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The QB64 IDE shell |
Posted by: eoredson - 12-01-2022, 05:04 AM - Forum: Utilities
- Replies (5)
Find attached the QB64 shell program.
Installed in this package is Qb64shell.bas which is the source..
The file contents are as follows:
Code: (Select All) Information file for:
QB64SHELL - command line prompt shell windows program for QB64
Provides a low level DOS-like command shell program similar to the one
used by Windows CMD.EXE prompt. Tries to improve on most DOS functions,
such as: DIR, COPY, DELETE, MKDIR, etc. Also supports standard I/O
between commands and a full screen editor.
Copy the QB64shell archive to C:\QB64 and extract contents there.
Load/Start or make .EXE then enter the shell at the command line.
Since QB64shell starts with user profiles activated, enter SYSOP
and PASSWORD to logon.
Files used:
QB64shell attempts to create the folder QB64shell in the \program files
group. The files in the folder are:
filemenu.cfg - config data for the file menu box
profiles.dat - user profiles data file
qb64shell.cfg - current state of QB64shell after exit
filename.cfg is written the first time QB64shell starts.
profiles.dat is written with SYSOP the first time QB64shell starts.
qb64shell.cfg is written every time the QB64shell exits and contains
such variables as the windows coordinates, statusbar setting, etc.
Any of these files may be safely deleted.
Compiling QB64shell:
The following files are required to make the QB64shell.exe program:
QB64shell.bas -- main QB64shell code
QB64shell.inc -- the QB64shell include file
QB64shell.ico -- the QB64shell icon file
QB64shell.new -- new version list file
QB64shell.txt -- readme file
Mem.h -- memory and cpu usage include file
THX_Sound_Effect.mp3 - intro sound
(only plays the first time QB64shell starts)
Author notes:
Program is published 11/30/2022 and is public domain BASIC source code.
Written and maintained by Erik Jon Oredson who can be reached at:
The QBshell commands are:
Code: (Select All) QB64shell commands:
Basic commands:
Filename commands:
Volume commands:
The version history is:
Code: (Select All) QB64shell - command line prompt shell windows program for QB64
First release:
Version v.0001 Release r.001
Build 11-21-2017.01
New release:
Build 11-24-2017.01
Edits TREE to reflect TREEDIR
New release:
Build 11-29-2017.01
Copyit v9.0a r4.0a updates:
Adds quit option to disk full error.
Now copies ambiguated unicode filenames.
Fixes switches in moreprompt.
New release:
Build 12-02-2017.01
Copyit v9.0a r5.0a updates:
Now preserves unicode filenames.
Now also preserves unicode directories.
Adds break option to break trap.
New release:
Build 12-05-2017.01
Adds Unicode to rename.
New release:
Build 12-15-2017.01
Fixes recursive loop in Stree.
Adds more Unicode to recursive searches.
Repairs Stdout in Getattr.
New release:
Build 12-16-2017.01
Fixes missing toolbar.
Adds features to ScrnEdit:
Adds Control-Break during fileload,
Adds percent file loaded in title.
Forces alternate filename in redirection.
New release:
Build 12-30-2017.01
Adds switches to detect compressed/encrypted files.
New release:
Build 01-01-2018.01
Modifies attribute to _unsigned long.
New release:
Build 04-20-2022.01
Fixes syntax errors in GetDateTime and FormatX$
New release:
Build 12-10-2022.01
Adds dialog box to file menu.
Removes file menu box.
New release:
Build 12-17-2022.01
Edits SendMessage for screensaver.
Removes LocateF, PrintF, ColorF, ColorF2.
Adds (C)ount to Sub Menu.
Fixes problem with displaytoolbar in dropdown file menu.
New release:
Build 12-20-2022.01
Write critical error to error log file.
Adds some userprofile reserved values.
Add help copy stats.
Fixes recursive clock$ function.
New release:
Build 12-24-2022.01
Removes 150 lines of unused code.
Edits prompt $W[<exp$>] parsing.
New release:
Build 02-20-2023.01
Adds parameter to GetOpenFileName$
Adds keypad-5 trap.
New release: (qbshell8.zip)
Build 03-20-2023.01
Adds Serial and Fattype displays to volume commands.
Fixes setting/displaying volume in Sub Label.
Adds /A, /B, /1:d to Sub Label.
Wrote documentation files:
QB64shell.doc and QB64shell.cmd
New release: (qbshell9.zip)
Build 03-28-2023.01
Modifies titlebar icon.
Code: (Select All) (QbshellA.zip);
New release:
Build 04-28-2023.01
Fixes Inkeyx$ function.
Updates ReadConfig and WriteConfig removing GetConfigFilename$
Replaces CreateFile and CreateFileA library function calls with
custom Sub CreateFileA function.
Removes call to GrabURL.
Moves _Limit calls to Function Inkeyx$
Adds Inkeyz$ and Keypad-5 centering to all boxes.
New release:
Build 05-04-2023.01
Removes _DirExists when directory semantics flag could be used
with Sub CreateFileA instead.
Removes all f$=keyboardline$ and g$=keyboardline$ when using
dialog box instead.
Adds more keyboard scancodes to Sub HexCalc.
New release:
Build 05-05-2023.01
Adds chdir to Sub NewDir to store in DriveTable.
Fixes SwitchDrive with C: declared without path.
New release:
Build 05-15-2023.01
Edits critical error trap.
Adds "debug errorlog" to display error log file.
Fixes blank line when <down> is at end of history array.
New release:
Build 05-20-2023.01
Fixes history array when up/down selected.
New release: (qbshellb)
Build 05-23-2023.01
Adds up/down scancodes to some message boxes.
New release: (qbshellc)
Build 05-26-2023.01
Adds WhatisBox to enter equations.
Adds CheckAlarms timer trap and AlarmMenu.
Adds KeyboardLine$ function support for AlarmMenu.
New release: (qbshelld)
Build 06-03-2023.01
Adds Table command to list drivetable/netpathtable.
Adds search string option to Table command.
(may contain ? and * characters).
Adjusts NetPathHistory in KeyboardLine$
New release: (qbshelle)
Build 06-20-2023.01
Fixes problem when started from netpath/cdrom.
Adds filename entry to GrabURL in debug.
Fixes problem when started from netpath.
