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Looks like QB64-PE has a good GM (general midi) soundfont. Most GM sound fonts have 128 sounds plus about 48 drum sounds to be used on channel 10. I've discovered that MIDI channel 10 does indeed tap into the standard drum kit sounds, So a midi track assigned channel 10 will always play the drumkit sounds, no matter what program # you give it.. You play the drum kits sounds by giving notes as well. Not all notes have drum kit sounds. You can hear the drum kit sounds by playing all notes on channel 10 like this.
Code: (Select All)
'play all notes
all$ = "ena0A0b0c1C1d1D1e1f1F1g1G1a1A1b1c2C2d2D2e2f2F2g2G2a2A2b2"
all$ = all$ + "c3C3d3D3e3f3F3g3G3a3A3b3c4C4d4D4e4f4F4g4G4a4A4b4"
all$ = all$ + "c5C5d5D5e5f5F5g5G5a5A5b5c6C6d6D6e6f6F6g6G6a6A6b6"
all$ = all$ + "c7C7s7S7e7f7F7g7G7a7A7b7c8"
note$ = MidiNotes$(160, 1, all$, 10) '<<< channel 10 uses drum kit sounds always
midisong& = _SndOpen(note$, "memory")
_SndPlay midisong&
Also, I've found that there is more than 128 available program sounds in our soundfont, I've used program numbers up to 255 and it has a sound. Some of those extended numbers sounds good, a lot are repeated, a lot of synth sounds. Haven't listened to them all. You can't go higher that 255, that's the limit for a CHR$ value that it goes into.
- Dav
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@Dav The v1.06 update you shared is awesome and works like a charm. It's really tempting me to write a QB64 PLAY-compatible MML player using the built-in MIDI engine, similar to what @FellippeHeitor mentioned earlier in the thread. Maybe someday...
Regarding the point you made about the count of sounds, I'm quite sure you can get past 127 because the sequencer masks the topmost bit. So, anything above 127 would be a repeated sound from the 0-127 range.
See here:
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(09-13-2024, 12:04 AM)a740g Wrote: Regarding the point you made about the count of sounds, I'm quite sure you can get past 127 because the sequencer masks the topmost bit. So, anything above 127 would be a repeated sound from the 0-127 range.
See here:
Thanks. Yeah I believe you're right. Some of the 128+ sound a little off somehow, like they don't cut off right, but not an issue since I don't expect to use them. Perhaps I will put in a limit on that variable when I add error checking. I've added rest notes tonight, trying to see if doing a program number change in the notes during a song will work too, to jump to a new sound on the fly for that track. I can't see anything else to add.
- Dav
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Added the last two things I thought was missing, having rests between notes, and allowing a program sound change during the playing track (switch sounds).
To add a rest use code "rn", it will rest the duration previously set ( no sound). To change the sound on the fly for that track, use "p000" to "p127" , the number being the sound patch you want to use.
This last version plays two little songs showing most everything the MIDI maker function can do, and how using channel 10 to access the drum sounds..
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'MidiNotes.bas - v1.07
'Generates MIDI file data from string of notes.
'Coded by Dav, SEP/2024
'Added: "rn" - can now add rest notes (pauses) in note string.
' "rn" is the rest note code, it uses and duration set.
' "P010" program change code to change sounds in notes.
' You assign a new sound # for that track anytime.
' Use p000 to p127. Must be 4 characters long (like p030).
$MidiSoundFont: Default
'Like, song$ = MidiNotes$(120, 1, "c4e4g4e4f4d4", 1)
'Then just play single track that using _SNDPLAY.
'After multitrack is played, a single MIDI song is too.
'4-track song demo....
'notes for all four instruments below...
p1$ = "sne4f4g4a4eng4qn(c5e4)en(d5g4)qn(c5e5)p080sne4f4g4a4eng4qnc5end5qnc5" 'melody part (violin)
p2$ = "p011 wn (c4e4g4) p088 (c4e4g4)" 'harmony part (bells)
p3$ = "en c3g3(c3g2)g3c3g3(c3g2)g3c3g3(c3g2)g3c3g3c3g3" 'piano sound
p4$ = "c4eng3a3qnc4g3c4eng3a3qnc4g3" 'for the drum sounds
'let's make the song a longer one by doubling the song parts.
p1$ = p1$ + p1$: p2$ = p2$ + p2$
p3$ = p3$ + p3$: p4$ = p4$ + p4$
'generate midi data for 4 tracks.
'each track uses its own channel, 1 - 4.
'We only need MIDI header for the first track, so we are
'going to remove the MIDI header for track 2, 3 and 4 below
track1$ = MidiNotes$(100, 41, p1$, 1) 'keep first track as is, with a midi header
track2$ = Mid$(MidiNotes$(100, 11, p2$, 2), 15) 'strip midi header off (removes 14 bytes)
track3$ = Mid$(MidiNotes$(100, 1, p3$, 3), 15) 'strip
track4$ = Mid$(MidiNotes$(100, 115, p4$, 10), 15) 'strip <<< use channel 10 for drums.
'combine tracks 1+2+3+4 to form one MIDI data file
note$ = track1$ + track2$ + track3$ + track4$
'last step, update midi header to say 4 tracks used, not 1 <<<<< important for multitracks
Mid$(note$, 12, 1) = Chr$(4) '4 tracks now <<< your number of tracks used
'optional here.... you could save that as a MIDI file like so....
'Open "4tracks.mid" For Output As #1: Print #1, note$;: Close #1
'play the 4 track midi..
midisong& = _SndOpen(note$, "memory")
_SndPlay midisong&
Print "Playing a Multi-track MIDI song..."
Print "Press any key to move on..."
Sleep 10
_SndStop midisong&
_SndClose midisong&
'Now play a simple midi song...
Print "Playing a simple track song..."
end$ = MidiNotes$(200, 5, "c5rneng4F4g4G4rnrng4rnrnrnrnrnenp016b4rnrnenc5qnrn", 1)
midisong2& = _SndOpen(end$, "memory")
_SndPlay midisong2&
Sleep 4
Function MidiNotes$ (tempo&, patch, notes$, channel)
'Returns MIDI data suitable for MIDI playback
'tempo& = tempo of the midi
'patch = program number (sound) to use (0-127)
'note$ = string data of notes to play
'channel = channel for track to use (1 to 16)
'You can play notes like this: "c4e4g4"
'To play notes at the same time you can
'put them in parenthesis: "(c4e4g4)"
'You can put duration codes in front of notes.
