08-13-2024, 10:13 PM
This is a fixed and updated version of a clock I made years ago. Before when it spoke "10" it actually said, "one, zero". Did similar with 11 and 12. So I fixed that today and added a digital clock up above the analog clock. Plus I fixed it when it's supposed to say "minute" not "minutes" and "second" and not "seconds". I also added the day of the week and date using the weekday code from my old Calendar making program. If any of you want that again, I can post that also. This clock speaks the date (and weekday) and the time using the Windows Powershell text-to-speech that is built into Windows. This is when we were playing with this back then. I also added the ability to hear it in either male of female voice.
Dav is the one that posted the chimes frequencies and code back then, thanks Dav!
Dav is the one that posted the chimes frequencies and code back then, thanks Dav!
Code: (Select All)
'Speaking and Chiming Analog Clock by SierraKen
'Updated on August 13, 2024.
'Thanks to Dav for the chiming frequencies and code.
_Title "(N)umerals With or Without, (1) Male Speak, (2) Female Speak, (Space Bar) Chimes"
Screen _NewImage(600, 600, 32)
rom = 1
tt = 23
d = 0
_Limit 100
For t = 0 To 360 Step .5
x2 = (Sin(t) * 190) + 300
y2 = (Cos(t) * 190) + 300
For sz = .1 To 5 Step .1
Circle (x2, y2), sz, _RGB32(127, 255, 127)
Next sz
Next t
For t = 1 To 359
For tt = t - 2 To t + 2 Step .5
x2 = Int((Sin(tt) * 170) + 300)
y2 = Int((Cos(tt) * 170) + 300)
For sz = .1 To 5 Step .1
Circle (x2, y2), sz, _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
Next sz
Next tt
Next t
If rom = 0 Then GoTo skip:
For sc = 1 To 60
ss = (60 - sc) * 6 + 180
x4 = Int(Sin(ss / 180 * 3.141592) * 150) + 300
y4 = Int(Cos(ss / 180 * 3.141592) * 150) + 300
Circle (x4, y4), 3, _RGB32(230, 230, 230)
n2 = (60 - sc) * 6 + 180
x3 = Int(Sin(n2 / 180 * 3.141592) * 140) + 290
y3 = Int(Cos(n2 / 180 * 3.141592) * 140) + 295
Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
If sc = 5 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "I"
If sc = 10 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "II"
If sc = 15 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "III"
If sc = 20 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "IV"
If sc = 25 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "V"
If sc = 30 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "VI"
If sc = 35 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "VII"
If sc = 40 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "VIII"
If sc = 45 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "IX"
If sc = 50 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "X"
If sc = 55 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "XI"
If sc = 60 Then _PrintString (x3, y3), "XII"
Next sc
hours = Timer \ 3600
minutes = Timer \ 60 - hours * 60
seconds = (Timer - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60)
ho$ = Left$(Time$, 2): hou = Val(ho$)
min$ = Mid$(Time$, 4, 2): minu = Val(min$)
seco$ = Right$(Time$, 2): secon = Val(seco$)
pendulum tt, d
m = 180 - minutes * 6
xx = Int(Sin(m / 180 * 3.141592) * 120) + 300
yy = Int(Cos(m / 180 * 3.141592) * 120) + 304
For b = -5 To 5 Step .1
Line (300 + b, 304)-(xx, yy), _RGB32(0, 255, 255)
Line (300, 304 + b)-(xx, yy), _RGB32(0, 255, 255)
Next b
h = 360 - hours * 30 + 180