New release: (qbshellf)
Build 07-01-2023.01
Fixes retracting multidots in CD/RD/MD.
Fixes possible cascade in error.routine trap.
New release: (qbshellg)
Build 07-07-2023.01
Remove Cls from GetOpenFilename$
Adds percent display in VerifyFiles2.
Adds /F"file" and /G"file" to compfile.
Adds /F"path" and /G"path" to compdir.
Fixes some display in compdir.
New release: (qbshellh)
Build 07-15-2023.01
Adds more titlebar display in Compfile and Conpdir.
Adds MouseWheel and WheelReverse to all 16 boxes.
Adds <test> <function> to DebugFunc:
Adds $X and $Z and $A[<n>] to DisplayPrompt.
Adds "debug mouse" to test mouse functions.
Adds ViewFile function to simple array.
Fixes attribute assignment in ListFiles.
New release: (qbshellh)
Build 07-20-2023.01
Converts sound effect file to 8-bit stored as 88KB.
Compresses qbshellh.zip from 880K to 330K.
Fixes Strip.Blanks in More function.
New release: (qbshelli)
Build 08-03-2023.01
Fixes [Removable] drive in Sub ListDrives.
Adds MediaExists in Sub FreeSpace and Sub TotalSpace.
Improves drive display in Volume in Sub Menu.
New release: (qbshellj)
Build 08-25-2023.01
Fixes display in Sub FindY during streaming.
Now allows multiple filenames in ListFile.
Tweaks some monitorbox function calls.
New release: (qbshellk)
Build 09-20-2023.01
Replaced call to Whereis with Stree.
Retools Sub EditProfiles.
Fixes AddProfile for new usernames.
Adds (I)nit to Sub EditProfiles.
Adds MessageBox to ViewFileInfo.
Adds double bar to MessageBox.
Edits critical error trap with System selection.
Adds TeeFunction to redirect Stdout.
New release: (qbshelll)
Build 10-10-2023.01
Adds ReadConfig during edit config.
Modifies Sub Menu.
Adds (Z)viewfile to Files.
Adds (Y)randomize volume labels in Volume.
Adds (Z)ap volume labels in Volume.
Moves _ControlChr off to top of program.
Fixes possible cascade error in Sub Copyit_DisplayError.
Adds more debug functions.
Adds Const CopyitConfig$ = "COPYIT.CFG"
Edits date/time override using SetLocalTime.
Adds MonitorSuffix for k/m/g/t in monitor display.
And adds to config file in Qb64shell.cfg and to
user profiles in Profiles.dat
Replaces all Color statements with constants.
Replaces all Chr$(34) with Quote constant.
Adds Const TabStop=8 to Keyboardline$ and Scrnedit.
Adds ctrl-k appendfile and ctrl-l insertfile to Sub ScrnEdit.
Fixes SearchReplace in Sub ScrnEdit.
Now allows realtime display prompt in Function KeyBoardLine$
New release: (qbshellm)
Build 01-10-2024.01
Adds Search to commands and SearchFiles.
Adds F4 AppendFile and F5 InsertFile to ScrnEdit.
Fixes array in insertfile in Sub ScrnEdit.
Adds VersionInfo settings to QB64shell.inc
Adds '-/+', 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9' to scan filename in SearchFiles.
Adds F3 to search filename in SearchFile. And Ctrl-F3 to repeat search.
Extends Search command with filespec parameter.
New release: (qbshelln)
Build 03-10-2024.01
Replaces LoadIcon with Icon2BMP.
Adds F4 and F5 to SortOrder for Dirs and Files in SearchFiles.
Adds F6 to recursively call SearchFiles.
Adds dirspec prompt to SearchFiles.
Replaces all Kill with DeleteFileA.
Replaces Name AS with MoveFile.
Replaces MkDir with CreateDirectory.
Rewrote LoadDrives, LoadFiles, and SortFiles in SearchFiles.
Adds missing DisplayStatusLine function in SearchFiles.
Adds missing PercentDisplay function in SearchFiles and ScrnEdit2.
Now checks drive exists/added/removed realtime in SearchFiles.
Now parses command line switch to append slash in several functions.
New release: (qbshello)
Build 05-20-2024.01
More mods for Sub SearchFiles:
Enables support for Midi files.
Adds Sub VerifyPlay function to check sound filename extension.
Adds Play Pause and Play Resume to toggle playmode.
Adds Sub VerifyFile to check system file.
Adds Sub VerifyFile2 to check library file.
Adds Sub VerifyFile3 to check source file.
Adds Sub VerifyFile4 to check document file.
Adds Sub VerifyFile5 to check compressed file.
Adds Sub VerifyFile6 to check video file.
Adds Sub VerifyFile7 to check image file.
Adds Sub VerifyFile8 to check web file.
Adds Sub VerifyFile9 to check database file.
Adds PlayFile to play sound files.
And Ctrl-P = pause/resume soundfile.
And Ctrl-Q = set soundfile plus 10 seconds.
And Ctrl-R = set soundfile minus 10 seconds.
And Ctrl-X = exit with soundfile remaining.
And Ctrl-Y = increase sound volume.
And Ctrl-Z = decrease sound volume.
Adds left/right to MessageBox and HelpBox.
Adds Quote constant assignment.
Fixes _ControlChr in backspace display.
Fixes GrabUrl with read-only bit set in download file.
Fixes Hex Screen.Print and File.Print in Sub ScrnEdit.
Adds _SelectFolderDialog$ for directory options in Sub Menu.
Prevents WhatisBox from hanging by adding a special error trap.
Now displays <token error> and <quote error> in WhatError trap.
Traps exponent dual binary parsing error in Whatis numeric processor.
New release: (qbshellp)
Build 10-10-2024.01
Fixes date/time settings when hangs.
Affects DateFunc and TimeFunc.
Edits Escape function in LineInput$
New release: (qbshellq)
Build 12-10-2024.01
Removes $Unstable:Midi and replaces with
_MIDISoundBank "steelgit.sf2", "sf2"
Adds Const MaxSoundFileExtensions = 31
QB64shell.bas is now 53,670 lines.
