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The STICK function returns the directional axis coordinate move of game port (&H201) joystick or USB controller devices.
- QuickBASIC
- coordinate_move% = STICK(direction%)
- QB64
- coordinate_move% = STICK(direction%[, axis_number%])
- QB64 allows any number of coordinate pairs for more than two game device controllers. STICK will not read a mouse axis.
- axis_number can be used as the next axis parameter for controllers with multiple axis using the SAME directional parameters.
- The axis_number 1 can be omitted for the main stick column and row parameter reads.
- Point of view "hats" also have 2 axis. Slide, turn or twist controls have one. The device determines the order of the axis.
- Returns coordinate values from 1 to 254. QBasic only returned values from 1 to 200.
- STICK(0) is required to get values from the other STICK functions. Always read it first!
STICK(0) returns the column coordinate of device 1. Enables reads of the other STICK values. STICK(1) returns row coordinate of device 1. STICK(2) returns column coordinate of device 2. (second joystick if used) STICK(3) returns row coordinate of device 2 if used. (QBasic maximum was 2 controllers) STICK(4) returns column coordinate of device 3. (other joysticks if used in QB64 only!) STICK(5) returns row coordinate of device 3 if used. |
- QB64 allows more joysticks by extending the numbers in pairs like device 3 above. EX: STICK(6): STICK(7) 'device 4
- QB64 allows a dual stick to be read using the same first parameters and 2 as the second parameter. EX: STICK(0, 2)
- There will not be an error if you try to read too many device axis or buttons!
Example 1: Displays the input from 3 joysticks, all with dual sticks and 3 buttons.
DO: _LIMIT 10 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "JOY1: STICK"; STICK(0); STICK(1); STICK(0, 2); STICK(1, 2);_ "STRIG"; STRIG(0); STRIG(1); STRIG(4); STRIG(5); STRIG(8); STRIG(9) PRINT "JOY2: STICK"; STICK(2); STICK(3); STICK(2, 2); STICK(3, 2);_ "STRIG"; STRIG(2); STRIG(3); STRIG(6); STRIG(7); STRIG(10); STRIG(11) PRINT "JOY3: STICK"; STICK(4); STICK(5); STICK(4, 2); STICK(5, 2);_ "STRIG"; STRIG(0, 3); STRIG(1, 3); STRIG(4, 3); STRIG(5, 3); STRIG(8, 3); STRIG(9, 3) LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ > "" |
- Explanation: Notice the extra QB64 only parameters used to cater for the 2nd stick and the buttons of the 3rd joystick.
Example 2: Displays the Sidewinder Precision Pro Stick, Slider, Z Axis, and Hat Point of View.
SCREEN 12 d = _DEVICES PRINT "Number of input devices found ="; d FOR i = 1 TO d PRINT _DEVICE$(i) buttons = _LASTBUTTON(i) PRINT "Buttons:"; buttons NEXT DO: _LIMIT 50 LOCATE 10, 1 PRINT " X Main Y Slider Z-axis POV" PRINT STICK(0, 1), STICK(1, 1), STICK(0, 2), STICK(1, 2), STICK(0, 3); STICK(1, 3); " " PRINT " Buttons" FOR i = 0 TO 4 * buttons - 1 STEP 4 PRINT STRIG(i); STRIG(i + 1); CHR$(219); NEXT PRINT LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" |
- Explanation: Each axis on the first controller found is either STICK(0, n) or STICK(1, n) with n increasing when necessary.
Number of input devices found = 3 [KEYBOARD][BUTTON]] Buttons: 512 [MOUSE][BUTTON][AXIS][WHEEL] Buttons: 3 [CONTROLLER][[NAME][Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro (USB)]][BUTTON][AXIS] Buttons: 9 X Main Y Slider Z-axis POV 127 127 254 127 127 127 Buttons -0 -1 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ |
- Note: A Sidewinder Precision Pro requires that pins 2 and 7(blue and purple) be connected together for digital USB recognition.
See also