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(11-05-2024, 02:43 PM)Dav Wrote: I was planning to make a new instrument program, using midi notes instead of separate .ogg files for all the individual notes to play, but it looks like multiple MIDI files can't be playing at the same time cleanly like .ogg files can. I'm getting distortion pretty bad when multiple MIDI files are being sounded. Is there a way to prevent this?
Here's a small example just playing 8 separate notes (8 different MIDI files). You need latest QB64PE.
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'make all notes
Dim notes&(8)
notes&(1) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "c4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(2) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "d4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(3) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "e4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(4) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "f4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(5) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "g4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(6) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "a4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(7) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "b4rn", 1), "memory")
notes&(8) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 10, "c5rn", 1), "memory")
'play notes
For t = 1 To 8
_SndPlayCopy notes&(t)
_Delay .2
Things are going quite normally for me. With a note length and DELAY of .2, a reverb eleven corner occurs.
You can increase the delay but it doesn't sound as good.
Code: (Select All)
notes&(1) = _SndOpen(MidiNotes$(100, 20, "tsc4rn", 1), "memory,NOASYNC")
Shorten the note length.
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Thanks for the reply, Stefan-68. I’m still getting crackling, like bad speakers. I think it may be my laptop speakers that’s the problem. They are really started to sound bad when playing YouTube vids. Maybe they’re going out or something….
- Dav
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@Dav, I tried it, and it worked just fine for me.
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11-06-2024, 01:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2024, 01:48 AM by Dav.)
(11-06-2024, 12:31 AM)a740g Wrote: @Dav, I tried it, and it worked just fine for me.
Thanks for testing. I just tested it on my Windows laptop and it sounds fine, but not on my Linux laptops. They all crackle. I'm leaning towards audio driver Linux uses for thinkpads - it's known to have issues. I'll see what I can do here, looks like it's not a QB64pe problem.
- Dav
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(09-10-2024, 07:34 PM)FellippeHeitor Wrote: That’s really cool! I wonder if PLAY could eventually evolve to take advantage of the new MIDI capabilities.
That would be a great thing!
Imagine being able to change midi programs too
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I ran this on Linux and it sounded great. No crackle. What audio drivers are you using? Alsa? If so, there might be buffer issue.
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i'm sorry about this reply if it looks imprudent. i have tried the "midinotes" 1.08 with qb64pe 4.0 but sadly, it does not work. when i go to compile it as it is it gives a fatal error in red, "use _MIDISOUNDBANK" because the compiler directive can no longer be used. the programmer has to know the name of the sound bank. alas the SF2 file did not come with the linux version of qb64pe 4.0. i had to copy it to the respective destination from qb64pe 3.11 installation.
i used the following line in place of compiler directive:
Code: (Select All) _MIDISOUNDBANK "default_soundfont.sf2"
should use compiler directive for qb64pe 4.0 to avoid the unstable thing which is not wanted anymore on that version. otherwise program works in 3.14 and earlier.
i hope that i am wrong at my end. if you used qb64pe 4.0. i am now on debian mate "bookworm", which hasn't been updated much but with "backports" kernel 6.10.6.
this function would be difficult to include in my program because i depend a lot on OPTION _EXPLICIT. in the function code i changed the variable called "note" to "mynote" and made sure it is integer. i also made a few other changes in the attempt to simplify it. nobody has to really try this but it works well:
Code: (Select All) Function MidiNotes$ (tempo&, patch, notes$, channel)
'Returns MIDI data suitable for MIDI playback
'tempo& = tempo of the midi
'patch = program number (sound) to use (0-127)
'notes$ = string data of notes to play
'channel = channel for track to use (1 to 16)
'You can play notes like this: "c4e4g4"
'To play notes at the same time you can
'put them in parenthesis: "(c4e4g4)"
'You can put duration codes in front of notes.
'Like this play eighth notes: "en c4e4g4"
'The following duration strings are allowed:
' wn = whole note
' dh = dotted half note
' hn = half note
' dq = dotted quarter
' qn = quarter note
' de = dotted eighth
' en = eighth note
' ds = dotted sixteenth note
' sn = sixteenth note
' ts = 32nd note
' rn - rest note - no sound
' (uses the set duration)
'You can change volume of notes by using
'values v000 to v127, like "v030c4"
'You can switch program sound # track uses.
