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Most Efficient Sprites Question |
Posted by: NakedApe - 02-09-2024, 06:24 PM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (14)
As I continue to have fun writing 2D games with lots of action, Asteroid-esque space stuff, I'm wondering:
What's the most efficient / fastest approach to moving arrays of objects around the screen in QB64PE?
A. Programatically generated images on the fly for fairly simple things?
B. Manipulating strings with DRAW commands, VARPTR$...?
C. Using small images, say 40x40, with _PUTIMAGE commands, _ROTATEIMAGE ()...?
Thanks, and have a great weekend, everybody.
QB64PE Offline Wiki (02-06-2024) |
Posted by: SMcNeill - 02-06-2024, 03:03 PM - Forum: Learning Resources and Archives
- Replies (11)
If you guys remember, back around Christmas I uploaded a version of our offline wiki then. That version came in at around 2MB in file size and can still be found hosted on the forums here. Only thing was, I didn't include any of the images and such for that version (hence the very small size), which produced a readable -- though not quite as pretty -- version of the wiki.
Now, as you guys probably know, I'm not lacking on disk space at all. I left the images out of the wiki back at Christmas so that it'd be as portable and useful to as many people as possible. As for myself, however, I wanted a version with all the bells and whistles and pretty little pretties, so I could surf offline without really noticing much difference from surfing online...
And thus I redid the download which now comes in at a larger 32MB compressed size. (About 290MB uncompressed, give or take.) Anyone who wants this newer, shinier version, can grab it from the attachment below. Note that the actual content hasn't changed all that much since X-Mas. This just has *ALL* the possible resources and not just the html files and such in it.
QB64PE Wiki.7z (Size: 32.28 MB / Downloads: 134)
QB64PE Help.chm (Size: 32.59 MB / Downloads: 95)
QB64PE Help (Cleaned Up).chm (Size: 5.58 MB / Downloads: 120)
"5-line" engine |
Posted by: James D Jarvis - 02-06-2024, 02:13 PM - Forum: Programs
- Replies (35)
playing with the idea of a "10-line" program I cane up with a "5-lines" engine that builds a game map of a cave and handles W,A,S,D navigation. I posted this to a facebook group and another person was able to fir in treasure placement and grabbing. What can you fit in there?
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(80, 45, 0): _FullScreen: _ControlChr Off: _PrintString (1, 1), String$(3280, 219): dx = 40: dy = 20: Randomize Timer: s = Int(200 + Rnd * (100 * (1 + Rnd * 4))): For d = 1 To s: m$ = m$ + Chr$(49 + Int(Rnd * 4)): Next d: px = 40: py = 20: stand = 0
Do: dx = 40: dy = 20: Color 7: _PrintString (1, 1), String$(3280, 219): For c = 1 To Len(m$): _PrintString (dx, dy), ".": Select Case Mid$(m$, c, 1): Case "1": dy = dy - 1: Case "2": dx = dx + 1: Case "3": dy = dy + 1: Case "4": dx = dx - 1: End Select: Select Case dy: Case 40, 1: dy = 20: dx = 40: End Select: Select Case dx: Case 80, 1: dy = 20: dx = 40: End Select: Next c: Color 15: _PrintString (px, py), Chr$(2)
Do: _Limit 40: kk$ = InKey$: Loop Until kk$ <> "": kk$ = UCase$(kk$)
pxm = 0: pym = 0: Select Case kk$: Case "W": pym = -1: Case "S": pym = 1: Case "D": pxm = 1: Case "A": pxm = -1: End Select: Select Case Screen(pym + py, pxm + px, 0): Case 219: pxm = 0: pym = 0: End Select: px = px + pxm: py = py + pym
Loop Until kk$ = Chr$(27)
New users? |
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 02-05-2024, 11:04 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (5)
I've noticed that the past couple of new users have only spent a few seconds on the site and then left with their accounts not being activated. A few seconds is not long enough to humanly create a new user account. Are we being spammed by a bot perhaps that creates new accounts? Very strange.
Quesiton on Dimensioning an Array |
Posted by: Dimster - 02-05-2024, 04:30 PM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (5)
Where I have 3 different arrays with the following Dimensions
Dim Array1(1 To 0)
Dim Array2(1 To 1)
Dim Array3(0 To 1)
Is that middle Array2 the same as Dim Array2(0) or would it be the same as Dim Array2(1)?