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  Program to learn German articles.
Posted by: SquirrelMonkey - 10-25-2024, 02:00 AM - Forum: Programs - Replies (13)

I made a program to learn articles in German. It shows one of the 771 random nouns and you have to guess if it is a der, die, or das word.

[Image: Screenshot-2024-10-24-203042.png]

Attached Files
.zip   German.zip (Size: 1.55 MB / Downloads: 33)
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  Private Messages not listing
Posted by: PhilOfPerth - 10-25-2024, 01:54 AM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (1)

After sending a PM to another menber, I expected it to show in my Sent Messages folder, but it doesn't. Is there a setting I need to activate for this to work?   Huh

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  Pete's handy dandy compare tool...
Posted by: Pete - 10-25-2024, 01:20 AM - Forum: Utilities - No Replies

Maybe Steve already posted one of these, and he codes more efficiently, so I'm sure my tool is bigger than his tool, but...

Code: (Select All)
_Title "File Compare"

' Copy to the clipboard for each of the (4) prompts that appear one at a time.
' Note for .bas files you do not need to copy the .bas extension.
' The routine will inform you of any copy errors and let you retry.
' Esc        Quit
' Backspace  Redo previous prompt
' Enter      Inputs the current directory.
' Tab        Can be used when directory or file names are the same, instead of doing another copy.
' Spacebar  Change to a type-in input line.

' Input complete...
' If the files are identical, it will instantly inform you.
' If the files are different, it will display both codes, line by line and pause with a "No Match!" alert were the code is different.
' When paused you can...
' F1        Copy to the clipboard the no match line (last line shown) of the 1st file.
' F2        Copy to the clipboard the no match line (last line shown) of the 2nd file.
'            Note: Copying the line and paste it into an IDE search to find the code in your program.
' 1          Scroll to the next line of the 1st file.
' 2          Scroll to the next line of the 2nd file.
' Spacebar  Toggle to pause/resume code while it is scrolling.
' Enter      Auto continue (scroll both) to the next no match.
' Esc        Quit