xxx = Int(Sin(h / 180 * 3.141592) * 75) + 300
yyy = Int(Cos(h / 180 * 3.141592) * 75) + 304
For b = -5 To 5 Step .1
Line (300 + b, 304)-(xxx, yyy), _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
Line (300, 304 + b)-(xxx, yyy), _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
Next b
s = (60 - seconds) * 6 + 180
xxxx = Int(Sin(s / 180 * 3.141592) * 125) + 300
yyyy = Int(Cos(s / 180 * 3.141592) * 125) + 304
For b = -5 To 5 Step .1
Line (300 + b, 304)-(xxxx, yyyy), _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
Line (300, 304 + b)-(xxxx, yyyy), _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
Next b
For sz = .1 To 10 Step .1
Circle (300, 300), sz, _RGB32(255, 255, 127)
Next sz
Line (0, 0)-(600, 600), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
If (minu = 0 And secon = 0) Or song = 1 Then
'note frequencies
For notes = 1 To 20
If notes = 1 Then note = 311.13 'D#
If notes = 2 Then note = 246.94 'B
If notes = 3 Then note = 277.18 'C#
If notes = 4 Then note = 185.00 'F#
If notes = 5 Then note = 0
If notes = 6 Then note = 185.00 'F#
If notes = 7 Then note = 277.18 'C#
If notes = 8 Then note = 311.13 'D#
If notes = 9 Then note = 246.94 'B
If notes = 10 Then note = 0
If notes = 11 Then note = 311.13 'D#
If notes = 12 Then note = 277.18 'C3
If notes = 13 Then note = 246.94 'B
If notes = 14 Then note = 185.00 'F#
If notes = 15 Then note = 0
If notes = 16 Then note = 185.00 'F#
If notes = 17 Then note = 277.18 'C#
If notes = 18 Then note = 311.13 'D#
If notes = 19 Then note = 246.94 'B
If notes = 20 Then note = 0
'queue some sound
Do While _SndRawLen < 0.5 'you may wish to adjust this
sample = Sin(ttt * note * Atn(1) * 8) '340Hz sine wave (ttt * 440 * 2p)
sample = sample * Exp(-ttt * 3) 'fade out eliminates clicks after sound
_SndRaw sample
ttt = ttt + 1 / _SndRate 'sound card sample frequency determines time
'do other stuff, but it may interrupt sound
Loop While ttt < 1 'play for 1 second
Do While _SndRawLen > 0 'Finish any left over queued sound!
ttt = 0
Next notes
hour2 = hou
If hour2 > 12 Then hour2 = hour2 - 12
If hour2 = 0 Then hour2 = 12
For chimes = 1 To hour2
'queue some sound
Do While _SndRawLen < 0.1 'you may wish to adjust this
sample = Sin(ttt * 240 * Atn(1) * 8) '340Hz sine wave (ttt * 440 * 2p)
sample = sample * Exp(-ttt * 3) 'fade out eliminates clicks after sound
_SndRaw sample
ttt = ttt + 1 / _SndRate 'sound card sample frequency determines time
'do other stuff, but it may interrupt sound
Loop While ttt < 2 'play for 2 seconds
Do While _SndRawLen > 0 'Finish any left over queued sound!
ttt = 0
Next chimes
song = 0
End If
a$ = InKey$
If a$ = Chr$(27) Then End
If a$ = " " Then song = 1
If a$ = "n" Or a$ = "N" Then
rom = rom + 1
If rom > 1 Then rom = 0
For sz = .1 To 180 Step .1
Circle (300, 300), sz, _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
Next sz
End If
If a$ = "1" Then speaker = 0
If a$ = "2" Then speaker = 1
If a$ = "1" Or a$ = "2" Then
hour2 = hou
If hour2 > 11 Then
ampm$ = "P M"
ampm$ = "A M"
End If
If hour2 > 12 Then hour2 = hour2 - 12
hour3$ = Str$(hour2)
hour4 = Val(hour3$)
If hour4 = 0 Then hour4 = 12
hour5$ = Str$(hour4)
min2 = Val(min$)
min3$ = Str$(min2)
seco2 = Val(seco$)
seco3$ = Str$(seco2)
hour5$ = _Trim$(hour5$)
If hour5$ = "10" Then hour5$ = "ten"
If hour5$ = "11" Then hour5$ = "eleven"
If hour5$ = "12" Then hour5$ = "twelve"
