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Help needed regarding Lesson 17 |
Posted by: RhoSigma - 10-08-2024, 10:39 AM - Forum: Terry Ritchie's Tutorial
- Replies (26)
Hi Terry,
there's a lost soul at Discord. He/she obviously got lots of informations from your Tutorial Lesson 17 (Movement and Rotation).
From a quick visit to that lesson I see for your teachings you use (for whatever reason) a modified version of the standard math coordinate system, which assumes 0° as north direction and then counts the angles clockwise.
Now, this guy/girl is trying to calculate the angle from one point to another one using the _ATAN2 function and wonders about the results, mayby you could have a look: https://discord.com/channels/97538191235...0559666196
Steve and me tried to help, but as his/her thinking is obviously compromised by your coordinate modell, we probably made it even worse than better.
Potencies high potencies |
Posted by: Kernelpanic - 10-07-2024, 09:21 PM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (4)
When I wanted to try something today, I came across a problem, at least for me.
The results do not match what the MS calculator and online calculators give. I am also confused by the fact that ((5 ^ 4)^4) is not the same as 5^(4*4) for the program, but 5^16 gives a result like ((5 ^ 4)^4). Have I there disregarded some mathematical laws?
Code: (Select All)
'Matheuebung Potenzen hoch Potenzen - 7. Okt. 2024
Option _Explicit
Dim As Integer a, b, c
Dim As _Unsigned Long sum, sum2, sum3
Locate 2, 3
Print "Berechnet ((a ^ b) ^ c)"
Locate 3, 3
Print "======================="
'Beispiel: ((5^4)^4) = 5^16
'MS-Rechner: 152.587.890.625 -- Hier:
Locate 5, 3
Input "a: ", a
Locate 6, 3
Input "b: ", b
Locate 7, 3
Input "c: ", c
sum = ((a ^ b) ^ c)
Locate 9, 3
Print Using "Summe 1: ###,##########"; sum
sum2 = a ^ (a * b)
Locate 11, 3
Print Using "Summe 2: ###,##########"; sum2
sum3 = a ^ 16
Locate 13, 3
Print Using "Summe 3: ###,##########"; sum3
An Array v's A Dictionary |
Posted by: Dimster - 10-07-2024, 07:18 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (10)
I've just recently come across a Dictionary as an alternative to an Array. Doesn't appear that QB64PE supports Dictionaries. Does anyone who codes in languages which do use Dictionaries find them the same as using an Array or better than an Array or offering a completely different manipulation of data than an Array?
[Solved] How come CLS clears more than the _DEST image here? |
Posted by: Dav - 10-07-2024, 12:01 AM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (2)
I was playing with an image drawing program tonight, drawing over a moving plasma background. To do this I'm combining two image screens (back& and drawing&) onto the main screen (_DEST 0). That works fine, but when I try to CLS the drawing& image screen, it also clears the plasma back& image too. How come? I must be misunderstanding something about _DEST and CLS use.
Here's the program. Use the mouse to draw on the screen. You can press SPACE to clear the screen. Afterwards you will see the plasma background is cleared also, although I _DEST to the drawing& image.
Line #93 is where the CLS thing happens.
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'Draw on a moving plasma background
'Coded by Dav, OCT/2024
Screen _NewImage(800, 800, 32)
'make screens
back& = _NewImage(800, 800, 32) 'plasma background
drawing& = _NewImage(800, 800, 32) 'drawing screen
points = 8 'number of drawing points on drawing screen
Dim pointa(points), pointx(points), pointy(points), lastmx(points), lastmy(points)
pointsize = 3 'size of points
cx = _Width \ 2: cy = _Height \ 2
t = Timer * 1
'=== update plasma background image
_Dest back&
For y = 0 To _Height Step 3
For x = 0 To _Width Step 3
r = Int(128 + 127 * Sin(x / 15 + t) + 127 * Cos(y / 15 + t))
g = Int(128 + 127 * Sin(x / 25 + t * 1.5) + 127 * Cos(y / 25 + t * 1.5))
b = Int(128 + 127 * Sin(x / 35 + t * 2) + 127 * Cos(y / 35 + t * 2))
Line (x, y)-Step(2, 2), _RGBA(r / 3, g / 3, b / 3, Rnd * 30), BF
'=== do/update drawing screen
_Dest drawing&
While _MouseInput: Wend
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
If stilldown = 1 Then
dx = mx - cx: dy = my - cy