Width 70, 20
_Font 16
_ScreenMove 20, 0
v1top = 2: v1btm = 20
v2top = 22: v2btm = 40
View Print
If Len(_Clipboard$) > 100 Then
    Print "Warning: This application will erase your current clipboard contents."
    Print: Print "Press Enter to continue or Esc to quit..."
        b$ = InKey$
        If Len(b$) Then
            If b$ = Chr$(27) Then System
            If b$ = Chr$(13) Then Exit Do
        End If
        _Limit 60
    _Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
    hold$ = _Clipboard$
    _Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
End If
    While -1
        Locate 1, 1: View Print CsrLin To _Height - 1: Cls 2: View Print
        Locate 1, 1: Print "Paste first directory name: ": Locate 3, 1, 1, 7, 30
            _Limit 60
            b$ = InKey$
            If Len(b$) Then
                _Limit 10
                Select Case b$
                    Case Chr$(27): System
                    Case Chr$(13): dir1$ = _CWD$: Exit Do
                    Case Chr$(32): GoSub manual: If x$ = "" Then redo = 1: b$ = Chr$(8): Exit While
                End Select
            End If
            If Len(_Clipboard$) Then GoSub clip: dir1$ = x$: Exit Do
        _Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
        If Right$(dir1$, 1) <> "\" Then dir1$ = dir1$ + "\"
        Locate 3, 1: Print dir1$
        If _DirExists(dir1$) Then Exit While Else Print "Directory not found: "; dir1$; " Any key to redo...";: Sleep
    If b$ = Chr$(8) Then Exit Do
    While -1
        Locate 5, 1: View Print CsrLin To _Height - 1: Cls 2: View Print
        Locate 5, 1: Print "Paste first file name: ": Locate 7, 1
        If Len(filehold$) Then
            file1$ = filehold$: filehold$ = ""
                _Limit 60
                b$ = InKey$
                If Len(b$) Then
                    Select Case b$
                        Case Chr$(27): System
                        Case Chr$(8): redo = 1: Exit While
                        Case Chr$(32): GoSub manual: If x$ = "" Then redo = 2: b$ = Chr$(8): Exit While
                    End Select
                End If
                If Len(_Clipboard$) Then GoSub clip: file1$ = x$: Exit Do
        End If
        _Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
        If InStr(file1$, ".") = 0 Then file1$ = file1$ + ".bas"
        Print file1$
        If _FileExists(dir1$ + file1$) Then Exit While Else Print "File not found: "; dir1$ + file1$; " Any key to redo...";: Sleep
    If b$ = Chr$(8) Then Exit Do
    While -1
        Locate 9, 1: View Print CsrLin To _Height - 1: Cls 2: View Print
        Locate 9, 1: Print "Paste second directory name: ": Locate 11, 1
            _Limit 60
            b$ = InKey$
            If Len(b$) Then
                Select Case b$
                    Case Chr$(27): System
                    Case Chr$(8): redo = 2: Exit While
                    Case Chr$(13): dir2$ = _CWD$: Exit Do
                    Case Chr$(9): dir2$ = dir1$: Exit Do
                    Case Chr$(32): GoSub manual: If x$ = "" Then redo = 3: b$ = Chr$(8): Exit While
                End Select
            End If
            If Len(_Clipboard$) Then GoSub clip: dir2$ = x$: Exit Do
        _Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
        If Right$(dir2$, 1) <> "\" Then dir2$ = dir2$ + "\"
        Print dir2$
        If _DirExists(dir2$) Then Exit While Else Print "Directory not found: "; dir2$; " Any key to redo...";: Sleep
    If b$ = Chr$(8) Then Exit Do
    While -1
        Locate 13, 1: View Print CsrLin To _Height - 1: Cls 2: View Print
        Locate 13, 1: Print "Paste second file name: ": Locate 15, 1
        If Len(filehold$) Then
            file2$ = filehold$: filehold$ = ""
                _Limit 60
                b$ = InKey$
                If Len(b$) Then
                    Select Case b$
                        Case Chr$(27): System
                        Case Chr$(8): redo = 3: Exit While
                        Case Chr$(9): file2$ = file1$: Exit Do
                        Case Chr$(32): GoSub manual: If x$ = "" Then redo = 4: b$ = Chr$(8): Exit While
                    End Select
                End If
                If Len(_Clipboard$) Then GoSub clip: file2$ = x$: Exit Do
        End If
        _Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
        If InStr(file2$, ".") = 0 Then file2$ = file2$ + ".bas"
        Print file2$
        If _FileExists(dir2$ + file2$) Then Exit Do Else Print "File not found: "; dir2$ + file2$; " Any key to redo...";: Sleep
    If b$ = Chr$(8) Then Exit Do
If b$ = Chr$(8) Then
    On redo GOTO redo1, redo2, redo3, redo4
End If
If dir1$ + file1$ = dir2$ + file2$ Then
    Print "Error: Both directory and file names are the same. Cannot compare the same file. Any key to redo": Sleep
    If InKey$ = Chr$(27) Then System Else Run
End If
Print: Print "Ready. Press any key to begin comparison...": Sleep
Width 150, 41
_Font 16
_ScreenMove 20, 0

