12-23-2023, 12:58 PM
Hello Everyone,
Lucky Numbers is a 2 to 4 strategy board game played with individual boards and decks of cards based on the number of players. There is a solo play version, however, I did not not include it here. Each board has spaces 4 across by 4 down to hold numbered cards. Each deck of cards are numbered from 1 to 20 and there is a deck of cards for each number of players. In example: 2 decks of cards for 2 players, 3 decks of cards for 3 players and 4 decks of cards for 4 players. The object of the game is to be the first player to completely fill your board with the numbered cards.
The game starts with each player has a n empty gameboard in front of them. All the decks of cards are shuffled together. There are 4 starting cards placed on each gameboard at the start of the game that are randomly drawn from the deck. The cards are placed in ascending order from the lowest place in the upper left corner position 1:1, the next lowest placed at position 2:2, then the next lowest at position 3:3 and the highest card place at the lower right corner position 4:4. There's an optional version, known as Michael's Version, where only one card is reveled at a time and each player places that card at one of the 4 starting locations they feel is the best spot for that card without looking at any of the face down cards. Then the player turns over the next card in the same manner until all 4 cards are placed in the 4 starting positions.
Cards can only be placed on the board in ascending order from top to bottom and from left to right with the lowest in the upper left corner to the highest in the lower tight corner and no 2 cards with the same number may be next to each other, up and down or side by side. A player may choose to draw a face down card off the top of the deck or play a face up card discarded face up on the table. Once a player draws a face down card from the deck, they stuck with card and can not play a card from the table. If the card drawn from the deck is playable, they may play it on their board or place it on to the table. You may also replace a card on your board with the card you drew from the deck or from the table if it is playable in that spot. The card you removed from your board goes to the table.
The sequence of play: You will be asked number of players, use keyboard for input. Then it will ask to use Michael's Variation, again keyboard input. There will be a thick cursor around the game board board of the player currently taking their turn. At the start of the game, that will be player 1. There is a cursor around the deck of cards indicating thru van draw a card from the deck. The card will appear next to the deck. If there are any cards on the table, there will be a cursor around the the group. To choose a card from the table, click anywhere inside the table cursor, the click on the card you wish to play. A cursor will surround only that card. You van play this card onto your board by clicking the spot on the board or you can select a different table card by re-clicking the card you selected and choose a different or draw a card from the deck.
I've included 2 different copies copies of the rules.
Hope you enjoy playing, Donald
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Lucky Numbers - Coded by Donald L. Foster Jr."
Screen _NewImage(1035, 735, 256)
Randomize Timer
_PaletteColor 1, _RGB32(0, 0, 90) ' Blue Playing Board
_PaletteColor 2, _RGB32(0, 155, 155) ' Cyan Board Spacer
_PaletteColor 3, _RGB32(235, 195, 0) ' Gold Card
_PaletteColor 4, _RGB32(50, 185, 30) ' Green Card
_PaletteColor 5, _RGB32(32, 110, 170) ' Blue Card
_PaletteColor 6, _RGB32(138, 43, 226) ' Purple Card
Dim R As Integer
Dim S As Integer
Dim T As Integer
Dim U As Integer
Dim V As Integer
Dim W As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim Z As Integer
Dim X1 As Integer
Dim X2 As Integer
Dim X3 As Integer
Dim X4 As Integer
Dim Player As Integer
Dim Players As Integer
Dim Row As Integer
Dim Column As Integer
Dim Winner As Integer
Dim Card As Integer
Dim CardColor As Integer
Dim Board As Integer
Dim Variation As Integer
Dim DeckCards As Integer
Dim TableCards As Integer
Dim PlayCard As Integer
Dim PlayColor As Integer
Dim OldCard As Integer
Dim OldColor As Integer