The file can be found at: https://bit.ly/QB64shell
tweak Str$ for single and double |
Posted by: Jack - 12-01-2022, 02:09 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (9)
I think that this is worth looking into
Code: (Select All) Dim As Single x
For x = 1 To .05 Step -.05
Print x
Next x
Code: (Select All) 1
if you change the format string in the function qbs *qbs_str(float value) in libqb.cpp from "% .6E" to "% .6G" you get
Code: (Select All) 1
similarly results for the function qbs *qbs_str(double value), changing the "E" to "G"
before change
Code: (Select All) 1
after changing "E" to "G"
the change to G messes up if the exponent goes above 99 so more work is needed to make it work for the full range
Code: (Select All) 1
Simple GUI example |
Posted by: James D Jarvis - 11-30-2022, 07:20 PM - Forum: Programs
- Replies (3)
all the cool kids are doing it so why not?
A simple gui example to demonstrate a scheme for button handling and menu selection.
This makes use of a couple of the new dialog controls in version 3.4
Menu selections return input from the selection, there's a little but of button manipulation shown, you cna quit from a menu or the big red quit button. Menu2 uses the new dialog controls, the hello menu selection wlil have a different message if the user has enters a username.
This is fairly barebones and hopefully straightforward enough someone may find this useful.
Code: (Select All) 'a relatively simple gui example by James D. Jarvis
'QB64 PE 3.4 or later needed to compile
'text screen mode 0 program that uses the mouse button to track gui input
'the scheme in this program allows for up to 255 buttons to be used in a program
'a mouse is used to click on button and menu selections that are shown in a text screen
'the position of buttons that are active is recorded in a button image
Dim Shared ts&
Dim Shared bt&
Dim Shared forek, backk
ts& = _NewImage(80, 25, 0) 'the main text screen for the program
Screen ts&
bt& = _NewImage(_Width + 1, _Height + 1, 256) 'the button tracking image needed for the gui
Type button_type
txt As String 'the button label
style As String 'what type of button to use : TEXTONLY,BTEXT,MENU,LBAR,CBAR,BBOX1,BBOX2
bxx As Integer 'button x coordinate
byy As Integer 'button y coordinate
bwid As Integer 'button width in pixels. button height is determined by style and text size
tklr As Integer 'text color
bklr As Integer 'background color
fklr As Integer 'foreground color
state As String 'is button on or off
container As String 'doesn't do anything in the demo but I like to plan ahead
End Type
Dim Shared btn(0) As button_type
Dim tempb As button_type
Dim Shared button_count
button_count = 0
Print "Building GUI";
forek = 15: backk = 0
menu_on = 0
'creating buttosn for the demo code
tempb.bxx = 3: tempb.byy = 3: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "TEXTONLY"
tempb.txt = "Button 1": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 3: tempb.byy = 5: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "BTEXT"
tempb.txt = "Button 2": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 3: tempb.byy = 7: tempb.bwid = 12: tempb.style = "BBOX2"
tempb.txt = "Button 3": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 3: tempb.byy = 15: tempb.bwid = 52: tempb.style = "BBOX1"
tempb.txt = "QUIT": tempb.tklr = 0: tempb.bklr = 12: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
'creating the menus for the demo code.
'note: menu selections are just buttons that are only active when the menu is selected
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 1: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "MENU"
tempb.txt = "MENU": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 2: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "Select1": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 3: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "Select2": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 4: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "--------": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 5: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "QUIT": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 9: tempb.byy = 1: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "MENU"
tempb.txt = "MENU2": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 9: tempb.byy = 2: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "Hello": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 9: tempb.byy = 3: tempb.bwid = 8: tempb.style = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "Name?": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 5: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
Dim Shared username$
username$ = ""
draw_allbuttons 'have to draw them if you want the user to see them
Locate 3, 16: Print "Will Show Button 3 if it is hiding"
Locate 5, 16: Print "Changes Text Color of this button"
Locate 8, 16: Print "Will hide itself"
Do ' main program loop
_Limit 1000
bkk = 0
Do While _MouseInput
pbx = _MouseX
pby = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
_Source bt& 'checking the button tracking image
bkk = Point(pbx, pby) 'get the button clicked if there is one at those coordinates
_Source ts&
'uncomment following lines if you wish to see the demo echoing the button click
' If bkk > 0 Then
' Locate 1, 1: Print "Clicked "; bkk
' Else
' Locate 1, 1: Print " "
' End If
End If
Select Case bkk 'a handler for each button
Case 1
flash_button 1
If btn(3).state = "HIDE" Then show_button 3
draw_button 1
Case 2
flash_button 2
btn(2).tklr = Int(Rnd * 32)
draw_button 2
Case 3
flash_button 3
hide_button 3
Case 4
flash_button 4
draw_button 4
Exit Do
Case 5 'menu1
menu1 mchoice$
Locate 12, 16
If mchoice$ <> "" Then Print "Selected "; mchoice$
If mchoice$ = "QUIT" Then Exit Do
Case 6 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu1
Case 7 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu1
Case 8 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu1
Case 9 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu1
Case 10 'menu2
mchoice$ = ""
menu2 mchoice$
If mchoice$ = "hello" Then
If username$ = "" Then
_MessageBox "Hello", "Hello stranger.", "info"
un$ = "HELLO THERE " + username$ + "!"
_MessageBox "HELLO", un$, "info"
End If
End If
If mchoice$ = "name?" Then
username$ = _InputBox$("Name?", "Enter your name:", "anonymous")
End If
Case 11 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu2
Case 12 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu2
End Select
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
_FreeImage bt&
' button routines for gui
Sub menu1 (mchoice$)
'menu handling has to be hardcoded as is, this needs to change.
