I worked over 8 hours on this game so far, but I can't figure out how to make the oval flippers collide with the ball efficiently. So far, they work around 50% of the time. Much of this code is from when B+ helped me with hocky puck colliders awhile back and another big part of this code is math from ChatGPT, such as making the ovals turn on the axis at the end of the oval, for the flippers.
You can still play this game if you keep pressing the 2 CTRL keys to move the flippers many times to hit the ball. But it would be nice if I could fix this, thanks. You can probably tell a lot of it has been made experimenting with numbers, etc. I'm just zomped out. lol
You can still play this game if you keep pressing the 2 CTRL keys to move the flippers many times to hit the ball. But it would be nice if I could fix this, thanks. You can probably tell a lot of it has been made experimenting with numbers, etc. I'm just zomped out. lol
Code: (Select All)
'Pinball by SierraKen
'Much of this code is from help by B+ with collisions awhile back.
'Thank you B+ and QB64pe Forum!
'Another large chunk of this math is from ChatGPT.
'The paddles only work about 50 percent of the time and I'm not sure how to fix that.
'OItherwise if you keep pressing the paddles they will work.
'The Left Paddle is the Left CTRL key and the Right Paddle is the Right CTRL key.
_Title "Pinball - by SierraKen - Press the Left and Right CTRL keys to move Paddles."
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(800, 800, 32)
num = 12
ball = 10
Dim circx(num), circy(num), size(num), red(num), green(num), blue(num)
Dim X As Single, Y As Single
Dim Xc As Single, Yc As Single
Dim a As Single, b As Single
Dim theta As Single, t As Single
Dim thickness As Integer
Dim X2 As Single, Y2 As Single
Dim Xc2 As Single, Yc2 As Single
Dim a2 As Single, b2 As Single
Dim theta2 As Single, t2 As Single
Dim thickness2 As Integer
Xc = 500 ' Center of the screen
Yc = 700
a = 75 ' Semi-major axis
b = 25 ' Semi-minor axis
theta = 45 * _Pi / 180 ' Rotate 45 degrees in radians
thickness = 10 ' Thickness of the ellipse
Xc2 = 300 ' Center of the screen
Yc2 = 700
a2 = 75 ' Semi-major axis
b2 = 25 ' Semi-minor axis
theta2 = 45 * _Pi / -180 ' Rotate 45 degrees in radians
thickness2 = 10 ' Thickness of the ellipse
slotx = 280
sloty = 690
dir = 1
For cir = 1 To num
If cir = 1 Then
circx(cir) = 775
circy(cir) = 25
size(cir) = 50
End If
If cir = 2 Then
circx(cir) = 25
circy(cir) = 25
size(cir) = 50
End If
If cir = 4 Then
circx(cir) = 635
circy(cir) = 200
size(cir) = 40
End If
If cir = 5 Then
circx(cir) = 175
circy(cir) = 200
size(cir) = 40
End If
If cir = 6 Then
circx(cir) = 535
circy(cir) = 350
size(cir) = 30
End If
If cir = 7 Then
circx(cir) = 275
circy(cir) = 350
size(cir) = 30
End If
If cir = 8 Then
circx(cir) = 460
circy(cir) = 500
size(cir) = 20
End If
If cir = 9 Then
circx(cir) = 355
circy(cir) = 500
size(cir) = 20
End If
If cir = 10 Then
circx(cir) = 400
circy(cir) = 550
size(cir) = 15
End If
If cir = 11 Then
circx(cir) = 800
circy(cir) = 680
size(cir) = 50
End If
If cir = 12 Then
circx(cir) = 0
circy(cir) = 680
size(cir) = 165
End If
red(cir) = Rnd * 255
green(cir) = Rnd * 255
blue(cir) = Rnd * 255
Next cir
pr = 7 'Radius of ball
pc = _RGB32(0, 255, 0) 'Color of ball
speedx = 30 '
speedy = 30
gravity = 0.5 ' Gravitational acceleration (adjust this to simulate stronger/weaker gravity)
floorHeight = 680 ' Floor height, where the ball will stop when it hits
px = (Rnd * 550) + 60: py = 60
_Delay 1
pa = _Pi(1) * Rnd
Play "MB"
_Limit 800
Line (10, 10)-(790, 690), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), B
For cir = 1 To num
_Limit 800
fillCircle circx(cir), circy(cir), size(cir), _RGB32(red(cir), green(cir), blue(cir))
fillCircle circx(cir), circy(cir), size(cir) / 2, _RGB32(255, 255, 127)
a$ = InKey$
If a$ = " " Then GoTo start:
If a$ = Chr$(27) Then End
If _KeyDown(100305) Then 'Right Side
If theta > .85 Then GoTo skip1
theta = theta + .05
If theta < -.25 Then GoTo skip1
theta = theta - .05
End If
If _KeyDown(100306) Then 'Left Side
If theta2 < -.85 Then GoTo skip2
theta2 = theta2 - .05
If theta2 > .25 Then GoTo skip2
theta2 = theta2 + .05
End If
For offset = 0 To thickness - 1 Step 0.5 ' Add layers for thickness
For t2 = 0 To 2 * _Pi Step 0.01
' Calculate initial x and y for the oval before rotation
