Remade from an old game which I found in a magazine sitting dusty back on my shelves.
Code: (Select All)
Randomize Timer
Color 7
Print "Welcome to STARS -- a remake of an Atari-BASIC game from the 80s!"
Print "The rules are simple: I'm going to generate a number from 1 to 100, and you "
Print "have to guess it."
Print "You have 7 tries to guess my number, and I'll offer you feedback in the form of "
Print "stars (*), depending on how close you are to my number."
Print "If you're really close, I'll give you 7 stars (*******)."
Print "If you're really off from my number, I'll give you 1 star (*)."
Print "The more stars I give you, the closer you are to guessing my number!"
Color 4
Print "Are you ready to begin? (Yes/Quit)"
a$ = UCase$(Input$(1))
If a$ = "Q" Then System
Loop Until a$ = "Y"
num = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1
For i = 1 To 7
Color 7
Print "Give me your guess #"; i; "=>";
Input ; guess
Color 4
Select Case Abs(num - guess)
Case Is >= 64: Print "*"
Case Is >= 32: Print "**"
Case Is >= 16: Print "***"
Case Is >= 8: Print "****"
Case Is >= 4: Print "*****"
Case Is >= 2: Print "******"
Case Is = 1: Print "*******"
Case Is = 0
Print "You got it in "; i; "guesses!"
GoTo endchoice
End Select
Color 7
Print "You failed to guess my number! It was "; num
Color 4
Print "Press <Any Key> to restart"
_Delay 1
Color 7
GoTo start
Try to play without reading the source first. Once you read the source and know *exactly* what those stars represent, all the challenge goes out of the game.
It feels great that QB64 is once again alive and well. I'm not sure if it's realistic of me to expect it to be around FOREVER. I do have grand children who are now leaning to code at school and asking me questions. I hope to turn them onto QB64 basic language.
Given how we almost lost everything, I was wondering if there may be some kind of steps or ideas we should be considering that not only can avoid (if not just tone down) fatal arguments and perhaps we should also consider ways we can support key development members who may need a break or even retire. A way QB64 lives on after we are gone.
I guess ... once burned, twice shy ... being the selfish person I am, I'd hate to lose you all again.
Useful links QB64 : this would be the right place to post them
after converting the copy of the old forum unfortunately not complete in pdf format. then in text format. i assembled all the files in a single text file of about 200 mo. i have access to a lot of data on qb64. i found a lot of interesting links. i will post them here. if you have others. do the same :
From back in the day and made to work in QB64. All six are just the top level of each of the fractals. Of the six, three are not really suitable for zooming in.
It is said that Benois Mandlebrot used the Cantor Dust fractal to illustrate (to a group of electronic engineers) why just increasing the power of transmitted signals wouldn't illiminate the "random" errors they were observing but that some form of error checking would need to be devised.
Cantor.BAS (Not Zoom)
Code: (Select All)
Const Left = 1
Const Right = 640
Screen 2
_FullScreen _SquarePixels
CantorDust Left, Right, 1
Sub CantorDust (Start, Finish, Level)
Y = Level * 20
Line (Start, Y)-(Finish, Y), 1
Length = Finish - Start
If Length < 2 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Third = Length / 3
A = Start + Third - 1
B = 1 + Finish - Third
CantorDust Start, A, Level + 1
CantorDust B, Finish, Level + 1
End Sub
The second one is the Henon Fractal. This one achieves variety by asking you to input a number. For an interesting result try the value of PI. Not Zoom.
Code: (Select All)
xc = 320
yc = 240
xmul = 400
ymul = 360
Input "Enter the value for a"; a
Screen 12
_FullScreen _SquarePixels
For x = -.1 To .8 Step .05
For y = -.1 To .8 Step .05
x1 = x
y1 = y
For i% = 1 To 1000
If x1 > 1000 Or y1 > 1000 Or x1 < -1000 Or y1 < -1000 Then
i% = 1000
ca = Cos(a)
sa = Sin(a)
yy = y1 - x1 * x1
xx = x1 * ca - yy * sa
y1 = x1 * sa + yy * ca
x1 = xx
PSet (xc + (x1 * xmul), yc + (y1 * ymul)), (i% Mod 17)
End If
Next i%
Next y
Next x
If you have a slow machine you may want to edit this one. That is because there is a FOR NEXT loop in it, that loops 20,000,000 times. That number is high in order to show most of the finer detail of this fractal. Watching as it builds has somewhat of a retro feel. Again don't bother adding a zoom feature.
Code: (Select All)
x = 0
y = 0
p = 7.7
colour = 16
xc = 435
yc = 270
xmul = 240
ymul = 180
MaxColour = 16
Screen 12
_FullScreen _SquarePixels
For n& = 1 To 20000000
theta = .4 - (p / (1 + (x * x + y * y)))
ctheta = Cos(theta)
stheta = Sin(theta)
Point9x = .9 * x
Point9y = .9 * y
x1 = .85 + Point9x * ctheta - Point9y * stheta
y1 = Point9x * stheta + Point9y * ctheta
PSet (xc + (xmul * -x1), yc + (ymul * y1)), colour
x = x1
y = y1
colour = colour + 1
If colour > MaxColour Then
colour = 1
End If
Locate 6, 1
Print "Iterations = ";
Print Using "##,###,###"; n&;
Next n&
Next, here is the classic Mandlebrot fractal. You can add a zoom to this one if you want.