Locate 1, 1: Color 15, 1: Print Space$(_Width);
Locate 21, 1: Print Space$(_Width);
Locate 1, 2: Color 15, 1: Print dir1$;: Color 14, 1: Print file1$;
Locate 21, 2: Color 15, 1: Print dir2$;: Color 14, 1: Print file2$;
Color 7, 0
ReDim c1$(10000), c2$(10000): c1 = 0: p1 = 0: c2 = 0: p2 = 0
' Quick compare...
If Not _FileExists(dir1$ + file1$) Then
    Print: Print "Cannot find file: " + dir1$ + file1$ + ". Any key to retry.": _Delay 1: Sleep
End If
If Not _FileExists(dir2$ + file2$) Then
    Print: Print "Cannot find file: " + dir2$ + file2$ + ". Any key to retry.": _Delay 1: Sleep
End If
Open dir1$ + file1$ For Binary As #1
Open dir2$ + file2$ For Binary As #2
x1$ = Space$(LOF(1))
x2$ = Space$(LOF(2))
Get #1, , x1$
Get #2, , x2$
Close #1, 2
If x1$ = x2$ Then
    Locate 41, 2: Print "Both files are identical. Press Enter to rerun or Esc to quit...";
        _Limit 30
        b$ = InKey$
        If Len(b$) Then
            Select Case b$
                Case Chr$(27)
                Case Chr$(13): Cls: _Delay 1: Run
            End Select
        End If
End If
Open dir1$ + file1$ For Input As #1
Open dir2$ + file2$ For Input As #2
Do Until EOF(1)
    Line Input #1, a$
    a$ = RTrim$(LTrim$(a$))
    If Mid$(a$, 1, 1) > " " Then
        c1 = c1 + 1
        c1$(c1) = a$
    End If
Close #1
Do Until EOF(2)
    Line Input #2, a$
    a$ = RTrim$(LTrim$(a$))
    If Mid$(a$, 1, 1) > " " Then
        c2 = c2 + 1
        c2$(c2) = a$
    End If
Close #2
Locate 2, 1
onscr1$ = c1$(1)
onscr2$ = c1$(1)
yy1 = v1top: yy2 = v2top
p1 = 0: p2 = 0: auto = -1
    _Limit 300 ' Controls speed of screen display.
    If auto = -1 And b$ <> Chr$(13) Then
        If onscr1$ <> onscr2$ Then
            Locate 41, 2, 1, 7, 30
            Color 14, 0
            Print "No Match! ";
            auto = 0
            Color 7, 0
        End If
    End If
    If auto Then
        p$ = InKey$
        Select Case p$
            Case Chr$(27): System
            Case Chr$(32)
                y = CsrLin: x = Pos(0): Locate 41, 2: Color 14, 0: Print " Paused...";: Color 7, 0
                Do: _Limit 30: p$ = InKey$: Loop Until p$ = Chr$(32)
                Locate 41, 2: Print "          ";
                Locate y, x
        End Select
        If auto < 0 Then b$ = "1": auto = 1 Else b$ = "2": auto = -1
        b$ = InKey$
    End If
    If Len(b$) Then
        Select Case b$
            Case Chr$(27): System
            Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(59): _Clipboard$ = c1$(p1)
            Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(60): _Clipboard$ = c2$(p2)
            Case Chr$(13), Chr$(0) + "P": b$ = Chr$(13): auto = -1: Locate 41, 2, 1, 7, 0: Print "          ";
            Case "1", "2"
                Locate 41, 2, 1, 7, 0: Print "          ";
                If b$ = "1" And Len(c1$(p1 + 1)) Then
                    View Print v1top To v1btm
                    p1 = p1 + 1
                    Locate yy1, 1: Print p1; c1$(p1): yy1 = CsrLin
                    onscr1$ = c1$(p1)
                End If
                If b$ = "2" And Len(c2$(p2 + 1)) Then
                    View Print v2top To v2btm
                    p2 = p2 + 1
                    Locate yy2, 1: Print p2; c2$(p2): yy2 = CsrLin
                    onscr2$ = c2$(p2)
                End If
        End Select
    End If
    If p1 = c1 And p2 = c2 Then Exit Do
Locate _Height, 2: Color 14, 0: Print "Finished. [R]un [V]iew Again [Q]uit: ";: Locate , , 1, 7, 30
Color 7, 0
    _Limit 30
    b$ = InKey$
    If Len(b$) Then
        If UCase$(b$) = "Q" Or b$ = Chr$(27) Then System
        If UCase$(b$) = "R" Then _Clipboard$ = hold$: Cls: Run
        If UCase$(b$) = "V" Then View Print: GoTo start
    End If
Locate _Height, 1: Print Space$(_Width - 1);
Locate _Height, 1: Print " Restore prior clipboard contents to clipboard? Y/N";
    b$ = InKey$
    _Limit 30
    If Len(b$) Then
        If b$ = Chr$(27) Then System
        If UCase$(b$) = "Y" Then Print "Y";: _Delay 2: _Clipboard$ = hold$: Exit Do
        If UCase$(b$) = "N" Then Exit Do
    End If

