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Long time no visit (shame on me - not entirely though LOL, was around under the old OLD site. cant find my stuff meh)

Ok I digress

So I have me a software so well, that I use it religiously for myself LOL. THAT IS RARE!! I usually ditch it.

I could not find a PWM(password manager) that diid everything I wanted, and totally 100% offline, and I even used an encryption that in its original form too 300yrs to break LOL (long time ago) so I created it in qb64, then added a salt. and POOF pretty impressive  for DIY stuff.  And I even themed it after L.O.R.D. if you don't know, don't ask.

aaaaannnnyyyyy ways, I have the TOTP working, but i have the shell out to a simple python script to do it, What i want to do is make this 100% internal, but qb64 lacks some serious encryption toys. uhg.

Has anyone found a way to get a working TOTP in qb64?

I have quite abit of scrap code, SHA1, HMAC_SHA1, timestamp etc.. although not likely they work at all. I had to convert much of it, and QB64 doesnt like much of this encryption scripts.
If not it's ok, works flawless as it is right now. But would love to get this working 100% qb64

3 out of 2 people have trouble with fractions

Could you roll your own code using the RFC associated with TOTP?

The code they provide is in Java but shouldn't be too difficult to convert.
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
QB64 Tutorial
Well I did roll my own, but it got messy (keep in mind this is like a few weeks of work, and mostly as a side tinker)
It does make a code, but doesn't seem to make a new one, and not even sure that the code it is making is legit. I do have a "secretKey$" to work with, which is a fake key you would see on a typical website.

Have fun messing with this one.. I got TOTALLY burned out. The SHA1 I do not think is correct AT ALL. uhg. but I tried. Keep in mind lots of this is from c++ and python is more difficult to convert over, because I dont' know python that well. LOOOOOTTTTSSS of corrections on this one. That was most the issue.

Here is the python script - got lots of help with this one, seems everyone and their dog knows python but me LOL However, to make this work with my PWM, you have to have python installed. I do, because I am trying to learn python, but to friends who don't they wll have to use a different 2FA.

The Timestamp## I got from here, But thenI found a different one. Both work.

This python works perfect and is what I use in my app. I just have to shell out. It is fast, and not noticable, I am just OCD.

PHP Code:
import pyotp
import sys

def generate_totp
    totp pyotp.TOTP(secret_key)

__name__ == "__main__":
    secret_key sys.argv[1]
    totp_code generate_totp(secret_key)
    with open("totp_code.txt""w") as f:

Code: (Select All)
Dim secretKey As String
Dim generatedTOTP As String

' Assign the Base32 encoded secret key (this is just an example key)
secretKey$ = "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP"
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
    ' Call the TOTP$ function and store the result in `generatedTOTP$`
    generatedTOTP$ = TOTP$(secretKey$)

    ' Output the generated TOTP code
    Print "Your TOTP code is: "; generatedTOTP$

Function GetTimeStep
    Dim unixTime As Long
    unixTime = TimeStamp(Date$, Timer + MyTimeZone)
    GetTimeStep = unixTime \ 30 ' Divide by 30 to get the time step
End Function

Function HMAC_SHA1$ (key$, message$)
    ' Step 1: Prepare the key
    If Len(key$) > 64 Then
        key$ = SHA1$(key$) ' Assuming you have an SHA1 function
    End If

    ' Pad key to 64 bytes
    key$ = Left$(key$ + String$(64, Chr$(0)), 64)

    ' Step 2: Create inner and outer padded keys
    Dim ipad As String
    Dim opad As String
    ipad$ = ""
    opad$ = ""

    For i = 1 To 64
        ipad$ = ipad$ + Chr$(Asc(Mid$(key$, i, 1)) Xor &H36)
        opad$ = opad$ + Chr$(Asc(Mid$(key$, i, 1)) Xor &H5C)
    Next i

    ' Step 3: Hash the inner padded key with the message
    innerHash$ = SHA1$(ipad$ + message$) ' First hash (ipad + message)

    ' Step 4: Hash the outer padded key with the result of the first hash
    HMAC_SHA1$ = SHA1$(opad$ + innerHash$) ' Final HMAC-SHA1 result
End Function

Function TOTP$ (secretKey$)
    Dim timeStep As Long
    Dim timeValue As String
    Dim hmac As String
    Dim offset As Integer
    Dim otp As Long
    Dim b32d As String