AngleR = -2
AngleL = -1.25
Side = 2.5
DistanceX = Side / MaxX%
DistanceY = Side / MaxY%
Screen 12
_FullScreen _SquarePixels
For Y = 1 To MaxY%
For X = 1 To MaxX%
CR = X * DistanceX + AngleR
CL = Y * DistanceY + AngleL
Iteration% = 0
A = ZR * ZR
B = ZL * ZL
Length = A + B
ZL = 2 * ZR * ZL + CL
ZR = A - B + CR
Iteration% = Iteration% + 1
Loop Until Length > BailOut Or Iteration% > MaxIterations%
col = Iteration% Mod MaxCol%
PSet (X, Y), col
Next X
Next Y
It is said that for each chaotic point on a Mandlebrot fractal, there is a corresponding Julia fractal. Here is one -
AngleR = -2
AngleL = -1.25
CR = -1
CL = -.625
Side = 2.5
DistanceX = Side / MaxX%
DistanceY = Side / MaxY%
Screen 12
_FullScreen _SquarePixels
For Y = 1 To LastY%
For X = 1 To LastX%
ZR = X * DistanceX + AngleR
ZL = Y * DistanceY + AngleL
Iteration% = 0
A = ZR * ZR
B = ZL * ZL
Length = A + B
ZL = 2 * ZR * ZL + CL
ZR = A - B + CR
Iteration% = Iteration% + 1
Loop Until Length > BailOut Or Iteration% > MaxIterations%
col = Iteration% Mod MaxCol%
PSet (X, Y), col
Next X
Next Y
Finally we have a pseudo fractal. At least the creator of this said that they didn't think it was really a fractal. You be the judge. A zoom feature can certainly be added and values tweaked repeatedly in order to make an animation.
Code: (Select All)
Screen 12
_FullScreen _SquarePixels
xpos = 320
ypos = 240
across = 640
down = 480
a = -1.5
b = -.5
c = 2.4
d = -.45
e = .5
xmin = -3.5
xmax = 4.5
ymin = -2
ymax = 2
maxiter = 70
cresh = 500
dx = (xmax - xmin) / across
dy = (ymax - ymin) / down
For ynn = 1 To down
For xnn = 1 To across
k = 0
xn = xmin + dx * xnn
yn = ymin + dy * ynn
k = k + 1
xnsqr = xn * xn
ynsqr = yn * yn
If (xnsqr + ynsqr) > cresh Then
GoSub PlotPoint
Exit Do
End If
If k > maxiter Then
Exit Do
End If
xm = a + b * xn + c * ynsqr
yn = d + e * xn
xn = xm
Next xnn
Next ynn
Select Case (k Mod 7) + 1
Case 1
col = 12
Case 2
col = 10
Case 3
col = 14
Case 4
col = 9
Case 5
col = 15
Case 6
col = 11
Case 7
col = 13
End Select
PSet (xpos - .5 * across + xnn, ypos - .5 * down + ynn), col
EDIT May 9, 2022: I have a new release that fixes one bug that could cause the dynamic font resizing to pick a font slightly smaller than the optimal. In addition, I created a new feature limited screensaver version of the program intended specifically to be used as a screensaver. That update, including the new screensaver edition, as well as all future updates can now be found on my GitHub page:
EDIT: You will want to remove the following line from the code since you won't have an icon for the program:
End Edit
This program was inspired by my favorite screensaver of all time; Word Clock, by Simon Heys. Unfortunately, that screensaver no longer works in Windows. For years now I have wondered how difficult it would be to make a program that was similar to that screensaver. I finally sat down a few days ago and created a proof of concept. It worked flawlessly and was a lot easier than I had expected, so I set about refining it and making it into the program you see here.
The program will display the time as a series of words on your screen with all months, days of the week, etc. being displayed, but only those reflecting the current time being highlighted.
By default, the program will open in full screen mode and will include a digital clock displayed on the last line of the screen. These, as well as other settings, can be altered by hotkeys as well as a file named WordClock.ini.
To use the program, simply run the executable. If you plan to use the WordClock.ini file, place it in the same folder with the program.
In windowed mode, you are free to resize the window. The font size will be dynamically adjusted to make best use of the available space.
The following hotkeys are available:
D : Toggle the digital display at the bottom of the screen on and off
F : Toggle in and out of fullscreen mode
H : Display program help
S : Display statistics / current values in use by the program
Any other Key will exit the program
Using the WorkClock.ini file
The following are examples of entries that can be placed in the WordClock.ini. Any settings in this file will override the default settings in the program.
: This is a comment - Comments start with a ":" as the first character and are ignored by the program.
: Windowed mode entries
Font:lucon.ttf - The font to be used in windowed mode. Font name only, no path.
Fontsize:14 - * Size of font used in windowed mode.
WindowHorizontal:800 - Horizontal resolution (width) used in windowed mode.
WindowVertical:600 - Vertical resolution (height) used in windowed mode.
: Full screen mode entries
FullscreenFont:lucon.ttf - The font to be used in fullscreen mode. Font name only, no path.
FullscreenFontSize:32 - * Size of font used in fullscreen mode.
StartFullscreen:Y - Specify Y to start in fullscreen mode, N to start windowed.
: Other entries
ShowDigitalTime:Y - Display the digital time on the last line of the screen.
HandleErrors:Y - Enables the error handling routies. Disable if you need to see original QB64 error message(s).
* Note that the program now dynamically adjusts the font size so the font size entries are obsolete. However, they may still
serve one purpose: When the program begins performing dynamic adjustment of the font size, it will use the specified font
size as a starting point. If you have an especially large monitor and a very large font is needed, specifying a font that
is precisely correct, or just close, may enable the dynamic adjustment to determine a solution more quickly.
Future Plans
This a "1.0" release of the program. In the future, I hope to make some improvements such as adding the ability to modify colors and maybe allow for other types of information rather than a digital clock to be displayed on the bottom line.
In addition, I should have a slimmed down version ready to be used as a screensaver in a few days.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
Option Base 1
' Hannes' Word Clock
' 2022 by Hannes Sehestedt
' Version
' May 7, 2022
$VersionInfo:CompanyName=Hannes Sehestedt
$VersionInfo:ProductName=Hannes Word Clock
$VersionInfo:LegalCopyright=(c) 2022 by Hannes Sehestedt
' In the event that we need to restart the program as a result of an error, we will clear all current
' variables and start over completely clean
Dim AdjustmentsMade As String ' Flag to indicate that screen resolution adjustments were made automatically to avoid illegal conditions
Dim AllText As String ' Contains a copy of all text that will be displayed on screen. Used to test font sizes.
