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Tongue request: anyone want to do a remake of goat simulator or desert bus?
Posted by: madscijr - 09-24-2024, 01:00 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (7)

If anyone is looking for a challenge or fun project, here are a couple games that QB64PE should able to handle - both are ridiculous! Big Grin

The original Goat Simulator!
goat simulator

Latest sequel:
goat simulator 3

Desert Bus!
desert bus

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  Poly Blaster added to tutorial
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 09-23-2024, 04:11 PM - Forum: Terry Ritchie's Tutorial - No Replies

RokCoder's Poly Blaster game has been added to the games section of the tutorial.


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  animated GIF creator / editor ?
Posted by: madscijr - 09-23-2024, 04:01 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

I see we have a GIF player, has anyone made an animated GIF editor / creator in QB64PE?

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  OpenGL Lighting Issue
Posted by: aadityap0901 - 09-23-2024, 12:47 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (11)

While I was coding the new QB_Blocks rewrite, I decided to add GL Light.
Eventually it worked someway, but I can't figure out why did this happen:

[Image: 09232024180833.png]
It does not occur in flat worlds.
Can somebody explain? How can I fix it?

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  Random Object Wandering
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 09-22-2024, 06:54 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (1)

I was recently reading a few web sites explaining how to code fluid motion. A few of the methods I read about involve dividing the screen into a grid and setting motion and pressure values within that grid. When the fluid encounters that grid position it's acted upon according to those values.

That got me to thinking that this would be a good mechanism for creating pseudo-random object wandering. The code I created below works rather well. Perhaps someone else can build upon this idea for their projects.

By manipulating the values in each grid you could have it match a height map or terrain map for instance, or set up other movement flow paths that objects must follow.

Code: (Select All)
' Wandering Idea
' Objects wander aimlessly around on the screen
' The screen is divide into an 8x8 pixel grid. Each grid cell contains a vector quantity
' that directs any object contained within the grid cell. Think of each grid cell as
' containing a small conveyor belt.

OPTION _EXPLICIT '             declare those variables!

CONST SWIDTH = 1024 '          screen width
CONST SHEIGHT = 768 '          screen height
CONST TOTAL& = 100 '           total number of particles
CONST VELOCITY! = .01 '        vector velocity multiplier
CONST MAXSPEED! = 1 '          maximum particle speed allowed

    x AS SINGLE '              x quantity
    y AS SINGLE '              y quantity

    v AS XYSINGLE '            vector of particle
    p AS XYSINGLE '            position of particle

TYPE GRID '                    GRID PROPERTIES
    v AS XYSINGLE '            additive vector at grid position

DIM gx AS INTEGER '            total number of grid columns
DIM gy AS INTEGER '            total number of grid rows
DIM x AS INTEGER '             horizontal counter
DIM y AS INTEGER '             vertical counter
DIM p(TOTAL - 1) AS PARTICLE ' array of particles
DIM pc AS LONG '               particle counter
gx = SWIDTH \ 8 - 1 '          calculate number of grid columns
gy = SHEIGHT \ 8 - 1 '         calculate number of grid rows
DIM Grid(gx, gy) AS GRID '     additive vector grid

RANDOMIZE TIMER '              seed random number generator

' --------------------------------------
'| create the grid conveyor belt system |
' --------------------------------------

FOR x = 0 TO gx '                                 cycle through grid columns
    FOR y = 0 TO gy '                             cycle through grid rows
        Grid(x, y).v.x = (RND - RND) * VELOCITY ' create random x vector quantity
        Grid(x, y).v.y = (RND - RND) * VELOCITY ' create random y vector quantity
        IF x = 0 THEN '                           is this grid location on left edge of screen?
            Grid(x, y).v.x = VELOCITY '           yes, x vector quantity will force particle back in
        ELSEIF x = gx THEN '                      no, is this grid location on right side of screen?
            Grid(x, y).v.x = -VELOCITY '          yes, x vector quantity will force particle back in
        END IF
        IF y = 0 THEN '                           is this grid location at the top of the screen?
            Grid(x, y).v.y = VELOCITY '           yes, y vector quantity will force particle back in
        ELSEIF y = gy THEN '                      no, is this grid location at the bottom of the screen?
            Grid(x, y).v.y = -VELOCITY '          yes, y vector quantity will force particle back in
        END IF
    NEXT y

' ----------------------------------------
'| create random particle start positions |
' ----------------------------------------

FOR pc = 0 TO TOTAL - 1 '                         cycle through particles
    p(pc).p.x = RND * SWIDTH \ 2 + SWIDTH \ 4 '   random x particle location
    p(pc).p.y = RND * SHEIGHT \ 2 + SHEIGHT \ 4 ' random y particle location

' ------------------
'| demo begins here |
' ------------------

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(SWIDTH, SHEIGHT, 32) ' graphics screen
pc = 0 '                                reset point counter
DO '                                    begin main program loop
    _LIMIT 120 '                        120 frames per second
    CLS '                               clear the screen
    FOR pc = 0 TO TOTAL - 1 '           cycle through particles

        ' -------------------------------------
        '| calculate grid location of particle |
        ' -------------------------------------

        gx = p(pc).p.x \ 8 ' particle located in this grid column
        gy = p(pc).p.y \ 8 ' particle located in this grid row

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        '| add vector quantity at grid location to vector quantity of particle |
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        p(pc).v.x = p(pc).v.x + Grid(gx, gy).v.x ' add grid's x vector quantity to particle's x vector quantity
        p(pc).v.y = p(pc).v.y + Grid(gx, gy).v.y ' add grid's y vector quantity to particle's y vector quantity

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        '| keep vectors quantities between -MAXSPEED and +MAXSPEED |
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------

        IF ABS(p(pc).v.x) > MAXSPEED THEN p(pc).v.x = SGN(p(pc).v.x) * MAXSPEED ' limit x vector quantity from -MAXSPEED to +MAXPSEED
        IF ABS(p(pc).v.y) > MAXSPEED THEN p(pc).v.y = SGN(p(pc).v.y) * MAXSPEED ' limit y vector quantity from -MAXSPEED to +MAXSPEED

        ' -------------------------------------------
        '| add vetor quantity to paritcle's position |
        ' -------------------------------------------

        p(pc).p.x = p(pc).p.x + p(pc).v.x ' add particle's x vector quantity to particle's x location
        p(pc).p.y = p(pc).p.y + p(pc).v.y ' add particle's y vector quantity to particle's y location

        ' --------------------------
        '| keep particles on screen |
        ' --------------------------

        IF p(pc).p.x < 0 THEN p(pc).p.x = 0 '                     keep from going off left of screen
        IF p(pc).p.x > SWIDTH - 1 THEN p(pc).p.x = SWIDTH - 1 '   keep from going off right of screen
        IF p(pc).p.y < 0 THEN p(pc).p.y = 0 '                     keep from going off top of screen
        IF p(pc).p.y > SHEIGHT - 1 THEN p(pc).p.y = SHEIGHT - 1 ' keep from going off bottom of screen

        ' ---------------
        '| Draw particle |
        ' ---------------

        CIRCLE (p(pc).p.x, p(pc).p.y), 5 ' draw particle as a circle
        'PSET (p(pc).p.x, p(pc).p.y) '      draw particle as a point
    NEXT pc
    _DISPLAY '                             update screen with changes
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) '                  leave when ESC key pressed
SYSTEM '                                   return to the operating system

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  Poly Blaster - a physics-based ball blasting game!
Posted by: RokCoder - 09-22-2024, 10:39 AM - Forum: Games - Replies (29)

I suddenly got the urge to dip my toe back into QB64pe for a bit of fun and put together a little physics-based game. It's based on what is now a fairly common concept but it was really enjoyable to code!

The game premise is simple. Fire balls at the polygons and destroy them before they reach the top of the screen. There are some bonus targets to pick up which perform the following -

  • Create new ball
  • Create two new balls
  • Double ball power
  • Shrink ball
  • Grow ball
Because it features lots of rotating and scaling sprites I decided to dabble with OpenGL. I should mention that I haven't touched OpenGL for many years so was basically picking it back up from scratch. The game code is a good standard but the rendering code leaves a lot to be desired! I was going to go back over it and modernise it and make it far more performant but it works fine as it is so that's a task for another day.

The ZIP file contains poly-blast bas along with a subfolder called assets which contains all the sound effects, graphics, etc. After building the project, the EXE must reside in the same folder as the BAS file. It accesses the assets folder relatively so won't find it if the EXE is in the wrong place.

.zip   poly-blaster.zip (Size: 143.14 KB / Downloads: 64)

You can get the latest version, report bugs, etc at GitHub where you can also find some of my other QB64pe projects (Scramble, Galaga, etc). If you have a mind to improve it (especially the OpenGL rendering) then feel free to fork and send a pull request!

Hope you enjoy!

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Star MazeBall & DAV & Danilin Solve of Labyrinth
Posted by: DANILIN - 09-22-2024, 10:08 AM - Forum: Programs - Replies (1)

MazeBall & DAV & Danilin Solve of Labyrinth

Newest DAV & Danilin MazeLab program solves mazes
by setting next move depending on move of previous one
and depending on type of obstacle in cave: a wall or a corner 

If obstacle has no angle then choice of direction is random
perpendicular and initial direction is random
and comes out of dead end back plus there is time and control

Forward-looking direction encoding 0 > / 1 < / 2 V / 3 ^
to choose a random direction of form 2 + Int(Rnd * 2)
shows probability of winning 1/2 ^ of free moves
and probability 1/64 is really difficult

Former version of random moves could create
a cipher of movies not in a row

An internal array has been created and each movement to wall
is checked by 4 * 4 = 16 conditions and a mini array map is built in
plus it is possible to set up moves back if wall

I programmed literally for 1 day by entering control points

Initial 7th maze is reduced to 1st and then 10th
puzzle = 5 ... puzzle = puzzle - 1 ...
If puzzle < puzzlemax Then ... puzzle = 10

I will add early versions of program to topic later
Where has ball been leaving traces on field for a long time

It is possible to create your own mazes and solve them by setting a number
 and for sure random cave mazes are possible

It's fun to watch program walk through wrong door
immediately or on most obvious moves
And I haven't checked mazes from books yet

It is easier to translate my algorithm with a minimap into other languages

In principle it is realistic to check array
if you passed corner of 3rd in row
it means a dead end to start again

Original DAV theme

Principles are similar to XONIX

Main Logic:

Code: (Select All)
  If delta = 2 Then ' V Danilin
    cX = ballx / bs + 1: cY = bally / bs + 1 'current x,y
    For y = cY + 1 To grid + 1 'Move ball  V
22 If pdata$(y, cX) = "x" Then
  bally = bally + y2
' Danilin
ky = y - 1: ax = cX - 1: bx = cX + 1
If d(ky, ax) = 0 Then If d(ky, bx) = 0 Then delta = Int(Rnd * 2)
If d(ky, ax) = 1 Then If d(ky, bx) = 0 Then delta = 0 ' >
If d(ky, ax) = 0 Then If d(ky, bx) = 1 Then delta = 1 ' <
If d(ky, ax) = 1 Then If d(ky, bx) = 1 Then delta = 3 ' ^
' Danilin
  GoTo moved ' Sound 500, .1:
End If
    Animation 178KB
Code: (Select All)
'MAZEBALL.BAS v1.978 CODE ' Danilin 2024
'Clone of the Tilt Maze Puzzle games.
'QB64 code by Dav, AUG/2020

'New for v1.2: * Screen sizes to fit users desktop
'              * New ball, small code fixes.

'The goal is to move the ball to the star.
'Use arrows to move the ball.  Walls will stop
'the ball moving so navigate around them.
'There are 10 levels to complete and they get
'harder as you go.  To help you (cheat) you can
'jump to other levels by using the +/- keys.
'Press SPACE to reset level and start over.

'If you beat the last level, you will get a
'smiley face and hear a happy song.

'For those who get stuck, solutions are below.


'I didn't come up with this game - It's been around for a while.
'It's mostly a clone of a cool game posted on THE QBASIC FORUM here:
'Also some levels derived from the original tilt maze game here:
'There's other Tilt Maze games that influenced me.

'My thanks to those original game authors for the tilt maze fun.
'Please accept this QB64 version as a compliment from a fan.

'Used the RotoZoom program from the QB64 wiki under _MAPTRIANGLE
'which was written by Galleon, the creator of QB64.  Thanks!

'Solutions below, for those who get stuck...

