, 255), b
glass_fonts t$, inthalf(screenw), margin * 2
k$ = inkey$
loop while k$ = ""
if k$ = arrow(left) then play_sound sfx_menu_move: cx2 = wrap(cx2 - 1, 1, total_a)
if k$ = arrow(right) then play_sound sfx_menu_move: cx2 = wrap(cx2 + 1, 1, total_a)
if k$ = chr$(27) then play_sound sfx_menu_move: exit do
if k$ <> chr$(13) and k$ <> " " then continue
' Selection confirmed
if cx2 <> a_discard then actions_taken(turn) = actions_taken(turn) + 1
select case cx2
case a_shall_l
play_sound sfx_thruster
travel = wrap(travel - 1, 1, 6)
case a_shall_r
play_sound sfx_thruster
travel = wrap(travel + 1, 1, 6)
case a_sharp_l
play_sound sfx_thruster
travel = wrap(travel - 2, 1, 6)
case a_sharp_r
play_sound sfx_thruster
travel = wrap(travel + 2, 1, 6)
case a_depart
play_sound sfx_takeoff
travel = v
case a_discard
hand(turn, 1) = v
hand_size(turn) = 1
cx = 1
case a_move
distance_traveled = distance_traveled + v
for n = 1 to v
dir_used(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y, travel) = true
ship_pos.x = ship_pos.x + move_delta(travel).x
ship_pos.y = ship_pos.y + move_delta(travel).y
dir_used(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y, wrap(travel + 3, 1, 6)) = true
next n
ship_state = state_moved
if planet_at(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y) = next_planet then
play_sound sfx_landing
cursor_pos(0).x = true: cursor_pos(0).y = true
' Landing Successful overlay animation
topx = -screenw: botx = screenw: xstep = 16: h = inthalf(screenh)
for frame = 1 to 210
limit 60
draw_board cx
if frame <= 40 then topx = topx + xstep
if frame > 40 and frame <= 80 then botx = botx - xstep
if frame > 170 then topx = topx + xstep: botx = botx - xstep
if next_planet = earth and frame => 80 then exit for
putimage(topx, 0)-step(screenw - 1, h - 1), landing_image(next_planet), full_screen, (0, 0)-step(screenw - 1, h - 1)
putimage(botx, h)-step(screenw - 1, h - 1), landing_image(next_planet), full_screen, (0, h)-step(screenw - 1, h - 1)
next frame
' Victory animation continues
if next_planet = earth then
draw_board cx
y = 0
for frame = 1 to 130
limit 60
if frame > 40 and frame <= 85 then y = y - 2
line(0, 0)-(screenw, screenh), rgba32(0, 0, 0, (frame / 130) * 255), bf
putimage(0, y), landing_image(earth), full_screen
next frame
cls , rgba32(0, 0, 0, 255)
putimage(0, y), landing_image(earth), full_screen
font_using = f_gaia_blue
w = inthalf(text_width("DISTANCE TRAVELED:" + str$(distance_traveled), font_using))
h = g_font(font_using, 0).h
y = inthalf(screenh) + h
for frame = 1 to 60: limit 60: display_screen: next frame
set_font f_gaia_blue, left_align, full_screen
glass_fonts "FUEL REMAINING:", inthalf(screenw) - w, y
set_font f_gaia_red, right_align, full_screen
glass_fonts str$(fuel_tanks), inthalf(screenw) + w, y
y = y + h
for frame = 1 to 60: limit 60: display_screen: next frame
set_font f_gaia_blue, left_align, full_screen
glass_fonts "DISTANCE TRAVELED:", inthalf(screenw) - w, y
set_font f_gaia_red, right_align, full_screen
glass_fonts str$(distance_traveled), inthalf(screenw) + w, y
y = y + h
for frame = 1 to 60: limit 60: display_screen: next frame
set_font f_gaia_blue, left_align, full_screen
glass_fonts "TOTAL MOVES:", inthalf(screenw) - w, y
set_font f_gaia_red, right_align, full_screen
glass_fonts str$(actions_taken(1) + actions_taken(2) + actions_taken(3) + actions_taken(4)), inthalf(screenw) + w, y
limit 60
k$ = inkey$
loop until k$ = ""
limit 60
k$ = inkey$
loop while k$ = ""
exit sub
end if
next_planet = next_planet + 1
ship_state = state_landed
play_sound sfx_rocket ' No planet landing, just normal move forward
end if
end select
if cx2 <> a_move and cx2 <> a_discard then ship_state = state_turned
if cx2 <> a_discard then
hand_size(turn) = hand_size(turn) - 1
for n = cx to hand_size(turn)
hand(turn, n) = hand(turn, n + 1)
next n
end if
exit do
cx = min(cx, hand_size(turn))
if hand_size(turn) <= 0 then cx = 1: end_turn
end sub
sub shuffle_deck
dim card_count(6) as byte