'Like this play eighth notes: "en c4e4g4"
'The following duration strings are allowed:
' wn = whole note
' dh = dotted half note
' hn = half note
' dq = dotted quarter
' qn = quarter note
' de = dotted eighth
' en = eighth note
' ds = dotted sixteenth note
' sn = sixteenth note
' ts = 32nd note
' rn - rest note - no sound
' (uses the set duration)
'You can change volume of notes by using
'values v000 to v127, like "v030c4"
'You can switch program sound # track uses.
'Use values p000 to p127, like "p011"
vol = 127 'default volume
'check and fix channel number here
'(for programming purpose channels are used 0-15)
channel = Fix(channel) - 1
If channel < 0 Then channel = 0
If channel > 15 Then channel = 15
'first, remove any spaces from the string
n2$ = ""
For i = 1 To Len(notes$)
a$ = Mid$(notes$, i, 1): If a$ <> " " Then n2$ = n2$ + a$
notes$ = n2$
'make MIDI Header Chunk (MThd)
MThd$ = "MThd"
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(6) 'header size
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) 'format type (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) 'number of tracks (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(1) + Chr$(224) 'division (ticks per quarter note)
'make tempo data to save
'calculate microseconds per beat from tempo& in BPM
MicroSecsPerBeat& = 60000000 \ tempo& 'Converts BPM to microseconds per beat
'get msb/mb/lsb from MicroSecsPerBeat& for saving tempo
'(Midi requires 3 bytes for this info)
msb = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 65536) And 255 'most significant byte
middle = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 256) And 255 'middle byte
lsb = MicroSecsPerBeat& And 255 'least significant byte
'make the tempo data + the 3 bytes
TrackData$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(255) + Chr$(81) + Chr$(3) + Chr$(msb) + Chr$(middle) + Chr$(lsb)
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(192 + channel) + Chr$(patch)
'define ticks
'Set defaut note duration, get tickdata$
ticks& = 480 'default 480 ticks per quarter note
GoSub GetTickData
'Load all notes string
'Loop through all notes$ given
For n = 1 To Len(notes$) Step 2
'see if it's a group first ()
If Mid$(notes$, n, 1) = "(" Then
'grab group string of notes until a ) found
group$ = "": count = 0: n = n + 1
g$ = Mid$(notes$, n + count, 1)
If g$ = ")" Then Exit Do Else group$ = group$ + g$: count = count + 1
'do group notes here here
notesoff$ = "" ' holding space for turning notes off
For g = 1 To Len(group$) Step 2
b2$ = Mid$(group$, g, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'must be a note, so get note val
GoSub GetNoteValue
notesoff$ = notesoff$ + Str$(note) 'save this for use
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(vol)
addtick = 0 'only add tickdata once flag
'now send notes off to those above
For g = 1 To Len(notesoff$) Step 2
note = Val(Mid$(notesoff$, g, 2))
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
If addtick = 0 Then
'only add tickdata first time around
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
addtick = 1 'mark we done it
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
End If
n = (n + count - 1) 'update n location
End If
'see if it's a volume change
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 1)) = "v" Then
vol = Int(Val(Mid$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
If vol < 0 Then vol = 0
If vol > 127 Then vol = 127
n = n + 2: _Continue
End If
'see if it's a program change
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 1)) = "p" Then
pro = Int(Val(Mid$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
If pro < 0 Then pro = 0
If pro > 127 Then pro = 127
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(192 + channel) + Chr$(pro)
n = n + 2: _Continue
End If
'do regular bytes (not a group)
b2$ = Mid$(notes$, n, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'see if b2$ is a duration change
Select Case LCase$(b2$)
Case "wn", "dh", "hn", "qn", "dq", "de", "en", "ds", "sn", "ts"
'all these values are based on 'ticks per quarter note' = 480
If b2$ = "wn" Then ticks& = 1920 'whole note (4 * tpq)
If b2$ = "dh" Then ticks& = 1440 'dotted half note (3 * tpq)
If b2$ = "hn" Then ticks& = 960 'half note (2 * tpq)
If b2$ = "dq" Then ticks& = 720 'dotted quarter (1.5 * tpq )
If b2$ = "qn" Then ticks& = 480 'quarter note
If b2$ = "de" Then ticks& = 360 'dotted eighth (.75 * tpq)
If b2$ = "en" Then ticks& = 240 'eighth note (.5 * tpq)
If b2$ = "ds" Then ticks& = 180 'dotted sixteenth note (sn + (.5 * sn)
If b2$ = "sn" Then ticks& = 120 'sixteenth note (.25 * tpq)
If b2$ = "ts" Then ticks& = 60 '32nd notes (1 / 8) * tpq
GoSub GetTickData
End Select
'check for a rest note, handle special
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 2)) = "rn" Then
'(play any note at zero volume? (this just fakes a rest)
'TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(22) + Chr$(0)
'set rest note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
End If
'must be a note, so get note val
GoSub GetNoteValue
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(vol)
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
'make the MTrk header
MTrk$ = "MTrk"
'make track end event
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(255) + Chr$(47) + Chr$(0)
'make the track data length (4 bytes)
TrackLen& = Len(TrackData$)
TrackLength$ = Chr$((TrackLen& \ 16777216) And 255) + Chr$((TrackLen& \ 65536) And 255) + Chr$((TrackLen& \ 256) And 255) + Chr$(TrackLen& And 255)
'put it all together
MidiNotes$ = MThd$ + MTrk$ + TrackLength$ + TrackData$
Exit Function
'GOSUBS...Like'em or not, they're here to use.