'Use values p000 to p127, like "p011"
'modified by "mnrvovrfc" (me):
static thenotes$, uu&, mynote%
if thenotes$ = "" then
thenotes$ = "a0A0b0c1C1d1D1e1f1F1g1G1a1A1b1c2C2d2D2e2f2F2g2G2" +_
"a2A2b2c3C3d3D3e3f3F3g3G3a3A3b3c4C4d4D4e4f4F4g4G4" +_
"a4A4b4c5C5d5D5e5f5F5g5G5a5A5b5c6C6d6D6e6f6F6g6G6" +_
end if
vol = 127 'default volume
'check and fix channel number here
'(for programming purpose channels are used 0-15)
channel = Fix(channel) - 1
If channel < 0 Then channel = 0
If channel > 15 Then channel = 15
'first, remove any spaces from the string
n2$ = ""
For i = 1 To Len(notes$)
a$ = Mid$(notes$, i, 1): If a$ <> " " Then n2$ = n2$ + a$
notes$ = n2$
'make MIDI Header Chunk (MThd)
MThd$ = "MThd"
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(6) 'header size
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) 'format type (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) 'number of tracks (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + Chr$(1) + Chr$(224) 'division (ticks per quarter note)
'make tempo data to save
'calculate microseconds per beat from tempo& in BPM
MicroSecsPerBeat& = 60000000 \ tempo& 'Converts BPM to microseconds per beat
'get msb/mb/lsb from MicroSecsPerBeat& for saving tempo
'(Midi requires 3 bytes for this info)
msb = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 65536) And 255 'most significant byte
middle = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 256) And 255 'middle byte
lsb = MicroSecsPerBeat& And 255 'least significant byte
'make the tempo data + the 3 bytes
TrackData$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(255) + Chr$(81) + Chr$(3) + Chr$(msb) + Chr$(middle) + Chr$(lsb)
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(192 + channel) + Chr$(patch)
'define ticks
'Set defaut note duration, get tickdata$
ticks& = 480 'default 480 ticks per quarter note
GoSub GetTickData
'Load all notes string
'Loop through all notes$ given
For n = 1 To Len(notes$) Step 2
'see if it's a group first ()
If Mid$(notes$, n, 1) = "(" Then
'grab group string of notes until a ) found
group$ = "": count = 0: n = n + 1
g$ = Mid$(notes$, n + count, 1)
If g$ = ")" Then Exit Do Else group$ = group$ + g$: count = count + 1
'do group notes here here
notesoff$ = "" ' holding space for turning notes off
For g = 1 To Len(group$) Step 2
b2$ = Mid$(group$, g, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'must be a note, so get note val
GoSub GetNoteValue
notesoff$ = notesoff$ + _Trim$(Str$(mynote%)) 'save this for use
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(mynote%) + Chr$(vol)
addtick = 0 'only add tickdata once flag
'now send notes off to those above
For g = 1 To Len(notesoff$) Step 2
mynote% = Val(Mid$(notesoff$, g, 2))
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
If addtick = 0 Then
'only add tickdata first time around
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(mynote%) + Chr$(64)
addtick = 1 'mark we done it
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(mynote%) + Chr$(64)
End If
n = (n + count - 1) 'update n location
End If
'see if it's a volume change
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 1)) = "v" Then
vol = Int(Val(Mid$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
If vol < 0 Then vol = 0
If vol > 127 Then vol = 127