for p = 1 to player_count: for c = 1 to hand_size(p)
card_count(hand(p, c)) = card_count(hand(p, c)) + 1
next c: next p
sorting_count = 0
for n = 1 to 6: for c = card_count(n) + 1 to 4
sorting_count = sorting_count + 1
sorting(sorting_count).s_index = n
next c: next n
for n = 1 to sorted_count(1): deck(n) = sorted(1, n).s_index: next n
deck_size = sorted_count(1)
fuel_tanks = fuel_tanks - 1
end sub
sub fill_hand(p)
do while hand_size(p) < 3
if deck_size <= 0 and fuel_tanks > 0 then shuffle_deck
if deck_size <= 0 and fuel_tanks <= 0 then exit sub
hand_size(p) = hand_size(p) + 1
hand(p, hand_size(p)) = deck(deck_size)
deck_size = deck_size - 1
end sub
sub end_turn
if 3 - hand_size(turn) > deck_size and hand_size(turn) > 0 then play_sound sfx_shuffle
if 3 - hand_size(turn) <= deck_size and hand_size(turn) > 0 then play_sound sfx_card
turn = wrap(turn + 1, 1, player_count)
end sub
function legal_move(x, y, d)
legal_move = true
if valid_cell(x, y) = false then legal_move = false
if dir_used(x, y, wrap(d + 3, 1, 6)) = true then legal_move = false
p = planet_at(x, y)
if p <> false and p <> next_planet then legal_move = false
end function
sub set_preset(i, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5, x6, y6, n$)
planet_name$(i) = n$
planet_preset(i, 1).x = x1: planet_preset(i, 1).y = y1
planet_preset(i, 2).x = x2: planet_preset(i, 2).y = y2
planet_preset(i, 3).x = x3: planet_preset(i, 3).y = y3
planet_preset(i, 4).x = x4: planet_preset(i, 4).y = y4
planet_preset(i, 5).x = x5: planet_preset(i, 5).y = y5
planet_preset(i, 6).x = x6: planet_preset(i, 6).y = y6
end sub
sub set_planet(p, v)
planet_at( planet_preset(p, v).x, planet_preset(p, v).y) = p
valid_cell(planet_preset(p, v).x, planet_preset(p, v).y) = true
planet_pos(p).x = planet_preset(p, v).x
planet_pos(p).y = planet_preset(p, v).y
end sub
' ------------------------------
' ========== Graphics ==========
' ------------------------------
sub draw_board(cx)
boundw = 366 ' Size of camera bounding box
boundh = 320 ' (This can be made to auto-adjust later if desired)
nextx = hex_center_x(planet_pos(next_planet).x, planet_pos(next_planet).y)
nexty = hex_center_y(planet_pos(next_planet).x, planet_pos(next_planet).y)
shipx = hex_center_x(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y)
shipy = hex_center_y(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y)
' Find camera destination
camx = half(shipx + nextx) ' Start between ship and next planet
camy = half(shipy + nexty)
camx = min(max(camx, shipx - half(boundw)), shipx + half(boundw)) ' Move camera if ship is outside bounding box
camy = min(max(camy, shipy - half(boundh)), shipy + half(boundh)) ' (Don't need to do this for next planet)
' Camera's actual position approaches destination
if abs(camx - camera_x) <= 0.6 then camera_x = camx ' Prevent very delayed last pixel of camera movement
if abs(camy - camera_y) <= 0.6 then camera_y = camy
camera_x = camera_x + ((camx - camera_x) * 0.2)
camera_y = camera_y + ((camy - camera_y) * 0.2)
' --- Background ---
putimage(0, 0), background_image, full_screen, (inthalf(width(background_image) - screenw) - (camera_x * 0.2),_
inthalf(height(background_image) - screenh) - (camera_y * 0.2))-step(screenw - 1, screenh - 1)
' --- Board ---
' Sun
s = sprite_ref(spr_sun)
x = inthalf(screenw) + hex_center_x(14, 15) - inthalf(size_x(s)) - camera_x
y = inthalf(screenh) + hex_center_y(14, 15) - inthalf(size_y(s)) - camera_y
draw_sprite s, 1, x, y
' Asteroids
randomize using asteroid_seed ' Fixed seed for consistent asteroid variations
for x1 = 0 to boardw: for y1 = 0 to boardh
if planet_at(x1, y1) <> true then continue
s = sprite_ref(spr_asteroid) + rand(4) - 1
x = inthalf(screenw) + hex_center_x(x1, y1) - inthalf(size_x(s)) - camera_x
y = inthalf(screenh) + hex_center_y(x1, y1) - inthalf(size_y(s)) - camera_y
draw_sprite s, 1, x, y
next y1: next x1
' Planets
for p = 1 to 9
s = sprite_ref(spr_planet) + p - 1
x = inthalf(screenw) + hex_center_x(planet_pos(p).x, planet_pos(p).y) - inthalf(size_x(s)) - camera_x
