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Comm and VCSP port twiddling controls sigs |
Posted by: doppler - 06-08-2023, 12:12 PM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (2)
I am back playing with comm ports again. Way back in the old days it was possible to talk using inp and outp to twiddle RTS n DTR. As well as read DTR n CLS. Nowadays it's not possible to get to those signals. It's all because of VCSP (virtual comm serial port). It's possible to have 255 serial ports in windows. In the original PC comm ports maxed at 4 physical ports. Now the VCSP port could be a alternative to a 8250 comm chip. Or even not a comm port but a Ethernet serial interface device.
I am trying to test the above control signals, to identify bad ports (combination of loop back and such). I need a way to set and read the control signals.
I suck at DLL interfacing with QB64. Which is where I assume be VCSP signals need to be accessed.
Any help here maybe ?
Problem starting BC.Exe in DOS 5.02 |
Posted by: eoredson - 06-08-2023, 04:55 AM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (14)
We are trying to run certain .exe programs on a IBM 486 running DOS 5.02 to make sure they are backwards compatible. When attempting to compile an QBasic 4.5 program with BC.EXE we get the following error and would like to know how to solve it.:
Code: (Select All) runtime error R6002
- floating point not loaded
Note: This is not a Windows error and we have all the necessary drivers loaded.
CPU Type and Speed |
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 06-07-2023, 08:26 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (11)
A while back I could have sworn I saw someone post code that identified the CPU and speed using a Declare Library but I can't find it. Furthermore, I would have saved something like that in my box of goodies but I can't find that either?? Is my age finally messing with my brain or did I in fact see this code recently?
Testing QBJS tags |
Posted by: bplus - 06-05-2023, 06:21 PM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs
- Replies (10)
[qbjs]'Option _Explicit
'_Title "Tessellation 4" ' b+ 2023-05-19
' Inspired by Charlie's BAM example
' https(colon)//qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1646&pid=15772#pid15772
' b+ 2023-05-09 - Tiling with a pattern
' Tessellation 2 will try color filled with more background black.
' Tessellation 3 Charlie mentions a mirror image for interesting tessellating,
' lets try mirroring both x and y axis.
' Tessellation 4
' Use b key to toggle between
' 1. 3 color tessellation
' 2. 4 color tessellation
' and use c key to toggle between
' 1. a random set of colors
' 2. contrast (a red, a green, a blue and 4th is white)
'DefLng A-Z
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32) ' full rgb range here
_ScreenMove 250, 50
Dim Shared Pix ' Pix is number of pixels to Tile side
Dim Shared Scale ' Change a pixel to a bigger square block for not so subtle patterns
Dim Shared Tile ' Handle that stores Tile Image in memory to call up with _PutImage
Dim Shared B ' Toggle color mode from 3 to 4 and back
Dim Shared C ' Toggle Contrast set and Random set of colors
ReDim Shared Pal(1 To 4) As _Unsigned Long ' palette to hold 3 or 4 colors
Dim K$, t$
K$ = InKey$
If K$ = "b" Then B = 1 - B ' toggle coloring mode on a b keypress
If K$ = "c" Then C = 1 - C ' toggle coloring mode on a b keypress
' update the title according current b and c toggles
If B Then t$ = "4" Else t$ = "3"
If C Then t$ = t$ + " Contrasted Colors" Else t$ = t$ + " Random Colors"
_Title t$ + ">>> use b to toggle 3|4 colors, c to toggle random|contrast, any other for next screen"
MakePalette ' 3 or 4 random colors according to b
MakeTile ' create a new random tiling pattern
Tessellate ' tile the screen with it
_PrintString (740, 580), "ZZZ..." ' Show user we are sleeping awaiting a key press