n = n + 2: _Continue
End If
'see if it's a program change
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 1)) = "p" Then
pro = Int(Val(Mid$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
If pro < 0 Then pro = 0
If pro > 127 Then pro = 127
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(192 + channel) + Chr$(pro)
n = n + 2: _Continue
End If
'do regular bytes (not a group)
b2$ = Mid$(notes$, n, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'see if b2$ is a duration change
Select Case LCase$(b2$)
Case "wn", "dh", "hn", "qn", "dq", "de", "en", "ds", "sn", "ts"
'all these values are based on 'ticks per quarter note' = 480
If b2$ = "wn" Then ticks& = 1920 'whole note (4 * tpq)
If b2$ = "dh" Then ticks& = 1440 'dotted half note (3 * tpq)
If b2$ = "hn" Then ticks& = 960 'half note (2 * tpq)
If b2$ = "dq" Then ticks& = 720 'dotted quarter (1.5 * tpq )
If b2$ = "qn" Then ticks& = 480 'quarter note
If b2$ = "de" Then ticks& = 360 'dotted eighth (.75 * tpq)
If b2$ = "en" Then ticks& = 240 'eighth note (.5 * tpq)
If b2$ = "ds" Then ticks& = 180 'dotted sixteenth note (sn + (.5 * sn)
If b2$ = "sn" Then ticks& = 120 'sixteenth note (.25 * tpq)
If b2$ = "ts" Then ticks& = 60 '32nd notes (1 / 8) * tpq
GoSub GetTickData
End Select
'check for a rest note, handle special
If LCase$(Mid$(notes$, n, 2)) = "rn" Then
'(play any note at zero volume? (this just fakes a rest)
'TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(22) + Chr$(0)
'set rest note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(mynote%) + Chr$(64)
End If
'must be a note, so get note val
GoSub GetNoteValue
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(mynote%) + Chr$(vol)
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + Chr$(128 + channel) + Chr$(mynote%) + Chr$(64)
'make the MTrk header
MTrk$ = "MTrk"
'make track end event
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(255) + Chr$(47) + Chr$(0)
'make the track data length (4 bytes)
TrackLen& = Len(TrackData$)
TrackLength$ = Chr$((TrackLen& \ 16777216) And 255) + Chr$((TrackLen& \ 65536) And 255) + Chr$((TrackLen& \ 256) And 255) + Chr$(TrackLen& And 255)
'put it all together
MidiNotes$ = MThd$ + MTrk$ + TrackLength$ + TrackData$
Exit Function
'GOSUBS...Like'em or not, they're here to use.
' (keeping eveything in one FUNCTION)
'convert ticks& to variable length quantity (VLQ)
TickData$ = ""
If ticks& = 0 Then
TickData$ = Chr$(0) 'safety, in case ticks& = 0
byte& = ticks& And &H7F
ticks& = ticks& \ 128
If TickData$ <> "" Then byte& = byte& Or &H80
TickData$ = Chr$(byte&) + TickData$
Loop While ticks& <> 0
End If
'Gets a note value from b2$
mynote% = 0 'safety default
uu& = instr(thenotes$, b2$)
if uu& > 0 then mynote% = (uu& \ 2) + 20
'If b2$ = "a0" Then mynote% = 21
'If b2$ = "A0" Then mynote% = 22
'If b2$ = "b0" Then mynote% = 23
'If b2$ = "c1" Then mynote% = 24
'If b2$ = "C1" Then mynote% = 25
'If b2$ = "d1" Then mynote% = 26
'If b2$ = "D1" Then mynote% = 27
'If b2$ = "e1" Then mynote% = 28
'If b2$ = "f1" Then mynote% = 29
'If b2$ = "F1" Then mynote% = 30
'If b2$ = "g1" Then mynote% = 31
'If b2$ = "G1" Then mynote% = 32
'If b2$ = "a1" Then mynote% = 33
'If b2$ = "A1" Then mynote% = 34
'If b2$ = "b1" Then mynote% = 35
'If b2$ = "c2" Then mynote% = 36
'If b2$ = "C2" Then mynote% = 37