y = inthalf(screenh) + hex_center_y(planet_pos(p).x, planet_pos(p).y) - inthalf(size_y(s)) - camera_y
draw_sprite s, 1, x, y
next p
' Hex grid
putimage(inthalf(screenw) + hex_center_x(1, -1) - inthalf(y_offset) - camera_x,_
inthalf(screenh) + hex_center_y(1, -1) - camera_y), grid_image, full_screen
' Path segments
for x = 0 to boardw: for y = 0 to boardh: for d = 1 to 6
if dir_used(x, y, d) = false then continue
s = sprite_ref(spr_path)
x1 = inthalf(screenw) + hex_center_x(x, y) - inthalf(size_x(s)) - camera_x
y1 = inthalf(screenh) + hex_center_y(x, y) - inthalf(size_y(s)) - camera_y
draw_sprite s, d, x1, y1
next d: next y: next x
' Next planet reticle
f = 6
reticle_flash = wrap(reticle_flash + 1, 0, (f * 2) - 1)
s = sprite_ref(spr_reticle)
p = next_planet
x = inthalf(screenw) + hex_center_x(planet_pos(p).x, planet_pos(p).y) - inthalf(size_x(s)) - camera_x
y = inthalf(screenh) + hex_center_y(planet_pos(p).x, planet_pos(p).y) - inthalf(size_y(s)) - camera_y
draw_sprite s, int(reticle_flash / f) + 1, x, y
' Ship
f = 4
ship_frame = wrap(ship_frame + 1, 0, (f * 6) - 1)
s = sprite_ref(spr_ship)
x = inthalf(screenw) + hex_center_x(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y) - inthalf(size_x(s)) - camera_x
y = inthalf(screenh) + hex_center_y(ship_pos.x, ship_pos.y) - inthalf(size_y(s)) - camera_y
if ship_state <> state_landed then draw_sprite s + travel - 1, int(ship_frame / f) + 1, x, y
' --- UI ---
' Navigation guides
putimage(screenw - 86, inthalf(screenh) - 70), reference_image, full_screen
' Deck
x = 10: y = hand_oy(3, spr_card_large) - 10 - size_y(sprite_ref(spr_deck))
for c = 1 to deck_size: draw_sprite sprite_ref(spr_deck), 1, x + c, y - inthalf(c): next c
' Fuel label
y = y - 30
font_pos x, y
if fuel_tanks > 0 then
set_font f_gaia_blue, left_align, full_screen
glass_fonts_at "FUEL"
elseif fuel_tanks <= 0 and int(timer mod 2) = 0 then
set_font f_gaia_red, left_align, full_screen
glass_fonts_at "FUEL"
end if
' Fuel gauge
y = y - 10
s = sprite_ref(spr_fuel)
for n = 1 to fuel_tanks
draw_sprite s, 1, x, y
y = y - size_y(s) - 1
next n
' Player hands
for p = 1 to player_count
if p = turn then s = spr_card_large else s = spr_card_small
temp_size = hand_size(p)
if p = turn and temp_size < 3 then temp_size = temp_size + 1
for c = 1 to temp_size
y = hand_oy(p, s)
if p = turn and c = cx then y = y + (int(size_y(sprite_ref(s)) * 0.2) * -sgn(turn - 2.5))
m = hand(p, c)
if c > hand_size(p) then m = 7
draw_sprite sprite_ref(s), m, hand_ox(p, s) + ((c - 1) * hand_offset(s)), y
next c
next p
end sub
sub draw_cursor
' Update cursor trail
for n = trail_length to 1 step -1
cursor_pos(n).x = cursor_pos(n - 1).x
cursor_pos(n).y = cursor_pos(n - 1).y
next n
' Cursor
dx = cursor_goal.x - cursor_pos(0).x
dy = cursor_goal.y - cursor_pos(0).y
if cursor_pos(0).x = true or abs(dx) < 0.5 then cursor_pos(0).x = cursor_goal.x
if cursor_pos(0).y = true or abs(dy) < 0.5 then cursor_pos(0).y = cursor_goal.y
cursor_pos(0).x = cursor_pos(0).x + ((cursor_goal.x - cursor_pos(0).x) * 0.3)
cursor_pos(0).y = cursor_pos(0).y + ((cursor_goal.y - cursor_pos(0).y) * 0.3)
for n = trail_length to 0 step -1
s = sprite_ref(spr_cursor_trail)
if n = 0 then s = sprite_ref(spr_cursor)
draw_sprite s, 1, cursor_pos(n).x - inthalf(size_x(s)), cursor_pos(n).y - inthalf(size_y(s))
next n
end sub
sub draw_sprite(s, f, x, y)
x1 = sprite(s).pos.x + ((f - 1) * (size_x(s) + 2)) ' Animation frame
putimage(x, y), sprite(s).image, full_screen, (x1, sprite(s).pos.y)-step(size_x(s), size_y(s))
end sub
sub display_screen
'preserve& = dest
'dest scaled_screen(option_window_size)
hardware_image = copyimage(full_screen, 33)
putimage(0, 0)-((screenw * option_window_size) - 1, (screenh * option_window_size) - 1), hardware_image
freeimage hardware_image
'dest preserve&
end sub
sub capture_screen
clear_image store_screen, rgba32(0, 0, 0, 255)
putimage(0, 0)-(screenw - 1, screenh - 1), full_screen, store_screen, (0, 0)-(screenw - 1, screenh - 1)