'#1)  LURDR

Dim d(22, 22): Randomize Timer: all = 0 ' Danilin

df = (_DesktopHeight / 640) * .85
Screen _NewImage(640 * df, 640 * df, 32) ': _SCREENMOVE _MIDDLE

'load images...
ball& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32): _Dest ball&
r = 255: g = 255: b = 255
For s = 1 To 45 Step 3 ' .3 Danilin
    Circle (50, 50), s, _RGB(r, g, b)
    r = r - 1: g = g - 1: b = b - 1

_Dest 0

blank& = BASIMAGE2&
pass& = BASIMAGE3&
star& = BASIMAGE4&
wall& = BASIMAGE5&
face& = BASIMAGE6&

_Icon ball&

puzzle = 5 'start on puzzle 5
puzzlemax = 1 'there are 10 puzzles total

delta = Int(Rnd * 4): ' Danilin delta only START
' next START continue ' Danilin

restart: '0 > / 1 < / 2 V / 3 ^ ' Danilin

sum = 20 + puzzle * 2: damax = sum: Cls ' Danilin
tm = Timer ' Danilin

_Title "Level: " + Str$(puzzle) + " of" + Str$(puzzlemax)

GoSub SetLevel

'draw puzzle level
Cls , _RGB(51, 51, 51)
ReDim Shared pdata$(grid, grid)
bs = Int(_Width / grid)
m = 1
For x = 0 To grid - 1
    For y = 0 To grid - 1
        a$ = Mid$(puz$, m, 1)
        pdata$(x + 1, y + 1) = a$
        If a$ = "x" Then _PutImage (y * bs, x * bs)-(y * bs + bs, x * bs + bs), wall&
        If a$ = "b" Then
            _PutImage (y * bs + 1, x * bs + 1)-(y * bs + bs - 1, x * bs + bs - 1), ball&
            ballx = y * bs: bally = x * bs: cX = ballx / bs + 1: cY = bally / bs + 1 ' FIRST cx cy
        End If
        If a$ = "y" Then _PutImage (y * bs + 1, x * bs + 1)-(y * bs + bs - 1, x * bs + bs - 1), star&
        m = m + 1


' XXX  YYY  coord ball in new array  ' Danilin
Locate 5, 1: For iii = 1 To grid - 0: For jjj = 1 To grid ' Danilin
    If Mid$(puz$, (iii - 1) * grid + jjj, 1) = "b" Then YYY = iii + 1: XXX = jjj: jjj = jjj + 1: ky = YYY: kx = XXX: ' Print "@";:
        If Mid$(puz$, (iii - 1) * grid + jjj, 1) = "x" Then d(iii, jjj) = 1 Else d(iii, jjj) = 0
Next: Print: Next: 'ky = cY: kx = cX  ' Danilin

    'get user keypress... 'Do: k$ = " ": _AutoDisplay: Loop Until k$ <> ""

    ' Danilin
    'Locate 4, 1: Print "  1     2    3     4     5     6    7     8    9   10   11   12   13   14    15"

    111 Locate 1, 18: Print "Delta"; delta, "ReStart"; sum; "  ALL"; all,
    Locate 2, 18: Print Int((Timer - tm) * 100) / 100; "s."
    all = all + 1: sum = sum - 1

    Locate 4, 1: For qqq = 1 To grid - 0: For www = 1 To grid
        l$ = Mid$(Str$(d(qqq, www)), 2, 1)
        'Locate 3 + qqq, www
        If l$ = "1" Then Print l$; Else Print " "; 'www = www + 1
        Next: Print
    Next: Locate 3 + cY, cX: Print "@"

    Locate 1, 1: Print "     "; d(cY - 1, cX),:
    Locate 2, 1: Print d(cY, cX - 1); cY; "*"; cX; d(cY, cX + 1); "  "
    Locate 3, 1: Print "     "; d(cY + 1, cX),

    Locate 1, 53: Print cY - 1; ","; cX; "="; d(cY - 1, cX),
    Locate 2, 43: Print cY; ","; cX - 1; "="; d(cY, cX - 1),
    Locate 2, 63: Print cY; ","; cX + 1; "="; d(cY, cX + 1),
    Locate 3, 53: Print cY + 1; ","; cX; "="; d(cY + 1, cX),

    _Display: _Delay .02

    If sum = 0 Then sum = damax: GoTo restart ' Danilin
    ' re = Int(Rnd * 200): If re = 178 Then sum = damax: GoTo restart ' Danilin

    ' Danilin

    If delta = 0 Then ' --> Danilin

        'current ball location in x,y
        cX = ballx / bs + 1: cY = bally / bs + 1

        'Move ball right... 0 -->
        For x = cX + 1 To grid + 1

            'move it smoothly, by pixels...
            For x2 = ((x - 1 - cX) * bs) To ((x - cX) * bs) Step 2

                'if come to star
                If pdata$(cY, x) = "y" Then
                    _PutImage (ballx + x2 + 1, bally + 1)-(ballx + x2 + bs - 1, bally + bs - 1), blank&
                    _PutImage (ballx + x2 + bs, bally)-(ballx + x2 + bs + bs, bally + bs), blank&
                    _PutImage (ballx + x2 + bs, bally)-(ballx + x2 + bs + bs, bally + bs), ball&

                    'fade out star
                    _Display ' Sound 7000, .1
                    temp& = _CopyImage(_Display)
                    d = 100
                    For trp& = 255 To 0 Step -5
                        _PutImage (0, 0), temp&
                        RotoZoom ballx + x2 + bs + (bs / 2), bally + (bs / 2), star&, d / 100, angle
                        _Display: d = d + 10
                        angle = angle + 3: If angle >= 360 Then angle = angle - 360
                        _SetAlpha trp&, , star& ' _Delay .003

                    GoSub Done
                    GoTo restart
                End If

                'if come to wall... -> | izm x+  cst y

                0 If pdata$(cY, x) = "x" Then
                    ballx = ballx + x2
                    ' Danilin
                    ay = cY - 1: by = cY + 1: kx = x - 1 ' ORIGIN cx
                    'Locate 5, 45: Print "0 > : y-1 ^"; d(ay, kx); " y+1 V"; d(by, kx); "kx ="; kx,:
                    If d(ay, kx) = 0 Then If d(by, kx) = 0 Then delta = 2 + Int(Rnd * 2)
                    If d(ay, kx) = 1 Then If d(by, kx) = 0 Then delta = 2 ' V
                    If d(ay, kx) = 0 Then If d(by, kx) = 1 Then delta = 3 ' ^
                    If d(ay, kx) = 1 Then If d(by, kx) = 1 Then delta = 1 ' <
                    ' Danilin
                    GoTo moved ' Sound 500, .1:
                End If

                'Draw ball image....
                _PutImage (ballx + x2 + 1, bally + 1)-(ballx + x2 + bs - 1, bally + bs - 1), blank&
                _PutImage (ballx + x2 + 1, bally + 1)-(ballx + x2 + bs - 1, bally + bs - 1), ball&
                '_Limit 500
            Next x2

        Next x
    End If

    If delta = 1 Then ' <-- Danilin

        cX = ballx / bs + 1: cY = bally / bs + 1

        'Move ball left...   <--
        For x = cX - 1 To 0 Step -1

            For x2 = (x + 1 - cX) * bs To (x - cX) * bs Step -2
                If pdata$(cY, x) = "y" Then
                    _PutImage (ballx + x2 + 1, bally + 1)-(ballx + x2 + bs - 1, bally + bs - 1), blank&
                    _PutImage (ballx + x2 - bs, bally)-(ballx + x2, bally + bs), blank&
                    _PutImage (ballx + x2 - bs, bally)-(ballx + x2, bally + bs), ball&
                    'fade out star
                    _Display ' Sound 7000, .1
                    temp& = _CopyImage(_Display)
                    d = 100
                    For trp& = 255 To 0 Step -5
                        _PutImage (0, 0), temp&
                        RotoZoom ballx + x2 - (bs / 2), bally + (bs / 2), star&, d / 100, angle
                        _Display: d = d + 10
                        angle = angle + 3: If angle >= 360 Then angle = angle - 360
                        _SetAlpha trp&, , star& ' _Delay .003
                    GoSub Done
                    GoTo restart
                End If

                'if come to wall... | <--  izm x- cst y
                11 If pdata$(cY, x) = "x" Then
                    ballx = ballx + x2
                    ' Danilin
                    ay = cY - 1: by = cY + 1: kx = x + 1 ' ORIGIN cX
                    'Locate 5, 45: Print "1 < : y-1 ^"; d(ay, kx); " y+1 V"; d(by, kx); "kx ="; kx,
                    If d(ay, kx) = 0 Then If d(by, kx) = 0 Then delta = 2 + Int(Rnd * 2)
                    If d(ay, kx) = 1 Then If d(by, kx) = 0 Then delta = 2 ' V
                    If d(ay, kx) = 0 Then If d(by, kx) = 1 Then delta = 3 ' ^
                    If d(ay, kx) = 1 Then If d(by, kx) = 1 Then delta = 0 ' >
                    ' Danilin
                    GoTo moved ' Sound 500, .1:
                End If

                _PutImage (ballx + x2 + 1, bally + 1)-(ballx + x2 + bs - 1, bally + bs - 1), blank&
                _PutImage (ballx + x2 + 1, bally + 1)-(ballx + x2 + bs - 1, bally + bs - 1), ball&
                '_Limit 500
            Next x2
        Next x
    End If

    If delta = 2 Then ' V Danilin

        cX = ballx / bs + 1: cY = bally / bs + 1 'current x,y

        'Move ball  V
        For y = cY + 1 To grid + 1

            For y2 = (y - 1 - cY) * bs To (y - cY) * bs Step 2
                If pdata$(y, cX) = "y" Then
                    _PutImage (ballx + 1, bally + y2 + 1)-(ballx + bs - 1, bally + y2 + bs - 1), blank&
                    _PutImage (ballx, bally + y2 + bs)-(ballx + bs, bally + y2 + bs + bs), blank&
                    _PutImage (ballx, bally + y2 + bs)-(ballx + bs, bally + y2 + bs + bs), ball&

                    'fade out star
                    _Display ' Sound 7000, .1
                    temp& = _CopyImage(_Display)
                    d = 100
                    For trp& = 255 To 0 Step -5
                        _PutImage (0, 0), temp&
                        RotoZoom ballx + (bs / 2), bally + y2 + bs + (bs / 2), star&, d / 100, angle
                        _Display: d = d + 10
                        angle = angle + 3: If angle >= 360 Then angle = angle - 360
                        _SetAlpha trp&, , star& ' _Delay .003

                    GoSub Done
                    GoTo restart
                End If

                'if come to wall... W  cst x izm y+ V

                22 If pdata$(y, cX) = "x" Then
                    bally = bally + y2
                    ' Danilin
                    ky = y - 1: ax = cX - 1: bx = cX + 1
                    'Locate 5, 45: Print "2 V : ky ="; ky; " x-1 < "; d(ky, ax); "   x+1 > "; d(ky, bx),
                    If d(ky, ax) = 0 Then If d(ky, bx) = 0 Then delta = Int(Rnd * 2)
                    If d(ky, ax) = 1 Then If d(ky, bx) = 0 Then delta = 0 ' >
                    If d(ky, ax) = 0 Then If d(ky, bx) = 1 Then delta = 1 ' <
                    If d(ky, ax) = 1 Then If d(ky, bx) = 1 Then delta = 3 ' ^
                    ' Danilin
                    GoTo moved ' Sound 500, .1:
                End If

                _PutImage (ballx + 1, bally + y2 + 1)-(ballx + bs - 1, bally + y2 + bs - 1), blank&
                _PutImage (ballx + 1, bally + y2 + 1)-(ballx + bs - 1, bally + y2 + bs - 1), ball&
                '_Limit 500
            Next y2
        Next y
    End If

    If delta = 3 Then ' ^ Danilin

        cX = ballx / bs + 1: cY = bally / bs + 1 'current x,y

        'Move ball ^
        For y = cY - 1 To 0 Step -1

            For y2 = (y + 1 - cY) * bs To (y - cY) * bs Step -2
                If pdata$(y, cX) = "y" Then
                    _PutImage (ballx + 1, bally + y2 + 1)-(ballx + bs - 1, bally + y2 + bs - 1), blank&
                    _PutImage (ballx, bally + y2 - bs)-(ballx + bs, bally + y2), blank&
                    _PutImage (ballx, bally + y2 - bs)-(ballx + bs, bally + y2), ball&
                    'fade out star
                    _Display 'Sound 7000, .1
                    temp& = _CopyImage(_Display)
                    d = 100
                    For trp& = 255 To 0 Step -5
                        _PutImage (0, 0), temp&
                        RotoZoom ballx + (bs / 2), bally + y2 - (bs / 2), star&, d / 100, angle
                        _Display: d = d + 10
                        angle = angle + 3: If angle >= 360 Then angle = angle - 360
                        _SetAlpha trp&, , star& ' _Delay .003