X_initial = (a + offset) * Cos(t2)
Y_initial = (b + offset) * Sin(t2)
' Translate so the end of the oval becomes the origin
X_translated = X_initial - (a + offset)
Y_translated = Y_initial
' Rotate around the new origin using theta
X_rotated = X_translated * Cos(theta) - Y_translated * Sin(theta)
Y_rotated = X_translated * Sin(theta) + Y_translated * Cos(theta)
' Translate back to the original position
X2 = Xc + X_rotated + (a + offset)
Y2 = Yc + Y_rotated
' Draw the point
PSet (X2, Y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
For offset = 0 To thickness - 1 Step 0.5 ' Add layers for thickness
For t = 0 To 2 * _Pi Step 0.01
' Calculate initial x and y for the second flipper
X_initial = (a + offset) * Cos(t)
Y_initial = (b + offset) * Sin(t)
' Translate so the opposite end of the oval becomes the origin
X_translated = X_initial + (a + offset) ' Notice the + instead of -
Y_translated = Y_initial
' Rotate around the new origin using theta for Flipper 2
X_rotated = X_translated * Cos(theta2) - Y_translated * Sin(theta2)
Y_rotated = X_translated * Sin(theta2) + Y_translated * Cos(theta2)
' Translate back to the original position for Flipper 2
X = Xc2 + X_rotated - (a + offset) ' Translate back from the opposite end
Y = Yc2 + Y_rotated
' Draw Flipper 2
PSet (X, Y), _RGB32(255, 255, 255) ' Use a different color for Flipper 2
'Check flippers
For chk = -10 To 10 Step 1
If Sqr((X + chk - px) ^ 2 + (Y + chk - py) ^ 2) < (pr + 35) Then
pa = _Atan2(py - Y, px - X)
collision px, py, pa, speedx, speedy
px = px + speedx * Cos(pa)
py = py + speedy * Sin(pa)
End If
If Sqr((X2 + chk - px) ^ 2 + (Y2 + chk - py) ^ 2) < (pr + 35) Then
pa = _Atan2(py - Y2, px - Y2)
collision px, py, pa, speedx, speedy
px = px + speedx * Cos(pa)
py = py + speedy * Sin(pa)
End If
Next chk
'Check bumpers
If Sqr((circx(cir) - px) ^ 2 + (circy(cir) - py) ^ 2) < (pr + size(cir)) Then
pa = _Atan2(py - circy(cir), px - circx(cir))
pa = pa + Rnd
px = px + speedx * Cos(pa)
py = py + speedy * Sin(pa)
fillCircle circx(cir), circy(cir), size(cir), _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
fillCircle circx(cir), circy(cir), size(cir) / 1.33, _RGB32(255, 255, 127)
score = Int(score + 10000 / size(cir))
Sound 350, .5, , , 2
Sound 400, .5, , , 3
Sound 350, .5, , , 4
Sound 300, .5, , , 5
_Title "Score: " + Str$(score) + " Ball: " + Str$(ball) + " Level: " + Str$(level)
oldlevel = level
level = Int(score \ 50000 + 1)
If oldlevel <> level And level <> 1 Then GoTo begin:
End If
If speedx < 5 Then speedx = 5
If speedy < 5 Then speedy = 5
If speedx > 30 Then speedx = 30
If speedy > 30 Then speedy = 30
Next cir
'Border reflection.
If px > 790 - pr Then pa = _Pi - pa * Rnd + 1: px = 790 - pr
If px < 10 + pr Then pa = _Pi - pa * Rnd + 1: px = 10 + pr
If py > 790 - pr And floorHeight = 680 Then pa = -pa * Rnd + 1: py = 790 - pr
If py < 10 + pr Then pa = -pa * Rnd + 1: py = 10 + pr
If px > slotx + 30 And px < slotx + 170 And py > sloty - 70 Then
floorHeight = floorHeight + 8
If px > slotx + 60 And px < slotx + 200 And floorHeight > 760 Then
ball = ball - 1
_Title "Score: " + Str$(score) + " Ball: " + Str$(ball) + " Level: " + Str$(level)
px = (Rnd * 550) + 60: py = 60
down = 0
floorHeight = 680
_Delay 1
If ball = 0 Then End
End If
floorHeight = 680
End If
' Update velocities
speedy = speedy + gravity ' Apply gravity to vertical speed
' Simulate ball bouncing off the floor
If py + pr >= floorHeight And hit <> 1 Then
py = floorHeight - pr ' Position ball on the floor
speedy = -speedy * 0.9 ' Reverse direction and apply damping
End If
' Simulate ball moving with some friction
If Abs(speedx) > 0.1 Then
speedx = speedx * 0.99 ' Friction effect on horizontal velocity
speedx = 0 ' Stop ball when velocity is too low
End If
If speedx < 5 Then speedx = 5
If speedy < 5 Then speedy = 5
If speedx > 30 Then speedx = 30
If speedy > 30 Then speedy = 30
px = px + speedx * Cos(pa)
py = py + speedy * Sin(pa)
fillCircle px, py, pr, pc
Line (slotx, sloty)-(slotx + 300, sloty), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
'from Steve Gold standard
Sub fillCircle (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub
Sub collision (px, py, pa, speedx, speedy)
speedx = speedx + 5
speedy = -speedy
px = px + speedx * Cos(pa)
py = py + speedy * Sin(pa)
End Sub