Sound 1000, .3
x$ = _Trim$(_Clipboard$)
If InStr(x$, Chr$(13)) Then x$ = Mid$(x$, 1, InStr(x$, Chr$(13)) - 1)
If InStr(x$, ".") And InStr(x$, "\") <> 0 Then
    If dir1$ = "" Then
        filehold$ = Mid$(x$, _InStrRev(x$, "\") + 1)
        x$ = Mid$(x$, 1, _InStrRev(x$, "\"))
    ElseIf dir2$ = "" Then
        filehold$ = Mid$(x$, _InStrRev(x$, "\") + 1)
        x$ = Mid$(x$, 1, _InStrRev(x$, "\"))
    End If
End If

y = CsrLin: x = 12
Line Input "Type name: ", x$: Locate y, x
If Len(x$) Then _Clipboard$ = x$ Else _Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)

Oh, and if you're a REAL lazy SOB like me, you'll want to compile this as an exe and make a desktop shortcut.

Code: (Select All)
count = _CommandCount
For i = 1 To count
    cmd$ = Command$(i)
    Print cmd$
    _Clipboard$ = Command$(i) ' Dragged files from File Explorer provide the path and file name, here.

1) Compile as an exe and make a desktop shortcut (Send to Desktop). Don't run this program. Run the FIRST program and instead of 4 times copying to the clipboard, you can just DRAG each of the two files you want compared from File Explorer into that desktop shortcut, one at a time. So just two input operations. The program does the rest, and shows you the results on the screen.

I would recommend trying it out on a couple of files you already have backed up, just for your own piece of mind.

THE ROUTINE DOES USE ONE INSTANCE OF OPEN FOR BINARY. Note it does not use PUT, so it won't change your files. Also, it checks for file and directory existence, so it won't make any 0 byte files, either. Honestly, in 25 years of online forums, I've only encountered one 'person' who would intentionally try to mess others up. Still, I think it is always wise to check code, before you run it, for keywords like KILL, BINARY, OUTPUT, etc. to see how they are used.


Let me know if you have any questions. The keys are listed at the top of the code.


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  QBJS Cauchy integral
Posted by: vince - 10-24-2024, 07:46 PM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs - Replies (2)

using the GPU to evaluate and contour cauchy's integral formula for f(z)=1 evaluated along an arbitrary open bezier curve with draggable control points.  this is also known as the 'canonical logarithm' because, for a straight line segment, it analytically evaluates to a log function.

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  Cave Fighter (with scrolling background maps)
Posted by: SierraKen - 10-24-2024, 07:39 PM - Forum: SierraKen - No Replies

This is a good example of scrolling background picture maps. Bplus made the saucer fighter graphic. Download the zip file and put all the files in the same directory. 
Use the arrow keys (or WASD keys) to move and also change the direction of your laser. Press the space bar to fire. The object of the game is to shoot the cannons, dodge the cannonballs and to make it to the end of the cave.

Attached Files
.zip   Cave Fighter.zip (Size: 1.13 MB / Downloads: 26)
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  QB Missle
Posted by: SMcNeill - 10-24-2024, 07:02 AM - Forum: Games - Replies (4)

Here's an ancient game from long ago and far away that still seems to run more-or-less as intended on QB64PE -- QB Missle!

Quote: Fully playable, unfinished version of Qbasic Missile Command clone. Defend your city's against a barrage of nuclear missile attacks. Features sprite graphics, FX sounds, mouse control and unlimited levels. This game is not compiled.