    ' Step 1: Get the current time step (current time divided by 30 seconds)
    timeStep = Int(TimeStamp(Date$, Timer + MyTimeZone) / 30)
    timeValue = Str$(timeStep) ' Convert time step to string

    ' Step 2: Calculate the HMAC-SHA1 hash using the secret key and time value
    hmac = HMAC_SHA1$(DecodeBase32$(secretKey$, ""), timeValue)

    ' Step 3: Extract the dynamic offset and truncate the hash
    offset = Asc(Mid$(hmac, Len(hmac), 1)) And 15
    otp = Val("&H" + Mid$(hmac, offset + 1, 8)) And &H7FFFFFFF
    otp = otp Mod 1000000 ' Generate a 6-digit OTP

    ' Step 4: Convert the OTP to a 6-digit string and return it
    TOTP$ = Right$("000000" + LTrim$(Str$(otp)), 6)
End Function

Function SHA1$ (message$)
    ' Step 1: Message Padding
    Dim paddedMessage As String
    Dim originalLength As Long

    originalLength = Len(message$) * 8 ' Original length in bits
    paddedMessage$ = message$ + Chr$(128) ' Append '1' bit as 0x80
    While (Len(paddedMessage$) Mod 64) <> 56
        paddedMessage$ = paddedMessage$ + Chr$(0) ' Append '0' bits

    ' Append original length as 64-bit big-endian integer
    paddedMessage$ = paddedMessage$ + MKL$(0) + MKL$(originalLength)

    ' Step 2: Process each 512-bit block
    Dim h0 As Long, h1 As Long, h2 As Long, h3 As Long, h4 As Long
    Dim a As Long, b As Long, c As Long, d As Long, e As Long
    Dim temp As Long

    h0 = &H67452301: h1 = &HEFCDAB89: h2 = &H98BADCFE: h3 = &H10325476: h4 = &HC3D2E1F0

    ' Additional processing logic goes here...

    ' Step 3: Final Output
    SHA1$ = Hex$(h0) + Hex$(h1) + Hex$(h2) + Hex$(h3) + Hex$(h4)
End Function

Function GenerateTOTP$ (secretKey$)
    Dim timeStep As Long
    Dim decodedKey As String
    Dim hmacResult As String
    Dim offset As Integer
    Dim binaryCode As Long
    Dim otp As Integer
    Dim otpStr As String

    ' Step 1: Get the time step
    timeStep = GetTimeStep

    ' Step 2: Decode the Base32 secret key
    decodedKey$ = DecodeBase32$(secretKey$, "")

    ' Step 3: Generate HMAC-SHA1
    hmacResult$ = HMAC_SHA1$(decodedKey$, MKL$(timeStep))

    ' Step 4: Extract dynamic binary code
    offset = Asc(Mid$(hmacResult$, Len(hmacResult$), 1)) And &HF
    binaryCode = (Asc(Mid$(hmacResult$, offset + 1, 1)) And &H7F) * &H1000000
    binaryCode = binaryCode Or (Asc(Mid$(hmacResult$, offset + 2, 1)) * &H10000)
    binaryCode = binaryCode Or (Asc(Mid$(hmacResult$, offset + 3, 1)) * &H100)
    binaryCode = binaryCode Or (Asc(Mid$(hmacResult$, offset + 4, 1)))

    ' Step 5: Generate the OTP code
    otp = binaryCode Mod 1000000 ' 6-digit code
    otpStr = Right$("000000" + LTrim$(Str$(otp)), 6)

    GenerateTOTP$ = otpStr
End Function

Function TimeStamp## (d$, t##) 'date and timer
    'Based on Unix Epoch time, which starts at year 1970.
    Dim l As _Integer64, l1 As _Integer64, m As _Integer64
    Dim d As _Integer64, y As _Integer64, i As _Integer64
    Dim s As _Float

    l = InStr(d$, "-")
    l1 = InStr(l + 1, d$, "-")
    m = Val(Left$(d$, l))
    d = Val(Mid$(d$, l + 1))
    y = Val(Mid$(d$, l1 + 1))
    If y < 1970 Then 'calculate shit backwards
        Select Case m 'turn the day backwards for the month
            Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12: d = 31 - d '31 days
            Case 2: d = 28 - d 'special 28 or 29.
            Case 4, 6, 9, 11: d = 30 - d '30 days
        End Select
        If y Mod 4 = 0 And m < 3 Then 'check for normal leap year, and we're before it...
            d = d + 1 'assume we had a leap year, subtract another day
            If y Mod 100 = 0 And y Mod 400 <> 0 Then d = d - 1 'not a leap year if year is divisible by 100 and not 400
        End If