                    GoSub Done
                    GoTo restart
                End If

                'if come to wall...  T
                33 If pdata$(y, cX) = "x" Then ' cst x izm y- ^
                    bally = bally + y2
                    ' Danilin
                    ky = y + 1: ax = cX - 1: bx = cX + 1
                    'Locate 5, 45: Print "3 ^ : ky ="; ky; " x-1 < "; d(ky, ax); "   x+1 > "; d(ky, bx),
                    If d(ky, ax) = 0 Then If d(ky, bx) = 0 Then delta = Int(Rnd * 2)
                    If d(ky, ax) = 1 Then If d(ky, bx) = 0 Then delta = 0 ' >
                    If d(ky, ax) = 0 Then If d(ky, bx) = 1 Then delta = 1 ' <
                    If d(ky, ax) = 1 Then If d(ky, bx) = 1 Then delta = 2 ' V
                    ' Danilin
                    GoTo moved ' Sound 500, .1:
                End If

                _PutImage (ballx + 1, bally + y2 + 1)-(ballx + bs - 1, bally + y2 + bs - 1), blank&
                _PutImage (ballx + 1, bally + y2 + 1)-(ballx + bs - 1, bally + y2 + bs - 1), ball&
                '_Limit 500
            Next y2
        Next y
    End If

    If InKey$ = "+" Then
        puzzle = puzzle + 1: If puzzle > puzzlemax Then puzzle = 1
        GoTo restart
    End If

    If InKey$ = "-" Then
        puzzle = puzzle - 1: If puzzle < 1 Then puzzle = 10
        GoTo restart
    End If


    If InKey$ <> "" Then _KeyClear



_SetAlpha 255, , star& 'reset star&
_PutImage (160 * df, 210 * df)-(500 * df, 360 * df), pass&: _Display
''_Delay 3.5

puzzle = puzzle - 1

'If that was last level...
If puzzle < puzzlemax Then
    'show smiley face
    _PutImage (120 * df, 120 * df)-(520 * df, 520 * df), face&: _Display
    'play happy music
    Play "o4l8gfedcal4gl8fgabo5co4gl4el8defedefgagabl4o5co4c"
    Play "o3l8co2l16gf#gl8g#gpbo3c"
    ''_Delay 3.5
    puzzle = 10
End If



'x is the wall, b is ball. y is the star

' Danilin
'If puzzle = 1 Then
'puz$ = "": grid = 8
'puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxx"
'puz$ = puz$ + "xy xxb x"
'puz$ = puz$ + "xx   x x"
'puz$ = puz$ + "xxxx x x"
'puz$ = puz$ + "x    x x"
'puz$ = puz$ + "x xxxx x"
'puz$ = puz$ + "x      x"
'puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxx"
'End If
' Danilin

'x is the wall, b is ball. y is the star
If puzzle = 1 Then
    puz$ = "": grid = 8
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   xb x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   yx x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x  xx  x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x      x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x      x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x      x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxx"
End If

If puzzle = 2 Then
    puz$ = "": grid = 10
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xx  x    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   xx   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   y    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x     xx x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x      b x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x        x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x     xx x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x      x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxx"
End If

If puzzle = 3 Then
    puz$ = "": grid = 11
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xbx  x    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x    x    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xx   x    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x    y  x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x    x    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x         x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x     x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x  x      x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x    xx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxx"
End If

If puzzle = 4 Then
    bs = Int(sw / 11) 'boxsize
    puz$ = "": grid = 11
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xbx   x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x xx      x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x         x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x       xxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x       x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x  xx   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x         x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x xx  x xxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x     x  yx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxx"
End If

If puzzle = 5 Then
    puz$ = "": grid = 12
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x      x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x xxx  x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x          x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x x x xx x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x xbx    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   xxxxx xx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x     xyx  x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xx         x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x         xx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x x    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
End If

If puzzle = 6 Then
    puz$ = "": grid = 13
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x     x     x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   xxx   xxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x           x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxx xxx   x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x         xyx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xb    x   xxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x   x     x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxx   xx    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x           x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x   x x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x   x x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
End If

If puzzle = 7 Then
    puz$ = "": grid = 15
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xbx   x     x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x xx          x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x         x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xx       xx   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x             x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x xx       xx x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x     x x     x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xx            x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x         x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   xx       xx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x       x     x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x      xxx    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x         xyx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
End If

If puzzle = 8 Then
    puz$ = "": grid = 15
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x     x     x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x    x       xx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x        b    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x     x     x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x  x          x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x       x x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x      xx    xx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x             x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xx       x    x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x x       x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   xyx       x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   xxx       x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x       x   x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
End If

If puzzle = 9 Then
    puz$ = "": grid = 19
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x   x       x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x   xxx   x x xxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x           x     x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x xxx xxxxx xxx x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x   x       x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxx x   x   x   x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x           x     x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   xxx x xxx xxx x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x     x x         x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxx   x xxx     x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x       x       x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x x   x xxx   xxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x x             x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x x xxx x   x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x         x   x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x xxx     x x xxx x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x  bx       x  yx x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
End If

If puzzle = 10 Then
    puz$ = "": grid = 21
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xbx x     x   x     x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x x     x   xxx   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x                 x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x xxx x x     x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x       x x     x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x   x x     x xxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x               x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x     x xxx x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x         x     x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x         x         x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   xxx   x x xxx x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x           x     x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxx xxx   x xxx   x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x   x     x x     x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x x xxx x x   x x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x             x   x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x x     x x x   x x x"
    puz$ = puz$ + "x       x x x     xyx"
    puz$ = puz$ + "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
End If


    v& = _NewImage(158, 159, 32)
    Dim m As _MEM: m = _MemImage(v&)
    A$ = ""
    btemp$ = ""
    For i& = 1 To Len(A$) Step 4: B$ = Mid$(A$, i&, 4)
        If InStr(1, B$, "%") Then
            For C% = 1 To Len(B$): F$ = Mid$(B$, C%, 1)
                If F$ <> "%" Then C$ = C$ + F$
            Next: B$ = C$: End If: For j = 1 To Len(B$)
            If Mid$(B$, j, 1) = "#" Then
        Mid$(B$, j) = "@": End If: Next
        For t% = Len(B$) To 1 Step -1
            B& = B& * 64 + Asc(Mid$(B$, t%)) - 48
            Next: X$ = "": For t% = 1 To Len(B$) - 1
            X$ = X$ + Chr$(B& And 255): B& = B& \ 256
    Next: btemp$ = btemp$ + X$: Next
    btemp$ = _Inflate$(btemp$, m.SIZE)
    _MemPut m, m.OFFSET, btemp$: _MemFree m
    BASIMAGE2& = _CopyImage(v&): _FreeImage v&
End Function

