08-22-2024, 06:54 AM
A path finding algorithm:
optimized for making a path when the map updates, and entities can find their path by going to its neighbor tile with the lowest value.
optimized for making a path when the map updates, and entities can find their path by going to its neighbor tile with the lowest value.
Code: (Select All)
DefInt A-Z
Screen _NewImage(640, 640, 32)
Dim Shared As _Unsigned Integer Grid(1 To 40, 1 To 40), Grid2(1 To 40, 1 To 40)
Dim As _Unsigned Integer StartPoint_X, StartPoint_Y, EndPoint_X, EndPoint_Y
Dim As Integer X, Y, L
StartPoint_X = 10
StartPoint_Y = 10
EndPoint_X = 25
EndPoint_Y = 20
Dim Shared Queue$
_Limit 60
While _MouseInput: Wend
If _KeyDown(49) Then
StartPoint_X = _MouseX \ 16 + 1
StartPoint_Y = _MouseY \ 16 + 1
End If
If _KeyDown(50) Then
EndPoint_X = _MouseX \ 16 + 1
EndPoint_Y = _MouseY \ 16 + 1
End If
If _MouseButton(1) Then
Grid(_MouseX \ 16 + 1, _MouseY \ 16 + 1) = 0
End If
If _MouseButton(2) Then
Grid(_MouseX \ 16 + 1, _MouseY \ 16 + 1) = 65535
End If
If DISPLAY = 0 Then _Continue
For I = LBound(Grid2, 1) To UBound(Grid2, 1): For J = LBound(Grid2, 2) To UBound(Grid, 2)
Grid2(I, J) = Grid(I, J)
Next J, I
Queue$ = ListNew$
QueueAdd EndPoint_X, EndPoint_Y
If ListLength(Queue$) = 0 Then Exit Do
QueueRemove X, Y
If X < UBound(Grid2, 1) Then If Grid2(X + 1, Y) = 0 Then QueueAdd X + 1, Y: Grid2(X + 1, Y) = Grid2(X, Y) + 1
If X > LBound(Grid2, 1) Then If Grid2(X - 1, Y) = 0 Then QueueAdd X - 1, Y: Grid2(X - 1, Y) = Grid2(X, Y) + 1
If Y < UBound(Grid2, 2) Then If Grid2(X, Y + 1) = 0 Then QueueAdd X, Y + 1: Grid2(X, Y + 1) = Grid2(X, Y) + 1
If Y > LBound(Grid2, 2) Then If Grid2(X, Y - 1) = 0 Then QueueAdd X, Y - 1: Grid2(X, Y - 1) = Grid2(X, Y) + 1
For X = LBound(Grid2, 1) To UBound(Grid2, 1): For Y = LBound(Grid2, 2) To UBound(Grid2, 2)
If Grid2(X, Y) = 65535 Then Line (X * 16 - 16, Y * 16 - 16)-(X * 16, Y * 16), _RGB32(255), BF
Next Y, X
CPX = StartPoint_X
CPY = StartPoint_Y
Line (CPX * 16 - 16, CPY * 16 - 16)-(CPX * 16, CPY * 16), _RGB32(191, 191, 0), BF
If CPX < UBound(Grid2, 1) Then If Grid2(CPX + 1, CPY) < Grid2(CPX, CPY) Then CPX = CPX + 1: _Continue
If CPX > LBound(Grid2, 1) Then If Grid2(CPX - 1, CPY) < Grid2(CPX, CPY) Then CPX = CPX - 1: _Continue
If CPY < UBound(Grid2, 2) Then If Grid2(CPX, CPY + 1) < Grid2(CPX, CPY) Then CPY = CPY + 1: _Continue
If CPY > LBound(Grid2, 2) Then If Grid2(CPX, CPY - 1) < Grid2(CPX, CPY) Then CPY = CPY - 1: _Continue
Exit Do
If CPX = EndPoint_X And CPY = EndPoint_Y Then Exit Do
Line (StartPoint_X * 16 - 16, StartPoint_Y * 16 - 16)-(StartPoint_X * 16, StartPoint_Y * 16), _RGB32(0, 255, 0), BF
Line (EndPoint_X * 16 - 16, EndPoint_Y * 16 - 16)-(EndPoint_X * 16, EndPoint_Y * 16), _RGB32(255, 0, 0), BF