'If b2$ = "d2" Then mynote% = 38
'If b2$ = "D2" Then mynote% = 39
'If b2$ = "e2" Then mynote% = 40
'If b2$ = "f2" Then mynote% = 41
'If b2$ = "F2" Then mynote% = 42
'If b2$ = "g2" Then mynote% = 43
'If b2$ = "G2" Then mynote% = 44
'If b2$ = "a2" Then mynote% = 45
'If b2$ = "A2" Then mynote% = 46
'If b2$ = "b2" Then mynote% = 47
'If b2$ = "c3" Then mynote% = 48
'If b2$ = "C3" Then mynote% = 49
'If b2$ = "d3" Then mynote% = 50
'If b2$ = "D3" Then mynote% = 51
'If b2$ = "e3" Then mynote% = 52
'If b2$ = "f3" Then mynote% = 53
'If b2$ = "F3" Then mynote% = 54
'If b2$ = "g3" Then mynote% = 55
'If b2$ = "G3" Then mynote% = 56
'If b2$ = "a3" Then mynote% = 57
'If b2$ = "A3" Then mynote% = 58
'If b2$ = "b3" Then mynote% = 59
'If b2$ = "c4" Then mynote% = 60
'If b2$ = "C4" Then mynote% = 61
'If b2$ = "d4" Then mynote% = 62
'If b2$ = "D4" Then mynote% = 63
'If b2$ = "e4" Then mynote% = 64
'If b2$ = "f4" Then mynote% = 65
'If b2$ = "F4" Then mynote% = 66
'If b2$ = "g4" Then mynote% = 67
'If b2$ = "G4" Then mynote% = 68
'If b2$ = "a4" Then mynote% = 69
'If b2$ = "A4" Then mynote% = 70
'If b2$ = "b4" Then mynote% = 71
'If b2$ = "c5" Then mynote% = 72
'If b2$ = "C5" Then mynote% = 73
'If b2$ = "d5" Then mynote% = 74
'If b2$ = "D5" Then mynote% = 75
'If b2$ = "e5" Then mynote% = 76
'If b2$ = "f5" Then mynote% = 77
'If b2$ = "F5" Then mynote% = 78
'If b2$ = "g5" Then mynote% = 79
'If b2$ = "G5" Then mynote% = 80
'If b2$ = "a5" Then mynote% = 81
'If b2$ = "A5" Then mynote% = 82
'If b2$ = "b5" Then mynote% = 83
'If b2$ = "c6" Then mynote% = 84
'If b2$ = "C6" Then mynote% = 85
'If b2$ = "d6" Then mynote% = 86
'If b2$ = "D6" Then mynote% = 87
'If b2$ = "e6" Then mynote% = 88
'If b2$ = "f6" Then mynote% = 89
'If b2$ = "F6" Then mynote% = 90
'If b2$ = "g6" Then mynote% = 91
'If b2$ = "G6" Then mynote% = 92
'If b2$ = "a6" Then mynote% = 93
'If b2$ = "A6" Then mynote% = 94
'If b2$ = "b6" Then mynote% = 95
'If b2$ = "c7" Then mynote% = 96
'If b2$ = "C7" Then mynote% = 97
'If b2$ = "d7" Then mynote% = 98
'If b2$ = "D7" Then mynote% = 99
'If b2$ = "e7" Then mynote% = 100
'If b2$ = "f7" Then mynote% = 101
'If b2$ = "F7" Then mynote% = 102
'If b2$ = "g7" Then mynote% = 103
'If b2$ = "G7" Then mynote% = 104
'If b2$ = "a7" Then mynote% = 105
'If b2$ = "A7" Then mynote% = 106
'If b2$ = "b7" Then mynote% = 107
'If b2$ = "c8" Then mynote% = 108
End Function
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01-02-2025, 05:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2025, 06:17 AM by eoredson.)
@dav: In QB64PE v4.0.0 the following are deprecated:
and are taken care of the extension of _SndPlay
It might be easier to play a string such as:
Code: (Select All) Const Melody = "o3 L8 E D+ E D+ E o2 B o3 D C L2 o2 A"
Play Melody
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That's correct. MIDI support is out of $UNSTABLE and hence $UNSTABLE:MIDI and $MIDISOUNDFONT are not supported anymore.
We have a new command for specifying MIDI sound fonts/banks - _MIDISOUNDBANK. We also have a good discussion on the same here:
I made a tiny change to Dav's MidiNotes.bas v1.08 to make it work on QB64-PE v4.0.0 and older versions.
Code: (Select All)
'MidiNotes.bas - v1.08
'Generates MIDI file data from string of notes.
'Coded by Dav, SEP/2024
'Fixed: Corrected bad bug when playing groups of notes.