' (keeping eveything in one FUNCTION)
'convert ticks& to variable length quantity (VLQ)
TickData$ = ""
If ticks& = 0 Then
TickData$ = Chr$(0) 'safety, in case ticks& = 0
byte& = ticks& And &H7F
ticks& = ticks& \ 128
If TickData$ <> "" Then byte& = byte& Or &H80
TickData$ = Chr$(byte&) + TickData$
Loop While ticks& <> 0
End If
'Gets a note value from b2$
note = 0 'safety defaut
If b2$ = "a0" Then note = 21
If b2$ = "A0" Then note = 22
If b2$ = "b0" Then note = 23
If b2$ = "c1" Then note = 24
If b2$ = "C1" Then note = 25
If b2$ = "d1" Then note = 26
If b2$ = "D1" Then note = 27
If b2$ = "e1" Then note = 28
If b2$ = "f1" Then note = 29
If b2$ = "F1" Then note = 30
If b2$ = "g1" Then note = 31
If b2$ = "G1" Then note = 32
If b2$ = "a1" Then note = 33
If b2$ = "A1" Then note = 34
If b2$ = "b1" Then note = 35
If b2$ = "c2" Then note = 36
If b2$ = "C2" Then note = 37
If b2$ = "d2" Then note = 38
If b2$ = "D2" Then note = 39
If b2$ = "e2" Then note = 40
If b2$ = "f2" Then note = 41
If b2$ = "F2" Then note = 42
If b2$ = "g2" Then note = 43
If b2$ = "G2" Then note = 44
If b2$ = "a2" Then note = 45
If b2$ = "A2" Then note = 46
If b2$ = "b2" Then note = 47
If b2$ = "c3" Then note = 48
If b2$ = "C3" Then note = 49
If b2$ = "d3" Then note = 50
If b2$ = "D3" Then note = 51
If b2$ = "e3" Then note = 52
If b2$ = "f3" Then note = 53
If b2$ = "F3" Then note = 54
If b2$ = "g3" Then note = 55
If b2$ = "G3" Then note = 56
If b2$ = "a3" Then note = 57
If b2$ = "A3" Then note = 58
If b2$ = "b3" Then note = 59
If b2$ = "c4" Then note = 60
If b2$ = "C4" Then note = 61
If b2$ = "d4" Then note = 62
If b2$ = "D4" Then note = 63
If b2$ = "e4" Then note = 64
If b2$ = "f4" Then note = 65
If b2$ = "F4" Then note = 66
If b2$ = "g4" Then note = 67
If b2$ = "G4" Then note = 68
If b2$ = "a4" Then note = 69
If b2$ = "A4" Then note = 70
If b2$ = "b4" Then note = 71
If b2$ = "c5" Then note = 72
If b2$ = "C5" Then note = 73
If b2$ = "d5" Then note = 74
If b2$ = "D5" Then note = 75
If b2$ = "e5" Then note = 76
If b2$ = "f5" Then note = 77
If b2$ = "F5" Then note = 78
If b2$ = "g5" Then note = 79
If b2$ = "G5" Then note = 80
If b2$ = "a5" Then note = 81
If b2$ = "A5" Then note = 82
If b2$ = "b5" Then note = 83
If b2$ = "c6" Then note = 84
If b2$ = "C6" Then note = 85
If b2$ = "d6" Then note = 86
If b2$ = "D6" Then note = 87
If b2$ = "e6" Then note = 88
If b2$ = "f6" Then note = 89
If b2$ = "F6" Then note = 90
If b2$ = "g6" Then note = 91
If b2$ = "G6" Then note = 92
If b2$ = "a6" Then note = 93
If b2$ = "A6" Then note = 94
If b2$ = "b6" Then note = 95
If b2$ = "c7" Then note = 96
If b2$ = "C7" Then note = 97
If b2$ = "d7" Then note = 98
If b2$ = "D7" Then note = 99
If b2$ = "e7" Then note = 100
If b2$ = "f7" Then note = 101
If b2$ = "F7" Then note = 102
If b2$ = "g7" Then note = 103
If b2$ = "G7" Then note = 104
If b2$ = "a7" Then note = 105
If b2$ = "A7" Then note = 106
If b2$ = "b7" Then note = 107
If b2$ = "c8" Then note = 108
End Function
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Joined: Apr 2022
09-13-2024, 12:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2024, 12:59 PM by Dav.)
Corrected a big bug when playing groups of notes (inside parenthesis). They were not being given the proper "note off" command which is why they were sometimes hanging on. I wasn't trimming spaces off the notes when storing them in the notesoff$ string, so they were being skipped.
I put all thee example songs in this last version, recommend using this one for now on as it seems to play flawless now and has all examples of making regular and multitrack MIDI's, and using all note commands.
I'm wondering now how difficult it would be to make a graphical front end. A real MIDI editor/player. Drag and drop music notes on the screen, just call the function to generate/play the output.
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'MidiNotes.bas - v1.08
'Generates MIDI file data from string of notes.
'Coded by Dav, SEP/2024
'Fixed: Corrected bad bug when playing groups of notes.
' Notes were not being given the proper "note off"
$MidiSoundFont: Default
'First MIDI Example: make silent night song in midi notes
a$ = "dq(g4e4c4) en(a4f4) qn(g4e4) dh(e4c4g3)" 'silent night
a$ = a$ + "dq(g4e4c4) en(a4f4) qn(g4e4) dh(e4c4g3)" 'holy night
a$ = a$ + "hn(d5b4) qn(d5b4) dq(g4b4) enc5 qn(d5b4)" 'all is calm
a$ = a$ + "hn(c5g4e4) qn(c5g4e4) dq(c4e4g4) end4e4g4" 'all is bright
a$ = a$ + "hn(a4f4c4) qn(a4f4c4) dq(c5a4f4) en(b4g4) qn(a4f4)" 'round yon virgin
a$ = a$ + "dq(g4e4c4) en(a4f4) qn(g4e4) dq(e4c4g3) enf4 qng4" 'mother and child
a$ = a$ + "dq(a4f4c4) enf4(a4f4)b4 qn(c5a4f4)(b4g4)(a4f4)" 'holy infant so
a$ = a$ + "dq(g4e4c4) en(a4f4) qn(g4e4) hn(e4c4g3) sng4a4(b4g4)(a4c5)" 'tender and mild
a$ = a$ + "hn(d5b4g4)qn(d5b4g4)dq(f5d5b4)en(d5b4)qn(b4g4f4)dh(c5g4e4)(e5c5g4)" 'sleep in heavenly peace
a$ = a$ + "qn(c5g4e4) g4 e4 dq(g4d4b4) enf4 qn(d4b3f4) wn(c4g3e4c3)" 'sleep in heavenly peace
'generate the midi data
note$ = MidiNotes$(100, 11, a$, 1)
'optional here.... you could save that as a silentnight.mid file
'Open "silentnight.mid" For Output As #1: Print #1, note$;: Close #1
'Open the MIDI using _SNDPLAY & "memory"
midisong& = _SndOpen(note$, "memory")
_SndPlay midisong&
'play the song
Print "Playing Silent Night MIDI song..."