    v& = _NewImage(324, 155, 32)
    Dim m As _MEM: m = _MemImage(v&)
    A$ = ""
    A$ = A$ + "haIkMN6[ED4666`2H35\0:ME`2Rm6F`^2::4kX8FA454\g[A15kPUPmJD80f"
    A$ = A$ + "kR6SXR6R]XH;Z9ZQ8AACDnoJNV9O7F>L?Wc^c^kiN^gkkKbC<8\cl=k>ckIJ"
    A$ = A$ + "k\][M];ZM2Q#8L8999eFGb?DBBBb;i7:999iUl3UTTTlBnQBBBBN9o#9999_"
    A$ = A$ + "TOXTTTTGb?DBBBb;i7:999iEJl3K^gch2Q#4:b?D84]eYm]_mAMX3MX`l3kL"
    A$ = A$ + "WkLD?kI?S6`06#df^]K[#84=\dY>eYX>fa>FHnQh5>h1?hXQ?lQ7ML7ga942"
    A$ = A$ + "A3;MY;Mae7^Rb?Tn5RGhH7kHS^P;h242QXQU^e]^5ee^fe2c?TnPR_;ieeOm"
    A$ = A$ + "G_#84=\\IKfV5]aKl6;o#Q#dV7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q"
    A$ = A$ + "7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:"
    A$ = A$ + "42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7"
    A$ = A$ + "i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42Q7i7:42QWF2nQk`>\3AMZCMZDJ6"
    A$ = A$ + "2]_m]_9Ck^e]^Uid^8Qh^A?6]h<?Ra:mL:YTgg[bJlDDaHBR[\T?iAm^lZ>A"
    A$ = A$ + "mliC;1o`]H;fRXNe[N5em^gMG\V6jJGkJD7kH7MTgYMBbk=ICfT<5gDO:[aH"
    A$ = A$ + "FRST6Wm]_m=caHeN>E?Z[DNldi>giX=JSf8GKTbQo=hGTVHKkf^]c5Om^gm>"
    A$ = A$ + "ZWm\W1G_`R[J53QL_8?ZgUGe9Z7eGJ9j7B<bmdkj^^[X7kaN\DS5;5AJG=^g"
    A$ = A$ + "kmNMe92mj]hVjU4SCKJC;CaAAE696_V[iJbD<beE]WCe[j:a;Ghk#k^\h95g"
    A$ = A$ + ";\Om[O>O#3:c?ocolA;H1;8jGnUO9Ji;Oi=IKYU^dU6mmOog7mV_iKF:^<ZF"
    A$ = A$ + "<Hg;2miPMmYmIZU6I]>A]8?Z_dBe?THlmN_g;AiMUR5NnL]GkeV[YMed?oco"
    A$ = A$ + "LdEL5GA`G_5g3LP3dE_Wj0I9>VolWO`aBeBKRa[l:_b<5S?d3m#U:_l<jj^^"
    A$ = A$ + "[[IY^BU4nEh9AjF^Wdj\>[S[ogeZ?QdG90_j?ocolPSUU]\U5=kI?kXeKmF?"
    A$ = A$ + "7E:6BCKKC_f[mJUN>\iKnV7dcDkIIF[CD;E]feb?\fa2a`UOiG^knGm`?La;"
    A$ = A$ + "NaAWciL>AoiOnW1Mmgf]MK^hnl?oc?J3g`=<jeOmG?Xdicn\?c57_d;mB1Mm"
    A$ = A$ + "ECD696?_cklLah3nP?H#YSEFQ;kb^\X[nZ_jPl4;bWWaeBFbBLnRfHfZTWX="
    A$ = A$ + "VC[?QiILmKof_5M;gb]DaH84o`OmGoeB?7fV]IK2b?cNF>a9>AGM2l7;2E]f"
    A$ = A$ + "eb?\fabX7mXMN;lkFeSf?;LQ;<j`?l3?JA;JA1MmDORhNDSJDAMY;M9j]N[g"
    A$ = A$ + ":Xdi1NP7`57?jSnX1MmECD696?jSnXSFoeOmS^WkiN2:M\b:<na?NWWH8oVO"
    A$ = A$ + "mb?ddWnYOJdJ^V[ICj7AO3]i:Ta<Bo;cKmgomOkn]SV:62a?4=Va<6gcQcl<"
    A$ = A$ + "?CgL3l`?l3WZ[gNFN2W`9hZgBm_R#E[M]l3[M\LP7h16MjWnY7M9GbUDGJo`"
    A$ = A$ + "H?jOokOdMNWgI#GoTWlTMam#6b#LN=TNQXCkd>]X1<P14=UY<UP^nZ9KlEkl"
    A$ = A$ + ">_cA[kj^^ACMZC=XdIX3MXUN>Qo?Um#nmnj]O8j5OaGdi7A\SW4nhfl5Jm=l"
    A$ = A$ + "[oj_^`bO6oaTVdTFYH8;nQGl5Oa^dQhVng=cI>cDMmfcbmN_gKgHi3mg8[UZ"
    A$ = A$ + "FkJi7FkHQf\dFkR^X;Z^dnI>cI>^igiB_d;=X[WahJcO8Ycgn]OK#Yc>]CkT"
    A$ = A$ + "c?=;cUIU4UARAJg_F[eJ5M3g`=4Dj#<J?W6a86Ad4V`4LmkYUPO8bNF1To<>"
    A$ = A$ + "IlChnb[l:_BQWo<oVWd9MB[dLZ5ZOh7mAOT;=hi9m?L6cH6Yjj]WUdfWOSl>"
    A$ = A$ + "^Sk8ea#BDeJG;o``RUR\mccn\?KdZ]J[Vkg93AWkiN^^hVnI`hPnV_iK2:MH"
    A$ = A$ + "<;\?]hgmcKAITHTiIRmX1m=:4]EKeFEji4S]WbN;9o`?h3nPBa?m?KCgd=]d"
    A$ = A$ + "J[FYe=>_e=MCgd:i9C<4RO8Z?mY?AMX3M8J3fP=8enIfcBF?6l3In4;2UWN<"
    A$ = A$ + "b?\nh7BnbHEcbecL#QOHXSibfgZ<WLi]TOh:d^]KkFYb0NQL?Qm8CmB\n:Fn"
    A$ = A$ + "cHW]H84ISiUaULcgl=WZ[EnQ5K\fBg?Tn8VU[O]GkefE_:4mn_okkB3n]NV_"
    A$ = A$ + "ilFb?L5JTSLT^hOeGmEgi5aN2Tm>HmD7fQMHU^?bjZ4ZOX]WIHnohi#JTl3;"
    A$ = A$ + "fH]U^O8]?nb_l;3:=\aOa_CWUH0o#VCYlF]fl33mi4j\>[cZd_Oam36_J8Re"
    A$ = A$ + "_Pk7\g>C[R??V43\N8Q:ROl3_`;l2Cee9o`R=FK=h7nb_l;7DJHSmQe#;4MZ"
    A$ = A$ + "WjYFZ?ZDNcKeJc?Tlo8>RS8X[UehdZWajGan^>4Ig;N^WkiBme>[I=[Bg7I]"
    A$ = A$ + "#P#e`6f`LcEch6ghBee9o`R=FKTm3]d^JPGDXk35lI`?TmbE8:^O8cgN8:YU"
    A$ = A$ + "aF;nQ0[GKJ5k5Mc7PikUeB94aeBj<fa>fDO]f_?1h9cJY5ZH<cl<mT?iC>EG"
    A$ = A$ + "GNi76_>Ae#nQYC=WnQ\>6do`#gc=l>2`JlanM>4IeY86^eKmF3:=BBMbeH=F"
    A$ = A$ + "3gh4_aKl6cDLf8h7bc\i=_iUj[elRH?f`mR#g_Wfm1fSaQ630ca2eMbRjA?j"
    A$ = A$ + "QKNACSZgnQkj^^[^mJTf_=9Ce3o#VW5f_I\FbT?6\7^0bc#4e9XNmaOl7O#G"
    A$ = A$ + "?c[_iG5jn0[FUa1=X1ijC3em3ec]Ab?TiJ=Tig`lR86`?l9NRW8hH0?i#n=D"
    A$ = A$ + "km97hi1mA<;Ra<O87bQTZ[Y8l3I^<I?MBo3RGg3_#F39NGJhnUl3cF\TGY=n"
    A$ = A$ + "43N`3>Jh3Oh^l`Pa[POFJWCJC<NGlJ2M]#\hSn7>mY?m<U6EZ<RG=cK?m5Qg"
    A$ = A$ + "Yg#DSVOH8_[hVO8[[<o68oi\43YMMMSOm0eKbZO8cabn^_kKZ^VR`?TmL=nN"
    A$ = A$ + "7caL<[DM?jG8NQdVnZ^Z[BnQI<Fb[dVn<Q?1ci3Y_1n4DW0?aokon_DWnh7B"
    A$ = A$ + "O=2I_bHmEPnJ#o3_okonCMJPZEI4_Nj7JFNgmKdl33iM5gl39oa?lINVW9Ca"
    A$ = A$ + "#Xc5[MOTj=dWn\8V7eMOggmDM=5QO8[W8]5H>4RGgSa8Co2a;<?>SKTOHn<O"
    A$ = A$ + "C<_cdG#jK#lc=D>K_i\7Tei;Tm?1_oKdf:4_<[m9mCPeT9D_ZJE6]g?=n_QN"
    A$ = A$ + "f>eJc?TkE?mCodI:6hlm9d[7XNCFm3AYM^NbKo#F[>jW[m>g4_NGU>WeTOHH"
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    A$ = A$ + "9M8:_l3YM?OS8bbHfQ#nNBQO8o^gh6ghBMNK:?OoDZDM2STF_#nQ9CggmMO^"
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    A$ = A$ + "6b?\HSchWCF\_\Vm\W]kLHVi<QecTWQQR]n33MX3e]o2hlkSm#GNTf#lf<VO"
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    A$ = A$ + "diAbNHROWQe3>;YOlbEBl3;Rb:kE:RSJMV=_WkiNjVGOjG^]WP<?ahokhN6o"
    A$ = A$ + "mOh7nQYZmOelQiM8Wm;a9NRWXK=iINB\ci=nFcbm4f7k<7:9iN]]V#DgTmWK"
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    A$ = A$ + "6SK>_R1nn=`n^WlWmb5m;UWiToImN1[5DFSe\jWVDhg2hg>hLR]e^OHLHO2B"
    A$ = A$ + "Ja_SBK3j_0SQ:;`nBQc0OVc7l#X?LiEJ3\WiHm6Ym2eGSgFVa_Po8SOPnFPW"
    A$ = A$ + "IFb[3jP>8gIh0e=hnDi_oB5am_b;Sh9<i9?IGohhn:gOcJjCLBlBLgDU[jEM"
    A$ = A$ + "56[:Y3n?TVDgVj;llSnV`cfJm>dbkO=NV<_9QhgP?<m72OHVW7jC8eKI^AH<"
    A$ = A$ + "h=EnCna_S#lbINDJ_GCiRnMbie?oF;?_CBK:Z3P75Y1ogl\>Q1U7:GFobK;i"
    A$ = A$ + "7bcJnm?B?:oLoUiC:;`lQ`kF\MFTWWY=#O2Ym2cY3?_Xm#i]KIL]hS#\TUlR"
    A$ = A$ + "HVHWbPe?QRnnGiUAlg9?H>khnJF;C9YLE_Z[#iTbch7ohMn3Tfl\;]WIm4Kh"
    A$ = A$ + "MAm=B7BKlJ`[POG1o2lNSk3c_eQog86a8LcAYi3KgC:_NECE7SlZF??JZkeV"
    A$ = A$ + "7>o>7UM^?TTfDD7`lXioVWe9RWGD^XleFhmG^YZ;IoV5?_hiDFPdPdRdTWki"
    A$ = A$ + "IJ7?m]j5UgVQo<i;omI=?SGFZTWANOo[lb8U5[=DAl<:=WQ9iIIU[_Y:WiAM"
    A$ = A$ + "IBOl:hgC`;Rnk5gc9[n`YY>FU^GWVkUFJ4oNDNGW8NNI??bjg#UFRnQ2A[AX"
    A$ = A$ + "]LiN>V_Ain`iag>9aZRl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`"
    A$ = A$ + "Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl35"
    A$ = A$ + "2Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`S"
    A$ = A$ + "l352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352"
    A$ = A$ + "Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl352Q`Sl"
    A$ = A$ + "352Q`CAj7fnfgnX>eY>5eU^dUX^e]^ib;Q#8JDYOm[OAM_kM_#l3k#7j#D7k"
    A$ = A$ + "H7SjLWkLDGkJGMn^2Q#dX2NQmZGm:gm3UTTTJ=;i7:999iUl3UTTTlBnQBBB"
    A$ = A$ + "BN9o#9999_TOXTTTTGb?DBBBb;i7:999iUl3UTTTlbl352Q#d^Xo74NT%%h1"
    btemp$ = ""
    For i& = 1 To Len(A$) Step 4: B$ = Mid$(A$, i&, 4)
        If InStr(1, B$, "%") Then
            For C% = 1 To Len(B$): F$ = Mid$(B$, C%, 1)
                If F$ <> "%" Then C$ = C$ + F$
            Next: B$ = C$: End If: For j = 1 To Len(B$)
            If Mid$(B$, j, 1) = "#" Then
        Mid$(B$, j) = "@": End If: Next
        For t% = Len(B$) To 1 Step -1
            B& = B& * 64 + Asc(Mid$(B$, t%)) - 48
            Next: X$ = "": For t% = 1 To Len(B$) - 1
            X$ = X$ + Chr$(B& And 255): B& = B& \ 256
    Next: btemp$ = btemp$ + X$: Next
    btemp$ = _Inflate$(btemp$, m.SIZE)
    _MemPut m, m.OFFSET, btemp$: _MemFree m
    BASIMAGE3& = _CopyImage(v&): _FreeImage v&
End Function