Dim LowCard As Integer
Dim Occupied As Integer
Dim CanPlay As Integer
Dim DrawPile As Integer
Dim Table As Integer
Dim Position As Integer
Dim Routine As Integer
Dim DeckColor(80) As Integer
Dim DeckCard(80) As Integer
Dim CardColor(5) As Integer
Dim Placed(80) As Integer
Dim BoardCenterX(5) As Integer
Dim BoardCenterY(5) As Integer
Dim TableCard(12) As Integer
Dim TableColor(12) As Integer
Dim TableX(12) As Integer
Dim TableY(12) As Integer
Dim HoldCard(4, 4) As Integer
Dim HoldColor(4, 4) As Integer
Dim Sorted(4, 4) As Integer
Dim BoardX(5, 4, 4) As Integer
Dim BoardY(5, 4, 4) As Integer
Dim BoardCard(5, 4, 4) As Integer
Dim BoardColor(5, 4, 4) As Integer
CardColor(1) = 3: CardColor(2) = 4: CardColor(3) = 5: CardColor(4) = 6
fontpath$ = Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\Arialbd.ttf"
fontpath1$ = Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\Arial.ttf"
Color 2, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath$, 80): _Font font&
Locate 3, 295: Print "L U C K Y";
Locate 5, 175: Print "N U M B E R S";
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath$, 30): _Font font&
Locate 17, 315: Print "How Many Players? ( 1 to 4 )";
A$ = InKey$: If A$ = "" GoTo GetPlayers
If Asc(A$) = 27 And FullScreen = 0 Then FullScreen = -1: _FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth Else If Asc(A$) = 27 Then FullScreen = 0: _FullScreen _Off
If Val(A$) < 1 Or Val(A$) > 4 GoTo GetPlayers
Players = Val(A$)
' Setup Deck of Cards
DeckCards = Players * 20
For Z = 1 To DeckCards: Placed(Z) = 0: Next
For Z = 1 To 20
For Y = 1 To Players
Placed: X = Int(Rnd * DeckCards) + 1: If Placed(X) = 0 Then Placed(X) = 1: DeckCard(X) = Z: DeckColor(X) = Y Else GoTo Placed
' Get Board X, Y Positions
If Players = 4 Then
X = 186: Board = 1
For Z = 1 To 2
W = 186
For Y = 1 To 2
U = X - 122
For T = 1 To 4
V = W - 122
For S = 1 To 4
BoardX(Board, T, S) = V: BoardY(Board, T, S) = U
V = V + 81
U = U + 81
BoardCenterX(Board) = W: BoardCenterY(Board) = X
Board = Board + 1
W = W + 363
X = X + 363
ElseIf Players = 3 Then
X = 186: Board = 1
For Z = 1 To 2
If Z = 1 Then R = 2: W = 186 Else R = 1: W = 367
For Y = 1 To R
U = X - 122
For T = 1 To 4
V = W - 122
For S = 1 To 4
BoardX(Board, T, S) = V: BoardY(Board, T, S) = U
V = V + 81
U = U + 81
BoardCenterX(Board) = W: BoardCenterY(Board) = X
Board = Board + 1
W = W + 363
X = X + 363
X = 186: W = 186: Board = 1
For Z = 1 To 2
U = X - 122
For T = 1 To 4
V = W - 122
For S = 1 To 4
BoardX(Board, T, S) = V: BoardY(Board, T, S) = U
V = V + 81
U = U + 81
BoardCenterX(Board) = W: BoardCenterY(Board) = X
Board = Board + 1
X = X + 363: W = W + 363
End If
' Draw Board
For Z = 1 To Players
V = BoardCenterX(Z): U = BoardCenterY(Z)
Line (V - 175, U - 175)-(V + 175, U + 175), 1, BF
For Y = 1 To 4
For X = 1 To 4
X1 = BoardX(Z, Y, X): X2 = BoardY(Z, Y, X): X3 = 0: X4 = 0: DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4
' Setup Table Locations
X = 1: V = 360
For Z = 1 To 4
U = 800
For Y = 1 To 3
TableX(X) = U: TableY(X) = V
X = X + 1: U = U + 81
V = V + 81
Color 2, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath$, 25): _Font font&
_PrintString (812, 10), "L U C K Y"
_PrintString (774, 35), "N U M B E R S"
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath$, 16): _Font font&
Locate 45, 760: Print "Use Michael's Variation? Y or N";
A$ = UCase$(InKey$): If A$ = "" GoTo GetVariation
If Asc(A$) = 27 And FullScreen = 0 Then FullScreen = -1: _FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth Else If Asc(A$) = 27 Then FullScreen = 0: _FullScreen _Off
If A$ = "Y" Then Variation = 1 Else If A$ = "N" Then Variation = 0 Else GoTo GetVariation
' Add Starting Cursors for Michael's Variation
If Variation = 1 Then
For Z = 1 To Players
For R = 1 To 4
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath1$, 16): _Font font&
Locate 45, 750: Print " Place Starting Card on Your Board ";
V = BoardCenterX(Z): U = BoardCenterY(Z)
Line (V - 176, U - 176)-(V + 176, U + 176), 15, B
For Y = 1 To 4
V = BoardX(Z, Y, Y): U = BoardY(Z, Y, Y)
If BoardCard(Z, Y, Y) = 0 Then
Line (V - 39, U - 39)-(V + 39, U + 39), 15, B
Line (V - 39, U - 39)-(V + 39, U + 39), 1, B
End If
X1 = 881: X2 = 110: X3 = Z: X4 = CardColor(Z): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath$, 25): _Font font&