Print "Press any key to move on...."
Sleep 41 'time to play it all
_SndStop midisong&
_SndClose midisong&
'notes for all four instruments/tracks below...
p1$ = "p041sne4f4g4a4eng4qn(c5g4e4)en(d5g4)qn(c5e5)p080sne4f4g4a4eng4qn(c5e4)en(d5f4)qn(c5e4)" 'melody part (violin)
p2$ = "p011 wn (c4e4g4) p088 (c4e4g4)" 'harmony part (bells)
p3$ = "en c3g3(c3g2)g3c3g3(c3g2)g3c3g3(c3g2)g3c3g3c3g3" 'piano sound
p4$ = "c4eng3a3qnc4g3c4eng3a3qnc4g3" 'for the drum sounds
'let's make the song longer by doubling the song parts.
p1$ = p1$ + p1$: p2$ = p2$ + p2$
p3$ = p3$ + p3$: p4$ = p4$ + p4$
'generate midi data for 4 tracks.
'each track uses its own channel, 1 - 4.
'We only need MIDI header for the first track, so we are
'going to remove the MIDI header for track 2, 3 and 4 below
track1$ = MidiNotes$(100, 41, p1$, 1) 'keep first track as is, with a midi header
track2$ = Mid$(MidiNotes$(100, 11, p2$, 2), 15) 'strip midi header off (removes 14 bytes)
track3$ = Mid$(MidiNotes$(100, 1, p3$, 3), 15) 'strip
track4$ = Mid$(MidiNotes$(100, 115, p4$, 10), 15) 'strip <<< use channel 10 for drums.
'combine tracks 1+2+3+4 to form one MIDI data file
note$ = track1$ + track2$ + track3$ + track4$
'last step, update midi header to say 4 tracks used, not 1 <<<<< important for multitracks
Mid$(note$, 12, 1) = Chr$(4) '4 tracks now <<< your number of tracks used
'optional here.... you could save that as a MIDI file like so....
'Open "4tracks.mid" For Output As #1: Print #1, note$;: Close #1
'Open & play the 4 track midi..
midisong& = _SndOpen(note$, "memory")
_SndPlay midisong&
Print "Playing a Multi-track MIDI song..."
Print "Press any key to move on..."
Sleep 10
_SndStop midisong&
_SndClose midisong&
'3rd MIDI example, lust play a simple midi song...
Print "Playing a simple track song..."
end$ = MidiNotes$(200, 5, "c5rneng4F4g4G4rnrng4rnrnrnrnrnenp016(b4f4)rnrnen(c5e4)qnrn", 1)
midisong2& = _SndOpen(end$, "memory")
_SndPlay midisong2&
Sleep 4
_SndStop midisong&
_SndClose midisong&
Function MidiNotes$ (tempo&, patch, notes$, channel)
'Returns MIDI data suitable for MIDI playback
'tempo& = tempo of the midi
'patch = program number (sound) to use (0-127)
'note$ = string data of notes to play
'channel = channel for track to use (1 to 16)
'You can play notes like this: "c4e4g4"
'To play notes at the same time you can
'put them in parenthesis: "(c4e4g4)"
'You can put duration codes in front of notes.
'Like this play eighth notes: "en c4e4g4"
'The following duration strings are allowed:
' wn = whole note
' dh = dotted half note
' hn = half note
' dq = dotted quarter
' qn = quarter note
' de = dotted eighth
' en = eighth note
' ds = dotted sixteenth note
' sn = sixteenth note
' ts = 32nd note
' rn - rest note - no sound
' (uses the set duration)
'You can change volume of notes by using
'values v000 to v127, like "v030c4"
'You can switch program sound # track uses.
