10-26-2024, 05:52 PM
The zip contains the following.
And the text file (which has German encoding in it):
woorden.txt (Size: 9.01 KB / Downloads: 18)
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1920, 1080, 256)
_FullScreen , _Smooth
For i = 1 To 255
_MapUnicode i To i
Next i
geluid = 1
Font& = _LoadFont("lucon.ttf", 28, "MONOSPACE")
Font1& = _LoadFont("lucon.ttf", 24, "MONOSPACE")
Font2& = _LoadFont("lucon.ttf", 84, "MONOSPACE")
tekstkleur& = _RGB(28, 0, 105)
tekstkleur1& = _RGB(144, 144, 128)
If Font& = 0 Then
Print "No font!": Beep
End If
_PaletteColor 0, _RGB32(216, 211, 205)
Color tekstkleur&
Dim regel As String
Dim regels(10000) As String
Dim totaalRegels As Long
Dim willekeurigIndex As Long
Dim woord As String
Dim geslacht As String
Dim kommaPositie As Long
Randomize Timer
Open "woorden.txt" For Input As #1
totaalRegels = 0
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, regel
totaalRegels = totaalRegels + 1
regels(totaalRegels) = regel
Close #1
If totaalRegels = 0 Then
Print "No lines in file!": Beep
End If
willekeurigIndex = Int(Rnd * totaalRegels) + 1
kommaPositie = InStr(regels(willekeurigIndex), ",")
If kommaPositie > 0 Then
If kommaPositie > 1 Then
woord = Left$(regels(willekeurigIndex), kommaPositie - 1)
woord = regels(willekeurigIndex)
End If
geslacht = Mid$(regels(willekeurigIndex), kommaPositie + 1)
woord = regels(willekeurigIndex)
geslacht = ""
End If
_Font Font1&
teller = teller + 1
Locate 2, 1
Print " Score: "; score; "/"; teller
Locate 2, 126: Print "ESC = Quit";
Locate 2, 96: Print "(Switch with s) SOUND = ";
If geluid = 1 Then Print "ON" Else Print "OFF";
Line (10, 10)-(1910, 1070), _RGB(150, 150, 127), B
Line (14, 14)-(1906, 1066), _RGB(150, 150, 127), B
_Font Font2&
Color tekstkleur1&
tekstBreedte = _PrintWidth("[" + woord + "]")
xPositie = (1920 - tekstBreedte) \ 2
yPositie = 150
_PrintString (xPositie, yPositie), "[" + woord + "]"
_Font Font&
Color tekstkleur&
tekstBreedte = _PrintWidth("What article is correct?")
xPositie = (1920 - tekstBreedte) \ 2
yPositie = 340
_PrintString (xPositie, yPositie), "Which article is correct?"
verschuif = -130
If geslacht <> "" Then
Color 4
tekstBreedte = _PrintWidth("1. Der " + woord)
xPositie = (1920 - tekstBreedte) \ 2
yPositie = 600
_PrintString (xPositie, yPositie + verschuif), "1. Der " + woord
tekstBreedte = _PrintWidth("2. Die " + woord)
xPositie = (1920 - tekstBreedte) \ 2
yPositie = 650
_PrintString (xPositie, yPositie + verschuif), "2. Die " + woord
tekstBreedte = _PrintWidth("3. Das " + woord)
xPositie = (1920 - tekstBreedte) \ 2
yPositie = 700
_PrintString (xPositie, yPositie + verschuif), "3. Das " + woord
End If
invoer$ = InKey$
If invoer$ = "s" And geluid = 0 Then geluid = 1: _Font Font1&: Locate 2, 96: Color tekstkleur&: Print "(Switch with s) SOUND = ON ";: Sound 900, 1: GoTo 3
If invoer$ = "s" And geluid = 1 Then geluid = 0: _Font Font1&: Locate 2, 96: Color tekstkleur&: Print "(Switch with s) SOUND = OFF";: Sound 300, 1: GoTo 3
If invoer$ = Chr$(27) Then System
If invoer$ = "1" Or invoer$ = "2" Or invoer$ = "3" Then Exit Do
correct = 0
If invoer$ = "1" And geslacht = "der" Then correct = 1
If invoer$ = "2" And geslacht = "die" Then correct = 1
If invoer$ = "3" And geslacht = "das" Then correct = 1
If correct = 1 Then
score = score + 1
tekstBreedte = _PrintWidth("Correct! It's indeed '" + geslacht + " " + woord + "'.")
xPositie = (1920 - tekstBreedte) \ 2
yPositie = 750
Color 2
_PrintString (xPositie, yPositie), "Correct! It's indeed '" + geslacht + " " + woord + "'."
If geluid = 1 Then Sound 300, 2: Sound 370, 2: Sound 440, 4: Sound 585, 4
tekstBreedte = _PrintWidth("Incorrect! The right answer was '" + geslacht + " " + woord + "'.")
xPositie = (1920 - tekstBreedte) \ 2
yPositie = 750
Color 12
_PrintString (xPositie, yPositie), "Incorrect! The right answer was '" + geslacht + " " + woord + "'."
If geluid = 1 Then For i = 1 To 160: Sound 60 + i + Int(Rnd * 1000), .03: Next i
End If
tekstBreedte = _PrintWidth("Press any key to continue...")
xPositie = (1920 - tekstBreedte) \ 2
yPositie = 1000
Color 3
_PrintString (xPositie, yPositie), "Press any key to continue..."
A$ = InKey$
If invoer$ = "s" And geluid = 0 Then geluid = 1: _Font Font1&: Locate 2, 96: Color tekstkleur&: Print "(Switch with s) SOUND = ON ";: Sound 900, 1: GoTo 4
If invoer$ = "s" And geluid = 1 Then geluid = 0: _Font Font1&: Locate 2, 96: Color tekstkleur&: Print "(Switch with s) SOUND = OFF";: Sound 300, 1: GoTo 4
If A$ = Chr$(27) Then System
If A$ <> "" Then GoTo begin
And the text file (which has German encoding in it):
woorden.txt (Size: 9.01 KB / Downloads: 18)