' Notes were not being given the proper "note off"
'First MIDI Example: make silent night song in midi notes
a$ = "dq(g4e4c4) en(a4f4) qn(g4e4) dh(e4c4g3)" 'silent night
a$ = a$ + "dq(g4e4c4) en(a4f4) qn(g4e4) dh(e4c4g3)" 'holy night
a$ = a$ + "hn(d5b4) qn(d5b4) dq(g4b4) enc5 qn(d5b4)" 'all is calm
a$ = a$ + "hn(c5g4e4) qn(c5g4e4) dq(c4e4g4) end4e4g4" 'all is bright
a$ = a$ + "hn(a4f4c4) qn(a4f4c4) dq(c5a4f4) en(b4g4) qn(a4f4)" 'round yon virgin
a$ = a$ + "dq(g4e4c4) en(a4f4) qn(g4e4) dq(e4c4g3) enf4 qng4" 'mother and child
a$ = a$ + "dq(a4f4c4) enf4(a4f4)b4 qn(c5a4f4)(b4g4)(a4f4)" 'holy infant so
a$ = a$ + "dq(g4e4c4) en(a4f4) qn(g4e4) hn(e4c4g3) sng4a4(b4g4)(a4c5)" 'tender and mild
a$ = a$ + "hn(d5b4g4)qn(d5b4g4)dq(f5d5b4)en(d5b4)qn(b4g4f4)dh(c5g4e4)(e5c5g4)" 'sleep in heavenly peace
a$ = a$ + "qn(c5g4e4) g4 e4 dq(g4d4b4) enf4 qn(d4b3f4) wn(c4g3e4c3)" 'sleep in heavenly peace
'generate the midi data
note$ = MidiNotes$(100, 11, a$, 1)
'optional here.... you could save that as a silentnight.mid file
'Open "silentnight.mid" For Output As #1: Print #1, note$;: Close #1
'Open the MIDI using _SNDPLAY & "memory"
midisong& = _SNDOPEN(note$, "memory")
_SNDPLAY midisong&
'play the song
PRINT "Playing Silent Night MIDI song..."
PRINT "Press any key to move on...."
SLEEP 41 'time to play it all
_SNDSTOP midisong&
_SNDCLOSE midisong&
'notes for all four instruments/tracks below...
p1$ = "p041sne4f4g4a4eng4qn(c5g4e4)en(d5g4)qn(c5e5)p080sne4f4g4a4eng4qn(c5e4)en(d5f4)qn(c5e4)" 'melody part (violin)
p2$ = "p011 wn (c4e4g4) p088 (c4e4g4)" 'harmony part (bells)
p3$ = "en c3g3(c3g2)g3c3g3(c3g2)g3c3g3(c3g2)g3c3g3c3g3" 'piano sound
p4$ = "c4eng3a3qnc4g3c4eng3a3qnc4g3" 'for the drum sounds
'let's make the song longer by doubling the song parts.
p1$ = p1$ + p1$: p2$ = p2$ + p2$
p3$ = p3$ + p3$: p4$ = p4$ + p4$
'generate midi data for 4 tracks.
'each track uses its own channel, 1 - 4.
'We only need MIDI header for the first track, so we are
'going to remove the MIDI header for track 2, 3 and 4 below
track1$ = MidiNotes$(100, 41, p1$, 1) 'keep first track as is, with a midi header
track2$ = MID$(MidiNotes$(100, 11, p2$, 2), 15) 'strip midi header off (removes 14 bytes)
track3$ = MID$(MidiNotes$(100, 1, p3$, 3), 15) 'strip
track4$ = MID$(MidiNotes$(100, 115, p4$, 10), 15) 'strip <<< use channel 10 for drums.
'combine tracks 1+2+3+4 to form one MIDI data file
note$ = track1$ + track2$ + track3$ + track4$
'last step, update midi header to say 4 tracks used, not 1 <<<<< important for multitracks
MID$(note$, 12, 1) = CHR$(4) '4 tracks now <<< your number of tracks used
'optional here.... you could save that as a MIDI file like so....
'Open "4tracks.mid" For Output As #1: Print #1, note$;: Close #1
'Open & play the 4 track midi..
midisong& = _SNDOPEN(note$, "memory")
_SNDPLAY midisong&
PRINT "Playing a Multi-track MIDI song..."
PRINT "Press any key to move on..."
_SNDSTOP midisong&
_SNDCLOSE midisong&
'3rd MIDI example, lust play a simple midi song...