show_button 6
show_button 7
show_button 8
show_button 9
menu_on = 1
mchoice$ = ""
Do 'menu takes over mouse handling only recognizing clicks in the menu or pressing the escape key
_Limit 60
Do While _MouseInput
pbx = _MouseX
pby = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
_Source bt& 'checking the button tracking image
bkk = Point(pbx, pby) 'get the button clicked if there is one at those coordinates
_Source ts&
End If
Select Case bkk 'a handler for each button
Case 6
flash_button 6
mchoice$ = "m1a"
menu_on = 0
Case 7
flash_button 7
mchoice$ = "m1b"
menu_on = 0
'case 8
'there is no entry for button 8. it's just a line separator
Case 9
flash_button 9
mchoice$ = "QUIT"
menu_on = 0
End Select
mk$ = InKey$
Loop Until menu_on = 0 Or mk$ = Chr$(27)
'hide all the menu entries
hide_button 6
hide_button 7
hide_button 8
hide_button 9
'draw all the buttons now that the menu entries are hidden
End Sub
Sub menu2 (mchoice$)
'menu handling has to be hardcoded as is
show_button 11
show_button 12
menu_on = 1
mchoice$ = ""
Do 'menu takes over mouse handling only recognizing clicks in the menu or pressing the escape key
_Limit 60
Do While _MouseInput
pbx = _MouseX
pby = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
_Source bt& 'checking the button tracking image
bkk = Point(pbx, pby) 'get the button clicked if there is one at those coordinates
_Source ts&
End If
Select Case bkk 'a handler for each button
Case 11
flash_button 11
mchoice$ = "hello"
menu_on = 0
Case 12
flash_button 7
mchoice$ = "name?"
menu_on = 0
End Select
mk$ = InKey$
Loop Until menu_on = 0 Or mk$ = Chr$(27)
'hide the menu entries
hide_button 11
hide_button 12
'draw all the buttons now that the menu entries are hidden
End Sub
Sub addbutton (newbtn As button_type)
If button_count < 255 Then
button_count = button_count + 1
ReDim _Preserve btn(button_count) As button_type
Swap btn(button_count), newbtn
Select Case btn(button_count).style
'correct bwid to be equal to text length for these styles
btn(button_count).bwid = Len(btn(button_count).txt)
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub draw_button (bnum)
'draw alll the buttons on the mainscreen and on the button tracking image
If bnum < 1 Or bnum > button_count GoTo enddrawb
ds& = _Dest
If btn(bnum).state = "ON" Then
_Dest bt&
Select Case btn(bnum).style
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).tklr, backk
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek
Case "BTEXT", "MENU"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
Case "LBAR"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
Case "CBAR"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
Case "BBOX1"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).fklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(196))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(196))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(218))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(179))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(192))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(191))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(179))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(217))
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
Case "BBOX2"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).fklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(205))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(205))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(201))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(186))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(200))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(187))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(186))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(188))
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub hide_button (bnum)
'blacks out a button on the mainscreen and the button tracking image
If bnum < 1 Or bnum > button_count Then GoTo endhide
ds& = _Dest
If btn(bnum).state = "ON" Then
btn(bnum).state = "HIDE"
_Dest bt&
Select Case btn(bnum).style
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(Len(btn(bnum).txt), " ")
Case "BTEXT", "MENU"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(Len(btn(bnum).txt), " ")
Color forek, backk
Case "LBAR"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
Case "CBAR"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
Case "BBOX1", "BBOX2"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub show_button (bnum)
'chnage a buttons state and draw it on the main screen and button tracking image
If bnum > 0 And bnum <= button_count Then
btn(bnum).state = "ON"
draw_button bnum
End If
End Sub
Sub draw_allbuttons
'draw all the buttons
For b = 1 To button_count
draw_button b
Next b
End Sub
Sub flash_button (bnum)
'have the button flash to show it has been selected
If bnum < 1 Or bnum > button_count GoTo endflashb
If btn(bnum).state = "ON" Then
Select Case btn(bnum).style
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek
Case "BTEXT", "MENU"
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
Case "LBAR"
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
Case "CBAR"
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
Case "BBOX1"
Color backk, btn(bnum).fklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(196))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(196))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(218))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(179))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(192))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(191))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(179))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(217))
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
Case "BBOX2"
Color backk, btn(bnum).fklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(205))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(205))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(201))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(186))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(200))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(187))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(186))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(188))
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
End Select
End If
End Sub
IsNum |
Posted by: SMcNeill - 11-30-2022, 04:00 PM - Forum: Utilities
- Replies (4)
A quick little routine to tell you if a string is a number, or not.
Code: (Select All) Function IsNum%% (PassedText As String)
text$ = PassedText
special$ = UCase$(Left$(text$, 2))
Select Case special$
Case "&H", "&B", "&O"
'check for symbols on right side of value
r3$ = Right$(text$, 3)
Select Case r3$
Case "~&&", "~%%", "~%&" 'unsigned int64, unsigned byte, unsigned offset
text$ = Left$(text$, Len(text$) - 3)
Case Else
r2$ = Right$(text$, 2)
Select Case r2$
Case "~&", "##", "%&", "%%", "~%", "&&" 'unsigned long, float, offset, byte, unsigned integer, int64
text$ = Left$(text$, Len(text$) - 2)
Case Else
r$ = Right$(text$, 1)
Select Case r$
Case "&", "#", "%", "!" 'long, double, integer, single
text$ = Left$(text$, Len(text$) - 1)
End Select
End Select
End Select
check$ = "0123456789ABCDEF"
If special$ = "&O" Then check$ = "01234567"
If special$ = "&B" Then check$ = "01"
temp$ = Mid$(UCase$(text$), 2)
For i = 1 To Len(temp$)
If InStr(check$, Mid$(temp$, i, 1)) = 0 Then Exit For
If i <= Len(temp$) Then IsNum = -1
Case Else
If _Trim$(Str$(Val(text$))) = text$ Then IsNum = -1
End Select
End Function
Note that this may fail if you're dealing with values that are so large they translate into scientific notation on you. "1234567890123456788901234567890" is NOT going to be counted as a number, as QB64 would expect to see this written as "1.234567E30", and your string definitely isn't going to compare to that string. (And the values probably won't match either, as you lost multiple digits to rounding when it became a scientific notation value.)
If you look close, you'll see that this function is basically one line of code, unless you happen to be passing it &H, &B, &O values -- in which case it has to work much harder to see if the string you passed it is a valid number, or not.
Borderless window? RESIZE THIS! |
Posted by: Pete - 11-29-2022, 11:46 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- No Replies
Hey if you like borderless windows but want a way to resize them forget about using $RESIZE. It has no border to grab on to. Oh, if you don't mind ugly, or want an all black window, you can add a WS_THICKBORDER element to your API call, which Steve discovered, but it's ugly. (It leaves a thin black row just below the top white border in any window that has a colored background.) Anyway, if you don't mind that, you can use it with QB64 $RESIZE. If you want an alternative to $RESIZE, try something like this...