end sub
sub restore_screen
clear_image full_screen, rgba32(0, 0, 0, 255)
putimage(0, 0)-(screenw - 1, screenh - 1), store_screen, full_screen, (0, 0)-(screenw - 1, screenh - 1)
end sub
sub clear_image(d&, h~&)
preserve& = dest
dest d&
cls , h~&
dest preserve&
end sub
sub play_sound(s)
if s = false or option_sound = false or sfx(s, 1) = false then exit sub
' Count valid sounds at this index and select one randomly
c = 1
do until sfx(s, c + 1) = false: c = c + 1: loop
r = rand(c)
if sfx(s, r) <> false then sndplay sfx(s, r)
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------
' ========== Shorthand and conversion ==========
' ----------------------------------------------
function compass$(d)
select case d
case 1: c$ = "north"
case 2: c$ = "northeast"
case 3: c$ = "southeast"
case 4: c$ = "south"
case 5: c$ = "southwest"
case 6: c$ = "northwest"
end select
compass$ = c$
end function
function text_replace$(t1$, r1$, r2$)
' Search t$ for instances of r1$ and replace them with r2$
t$ = t1$
do while instr(t$, r1$) <> false
t$ = left$(t$, instr(t$, r1$) - 1) + r2$ + right$(t$, len(t$) - (instr(t$, r1$) + len(r1$) - 1))
text_replace$ = t$
end function
function hex_center_x(x, y)
' Take board coordinates and return display x of center of hex cell, relative to board center at 14, 15
z = y ' y parameter is to give these two functions the same syntax, avoid forgetting to omit y for this one
hex_center_x = (x - inthalf(boardw)) * x_offset
end function
function hex_center_y(x, y)
' Take board coordinates and return display y of center of hex cell, relative to board center at 14, 15
hex_center_y = ((y - inthalf(boardh)) * y_offset) - ((x - inthalf(boardw)) * inthalf(y_offset))
end function
function size_x(s)
size_x = sprite(s).size.x
end function
function size_y(s)
size_y = sprite(s).size.y
end function
' ---------------------------------------------
' ========== Files and data handling ==========
' ---------------------------------------------
sub mfi_loader(f$)
mfi = freefile
open f$ for binary as #mfi
get #mfi, , mfi_count
for i = 1 to mfi_count
get #mfi, , mfi_o(i)
get #mfi, , mfi_s(i)
mfi_o(i) = mfi_o(i) + 1
next i
mfi_index = 1
' ----- Images -----
background_image = load_gfx(mfi)
grid_image = load_gfx(mfi)
sprite_image = load_gfx(mfi)
icon_image = load_gfx(mfi)
g_font(f_loxica, 0).image = load_gfx(mfi)
g_font(f_gaia_blue, 0).image = load_gfx(mfi)
g_font(f_gaia_red, 0).image = load_gfx(mfi)
for n = 1 to fonts: initialize_font n: next
for n = 1 to 4: how_to_play_image(n) = load_gfx(mfi): next n
for n = 1 to 9: landing_image(n) = load_gfx(mfi): next n
gameover_image = load_gfx(mfi)
reference_image = load_gfx(mfi)
' ----- Sound effects -----
sfx(sfx_menu_move, 1) = load_sfx(mfi)
sfx(sfx_menu_confirm, 1) = load_sfx(mfi)
sfx(sfx_card, 1) = load_sfx(mfi)
sfx(sfx_shuffle, 1) = load_sfx(mfi)
sfx(sfx_rocket, 1) = load_sfx(mfi)
sfx(sfx_thruster, 1) = load_sfx(mfi)
sfx(sfx_landing, 1) = load_sfx(mfi)
sfx(sfx_takeoff, 1) = load_sfx(mfi)
if fileexists("mfi_temp.dat") then kill "mfi_temp.dat"
end sub
function load_gfx&(mfi)
if fileexists("mfi_temp.dat") then kill "mfi_temp.dat"
mfidata = freefile
open "mfi_temp.dat" for binary as #mfidata
dat$ = space$(mfi_s(mfi_index))
get #mfi, mfi_o(mfi_index), dat$
put #mfidata, , dat$
close #mfidata
load_gfx& = loadimage("mfi_temp.dat", 32)
mfi_index = mfi_index + 1
end function
function load_sfx&(mfi)
if fileexists("mfi_temp.dat") then kill "mfi_temp.dat"
mfidata = freefile
open "mfi_temp.dat" for binary as #mfidata
dat$ = space$(mfi_s(mfi_index))
get #mfi, mfi_o(mfi_index), dat$
put #mfidata, , dat$
close #mfidata
load_sfx& = sndopen("mfi_temp.dat")
mfi_index = mfi_index + 1
end function
sub load_settings
if fileexists("settings.ini") = false then save_settings: exit sub
open "settings.ini" for binary as #1
get #1, 1, option_sound
get #1, , option_window_size
close #1
' Reset invalid option states to default
if option_sound <> false then option_sound = true