Function BASIMAGE4& 'star.bmp
    v& = _NewImage(190, 190, 32)
    Dim m As _MEM: m = _MemImage(v&)
    A$ = ""
    A$ = A$ + "haIkMNo\DD455NnWdL>QiL>;6:4#4##PRT05I99P92FP:15D11:1D05D\0OR"
    A$ = A$ + "PB##Paj[jZ[MN3c\k<kfcdmlfc?lE_E4N_memI_cY_cmNWXGiERS42Q#842Q"
    A$ = A$ + "#842QX\<UY47=i9kog72AMbFfBLdVg\oOO84e53OhaAWndaAocoHN]_Oo84e"
    A$ = A$ + "1cKNaAaa6VkLSSNiG^mhkg_2Q;H?kYU^OGkbX]OYG:KTfG<DPgl=SSn_o[U^"
    A$ = A$ + "o2G8>j=NShXGl5=l2_P1ko]Ekkkgg2A_`ZFE;=_UU_LSFoiN^hXWmI=`[i?C"
    A$ = A$ + "jNa#1>bA^BMoQ>TAWod?MLdCnT6heBk;6:`4V`EZiQ;OISoW7oaSSNT7a0_6"
    A$ = A$ + "]ocolBg;JfliONfjNhCnThX7nQSSNP7`0_n9N2SW7[?OOonG8j6>i9cGgOlS"
    A$ = A$ + "77MogOLdMOg6he?jSJRi;_>RV:cJFi[i]<bA67M7gQ1dn?d3IljS?ORi;M_X"
    A$ = A$ + "Ya>fAWemKH3aAgj]Jh>_CC<o7ka<NM\almm_72AAQlcOncgIM?e^`]MKaAgd"
    A$ = A$ + "=InjmL?VchZcg:JR\\UeI=_Ua=^hX[ojSS^iK>>j^^[hX7l1=W_ENM4==>h1"
    A$ = A$ + ";^^OkK?>jJ_fhXKl6SS^mK?>jn^?SGWWiIdiK5=76kH=iW_XjNZQ1lfC<Oli"
    A$ = A$ + "ciK9WV?eC9_>RV3[Om5GcKIVc<>jj^>S?On<0ic?I^lU^G4j<`0UGgOP347M"
    A$ = A$ + "=GCLd=L3VcgN_g[bU_Xi`dVFielF`C?NM^UK9>JH3CibGdLHKK[kem[H5Vcg"
    A$ = A$ + "RG7^?FT;OZI7Eg2R#VGkeRS>kIkNM?nS#gKmjXLi;J2\X5emJN;lI7>OKbLi"
    A$ = A$ + ";_>R#Vm]_NGgCmKJcU?NMD^l5Q<SNdaAGjBm^^oLWc4[GibGd4PJY_GelFVh"
    A$ = A$ + "4_B_>Z^54Q8on_k>M?cK1bUObjFPLi;_>R#2VmO^Bc3hG2]^=Gnb[S84QIoW"
    A$ = A$ + ";em`lWO[LiK[K1U;OAX0cl?VmO^Fgc<H#e]P8DQInW[elF8f>W_Ee]P8dHgk"
    A$ = A$ + "^jdmOl7?hLiW\^5D?8:l5YWoO^VCM:cIK]ibGe]P848[ioW[IDSBibG4FLh3"
    A$ = A$ + "Gmjn]^Ee3RR`QgiMZN=?P?:dkZ^54Q0KLSeS^7VndE?8:23n[oZndmkOoIW;"
    A$ = A$ + "OieADWlN_GmYi]PgV\j1AieADGlMOGm[kGjBE?8:l75MnoiJ>fa6\GWTibGN"
    A$ = A$ + "M4E=UInoiJhW_j1AQ?PiLS_dmOfWMUe]PbU_XZi]Okb=ooL=Wi<6omY[K1U;"
    A$ = A$ + "OAEbjFWodlF6ohEM;8ZGnSo`ojNbUTZK1AMaDWZoel0mP8eZPj1AAM`GoenG"
    A$ = A$ + "cKI>cYmmPXdm2G#_>ooL=ol?[N#DDmhRioW[Qlf[N#DDU\gmjOMNJFmZc_74"
    A$ = A$ + "EM;8jEXOW^h5m_>?=D?X4_7_>Z745^6j]KO[acSA<2Eg2RZQSNDo[_c3VGE:"
    A$ = A$ + "Gn2GcTVToef]3Z;DlhXN#DhBfdVl_f^C<UYTM?8:_>R^1VoOomOkOMMWh7nQ"
    A$ = A$ + "Fib7_>Z745m2EilocU#mQbiICg3Rb[SXKPI#__ed5U5_H=kT5m>TO`ZLnoiJ"
    A$ = A$ + "hI>QZK1A_b:GYoebU5R[KcU_ZK1Ag`_l;nG7GFFkJc^74C>kTUfGT7d?CnF3"
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    A$ = A$ + "^Bk?SI47MbCjoOg5mWPf3oKTOZlPcaH?;S[dolmPW]=kKOnO=#dO1mnc[nZV"
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    A$ = A$ + "c?IlNZi?nIaWk8OZbgSXG1O=cOnVkkLN#mgAmH#]8QnWkA7J#dRX9C7_gUnk"
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    A$ = A$ + "g2:GnQ=7j#nGgddI?kYE^lil]:GnQ=SOlaAGnbnGgd>>i9=hkg7]3F396_bU"
    A$ = A$ + "OcP=^Ao[IJ7kNg6O30_fg_OJ7;I93^6=E^l3G2ehXL_#C?g>8?iX]lmk]lPk"
    A$ = A$ + "oQ]obil]fLi[JE;\H>caoJU\PIh0e5JNc\3VOoQjWGiIX=alCW;OMnf`QM];"
    A$ = A$ + "o[CB3_W`CCWV?ChO>4mmlUOIneU_RikO2]n6?;O=]K6lI[mmU]<ooN?9WolV"
    A$ = A$ + "liHkgLU;o`RE_Jo[A\d9O=YW7I4;5O4X[PA>b`bg3elAjLi[N#<<PjYbgj3X"
    A$ = A$ + "XnJ\WGd>3nhO3NM0N=WOTLXkkOOPOjWD^l3AVdTl_f0O=;NaMgLFUlT#<Db?"
    A$ = A$ + ">`[i?SoOO`746g?2R_K[E=U;o`P=_IoZ9`Gc`7Name#n`C>?b`_<j:dA0_Vo"
    A$ = A$ + "<>39oM6mXm__7lAJ[E=K^lE]Zi?`7mY?]od3UeGCbWSa4G7o2fI`7a>1k<LV"
    A$ = A$ + "oOlgQo^nfgCjn>Gibg_\`5j7M0nJXWeMilS?9I=on9f?c_OOikQ[kXn>?<HO"
    A$ = A$ + "k[ngokEO=9ONoUe\5>i<L>mc[AnN<ZAi7O?lLb;M^leiK[OlAOSc<Ef5nJB>"
    A$ = A$ + "WEC[G\JoTc_o#`gc5_XicMZFel;[I=egNNEh[YMcIeRlL;2=8mJ#Mjk9_n>G"
    A$ = A$ + "NMZ?Z[n6_ZmeTg_OUagCMmLLi87AmM^?IJC[NfWaG3aeJWV?[W;>UaGCWXXn"
    A$ = A$ + "NZ[jkQ?oYn>g?De?;b[KO=5Ak7:nNFgjDOWk3XfH[bn67?3lcY^med=Jo\lm"
    A$ = A$ + "#mmDUnNH>kZn>_nY:[IaM^Cok[Y8jOOkkI2C#mMNMc1?Xkg7aG3g3\#aGCAd"
    A$ = A$ + "nndg3gWJE[Je7SKL^OOl4W`lm>dled=Jojbg3k1lmGib_NH3K8lleTnimGM_"
    A$ = A$ + "Wk;O?dG=Z_c[7LEL[VV_VRXm;R_7>KT[^Nia?N[Li[JE[jHfcfMnJHoXYi[Y"
    A$ = A$ + "KdnE]_7j9NegiE;^hi=>nJ`WBCfGCAdoeU_W_h;DOWGU<RAdKm=>nJF`26jh"
    A$ = A$ + "[Y8Joj`g3mM>G;DmMNe`ZFUleh2]OEhkIZCEmMNEa_n[bGC_XokT_7RAg]cO"
    A$ = A$ + "XOl7E^l[2NggEnJLQf_8nNFjBk>O?hYGmM^KY\m=nOnWUgG3aYJjnJj6]OFn"
    A$ = A$ + "NH6LEFO?h3EmM^kX\m=n>fQleD4mOJO?lkL_hkQnNT[KZLik6`[BAme#M3CL"
    A$ = A$ + "Li[YHJoRjkYXmb9moRjkLg`NgKWG_iJbDKb43??MOoX_V^AkWW_7b9FWf7ff"
    A$ = A$ + "fDOWk2H^EdYH=L_G\?G>8F^leDNLU_W\jkLngYcgF>nd?]mnJFi:=nDhjZLm"
    A$ = A$ + "edajU_VRS[lm`cP0U;oN3ZkY\FKIfMAO?`IW\cXJdg9embGCia5nN>lQEOWg"
    A$ = A$ + ";TGOS_omKV]1LV9f3`gBJ?>bGC_A_jk9[n>gjeAalK?L6YdnJFkJ=aO8_`LV"
    A$ = A$ + "9dc4;gNNFi[aMDDO?lli:]_7V[AZ_c;?TKVcM^1k[I6c`\fCL7Re#<7Km#aJ"
    A$ = A$ + "LbWK8bGSKXKmmXn>_kPc>IG3Yf?X^YHMW[gbJ>G[eNNFdiXg]gc4i[amD4O?"
    A$ = A$ + "L=PTe9>WoRm6egi5W3L0ce>I>]HGcImV[cbJ=GSejaQeFkc:7i[YjX8nNH]g"
    A$ = A$ + "jk1_of[mbNUZE]fcH7[iNN?cIfJmVe8FWi\A\6Kmh`J:jMkc:7bGLJO=\6;="
    A$ = A$ + "_KX<nN6H0cNU]V^]GC#ib?K`7?nJB^FcJ<[_4KQ[GbJ;[UfW5JbGCmBAmm`i"
    A$ = A$ + "dH?bf;3fLi[n>_H[_9mhHSYPF7hebGSOfK:BnNB^?YjFXh[]F?>4?Q[UbJ7a"
    A$ = A$ + "C`C3OEnJlknCWlm`N4JNn:kMfJdDNMJojZ=?>h;Te<^F9[O\VBL5b;\lehom"
    A$ = A$ + "Y\lm`N3kA\GaN6kM\7JWSRb[Cn[WFM_MMTl03LmBR[8O=Q1]cg3kEfm]TaYT"
    A$ = A$ + "^?kead[Q4W0]>`JWle4FTFkcN3kA\GaNVmIEJFaZlmkm#QT[Qf[MbJX5FgT_"
    A$ = A$ + "V`TdnN\nn]TdCZREUojW=fABD<n`V\RmWgnW_O_6JTL];;TV?\AkOmnJGFhk"
    A$ = A$ + "gK2]7:42Q#842Q#842Q#842Q#842QX#loLUV%%h1"
    btemp$ = ""
    For i& = 1 To Len(A$) Step 4: B$ = Mid$(A$, i&, 4)
        If InStr(1, B$, "%") Then
            For C% = 1 To Len(B$): F$ = Mid$(B$, C%, 1)
                If F$ <> "%" Then C$ = C$ + F$
            Next: B$ = C$: End If: For j = 1 To Len(B$)
            If Mid$(B$, j, 1) = "#" Then
        Mid$(B$, j) = "@": End If: Next
        For t% = Len(B$) To 1 Step -1
            B& = B& * 64 + Asc(Mid$(B$, t%)) - 48
            Next: X$ = "": For t% = 1 To Len(B$) - 1
            X$ = X$ + Chr$(B& And 255): B& = B& \ 256
    Next: btemp$ = btemp$ + X$: Next
    btemp$ = _Inflate$(btemp$, m.SIZE)
    _MemPut m, m.OFFSET, btemp$: _MemFree m
    BASIMAGE4& = _CopyImage(v&): _FreeImage v&
End Function

Function BASIMAGE5& 'wall.bmp
    v& = _NewImage(193, 192, 32)
    Dim m As _MEM: m = _MemImage(v&)
    A$ = ""
    A$ = A$ + "haIkMVoDKKl66?094`LK<H3H\aVS#`4P090QLA^94BPLl=9CKcdIji?eYMjd"
    A$ = A$ + "[IjOlkgmIIUA\`F]j`[TIOoQ?S5Bkka^jiaBfH3e[GWEGBU:EHC?md\A6I4f"
    A$ = A$ + "#3=4[gNkUeC?m`^jE_Z0\=1Ak6#7W;G>FnliIS?nh\5GLIFS6[b^i=_=Kmeg"
    A$ = A$ + "DXm[E[VP9VH2FYBUH3>hP\nk_OQ^_k^kF`E^bEJ^=1Ak6#;?`038Nnm:EZaV"
    A$ = A$ + "Mf5Hgh6[aFMeeIc=gLRWo_Lib2_26OWMf9[S>jPMY;M92R;<0==dfhJ3`?\`"
    A$ = A$ + "2;bFJYUIc?ol\YVJ:ae0PGibGnbYN_B#d:1JLLoAE[R[7<?oNSFT=l`3;^o7"
    A$ = A$ + "hABknSP`60]>dmhe8dXASVgo?Mo?4^2#[3=?dn[\b:Rk?2g7DJgG44f4_G[l"
    A$ = A$ + "J[]FcgoWd^W88\9N_GW[_njT7P`91_fHh38?0Q[RW7HS=fPNm04>99Q70_oB"
    A$ = A$ + "MeEGWjg7=0KC#dZ`_>3J?X1Sbk[OLm0hmF2m0nm]Q?W5hggl2;\P0\=1A[2o"
    A$ = A$ + "j<XmP64Ja`nNk77?0lL8FlkG6ONSfNk]IgkNg[9gm^gUPXUQO]6dN#32]8dT"
    A$ = A$ + "Qij1Ae3hmloS>jX\mgOOfWolWIoaOl7\oiOn7fOmGo5k?ocoTPXU3dJ#c1]7"
    A$ = A$ + "dP#;2=IH^N#Dm0`WQOgJhcGd7oh7IOogom\on_oKfon_o[XW88\5#c1]7dP#"
    A$ = A$ + ";2=IHn<o4E?0Nm7hj>GojGWmcol?cnmOogKb_mKo61Qe`_f3JAX9Qf4JdFY7"
    A$ = A$ + "0aQ?We;]dB\OjWn9f_n[oZXO`Sob_l;44F3oJ?X5QV4JCCo\?7G?0nlVn]Ok"
    A$ = A$ + "g:lONlSoh?B#H=l[mPF4JBKh1`eIll0OmGoe\Oh7nQVlMOggA#H=l[mPFdc3"
    A$ = A$ + "dZ_G8To9WLBagmV?mY?9lONlU_l522[QO]7dR#C2]Y=l0hkLl\c>;komQ?`n"
    A$ = A$ + "bgl==kY_j[n:22[ACo0G32]8dT#KJ3?#aR5Ie[ESMdQ7bn<go1nT4lNDA#dZ"
    A$ = A$ + "aC_iYoPF4JBX=]U7XVd3l9OmCJ_^#hFhYkP64JaJYP7heljn1Omd7hG?RP`F"
    A$ = A$ + "dDgaieI4?`kimUAlN52KLV>n\:ZcS0WG_GB;:oZW?Rjj\US;=m0SEL<FeJEI"
    A$ = A$ + "_ne_Fj9oXPgagf8NW2Q=>C7OF5eiAPc[g9Y5UOec7AMMfbaioJ2#;F]JEfHS"
    A$ = A$ + "=VEm07L`1Lokk?a3`gf8NW2Q=>C7OF5eiAPc[g9Y5UOec7AMMfbaiYoQ64JA"
    A$ = A$ + "[j1he1ekE_jElNoM=k5\=1Q]`_^3Jadd30Ohk5nidOMQ`M`_^;]l0_TGgSle"
    A$ = A$ + "C7MdABNW27YQP>^Yicdj5el7G2Z_ee7QMm9Yj[TNM:YGG?>Onm3I1?`KOkac"
    A$ = A$ + "a3?4l>5hkckH7iOKO7o`Sn_7WgH5K[<f33jhW3n?fAWCoN^SCGomOToSlUOe"
    A$ = A$ + "LMX_mOZOnLV?jZWGLZckPjCehdQ^eiCeg1]N4T>8Xe_cf7`30=GZk1Ni;Kj;"
    A$ = A$ + "?^_<#c5ei^AWC=8ojdfV>^4iLhoANeEW`>_3kjUANPH\NTDj0ia?BjQm^n2d"
    A$ = A$ + "Rfb3dYd3DYBEfNljNbcOmFfKhmfKNcQji#52kh2:NCc_jh3khRkl8XlZ;n`>"
    A$ = A$ + "_3KLQ]NaMM?>[O2_`KKNm8X5QV4Jc>]P7X0_>CO:?0h#f1l7?PgOJi#52kh2"
    A$ = A$ + ":NCc_jh3khRkl8XlZ;n`>_3KLQ]N1D7E=MR^n9eLNGO0JAX9;H3?#WM:m0EH"
    A$ = A$ + "_h5kM:oj1_i=Y:_BBJg7]KdZFgNS29NnmMm1X5QVDh1JaOOR5NP254oO;kI?"
    A$ = A$ + "K?f17hc3L`1Y:k;9]kSf=JGGg>AgMX#;2=9dVfd3ldWm2f[>h4O>N]iY9k;9"
    A$ = A$ + "]kSf=JGGgJZkhJ#X5C3?`CNfc>ecOPo6_##H;lOM<X5C5?`COjYNnSdN=Q`]"
    A$ = A$ + "`oeaPF<=l0?j9?Q]W_NJ_mfCbn7cn1##ScdlHJL6gGbiQ^heMlh>O=>nmT4S"
    A$ = A$ + "LIdlGCMJNN>R[36_N8[_VjdDga1JAKk1:kc3hO]i52foHf?02JLVVWPRkUB<"
    A$ = A$ + "^_Tc3MiEgaSklehhgCB<bUAcO=eYiii8^>X>Ol>oLVa8[oiD7XgNY4??#I;j"
    A$ = A$ + "1bc[cTlj]kSN4kilNkiliaa\GfSGX#Jg?49biWCmL]l]QF4Jblfd3D^laN0A"
    A$ = A$ + "_oB9HkGTmhiBBknP8i>o0?0Gc1N^W7P[9]V78ONaO7GN`^kbNjc?I>lD1?WP"
    A$ = A$ + "Xe3g7h7X5QV4JCKj1^?_^?Qg??S[m1HKR<8?CR][G[^^L]_0nfg?Ul0gk1?P"
    A$ = A$ + "mhWnDR\>?FR][W5[;dRfd3<2_>C0?`m_?kalG?>A6W7;afecRe5JAKj16VGW"
    A$ = A$ + "Blj]cm^7Kg7oh;>\[Td^?BkiEDG7fE3FX_QFdfNPRB?`3ie?fl89aMLVNLMS"
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    A$ = A$ + "aiE_c?Nj?X5QV4JCKi1:8m0=e9gAfOKM2K9IC3Agh5kg;ghakhKm84i?DXNn"
    A$ = A$ + "96mOLI;5JIci4Z?SdhEeiVLni>WllD#;F`ZNP15o=\HMN\K^mf7cFKc^5Hcc"
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    A$ = A$ + "^e9Y8YkWhV_FmjC8e;ndN#;2=Yel0laV;G>FYYVVkoZbV\ZTbETDERj?[SP6"
    A$ = A$ + "WYiIJ9VVW:J`dj4DmD?^^a[KLA]OdE7_l5dhdMLeh3Z_2KO7BmRW^SC9h1hJ"
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    A$ = A$ + "7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQ"
    A$ = A$ + "l04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>"
    A$ = A$ + "T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`eQl04^>T7P`ea_78G^L\Nk]GF7MdAZgG44"
    A$ = A$ + "fR^k^Kacm3?#nliI3?l`\>k\cD__88\1hikacmgOom;l0C<a4\a7OLae6X[5"
    A$ = A$ + "#LA7XakZ[^H3>hPRWk7NP[Om6\iWoJ\nj[?am7Ufm81A[4lLmhNP:EZ4KZYV"
    A$ = A$ + "Bh1FNiEinPUIS>J1^gH8Q?0S3gK4l<44G40?g?dehen>`038doC?md2?`=_i"
    A$ = A$ + "]I[]f]H;^hb\iVKAFQ25H3=d#Rg_8lj6PWPPXM6XSamiPko1gk?doc<c<\Je"
    A$ = A$ + "ZaFOm=hLK^?hFR[7\hR=HU;GVE\HAam:QHPW1_f12RfAPn5<b8S`_GWA5jk:"
    A$ = A$ + "EZ8doe[GWmo1OR53%%%0"
    btemp$ = ""
    For i& = 1 To Len(A$) Step 4: B$ = Mid$(A$, i&, 4)
        If InStr(1, B$, "%") Then
            For C% = 1 To Len(B$): F$ = Mid$(B$, C%, 1)
                If F$ <> "%" Then C$ = C$ + F$
            Next: B$ = C$: End If: For j = 1 To Len(B$)
            If Mid$(B$, j, 1) = "#" Then
        Mid$(B$, j) = "@": End If: Next
        For t% = Len(B$) To 1 Step -1
            B& = B& * 64 + Asc(Mid$(B$, t%)) - 48
            Next: X$ = "": For t% = 1 To Len(B$) - 1
            X$ = X$ + Chr$(B& And 255): B& = B& \ 256
    Next: btemp$ = btemp$ + X$: Next
    btemp$ = _Inflate$(btemp$, m.SIZE)
    _MemPut m, m.OFFSET, btemp$: _MemFree m
    BASIMAGE5& = _CopyImage(v&): _FreeImage v&
End Function