a = _Atan2(dy, dx)
dis = Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
For i = 1 To points
pointa(i) = (360 / points) * i * (3.14159 / 180)
pointx(i) = cx + dis * Cos(pointa(i) + a)
pointy(i) = cy + dis * Sin(pointa(i) + a)
stepx = lastmx(i) - pointx(i)
stepy = lastmy(i) - pointy(i)
length = Int((stepx ^ 2 + stepy ^ 2) ^ .5)
dx2 = stepx / length
dy2 = stepy / length
r = Int(128 + 127 * Sin(pointx(i) / 25 + t) + 127 * Cos(pointy(i) / 25 + t))
g = Int(128 + 127 * Sin(pointx(i) / 25 + t * 1.5) + 127 * Cos(pointy(i) / 25 + t * 1.5))
b = Int(128 + 127 * Sin(pointx(i) / 25 + t * 2) + 127 * Cos(pointy(i) / 25 + t * 2))
For i2 = 0 To length
newx = pointx(i) + dx2 * i2
newy = pointy(i) + dy2 * i2
fc newx, newy, pointsize, _RGB(r, g, b), 0
lastmx(i) = pointx(i)
lastmy(i) = pointy(i)
dx = mx - cx
dy = my - cy
a = _Atan2(dy, dx)
dis = Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
For i = 1 To points
pointa(i) = (360 / points) * i * (3.14159 / 180)
pointx(i) = cx + dis * Cos(pointa(i) + a)
pointy(i) = cy + dis * Sin(pointa(i) + a)
lastmx(i) = pointx(i)
lastmy(i) = pointy(i)
r = Int(128 + 127 * Sin(pointx(i) / 25 + t) + 127 * Cos(pointy(i) / 25 + t))
g = Int(128 + 127 * Sin(pointx(i) / 25 + t * 1.5) + 127 * Cos(pointy(i) / 25 + t * 1.5))
b = Int(128 + 127 * Sin(pointx(i) / 25 + t * 2) + 127 * Cos(pointy(i) / 25 + t * 2))
fc pointx(i), pointy(i), pointsize, _RGB(r, g, b), 0
stilldown = 1
End If
stilldown = 0
End If
'=== combine both images to the main screen image
_Dest 0
_PutImage (0, 0), back&
_PutImage (0, 0), drawing&
If InKey$ = " " Then
_Dest drawing& 'point to drawing& image
Cls, 0: _Display '<<< this clears back& image too. How come?
_Dest 0
End If
_Limit 30
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
Sub fc (cx As Integer, cy As Integer, radius As Integer, clr~&, grad)
If radius < 1 Then Exit Sub ' safety bail
If grad = 1 Then
red = _Red32(clr~&)
grn = _Green32(clr~&)
blu = _Blue32(clr~&)
alpha = _Alpha32(clr~&)
End If
r2 = radius * radius
For y = -radius To radius
x = Abs(Sqr(r2 - y * y))
' If doing gradient
If grad = 1 Then
For i = -x To x
dis = Sqr(i * i + y * y) / radius
red2 = red * (1 - dis) + (red / 2) * dis
grn2 = grn * (1 - dis) + (grn / 2) * dis
blu2 = blu * (1 - dis) + (blu / 2) * dis
clr2~& = _RGBA(red2, grn2, blu2, alpha)
Line (cx + i, cy + y)-(cx + i, cy + y), clr2~&, BF
Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), clr~&, BF
End If
End Sub
I have fallen in a bug or weird behaviour |
Posted by: TempodiBasic - 10-06-2024, 10:52 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (2)
Hi QB64 friends
building my first multiclient network in localHost I've got this weird behaviour (or a bug about applications interface)...
if you try my little example about TCP/IP connections among applications you can observe that after a first quick time all the client windows get the same background color also if they have been build with different background colors...
what do you think about this result?
what suggestion do you want to say to me?
here the link to TCP/IP program TCP/IP connections
while you think an answer hear this kind music Tokyo , Maneskin, THE LONELIEST
a little TCP/IP network in LocalHost |
Posted by: TempodiBasic - 10-06-2024, 10:41 PM - Forum: Programs
- Replies (5)
Hi QB64 friends...
here it follows a my new TCP/IP experience creating a little network with 3 clients and 1 host server.
The same pocedure is for a network behind the home LAN.... you must use Host on a server PC connected to outside via TCP/IP and a pc for each Client program connected via TCP/IP to outside line.... the only difference is the URL used for creating connections!
Here the codes for Host and LClient1, Lclient2 and Lclient3 in the same PC
Code: (Select All)
Rem Project to simulate a server with multiple clients TCP/IP
Rem the first program is the server side of the network
Screen _NewImage(800, 640, 32)
Cls , _RGBA32(250, 100, 200, 255)
_ScreenMove 10, 10
_PrintString (10, 200), "testing if SERVER is already ON"
Dim Server As Long
Server = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:7319:localhost")
If Server Then Msg$ = "Server Host already ON" Else Msg$ = "Server Host OFF, activating Server Host..."