Game comments are here, for details:

' Program : QBMissle
' Version : Unfinished
' Author  : Tim Truman
' Date    : 7/5/97
' Type    : Freeware
' Copyright (c) Tim Truman 1997
' Feel free to use any routines or code found this program in your own.
' I just ask that you do not distribute this source code program modified
' and/or recompile the program for reasons other than personal use.
' About :
'  Graphics made with Sprite 2.0
'  FM Sounds made with FX. (requires soundcard for playback)
'  ( Programs available at my FTP : http://members.aol.com/TimTruman )
' Author :
'  Qbmissle is unfinished. I wanted to add smart bombs and a high score
'  screen but i just haven't had the time. I don't plan on finishing it
'  but I though Qbasic fans would like it anyway. It's still a playable
'  game and shows that Qbasic is capable gaming platform.
' To play :
'  Move the targeting cursor with the mouse and press a mouse button to
'  fire an antiballistic missle. Progressive levels will get harder.
' Comments:
' AOL - TimTruman
' NET - TimTruman@aol.com
' CS  - 74734,2203

And for folks who like to ask, "Will QB64PE still run my anicent and outdated QBASIC code, without needing changes?", I think this is a good example of how hard we work to be able to do that.

Take old code.
Load into QB64PE compiler.
Run executable!

Big Grin

Attached Files
.zip   qbmissle.zip (Size: 196.56 KB / Downloads: 25)
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  program that stitches together a bunch of image files into one giant poster?
Posted by: madscijr - 10-23-2024, 07:55 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (15)

Before I go and reinvent the wheel, I'm wondering if this or something similar already exists...? 

I'm thinking a program that 

  • looks in a directory like "c:\Users\MyUser\Pictures"
    (extra points if it can handle environment variables like "%USERPROFILE%\Pictures") 
  • finds all images (extra points if it lets you specify 1 or more wildcards to match like "*.jpg;*.png;*.gif")
  • gets the size of all of them and figures out (based on layout chosen) how big the final image will be & initialize it
    (I'm not sure what kind of limitations QB64PE has for image size, I am thinking this prog would limit the size only based on the computer memory & hard drive space)
  • for each pic:
    loads it into memory,
    resize/scale/rotate (depending on options)
    copies to a new giant image (depending on the layout you choose,
    e.g., if we have 16 pictures, maybe 4 columns x 4 rows, or 8 columns x 2 rows)
  • outputs a new image file in the selected format. 

I'm thinking of some fancy features like if the pictures are different sizes, it can resize them / rotate them / stretch them, depending on what you can choose, to whatever the largest common dimension is, or maybe it can detect a picture's orientation, and auto rotate so they are all landscape or portrait, or figure out how to lay them out so there is minimal blank space. 

Maybe an option to not rotate but fill in the blank space with a given background color, or if there are not enough pics for an even # of rows/columns, fill in empty areas with some default color or pattern.

Some of the things I'm going to have to figure out how to do for this include 
  • list files from a folder
  • match based on *? wildcards
  • load an image file into a _NewImage
  • detect image height/width
  • rotate image
  • scale/resize image
  • stretch/skew image
  • display an image bigger than the screen shrunk down to fit the screen (to preview on screen)
  • save image from memory to a file

Simple use cases: 
  • make a pic collage for your PC's desktop 
  • take a bunch of pictures and turn them into a poster you can have printed at somewhere like CVS (the web site says 24"x36" is $15.99 ?!)
  • make a background for a game

Has anyone seen or done anything like that?

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  WPF Message Boxes
Posted by: SpriggsySpriggs - 10-23-2024, 05:36 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (8)

This is not something new. This is something I made a long time ago that I may or may not be trying to work on again. I like message boxes. Always have. Especially customizable ones. These are highly customizable and can replace the built-in error message boxes in QB64.