'Use values p000 to p127, like "p011"
vol = 127 'default volume
'check and fix channel number here
'(for programming purpose channels are used 0-15)
channel = Fix(channel) - 1
If channel < 0 Then channel = 0
If channel > 15 Then channel = 15
'first, remove any spaces from the string
n2$ = ""
For i = 1 To Len(notes$)
a$ = Mid$(notes$, i, 1): If a$ <> " " Then n2$ = n2$ + a$
notes$ = n2$
'make MIDI Header Chunk (MThd)
MThd$ = "MThd"
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(6) 'header size
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) 'format type (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) 'number of tracks (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(1) + Chr$(224) 'division (ticks per quarter note)
'make tempo data to save
'calculate microseconds per beat from tempo& in BPM
MicroSecsPerBeat& = 60000000 \ tempo& 'Converts BPM to microseconds per beat
'get msb/mb/lsb from MicroSecsPerBeat& for saving tempo
'(Midi requires 3 bytes for this info)
msb = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 65536) And 255 'most significant byte
middle = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 256) And 255 'middle byte
lsb = MicroSecsPerBeat& And 255 'least significant byte
'make the tempo data + the 3 bytes
TrackData$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(255) + Chr$(81) + Chr$(3) + Chr$(msb) + Chr$(middle) + Chr$(lsb)
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(192 + channel) + Chr$(patch)
'define ticks
'Set defaut note duration, get tickdata$
ticks& = 480 'default 480 ticks per quarter note
GoSub GetTickData
'Load all notes string
'Loop through all notes$ given
For n = 1 To Len(notes$) Step 2
'see if it's a group first ()
If Mid$(notes$, n, 1) = "(" Then
'grab group string of notes until a ) found
group$ = "": count = 0: n = n + 1
g$ = Mid$(notes$, n + count, 1)
If g$ = ")" Then Exit Do Else group$ = group$ + g$: count = count + 1
'do group notes here here
notesoff$ = "" ' holding space for turning notes off
For g = 1 To Len(group$) Step 2
b2$ = Mid$(group$, g, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'must be a note, so get note val
GoSub GetNoteValue
notesoff$ = notesoff$ + _Trim$(Str$(note)) 'save this for use
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(vol)
addtick = 0 'only add tickdata once flag
'now send notes off to those above
For g = 1 To Len(notesoff$) Step 2
note = Val(Mid$(notesoff$, g, 2))
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
If addtick = 0 Then
'only add tickdata first time around
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
addtick = 1 'mark we done it
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
End If
n = (n + count - 1) 'update n location
End If
'see if it's a volume change
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 1)) = "v" Then
vol = Int(Val(Mid$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
If vol < 0 Then vol = 0
If vol > 127 Then vol = 127
n = n + 2: _Continue
End If
'see if it's a program change
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 1)) = "p" Then
pro = Int(Val(Mid$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
If pro < 0 Then pro = 0
If pro > 127 Then pro = 127
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(192 + channel) + Chr$(pro)
n = n + 2: _Continue
End If
'do regular bytes (not a group)
b2$ = Mid$(notes$, n, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'see if b2$ is a duration change
Select Case LCase$(b2$)
Case "wn", "dh", "hn", "qn", "dq", "de", "en", "ds", "sn", "ts"
'all these values are based on 'ticks per quarter note' = 480
If b2$ = "wn" Then ticks& = 1920 'whole note (4 * tpq)
If b2$ = "dh" Then ticks& = 1440 'dotted half note (3 * tpq)
If b2$ = "hn" Then ticks& = 960 'half note (2 * tpq)
If b2$ = "dq" Then ticks& = 720 'dotted quarter (1.5 * tpq )
If b2$ = "qn" Then ticks& = 480 'quarter note
If b2$ = "de" Then ticks& = 360 'dotted eighth (.75 * tpq)
If b2$ = "en" Then ticks& = 240 'eighth note (.5 * tpq)
If b2$ = "ds" Then ticks& = 180 'dotted sixteenth note (sn + (.5 * sn)
If b2$ = "sn" Then ticks& = 120 'sixteenth note (.25 * tpq)
If b2$ = "ts" Then ticks& = 60 '32nd notes (1 / 8) * tpq
GoSub GetTickData
End Select
'check for a rest note, handle special
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 2)) = "rn" Then
'(play any note at zero volume? (this just fakes a rest)
'TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(22) + Chr$(0)
'set rest note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
End If
'must be a note, so get note val
GoSub GetNoteValue
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(vol)
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
'make the MTrk header
MTrk$ = "MTrk"
'make track end event
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(255) + Chr$(47) + Chr$(0)
'make the track data length (4 bytes)
TrackLen& = Len(TrackData$)
TrackLength$ = Chr$((TrackLen& \ 16777216) And 255) + Chr$((TrackLen& \ 65536) And 255) + Chr$((TrackLen& \ 256) And 255) + Chr$(TrackLen& And 255)
'put it all together
MidiNotes$ = MThd$ + MTrk$ + TrackLength$ + TrackData$
Exit Function
'GOSUBS...Like'em or not, they're here to use.
' (keeping eveything in one FUNCTION)
'convert ticks& to variable length quantity (VLQ)
TickData$ = ""
If ticks& = 0 Then
TickData$ = Chr$(0) 'safety, in case ticks& = 0
byte& = ticks& And &H7F
ticks& = ticks& \ 128
If TickData$ <> "" Then byte& = byte& Or &H80
TickData$ = Chr$(byte&) + TickData$
Loop While ticks& <> 0
End If
'Gets a note value from b2$
note = 0 'safety defaut
If b2$ = "a0" Then note = 21
If b2$ = "A0" Then note = 22
If b2$ = "b0" Then note = 23
If b2$ = "c1" Then note = 24
If b2$ = "C1" Then note = 25
If b2$ = "d1" Then note = 26
If b2$ = "D1" Then note = 27
If b2$ = "e1" Then note = 28
If b2$ = "f1" Then note = 29
If b2$ = "F1" Then note = 30
If b2$ = "g1" Then note = 31
If b2$ = "G1" Then note = 32
If b2$ = "a1" Then note = 33
If b2$ = "A1" Then note = 34
If b2$ = "b1" Then note = 35
If b2$ = "c2" Then note = 36
If b2$ = "C2" Then note = 37
If b2$ = "d2" Then note = 38
If b2$ = "D2" Then note = 39
If b2$ = "e2" Then note = 40
If b2$ = "f2" Then note = 41
If b2$ = "F2" Then note = 42
If b2$ = "g2" Then note = 43
If b2$ = "G2" Then note = 44
If b2$ = "a2" Then note = 45
If b2$ = "A2" Then note = 46
If b2$ = "b2" Then note = 47
If b2$ = "c3" Then note = 48
If b2$ = "C3" Then note = 49
If b2$ = "d3" Then note = 50
If b2$ = "D3" Then note = 51
If b2$ = "e3" Then note = 52
If b2$ = "f3" Then note = 53
If b2$ = "F3" Then note = 54
If b2$ = "g3" Then note = 55
If b2$ = "G3" Then note = 56
If b2$ = "a3" Then note = 57
If b2$ = "A3" Then note = 58
If b2$ = "b3" Then note = 59
If b2$ = "c4" Then note = 60
If b2$ = "C4" Then note = 61
If b2$ = "d4" Then note = 62
If b2$ = "D4" Then note = 63
If b2$ = "e4" Then note = 64
If b2$ = "f4" Then note = 65
If b2$ = "F4" Then note = 66
If b2$ = "g4" Then note = 67
If b2$ = "G4" Then note = 68
If b2$ = "a4" Then note = 69
If b2$ = "A4" Then note = 70
If b2$ = "b4" Then note = 71
If b2$ = "c5" Then note = 72
If b2$ = "C5" Then note = 73
If b2$ = "d5" Then note = 74
If b2$ = "D5" Then note = 75
If b2$ = "e5" Then note = 76
If b2$ = "f5" Then note = 77
If b2$ = "F5" Then note = 78
If b2$ = "g5" Then note = 79
If b2$ = "G5" Then note = 80
If b2$ = "a5" Then note = 81
If b2$ = "A5" Then note = 82
If b2$ = "b5" Then note = 83
If b2$ = "c6" Then note = 84
If b2$ = "C6" Then note = 85
If b2$ = "d6" Then note = 86
If b2$ = "D6" Then note = 87
If b2$ = "e6" Then note = 88
If b2$ = "f6" Then note = 89
If b2$ = "F6" Then note = 90
If b2$ = "g6" Then note = 91
If b2$ = "G6" Then note = 92
If b2$ = "a6" Then note = 93
If b2$ = "A6" Then note = 94
If b2$ = "b6" Then note = 95
If b2$ = "c7" Then note = 96
If b2$ = "C7" Then note = 97
If b2$ = "d7" Then note = 98
If b2$ = "D7" Then note = 99
If b2$ = "e7" Then note = 100
If b2$ = "f7" Then note = 101
If b2$ = "F7" Then note = 102
If b2$ = "g7" Then note = 103
If b2$ = "G7" Then note = 104
If b2$ = "a7" Then note = 105
If b2$ = "A7" Then note = 106
If b2$ = "b7" Then note = 107
If b2$ = "c8" Then note = 108
End Function
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There's a project! Score on top and keys below along with switches for note length staccato, normal or slurr, rest then volume controller getting louder, holding, then getting softer... perhaps color code for multiple voices ![Smile Smile]( Might need a wide screen monitor for all that.