if option_window_size < 1 or option_window_size > 3 then option_window_size = 2
end sub
sub save_settings
open "settings.ini" for binary as #1
put #1, 1, option_sound
put #1, , option_window_size
close #1
end sub
sub parse_sprites(i&)
preserve& = source
source i&
d~& = point(0, 0) ' Detection color
s = sprite_count + 1
x1 = 1 ' Top left of first sprite
y1 = 2
sprite(s).image = i&
' Source position
sprite(s).pos.x = x1
sprite(s).pos.y = y1
' Sprite size
x2 = scan_right(x1, y1, i&, d~&)
y2 = scan_down(x1, y1, i&, d~&)
sprite(s).size.x = x2 - x1 - 1
sprite(s).size.y = y2 - y1 - 1
' Animation frame count
x2 = scan_right(x2, y1, i&, d~&)
sprite(s).frames = int( ((x2 + 1) - x1) / (sprite(s).size.x + 2) )
if sprite(s).frames < 1 then sprite(s).frames = 1
' Frame counter ticks per animation frame
sprite(s).fpf = scan_right(x2, y1 - 1, i&, d~&) - x2
if sprite(s).fpf < 1 then sprite(s).fpf = 1
x2 = x2 + 1
' Sprite display position - relative to entity hitbox position
x_hb = scan_right(x2 - 1, y1, i&, d~&)
y_hb = scan_down(x2, y1 - 1, i&, d~&)
sprite(s).hb_offset.x = x2 - x_hb
sprite(s).hb_offset.y = y1 - y_hb
' Hitbox size
sprite(s).hb_size.x = scan_right(x_hb, y1, i&, d~&) - x_hb
sprite(s).hb_size.y = scan_down(x2, y_hb, i&, d~&) - y_hb
y1 = y2 + 1
if point(x1 - 1, y1) = d~& then ' End of column
if point(x1, 0) = d~& then exit do ' No more columns
y1 = 2
x1 = scan_right(x1, 0, i&, d~&) + 1 ' Find new column
end if
s = s + 1
sprite_count = s
source preserve&
end sub
sub set_sprite_ref
' ----- Set sprite references - must be in order found in image files -----
s = 1
sprite_ref(spr_card_large) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_card_small) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_deck) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_cursor) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_cursor_trail) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_path) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_ship) = s: s = s + 6
sprite_ref(spr_planet) = s: s = s + 9
sprite_ref(spr_sun) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_asteroid) = s: s = s + 4
sprite_ref(spr_fuel) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_reticle) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_iconx_move) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_icono_move) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_iconx_turnsoftl) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_icono_turnsoftl) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_iconx_turnsoftr) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_icono_turnsoftr) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_iconx_turnhardl) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_icono_turnhardl) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_iconx_turnhardr) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_icono_turnhardr) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_iconx_depart) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_icono_depart) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_iconx_discard) = s: s = s + 1
sprite_ref(spr_icono_discard) = s: s = s + 1
end sub
' Math and logic routines
' No data structure or dependencies
function plus_limit(n, p, l) ' p is added to n, but can't go past l in the direction of travel
q = n + p
if sgn(q - l) = sgn(p) then q = l
plus_limit = q
end function
function half(n) ' less expensive than n / 2, less parentheses than n * 0.5
half = n * 0.5
end function
function inthalf(n) ' same, but with int() around it
inthalf = int(n * 0.5)
end function
function sq(n) ' less expensive and less parentheses than n ^ 2
' For code clarity
sq = n * n
end function
function atn1(n) ' shortcut for getting radians of eight cardinals and diagonals
' For code clarity - n represents multiple of 45 degrees, or quarter-pi radians
atn1 = n * atn(1)
end function
function degrees(d) ' pass in degrees, returns radians