Function BASIMAGE6& 'face.bmp
    v& = _NewImage(300, 297, 32)
    Dim m As _MEM: m = _MemImage(v&)
    A$ = ""
    A$ = A$ + "haIkMV0eLDEU7_b>9Q\#24P<12Q\_72RA6A#1G?ZSRh9IHD>A<:PA>RkSSjX"
    A$ = A$ + "h0Z7L2<X7S:P2ZP8<jX\916A9\4PX\JRB#F2[RPAU=A7GB=m__bGjZjdOmG_"
    A$ = A$ + "lZjNOEMo>WO7dT_^CGgkmm_O_kkn^_XXXh83333333333333333333333SlS"
    A$ = A$ + "hH3333i`d[<<<25<m:33S#Q^D_j0?`3d```8gad[<<<25<m:33S#1C_b``8D"
    A$ = A$ + "`d[<<<25<m:33S#1C_bXCH:[I=aSM3K#nmb^6ka5OaaCoT>9a]9657VNUAoa"
    A$ = A$ + "B?X3:N2GiE6?XodOBL]Yf1nL>m?`7X_?gBKk<b7<m:SmmD>UhMin_OaeKbCh"
    A$ = A$ + "iSWCY]e6m6VNEeTUlBN9a3j?oW5G7ATiQEkiVWOYm16M>VNEiW3HI;CL=2]c"
    A$ = A$ + "`Oh7FLoTa0SYGENI^o;o;R[34R<WSnX5ggIdL<mZb3cl4>1a7[G6I67oa7_d"
    A$ = A$ + "U^Dam_6VNEIPioVNCR?V^:`l>bSDLOME7C_:<IZo7o7R?n]:cnnYnDfL^40C"
    A$ = A$ + "_:\h0NA_8a7[JDWU\\UIjF58VNUnIBG`58nhBS16lCVfEnRYGYCVlGj;9nh?"
    A$ = A$ + "S^WmN][ed^b1<m:mQdSe<l3ChB^4Cc:?7KHjERa^MEGUhS_<b?6ojFWYMi1<"
    A$ = A$ + "m:iI?^X;BlaC6i?kngnKKJFm8VNU<<SgmkFla?6badGmZ=][^P<fAC_Z#HA_"
    A$ = A$ + "bGYhSG<TW5lbOiVVE7B6KXYGU[<Y;l25O<RQnHg]jPX]9S]cd[:6k\QA3<[g"
    A$ = A$ + "bKad\jdaAVNUgA;m>HS`P3h0>0CgZ5TaNIjENUIO\7[hao6Q7cLU[dd\j7bH"
    A$ = A$ + "[<m:_``NRW#lHNS`WYMRWHOjFVfEMbHS<mZNRQoX?Zhah6U?6fSl8V^e1JjE"
    A$ = A$ + "nTi]RE8NL]AiUIoVOcVNe1JjEm:F_AgX8IA_PG#UFg:Sm`d[j8f_?iWDlhGS"
    A$ = A$ + "Z7kc7oSGIe\bH;<mZf2[WiIX1ZRen#6KPYGeif<33QHo>aC\bYIUa6HjEVFU"
    A$ = A$ + "A`aRGlR[<JFINf=mZn5^?PU>^d`XoH17l1G9d\blLKjE=Umll>?aS7=<68fS"
    A$ = A$ + "_fG;N9;I9UJM[<?cVNe>aX^kkFlh#3SfUMIcK^DGKYINN=mZngfHH4#\X5]X"
    A$ = A$ + "BYVEVWCC_bdZ<:=D6gk`<?SVNEl#omoNaSc<<l5CO5[XDYIUii[R[G5]m];N"
    A$ = A$ + "lUQQ_I_>eC]d<G[<?KEHm:YSY<<bCFh2GHY#c:ccE5E_J??ocGlh93SlV9L^"
    A$ = A$ + "WK`[IUiIZRZG9MLTQAA1e2?JFB?Vcd[jLfkcn\5?na`XXIgGkJ3fiIUiIYRY"
    A$ = A$ + "G9MLSQQD#mI5Rcc:ccA5A_JF7ga9NlRQQd<eE^bPKNFIN6Z8jEB7WHHX52]N"
    A$ = A$ + "k#V?oULmZUN#7Tha766JSi]`56<Wi`<Of;ijEB7GHHXE2Unj#V?gUHm:k>1d"
    A$ = A$ + "`XoIXojOMl2F`2D_VEV?gUDm:YS5<<25FhOO]QB?V]ZZG=og`K#lH03S#QYo"
    A$ = A$ + "ZNEZN?3cli]TYGIWOI3S>Wi=_iYfm=<cWebVNU2lmM=oZOELdBFBkk?nLO^T"
    A$ = A$ + "GSdO^;SPM5kKkh76cHRS>VS9Xm53K[K=NncOnZL?3clI]4YG9]?_SIlS_c\o"
    A$ = A$ + "]3SKLfL<=OAGS[W>8mHIC_BA`M_Z_7Kd8;KI1gH5A8_m31V_H^cM^Z[_:gen"
    A$ = A$ + "[D_>YO6Bc4Fgj4g??PL?gCa<fXI\lU7<SG:4>jSF>Oa?oW77mgnKbK3J1Sib"
    A$ = A$ + "^<EEKFInlE2d[Tfo>P<fa:gh37OV?CLdOm_:_]#Jn?o?UgG#n^D^VUVFGHV?"
    A$ = A$ + "K1\Ne2OE_:MgkeUNLAch`?lhXo_o_Zgl]Z5[8^]_A^_k;>j_lGTgfd46l_mg"
    A$ = A$ + "fgN6ZQl_geSYBmjTF[JWN>d67oa;ohQF1SCZ:JFBK[K5[LU9ceBQnRMod>=E"
    A$ = A$ + "\^`^fGVje9]Fe\FeZ4gOfDN^WCna0];_lGNiFgjenJUg6g^l`?\:GSX6boNV"
    A$ = A$ + "?C1ZNe`Od7ELOICYVOElHo>QohODUSCl2BKKk4F`2DigM<cJac^cHXDJFM]?"
    A$ = A$ + "=e[CB]:YmQ=U;iBT?V_Ki\>;eV7U:U_HH3;>RcX_bd]6cgok;Jng3ImZI^jE"
    A$ = A$ + ";^oKWhj_NiSekE^P;8>j?oWEehT:]_hgmkDU_Hb[LUkXng=mZ0N^EL6<T>nf"
    A$ = A$ + "GlKo]9JFBKC=OALdeMMZkk?Vm\W]8ca:De[TfOeDT>^fg\U]X^eSDYm5D_>:"
    A$ = A$ + "bG8aL\<m:?alVWladnVY>ehXWnY3_J;]\j;^gk=aGX4=;gL\:B=[#C_JYJD["
    A$ = A$ + "BjHilT=^ah8foEU<6YBk;0l5\?^BKWok`L\X^\<mZVc#9_::`?EI6S\[kJLd"
    A$ = A$ + "ML7Z;o9EBO1P_h9OBeh;VcLVCQfCB3=m:Ym?E^a7>N`7<>j?l7TgNKnRhXKl"
    A$ = A$ + "6EU_HFcJF5fj239mZ9oUobRkKb`klM:O\KAa]MK9e3TBnNm:]N5WoA5i;V`o"
    A$ = A$ + "eoEQEgkQRNeH_iKFLoBUMl1L`7LLd=MCaAoYoTJ6WTQSjXTg6ETX<OAA]^`#"
    A$ = A$ + "A_BJoAUG_2^j[>Yf5efn5nfNKbKKZhnRI<kI_SNh#EG_Ja7fQ9^oXb[EihWm"
    A$ = A$ + "cDGmF;^=AJOQdfoo>Ck0>PLoNZ84d[Tf?\C<Q98O\ZDLEGELdVg\NF;2kKYd"
    A$ = A$ + "f4Ym5:j<ZkjQ3VNUR#jhD9iB_dh8bUhcl<jHL2m<:Y]9Bk;DD?GTm:<?_WXe"
    A$ = A$ + "^NU:6C8XNe#6b#RKe?KH3KX_OW2kc4c]l:^RhX7h1RSNnWgl5=lCQZGil5KK"
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    A$ = A$ + "O^KgOF6g1>5Y_Pnk7[?GBOA:fWSh8b]jK#cjEBKgK:5`MD`Kl=n6Kka6=nCQ"
    A$ = A$ + "<6Qk3d[mJCVSUT[3AIjDRi;ZmmJA:kLO#m=T7JFVNE7bTVTJ7O`?7jQNXioH"
    A$ = A$ + "4^SO8G_BOODE0j1H?E__H3K8>jaN<i7KT2FCHNdo6dZNen`LmEPM_X7Sl5n2"
    A$ = A$ + "OQ^IXAVOhm8g7W#^N_UKAfNAZi;Bhomo=i>]D9iL7fmCnTcUngPFe[TfN;eH"
    A$ = A$ + "4OmC^?6ikmmBjOWBVg4cGT`?h747MGgUjfKZI<SIhmjaBSjEJc^KSAJ2OW_C"
    A$ = A$ + "bJ2Y^6Tjke=OA2TcMFCXfj7\e67C=_kcn=S:e[Tf>g:bah^C^fLXme?lNU[S"
    A$ = A$ + "An_o_Cf;MZ_JYnn5cGT`ocoCLdjG_ZfS#7\V#OVgMC_B?SAlm?i^N5gm<?nS"
    A$ = A$ + ";G>\<OA2<GG>?Q?kcZZLH1COjC__m:\\ZG9]me6Sd1jET3;9[m7cGDgG#>\X"
    A$ = A$ + "NhDH^DlIN\dTNeLGa:4gfJSAjPa8\>4jSOVNUln2YGKN;H:_VGCOWA7OLOjX"
    A$ = A$ + "9m:Y][fHT>L<bgmkVDcXBe?a=OAMOaUMI9e<ZF>G>=P_bSUYGISAj9mZkon="
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    A$ = A$ + "<4bMlURe[6B]H5joXQ^NUdfa>Re\VL?n;8jW<lMjGiE67mD?EY\nfCSjm5^c"
    A$ = A$ + "b9mID9l3M0mJ_lCJmZUn2OQRK3k88VX0R3I]nMj?lJ:Ta8Gh5FokdO^WC^_C"
    A$ = A$ + "_8VkB8h;hL6#OAFbNUAKB_FkXB[G9]m[[X8R3okXbnQ\;gEJh<fZ8OAL1oiI"
    A$ = A$ + "7n2=d;bJCfkU_lnZ[Q^=_kVNU^7STVcol?oh]^e]6_]]]]h=^a=6?^a=^Roc"
    A$ = A$ + "aojoJmm?oF_Ei[g71l3HganSO0o1n5AR9LnROl?>Y>hDL^[L<T7kaj;7FMkL"
    A$ = A$ + "\TD_:4\_=UZlmi5S?0=d?TQ2JmiZ4W_#Qm3iFA_DkXRZGY0KGGAA\7eJ5gJ1"
    A$ = A$ + "e`m=Ag4gFV`i;Dfm=a01e?;W?W^9_kVNEGbh7_la[5=SNde[SQ]\UTnGRdnQ"
    A$ = A$ + "ZZNEJO1md7YcSH7`n_okOOejNg\V#C_Z;Y:>7;G?Tij^>MMFe^ckDNKSTn2>"
    A$ = A$ + "oVB_^l>PA_^eegL\jVNfPDjEcQkUG5Hkj9T>V]8id?mjWkSKkfdE]9bWSZVV"
    A$ = A$ + "EJOA0D73=2jEMC_B^[7oUjeEiVKUS7mAU?^]87O#=RnCn9aAojO]nfklZdlM"
    A$ = A$ + "?Wc9[_#;O_A7`N^ZEegJ2Gh2GH7]V`<_?VNEW1SIckcN_6H_f[jW_iOi_DUm"
    A$ = A$ + "MgnXZj;Tf^g5<lkj^jZm9<ckSYGeiPVUda`i9[NeecE2e`0ec^fVKEEaG0Y["
    A$ = A$ + "W4=k;J3LkCXYGEP`l<:ceSUKl1WE`kh>BbER6WKEE`G<VaD_?9ZMOAKPKO2k"
    A$ = A$ + "TkDe<_75TNE#dWfk4HObXF_U>NfgLVWImiFm;n59W]IY]eV_8>jJ^V``G<0l"
    A$ = A$ + "?lJN=Mli9<ckA1YG=A>OV:`Ni=hkh:KeImANTeo^LVK5ie=0>ooUBO1TNN^\"
    A$ = A$ + "WPQP_H0H<eNNH=QMBOM?ckA1YG9]M:ghYOjTjhCjHkNUA>bjS?hNhTljZUJ]"
    A$ = A$ + "Z:k;hkiaG`cVdfG?1[9\C>ocINm5PNed?YCBLKD^Qkkf;bnUP_I`3^nn?aM`"
    A$ = A$ + "9mS_#lkb;3nRgkk]^F5n2Za<NV2hLFe8DG3LOZbJ2eXNehi\T[0kD^>>QN4l"
    A$ = A$ + "^\;b7_gY<lQGOlajFGbj>2\JW^dh;nHO\jn2n^3l5l\4ZnRnQAMEGEOkA8eQ"
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    A$ = A$ + "1d;[kILn1dZh>54O1Of;;nRV0kAHkfGgclJ=m:o2cMWmMVNYVdS3J6;NaI7O"
    A$ = A$ + "`JeY?all?_lf>O3SgiiRW_G`;#NKOSLFWEfeoAo=Vh6n<GReZP>Y^AclJ=m:"
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    A$ = A$ + "ca9?b;?_W=ZAA=7N3g#bH3b]F9[NNjHO1?o\f;\7L?cDDn2bG8oKQoWh0fOS"
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    A$ = A$ + "gL\#_JPbQEVGK>[G=HZm#5HOD34OBOg6][7l1SSfdVBfS>f7KRW9^n[meRSN"
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    A$ = A$ + "hLiX9m:Y];Z4RE1dbMen0iDQlIl3n1ee^8ghXO1=K<1oi<^Plfb[QLCak1S="
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    A$ = A$ + "OG?gGF?iCVD_PLGoA?MQebam=7e>?e81m1Ykj^BfSnkknBfg;N=lMg^ekIS9"
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    A$ = A$ + "HH4:d>m]_<_6C_b``#8LjE]j<4VieHjE6662AkdWAclJ<m:333Q`d[<<<25<"
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    A$ = A$ + "_N=VlJ^VTkdNjOPBold2<mZ^PN=fhSlARSnQo`TkA>VSPd??QX=<=Uik_ef1"
    A$ = A$ + "j9fmZ=Tnd<g]5dSJUniY5HjEM1mJ\1iR7m:^SVZRjE3KHnE_RkZ?^[[ZRfBP"
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    A$ = A$ + "J:fb;\o0K:i_JCKZlGgXCLRm^mRLGQ=cEK=:M^nSLm[_?m:ZUQ5]X5Y6mZY\"
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    A$ = A$ + ":?gE0eb`RGlR=m:YRGXN\YV6:kS]0>W<iYNeIMF9[5l:_bTm6\\g[6lUN5e:"
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    A$ = A$ + "FCnjI]Pd;fh^4#jWYF0JEDKk;LQ;\UebPYGe2>kcf?SgX?YAOM\\?63H=7\_"
    A$ = A$ + "MiaL[HM=EUn9S?\KL_cA=e#]<XhjJ7LjET[MC_Bhh6V?NEH=<>#GVLfe[eVM"
    A$ = A$ + "]HhMXEA>[Z:m[?OD73>MNFoL0D3P^JKWLGIjEm0_XGD_7g#M^CMHEU^[GXO["
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    A$ = A$ + "E]NP2S?hIUiIMWgILd7mS>`ieRon?d7Z^>5iNQjVWGOEjnV`Gc]28OODk7Bo"
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    A$ = A$ + "k9nooEn:e7SidZhgWGGEknlbGjE\o4Xe[lnTY;gE3DO_BDm:U?oD_7o0To5>"
    A$ = A$ + "cYBolDdP_6MJZI:Z;MbU7em?m<0Vg9cQRo;gA7lWcO?oNlkGUF3]?Se#_:4n"
    A$ = A$ + ">bJnFgJ1WolW_Je[V8eAYdfZR>6Z:]?Q=9^\_ecanZclUh>;VN23i26m9n_D"
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    A$ = A$ + "[J7e9:[5\MbMUTjEk:m8B5Hg:lH:ZEKbeLEYNR<6HlYNUkn3Bck;HLmiFaN3"
    A$ = A$ + "f>ee^djE1gL\leJ21^kLX^H<=;3OZEaI1h7mSBbgPRWonX[5okZkZf]>A=mZ"
    A$ = A$ + "^P3i#lC\5iNWk[4UO>D=bIVcLlCl4g;S^l\_a=Znn]fnLH7f>F;h0MO3JjEm"
    A$ = A$ + "0nL>FD_=Eejab81O>g:h6^QTJ4EiaD^e2BMGe>m#6C_B1aHOZ?ELdML79ki\"
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    A$ = A$ + "K7X^78GlKI;9SQ6b#TOlLI4\[Oe_JMM:ZC1^_Ua^COf8P?_b]267idZBOGg8"
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    A$ = A$ + "e`HB6Kbi_MHobOYhJ7i9llehi<^amd3]9GoA0kEjejIJDj0C_ZLSK\Vk\ohj"
    A$ = A$ + "[=^JBe=g;WfenN`7Ll#OT7ALm5O0?7lldOJD^i#Q65f3dXJ<WiV>U^`d[ZNT"
    A$ = A$ + "N^G^c1T[fDKfl_Bc4?UCY_k0MYeRPan=oVakiZFECeSJV^Tk^JPWCGM7HcO:"
    A$ = A$ + "\`d[Zfdhj6KVf5Sek?m;7CJe[>NDGmE7?d7h1lkLTZmn=n?oW__goFY;e<m9"
    A$ = A$ + "gLWLi8gYAI[c;Lad[<J6=>7\dJI\NB6oSV6j1\^BW^FJ]]6YMdKJDg9=^J9`"
    A$ = A$ + "=G9GnVhc1hbkDcdT<MYb1VNUa0AjalYe_LJHXAhf?BG>m1dBLjI>==7>MWdT"
    A$ = A$ + "n_gmJL_7^eaak?jBl_GJ]YVY?IJDU?<m:3OASJ5=CW[CXoN_Tnid#><m:33S"
    A$ = A$ + "#1C_b``8D`d[<<<25<m:33S#1C_b``8D`7jE66665>VNUQQAXPYGIHH4:d9j"
    A$ = A$ + "E6666666666666666666666666666666666666m;oo`>%%L2"
    btemp$ = ""
    For i& = 1 To Len(A$) Step 4: B$ = Mid$(A$, i&, 4)
        If InStr(1, B$, "%") Then
            For C% = 1 To Len(B$): F$ = Mid$(B$, C%, 1)
                If F$ <> "%" Then C$ = C$ + F$
            Next: B$ = C$: End If: For j = 1 To Len(B$)
            If Mid$(B$, j, 1) = "#" Then
        Mid$(B$, j) = "@": End If: Next
        For t% = Len(B$) To 1 Step -1
            B& = B& * 64 + Asc(Mid$(B$, t%)) - 48
            Next: X$ = "": For t% = 1 To Len(B$) - 1
            X$ = X$ + Chr$(B& And 255): B& = B& \ 256
    Next: btemp$ = btemp$ + X$: Next
    btemp$ = _Inflate$(btemp$, m.SIZE)
    _MemPut m, m.OFFSET, btemp$: _MemFree m
    BASIMAGE6& = _CopyImage(v&): _FreeImage v&
End Function

