10-19-2023, 02:16 AM
Another of my Steve's Overengineered Routines:
Only 12 parameters in this one. (The one that turns the box into an image is even more!)
So my question is: How many parameters are TOO MANY parameters? Little routines like this one can be expanded in sooo many different ways. (A parameter for the width of the border/highlight. One for if we want shading, and one for what shade of shading, and which direction it should shade in. One for a rotation, or a scale factor, or if we allow blending or not...)
Do you guys have some hard and fast limit that you tend to use for how many parameters you attach to a sub or function? I'm just curious about what other folks opinions are for this type of ultra-versatile routine.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
Screen _NewImage(1280, 720, 32)
'Box (Mode As Integer, X1 As Integer, Y1 As Integer, X2 As Integer, Y2 As Integer, Caption As String, _
' FontColor As _Unsigned Long, FontBackground As _Unsigned Long, BoxColor As _Unsigned Long, _
' BoxHighLight As _Unsigned Long, XOffset As Integer, YOffset As Integer
'Mode 0 (or any unsupported number) will tell the box to size itself from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2
'Mode 1 will tell the box to autosize itself according to whatever text is placed within it.
'Mode 2 will tell the box to use X2 and Y2 as relative coordinates and not absolute coordinates. (Width and Height of box.)
'Mode 3 will tell the box to autocenter text with X2, Y2 being absolute coordinates.
'Mode 4 will tell the box to autocenter text with X2, Y2 being relative coordinates. (Width and Height of box.)
'X1/Y1 carries the X/Y location of where we want to place our box on the screen.
'X2/Y2 is the X/Y boundry of our box on the screen, depending on our mode.
'Caption is the text that we want our box to contain.
'FontColor is our font color for our caption and FontBackground is the font background color for our caption
'BoxColor is our box color and BoxHighlight is our box highligh colors
'XOffset/YOFFSET is used to offset our text # pixels from the X1/Y1 position.
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To 4
Print "Showcasing diffferent modes for Box. This is mode #"; i
Box i, 100, 100, 200, 200, "Hello World", Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, 0, 0
Sub Box (Mode As Integer, X1 As Integer, Y1 As Integer, X2 As Integer, Y2 As Integer, Caption As String, FontColor As _Unsigned Long, FontBackground As _Unsigned Long, BoxColor As _Unsigned Long, BoxHighLight As _Unsigned Long, XOffset As Integer, YOffset As Integer)
'This is an upgrade version of my original Button routine.
'It's more versitile (but complex) than the original.
'Mode 0 (or any unsupported number) will tell the box to size itself from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2
'Mode 1 will tell the box to autosize itself according to whatever text is placed within it.
'Mode 2 will tell the box to use X2 and Y2 as relative coordinates and not absolute coordinates.
'Mode 3 will tell the box to autocenter text with X2, Y2 being absolute coordinates.
'Mode 4 will tell the box to autocenter text with X2, Y2 being relative coordinates.
'Mode otherwise is unused, but available for expanded functionality.
'X1 carries the X location of where we want to place our box on the screen.
'Y2 carries the Y location of where we want to place our box on the screen.
'X2 is the X boundry of our box on the screen, depending on our mode.
'Y2 is the Y boundry of our box on the screen, depending on our mode.
'Caption is the text that we want our box to contain.
'FontColor is our font color for our caption
'FontBackground is the font background color for our caption
'This can be used to mimic the function of _KEEPBACKGROUND, _FILLBACKGROUND, or _ONLYBACKGROUND
'BoxColor is our box color
'BoxHighlight is our box highligh colors
'XOffset is used to offset our text # pixels from the X1 top.
'YOffset is used to offset our text # pixels from the Y1 top.
'These can be used to place our text wherever we want on our box.
'But remember, if Mode = 3 or 4, the box will autocenter the text and ignore these parameters completely.