PRINT "Playing a simple track song..."
end$ = MidiNotes$(200, 5, "c5rneng4F4g4G4rnrng4rnrnrnrnrnenp016(b4f4)rnrnen(c5e4)qnrn", 1)
midisong2& = _SNDOPEN(end$, "memory")
_SNDPLAY midisong2&
_SNDSTOP midisong&
_SNDCLOSE midisong&
FUNCTION MidiNotes$ (tempo&, patch, notes$, channel)
'Returns MIDI data suitable for MIDI playback
'tempo& = tempo of the midi
'patch = program number (sound) to use (0-127)
'note$ = string data of notes to play
'channel = channel for track to use (1 to 16)
'You can play notes like this: "c4e4g4"
'To play notes at the same time you can
'put them in parenthesis: "(c4e4g4)"
'You can put duration codes in front of notes.
'Like this play eighth notes: "en c4e4g4"
'The following duration strings are allowed:
' wn = whole note
' dh = dotted half note
' hn = half note
' dq = dotted quarter
' qn = quarter note
' de = dotted eighth
' en = eighth note
' ds = dotted sixteenth note
' sn = sixteenth note
' ts = 32nd note
' rn - rest note - no sound
' (uses the set duration)
'You can change volume of notes by using
'values v000 to v127, like "v030c4"
'You can switch program sound # track uses.
'Use values p000 to p127, like "p011"
vol = 127 'default volume
'check and fix channel number here
'(for programming purpose channels are used 0-15)
channel = FIX(channel) - 1
IF channel < 0 THEN channel = 0
IF channel > 15 THEN channel = 15
'first, remove any spaces from the string
n2$ = ""
FOR i = 1 TO LEN(notes$)
a$ = MID$(notes$, i, 1): IF a$ <> " " THEN n2$ = n2$ + a$
notes$ = n2$
'make MIDI Header Chunk (MThd)
MThd$ = "MThd"
MThd$ = MThd$ + CHR$(0) + CHR$(0) + CHR$(0) + CHR$(6) 'header size
MThd$ = MThd$ + CHR$(0) + CHR$(1) 'format type (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + CHR$(0) + CHR$(1) 'number of tracks (1)
MThd$ = MThd$ + CHR$(1) + CHR$(224) 'division (ticks per quarter note)
'make tempo data to save
'calculate microseconds per beat from tempo& in BPM
MicroSecsPerBeat& = 60000000 \ tempo& 'Converts BPM to microseconds per beat
'get msb/mb/lsb from MicroSecsPerBeat& for saving tempo
'(Midi requires 3 bytes for this info)
msb = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 65536) AND 255 'most significant byte
middle = (MicroSecsPerBeat& \ 256) AND 255 'middle byte
lsb = MicroSecsPerBeat& AND 255 'least significant byte
'make the tempo data + the 3 bytes
TrackData$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(255) + CHR$(81) + CHR$(3) + CHR$(msb) + CHR$(middle) + CHR$(lsb)
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + CHR$(0) + CHR$(192 + channel) + CHR$(patch)
'define ticks
'Set defaut note duration, get tickdata$
ticks& = 480 'default 480 ticks per quarter note
GOSUB GetTickData
'Load all notes string
'Loop through all notes$ given
FOR n = 1 TO LEN(notes$) STEP 2
'see if it's a group first ()
IF MID$(notes$, n, 1) = "(" THEN
'grab group string of notes until a ) found
group$ = "": count = 0: n = n + 1
g$ = MID$(notes$, n + count, 1)
IF g$ = ")" THEN EXIT DO ELSE group$ = group$ + g$: count = count + 1
'do group notes here here
notesoff$ = "" ' holding space for turning notes off
FOR g = 1 TO LEN(group$) STEP 2
b2$ = MID$(group$, g, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'must be a note, so get note val
GOSUB GetNoteValue