Loop Until Inp(&H60) = 1
Sub QueueAdd (X As Integer, Y As Integer)
Queue$ = ListAdd$(Queue$, MKI$(X) + MKI$(Y))
End Sub
Sub QueueRemove (X As Integer, Y As Integer)
T$ = ListGet$(Queue$, 1)
X = CVI(Left$(T$, 2))
Y = CVI(Right$(T$, 2))
Queue$ = ListDelete$(Queue$, 1)
End Sub
Function ListNew$
ListNew$ = MKL$(0)
End Function
Function ListLength~& (__List As String)
ListLength~& = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
End Function
Function ListAdd$ (__List As String, __Item As String)
ListAdd$ = MKL$(CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4)) + 1) + Mid$(__List, 5) + MKI$(Len(__Item)) + __Item
End Function
Function ListInsert$ (__List As String, __ItemNumber As _Unsigned Long, __Item As String)
Dim As _Unsigned Long __nItems, __I, __OFFSET
Dim As _Unsigned Integer __LEN
__nItems = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
__OFFSET = 5
If __ItemNumber > __nItems Then
If __ItemNumber = __nItems + 1 Then ListInsert$ = ListAdd$(__List, __Item) Else Exit Function
End If
For __I = 1 To __ItemNumber - 1
__LEN = CVI(Mid$(__List, __OFFSET, 2))
Print Mid$(__List, __OFFSET + 2, __LEN)
__OFFSET = __OFFSET + __LEN + 2
Next __I
ListInsert$ = MKL$(CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4)) + 1) + Mid$(__List, 5, __OFFSET - 5) + MKI$(Len(__Item)) + __Item + Mid$(__List, __OFFSET)
End Function
Sub ListPrint (__List As String)
Dim As _Unsigned Long __nItems, __I, __OFFSET
Dim As _Unsigned Integer __LEN
__nItems = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
__OFFSET = 5
Print "[";
For __I = 1 To __nItems
__LEN = CVI(Mid$(__List, __OFFSET, 2))
Print Mid$(__List, __OFFSET + 2, __LEN);
If __I < __nItems Then Print ",";
__OFFSET = __OFFSET + __LEN + 2
Next __I
Print "]"
End Sub
Function ListGet$ (__List As String, __ItemNumber As _Unsigned Long)
Dim As _Unsigned Long __nItems, __I, __OFFSET
Dim As _Unsigned Integer __LEN
__nItems = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
If __ItemNumber > __nItems Then Exit Function
__OFFSET = 5
For __I = 1 To __nItems
__LEN = CVI(Mid$(__List, __OFFSET, 2))
If __I = __ItemNumber Then ListGet$ = Mid$(__List, __OFFSET + 2, __LEN): Exit Function
__OFFSET = __OFFSET + __LEN + 2
Next __I
End Function
Function ListDelete$ (__List As String, __ItemNumber As _Unsigned Long)
Dim As _Unsigned Long __nItems, __I, __OFFSET
Dim As _Unsigned Integer __LEN
__nItems = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
__OFFSET = 5
For __I = 1 To __nItems
__LEN = CVI(Mid$(__List, __OFFSET, 2))
If __I = __ItemNumber Then
ListDelete$ = MKL$(__nItems - 1) + Mid$(__List, 5, __OFFSET - 5) + Mid$(__List, __OFFSET + __LEN + 2)
Exit Function
End If
__OFFSET = __OFFSET + __LEN + 2
Next __I
End Function