b = b + ...
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09-13-2024, 10:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2024, 11:06 PM by Dav.)
I didn't intend on sharing this MIDI2CODE$ function, made it for my purposes to just quickly convert MIDI data to callable QB64 code snippet to stick small sounds in programs, but thought might as well share it here anyway. Below is a sample of what the MIDI2CODE$ function outputs. It basically just hexify's the data and makes the QB64 code all set up to use. I know we have EMBED stuff now, but I still like to put pure code stuff in now and then. MIDI's are small, just a few lines of code for a neat sound effect is OK with me.
- Dav
Explosion sound effect below....
(.MID file was made with the MidiNotes program)
Code: (Select All)
$MidiSoundFont: Default
'Make Explosion& sound handle
a$ = "4D546864000000060001000101E04D54726B0000001700FF51030F424000C07F0090157F87408015"
a$ = a$ + "4000FF2F00": midi$ = ""
For i = 1 To Len(a$) Step 2
midi$ = midi$ + Chr$(Val("&H" + Mid$(a$, i, 2)))
Explosion& = _SndOpen(midi$, "memory")
_SndPlay Explosion&: _Delay 2
_SndStop Explostion&
And here's the MIDI2CODE$ Function. I usually just send the code to clipboard for copy/paste.
Code: (Select All)
'Converts MIDI FILE/DATA to callable QB64-PE CODE.
'By Dav, SEP/2024
'This is a tool I made for personal use, sharing it tho.
'You can grab a .MID file...
'Open "4tracks.mid" For Binary As 1
'm$ = Input$(LOF(1), 1): Close 1
'Send the code to the clipboard to look at.
'_Clipboard$ = MIDI2CODE$(m$, 1)
'Print "Sent to clipboard"
Function MIDI2CODE$ (in$, compress)
'in$ = the midi data you want to use.
'compress = use 1 to use compression, 0 for none.
'It's most always better to use compression, unless you
'have a one or two note midi for a sound effect. If
'that's the case you end up a little less code bloat
'witout using compression.
If compress = 1 Then in$ = _Deflate$(in$)
out$ = ""
For i = 1 To Len(in$)
out$ = out$ + Right$("0" + Hex$(Asc(Mid$(in$, i, 1))), 2)
'out$ is now hexified in$
'wrap that and build qb64 code
max = 80 'max length of line
startpos = 1: q$ = Chr$(34): first = 1
Do While startpos <= Len(out$)
endpos = startpos + max - 1
If endpos > Len(out$) Then endpos = Len(out$)
'complete lineof maxlength
If first = 1 Then
out2$ = "midi$ = " + q$ + Mid$(out$, startpos, endpos - startpos + 1) + q$ + Chr$(13)
first = 0
max = max - 8 'shift len now for midi$ name, looks better
out2$ = out2$ + "midi$ = midi$ + " + q$ + Mid$(out$, startpos, endpos - startpos + 1) + q$ + Chr$(13)
End If
'move start position to the next group
startpos = endpos + 1
'now out2$ is hexifided data in qb64 code
'so make out3$, final product with decoder
out3$ = "$Unstable:Midi" + Chr$(13)
out3$ = out3$ + "$MidiSoundFont: Default" + Chr$(13)
out3$ = out3$ + "'Name your midi file here...." + Chr$(13)
out3$ = out3$ + out2$
out3$ = out3$ + "mididata$ = " + q$ + q$ + Chr$(13)
out3$ = out3$ + "For i = 1 To Len(midi$) Step 2" + Chr$(13)
out3$ = out3$ + "mididata$ = mididata$ + Chr$(Val(" + q$ + "&H" + q$ + " + Mid$(midi$, i, 2)))" + Chr$(13)
out3$ = out3$ + "Next" + Chr$(13)
If compress = 1 Then
out3$ = out3$ + "mididata$ = _inflate$(mididata$)" + Chr$(13)
End If
out3$ = out3$ + "'make your midi sound to use" + Chr$(13)
out3$ = out3$ + "midi& = _SndOpen(mididata$, " + q$ + "memory" + q$ + ")" + Chr$(13)
out3$ = out3$ + "_SndPlay midi&" + Chr$(13)
MIDI2CODE$ = out3$
End Function
Posts: 75
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Joined: Apr 2022
I really think it's great what they've created.
I just have one more question.
Where the hell do they get the notes from?
Without notes, I don't even know how to put together a sensible melody.
Posts: 713
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10-01-2024, 05:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2024, 05:14 PM by Dav.)
(09-15-2024, 07:20 PM)Steffan-68 Wrote: I really think it's great what they've created.