Try a mouse drag at any side or any corner to enlarge or shrink the borderless window. Esc to quit.
Code: (Select All) DIM SHARED WinMse AS POINTAPI
FUNCTION GetAsyncKeyState% (BYVAL vkey AS LONG)
FUNCTION FindWindowA& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) 'handle by title
REM FUNCTION ShowWindow& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL nCmdShow AS LONG) 'maximize process
FUNCTION GetForegroundWindow& 'Find currently focused process handle
FUNCTION SetLayeredWindowAttributes& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL crKey AS LONG, BYVAL bAlpha AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE, BYVAL dwFlags AS LONG)
DIM AS INTEGER setcurx, setcury, sizeit, oldmx, oldmy, x, y, fw, fh
w = _WIDTH
WS_POPUP = &H4800000 ' Can be used to make a razor thin border but is not resizable.
ws_border = &H800000
WS_VISIBLE = &H10000000
winstyle& = GetWindowLongA&(hWnd, GWL_STYLE)
LOOP UNTIL winstyle&
a& = SetWindowLongA&(hWnd, GWL_STYLE, winstyle& AND WS_VISIBLE)
a& = SetWindowPos&(hWnd&, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39) ' Required to allow printing where title bar used to be.
wintp = _SCREENY \ fh: winbt = _SCREENY \ fh + _HEIGHT: winlt = _SCREENX \ fw: winrt = _SCREENX \ fw + _WIDTH
IF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) THEN lb = 1 ELSE IF lb = 1 AND _MOUSEBUTTON(1) = 0 THEN lb = 0: side$ = "": enl = 0
z& = GetCursorPos(WinMse)
setcurx = WinMse.X_Pos: setcury = WinMse.Y_Pos
WinMse.X_Pos = WinMse.X_Pos \ fw
WinMse.Y_Pos = WinMse.Y_Pos \ fh
IF LEN(side$) THEN
IF oldmx <> WinMse.X_Pos OR oldmy <> WinMse.Y_Pos THEN
DO ' Falx loop.
CASE "left-top"
sizeit = -SGN(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos) * ABS(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB topsize
sizeit = SGN(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos) * ABS(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB leftsize
CASE "right-top"
sizeit = -SGN(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos) * ABS(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB topsize
sizeit = -SGN(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos) * ABS(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB rightsize
CASE "left-bottom"
sizeit = SGN(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos) * ABS(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB leftsize
sizeit = SGN(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos) * ABS(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB bottomsize
CASE "right-bottom"
sizeit = -SGN(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos) * ABS(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB rightsize
sizeit = SGN(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos) * ABS(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB bottomsize
CASE "top" ' up/down
sizeit = -SGN(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos) * ABS(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB topsize
CASE "bottom"
sizeit = SGN(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos) * ABS(oldmy - WinMse.Y_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB bottomsize
CASE "left"
sizeit = SGN(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos) * ABS(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB leftsize
CASE "right"
sizeit = -SGN(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos) * ABS(oldmx - WinMse.X_Pos)
IF sizeit THEN GOSUB rightsize
wintp = y \ fh: winbt = y \ fh + _HEIGHT: winlt = x \ fw: winrt = x \ fw + _WIDTH
IF WinMse.X_Pos = winlt AND WinMse.Y_Pos = wintp THEN
ELSEIF WinMse.X_Pos = winlt AND WinMse.Y_Pos = winbt THEN _MOUSESHOW "TOPRIGHT_BOTTOMLEFT": side$ = "left-bottom"
ELSEIF WinMse.X_Pos = winrt AND WinMse.Y_Pos = wintp THEN _MOUSESHOW "TOPRIGHT_BOTTOMLEFT": side$ = "right-top"
ELSEIF WinMse.X_Pos = winrt AND WinMse.Y_Pos = winbt THEN _MOUSESHOW "TOPleft_BOTTOMRIGHT": side$ = "right-bottom"
ELSEIF WinMse.X_Pos = winlt THEN _MOUSESHOW "HORIZONTAL": side$ = "left"
ELSEIF WinMse.X_Pos = winrt THEN _MOUSESHOW "HORIZONTAL": side$ = "right"
ELSEIF WinMse.Y_Pos = wintp THEN _MOUSESHOW "VERTICAL": side$ = "top"
ELSEIF WinMse.Y_Pos = winbt THEN _MOUSESHOW "VERTICAL": side$ = "bottom"
IF LEN(side$) THEN side$ = "": _MOUSESHOW "default"
oldmx = WinMse.X_Pos: oldmy = WinMse.Y_Pos
IF h - sizeit < 5 THEN RETURN
h = h - sizeit
y = _SCREENY + sizeit * fh
WIDTH w, h
_FONT 16
z% = SetCursorPos%(setcurx, setcury)
IF w + sizeit < 15 THEN RETURN
w = w + sizeit
x = _SCREENX - sizeit * fw
WIDTH w, h
_FONT 16
z% = SetCursorPos%(x, setcury)
IF w + sizeit < 15 THEN RETURN
w = w + sizeit
x = _SCREENX - sizeit * fw
WIDTH w, h
_FONT 16
z% = SetCursorPos%(x + _WIDTH * fw, setcury)
IF h - sizeit < 5 THEN RETURN
h = h - sizeit
WIDTH w, h
_FONT 16
z% = SetCursorPos%(setcurx, y + _HEIGHT * fh)
Something I may try later is using the _NEWIMAGE equivalent of SCREEN 0. I'd like to see if that would eliminate the need to load QB64 default 16 size font. One problem with window sizing in SCREEN 0 is that 16 size font gets traded out at different sizes with what I think is the 8 size square font. Anyway, that causes irregular resizing results. Specifying _FONT 16 prevents that occurrence.
As always, if anyone has any improvement suggestions, go ahead and post them. A nice perk to sharing code is more minds often results in more performance.
Posted by: james2464 - 11-29-2022, 02:36 AM - Forum: Works in Progress
- Replies (13)
Making my way through this game, thought I'd share what I have done so far.
For those not familiar, it's an old arcade game from 1981. The idea is to fill in 75% of the screen to complete a level. (So far no scores yet, and unlimited lives)
Still some things missing (like those sparks) and there are some bugs to sort out. No sound either - not sure how I'll do that because the original game had bad sound effects.