        'then count the months that passed after the current month
        For i = m + 1 To 12
            Select Case i
                Case 2: d = d + 28
                Case 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12: d = d + 31
                Case 4, 6, 9, 11: d = d + 30
            End Select

        'we should now have the entered year calculated.  Now lets add in for each year from this point to 1970
        d = d + 365 * (1969 - y) '365 days per each standard year
        For i = 1968 To y + 1 Step -4 'from 1968 onwards,backwards, skipping the current year (which we handled previously in the FOR loop)
            d = d + 1 'subtract an extra day every leap year
            If (i Mod 100) = 0 And (i Mod 400) <> 0 Then d = d - 1 'but skipping every year divisible by 100, but not 400
        s## = d * 24 * 60 * 60 'Seconds are days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
        TimeStamp## = -(s## + 24 * 60 * 60 - t##)
        Exit Function
        y = y - 1970
    End If

    For i = 1 To m 'for this year,
        Select Case i 'Add the number of days for each previous month passed
            Case 1: d = d 'January doestn't have any carry over days.
            Case 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11: d = d + 31
            Case 3 'Feb might be a leap year
                If (y Mod 4) = 2 Then 'if this year is divisible by 4 (starting in 1972)
                    d = d + 29 'its a leap year
                    If (y Mod 100) = 30 And (y Mod 400) <> 30 Then 'unless..
                        d = d - 1 'the year is divisible by 100, and not divisible by 400
                    End If
                Else 'year not divisible by 4, no worries
                    d = d + 28
                End If
            Case 5, 7, 10, 12: d = d + 30
        End Select
    d = (d - 1) + 365 * y 'current month days passed + 365 days per each standard year
    For i = 2 To y - 1 Step 4 'from 1972 onwards, skipping the current year (which we handled previously in the FOR loopp)
        d = d + 1 'add an extra day every leap year
        If (i Mod 100) = 30 And (i Mod 400) <> 30 Then d = d - 1 'but skiping every year divisible by 100, but not 400
    s## = d * 24 * 60 * 60 'Seconds are days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
    TimeStamp## = (s## + t##)
End Function

Function EncodeBase32$ (text$)
    ' Step 1: Convert the string to binary representation
    binaryString$ = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(text$)
        char$ = Mid$(text$, i, 1)
        asciiCode = Asc(char$)
        binaryString$ = binaryString$ + Right$("00000000" + _Bin$(asciiCode), 8)

    ' Step 2: Separate every 5 bits and pad if necessary
    paddedBinaryString$ = binaryString$
    While Len(paddedBinaryString$) Mod 5 <> 0
        paddedBinaryString$ = paddedBinaryString$ + "0"

    ' Step 3: Convert each 5-bit segment to the corresponding Base32 character
    result$ = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(paddedBinaryString$) Step 5
        fiveBits$ = Mid$(paddedBinaryString$, i, 5)
        index = Val("&B" + fiveBits$) + 1 ' Convert binary to decimal
        result$ = result$ + Mid$(base32Table$, index, 1)

    ' Step 4: Pad the result to a multiple of 8 characters with "="
    While Len(result$) Mod 8 <> 0
        result$ = result$ + "="

    EncodeBase32$ = result$
End Function

Function DecodeBase32$ (encoded$, decoded$)
    ' Step 1: Create a Base32 table for reverse lookup

    ' Step 2: Remove any padding characters (=)
    encoded$ = Left$(encoded$, InStr(encoded$, "=") - 1)

    ' Step 3: Convert each Base32 character back to its 5-bit binary representation
    binaryString$ = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(encoded$)
        char$ = Mid$(encoded$, i, 1)
        index = InStr(base32Table$, char$) - 1
        binaryString$ = binaryString$ + Right$("00000" + _Bin$(index), 5)

    ' Step 4: Convert every 8 bits of the binary string back to its ASCII character
    decoded$ = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(binaryString$) Step 8
        eightBits$ = Mid$(binaryString$, i, 8)
        If Len(eightBits$) = 8 Then
            asciiCode = Val("&B" + eightBits$)
            decoded$ = decoded$ + Chr$(asciiCode)
        End If
    DecodeBase32$ = decoded$
End Function
3 out of 2 people have trouble with fractions

QB64PE now has MD5$.  Could you use it instead?

