I made this small function to create image handles with text and transparency, I use a variation of this in my games for some time now, I figured someone might want to use this in the future.
To run this you'll need the the font used (mouse.ttf), the font name being Mouse Memoirs.
If you have an idea or need help with something feel free to DM me, preferably on Discord.
To run this you'll need the the font used (mouse.ttf), the font name being Mouse Memoirs.
If you have an idea or need help with something feel free to DM me, preferably on Discord.
Code: (Select All)
'Setting the screen so its possible to go back in the function
Dim Shared MainScreen
MainScreen = _NewImage(550, 650, 32)
Screen MainScreen
_Dest MainScreen
'Dims fonts with different sizes.
Dim Shared FontSizes(1024)
For i = 1 To 1024
FontSizes(i) = _LoadFont("mouse.ttf", i, "")
Dim text(20) As Long
text(0) = _NewImage(16, 32, 32)
text(1) = CreateImageText(text(1), "Hello, Welcome to my demo!", 48)
text(2) = CreateImageText(text(2), "This is a demo of my text function", 42)
text(3) = CreateImageText(text(3), "it's possible to do alot of things", 42)
text(4) = CreateImageText(text(4), "Like this!", 90)
text(5) = CreateImageText(text(5), "or this...", 21)
text(6) = CreateImageText(text(6), "I used this in my menu engine and games ", 38)
text(7) = CreateImageText(text(7), "It's pretty flexible too!", 60)
text(8) = CreateImageText(text(8), "You can generate text in real time like this:", 30)
text(9) = CreateImageText(text(9), "!OoOoOoOoOo!", 30) 'This one will change size once in the LOOP
text(10) = CreateImageText(text(10), "Neat, right?", 60)
text(11) = CreateImageText(text(11), "This is the end, bye!", 85)
Intro = _Height + 64
Cls: _Limit 60: _KeyClear
Intro = Intro - 1
o = 0
delay = delay - 1
For i = 1 To 11
If i = 9 And delay < 0 Then delay = 2: text(9) = CreateImageText(text(9), "!OoOoOoOoOo!", Int(Rnd * 80) + 10) ' The real time generating part, pretty simple.
' Line to display the actual size of the images:
'Line ((_Width / 2) - _Width(text(i)) / 2, Intro + o)-((_Width / 2) + _Width(text(i)) / 2, Intro + o + _Height(text(i))), _RGB32(64, 64, 64), BF
_PutImage ((_Width / 2) - _Width(text(i)) / 2, Intro + o), text(i) 'Displaying the images in the right place.
If i <> 9 Then 'This exception is so texts after the 9th don't jitter
o = o + _Height(text(i))
o = o + 100
End If
Loop While Intro > -700
'This is the function I made.
' Handle is the image you want to create, make sure you do " Image = CreateImageText(Image, "blabla", 20) ".
' Why putting Image 2 times? So you don't fill your computer's memory generating a lot of images with the same Handle like in text(9).
Function CreateImageText (Handle As Long, text As String, textsize As Integer) 'Function written by Bhsdfa
If Handle <> 0 Then _FreeImage Handle ' Making sure the Handle is free.
If text = "" Then text = " " ' If text = "" it will generate an error
_Font FontSizes(textsize)
thx = _PrintWidth(text) 'thx and thy are used to set image resolution.
thy = _FontHeight(FontSizes(textsize))
Handleb = _NewImage(thx, thy, 32) 'Why Handleb? For some reason it doesn't work creating the normal Handle, there need to be one more step.
_Dest Handleb
_ClearColor _RGB32(0, 0, 0): _PrintMode _KeepBackground: _Font FontSizes(textsize): _PrintString (0, 0), text, Handleb ' Prints to Handleb
Handle = _NewImage(thx, thy, 32)
_Dest MainScreen
_PutImage (0, 0), Handleb, Handle ' From HandleB to normal Handle.
_Font FontSizes(20) ' Resets the font back to normal, you can switch this in your code to your normal font.
If Handleb <> 0 Then _FreeImage Handleb ' Frees HandleB to prevent filling up memory.
CreateImageText = Handle
End Function