Loop Until _KeyDown(27) ' quit when detect escape key on sleep
Sub MakePalette
Dim As Long n, i
If B Then n = 4 Else n = 3
ReDim Pal(1 To n) As _Unsigned Long
For i = 1 To n
If C Then
If B Then
If i = 4 Then Pal(i) = C3~&(999) Else Pal(i) = C3~&(10 ^ (i - 1) * Int(Rnd * 10))
Pal(i) = C3~&(10 ^ (i - 1) * Int(Rnd * 10))
End If
Pal(i) = C3~&(Int(Rnd * 1000))
End If
End Sub
Sub MakeTile ' make a random tile to Tesselate according to B Mode coloring
Pix = Int(Rnd * 9) + 4 ' sets tile size pix X pix or a 4X4 to 12X12 Tile coloring
Scale = Int(Rnd * 6) + 4 ' to change pixels to square blocks
If Tile Then _FreeImage Tile ' throw old image away
Tile = _NewImage(2 * Scale * Pix - 1, 2 * Scale * Pix - 1) ' make new one
_Dest Tile ' draw in the memory area Tile not on screen
Dim As Long y, x, q
For y = 0 To Scale * Pix Step Scale
For x = 0 To Scale * Pix Step Scale
If B Then q = Int(Rnd * 4) + 1 Else q = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1
Line (x, y)-Step(Scale, Scale), Pal(q), BF ' this should be integer since Tile is
Line (2 * Scale * Pix - x - 1, y)-Step(Scale, Scale), Pal(q), BF
Line (x, 2 * Scale * Pix - y - 1)-Step(Scale, Scale), Pal(q), BF
Line (2 * Scale * Pix - x - 1, 2 * Scale * Pix - y - 1)-Step(Scale, Scale), Pal(q), BF
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub Tessellate ' just covering the screen with our Tile
Dim As Long y, x
For y = 0 To _Height Step 2 * Scale * Pix
For x = 0 To _Width Step 2 * Scale * Pix
_PutImage (x, y)-Step(2 * Scale * Pix, 2 * Scale * Pix), Tile, 0
End Sub
Function C3~& (n) ' New (even less typing!) New Color System 1000 colors with up to 3 digits
Dim s3$, r As Long, g As Long, b As Long
s3$ = Right$("000" + LTrim$(Str$(n)), 3)
r = Val(Mid$(s3$, 1, 1))
If r Then r = 28 * r + 3
g = Val(Mid$(s3$, 2, 1))
If g Then g = 28 * g + 3
b = Val(Mid$(s3$, 3, 1))
If b Then b = 28 * b + 3
C3~& = _RGB32(r, g, b)
End Function[/qbjs]
So what am I doing wrong?
Developing the next generation |
Posted by: NasaCow - 06-05-2023, 11:33 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (7)
So, I have a nearly 7 year old daughter and she seems interested in daddy pounding on the keyboard when I am programming. I know scratch is a language for kids as well. Anyone have experince of it and can point me in a direction to have enough resources to teach it? Or should I just download it and it is all in the langauge already? Thanks!
CreateFile library error |
Posted by: eoredson - 06-05-2023, 05:42 AM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (20)
I have been using this code for awhile. It is a CreateFile library function call.
Problem it work in Qb64pe-32 bit but in 64-bit throws a GNU C++ compilation error and I wanted to know why!?
Code: (Select All) Rem $Dynamic
DefLng A-Z
Declare Dynamic Library "kernel32"
Function CloseHandle& (ByVal hfile As _Offset)
End Declare
Rem hfind = CreateFileA(ASCIIZ, &H180, &H3, 0, 3, 0, 0)
' parameters:
' (1) pointer to filename
' (2) access:
' x80(128) - read
' x100(256) - write
' (3) sharing
' (4) security attributes
' (5) create file flag
' (6) flags (standard OSHA)
' (7) pointer to template file
' paramater 5
' 0 DEFAULT_OPEN_EXISTING = open only if exists
' 1 CREATE_NEW = create only if not exist
' 2 CREATE_ALWAYS = always create new file
' 3 OPEN_EXISTING = open only if exists
' 4 OPEN_ALWAYS = open file always
' 5 TRUNCATE_EXISTING = open/truncate to 0 only if exists
' 6 OPEN_DIRECTORY = open if directory exists
Declare Library
Function CreateFileA& (filename$, Byval access&, Byval sharing&, Byval sec_attr%&, Byval create&, Byval flags&, Byval template%&)
End Declare
Dim hfind As _Offset
' detect file
Print "Enter filename";
Input f$
If Len(f$) Then
f$ = f$ + Chr$(0)
hfind = CreateFileA(f$, &H180, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0)
If hfind Then
Print "File exists."
r = CloseHandle(hfind)
End If
End If