_PrintString (10, 230), Msg$ + Space$(6)
If Server = 0 Then
Server = _OpenHost("TCP/IP:7319 ")
If Server = 0 Then Msg$ = "Failed to activate server Host. Host is OFF" Else Msg$ = " Activated Server Host. Host is ON"
_PrintString (10, 300), Msg$
End If
Rem here Host runs Client apps
Shell _DontWait "LClient1.exe"
Shell _DontWait "LClient2.exe"
Shell _DontWait "LClient3.exe"
Rem here Host searches connections with clients and if activated it reads data
Dim Cli(1 To 3) As Long, n As Integer, Comd As String
n = n + 1
If n = 4 Then n = 1
If Cli(n) = 0 Then Cli(n) = _OpenConnection(Server) ' Is cli(n) connected?
Comd = "" ' it deletes previous command read by client
If Cli(n) <> 0 Then
If Not EOF(Cli(n)) Then Get #Cli(n), , Comd ' has Cli(n) sent data?
End If
' data executor
Select Case Comd
Case " ":
_PrintString (10, 100), "Client" + Str$(n) + " quits" + Space$(6)
' it quits
Case "c", "C":
Cls , _RGBA32((Rnd * (255)) + 1, (Rnd * (255)) + 1, (Rnd * (255)) + 1, 255)
_PrintString (10, 100), "Client" + Str$(n) + " changes color" + Space$(6)
' it changes color
Case "s", "S":
Play "cdc"
_PrintString (10, 100), "Client" + Str$(n) + " makes sound" + Space$(6)
' it sounds some notes
End Select
_PrintString (10, 300), " Press space key to quit" + Space$(16)
Loop Until InKey$ = " " Or Comd = " " ' press space to quit
Code: (Select All)
Rem Project to simulate a server with multiple clients TCP/IP
Rem the second program is the first client side of the network
Screen _NewImage(800, 640, 32)
Cls , _RGBA32(128, 200, 200, 255)
_ScreenMove 400, 100
_PrintString (10, 200), "testing if CLIENT is already ON"
Dim Server As Long
Server = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:7319:localhost")
If Server Then Msg$ = "Client is ON" Else Msg$ = "Cannot activate Client..."
_PrintString (10, 230), Msg$
If Server = 0 Then
Server = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:7319:localhost") ' it tries a second time the connection with Host
If Server = 0 Then Msg$ = "Failed to activate server Client. Client is OFF" Else Msg$ = " Activated Server Client. Client is ON"
_PrintString (10, 300), Msg$
If Server = 0 Then End
End If
Rem here Client waits user input and sends this to Host
Dim Comd As String
_Delay 1
Cls , _RGBA32(128, 200, 200, 255)
_PrintString (10, 100), "Client is ON, press c/C to change color, s/S to sound notes and space key to quit"
Comd = "" ' it deletes previous command read by client
Comd = InKey$
If Comd <> "" Then Put #Server, , Comd ' has Cli(n) sent data?
' data executor
Select Case Comd
Case " ":
_PrintString (10, 200), " > Quitting command sent"
' it quits
Case "c", "C":
_PrintString (10, 200), " > Changing color command sent" ' it changes color
Case "s", "S":
_PrintString (10, 200), " > Playing sound command sent" ' it sounds some notes
End Select
Loop Until InKey$ = " " Or Comd = " " ' press space to quit
Code: (Select All)
Rem Project to simulate a server with multiple clients TCP/IP
Rem the second program is the first client side of the network
Screen _NewImage(800, 640, 32)
Cls , _RGBA32(33, 72, 200, 255)
_ScreenMove 600, 100
_PrintString (10, 200), "testing if CLIENT is already ON"
Dim Server As Long
Server = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:7319:localhost")
If Server Then Msg$ = "Client is ON" Else Msg$ = "Cannot activate Client..."
_PrintString (10, 230), Msg$
If Server = 0 Then
Server = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:7319:localhost") ' it tries a second time the connection with Host
If Server = 0 Then Msg$ = "Failed to activate server Client. Client is OFF" Else Msg$ = " Activated Server Client. Client is ON"
_PrintString (10, 300), Msg$
If Server = 0 Then End
End If
Rem here Client waits user input and sends this to Host
Dim Comd As String
_Delay 1
Cls , _RGBA32(33, 72, 200, 255) ' typo error _RGBA32(128, 200, 200, 255)
_PrintString (10, 100), "Client is ON, press c/C to change color, s/S to sound notes and space key to quit"
Comd = "" ' it deletes previous command read by client
Comd = InKey$
If Comd <> "" Then Put #Server, , Comd ' has Cli(n) sent data?