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  Zeller's congruence pass 3: test day-of-week calculation algorythms for accuracy
Posted by: TDarcos - 10-23-2024, 05:04 PM - Forum: Utilities - No Replies

After my recent debacles with getting a Zeller's congruence (determine day of week from date) formula, I repeated my foray into software archeology, by searching my collection of 90,142 files (many being zip files) and more than 12 gb of Basic source and basic-related files, I found an old file that purports to return day of week from date. It was old enough to be from the days when Basic programs had to have line numbers:

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Possibly_accurate_zellers_congruence"
10 ' DAYOPFWK = Calculates the day of the week given date
20 '
30 Cls: Print
40 Print "  This routine calculates the day of the week given the date"
50 Dim DAYS$(6): For I = 0 To 6: Read DAY$(I): Next
60 Data Saturday,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday
70 Line Input "Enter date as mm/dd/yyyy "; EDATE$: S$ = EDATE$
80 PS = InStr(S$, "/"): MONTH = Val(Left$(S$, PS - 1)): S$ = Mid$(S$, PS + 1)
90 PS = InStr(S$, "/"): DAY = Val(Left$(S$, PS - 1)): S$ = Mid$(S$, PS + 1)
100 YEAR = Val(S$)
110 '
120 If MONTH > 2 Then 140
130 MONTH = MONTH + 12: YEAR = YEAR - 1
140 N = DAY + 2 * MONTH + Int(.6 * (MONTH + 1)) + YEAR + Int(YEAR / 4) - Int(YEAR / 100) + Int(YEAR / 400) + 2
150 N = Int((N / 7 - Int(N / 7)) * 7 + .5)
160 Print DAY$(N)
A few tests seem to confirm it is accurate, but let's really put it to the test. Rerun it thousands, or hundreds of thousands of times, and see if it's right. I have my Zeller's Congruence test harness; let's "strap it in, fire up the motor and see if it lights, or explodes on the test site."

The operative part of the above program is lines numbered 120-150. So, I have this:

Code: (Select All)
' Date_testbed.bas - load every date and test a Zeller's congrence algorithm for correctness
' Paul Robinson October 23, 2024

Option _Explicit
_Title "Zeller_testbed"

' The system time function can be used from QB64, I was mistaken it could not
    wYear As Integer
    wMonth As Integer
    wDayOfWeek As Integer
    wDay As Integer
    wHour As Integer
    wMinute As Integer
    wSecond As Integer
    wMilliseconds As Integer
End Type

Declare Dynamic Library "kernel32"
    Function GetLocalTime& (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)
    Function GetLastError& ()
    Function FormatMessageA& (ByVal f As Long, f$, Byval e As Long, Byval d As Long, g$, Byval s As Long, h$)
End Declare

Dim As SYSTEMTIME StartTime, EndTime
Dim TimeString As String

Color 15
Const Saturday = 0
Const Sunday = Saturday + 1
Const Monday = Sunday + 1
Const Tuesday = Monday + 1
Const Wednesday = Tuesday + 1
Const Thursday = Wednesday + 1
Const Friday = Thursday + 1

Const January = 1, February = 2, March = 3, April = 4, May = 5, June = 6
Const July = 7, August = 8, September = 9, October = 10, November = 11, December = 12

Const LimitYear = 9999

Dim Shared YD(1800 To LimitYear, December, 31) As Integer
'    Dim As Integer Month
Dim Shared As Integer Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Leap
'Dim Shared Year$, Month$, Day$, WeekDay$, Minute$, Second$, AmPm$
'Dim Shared As String DateString
Dim As Integer DayStart, I, WindowsOffset, ZellersOffset
Dim As Long RecCount

' these use 1-12 for convenience
Dim Shared MonthDays(1, December) As Integer, MonthNames(December) As String
' This one uses 0
Dim Shared DayNames(12) As String
Data "January",31,"February",28,"March",31,"April",30,"May",31
Data "June",30,"July",31,"August",31,"September",30
Data "October",31,"November",30,"December",31

Data "Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday"

For Month = January To December: Read MonthNames(Month), MonthDays(0, Month): Next
For Month = January To December: MonthDays(1, Month) = MonthDays(0, Month): Next ' Leap years
For Day = 0 To 12: Read DayNames(Day): Next