Dim AM_PM As String ' This flag will be set to either "AM" or "PM"
Dim CharPerLine As Integer ' Number of characters that can fit on a line at a given screen and font size
Dim CharPosition As Integer ' Used to keep track of character positioning while manipulating strings
Dim CurrentDate As String ' Hold the entire date (Month / Day / Year) as a string
Dim CurrentMode As String ' Tracks the current mode. "Y" for fullscreen mode, "N" for windowed mode.
Dim CurrentTime As String ' Hold the entire time (Hours / Minutes / Seconds) as a string
Dim Day As Integer ' Day of the month (1-31) as a number
Dim DayOfWeek As Integer ' Day of the week (1-7) as a number
Dim DayOfWeekString(7) As String ' An array holding each day of the week as an English word
Dim DayString(31) As String ' An array holding each day of the month (1-31) as a string
Dim Decade As Integer ' The numerical value of the last 2 digits of the year
Dim DeskWidth As Long ' The width of the desktop in pixels
Dim DeskHeight As Long ' The height of the desktop in pixels
Dim DigitalHour As String ' Hours converted to a 2 digital string
Dim ff As Integer ' Used to store free file number
Dim FileLine As String ' Line read from a file
Dim Font As Long ' Handle to a font
Dim FontHeight As Integer ' Height of a font in windowed mode
Dim FontPath As String ' The name of the font, with path, used in windowed mode
Dim FontSize As Integer ' The fontsize used in windowed mode
Dim FontSizeToTest As Integer ' In the routine that tests fit of a font on the screen, this holds the current font size to be tested
Dim FontTooLarge As String ' Flag to indicate when a font is too large to properly display all text
Dim FontWidth As Integer ' Width of a font in windowed mode
Dim FullscreenFontHeight As Integer
Dim FullscreenFontPath As String ' The name of the font, with path, used in fullscreen mode
Dim FullscreenFontSize As Integer ' The fontsize used in fullscreen mode
Dim FullscreenFontWidth As Integer ' Width of a font in fullscreen mode
Dim handle As Long ' Stores a handle to the screen
Dim HandleErrors As String ' If set to "Y" then error handling is enabled, otherwise it is disabled
Dim High As Integer ' The height of a font undergoing testing to see if it allows text to properly fit on screen
Dim Horizontal As Integer ' The horizontal resolution used in windowed mode
Dim Hour As Integer ' Numerical value holding the current hour (0-23)
Dim HourString(12) As String ' The current hour as an English word. Since we use AM / PM this holds only one through twelve.
Dim KeyPress As String ' Used to sore keystrokes from Inkey$
Dim LeapYear As Integer ' To to indicate if current year is a leap year. 1 = Leap Year, 0 = No Leap Year
Dim LineCount As Integer ' In the routine to set font sizes, this keeps track of how many lines of text a given font size will occupy
Dim MaxLines As Integer ' The maximum number of lines of text that will fit on the screen at a given screen and font size
Dim Minute As Integer ' The current minute as a numeral from 0 to 59
Dim MinuteString(59) As String ' An array hold minutes as English words from one to fifty-nine
Dim Month As Integer ' The current month as a number from 1 to 12
Dim MonthString(12) As String ' The current month as an English word (January, February, ... , November, December).
Dim MonthTable(12) As Integer ' A table with an offset for each month used to calculate what day of the week it is (Monday, Tuesday, etc).
Dim oldimage As Long ' holds the handle of a screen that is about to be removed from memory
Dim OldSecond As Integer ' A variable that is used to determine if the seconds have changed from the last time we checked
Dim ProgramVersion As String ' Holds the current program version
Dim Result1 As Integer ' A temporary variable
Dim Result2 As Integer ' A temporary variable
Dim Result3 As Integer ' A temporary variable
Dim Second As Integer ' The current seconds as a number (0-59)
Dim SecondString(59) As String ' The current seconds as an English word from one through fifty-nine
Dim ShowDigitalTime As String ' Set to "Y" to show digital time on the last line of the screen
Dim StartFullscreen As String ' Set to "Y" to start the program in fullscreen mode, "N" to start in windowed mode
Dim Temp As Integer ' A temporary variable
Dim Temp2 As Integer ' A temporary variable
Dim TempString As String ' A temporary string of characters, used mainly in string manipulation routines
Dim Vertical As Integer ' Vertical resolution used in windowed mode
Dim Wide As Integer ' The width of a font undergoing testing to see if it allows text to properly fit on screen
Dim x As Integer ' General purpose counter used in FOR...NEXT loops
Dim Year As Integer ' Stores the current year
ProgramVersion$ = ""
_Title "Hannes' Word Clock " + ProgramVersion$
' Default values used for entries not available from a .ini file and initialization of other variables
' If a .ini file exists, open it and parse it. Values found in the .ini will override the defaults
' defined above.
If _FileExists("WordClock.ini") Then
ff = FreeFile
Open "WordClock.ini" For Input As #ff
Do Until EOF(ff)
Line Input #ff, FileLine$
' If line starts with a colon (:), it is a comment. Ignore it.
If Left$(FileLine$, 1) = ":" Then _Continue
' If line starts with "FONT:" then we are reading in the name of the font to be used. This is NOT case sensitive.
If UCase$(Left$(FileLine$, 5)) = "FONT:" Then
FontPath$ = Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\" + Right$(FileLine$, (Len(FileLine$) - 5))
End If
' If line starts with "FONTSIZE:" then we are reading in the size of the font to be used. This is NOT case sensitive.
