11-12-2023, 06:33 AM
Would this little method basically be what you're looking for?
It counts the matches for each column and then shows the total at the bottom. All you'd have to do at this point is just search for the highest value and then display those that have that number of matches.
Code: (Select All)
CONST columns = 20, rows = 10
DIM a(1 TO rows) AS STRING
FOR i = 1 TO rows
FOR j = 1 TO columns
IF INT(RND * 2) THEN a(i) = a(i) + "*" ELSE a(i) = a(i) + "-"
PRINT a(i)
DIM matches(columns)
FOR i = 1 TO rows
FOR j = 1 TO columns
IF MID$(a(i), j, 1) = "*" THEN matches(j) = matches(j) + 1
FOR i = 1 TO columns '
PRINT _TRIM$(STR$(matches(i)));
It counts the matches for each column and then shows the total at the bottom. All you'd have to do at this point is just search for the highest value and then display those that have that number of matches.