' We start Saturday =0 as most Zeller's congruence algorhythms do
' If either the test routine or Windows starts any other day, add the offset

WindowsOffset = 1 ' Windows starts Sunday
ZellersOffset = 0 ' The Zeller's Congruence starts Saturday

MonthDays(1, February) = 29 'Adjust for leap year

' Start the clock
I = GetLocalTime(StartTime)

TimeString = DayNames(StartTime.wDayOfWeek + WindowsOffset) + ", "
TimeString = TimeString + " " + MonthNames(StartTime.wMonth)
TimeString = TimeString + Str$(StartTime.wDay) + "," + Str$(StartTime.wYear) + " at"
TimeString = TimeString + Str$(StartTime.wHour) + ":"
TimeString = TimeString + Right$("0" + LTrim$(Str$(StartTime.wMinute)), 2) + ":"
TimeString = TimeString + Right$("0" + LTrim$(Str$(StartTime.wSecond)), 2)
Open "L:\ZteatResults.txt" For Output As #1
DPrint "Program begins, " + TimeString
DPrint "Initialization: Collecting dates from 1-1-1800 to 12-31-" + LTrim$(Str$(LimitYear))
DPrint "Please wait while initialization is completed"
Dim As _Byte ok, PP, Sc, InitialDay
ok = -1
InitialDay = Wednesday ' January 1, 1800
DayStart = InitialDay
RecCount = 0
PP = 0
For Year = 1800 To LimitYear
    '    Leap Year Calcultions
    GoSub GetLeap

    ' Now count the days
    For Month = January To December
        For Day = 1 To MonthDays(Leap, Month) ' if leap year, uses alternate
            YD(Year, Month, Day) = DayStart
            DayStart = DayStart + 1
            RecCount = RecCount + 1

            If DayStart = 7 Then DayStart = 0

I = GetLocalTime(EndTime) ' Stop the clock

' Compute elapsed time

Hour = EndTime.wHour
If StartTime.wHour < EndTime.wHour Then Hour = Hour + 24
Hour = Hour - StartTime.wHour

Minute = EndTime.wMinute
If StartTime.wMinute < EndTime.wMinute Then Minute = Minute + 60: Hour = Hour - 1
Minute = Minute - StartTime.wMinute

Second = EndTime.wSecond
If StartTime.wSecond < EndTime.wSecond Then Minute = Minute - 1: Second = Second + 60
Second = Second - StartTime.wSecond
Dim As Single St, Et
Et = EndTime.wMilliseconds / 1000
St = StartTime.wMilliseconds / 1000
If Et < St Then Second = Second - 1: Et = Et + 1

Et = (Et - St)

TimeString = ""
If Hour > 0 Then
    TimeString = Str$(Hour) + "hour"
    If Hour <> 1 Then TimeString = TimeString + "s"
    TimeString = TimeString + " "
End If
If Minute > 0 Then
    TimeString = TimeString + Str$(Minute) + "minute"
    If Minute <> 1 Then TimeString = TimeString + "s"
    TimeString = TimeString + " "
End If
If TimeString <> "" Then TimeString = TimeString + "and "
If Second < 0 Then Second = 0
TimeString = TimeString + LTrim$(Str$(Second + Et)) + " seconds."

DPrint "Initialization completed;" + Str$(RecCount) + " records initialized. "
DPrint "Initialization took " + TimeString
Second = Hour * 3600 + Minute * 60 + Second
Dim As Integer ProcessCount
If Second + Et > 3 Then
    ProcessCount = RecCount / (Second + Et)
    DPrint "Initilization rate was approx. " + Str$(ProcessCount) + "records per second."
End If
DPrint ""
DPrint "A check will be made to see how accurate the Zeller's congruence algorhythm is."
' Insert code to test here
Dim DOW As Single

Month = 1
Day = 1
Year = 1800

I = 0

GoSub Zeller
DPrint "January 1, 1800 was a " + DayNames(YD(Year, Month, Day)) + ", the algorhythm says it was " + DayNames(DOW) + "."
If YD(Year, Month, Day) <> DOW Then DPrint "": DPrint "Algorhythm fails.": Close: End

