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Isometric Mapping Demo
I was thinking of working up a simple little game which utilizes isometric mapping to create a pseudo-3d environment, and I couldn't find a demo of anything similar on the forums.  So, in the spirit of "can do", I did, and here's what I came up with some time ago and now retweaked and improved for QB64PE:

Code: (Select All)
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 720, 32)

CONST Red = &HFFFF0000, Green = &HFF00FF00
GridSize = 16 'My demo map is only going to be 16x16 pixels

DIM grid(9, 9) AS _BYTE 'create a grid to layout our map

FOR i = 0 TO 9 'and let's create that map.  It's just going to be 4 walls and a floor...
    grid(i, 0) = 1 'wall
    grid(i, 9) = 1
    grid(0, i) = 1
    grid(9, i) = 1

FOR y = 1 TO 8
    FOR x = 1 TO 8
        grid(x, y) = 2 'floor

'Now, let's just draw grids one at a time to compare.
_PRINTSTRING (100, 80), "Normal 2D grid"
FOR y = 0 TO 9
    FOR x = 0 TO 9
        'normal grid first
        IF grid(x, y) = 1 THEN Kolor = Red ELSE Kolor = Green
        xpos = x * GridSize + 100: ypos = y * GridSize + 100
        xpos2 = xpos + GridSize: ypos2 = ypos + GridSize
        LINE (xpos, ypos)-(xpos2, ypos2), Kolor, BF
        LINE (xpos, ypos)-(xpos2, ypos2), &HFFFFFFFF, B
        'and that's all it takes for the normal grid.  Can't get any simpler for 2d maps!


_PRINTSTRING (350, 80), "Normal 2D grid in Isometic Perspective"
FOR y = 0 TO 9
    FOR x = 0 TO 9
        'And now, let's do the same thing with our isometic map.
        IF grid(x, y) = 1 THEN Kolor = Red ELSE Kolor = Green
        xpos = x * GridSize + 100: ypos = y * GridSize + 100
        xpos2 = xpos + GridSize: ypos2 = ypos + GridSize
        IsoLine xpos, ypos, xpos2, ypos2, 500, 0, Kolor
        'And that's basically all the takes to rotate our map to make it a 2D isometic perspective


_PRINTSTRING (350, 360), "Normal 2D grid in 3D Isometic Perspective"
FOR y = 0 TO 9
    FOR x = 0 TO 9
        'And here, I'm going to make it a 3D isometic map
        IF grid(x, y) = 1 THEN Kolor = Red ELSE Kolor = Green
        IF grid(x, y) = 1 THEN z = 16 ELSE z = 0 'Give my walls a height of 16, for a cube

        xpos = x * GridSize + 100: ypos = y * GridSize + 100
        xpos2 = xpos + GridSize: ypos2 = ypos + GridSize
        IsoLine3D xpos, ypos, xpos2, ypos2, z, 500, 300, Kolor

FUNCTION CX2I (x AS LONG, y AS LONG) 'Convert Cartesian X To Isometic coordinates
    CX2I = x - y

FUNCTION CY2I (x AS LONG, y AS LONG) 'Convert Cartesian Y To Isometic coordinates
    CY2I = (x + y) / 2

SUB IsoLine (x, y, x2, y2, xoffset, yoffset, kolor AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
    'since we're drawing a diamond and not a square box, we can't use Line BF.
    'We have to manually down the 4 points of the line.
    LINE (CX2I(x, y) + xoffset, CY2I(x, y) + yoffset)-(CX2I(x2, y) + xoffset, CY2I(x2, y) + yoffset), kolor
    LINE -(CX2I(x2, y2) + xoffset, CY2I(x2, y2) + yoffset), kolor
    LINE -(CX2I(x, y2) + xoffset, CY2I(x, y2) + yoffset), kolor
    LINE -(CX2I(x, y) + xoffset, CY2I(x, y) + yoffset), kolor
    PAINT (CX2I(x, y) + xoffset, CY2I(x, y) + 4), kolor 'and fill the diamond solid
    LINE (CX2I(x, y) + xoffset, CY2I(x, y) + yoffset)-(CX2I(x2, y) + xoffset, CY2I(x2, y) + yoffset), &HFFFFFFFF
    LINE -(CX2I(x2, y2) + xoffset, CY2I(x2, y2) + yoffset), &HFFFFFFFF
    LINE -(CX2I(x, y2) + xoffset, CY2I(x, y2) + yoffset), &HFFFFFFFF
    LINE -(CX2I(x, y) + xoffset, CY2I(x, y) + yoffset), &HFFFFFFFF

SUB IsoLine3D (x, y, x2, y2, z, xoffset, yoffset, kolor AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
    'Like IsoLine, we're going to have to draw our lines manually.
    'only in this case, we also need a Z coordinate to tell us how THICK/TALL/HIGH to make our tile

    'Let's just do all the math first this time.
    'We need to turn those 4 normal points into 4 isometric points (x, y, x1, y1)

    TempX1 = CX2I(x, y) + xoffset: TempY1 = CY2I(x, y) + yoffset
    TempX2 = CX2I(x2, y) + xoffset: TempY2 = CY2I(x2, y) + yoffset
    TempX3 = CX2I(x2, y2) + xoffset: TempY3 = CY2I(x2, y2) + yoffset
    TempX4 = CX2I(x, y2) + xoffset: TempY4 = CY2I(x, y2) + yoffset

    'The top
    FillQuad TempX1, TempY1 - z, TempX2, TempY2 - z, TempX3, TempY3 - z, TempX4, TempY4 - z, kolor
    LINE (TempX1, TempY1 - z)-(TempX2, TempY2 - z), -1 'and redraw the grid
    LINE -(TempX3, TempY3 - z), -1
    LINE -(TempX4, TempY4 - z), -1
    LINE -(TempX1, TempY1 - z), -1

    IF z <> 0 THEN 'no need to draw any height, if there isn't any.
        'the left side
        FillQuad TempX4, TempY4 - z, TempX4, TempY4, TempX3, TempY3, TempX3, TempY3 - z, kolor
        LINE (TempX4, TempY4 - z)-(TempX4, TempY4), -1 'redraw the grid lines
        LINE -(TempX3, TempY3), -1
        LINE -(TempX3, TempY3 - z), -1
        LINE -(TempX4, TempY4 - z), -1
        'and then for the right side
        FillQuad TempX3, TempY3 - z, TempX3, TempY3, TempX2, TempY2, TempX2, TempY2 - z, kolor
        LINE (TempX3, TempY3 - z)-(TempX3, TempY3), -1 'redraw the grid lines
        LINE -(TempX2, TempY2), -1
        LINE -(TempX2, TempY2 - z), -1
        LINE -(TempX3, TempY3 - z), -1
    END IF

SUB FillTriangle (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, K AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
    STATIC a&
    D = _DEST
    IF a& = 0 THEN a& = _NEWIMAGE(1, 1, 32): _DONTBLEND a& '<< fix ??
    _DEST a&
    PSET (0, 0), K
    _DEST D
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(0, 0)-(0, 0), a& TO(x1, y1)-(x2, y2)-(x3, y3)

SUB FillQuad (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, K AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
    FillTriangle x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, K
    FillTriangle x3, y3, x4, y4, x1, y1, K

Messages In This Thread
Isometric Mapping Demo - by SMcNeill - 09-23-2023, 05:50 AM
RE: Isometric Mapping Demo - by vince - 09-23-2023, 01:37 PM
RE: Isometric Mapping Demo - by SMcNeill - 09-23-2023, 03:33 PM

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