Sub RotoZoom (X As Long, Y As Long, Image As Long, Scale As Single, Rotation As Single)
    Dim px(3) As Single: Dim py(3) As Single
    W& = _Width(Image&): H& = _Height(Image&)
    px(0) = -W& / 2: py(0) = -H& / 2: px(1) = -W& / 2: py(1) = H& / 2
    px(2) = W& / 2: py(2) = H& / 2: px(3) = W& / 2: py(3) = -H& / 2
    sinr! = Sin(-Rotation / 57.2957795131): cosr! = Cos(-Rotation / 57.2957795131)
    For i& = 0 To 3
        x2& = (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) * Scale + X: y2& = (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) * Scale + Y
        px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
    _MapTriangle _Seamless(0, 0)-(0, H& - 1)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image& To(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
    _MapTriangle _Seamless(0, 0)-(W& - 1, 0)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image& To(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))
End Sub
[Image: maze11.gif] [Image: maze44.gif] [Image: maze66.gif]

Modify lines in origin:

Code: (Select All)
restart: '0 > / 1 < / 2 V / 3 ^ ' Danilin
puzzle = 1 + Int(Rnd * 10) ' Danilin
sum = 20 + puzzle * 3: damax = sum: Cls ' Danilin

include of transition on casual level

Possible development: a random maze labirynth
synthesizing walls and corners
and random places and 20 checks in a row

.bas   MAZElab.BAS (Size: 69 KB / Downloads: 36)

Print this item

  Issues clearing the _Clipboard
Posted by: dano - 09-21-2024, 09:33 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

I cannot clear the clipboard.  I have tried:

_Clipboard$ = ""

The clipboard stays the same.  Thinking that the code behind this command might be a tad picky I tried:

a$ = ""
_Clipboard$ = a$

Nope again...clipboard is still the same.