' data executor
Select Case Comd
Case " ":
_PrintString (10, 200), " > Quitting command sent"
' it quits
Case "c", "C":
_PrintString (10, 200), " > Changing color command sent" ' it changes color
Case "s", "S":
_PrintString (10, 200), " > Playing sound command sent" ' it sounds some notes
End Select
Loop Until InKey$ = " " Or Comd = " " ' press space to quit
Code: (Select All)
Rem Project to simulate a server with multiple clients TCP/IP
Rem the second program is the first client side of the network
Screen _NewImage(800, 640, 32)
Cls , _RGBA32(128, 200, 67, 255)
_ScreenMove 1200, 200
_PrintString (10, 200), "testing if CLIENT is already ON"
Dim Server As Long
Server = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:7319:localhost")
If Server Then Msg$ = "Client is ON" Else Msg$ = "Cannot activate Client..."
_PrintString (10, 230), Msg$
If Server = 0 Then
Server = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:7319:localhost") ' it tries a second time the connection with Host
If Server = 0 Then Msg$ = "Failed to activate server Client. Client is OFF" Else Msg$ = " Activated Server Client. Client is ON"
_PrintString (10, 300), Msg$
If Server = 0 Then End
End If
Rem here Client waits user input and sends this to Host
Dim Comd As String
_Delay 1
Cls , _RGBA32(128, 200, 67, 255) ' typo error _RGBA32(128, 200, 200, 255)
_PrintString (10, 100), "Client is ON, press c/C to change color, s/S to sound notes and space key to quit"
Comd = "" ' it deletes previous command read by client
Comd = InKey$
If Comd <> "" Then Put #Server, , Comd ' has Cli(n) sent data?
' data executor
Select Case Comd
Case " ":
_PrintString (10, 200), " > Quitting command sent"
' it quits
Case "c", "C":
_PrintString (10, 200), " > Changing color command sent" ' it changes color
Case "s", "S":
_PrintString (10, 200), " > Playing sound command sent" ' it sounds some notes
End Select
Loop Until InKey$ = " " Or Comd = " " ' press space to quit
Well save files with its own name, compile them with F11 (only EXE) and at the end run Host with double click on it.
Play press c/C or s/S and jumping from a client to another...
pressing space bar key the client active and the host stop running.
I have left the END instruction to let see what happens in the different applications windows... but the best is to close all applications. No such more code just few lines to get this result.
Bezier Path Generator |
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 10-06-2024, 03:06 AM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (4)
Has anyone worked with Bezier curves?
I'm attempting to write a path generator for items such as enemy ships, like when the ships form up in Galaga at the start of a level, or during a challenging stage.
The code below is a quick and dirty Bezier path maker. It works, but no matter what I set the variable Detail to the path comes up jagged, with a sort of stair step effect to it. Does anyone know how I can smooth this out if possible?
Code: (Select All) TYPE POINT
Curve(0).x = 0
Curve(0).y = 479
Curve(1).x = 639
Curve(1).y = 239
Curve(2).x = 0
Curve(2).y = 239
Curve(3).x = 639
Curve(3).y = 0
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
Detail = .00001
FOR t = 0 TO 1 STEP Detail
CurvePoint Curve(), p, t
New = -1
FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(Path) - 1
IF p.x = Path(i).x AND p.y = Path(i).y THEN
New = 0
Path(UBOUND(Path)) = p
'PSET (p.x, p.y)
PSET (Path(0).x, Path(0).y)
FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(Path) - 1
LINE -(Path(i).x, Path(i).y)
SUB CurvePoint (c() AS POINT, p AS POINT, t AS SINGLE)
'Quick and dirty Bezier point calculator
'Note: only works for 4 points
p.x = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * c(0).x + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * c(1).x + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * c(2).x + t * t * t * c(3).x
p.y = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * c(0).y + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * c(1).y + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * c(2).y + t * t * t * c(3).y
Thanks for still making a 32-bit version of QB64-PE |
Posted by: Dav - 10-05-2024, 01:31 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (5)
Although I use Linux mostly now days, I still have a beloved Win7-32 bit laptop and appreciate that I can use the latest QB64-PE on it. Thanks for still providing a Win 32-bit build!
Also, I see that the latest 32-bit windows version runs well under wine in LinuxMint. In fact, using it tonight, I believe I prefer using the Win version of the IDE under Linux instead of the Linux build. The Win version IDE runs snappier for me, and I haven't had the random program freezes yet that I've been having with the Linux version. Also, I can have access to the Win API again this way in Linux, best of both worlds!
- Dav