Dim BoxBlack As _Unsigned Long
Dim As Long dc, bg, cw, ch
dc& = _DefaultColor: bg& = _BackgroundColor
BoxBlack = _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
cw = _PrintWidth(Caption): ch = _FontHeight
Select Case Mode
Case 0
'We use the X2, Y2 coordinates provided as absolute coordinates
Case 1
X2 = X1 + cw + 8
Y2 = Y1 + ch + 8
XOffset = 5: YOffset = 5
Case 2
X2 = X1 + X2
Y2 = Y1 + Y2
Case 3
XOffset = (X2 - X1 - cw) \ 2
YOffset = (Y2 - Y1 - ch) \ 2
Case 4
X2 = X1 + X2
Y2 = Y1 + Y2
XOffset = (X2 - X1 - cw) \ 2
YOffset = (Y2 - Y1 - ch) \ 2
End Select
Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2), BoxBlack, BF
Line (X1 + 1, Y1 + 1)-(X2 - 1, Y2 - 1), BoxHighLight, B
Line (X1 + 2, Y1 + 2)-(X2 - 2, Y2 - 2), BoxHighLight, B
Line (X1 + 3, Y1 + 3)-(X2 - 3, Y2 - 3), BoxBlack, B
Line (X1, Y1)-(X1 + 3, Y1 + 3), BoxBlack
Line (X2, Y1)-(X2 - 3, Y1 + 3), BoxBlack
Line (X1, Y2)-(X1 + 3, Y2 - 3), BoxBlack
Line (X2, Y2)-(X2 - 3, Y2 - 3), BoxBlack
Line (X1 + 3, Y1 + 3)-(X2 - 3, Y2 - 3), BoxColor, BF
Color FontColor, FontBackground
_PrintString (X1 + XOffset, Y1 + YOffset), Caption$
Color dc&, bg&
End Sub
Function BoxImage& (Mode As Integer, X As Integer, Y As Integer, Caption As String, FontColor As _Unsigned Long, FontBackground As _Unsigned Long, BoxColor As _Unsigned Long, BoxHighLight As _Unsigned Long, XOffset As Integer, YOffset As Integer)
'This creates our box as an image so we can manipulate it however we wish before placing it on the screen.
'Mode 0 will tell the box to draw itself X,Y size, and autocenter the text.
'Mode 1 will tell the box to autosize itself according to whatever text is placed within it.
'Mode 2 will tell the box to draw itself X,Y size, and place the text at the offsets.
'Mode otherwise is unused, but available for expanded functionality.
'Caption is the text that we want our box to contain.
'FontColor is our font color for our caption
'FontBackground is the font background color for our caption
'This can be used to mimic the function of _KEEPBACKGROUND, _FILLBACKGROUND, or _ONLYBACKGROUND
'BoxColor is our box color
'BoxHighlight is our box highligh colors
'XOffset is used to offset our text # pixels from the X1 top.
'YOffset is used to offset our text # pixels from the Y1 top.
'These can be used to place our text wherever we want on our box.
'But remember, if Mode = 3 or 4, the box will autocenter the text and ignore these parameters completely.
Dim BoxBlack As _Unsigned Long
Dim As Long dc, bg, cw, ch
Dim As Long X1, Y1, X2, Y2, tempBoxImage
dc& = _DefaultColor: bg& = _BackgroundColor
BoxBlack = _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
cw = _PrintWidth(Caption): ch = _FontHeight
X1 = 0: Y1 = 0
X2 = X: Y2 = Y
Select Case Mode
Case 0
X2 = X1 + cw + 8
Y2 = Y1 + ch + 8
XOffset = 5: YOffset = 5
Case 2
XOffset = (X2 - cw) \ 2
YOffset = (Y2 - ch) \ 2
End Select
tempBoxImage& = _NewImage(X, Y, 32)
_Dest tempBoxImage&
Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2), BoxBlack, BF
Line (X1 + 1, Y1 + 1)-(X2 - 1, Y2 - 1), BoxHighLight, B
Line (X1 + 2, Y1 + 2)-(X2 - 2, Y2 - 2), BoxHighLight, B
Line (X1 + 3, Y1 + 3)-(X2 - 3, Y2 - 3), BoxBlack, B
Line (X1, Y1)-(X1 + 3, Y1 + 3), BoxBlack
Line (X2, Y1)-(X2 - 3, Y1 + 3), BoxBlack
Line (X1, Y2)-(X1 + 3, Y2 - 3), BoxBlack
Line (X2, Y2)-(X2 - 3, Y2 - 3), BoxBlack
Line (X1 + 3, Y1 + 3)-(X2 - 3, Y2 - 3), BoxColor, BF
Color FontColor, FontBackground
_PrintString (X1 + XOffset, Y1 + YOffset), Caption$
Color dc&, bg&
_Dest 0
BoxImage = tempBoxImage
End Function
Function TextScreenToImage256& (image&)
Dim As Long d, s, i, f, fw, fh, w, h, l
Dim As Long tempScreen, Screen0to256
Dim m As _MEM, b As _Unsigned _Byte, t As String * 1
Dim o As _Offset
d& = _Dest: s& = _Source
Dim Plt(15) As Long
_Source image&: _Dest image&
For i = 0 To 15: Plt(i) = _PaletteColor(i, image&): Next
f& = _Font(image&)
_Font f&
fw& = _FontWidth
fh& = _FontHeight
w& = _Width * _FontWidth
h& = _Height * _FontHeight '+ _HEIGHT
l& = (_Width * _Height) * 2 'The screen is width * height in pixels. (80X25) = 2000 X 2 bytes each = 4000 total bytes to hold a page of screen 0 text and color
tempScreen& = _NewImage(w&, h& + _Height, 256)
Screen0to256& = _NewImage(w&, h&, 256)
m = _MemImage(image&)
o = m.OFFSET
_Dest (tempScreen&)
For i = 0 To 15: _PaletteColor i, Plt(i): Next
_Font f&
For i = 0 To l& - 2 Step 2