Locate 10, 1
DPrint "Now let's see how accurate it is:"

Locate 12, 1
Print "Year"
RecCount = 0

For Year = 1800 To LimitYear
    Locate 12, 5
    Print Year
    Leap = 0
    GoSub GetLeap
    For Month = January To December
        For Day = 1 To MonthDays(Leap, Month)
            GoSub Zeller
            If DOW <> YD(Year, Month, Day) + ZellersOffset Then
                Locate 15, 1
                Color 4
                DPrint "Mismatch on " + MonthNames(Month) + Str$(Day) + ", " + Str$(Year)
                DPrint "Precalc is :" + DayNames(YD(Year, Month, Day) + ZellersOffset) + " but Zeller says " + DayNames(DOW + ZellersOffset)
                Color 15
                I = I + 1
            End If

Locate 17, 1
Dim ERCMsg$
If I = 0 Then ERCMsg$ = "NO " Else ERCMsg$ = Str$(I)
DPrint "Completed with " + ERCMsg$ + "errors."

DPrint "There were " + Str$(RecCount) + " date computations."
DPrint ""
If I = 0 Then
    DPrint ""
    DPrint "I believe this certifies the algorhythm is accurate."
    DPrint "Algorhythm fails."
End If


'    Leap Year Calcultions
Leap = 0
' Year mod 4 = 0 for a leap year (in most cases)
If Year Mod 4 = 0 Then ' It is virtually certain it is a leap year with one exception

    ' If it is a century year (year where last two digits are 00)
    If Year Mod 100 <> 0 Then ' Not a century year
        Leap = 1 ' regular leap year
    Else ' It is a century year, it must also be divisible by 400
        If Year Mod 400 = 0 Then Leap = 1 ' Century leap year
    End If
End If

Dim As Integer Zmonth, ZYear
If Month < 3 Then
    Zmonth = Month + 12
    ZYear = Year - 1
    Zmonth = Month
    ZYear = Year
End If
DOW = Day + 2 * Zmonth + Int(.6 * (Zmonth + 1)) + ZYear + Int(ZYear / 4) - Int(ZYear / 100) + Int(ZYear / 400) + 2
DOW = Int((DOW / 7 - Int(DOW / 7)) * 7 + .5)

RecCount = RecCount + 1

' Text output can't be captured off screen through
' mouse or hilighting, so we also print to a file
Sub DPrint (P$)
    Print P$
    Print #1, P$
End Sub
Note I did not change the original algorhythm even if there might be more succinct ways of doing it, for one simple reason: i believe it works, and I can always come back later and "modernize" it

Let's run it and see how accurate it is:

Program begins, Wednesday,  October 23, 2024 at 12:55:05
Initialization: Collecting dates from 1-1-1800 to 12-31-9999
Please wait while initialization is completed
Initialization completed; 2994988 records initialized.
Initialization took .09 seconds.

A check will be made to see how accurate the Zeller's congruence algorhythm is.
January 1, 1800 was a Wednesday, the algorhythm says it was Wednesday.
Now let's see how accurate it is:
Completed with NO errors.
There were  2994988 date computations.

I believe this certifies the algorhythm is accurate.

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  suggestion - show search string in search results
Posted by: madscijr - 10-23-2024, 04:36 PM - Forum: Site Suggestions - Replies (2)

I noticed that when I use the search bar to find something in the forums, 

for example, "read image file into memory", 

that after you click Search and the results are displayed, the search string is nowhere to be seen. 

The URL is no help either, because instead of the search terms, just it contains some ID, for example 

Code: (Select All)

So to remember what it was you were searching for, you have to click Back in the browser, and see what's in the Search box. 

Would it be possible to show the original search string on the search results page? 

Because when I'm researching how to do things for a project, I might have 5 or more searches open in the browser, and it would be helpful to be able to, at a glance, see what I was looking for in each tab.

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