If _Trim$(min3$) = "1" Then smin$ = "minute"
If _Trim$(min3$) <> "1" Then smin$ = "minutes"
If _Trim$(seco3$) = "1" Then ssec$ = "second"
If _Trim$(seco3$) <> "1" Then ssec$ = "seconds"
sentence$ = "Today's date is " + w$ + ", " + month$ + " " + dd$ + ", " + yy$ + ", and the time is " + hour5$ + ampm$ + ", " + min3$ + " " + smin$ + ", and " + seco3$ + " " + ssec$
speak sentence$, speaker, 0
End If
mm$ = Left$(Date$, 2)
dd$ = Mid$(Date$, 4, 2)
yy$ = Right$(Date$, 4)
mm = Val(mm$)
dd = Val(dd$)
yy = Val(yy$)
GetDay mm, dd, yy, weekday
If weekday = 1 Then w$ = "Sunday"
If weekday = 2 Then w$ = "Monday"
If weekday = 3 Then w$ = "Tuesday"
If weekday = 4 Then w$ = "Wednesday"
If weekday = 5 Then w$ = "Thursday"
If weekday = 6 Then w$ = "Friday"
If weekday = 7 Then w$ = "Saturday"
If mm = 1 Then month$ = "January"
If mm = 2 Then month$ = "February"
If mm = 3 Then month$ = "March"
If mm = 4 Then month$ = "April"
If mm = 5 Then month$ = "May"
If mm = 6 Then month$ = "June"
If mm = 7 Then month$ = "July"
If mm = 8 Then month$ = "August"
If mm = 9 Then month$ = "September"
If mm = 10 Then month$ = "October"
If mm = 11 Then month$ = "November"
If mm = 12 Then month$ = "December"
hour2 = hou
If hour2 > 12 Then hour2 = hour2 - 12
If hour2 = 0 Then hour2 = 12
hour2$ = Str$(hour2)
Locate 2, 34: Print hour2$ + ":" + min$ + ":" + seco$
Locate 4, 27: Print w$ + ", " + month$ + " " + dd$ + ", " + yy$
Sub pendulum (tt, d)
If d = 0 Then tt = tt + (.26 / 2)
If d = 1 Then tt = tt - (.26 / 2)
If tt < 24.25 Then d = 0
If tt > 26 Then d = 1
theta = .3 * Cos(Timer)
x5 = (Sin(theta) * 80) + 300
y5 = (Cos(theta) * 80) + 300
For sz = -3 To 4
Line (300 + sz, 300)-(x5, y5), _RGB32(255, 255, 127)
Line (300, 300 + sz)-(x5, y5), _RGB32(255, 255, 127)
Next sz
For sz = .1 To 15 Step .1
Circle (x5, y5), sz, _RGB32(255, 255, 127)
Next sz
_Delay .06
End Sub
Sub speak (text As String, Speaker As Integer, Speed)
Dim message As String, remove$, out$
Dim As Long i, j
message = text
'some symbols and such can't be used with Powershell like this, as they're command symbols
'we need to strip them out of our text. (Like apostrophes!)
remove$ = "'" + Chr$(34) 'add to remove$ here, if more symbols need to be removed as future testing showcases problems
For j = 1 To Len(remove$)
i = InStr(message, Mid$(remove$, j, 1))
If i Then message = Left$(message, i - 1) + Mid$(message, i + 1)
Loop Until i = 0
out$ = "Powershell -Command " + Chr$(34)
out$ = out$ + "Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech; "
out$ = out$ + "$Speech = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer; "
If Speaker = 0 Then out$ = out$ + "$Speech.SelectVoice('Microsoft David Desktop'); "
If Speaker = 1 Then out$ = out$ + "$Speech.SelectVoice('Microsoft Zira Desktop'); "
If Speed Then out$ = out$ + "$Speech.Rate =" + Str$(Speed) + "; "
out$ = out$ + "$Speech.Speak('" + message + "');" + Chr$(34)
Shell _Hide out$
End Sub
'This section gets the right weekday.
Sub GetDay (mm, dd, yy, weekday) 'use 4 digit year
'From Zeller's congruence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeller%27s_congruence
If mm < 3 Then yy = yy - 1
If mm < 3 Then mm = mm + 12
century = yy Mod 100
zerocentury = yy \ 100
weekday = (dd + Int(13 * (mm + 1) / 5) + century + Int(century / 4) + Int(zerocentury / 4) + 5 * zerocentury) Mod 7
End Sub