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + i, t
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + i + 1, b
If b > 127 Then b = b - 128
Color b Mod 16, b \ 16
Print t;
_PutImage , tempScreen&, Screen0to256&, (0, 0)-(w&, h&)
_FreeImage tempScreen&
_Dest d&: _Source s&
_MemFree m
TextScreenToImage256 = Screen0to256&
End Function
Function TextScreenToImage32& (image&)
Dim As Long d, s, i, f, fw, fh, w, h, l, fgc, bgc
Dim As Long tempScreen, Screen0To32
d& = _Dest: s& = _Source
Dim Plt(15) As Long
_Source image&
For i = 0 To 15: Plt(i) = _PaletteColor(i, image&): Next
f& = _Font(image&)
_Font f&
fw& = _FontWidth
fh& = _FontHeight
w& = _Width * _FontWidth
h& = _Height * _FontHeight '+ _HEIGHT
l& = (_Width * _Height) * 2 'The screen is width * height in pixels. (80X25) = 2000 X 2 bytes each = 4000 total bytes to hold a page of screen 0 text and color
tempScreen& = _NewImage(w&, h& + _Height, 32)
Screen0To32& = _NewImage(w&, h&, 32)
_Dest tempScreen&
Dim m As _MEM, b As _Unsigned _Byte, t As String * 1
Dim o As _Offset
m = _MemImage(image&)
o = m.OFFSET
_Font f&
For i = 0 To l& - 2 Step 2
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + i, t
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + i + 1, b
If b > 127 Then b = b - 128
fgc = b Mod 16: bgc = b \ 16
Color _RGB32(_Red(fgc, image&), _Green(fgc, image&), _Blue(fgc, image&)), _RGB32(_Red(bgc, image&), _Green(bgc, image&), _Blue(bgc, image&))
Print t;
_PutImage , tempScreen&, Screen0To32&, (0, 0)-(w&, h&)
_FreeImage tempScreen&
_Dest d&: _Source s&
_MemFree m
TextScreenToImage32 = Screen0To32&
End Function
Function BinaryStringSearch (search$, Array() As String)
'These routines work with actual indexes, so we can search from Array(-10 to 10), if we want to.
'When the search string is found, it'll return a value = to the index proper.
'When it's not found, it'll return a value LESS THAN the LBOUND limit of the array,
'And the point where the string WOULD'VE appeared, if it existed, is after the shared variable LastIndex
BinaryStringSearch = BinaryStringSearchSome(search$, Array(), LBound(Array), UBound(Array))
End Function
Function BinaryStringSearchSome (search$, Array() As String, StartIndex As Long, EndIndex As Long)
'These routines work with actual indexes, so we can search from Array(-10 to 10), if we want to.
'When the search string is found, it'll return a value = to the index proper.
'When it's not found, it'll return a value LESS THAN the LBOUND limit of the array,
'And the point where the string WOULD'VE appeared, if it existed, is after the shared variable LastIndex
Dim As Long min, max, compare, LastIndex, found
Dim As _Float gap
min = StartIndex
max = EndIndex
gap = (max + min) \ 2
compare = _StrCmp(search$, Array(gap))
If compare > 0 Then
min = gap + 1
ElseIf compare < 0 Then
max = gap - 1
BinaryStringSearchSome = gap
Exit Function
End If
If max - min < 1 Then
If search$ = Array(min) Then
BinaryStringSearchSome = min
BinaryStringSearchSome = LBound(Array) - 1
If search$ < Array(min) Then
LastIndex = min - 1
LastIndex = min
End If
End If
found = -1
End If
Loop Until found
End Function
Sub StringSortSome (Array() As String, StartIndex As Long, EndIndex As Long)
Dim As Long min, max, i, swapped
Dim As _Float gap
min = StartIndex
max = EndIndex
gap = EndIndex - StartIndex + 1
gap = 10 * gap \ 13
If gap < 1 Then gap = 1
i = StartIndex
swapped = 0
If _StrCmp(Array(i), Array(i + gap)) > 0 Then
Swap Array(i), Array(i + gap)
swapped = -1
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until i + gap > EndIndex
Loop Until swapped = 0 And gap = 1
End Sub
Sub StringSort (Array() As String)
StringSortSome Array(), LBound(Array), UBound(Array)
End Sub
Only 12 parameters in this one. (The one that turns the box into an image is even more!)
So my question is: How many parameters are TOO MANY parameters? Little routines like this one can be expanded in sooo many different ways. (A parameter for the width of the border/highlight. One for if we want shading, and one for what shade of shading, and which direction it should shade in. One for a rotation, or a scale factor, or if we allow blending or not...)
Do you guys have some hard and fast limit that you tend to use for how many parameters you attach to a sub or function? I'm just curious about what other folks opinions are for this type of ultra-versatile routine.