notesoff$ = notesoff$ + _TRIM$(STR$(note)) 'save this for use
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + CHR$(0) + CHR$(144 + channel) + CHR$(note) + CHR$(vol)
addtick = 0 'only add tickdata once flag
'now send notes off to those above
FOR g = 1 TO LEN(notesoff$) STEP 2
note = VAL(MID$(notesoff$, g, 2))
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
IF addtick = 0 THEN
'only add tickdata first time around
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + CHR$(128 + channel) + CHR$(note) + CHR$(64)
addtick = 1 'mark we done it
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + CHR$(0) + CHR$(128 + channel) + CHR$(note) + CHR$(64)
n = (n + count - 1) 'update n location
'see if it's a volume change
IF LCASE$(MID$(notes$, n, 1)) = "v" THEN
vol = INT(VAL(MID$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
IF vol < 0 THEN vol = 0
IF vol > 127 THEN vol = 127
n = n + 2: _CONTINUE
'see if it's a program change
IF LCASE$(MID$(notes$, n, 1)) = "p" THEN
pro = INT(VAL(MID$(notes$, n + 1, 3)))
IF pro < 0 THEN pro = 0
IF pro > 127 THEN pro = 127
'set Program number (patch) to use
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + CHR$(0) + CHR$(192 + channel) + CHR$(pro)
n = n + 2: _CONTINUE
'do regular bytes (not a group)
b2$ = MID$(notes$, n, 2) 'grab 2 bytes
'see if b2$ is a duration change
CASE "wn", "dh", "hn", "qn", "dq", "de", "en", "ds", "sn", "ts"
'all these values are based on 'ticks per quarter note' = 480
IF b2$ = "wn" THEN ticks& = 1920 'whole note (4 * tpq)
IF b2$ = "dh" THEN ticks& = 1440 'dotted half note (3 * tpq)
IF b2$ = "hn" THEN ticks& = 960 'half note (2 * tpq)
IF b2$ = "dq" THEN ticks& = 720 'dotted quarter (1.5 * tpq )
IF b2$ = "qn" THEN ticks& = 480 'quarter note
IF b2$ = "de" THEN ticks& = 360 'dotted eighth (.75 * tpq)
IF b2$ = "en" THEN ticks& = 240 'eighth note (.5 * tpq)
IF b2$ = "ds" THEN ticks& = 180 'dotted sixteenth note (sn + (.5 * sn)
IF b2$ = "sn" THEN ticks& = 120 'sixteenth note (.25 * tpq)
IF b2$ = "ts" THEN ticks& = 60 '32nd notes (1 / 8) * tpq
GOSUB GetTickData
'check for a rest note, handle special
IF LCASE$(MID$(notes$, n, 2)) = "rn" THEN
'(play any note at zero volume? (this just fakes a rest)
'TrackData$ = TrackData$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(144 + channel) + Chr$(22) + Chr$(0)
'set rest note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + CHR$(128 + channel) + CHR$(note) + CHR$(64)
'must be a note, so get note val
GOSUB GetNoteValue
'set Note On: play note value (with velocity 127)
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + CHR$(0) + CHR$(144 + channel) + CHR$(note) + CHR$(vol)
'set note off: stop playing note after specified duration
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + TickData$ + CHR$(128 + channel) + CHR$(note) + CHR$(64)
'make the MTrk header
MTrk$ = "MTrk"
'make track end event
TrackData$ = TrackData$ + CHR$(0) + CHR$(255) + CHR$(47) + CHR$(0)
'make the track data length (4 bytes)
TrackLen& = LEN(TrackData$)
TrackLength$ = CHR$((TrackLen& \ 16777216) AND 255) + CHR$((TrackLen& \ 65536) AND 255) + CHR$((TrackLen& \ 256) AND 255) + CHR$(TrackLen& AND 255)
'put it all together
MidiNotes$ = MThd$ + MTrk$ + TrackLength$ + TrackData$
'GOSUBS...Like'em or not, they're here to use.