If UCase$(Left$(FileLine$, 9)) = "FONTSIZE:" Then
FontSize = Val(Right$(FileLine$, (Len(FileLine$) - 9)))
End If
' If line starts with "FULLSCREENFONT:" then we are reading in the name of the font to be used
' in fullscreen mode. This is NOT case sensitive.
If UCase$(Left$(FileLine$, 15)) = "FULLSCREENFONT:" Then
FullscreenFontPath$ = Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\" + Right$(FileLine$, (Len(FileLine$) - 15))
End If
' If line starts with "FULLSCREENFONTSIZE:" then we are reading in the size of the font to be used
' in fullscreen mode. This is NOT case sensitive.
If UCase$(Left$(FileLine$, 19)) = "FULLSCREENFONTSIZE:" Then
FullscreenFontSize = Val(Right$(FileLine$, (Len(FileLine$) - 19)))
End If
' If line starts with "WINDOWHORIZONTAL:", use value to set the horizontal window size.
If UCase$(Left$(FileLine$, 17)) = "WINDOWHORIZONTAL:" Then
Horizontal = Val(Right$(FileLine$, (Len(FileLine$) - 17)))
End If
' If line starts with "WINDOWVERTICAL:", use value to set the vertical window size.
If UCase$(Left$(FileLine$, 15)) = "WINDOWVERTICAL:" Then
Vertical = Val(Right$(FileLine$, (Len(FileLine$) - 15)))
End If
' If line starts with "STARTFULLSCREEN:", read value that will determine if the program is to be
' started fullscreen or in a window.
If UCase$(Left$(FileLine$, 16)) = "STARTFULLSCREEN:" Then
StartFullscreen$ = UCase$(Right$(FileLine$, (Len(FileLine$) - 16)))
End If
' If line starts with "SHOWDIGITALTIME:", read value that will determine if digital time is
' to be displayed on the last line of the screen.
If UCase$(Left$(FileLine$, 16)) = "SHOWDIGITALTIME:" Then
ShowDigitalTime$ = UCase$(Right$(FileLine$, (Len(FileLine$) - 16)))
End If
' If line starts with "HANDLEERRORS:", read value that will determine if error handling is to be
' enabled or not.
If UCase$(Left$(FileLine$, 13)) = "HANDLEERRORS:" Then
HandleErrors$ = UCase$(Right$(FileLine$, (Len(FileLine$) - 13)))
End If
Close #ff
' If HandleErrors$ is set to "Y" then enable error handling
If HandleErrors$ = "Y" Then
On Error GoTo HandleErrors
End If
End If
' Setup screen for either fullscreen or windowed mode
' Read the spelled out version of various elements into arrays. This will save time later so that we don't have to constantly
' parse this over and over in out main program loop.
Restore DayOfWeek
For x = 1 To 7
Read DayOfWeekString$(x)
Next x
Restore Day
For x = 1 To 31
Read DayString$(x)
Next x
Restore Month
For x = 1 To 12
Read MonthString$(x)
Next x
Restore Hour
For x = 1 To 12
Read HourString$(x)
Next x
Restore Minute
For x = 1 To 59
Read MinuteString$(x)
Next x
Restore Second
For x = 1 To 59
Read SecondString$(x)
Next x
Restore MonthTable
For x = 1 To 12
Read MonthTable(x)
Next x
' Clear the keyboard buffer before we enter the main program loop.
Do While InKey$ <> ""
' This is the main loop that retrieves the date and time, breaks it down into individual components, and then
' displays the time and date in words.
_Limit 60 ' Limit the number of times that we perform this loop to a maximum of 60 iterations per second
If _Resize Then
'If we are NOT running fullscreen, then resize the screen appropriately.
If (_ResizeWidth <> _DesktopWidth) And (_ResizeHeight <> _DesktopHeight) Then
Horizontal = _ResizeWidth: Vertical = _ResizeHeight
oldimage& = handle&
handle& = _NewImage(Horizontal, Vertical, 256)
Screen handle&
_FullScreen _Off
_FreeImage oldimage&
Sleep 1
GoSub FindLargestFontSize
Font& = _LoadFont(FontPath$, FontSize, "MONOSPACE")
_Font Font&
High = _FontHeight
Wide = _FontWidth
MaxLines = Int(Vertical / High)
FontWidth = _FontWidth
FontHeight = _FontHeight
End If
End If
' The lines below check for any keypresses. If a hotkey is pressed, then we take the appropriate action.
' Pressing any other key will exit the program. This is most useful when the program is being used as a
' screensaver.
KeyPress$ = InKey$
Select Case KeyPress$
Case ""
Exit Select
' The lines commented out below are for testing purposes. When enabled, the allow the use of the
' "+" and "-" keys to increase and decrease the font size. Since the program now employs automatic
' font resizing, this should no longer be needed.
' At the end of the loop that displays the time on the screen, we set OldSecond to the current seconds. When we reach
' this point again, if the current seconds are still the same, we skip the display process since there are no changes.
' If the seconds have changed, then proceed with updating the display.
If (OldSecond = Second) Then GoTo DisplayFinished
' Calculate the day of the week
' IMPORTANT: The calculations below are valid through 2099.
' Step 1: Add the day of the month and the number from the month table. We will read the values from the month table.
Temp = Day + MonthTable(Month)
' Step 2: If the number calculated above is greater than 6, then subtract the highest multiple of 7 from this number.
If Temp > 6 Then
Temp2 = Int(Temp / 7)
Temp = Temp - (Temp2 * 7)
End If
Result1 = Temp
' Step 3: From the last two digits of the year, subtract the year that has the highest multiple of 28.
Temp = Decade
If Decade > 27 Then
Temp2 = Int(Temp / 28)
Temp = Decade - (Temp2 * 28)
End If
Result2 = Temp
' Step 4: Take the last 2 digits of the year, divide by 4, and drop anything after the decimal point. Add that value to Result2.