I just have one more question.
Where the hell do they get the notes from?
Without notes, I don't even know how to put together a sensible melody.
Sorry for this late reply, @Steffan-68 - I didn't notice it. I will write a tutorial of using this function one day. Here's a little info for now. You will have to know music probably to make any good song with this function. it's not easy really to make music this way for anyone honestly. I would like to make a graphical way.
Every note is a two bytes long, the first byte is the name of the note to play, and the 2nd byte is the octave of the note. Like to do a simple 8 notes C scale, you can go from bottom C to the top C like this (starting on middle C so it's the 4th octave).
"c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5"
That first 7 notes are in the 4th octave so a 4 is after each note. The C5 would start the next octave up, so that;s why a 5 is there.
Now for the length for the notes, you have to declare that in front of the notes, so if you want that scale to be played in eight notes, do a EN in front of the scale. "en c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5"
You can put a melody together like this using notes and durations in the string. Here's the beginning of "Somewhere over the Rainbow" melody:
"hn c4 c5" 'some-where (those notes both use half notes)
"qn b4 en g4 a4" 'ov-er the (one quater note, two eight notes)
"qn b4 c5" 'rain-bow. (quarter notes)
Hope that may help a little bit.
- Dav
Posts: 713
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Joined: Apr 2022
11-05-2024, 02:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2024, 02:44 PM by Dav.)
I was planning to make a new instrument program, using midi notes instead of separate .ogg files for all the individual notes to play, but it looks like multiple MIDI files can't be playing at the same time cleanly like .ogg files can. I'm getting distortion pretty bad when multiple MIDI files are being sounded. Is there a way to prevent this?
Here's a small example just playing 8 separate notes (8 different MIDI files). You need latest QB64PE.
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'make all notes
Dim notes&(8)
notes&(1) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "c4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(2) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "d4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(3) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "e4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(4) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "f4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(5) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "g4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(6) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "a4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(7) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "b4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(8) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "c5rn", 1), "memory")
'play notes
For t = 1 To 8
_SndPlayCopy notes&(t)
_Delay .2
Function MidiNotes$ (tempo&, patch, notes$, channel)
'Returns MIDI data suitable for MIDI playback
'tempo& = tempo of the midi
'patch = program number (sound) to use (0-127)
'note$ = string data of notes to play
'channel = channel for track to use (1 to 16)
'You can play notes like this: "c4e4g4"
'To play notes at the same time you can
'put them in parenthesis: "(c4e4g4)"
'You can put duration codes in front of notes.
'Like this play eighth notes: "en c4e4g4"
'The following duration strings are allowed:
' wn = whole note
' dh = dotted half note
' hn = half note
' dq = dotted quarter
' qn = quarter note
' de = dotted eighth
' en = eighth note
' ds = dotted sixteenth note
' sn = sixteenth note
' ts = 32nd note
' rn - rest note - no sound
' (uses the set duration)
'You can change volume of notes by using
'values v000 to v127, like "v030c4"
'You can switch program sound # track uses.
'Use values p000 to p127, like "p011"
vol = 127 'default volume
'check and fix channel number here
'(for programming purpose channels are used 0-15)
channel = Fix(channel) - 1
If channel < 0 Then channel = 0
If channel > 15 Then channel = 15
'first, remove any spaces from the string
n2$ = ""
For i = 1 To Len(notes$)
a$ = Mid$(notes$, i, 1): If a$ <> " " Then n2$ = n2$ + a$
notes$ = n2$
'make MIDI Header Chunk (MThd)
MThd$ = "MThd"
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(6) 'header size
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) 'format type (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) 'number of tracks (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(1) + Chr$(224) 'division (ticks per quarter note)
'make tempo data to save
'calculate microseconds per beat from tempo& in BPM
MicroSecsPerBeat& = 60000000 \ tempo& 'Converts BPM to microseconds per beat
'get msb/mb/lsb from MicroSecsPerBeat& for saving tempo
'(Midi requires 3 bytes for this info)
msb = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 65536) And 255 'most significant byte
middle = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 256) And 255 'middle byte
lsb = MicroSecsPerBeat& And 255 'least significant byte
'make the tempo data + the 3 bytes
TrackData$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(255) + Chr$(81) + Chr$(3) + Chr$(msb) + Chr$(middle) + Chr$(lsb)
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(192 + channel) + Chr$(patch)
'define ticks
'Set defaut note duration, get tickdata$
ticks& = 480 'default 480 ticks per quarter note
GoSub GetTickData
'Load all notes string
'Loop through all notes$ given
For n = 1 To Len(notes$) Step 2
'see if it's a group first ()
If Mid$(notes$, n, 1) = "(" Then
'grab group string of notes until a ) found
group$ = "": count = 0: n = n + 1
g$ = Mid$(notes$, n + count, 1)
If g$ = ")" Then Exit Do Else group$ = group$ + g$: count = count + 1
'do group notes here here
notesoff$ = "" ' holding space for turning notes off
For g = 1 To Len(group$) Step 2