degrees = atn1(d / 45)
end function
function hypo(a, b) ' pass in triangle legs, returns hypotenuse (Pythagoras)
hypo = sqr(sq(a) + sq(b)) ' squares are always positive, so no danger of imaginary component
end function
function arctan(y, x) ' atn() with safety checks, and sensitive to negative axes
arctan = 0
if x = 0 and y = 0 then exit function
a = atn1(2)
if x <> 0 then ' prevent division by zero
a = abs(atn(y / x))
if x < 0 then a = atn1(4) - a
end if
if y < 0 then a = flip_y(a)
arctan = a
end function
function flip_x(a) ' flips angle left/right
flip_x = wrap_a( (atn1(8) - wrap_a(a + atn1(2))) - atn1(2) )
end function
function flip_y(a) ' flips angle up/down
flip_y = atn1(8) - a
end function
function frames(s) ' pass a decimal as seconds.frames, returns integer frames
f = int(s) * 60
frames = int(f + ((s - int(s)) * 100))
end function
function frames_dec(s) ' like frames(), but takes seconds.decimal instead of seconds.frames,
f = int(s) * 60 ' so 0.50 will return 30 frames, not 50 frames
frames_dec = int(f + ((s - int(s)) * 60))
end function
function wrap(n, l1, h1) ' n is adjusted back within lower(l) and upper(h) bounds similar to mod operator
l = l1: h = h1 ' make sure h is never less than l, this also prevents division by zero
if h1 < l1 then
l = h1: h = l1
end if
x = (l - n) / ((h - l) + 1)
if x <> int(x) then x = x + 1
wrap = n + (int(x) * ((h - l) + 1))
end function
function wrap_a(a) ' angle a is adjusted back within 0 and 2pi, noninclusive of 2pi
x = -a / atn1(8)
if x <> int(x) then x = x + 1
wrap_a = a + (int(x) * atn1(8))
end function
function toggle(v, p, q)
if v = p then toggle = q
if v = q then toggle = p
end function
function rounding(n) ' rounds to closer integer
p = int(n)
if mod_dec(n, 1) => 0.5 then p = p + 1
rounding = p
end function
function min(n1, n2)
if n2 < n1 then min = n2 else min = n1
end function
function max(n1, n2)
if n2 > n1 then max = n2 else max = n1
end function
function pyr(n) ' produce pyramid number on n (1 + 2 + 3 ... n)
pyr = n * (n + 1) * 0.5
end function
function rand(n) ' produce random whole number from 1 to n
rand = int(rnd * n) + 1
end function
function mod_dec(n, d) ' mod operator that preserves decimal
mod_dec = n
if d = 0 then exit function ' Division by zero protection
mod_dec = ((n / d) - int(n / d)) * d
end function
function hexcolor~&(h$)
hexcolor~& = rgba32(0, 0, 0, 255)
if len(h$) <> 6 then exit function
hexcolor~& = rgba32(val("&H" + mid$(h$, 1, 2)), val("&H" + mid$(h$, 3, 2)), val("&H" + mid$(h$, 5, 2)), 255)
end function
function before$(t$, c$)
p = instr(t$, c$)
if p = false then p = len(t$) + 1
before$ = left$(t$, p - 1)
end function
function after$(t$, c$)
after$ = right$(t$, len(t$) - instr(t$, c$) - (len(c$) - 1))
end function
function between$(t$, c1$, c2$)
between$ = before$(after$(t$, c1$), c2$)
end function
function vector_x(a, v) ' convert polar vector to x component
vector_x = 0
if a = aim_n or a = aim_s then exit function ' Protect against undefined cos()
vector_x = v * cos(a)
end function
function vector_y(a, v) ' convert polar vector to y component
vector_y = 0
if a = aim_w or a = aim_e then exit function ' Protect against undefined sin()
vector_y = v * sin(a)
end function
function ellipse_focus_x(axis_x, axis_y)
ellipse_focus_x = 0
if axis_x > axis_y then ellipse_focus_x = sqr(sq(axis_x) - sq(axis_y))
end function
function ellipse_focus_y(axis_x, axis_y)
ellipse_focus_y = 0
if axis_x < axis_y then ellipse_focus_y = sqr(sq(axis_y) - sq(axis_x))
end function
function x_on_ellipse(ax, ay, angle)
select case angle
case atn1(0): ex = ax
case atn1(4): ex = ax
case atn1(2): ex = 0
case atn1(6): ex = 0
case else: ex = (ax * ay) / sqr(sq(ay) + sq(ax * tan(angle)))
end select
if angle > atn1(2) and angle < atn1(6) then ex = -ex
x_on_ellipse = ex
end function
function y_on_ellipse(ax, ay, angle)
select case angle
case atn1(0): ey = 0
case atn1(4): ey = 0
case atn1(2): ey = ay
case atn1(6): ey = ay
case else: ey = (ax * ay) / sqr(sq(ax) + sq(ay / tan(angle)))