Temp = 0
If Decade > 3 Then
Temp = Int(Decade / 4)
End If
Result3 = Result2 + Temp
' Step 5: If the month is Jan or Feb AND the year is a leap year, subtract 1 from Result3.
If Month < 3 Then
If (Year / 4) = (Int(Year / 4)) Then
LeapYear = 1
LeapYear = 0
End If
Result3 = Result3 - LeapYear
End If
' Step 6: Add Result1 and Result3. Subtract the highest multiple of 7. The result will be 0-6 with 0 being Sat, and 6 being Fri.
Result3 = Result3 + Result1
If Result3 > 6 Then
Temp = Int(Result3 / 7)
Result3 = Result3 - (Temp * 7)
End If
' To make handling easier, we will add 1 to result so that the day of the week will now be a number from 1 to 7. The
' end result is that Sat = 1, Fri = 7.
DayOfWeek = Result3 + 1
' End calculation of the day of the week.
' Set the default color of items printed to the screen to grey on black. Current values will be highlighted.
' Currently, this means white text on a red background, but we intend to allow customization later in a future
' version of the program. For now, we are simply hard coding it.
Locate 1, 1
Color 8, 0
' Print all days of the week
For x = 1 To 7
If x = DayOfWeek Then
Color 15, 4: Print DayOfWeekString$(x);: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
Print DayOfWeekString$(x);: GoSub LeftJustify
End If
Next x
' Always print the word "the" in the highlight color
Color 15, 4: Print "the";: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
' Print the day of the month
For x = 1 To 31
If x = Day Then
Color 15, 4: Print DayString$(x);: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
Print DayString$(x);: GoSub LeftJustify
End If
Next x
' Always print the word "of" in the highlight color
Color 15, 4: Print "of";: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
' Print the month
For x = 1 To 12
If x = Month Then
Color 15, 4: Print MonthString$(x);: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
Print MonthString$(x);: GoSub LeftJustify
End If
Next x
' Always print a comma (,) in the highlight color
Color 15, 4: Print ",";: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
' Print the hour. Hours are numbered from 0 to 23. Since we are using AM and PM we need to manipulate the hours a little bit
' and set an AM / PM flag.
' Set an AM / PM Flag. AM_PM$ will be set to either "AM" or "PM".
Select Case Hour
Case 0 To 11
AM_PM$ = "AM"
Case Else
AM_PM$ = "PM"
End Select
' Convert 24 hour time to AM / PM (12 hour) format
Select Case Hour
Case 0
Hour = Hour + 12
Exit Select
Case 13 To 23
Hour = Hour - 12
Exit Select
End Select
For x = 1 To 12
If x = Hour Then
Color 15, 4: Print HourString$(x);: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
Print HourString$(x);: GoSub LeftJustify
End If
Next x
' If minutes are equal to zero, highlight the word "o'clock".
If (Minute = 0) Then
Color 15, 4: Print "o'clock";: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
Print "o'clock";: GoSub LeftJustify
End If
' Print the minute. Minutes are numbered from 0 to 59. If seconds are 0, then we highlight the word "precisely",
' otherwise we highlight the word "and" and the appropriate second following the minutes.
For x = 1 To 59
If x = Minute Then
Color 15, 4: Print MinuteString$(x);: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
Print MinuteString$(x);: GoSub LeftJustify
End If
Next x
' Print the AM and PM indicators.
Select Case AM_PM$
Case "AM"
Color 15, 4: Print "AM";: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify: Print "PM";: GoSub LeftJustify
Case "PM"
Print "AM";: GoSub LeftJustify: Color 15, 4: Print "PM";: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
End Select
' If seconds are 0, then highlight the word "precisely", otherwise, highlight the word "and".
Select Case Second
Case 0
Print "and";: GoSub LeftJustify
Color 15, 4: Print "precisely";: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
Case Else
Color 15, 4: Print "and";: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
Print "precisely";: GoSub LeftJustify
End Select
' Print the second. Seconds are numbered from 0 to 59.
For x = 1 To 59
If Second = x Then
Color 15, 4: Print SecondString$(x);: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify
Print SecondString$(x);: GoSub LeftJustify
End If
Next x
' Highlight the word "second" if Second = 1, otherwise highlight "seconds" if Second > 1.
Select Case Second
Case 0
Print "second";: GoSub LeftJustify: Print "seconds";
Case 1
Color 15, 4: Print "second";: Color 8, 0: GoSub LeftJustify: Print "seconds";
Case Else
Print "second";: GoSub LeftJustify: Color 15, 4: Print "seconds";: Color 8, 0
End Select
OldSecond = Second
If CurrentMode$ = "FULLSCREEN" Then
CharPerLine = Int(_DesktopWidth / Wide)
CharPerLine = Int(Horizontal / Wide)
End If
Locate MaxLines, (CharPerLine / 2) - 5
If ShowDigitalTime$ = "N" Then
Print " ";
GoTo EndShowDigitalTime
End If
Select Case Hour
Case 0
DigitalHour$ = "12"
Case 1 To 9
DigitalHour$ = "0" + LTrim$(Str$(Hour))
Case 10 To 12
DigitalHour$ = LTrim$(Str$(Hour))
Case 13 To 21
DigitalHour$ = "0" + LTrim$(Str$(Hour - 12))
Case 22, 23
DigitalHour$ = LTrim$(Str$(Hour - 12))
End Select
Color 0, 2
Print DigitalHour$; ":"; Mid$(CurrentTime$, 4, 2); ":"; Right$(CurrentTime$, 2);
Color 8, 0
Print " ";: Color 0, 2: Print AM_PM$;
Color 8, 0
' This routine ensures that spaces are not printed in the first column of a line. This has the effect
' of ensuring that all lines are left justified.