I've written implementations of SHA256 and SHA512 before and I would definitely _not_ recommend doing it yourself Big Grin The chances of introducing bugs is very high and I also don't think QB64 is a great language choice for it anyway. I could potentially see SHA getting added to the language in the future (so then you could just use it without implementing it) but probably not soon.

Your best bet by far is to find a crypto C library that can already do this (including TOTP) and use that. Several exist if you google for them and calling them from QB64 should be fairly straight forward.
(08-21-2024, 03:47 AM)SMcNeill Wrote: QB64PE now has MD5$.  Could you use it instead?


And SHA2 is available in my libraries collection
Hi guys!!
at lunch atm, just stopping in to see what you all came up with. I will try the sha2 library and see if i can replace my sha1, but my understanding of totp it also needs a s hmac_sha1.
 I'll be back this evening to try them out!!

3 out of 2 people have trouble with fractions

OK to break this down, as I am not having luck, cannot use the above SHA** as they do not interchange
Here is what I need to do to make this work. I pulled this from the python script above

[*]Handle Base32 Decoding: Convert the secret key from base32. (qb64 working)
[*]Time Calculation: Calculate the current Unix timestamp and divide it by the time step (e.g., 30 seconds). (qb64 mostly working)
[*]HMAC-SHA1 Implementation: Implement or use a library for HMAC-SHA1. (qb64 stuck)
[*]Truncate the Result: Truncate the HMAC result to produce the 6-digit OTP.( cant test til the above work)
[*]So trying to make the HMAC-SHA1 to work, but the above doesn't seem to be working right,.
3 out of 2 people have trouble with fractions

OK here is another attempt at sha1. it prints a code but comparing against other sha1 encoders I get the following:

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
official SHA1 encoder result:


I am still looking to see if A..E are the right numbers to use
or it could just be some hacks I used to make qb64 work LOL!!!

Jump in, sing along!! This is the easy one, after this gonna have to figure out how to get HMAC_SHA1 required by TOTP.
why QB64 - BECAUSE!

Code: (Select All)

'SHA-1 uses five initial constants:
' not sure if these are the corectvalues
Dim A As _Unsigned Long
Dim B As _Unsigned Long
Dim C As _Unsigned Long
Dim D As _Unsigned Long
Dim E As _Unsigned Long
A = &H67452301
D = &H10325476
E = &HC3D2E1F0

Print SHA1("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
'for debug copying
Open "sha1.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, SHA1("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")

Function PadMessage$ (message As String)
    'SHA-1 requires that the input message be padded to a length that
    'is a multiple of 512 bits (64 bytes). The padding is done in two steps:
    'Append a single '1' bit followed by '0' bits until the message is 64 bits shy of being a multiple of 512 bits.
    'Append the original length of the message as a 64-bit integer.

    Dim messageLength As _Unsigned Long
    messageLength = Len(message) * 8 ' Length in bits

    ' Append a '1' bit (0x80 in hex, or 128 in decimal)
    message = message + Chr$(128)

    ' Append '0' bits until the length is 64 bits shy of a multiple of 512
    While (Len(message) * 8) Mod 512 <> 448
        message = message + Chr$(0)

    ' Append the original length of the message as a 64-bit big-endian integer
    Dim lengthBytes As String
    For i = 7 To 0 Step -1
        lengthBytes = lengthBytes + Chr$(ShiftRight(messageLength, i * 8) And 255)
    message = message + lengthBytes
    PadMessage$ = message
End Function

'QB64 does'nt support a shift right function SHR so here is a simple function
Function ShiftRight (value As _Unsigned Long, positions As Integer)
    ShiftRight = Int(value / (2 ^ positions))
End Function