' (keeping eveything in one FUNCTION)
'convert ticks& to variable length quantity (VLQ)
TickData$ = ""
IF ticks& = 0 THEN
TickData$ = CHR$(0) 'safety, in case ticks& = 0
byte& = ticks& AND &H7F
ticks& = ticks& \ 128
IF TickData$ <> "" THEN byte& = byte& OR &H80
TickData$ = CHR$(byte&) + TickData$
LOOP WHILE ticks& <> 0
'Gets a note value from b2$
note = 0 'safety defaut
IF b2$ = "a0" THEN note = 21
IF b2$ = "A0" THEN note = 22
IF b2$ = "b0" THEN note = 23
IF b2$ = "c1" THEN note = 24
IF b2$ = "C1" THEN note = 25
IF b2$ = "d1" THEN note = 26
IF b2$ = "D1" THEN note = 27
IF b2$ = "e1" THEN note = 28
IF b2$ = "f1" THEN note = 29
IF b2$ = "F1" THEN note = 30
IF b2$ = "g1" THEN note = 31
IF b2$ = "G1" THEN note = 32
IF b2$ = "a1" THEN note = 33
IF b2$ = "A1" THEN note = 34
IF b2$ = "b1" THEN note = 35
IF b2$ = "c2" THEN note = 36
IF b2$ = "C2" THEN note = 37
IF b2$ = "d2" THEN note = 38
IF b2$ = "D2" THEN note = 39
IF b2$ = "e2" THEN note = 40
IF b2$ = "f2" THEN note = 41
IF b2$ = "F2" THEN note = 42
IF b2$ = "g2" THEN note = 43
IF b2$ = "G2" THEN note = 44
IF b2$ = "a2" THEN note = 45
IF b2$ = "A2" THEN note = 46
IF b2$ = "b2" THEN note = 47
IF b2$ = "c3" THEN note = 48
IF b2$ = "C3" THEN note = 49
IF b2$ = "d3" THEN note = 50
IF b2$ = "D3" THEN note = 51
IF b2$ = "e3" THEN note = 52
IF b2$ = "f3" THEN note = 53
IF b2$ = "F3" THEN note = 54
IF b2$ = "g3" THEN note = 55
IF b2$ = "G3" THEN note = 56
IF b2$ = "a3" THEN note = 57
IF b2$ = "A3" THEN note = 58
IF b2$ = "b3" THEN note = 59
IF b2$ = "c4" THEN note = 60
IF b2$ = "C4" THEN note = 61
IF b2$ = "d4" THEN note = 62
IF b2$ = "D4" THEN note = 63
IF b2$ = "e4" THEN note = 64
IF b2$ = "f4" THEN note = 65
IF b2$ = "F4" THEN note = 66
IF b2$ = "g4" THEN note = 67
IF b2$ = "G4" THEN note = 68
IF b2$ = "a4" THEN note = 69
IF b2$ = "A4" THEN note = 70
IF b2$ = "b4" THEN note = 71
IF b2$ = "c5" THEN note = 72
IF b2$ = "C5" THEN note = 73
IF b2$ = "d5" THEN note = 74
IF b2$ = "D5" THEN note = 75
IF b2$ = "e5" THEN note = 76
IF b2$ = "f5" THEN note = 77
IF b2$ = "F5" THEN note = 78
IF b2$ = "g5" THEN note = 79
IF b2$ = "G5" THEN note = 80
IF b2$ = "a5" THEN note = 81
IF b2$ = "A5" THEN note = 82
IF b2$ = "b5" THEN note = 83
IF b2$ = "c6" THEN note = 84
IF b2$ = "C6" THEN note = 85
IF b2$ = "d6" THEN note = 86
IF b2$ = "D6" THEN note = 87
IF b2$ = "e6" THEN note = 88
IF b2$ = "f6" THEN note = 89
IF b2$ = "F6" THEN note = 90
IF b2$ = "g6" THEN note = 91
IF b2$ = "G6" THEN note = 92
IF b2$ = "a6" THEN note = 93
IF b2$ = "A6" THEN note = 94
IF b2$ = "b6" THEN note = 95
IF b2$ = "c7" THEN note = 96
IF b2$ = "C7" THEN note = 97
IF b2$ = "d7" THEN note = 98
IF b2$ = "D7" THEN note = 99
IF b2$ = "e7" THEN note = 100
IF b2$ = "f7" THEN note = 101
IF b2$ = "F7" THEN note = 102
IF b2$ = "g7" THEN note = 103
IF b2$ = "G7" THEN note = 104
IF b2$ = "a7" THEN note = 105
IF b2$ = "A7" THEN note = 106
IF b2$ = "b7" THEN note = 107
IF b2$ = "c8" THEN note = 108
@eoredson BTW, your forum PM is disabled.
Posts: 405
Threads: 80
Joined: Jul 2022
Quote:@eoredson BTW, your forum PM is disabled.
Oops. Did not know that! How do I reset it??