If Pos(0) > 1 Then Print " ";
' Display help and usage instructions for the program.
_FullScreen _Off
Screen 0
Width 120, 30
Print "This program was inspired by a screen saver authored by Simon Heys many years ago and called Word Clock. To use the"
Print "program effectivly, you should know how about the following two items:"
Print "1) The WordClock.ini file"
Print "2) Program hotkeys"
Print "3) Program defaults"
Input "Press <ENTER> to continue...", Temp
Print "The WordClock.ini File"
Print "-------------------------"
Print "Entries in the WordClock.ini file are not case sensitive. You can use uppercase, lowercase, or mixedcase. Any line"
Print "that starts with a colon (:) as the first character is considered a comment and will be ignored by the program. The"
Print "entries that the program recognizes are described below. Please note that the .ini file should be placed in the same"
Print "location as the program itself. Follow each entry with a colon and a value. See examples below."
Print ": This is a comment - Comments start with a "; Chr$(34); ":"; Chr$(34); " as the first character and are ignored by the program."
Print ": Windowed mode entries"
Print "Font:lucon.ttf - The font to be used in windowed mode. Font name only, no path."
Print "Fontsize:14 - * Size of font used in windowed mode. Font name only, no path."
Print "WindowHorizontal:800 - Horizontal resolution (width) used in windowed mode."
Print "WindowVertical:600 - Vertical resolution (height) used in windowed mode."
Print ": Full screen mode entries"
Print ""
Print "FullscreenFont:lucon.ttf - The font to be used in fullscreen mode."
Print "FullscreenFontSize:32 - * Size of font used in fullscreen mode."
Print "StartFullscreen:Y - Specify Y to start in fullscreen mode, N to start windowed."
Print ": Other entries"
Print "ShowDigitalTime:Y - Display the digital time on the last line of the screen."
Print "HandleErrors:Y - Enables error handling routies. Disable if you need to see original QB64 error message(s)."
Print "* Note that the program now dynamically adjust the font size so the font size entries are obsolete. However, they may"
Print " still serve one purpose: When the program begins performing dynamic adjustment of the font size, it will use the"
Print " specified fontsize as a starting point. If you have an especially large monitor and a very large font is needed,"
Print " specifying a font that is close to right size may enable the dynamic adjustment to determine a solution more quickly."
Input "Press <ENTER> to continue...", Temp
Print "Program Hotkeys"
Print "---------------"
Print "Hotkeys (Note case sensitivity)"
' The two comments below can be removed if the "+" and "-" ket functionality is re-enabled for troubleshooting. These hotkeys
' were used to allow the user to change the font size before dynamic resizing was implemented.
' Print "+ : Increases font size. NOTE: Once screen starts flashing, you have gone too large. Back off one size on the font."
' Print "- : Decreases the size of the font."
Print "D or d : Toggles between displaying / not displaying digital time at the bottom of the screen."
Print "F or f : Toggle in and out of fullscreen mode."
Print "H or h : Displays help for the program."
Print "S or s : Display statistics / current values of options."
Print "Any other Key will exit the program."
Print "Please note that the values shown by the Statistics hotkey are the current values in use in the program. As an example,"
Print "if you have changed the screen size in the windowed mode, the windowed mode width and height will reflect the current"
Print "settings, not the program default settings or the settings you provide in the WordClock.ini file."
Input "Press <ENTER> to continue...", Temp
Print "Program Defaults"
Print "----------------"
Print "If no WordClock.ini file is present, or for any missing items in that file, the following defaults are used:"
Print "Font:lucon.ttf"
Print "FontSize:14"
Print "WindowHorizontal:800"
Print "WindowVertical:600"
Print "FullscreenFont:lucon.ttf"
Print "FullscreenFontSize:40"
Print "StartFullscreen:Y"
Print "ShowDigitalTime:Y"
Input "Press <ENTER> to continue...", Temp
' Set the screen back to the mode it was in before we called help.
If CurrentMode$ = "FULLSCREEN" Then
handle& = _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 256)
Screen handle&
Sleep 1
Font& = _LoadFont(FullscreenFontPath$, FullscreenFontSize, "MONOSPACE")
_Font Font&
High = _FontHeight
Wide = _FontWidth
MaxLines = Int(_DesktopHeight / High)
FullscreenFontWidth = _FontWidth
FullscreenFontHeight = _FontHeight
End If
If CurrentMode = "WINDOWED" Then
handle& = _NewImage(Horizontal, Vertical, 256)
Screen handle&
Sleep 1
_FullScreen _Off
Font& = _LoadFont(FontPath$, FontSize, "MONOSPACE")
_Font Font&
High = _FontHeight
Wide = _FontWidth
MaxLines = Int(Vertical / High)
FontWidth = _FontWidth
FontHeight = _FontHeight
End If
' Display current settings being used in the program. This includes fullscreen / windowed height / width, etc.
' Once a user has settings dialed in where they want, this is a helpful way of getting all the values needed
' to plug into the .ini file.
Screen 0
Width 120, 30
_FullScreen Off
_FreeImage handle&
Print "The values shown below are current values, not program default settings or the settings from the WordClock.ini file."
Print "Note that a value may shows up as "; Chr$(34); "0"; Chr$(34); ", if that mode has not been used yet. For example, windowed font width and height"
Print "may show as zero until you use windowed mode for the first time. Use the WordClock.ini file to alter the default"
Print "behavior of the program."