b2$ = Mid$(group$, g, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'must be a note, so get note val
GoSub GetNoteValue
notesoff$ = notesoff$ + _Trim$(Str$(note)) 'save this for use
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(vol)
addtick = 0 'only add tickdata once flag
'now send notes off to those above
For g = 1 To Len(notesoff$) Step 2
note = Val(Mid$(notesoff$, g, 2))
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
If addtick = 0 Then
'only add tickdata first time around
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
addtick = 1 'mark we done it
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
End If
n = (n + count - 1) 'update n location
End If
'see if it's a volume change
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 1)) = "v" Then
vol = Int(Val(Mid$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
If vol < 0 Then vol = 0
If vol > 127 Then vol = 127
n = n + 2: _Continue
End If
'see if it's a program change
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 1)) = "p" Then
pro = Int(Val(Mid$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
If pro < 0 Then pro = 0
If pro > 127 Then pro = 127
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(192 + channel) + Chr$(pro)
n = n + 2: _Continue
End If
'do regular bytes (not a group)
b2$ = Mid$(notes$, n, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'see if b2$ is a duration change
Select Case LCase$(b2$)
Case "wn", "dh", "hn", "qn", "dq", "de", "en", "ds", "sn", "ts"
'all these values are based on 'ticks per quarter note' = 480
If b2$ = "wn" Then ticks& = 1920 'whole note (4 * tpq)
If b2$ = "dh" Then ticks& = 1440 'dotted half note (3 * tpq)
If b2$ = "hn" Then ticks& = 960 'half note (2 * tpq)
If b2$ = "dq" Then ticks& = 720 'dotted quarter (1.5 * tpq )
If b2$ = "qn" Then ticks& = 480 'quarter note
If b2$ = "de" Then ticks& = 360 'dotted eighth (.75 * tpq)
If b2$ = "en" Then ticks& = 240 'eighth note (.5 * tpq)
If b2$ = "ds" Then ticks& = 180 'dotted sixteenth note (sn + (.5 * sn)
If b2$ = "sn" Then ticks& = 120 'sixteenth note (.25 * tpq)
If b2$ = "ts" Then ticks& = 60 '32nd notes (1 / 8) * tpq
GoSub GetTickData
End Select
'check for a rest note, handle special
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 2)) = "rn" Then
'(play any note at zero volume? (this just fakes a rest)
'TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(22) + Chr$(0)
'set rest note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
End If
'must be a note, so get note val
GoSub GetNoteValue
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(vol)
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(note) + Chr$(64)
'make the MTrk header
MTrk$ = "MTrk"
'make track end event
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(255) + Chr$(47) + Chr$(0)
'make the track data length (4 bytes)
TrackLen& = Len(TrackData$)
TrackLength$ = Chr$((TrackLen& \ 16777216) And 255) + Chr$((TrackLen& \ 65536) And 255) + Chr$((TrackLen& \ 256) And 255) + Chr$(TrackLen& And 255)
'put it all together
MidiNotes$ = MThd$ + MTrk$ + TrackLength$ + TrackData$
Exit Function
'GOSUBS...Like'em or not, they're here to use.
' (keeping eveything in one FUNCTION)
'convert ticks& to variable length quantity (VLQ)
TickData$ = ""
If ticks& = 0 Then
TickData$ = Chr$(0) 'safety, in case ticks& = 0
byte& = ticks& And &H7F
ticks& = ticks& \ 128
If TickData$ <> "" Then byte& = byte& Or &H80
TickData$ = Chr$(byte&) + TickData$
Loop While ticks& <> 0
End If
'Gets a note value from b2$
note = 0 'safety defaut
If b2$ = "a0" Then note = 21
If b2$ = "A0" Then note = 22
If b2$ = "b0" Then note = 23
If b2$ = "c1" Then note = 24
If b2$ = "C1" Then note = 25
If b2$ = "d1" Then note = 26
If b2$ = "D1" Then note = 27
If b2$ = "e1" Then note = 28
If b2$ = "f1" Then note = 29
If b2$ = "F1" Then note = 30
If b2$ = "g1" Then note = 31
If b2$ = "G1" Then note = 32
If b2$ = "a1" Then note = 33
If b2$ = "A1" Then note = 34
If b2$ = "b1" Then note = 35
If b2$ = "c2" Then note = 36
If b2$ = "C2" Then note = 37
If b2$ = "d2" Then note = 38
If b2$ = "D2" Then note = 39
If b2$ = "e2" Then note = 40
If b2$ = "f2" Then note = 41
If b2$ = "F2" Then note = 42
If b2$ = "g2" Then note = 43
If b2$ = "G2" Then note = 44
If b2$ = "a2" Then note = 45
If b2$ = "A2" Then note = 46
If b2$ = "b2" Then note = 47
If b2$ = "c3" Then note = 48
If b2$ = "C3" Then note = 49
If b2$ = "d3" Then note = 50
If b2$ = "D3" Then note = 51
If b2$ = "e3" Then note = 52
If b2$ = "f3" Then note = 53
If b2$ = "F3" Then note = 54
If b2$ = "g3" Then note = 55
If b2$ = "G3" Then note = 56
If b2$ = "a3" Then note = 57
If b2$ = "A3" Then note = 58
If b2$ = "b3" Then note = 59
If b2$ = "c4" Then note = 60
If b2$ = "C4" Then note = 61
If b2$ = "d4" Then note = 62
If b2$ = "D4" Then note = 63
If b2$ = "e4" Then note = 64
If b2$ = "f4" Then note = 65
If b2$ = "F4" Then note = 66
If b2$ = "g4" Then note = 67
If b2$ = "G4" Then note = 68
If b2$ = "a4" Then note = 69
If b2$ = "A4" Then note = 70
If b2$ = "b4" Then note = 71
If b2$ = "c5" Then note = 72
If b2$ = "C5" Then note = 73
If b2$ = "d5" Then note = 74
If b2$ = "D5" Then note = 75
If b2$ = "e5" Then note = 76
If b2$ = "f5" Then note = 77
If b2$ = "F5" Then note = 78
If b2$ = "g5" Then note = 79
If b2$ = "G5" Then note = 80
If b2$ = "a5" Then note = 81
If b2$ = "A5" Then note = 82
If b2$ = "b5" Then note = 83
If b2$ = "c6" Then note = 84
If b2$ = "C6" Then note = 85
If b2$ = "d6" Then note = 86
If b2$ = "D6" Then note = 87
If b2$ = "e6" Then note = 88
If b2$ = "f6" Then note = 89
If b2$ = "F6" Then note = 90
If b2$ = "g6" Then note = 91
If b2$ = "G6" Then note = 92
If b2$ = "a6" Then note = 93
If b2$ = "A6" Then note = 94
If b2$ = "b6" Then note = 95
If b2$ = "c7" Then note = 96
If b2$ = "C7" Then note = 97
If b2$ = "d7" Then note = 98
If b2$ = "D7" Then note = 99
If b2$ = "e7" Then note = 100
If b2$ = "f7" Then note = 101
If b2$ = "F7" Then note = 102
If b2$ = "g7" Then note = 103
If b2$ = "G7" Then note = 104
If b2$ = "a7" Then note = 105
If b2$ = "A7" Then note = 106
If b2$ = "b7" Then note = 107
If b2$ = "c8" Then note = 108
End Function