One thing I'd like to do eventually is learn a flood fill algorithm. I struggled with that and decided to just use paint for now. Flood fill in this case was more complicated than I was expecting it to be. But it'd be nice to do it like the original game does.
Code: (Select All) 'QB64 Qix
'james2464 - November 2022
'controls : arrow keys to move
' : left CTRL for fast draw (blue)
' : left ALT for slow draw (red)
Option _Explicit
Dim Shared scx, scy
scx = 610: scy = 500
Screen _NewImage(scx, scy, 32)
Const PI = 3.141592654#
Randomize Timer
Dim Shared bg&, dbg&, logo1
bg& = _NewImage(scx, scy, 32)
dbg& = _NewImage(scx, scy, 32)
Dim Shared xx, yy, t, olddir, x, y, h, hd, fl, fl2, ct
Dim Shared sdinprocess, fdinprocess As Integer
Dim Shared qpath, flag, n, movepermit, flagrestart As Integer
Dim Shared qixtot, qxv, qyv, f, pmove, pfast, pslow, oldpx, oldpy, ps, drawoldx, drawoldy
Dim Shared j, k, checkx1, checkx2, checky1, checky2, totpct, btot, rtot
Dim Shared bluetot, redtot As _Integer64
xx = 320: yy = 240
Dim Shared c(50) As Long
c(0) = _RGB(0, 0, 0)
c(1) = _RGB(200, 200, 210) 'outside border
c(2) = _RGB(255, 255, 255) 'cursor white dot
c(3) = _RGB(200, 100, 100)
c(4) = _RGB(50, 120, 150) 'fast zone (fill)
c(5) = _RGB(180, 60, 30) 'slow zone (fill)
c(6) = _RGB(0, 255, 0)
c(7) = _RGB(255, 0, 0) 'cursor red
c(44) = _RGB(50, 120, 155) 'fast zone (drawing lines)
c(45) = _RGB(185, 60, 30) 'slow zone (drawing lines)
Type player
x As Single
y As Single
End Type
Dim Shared pl As player
Type qix
dir As Single
x1 As Integer
x2 As Integer
y1 As Integer
y2 As Integer
xx As Single
yy As Single
len1 As Single
c1 As Integer
c2 As Integer
c3 As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared q(7) As qix
Dim Shared qd(7) As qix
qixtot = 7: qpath = 0: f = 1
ps = 5
pl.x = 320: pl.y = 440
flagrestart = 0
For t = 1 To qixtot
q(t).xx = xx: q(t).yy = yy: q(t).len1 = 40
Next t
'screen setup
Line (120, 40)-(520, 440), c(1), B 'outer border
'_PutImage (500, 50), logo1
bluetot = 0: redtot = 0
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
_Limit 20
'player cursor =======================================================================================
'get keyboard input
pmove = arrowkey
pfast = fastdraw
pslow = slowdraw
oldpx = pl.x: oldpy = pl.y
If pfast + pslow = 0 Then normalmove
If pfast > pslow Then fastdrawmove
If pfast < pslow Then slowdrawmove
'ok so about that qix thing....=======================================================================================
'heading and direction -----------------------------------------------------
If qpath < 1 Then
If qpath = 0 Then
'_Delay 1.
qpath = Int(Rnd * 11) + 1: qxv = Rnd * 30 - 15: qyv = Rnd * 30 - 15
olddir = q(1).dir: q(1).dir = olddir + Rnd * PI - PI / 2
End If
If qpath = -1 Then
'_Delay .5
qpath = (Rnd * 22) + 1: qxv = Rnd * 30 - 15: qyv = Rnd * 30 - 15
olddir = q(1).dir
If olddir > PI Then
q(1).dir = olddir - PI
q(1).dir = olddir + PI
End If
End If
End If
qpath = Int(qpath - 1)
'update trailing lines -----------------------------------------------------
For t = 7 To 2 Step -1
q(t).xx = q(t - 1).xx: q(t).yy = q(t - 1).yy
q(t).x1 = q(t - 1).x1: q(t).x2 = q(t - 1).x2
q(t).y1 = q(t - 1).y1: q(t).y2 = q(t - 1).y2
q(t).len1 = q(t - 1).len1
q(t).c1 = q(t - 1).c1: q(t).c2 = q(t - 1).c2: q(t).c3 = q(t - 1).c3
Next t
'collision detection -------------------------------------------------------
flag = 0 'collision - assume none to start
q(1).xx = q(1).xx + qxv
q(1).yy = q(1).yy + qyv
q(1).dir = q(1).dir + Rnd * .9 - .45
q(1).len1 = q(1).len1 + Rnd * 10 - 4.4
If q(1).len1 > 40 Then q(1).len1 = 40
If q(1).len1 < 5 Then q(1).len1 = 5
x = Cos(q(1).dir) * q(1).len1
y = Sin(q(1).dir) * q(1).len1
q(1).x1 = q(1).xx + x: q(1).x2 = q(1).xx - x
q(1).y1 = q(1).yy - y: q(1).y2 = q(1).yy + y
'scan background colour along line
For j = 0 To q(1).len1
x = Cos(q(1).dir) * j: y = Sin(q(1).dir) * j
checkx1 = q(1).xx + x: checkx2 = q(1).xx - x
checky1 = q(1).yy - y: checky2 = q(1).yy + y
c(19) = Point(checkx1, checky1)
c(20) = Point(checkx2, checky2)
If c(19) <> c(0) Then
Select Case c(19)
Case c(1)
flag = 1
Case q(2).c1, q(3).c1, q(4).c1, q(5).c1, q(6).c1, q(7).c1
flag = 1
Case c(44), c(7)
If fdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
Case c(45), c(7)
If sdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
End Select
End If
If c(20) <> c(0) Then
Select Case c(20)
Case c(1)
flag = 1
Case q(2).c1, q(3).c1, q(4).c1, q(5).c1, q(6).c1, q(7).c1
flag = 1
Case c(44), c(7)
If fdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
Case c(45), c(7)
If sdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
End Select
End If
Next j
'check for skipped/crossed line
h = _Hypot(qyv, qxv)
hd = _Atan2(-qxv, -qyv)
For j = 0 To Int(h) Step .5
x = Sin(-hd) * j: y = Cos(hd) * j
checkx2 = q(1).xx - x
checky2 = q(1).yy + y
c(20) = Point(checkx2, checky2)
If c(20) <> c(0) Then
Select Case c(20)
Case c(1)
flag = 1
Case q(2).c1, q(3).c1, q(4).c1, q(5).c1, q(6).c1, q(7).c1
flag = 1
Case c(4), c(7)
If fdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
Case c(5), c(7)
If sdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
End Select
End If
Next j
'changing colour
q(1).c1 = q(1).c1 + Rnd * 60 - 30
If q(1).c1 < 80 Then q(1).c1 = 80
If q(1).c1 > 255 Then q(1).c1 = 255
q(1).c2 = q(1).c2 + Rnd * 60 - 30
If q(1).c2 < 80 Then q(1).c2 = 80
If q(1).c2 > 255 Then q(1).c2 = 255
q(1).c3 = q(1).c3 + Rnd * 60 - 30
If q(1).c3 < 80 Then q(1).c3 = 80
If q(1).c3 > 255 Then q(1).c3 = 255
'if collision detected...