end select
if angle > atn1(4) then ey = -ey
y_on_ellipse = ey
end function
function ellipse_tangent(ax, ay, angle)
' ax and ay are axis lengths from center of ellipse
' angle is from center of ellipse
' Returns tangent angle, facing in clockwise direction
' Point angle intersects ellipse
ix = x_on_ellipse(ax, ay, angle)
iy = y_on_ellipse(ax, ay, angle)
' Focus distance from center
fx = ellipse_focus_x(ax, ay)
fy = ellipse_focus_y(ax, ay)
' Angles from foci to intersection point
a1 = arctan(iy + fy, ix + fx)
a2 = arctan(iy - fy, ix - fx)
' Average, then right angle to get tangent angle
ellipse_tangent = wrap_a(half(a1 + a2) + atn1(2))
end function
function line_and_ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2, axis_x, axis_y, ix, iy)
' Given a line between points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) relative to an ellipse's center,
' find the x coordinate of the intersection between the line and the ellipse,
' closer to (x1, y1), and put output in (ix, iy).
ix = 0 ' Default to center of ellipse
iy = 0
line_and_ellipse = true ' Becomes false later if the quadratic's radical is negative
if axis_x = 0 and axis_y = 0 then exit function
fx = ellipse_focus_x(axis_x, axis_y)
fy = ellipse_focus_y(axis_x, axis_y)
dx = sgn(x2 - x1)
dy = sgn(y2 - y1)
' Handle pure vertical and horizontal
if dx = 0 or dy = 0 then
ix = x1
iy = y1
if dx = 0 and dy <> 0 and axis_x > 0 then
iy = -dy * sqr((sq(axis_y) * abs(sq(axis_x) - sq(x1))) / sq(axis_x))
end if
if dy = 0 and dx <> 0 and axis_y > 0 then
ix = -dx * sqr((sq(axis_x) * abs(sq(axis_y) - sq(y1))) / sq(axis_y))
end if
' Otherwise, run quadratic solution of line and ellipse
slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
elevation = y1 - (slope * x1)
' Quadratic coefficients
a = sq(axis_x * slope) + sq(axis_y)
b = 2 * sq(axis_x) * slope * elevation
c = sq(axis_x) * (sq(elevation) - sq(axis_y))
if sq(b) - (4 * a * c) < 0 then
line_and_ellipse = false ' Negative will fail the quadratic radical,
exit function ' calling routine must be alerted
end if
' Use x coordinate closer to (x1, y1)
ix1 = quadratic(a, b, c, 1)
ix2 = quadratic(a, b, c, -1)
if abs(x1 - ix1) < abs(x1 - ix2) then ix = ix1 else ix = ix2
iy = (slope * ix) + elevation
end if
end function
function quadratic(a, b, c, pm)
' pm is 1 or -1, to represent the +/- in the quadratic formula
if a = 0 then
print "Quadratic denominator was zero!"
display: sleep
exit function
end if
quadratic = (-b + (pm * sqr(sq(b) - (4 * a * c)))) / (2 * a)
end function
' Insertion sort and sequence shuffle
' No dependencies
sub sort(s, d)
' Before calling, put key values in sorting().s_index, .s_value, and sorting_count
' Takes s_index and s_value in sorting(), sorts them into sorted(s, ) by s_value, in direction of sgn(d)
' So if d = 1, values will go up as sorted() index goes up, -1 is reverse
c = 1
sorted(s, 1).s_index = sorting(1).s_index
sorted(s, 1).s_value = sorting(1).s_value
for n1 = 2 to sorting_count ' sorting() index being inserted
for n2 = 1 to c + 1 ' position in sorted(s, ) being checked
if n2 > c or sgn(sorted(s, n2).s_value - sorting(n1).s_value) = sgn(d) then
for n3 = c to n2 step -1 ' make space for insertion
sorted(s, n3 + 1).s_index = sorted(s, n3).s_index
sorted(s, n3 + 1).s_value = sorted(s, n3).s_value
next n3
sorted(s, n2).s_index = sorting(n1).s_index
sorted(s, n2).s_value = sorting(n1).s_value
c = c + 1
exit for
end if
next n2
next n1
sorted_count(s) = c
end sub
sub shuffle
randomize timer
sorted_count(1) = 0
c = sorting_count
for n = 1 to c
s = int(rnd * sorting_count) + 1
sorted_count(1) = sorted_count(1) + 1
sorted(1, sorted_count(1)).s_index = sorting(s).s_index
sorting_count = sorting_count - 1
for n1 = s to sorting_count
sorting(n1).s_index = sorting(n1 + 1).s_index
next n1
next n
end sub
' Glass Fonts - custom pixel font processing and drawing
' NOTE: Number of fonts, image handle assignment, and initialize_font calls must be done in main program.