'QB64 NO rotate left. so here is a function that shold do it.
Function RotateLeft (value As _Unsigned Long, shift As Integer)
    RotateLeft = ((value * 2 ^ shift) Or (value \ 2 ^ (32 - shift))) And &HFFFFFFFF
End Function

Sub ProcessBlock (block As String, hA As _Unsigned Long, hB As _Unsigned Long, hC As _Unsigned Long, hD As _Unsigned Long, hE As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim W(79) As _Unsigned Long
    Dim tempValue As _Unsigned Long

    ' Break the block into 16 words (32 bits each)
    For i = 0 To 15
        W(i) = CVL(Mid$(block, i * 4 + 1, 4))

    ' Expand the 16 words into 80 words
    For i = 16 To 79
        tempValue = W(i - 3) Xor W(i - 8) Xor W(i - 14) Xor W(i - 16)
        W(i) = RotateLeft(tempValue, 1)

    ' Initialize the hash value for this block
    Dim aTemp As _Unsigned Long, bTemp As _Unsigned Long, cTemp As _Unsigned Long, dTemp As _Unsigned Long, eTemp As _Unsigned Long
    aTemp = hA: bTemp = hB: cTemp = hC: dTemp = hD: eTemp = hE

    ' Main loop
    For i = 0 To 79
        Select Case i
            Case 0 To 19
                tempValue = (RotateLeft(aTemp, 5) + ((bTemp And cTemp) Or ((Not bTemp) And dTemp)) + eTemp + W(i) + &H5A827999) And &HFFFFFFFF
            Case 20 To 39
                tempValue = (RotateLeft(aTemp, 5) + (bTemp Xor cTemp Xor dTemp) + eTemp + W(i) + &H6ED9EBA1) And &HFFFFFFFF
            Case 40 To 59
                tempValue = (RotateLeft(aTemp, 5) + ((bTemp And cTemp) Or (bTemp And dTemp) Or (cTemp And dTemp)) + eTemp + W(i) + &H8F1BBCDC) And &HFFFFFFFF
            Case 60 To 79
                tempValue = (RotateLeft(aTemp, 5) + (bTemp Xor cTemp Xor dTemp) + eTemp + W(i) + &HCA62C1D6) And &HFFFFFFFF
        End Select

        eTemp = dTemp
        dTemp = cTemp
        cTemp = RotateLeft(bTemp, 30)
        bTemp = aTemp
        aTemp = tempValue

    ' Add this block's hash to the result so far:
    hA = (hA + aTemp) And &HFFFFFFFF
    hB = (hB + bTemp) And &HFFFFFFFF
    hC = (hC + cTemp) And &HFFFFFFFF
    hD = (hD + dTemp) And &HFFFFFFFF
    hE = (hE + eTemp) And &HFFFFFFFF
End Sub

Function ToHexString$ (value As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim hexStr As String
    hexStr = Hex$(value)

    ' Pad with leading zeros if necessary to ensure 8 characters
    If Len(hexStr) < 8 Then
        hexStr = String$(8 - Len(hexStr), "0") + hexStr
    End If

    ToHexString$ = hexStr
End Function

Function SHA1$ (message As String)
    ' Initialize the hash constants
    Dim hA As _Unsigned Long
    Dim hB As _Unsigned Long
    Dim hC As _Unsigned Long
    Dim hD As _Unsigned Long
    Dim hE As _Unsigned Long
    hA = &H67452301
    hB = &HEFCDAB89
    hC = &H98BADCFE
    hD = &H10325476
    hE = &HC3D2E1F0

    ' Preprocess the message (pad it)
    message = PadMessage(message)

    ' Process each 512-bit block
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(message) Step 64
        ProcessBlock Mid$(message, i, 64), hA, hB, hC, hD, hE

    ' Produce the final hash value (concatenate A, B, C, D, E)
    SHA1$ = Hex$(hA) + Hex$(hB) + Hex$(hC) + Hex$(hD) + Hex$(hE)
End Function
3 out of 2 people have trouble with fractions

ok something is squirrley else where.
btw I get most o the SHA1 HERE

The vars are right (section 6.1)
Code: (Select All)
    hA = &H67452301
    hB = &HEFCDAB89
    hC = &H98BADCFE
    hD = &H10325476
    hE = &HC3D2E1F0
So unless the encoer sites are old, something is still wrong in the script.
3 out of 2 people have trouble with fractions


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