If flag = 1 Then
qpath = -1 'new path needed - reverse direction
q(1).xx = q(3).xx: q(1).yy = q(3).yy
q(1).x1 = q(3).x1: q(1).x2 = q(3).x2
q(1).y1 = q(3).y1: q(1).y2 = q(3).y2
q(1).len1 = q(3).len1 - 3 'shorter line
End If
If flag = 2 Then
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx, scy), dbg&, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy)
End If
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background
For t = 1 To qixtot
c(9) = _RGB(q(t).c1, q(t).c2, q(t).c3)
Line (q(t).x1, q(t).y1)-(q(t).x2, q(t).y2), c(9)
Next t
Line (pl.x - ps, pl.y)-(pl.x, pl.y - ps), c(7)
Line (pl.x, pl.y - ps)-(pl.x + ps, pl.y), c(7)
Line (pl.x + ps, pl.y)-(pl.x, pl.y + ps), c(7)
Line (pl.x, pl.y + ps)-(pl.x - ps, pl.y), c(7)
Line (pl.x - 1, pl.y)-(pl.x + 1, pl.y), c(2)
Line (pl.x, pl.y - 1)-(pl.x, pl.y + 1), c(2)
btot = Int(bluetot / 1570)
rtot = Int(redtot / 1570)
totpct = Int(btot + rtot)
Locate 29, 20
Print "BLUE:"; btot; "%"
Locate 29, 36
Print "RED:"; rtot; "%"
Locate 29, 52
Print "TOTAL:"; totpct; "%"
If sdinprocess < 0 Then
_Delay .8
sdinprocess = 0
End If
If fdinprocess < 0 Then
_Delay .8
fdinprocess = 0
End If
If totpct > 75 Then
flagrestart = 1
End If
If _KeyDown(15104) Then
flagrestart = 1
End If
Loop Until flagrestart = 1
Function arrowkey
arrowkey = 0
If _KeyDown(18432) Then ' IF up arrow key was pressed
arrowkey = 1 '
End If
If _KeyDown(20480) Then ' IF down arrow key was pressed
arrowkey = 2 '
End If
If _KeyDown(19200) Then ' IF left arrow key was pressed
arrowkey = 3 '
End If
If _KeyDown(19712) Then ' IF right arrow key was pressed
arrowkey = 4 '
End If
End Function
Function fastdraw
fastdraw = 0
If _KeyDown(100306) Then ' IF L-CTRL key was pressed
fastdraw = 1 '
End If
End Function
Function slowdraw
slowdraw = 0
If _KeyDown(100308) Then ' IF L-ALT key was pressed
slowdraw = 1 '
End If
End Function
Sub normalmove
Select Case pmove
Case 1
pl.y = pl.y - 4
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 2
pl.y = pl.y + 4
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 3
pl.x = pl.x - 4
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 4
pl.x = pl.x + 4
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
End Select
End Sub
Sub fastdrawmove
Select Case pmove
Case 1
pl.y = pl.y - 4
If pl.y < 40 Then pl.y = 40
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(18) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 2)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(18) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
If c(18) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 2
pl.y = pl.y + 4
If pl.y > 440 Then pl.y = 440
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(18) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 2)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(18) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
If c(18) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 3
pl.x = pl.x - 4
If pl.x < 120 Then pl.x = 120
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(18) = Point(pl.x + 2, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(18) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
If c(18) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 4
pl.x = pl.x + 4
If pl.x > 520 Then pl.x = 520
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(18) = Point(pl.x - 2, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(18) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
If c(18) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
End Select
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
If c(19) = c(0) Then
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
If fdinprocess = 0 Then
drawoldx = oldpx: drawoldy = oldpy
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, dbg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen - in case of death
End If
Line (oldpx, oldpy)-(pl.x, pl.y), c(44)
If fdinprocess = 0 Then
PSet (oldpx, oldpy), c(1)
End If
fdinprocess = 1
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
End If
If fdinprocess = 1 Then
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
If c(19) = c(1) Then 'fast draw completed
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
Line (oldpx, oldpy)-(pl.x, pl.y), c(44)
PSet (pl.x, pl.y), c(1)
fdinprocess = -1
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub slowdrawmove
Select Case pmove
Case 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
If pl.y < 40 Then pl.y = 40
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
If c(19) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 2
pl.y = pl.y + 2
If pl.y > 440 Then pl.y = 440
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
If c(19) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 3
pl.x = pl.x - 2
If pl.x < 120 Then pl.x = 120
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
If c(19) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 4
pl.x = pl.x + 2
If pl.x > 520 Then pl.x = 520
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
If c(19) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
End Select
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
If c(19) = c(0) Then
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
If sdinprocess = 0 Then
drawoldx = oldpx: drawoldy = oldpy