' Set fonts constant, then $include, then set image handles, then call initialize_font for each.
sub glass_fonts(t1$, x1, y1)
' Text, font, destination image surface, position, alignment
t$ = t1$
carriage = true
if right$(t$, 1) = ";" then
carriage = false
t$ = left$(t$, len(t$) - 1)
end if
x = x1: y = y1
f = font_using
if font_align <> left_align then
' Adjust starting point based on line width, for center or right align
w = text_width(t$, f)
if font_align = center_align then w = int(w * 0.5)
x = x - w
end if
for n = 1 to len(t$)
c = asc(mid$(t$, n, 1))
w = g_font(f, c).w
putimage(x, y)-step(w, g_font(f, 0).h), g_font(f, 0).image, font_dest, (g_font(f, c).pos.x, g_font(f, c).pos.y)-step(w, g_font(f, 0).h)
x = x + w + 1
next n
font_x = x1
font_y = y1
if carriage = false then font_x = x
if carriage = true then font_y = y1 + g_font(f, 0).h
end sub
sub glass_fonts_at(t$)
glass_fonts t$, font_x, font_y
end sub
sub set_font(f, a, d&)
font_using = f
font_align = a
font_dest = d&
end sub
sub font_pos(x, y)
font_x = x
font_y = y
end sub
sub initialize_font(f)
preserve& = source
source g_font(f, 0).image
clearcolor point(0, 0), g_font(f, 0).image
i& = g_font(f, 0).image
d~& = point(1, 0) ' Detection color
' Height
g_font(f, 0).h = scan_down(1, 2, i&, d~&) - 3
y = 0
for cy = 0 to 15
y = scan_down(1, y, i&, d~&) + 1
x = 1
for cx = 0 to 15
n = (cy * 16) + cx
g_font(f, n).pos.x = x ' Source position
g_font(f, n).pos.y = y
x = scan_right(x, y, i&, d~&) + 1
g_font(f, n).w = x - g_font(f, n).pos.x - 2 ' Variable width
next cx
next cy
source preserve&
end sub
function font_height
font_height = g_font(font_using, 0).h
end function
function text_width(t$, f)
w = 0
for n = 1 to len(t$)
w = w + g_font(f, asc(mid$(t$, n, 1))).w + 1
next n
text_width = w - 1
end function
function scan_right(x1, y, i&, d~&) ' Starting position (noninclusive), image, detection color
x = x1
preserve& = source
source i&
w = width(i&)
x = x + 1
if x > w then call scan_error(x, y, "right")
loop until point(x, y) = d~& or x > w
scan_right = x
source preserve&
end function
function scan_down(x, y1, i&, d~&)
y = y1
preserve& = source
source i&
h = height(i&)
y = y + 1
if y > h then call scan_error(x, y, "down")
loop until point(x, y) = d~& or y > h
scan_down = y
source preserve&
end function
sub scan_error(x, y, t$)
t1$ = "Moved " + t$ + " beyond image at" + str$(x) + "," + str$(y)
set_font f_kharon, left_align, full_screen
glass_fonts t1$, 0, 0
display: sleep
end sub
You fly a rocket ship around a hex grid of the solar system, starting from Earth, and visiting each planet before returning home. To navigate, you play cards numbered one to six. Each time you have to reshuffle the deck, you use up some fuel, and if you run out of fuel, you'll be stranded in space.
The controls are just menu navigation, so just arrow keys, enter/spacebar, and escape. The game's rules are available from the title menu under "how to play," they're pretty simple. You can read them in the images under this post before downloading, if you want.
Planet locations are chosen randomly at the start of the game, so each game is unique. Sometimes the mission will be easy, other times you may struggle to conserve fuel. I am fairly sure that getting an unwinnable game is mathematically possible, but it hasn't happened to me yet.
I've recreated the game faithfully as it was in the book, but I'd be open to mixing it up a bit, adding features, making the gameplay more complex. Feel free to offer suggestions!