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VM with Linux install
I have some experience with Windows + QB64.

I am now trying out LINUX (never used/studied Linux before) on a Virtual Machine (VM).

Would appreciate some help to install QB64 into VM Linux - to be able to get to a working "Hello World" program.

Thanks in advance.
(06-12-2022, 09:06 AM)Richard Wrote: I have some experience with Windows + QB64.

I am now trying out LINUX (never used/studied Linux before) on a Virtual Machine (VM).

Would appreciate some help to install QB64 into VM Linux - to be able to get to a working "Hello World" program.

Thanks in advance.

I made notes getting Linux (Cinnamon) and then QB64 setup on partitioned disk. Jack offered crucial advice as to getting going with QB64. Here first page

Then Windows removed my alternate boot with update and so the thread continues setting up Linux on a separate, all Linux machine I called LinOx because that is how the guy pronounced Linux in a You Tube. Then I installed Wine to do all Windows programs much easier to get QB64 going under that (for this long time Windows user).
b = b + ...

I am in the opposite boat... so to speak. I am a 100% Linux user and have tinkered with VM to use WinXP. As to how to setup VM for Linux... I cannot be of much help... But, if you want recommendations as to which "flavour" of Linux to use, then there is DISTROWATCH ( Could be a little overwhelming. If so then may I suggest:

May your journey be free of incident. Live long and prosper.
(06-13-2022, 02:25 AM)johnno56 Wrote: Richard,

I am in the opposite boat... so to speak.  I am a 100% Linux user and have tinkered with VM to use WinXP. As to how to setup VM for Linux... I cannot be of much help... But, if you want recommendations as to which "flavour" of Linux to use, then there is DISTROWATCH ( Could be a little overwhelming. If so then may I suggest:


Below is what stage I got up to in VM (copied .tar file to Linux Download and GitHub instructions how to install)



Not having used Linux before - the GitHub instruction does not help me - also do not know how to apply info from BPlus reply
Ok. Going on memory here...

Double-click the qb64_lnx.tar.gz file. This should display a folder. The folder name will either be a dot "." or 'qb64'. if a dot, double-click that folder. This should display the qb64 folder. Hopefully there will be a 'extract' button (top left). Click it. You will then have to navigate to a desired location to put the qb64 folder. In your case, you will probably have two options by default... the Download folder or the Richard folder (this is your home directory). Best choose this one. then, in the bottom right corner of the extract window, select extract. Magically the qb64 folder will appear in your home directory.

You can close the extract window. On your Desktop you should have your "home" folder. Double-click it and you should see the qb64 director. Double-click it to display its contents. Within that directory should be the '' file.

In theory, if you double-click that file, you will be presented with a bunch of options: Run in Terminal, Display, Cancel and Run.

Select 'Run in Terminal'. This will kick off the install and you should see feedback on the screen. If all the dependencies are ok, then the "Terminal" will close and you should see a couple of extra files in the qb64 directory. One will be labelled 'qb64' (executable) - Double clicking this file should start QB64.

I am going to guess that, if dependencies are required, the install should "go out a fetch them"... I am not certain with a VM. A full install of Linux Mint (my current system) already had those files installed and QB64 installed without issue. But I am not sure about what a VM has or has not installed.

Let me know how you managed? Do not panic if a mistake is made... One of the advantages of a VM... lol If the install of QB64 fails then it is as simple as deleting the QB64 folder and starting again...

May your journey be free of incident. Live long and prosper.
(06-13-2022, 07:59 AM)johnno56 Wrote: Ok. Going on memory here...

Double-click the qb64_lnx.tar.gz file. This should display a folder. The folder name will either be a dot "." or 'qb64'. if a dot, double-click that folder. This should display the qb64 folder. Hopefully there will be a 'extract' button (top left). Click it. You will then have to navigate to a desired location to put the qb64 folder. In your case, you will probably have two options by default... the Download folder or the Richard folder (this is your home directory). Best choose this one. then, in the bottom right corner of the extract window, select extract. Magically the qb64 folder will appear in your home directory.

You can close the extract window. On your Desktop you should have your "home" folder. Double-click it and you should see the qb64 director. Double-click it to display its contents. Within that directory should be the '' file.

In theory, if you double-click that file, you will be presented with a bunch of options:





DO NOT SEE options (Run in Terminal etc)


Run in Terminal, Display, Cancel and Run.
Looks like the memory has failed again... I had made the assumption that the file was already modified to be an executable. The fact that the text editor has opened it instead has confirmed my mistake...

Time to roll up the sleeves and use a little command prompt typing... Look at your Desktop and notice the black icon on the bottom tool bar (panel)... There is the main Menu icon then the folder icon that hides an open window then next to it is the Firefox browser then the black Terminal icon. Click that one. This will pop up a command prompt similar to the one Windows uses. By default the Terminal will open and you will be placed in your home directory. Enter pwd then press enter to confirm. You should have a prompt similar to richard@ (machine name):~$ with a flashing cursor.

Navigate to your qb64 directory by typing cd qb64 then press enter. Your prompt should look something like richard@(machine name):~/qb64

Type ls (or dir) then enter. This will display all the files in your qb64 directory. Almost there...

You need to change the attribute of the setup file so that it can be executed.

At the prompt type chmod +x then enter.

Hopefully this should be the last command... At the prompt type ./ then enter.

If all has gone well the installation of qb64 should start...

Executing from the Terminal is a little more "hands on" than normal, but using the Terminal, will display any and all feedback from the installation. Helpful in spotting errors etc...

Once qb64 has installed, it can be accessed via the main menu button, in the lowest left corner, then found under 'programming'. (note: When you spot it under programming... right mouse click on qb64 and you can place a shortcut either on the Desktop or on the 'panel' (tool bar) with your other icons.

May your journey be free of incident. Live long and prosper.
right-click on the QB64 archive and select extract here
launch the terminal, cd to the extracted folder from step above and then enter
you will need an internet connection because the install script will try to install missing packages
That's odd that the `./` script is not marked executable in the `.tar.gz`, I was pretty sure that it was. I'll try to get that addressed for the next release Smile

I'm pretty sure you can mark it executable via the GUI by simply going to `Properties` on the file and then in the Permissions tab check "Allow executing file as program". It might be the easiest way to do it if you're not sure about using `chmod`.
(06-13-2022, 01:35 PM)Jack Wrote: Richard
right-click on the QB64 archive and select extract here
launch the terminal, cd to the extracted folder from step above and then enter
you will need an internet connection because the install script will try to install missing packages

Thanks Bplus, Johnno56, Jack

I did the "sudo thing" and the screen shot shows the stage that I got up to (could print "hello world") 



Now I need practice with navigating etc in LINUX (on a Virtual Machine) - but I did achieve the result I was after

Please do not say that I have the wrong version of QB64 Linux

Thanks again

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