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, dbg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen - in case of death
End If
Line (oldpx, oldpy)-(pl.x, pl.y), c(45)
If sdinprocess = 0 Then
PSet (oldpx, oldpy), c(1)
End If
sdinprocess = 1
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
End If
If sdinprocess = 1 Then
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
If c(19) = c(1) Then 'slow draw completed
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
Line (oldpx, oldpy)-(pl.x, pl.y), c(45)
PSet (pl.x, pl.y), c(1)
sdinprocess = -1
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub claimlinefast
'scan board for blue line
For j = 41 To 439
For k = 121 To 519
c(19) = Point(k, j)
n = 0
If c(19) = c(44) Then 'blue pixel found
c(20) = Point(k - 1, j)
c(21) = Point(k + 1, j)
c(22) = Point(k, j - 1)
c(23) = Point(k, j + 1)
c(24) = Point(k, j + 2)
c(25) = Point(k, j - 2)
c(26) = Point(k + 2, j)
'horizontal line
If c(22) = c(0) Then 'look above
If c(23) = c(0) Then n = Int(2) 'look below
End If
'upper left corner
If n = 0 Then
'look below 2 pixels
If c(23) = c(44) Then
If c(24) = c(44) Then
If c(20) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'upper right corner
If n = 0 Then
'look below 2 pixels
If c(23) = c(44) Then
If c(24) = c(44) Then
If c(21) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'lower left corner
If n = 0 Then
'look to the right 2 pixels
If c(21) = c(44) Then
If c(26) = c(44) Then
If c(23) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'lower right corner
If n = 0 Then
'look above 2 pixels
If c(22) = c(1) Then
If c(25) = c(1) Then
If c(23) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if part of vertical line
If c(20) = c(0) Then
If c(21) = c(0) Then n = Int(2)
End If
If n = 2 Then
PSet (k, j), c(1) 'change blue pixel to white
End If
End If
Next k
Next j
End Sub
Sub claimlineslow
'scan board for red line
For j = 41 To 439
For k = 121 To 519
c(19) = Point(k, j)
n = 0
If c(19) = c(45) Then 'red pixel found
c(20) = Point(k - 1, j)
c(21) = Point(k + 1, j)
c(22) = Point(k, j - 1)
c(23) = Point(k, j + 1)
c(24) = Point(k, j + 2)
c(25) = Point(k, j - 2)
c(26) = Point(k + 2, j)
'horizontal line
If c(22) = c(0) Then 'look above
If c(23) = c(0) Then n = Int(2) 'look below
End If
'upper left corner
If n = 0 Then
'look below 2 pixels
If c(23) = c(45) Then
If c(24) = c(45) Then
If c(20) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'upper right corner
If n = 0 Then
'look below 2 pixels
If c(23) = c(45) Then
If c(24) = c(45) Then
If c(21) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if lower left corner
If n = 0 Then
'look to the right 2 pixels
If c(21) = c(45) Then
If c(26) = c(45) Then
If c(23) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if lower right corner
If n = 0 Then
'look above 2 pixels
If c(22) = c(1) Then
If c(25) = c(1) Then
If c(23) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if part of vertical line
If c(20) = c(0) Then
If c(21) = c(0) Then n = Int(2)
End If
If n = 2 Then
PSet (k, j), c(1) 'change red pixel to white
End If
End If
Next k
Next j
End Sub
Sub claimfillfast 'using paint for flood fills
'start at qix
c(14) = _RGB(30, 30, 30)
k = q(1).xx: j = q(1).yy
Paint (k, j), c(14), c(1)
'fill black with blue
For j = 41 To 439
For k = 121 To 519
c(16) = Point(k, j)
If c(16) = c(0) Then
PSet (k, j), c(4)
bluetot = bluetot + 1
End If
Next k
Next j
'fill gray with black
k = q(1).xx: j = q(1).yy
Paint (k, j), c(0), c(1)
End Sub
Sub claimfillslow 'using paint for flood fills
'start at qix
c(14) = _RGB(30, 30, 30)
k = q(1).xx: j = q(1).yy
Paint (k, j), c(14), c(1)
'fill black with red
For j = 41 To 439
For k = 121 To 519
c(16) = Point(k, j)
If c(16) = c(0) Then
PSet (k, j), c(5)
redtot = redtot + 1
End If
Next k
Next j
'fill gray with black
k = q(1).xx: j = q(1).yy
Paint (k, j), c(0), c(1)
End Sub
Sub endlevel
'fill black
For j = 121 To 519
For k = 439 To 41 Step -1
PSet (j, k), c(0)
Next k
_Delay .005
Next j
End Sub
Sub youdead
Dim ct2, ct3, ct4, basedir, tx, ty, dist, d2, rp
basedir = .785
dist = 15
d2 = 10
qd(1).xx = pl.x + 5: qd(1).yy = pl.y - 5
qd(1).len1 = 10
qd(1).dir = basedir
For ct = 1 To 35
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
dist = dist + 10
rp = ct
If rp > 7 Then rp = 7
qd(1).dir = basedir
qd(1).len1 = qd(1).len1 + 1.5
If rp > 1 Then
For ct4 = 2 To rp
qd(ct4).len1 = qd(ct4 - 1).len1 - 1.5
qd(ct4).dir = basedir
Next ct4
End If
For ct2 = 1 To rp
For ct3 = 1 To 4
Select Case ct3
Case 1
qd(ct2).xx = pl.x + (dist - ct2 * d2): qd(ct2).yy = pl.y - (dist - ct2 * d2)
Case 2
qd(ct2).xx = pl.x + (dist - ct2 * d2): qd(ct2).yy = pl.y + (dist - ct2 * d2)
Case 3
qd(ct2).xx = pl.x - (dist - ct2 * d2): qd(ct2).yy = pl.y + (dist - ct2 * d2)
Case 4
qd(ct2).xx = pl.x - (dist - ct2 * d2): qd(ct2).yy = pl.y - (dist - ct2 * d2)
End Select
qd(ct2).dir = qd(ct2).dir + (PI / 2)
x = Cos(qd(ct2).dir) * qd(ct2).len1
y = Sin(qd(ct2).dir) * qd(ct2).len1
qd(ct2).x1 = qd(ct2).xx + x: qd(ct2).x2 = qd(ct2).xx - x
qd(ct2).y1 = qd(ct2).yy - y: qd(ct2).y2 = qd(ct2).yy + y
Line (qd(ct2).x1, qd(ct2).y1)-(qd(ct2).x2, qd(ct2).y2), c(1)
Next ct3
Next ct2
_Delay .04
Next ct
_Delay 1.
sdinprocess = 0
fdinprocess = 0
pl.x = drawoldx: pl.y = drawoldy
End Sub