Print " Windowed Mode Options"
Print "-------------------------------"
Print "Font used in windowed mode: "; FontPath
Print "Font size in windowed mode:"; FontSize
Print "Windowed screen font height:"; FontHeight
Print "Windowed screen font width:"; FontWidth
Print "Windowed mode width:"; Horizontal
Print "Windowed mode height:"; Vertical
Print " Full Screen Mode Options"
Print "-------------------------------"
Print "Font used in fullscreen mode: "; FullscreenFontPath
Print "Font size in fullscreen mode:"; FullscreenFontSize
Print "Full screen font height:"; FullscreenFontHeight
Print "Full screen font width:"; FullscreenFontWidth
Print "Fullscreen width (cannot be changed):"; DeskWidth
Print "Fullscreen height (cannot be changed):"; DeskHeight
Print " Other Options"
Print "-------------------------------"
Print "Show digital time at bottom of screen:"; ShowDigitalTime$
Print "Error handling routines:"; HandleErrors$
Input "Press <ENTER> to continue...", Temp
' Set the screen back to the mode it was in before we called help.
If CurrentMode$ = "FULLSCREEN" Then
handle& = _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 256)
Screen handle&
Sleep 1
Font& = _LoadFont(FullscreenFontPath$, FullscreenFontSize, "MONOSPACE")
_Font Font&
High = _FontHeight
Wide = _FontWidth
MaxLines = Int(_DesktopHeight / High)
FullscreenFontWidth = _FontWidth
FullscreenFontHeight = _FontHeight
End If
If CurrentMode = "WINDOWED" Then
handle& = _NewImage(Horizontal, Vertical, 256)
Screen handle&
Sleep 1
_FullScreen _Off
Font& = _LoadFont(FontPath$, FontSize, "MONOSPACE")
_Font Font&
High = _FontHeight
Wide = _FontWidth
MaxLines = Int(Vertical / High)
FontWidth = _FontWidth
FontHeight = _FontHeight
End If
GoSub ValidateScreen
' This subroutine will determine what the largest font size is that all allow all text to be displayed on the screen.
' This subroutine will in turn call the subroutine "FontSizeTest".
' We will begin our testing with the currently set font size
Select Case CurrentMode$
FontSizeToTest = FullscreenFontSize
FontSizeToTest = FontSize
End Select
' Start testing font sizes to see if they are too large. We begin by testing one size larger than the initial font size
' specified. Once we encounter a failure then we back off the size until it passes. Once we have a pass we then have the
' largest font size that works. Before testing a font size, load all the text to be displayed into AllText$.
FontSizeToTest = FontSizeToTest + 1
Restore AllText
Read TempString$
If TempString$ = "EOF" Then Exit Do
AllText$ = AllText$ + TempString$
GoSub FontSizeTest
Loop Until FontTooLarge$ = "Y"
FontSizeToTest = FontSizeToTest - 1
Restore AllText
AllText$ = ""
Read TempString$
If TempString$ = "EOF" Then Exit Do
AllText$ = AllText$ + TempString$
GoSub FontSizeTest
Loop Until FontTooLarge$ = "N"
' We reach this point when the largest font size has been determined.
' Assign this font size to either the FontSize or FullscreenFontSize variable.
Select Case CurrentMode$
FullscreenFontSize = FontSizeToTest
FontSize = FontSizeToTest
End Select
' We are reserving the last line for use by the Digital Clock option, so we are subtracting 1 line from MaxLines
MaxLines = MaxLines - 1
End Select
LineCount = 0 ' Set an initial value before entering the loop
' If AllText$ has a space as the first character, remove it. Since we always left justify the output,
' a space at the beginning of a line is dropped and should not count toward the character limit for a line.
AllText$ = LTrim$(AllText$)
' If AllText$ has zero length after trimming, then font size is not too large and there is nothing
' more to be done so we exit from this test.
If Len(AllText$) = 0 Then
FontTooLarge$ = "N"
Exit Do
End If
' If the length of the AllText$ is greater than the number of characters that we can fit on a line, then
' read the number of characters a line can hold plus one more. By doing this, we can check the last
' character to see if it is a space. If it is a space then the last character on the line is the
' last character of a word. However, if that character is a letter, then we are cutting off a word
' and need to determine where that word started.
If Len(AllText$) > CharPerLine Then
TempString$ = Left$(AllText$, CharPerLine + 1)
If Right$(TempString$, 1) = " " Then
AllText$ = LTrim$(Right$(AllText$, (Len(AllText$) - CharPerLine)))
CharPosition = _InStrRev(TempString$, " ")
TempString$ = Left$(TempString$, CharPosition - 1)
AllText$ = Right$(AllText$, Len(AllText$) - Len(TempString$))
End If
LineCount = LineCount + 1
If LineCount > MaxLines Then
FontTooLarge$ = "Y"
Exit Do
FontTooLarge$ = "N"
End If
End If
' If the number of characters left in AllText$ is <= to the max length of line, then
' we can increment the LineCount and exit this loop.
If Len(AllText$) <= CharPerLine Then
LineCount = LineCount + 1
If LineCount > MaxLines Then
FontTooLarge$ = "Y"
Exit Do
FontTooLarge$ = "N"
End If
Exit Do
End If
' Check for invalid screen sizes (smaller than 200 x 200)
AdjustmentsMade$ = "N" ' Set initial value
If Horizontal >= _DesktopWidth Then
Horizontal = _DesktopWidth - 1
AdjustmentsMade$ = "Y"
End If
If Vertical >= _DesktopHeight Then
Vertical = _DesktopHeight - 1
AdjustmentsMade$ = "Y"
End If
If Horizontal < 200 Then
Horizontal = 200
AdjustmentsMade$ = "Y"
End If
If Vertical < 200 Then
Vertical = 200
AdjustmentsMade$ = "Y"
End If
' At the time of this writing, there are no known errors that need to be handled.