Is this a bug?  I am using version 3.14.0, but I did not see this in the change log for 3.14.1 so I did not try it there.

The following prints "ON THE CLIPBOARD" both times:

Code: (Select All)
_Clipboard$ = a$
Print _Clipboard$
_Clipboard$ = ""
Print _Clipboard$

The out put is:


Print this item

  OMG! OMG! OMG! I found QB64's lost HOLY GRAIL!!
Posted by: SMcNeill - 09-20-2024, 11:33 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (15)




Are you guys as excited as I am??!!


I has finally found one of the most baffling parts of QB64 that has been missing and lost and disappeared to us just like the Holy Grail has long been disappeared!!

I give to you....   Dum dum de dummmmm.....


Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32)

Red = _NewImage(200, 200, 32)
Green = _NewImage(200, 200, 32)

Cls , &HFFFF0000, Red
Cls , &HFF00FF00, Green

RedHW = _CopyImage(Red, 33)
GreenHW = _CopyImage(Green, 33)
order = -1

    k = _KeyHit
    Select Case k
        Case 32 'space will toggle
            order = Not order
            If order Then
                _DisplayOrder _Hardware , _Hardware1
                _DisplayOrder _Hardware1 , _Hardware
            End If
        Case 27
    End Select
    _PutImage (100, 100), RedHW
    _PutImage (200, 200), GreenHW, 1    'The comma 1 here says to put that hardware image to Hardware 1!
    _Limit 30

Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever, if you look at the command _DISPLAYORDER, you see this:

Code: (Select All)

And since forever and ever and ever ago, I have asked everyone from users to devs to my local priest, *HOW THE BLEEP DO WE USE HARDWARE1*???

We have 4 screens to layer to and set in any sort of display order we want.  (Maybe even more than that, but I haven't worried with trying ,2 or ,3 or whatnot yet to see...)   

We have:
_SOFTWARE  <-- the software screen
_GLRENDER  <-- the SUB _GL stuff
_HARDWARE  <-- hardware image
_HARDWARE1  <-- a second hardware screen

By changing the _DISPLAYORDER, we can change which order things are drawn on our screen.  Think of a game:  Background (clouds and buildings), and then the character on one overlay with enemies, and then bushes and trees and such in front of him.  We can choose the way we want to layer those screens on top of each other.

But then, the question arises, like I've asked for ages, *HOW DOES ONE PUT ANYTHING ON HARDWARE1?????*

The answer to that is very simple:  _PUTIMAGE (x,y)-(x1,y1), hardware_image_handle, 1

See that comma 1 there at the end??

That's all it takes to put it on _HARDWARE1 instead of _HARDWARE.

WHO KNEW????!!!

I feel like I has found the long long lost treasure of QB64.  Tongue

Try the demo above and see if it makes sense how those two layers are being overlaid on top of each other.  Each is a perfectly independent layer, and has zero impact on the other layers.

WOOOW OH WOW OH WOW!!!  Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

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  blue circle isn't drawing and print isn't working?
Posted by: madscijr - 09-20-2024, 10:42 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (12)

OK, I'm a little stumped, I'm trying to use Steve's circle drawing routine from a while back, to draw a red circle and a blue circle, and print on the screen the x,y, radius of the circle and the color. It's drawing the red circle, but not the blue one, and no text is appearing. If I could get a 2nd set of eyes to expose my foolishness, that would be most appreciated!

Code: (Select All)
' Circle code by SMcNeill from:
' Circles and Ellipses(Tilt and Fill)
' https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1806

Const FALSE = 0
Const TRUE = Not FALSE

Dim Shared cRed~&
Dim Shared cOrangeRed~&
Dim Shared cDarkOrange~&
Dim Shared cOrange~&
Dim Shared cGold~&
Dim Shared cYellow~&
Dim Shared cOliveDrab1~&
Dim Shared cLime~&
Dim Shared cMediumSpringGreen~&
Dim Shared cSpringGreen~&
Dim Shared cCyan~&
Dim Shared cDeepSkyBlue~&
Dim Shared cDodgerBlue~&
Dim Shared cSeaBlue~&
Dim Shared cBlue~&
Dim Shared cBluePurple~&
Dim Shared cDeepPurple~&
Dim Shared cPurple~&
Dim Shared cPurpleRed~&
Dim Shared cDarkRed~&
Dim Shared cBrickRed~&
Dim Shared cDarkGreen~&
Dim Shared cGreen~&
Dim Shared cOliveDrab~&
Dim Shared cLightPink~&
Dim Shared cHotPink~&
Dim Shared cDeepPink~&
Dim Shared cMagenta~&
Dim Shared cBlack~&
Dim Shared cDimGray~&
Dim Shared cGray~&
Dim Shared cDarkGray~&
Dim Shared cSilver~&
Dim Shared cLightGray~&
Dim Shared cGainsboro~&
Dim Shared cWhiteSmoke~&
Dim Shared cWhite~&
Dim Shared cDarkBrown~&
Dim Shared cLightBrown~&
Dim Shared cKhaki~&
Dim Shared cEmpty~&

Dim Shared iScreenWidth%
Dim Shared iScreenHeight%

cRed = _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
cOrangeRed = _RGB32(255, 69, 0)
cDarkOrange = _RGB32(255, 140, 0)
cOrange = _RGB32(255, 165, 0)
cGold = _RGB32(255, 215, 0)
cYellow = _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
cOliveDrab1 = _RGB32(192, 255, 62)
cLime = _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
cMediumSpringGreen = _RGB32(0, 250, 154)
cSpringGreen = _RGB32(0, 255, 160)
cCyan = _RGB32(0, 255, 255)
cDeepSkyBlue = _RGB32(0, 191, 255)
cDodgerBlue = _RGB32(30, 144, 255)
cSeaBlue = _RGB32(0, 64, 255)
cBlue = _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
cBluePurple = _RGB32(64, 0, 255)
cDeepPurple = _RGB32(96, 0, 255)
cPurple = _RGB32(128, 0, 255)
cPurpleRed = _RGB32(128, 0, 192)
cDarkRed = _RGB32(160, 0, 64)
cBrickRed = _RGB32(192, 0, 32)
cDarkGreen = _RGB32(0, 100, 0)
cGreen = _RGB32(0, 128, 0)
cOliveDrab = _RGB32(107, 142, 35)
cLightPink = _RGB32(255, 182, 193)
cHotPink = _RGB32(255, 105, 180)
cDeepPink = _RGB32(255, 20, 147)
cMagenta = _RGB32(255, 0, 255)
cBlack = _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
cDimGray = _RGB32(105, 105, 105)
cGray = _RGB32(128, 128, 128)
cDarkGray = _RGB32(169, 169, 169)
cSilver = _RGB32(192, 192, 192)
cLightGray = _RGB32(211, 211, 211)
cGainsboro = _RGB32(220, 220, 220)
cWhiteSmoke = _RGB32(245, 245, 245)
cWhite = _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
cDarkBrown = _RGB32(128, 64, 0)
cLightBrown = _RGB32(196, 96, 0)
cKhaki = _RGB32(240, 230, 140)
cEmpty = _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 0) ' _RGBA(red, green, blue, alpha) where alpha& specifies the alpha component transparency value from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).

iScreenWidth% = 1024 ' 800
iScreenHeight% = 768 ' 600

Dim iX As Integer
Dim iY As Integer
Dim iR As Integer
Dim iC As _Unsigned Long
Dim sT As String

Screen _NewImage(iScreenWidth%, iScreenHeight%, 32)
'Screen _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32)
_ScreenMove 0, 0
_Dest 0: Cls , cBlack

'_Display ' update screen with changes & wait for next update

Color , cBlack: Cls
Color cWhite, cEmpty
Print "X      Y      Radius   Color"

iX = 200 ' iScreenWidth% \ 2
iY = 200 ' iScreenHeight% \ 2
iR = 50
iC = cBlue
sT = "blue"
DrawNext iX, iY, iR, iC, sT

iX = 300 ' iScreenWidth% \ 4
iY = 300 ' iScreenHeight% \ 4
iR = 50
iC = cRed
sT = "red"
DrawNext iX, iY, iR, iC, sT

'Call EllipseFill(550, 100, 150, 75, TransBlue)
'Call EllipseFill(570, 120, 150, 75, TransGreen)

'Call EllipseTilt(200, 400, 150, 75, 0, TransGreen)
'Call EllipseTilt(220, 420, 150, 75, 3.14 / 4, TransRed)

'Call EllipseTiltFill(0, 550, 400, 150, 75, 3.14 / 6, TransRed)
'Call EllipseTiltFill(0, 570, 420, 150, 75, 3.14 / 4, TransGreen)



' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Sub DrawNext (x%, y%, r%, c~&, text$)
    Color cCyan, cEmpty
    Print Left$(_Trim$(Str$(x%)) + "   ", 3) + "   " + Left$(_Trim$(Str$(y%)) + "   ", 3) + "   " + Left$(_Trim$(Str$(r%)) + "   ", 6) + "   " + text$
    Call CircleFill(x%, y%, r%, c~&)
End Sub ' DrawNext

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Sub CircleFill (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
    ' CX = center x coordinate
    ' CY = center y coordinate
    '  R = radius
    '  C = fill color
    Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
    Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
    Radius = Abs(R)
    RadiusError = -Radius
    X = Radius
    Y = 0
    If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
    Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
    While X > Y
        RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
        If RadiusError >= 0 Then
            If X <> Y + 1 Then
                Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
                Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
            End If
            X = X - 1
            RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
        End If
        Y = Y + 1
        Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
        Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub ' CircleFill

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Sub EllipseFill (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, a As Integer, b As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
    ' CX = center x coordinate
    ' CY = center y coordinate
    '  a = semimajor axis
    '  b = semiminor axis
    '  C = fill color
    If a = 0 Or b = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Dim h2 As _Integer64
    Dim w2 As _Integer64
    Dim h2w2 As _Integer64
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim y As Integer
    w2 = a * a
    h2 = b * b
    h2w2 = h2 * w2
    Line (CX - a, CY)-(CX + a, CY), C, BF
    Do While y < b
        y = y + 1
        x = Sqr((h2w2 - y * y * w2) \ h2)
        Line (CX - x, CY + y)-(CX + x, CY + y), C, BF
        Line (CX - x, CY - y)-(CX + x, CY - y), C, BF
End Sub ' EllipseFill

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Sub EllipseTilt (CX, CY, a, b, ang, C As _Unsigned Long)
    '  CX = center x coordinate
    '  CY = center y coordinate
    '  a = semimajor axis
    '  b = semiminor axis
    ' ang = clockwise orientation of semimajor axis in radians (0 default)
    '  C = fill color
    For k = 0 To 6.283185307179586 + .025 Step .025
        i = a * Cos(k) * Cos(ang) + b * Sin(k) * Sin(ang)
        j = -a * Cos(k) * Sin(ang) + b * Sin(k) * Cos(ang)
        i = i + CX
        j = -j + CY
        If k <> 0 Then
            Line -(i, j), C
            PSet (i, j), C
        End If
End Sub ' EllipseTilt

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Sub EllipseTiltFill (destHandle&, CX, CY, a, b, ang, C As _Unsigned Long)
    '  destHandle& = destination handle
    '  CX = center x coordinate
    '  CY = center y coordinate
    '  a = semimajor axis
    '  b = semiminor axis
    ' ang = clockwise orientation of semimajor axis in radians (0 default)
    '  C = fill color
    Dim max As Integer, mx2 As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim prc As _Unsigned Long
    Dim D As Integer, S As Integer
    D = _Dest: S = _Source
    prc = _RGB32(255, 255, 255, 255)
    If a > b Then max = a + 1 Else max = b + 1
    mx2 = max + max
    tef& = _NewImage(mx2, mx2)
    _Dest tef&
    _Source tef&
    For k = 0 To 6.283185307179586 + .025 Step .025
        i = max + a * Cos(k) * Cos(ang) + b * Sin(k) * Sin(ang)
        j = max + a * Cos(k) * Sin(ang) - b * Sin(k) * Cos(ang)
        If k <> 0 Then
            Line (lasti, lastj)-(i, j), prc
            PSet (i, j), prc
        End If
        lasti = i: lastj = j
    Dim xleft(mx2) As Integer, xright(mx2) As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer
    For y = 0 To mx2
        x = 0
        While Point(x, y) <> prc And x < mx2
            x = x + 1
        xleft(y) = x
        While Point(x, y) = prc And x < mx2
            x = x + 1
        While Point(x, y) <> prc And x < mx2
            x = x + 1
        If x = mx2 Then xright(y) = xleft(y) Else xright(y) = x
    _Dest destHandle&
    For y = 0 To mx2
        If xleft(y) <> mx2 Then Line (xleft(y) + CX - max, y + CY - max)-(xright(y) + CX - max, y + CY - max), C, BF
    _Dest D: _Dest S
    _FreeImage tef&
End Sub ' EllipseTiltFill

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