' Please note that error handling can be disabled by adding an entry to the WordClock.ini file like this
Resume ProgramStart
' End of main program
' DATA section
Data "Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"
Data "first","second","third","fourth","fifth","sixth","seventh","eighth","ninth","tenth","eleventh","twelfth","thirteenth"
Data "fourteenth","fifteenth","sixteenth","seventeenth","eighteenth","nineteenth","twentieth","twenty-first","twenty-second"
Data "twenty-third","twenty-fourth","twenty-fifth","twenty-sixth","twenty-seventh","twenty-eighth","twenty-ninth","thirtieth","thirty-first"
Data "January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"
Data "one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine","ten","eleven","twelve"
Data "oh-one","oh-two","oh-three","oh-four","oh-five","oh-six","oh-seven","oh-eight","oh-nine","ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen"
Data "fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen","twenty","twenty-one","twenty-two","twenty-three","twenty-four"
Data "twenty-five","twenty-six","twenty-seven","twenty-eight","twenty-nine","thirty","thirty-one","thirty-two","thirty-three"
Data "thirty-four","thirty-five","thirty-six","thirty-seven","thirty-eight","thirty-nine","forty","forty-one","forty-two","forty-three"
Data "forty-four","forty-five","forty-six","forty-seven","forty-eight","forty-nine","fifty","fifty-one","fifty-two","fifty-three"
Data "fifty-four","fifty-five","fifty-six","fifty-seven","fifty-eight","fifty-nine"
Data "one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine","ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen"
Data "fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen","twenty","twenty-one","twenty-two","twenty-three","twenty-four"
Data "twenty-five","twenty-six","twenty-seven","twenty-eight","twenty-nine","thirty","thirty-one","thirty-two","thirty-three"
Data "thirty-four","thirty-five","thirty-six","thirty-seven","thirty-eight","thirty-nine","forty","forty-one","forty-two","forty-three"
Data "forty-four","forty-five","forty-six","forty-seven","forty-eight","forty-nine","fifty","fifty-one","fifty-two","fifty-three"
Data "fifty-four","fifty-five","fifty-six","fifty-seven","fifty-eight","fifty-nine"
Data 0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5
Data "Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday the first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh "
Data "twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third "
Data "twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventh twenty-eighth twenty-ninth thirtieth thirty-first of January February March April "
Data "May June July August September October November December , one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve o'clock oh-one "
Data "oh-two oh-three oh-four oh-five oh-six oh-seven oh-eight oh-nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen "
Data "nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty "
Data "thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six thirty-seven thirty-eight thirty-nine forty forty-one forty-two "
Data "forty-three forty-four forty-five forty-six forty-seven forty-eight forty-nine fifty fifty-one fifty-two fifty-three fifty-four "
Data "fifty-five fifty-six fifty-seven fifty-eight fifty-nine AM PM and precisely one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven "
Data "twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five "
Data "twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six "
Data "thirty-seven thirty-eight thirty-nine forty forty-one forty-two forty-three forty-four forty-five forty-six forty-seven forty-eight "
Data "forty-nine fifty fifty-one fifty-two fifty-three fifty-four fifty-five fifty-six fifty-seven fifty-eight fifty-nine second seconds"
Data "EOF"
' End of DATA section
' Release History '
' - First stable build release.
' spin$ Just spins. It can be anything you like
' special graphics like growing periods. Even the entire character set.
' If character set suggest very high limit number, see below
spin$ = "|/-\" ' spin pattern.
cr$ = Chr$(13) ' end of input
esc$ = Chr$(27) ' end of program life as we know it
Print "Hit <esc> key or <enter> will exit program someway"
' the following print statement can be anywhere on the screen EXCEPT
' at a position where input would flow over right edge of execution box.
' Why ? Because I am lazy and didn't want to handle exception at this time.
Print "input spin test ? ";
Do ' outer do
spin = 0 ' got to start somwhere
Do ' inner do
_Limit 10 ' limit the spin rate Higher faster, lower slower
x$ = InKey$ ' scan a key
If x$ = esc$ Then System ' Emergency exit "use the escape clause of contract"
If x$ = cr$ Then BackOff1: Print " ": End ' the normal way to end input, this would be a goto
If x$ <> "" Then Exit Do ' got a hit exit inner do
BackOff1 'locate on top of the spin
Print Mid$(spin$, spin Mod (Len(spin$)) + 1, 1); 'Print your selected spin character from spin$
spin = spin + 1 ' just a running count
BackOff1 ' Over write spin character with x$
Print x$; ' At this point you can build input from x$ (re: t$=t$+x$)
Locate CsrLin, Pos(0) + 1
Loop ' Return to outer do
End ' Abnormal end, never suppose to get here
Sub BackOff1
Locate CsrLin, Pos(0) - 1
End Sub
@pete As I named the sub I was thinking of you. re: truck mud flaps, not all have a naked lady sitting on the beach for a pattern.
Take as you like anything of this code. Free to use or abuse. Just test code and needs to be tweaked to your flavor. (add all the salt and pepper you desire)
Posted by: crumpets - 05-07-2022, 08:39 AM - Forum: Programs
- No Replies
Earlier this year I finished making a game with QB64 I'm calling Spiderbro. It is a retro inspired adventure puzzle game where you play as a purple spider trying to outsmart its shadowy adversary. Source, binaries and all other data in the zip file attached. If the engine for the game interests you at all, I put info about it on I got two other games currently in development with this engine and maybe a new engine in development too, so if you like Spiderbro, there's much more to come and it'll all be much bigger and better
I am in the process of trying to convert my old QB 4.5 code to QB64 and have a number of questions I hope can be answered. I will try to keep this thread focused by limiting the number of my questions in a post. If you decide to answer could you please include code snippets as I find that to be the easiest way to learn. Anyway here is my first question.
I have a number of small graphics programs that work fine in QB64 but I would like them to utilise more of my 1080 monitors screen. By utilise I mean that I would like to have access to the individual pixels and not just stretch them to fit using _FULLSCREEN. Preferably I would like the graphics to display in a window with the close button like they currently do in the various SCREEN modes. Is this possible? Not a criticism but TBH I am a little surprised that SCREEN hasn't been expanded to include HD 720, HD 1080 or 4K.