_PrintString (833, 155), "Player " + Str$(Z)
Card = DeckCard(DeckCards): CardColor = DeckColor(DeckCards): DeckCards = DeckCards - 1
X1 = 881: X2 = 350: X3 = Card: X4 = CardColor(CardColor): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4
Do While _MouseInput
For Y = 1 To 4
For X = 1 To 4
If BoardCard(Z, Y, X) = 0 And ((Y = 1 And X = 1) Or (Y = 2 And X = 2) Or (Y = 3 And X = 3) Or (Y = 4 And X = 4)) Then
If _MouseX > BoardX(Z, Y, X) - 40 And _MouseX < BoardX(Z, Y, X) + 40 And _MouseY > BoardY(Z, Y, X) - 40 And _MouseY < BoardY(Z, Y, X) + 40 And _MouseButton(1) = -1 Then
GoSub ReleaseButton: Line (841, 310)-(921, 390), 0, BF
X1 = BoardX(Z, Y, X): X2 = BoardY(Z, Y, X): X3 = Card: X4 = CardColor(CardColor): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4
Line (BoardX(Z, Y, X) - 39, BoardY(Z, Y, X) - 39)-(BoardX(Z, Y, X) + 39, BoardY(Z, Y, X) + 39), 1, B
Line (BoardCenterX(Z) - 176, BoardCenterY(Z) - 176)-(BoardCenterX(Z) + 176, BoardCenterY(Z) + 176), 0, B
BoardCard(Z, Y, X) = Card: BoardColor(Z, Y, X) = CardColor: GoTo EndPlaceCard
End If
End If
A$ = InKey$: If A$ <> "" Then If Asc(A$) = 27 And FullScreen = 0 Then FullScreen = -1: _FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth Else If Asc(A$) = 27 Then FullScreen = 0: _FullScreen _Off
GoTo PlaceStartingCard
' Get Hold Cards
For Z = 1 To 4
For Y = 1 To Players
HoldCard(Y, Z) = DeckCard(DeckCards): HoldColor(Y, Z) = DeckColor(DeckCards): DeckCards = DeckCards - 1
' Sort Hold Cards
For Z = 1 To Players
For Y = 1 To 4
LowCard = 100
For X = 1 To 4
If HoldCard(Z, X) < LowCard And Sorted(Z, X) = 0 Then LowCard = HoldCard(Z, X): CardColor = HoldColor(Z, X): T = X
Sorted(Z, T) = 1: X1 = BoardX(Z, Y, Y): X2 = BoardY(Z, Y, Y): X3 = LowCard: X4 = CardColor(CardColor): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4
BoardCard(Z, Y, Y) = LowCard: BoardColor(Z, Y, Y) = CardColor
End If
Player = 1: Winner = 0
DrawPile = 0: Table = 0: Occupied = 0
' Draw Player Cursor
Line (BoardCenterX(Player) - 176, BoardCenterY(Player) - 176)-(BoardCenterX(Player) + 176, BoardCenterY(Player) + 176), 15, B
Line (BoardCenterX(Player) - 177, BoardCenterY(Player) - 177)-(BoardCenterX(Player) + 177, BoardCenterY(Player) + 177), 15, B
X1 = 881: X2 = 110: X3 = Player: X4 = CardColor(Player): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath$, 25): _Font font&
_PrintString (833, 155), "Player " + Str$(Player)
' Display Deck
X1 = 821: X2 = 240: X3 = 100: X4 = 0: DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4: Line (777, 196)-(865, 284), 15, B
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath1$, 16): _Font font&
Locate 43, 750: Print " Draw a Card From the Deck ";
'Draw Cursor Around Table If Not Empty
If TableCards > 0 Then
Color 15, 0: Locate 45, 750: Print " Or Play a Card From the Table ";
Line (756, 316)-(1006, 646), 15, B
Locate 45, 750: Print String$(70, 32);: Line (756, 316)-(1006, 646), 0, B
End If
Do While _MouseInput
' Draw a Card From the Deck
If _MouseX > 777 And _MouseX < 865 And _MouseY > 196 And _MouseY < 284 And _MouseButton(1) = -1 Then
GoSub ReleaseButton: Line (777, 196)-(865, 284), 0, B: Line (756, 316)-(1006, 646), 15, B
PlayCard = DeckCard(DeckCards): PlayColor = DeckColor(DeckCards): DeckCards = DeckCards - 1
X1 = 941: X2 = 240: X3 = PlayCard: X4 = CardColor(PlayColor): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4: GoTo PlayDeckCard
End If
' Choose Table Cards
If _MouseX > 756 And _MouseX < 1006 And _MouseY > 316 And _MouseY < 646 And _MouseButton(1) = -1 And TableCards > 0 Then
GoSub ReleaseButton: GoTo ChooseTableCard
End If
A$ = InKey$: If A$ <> "" Then If Asc(A$) = 27 And FullScreen = 0 Then FullScreen = -1: _FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth Else If Asc(A$) = 27 Then FullScreen = 0: _FullScreen _Off
GoTo ChooseAPlay
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath1$, 16): _Font font&
Locate 43, 750: Print " Play Card on Your Board ";
Locate 45, 750: Print " Or Move Card to the Table ";
Do While _MouseInput
' Place Card on Table
If _MouseX > 756 And _MouseX < 1006 And _MouseY > 316 And _MouseY < 646 And _MouseButton(1) = -1 Then
GoSub ReleaseButton: Line (897, 196)-(985, 284), 0, BF: Line (756, 316)-(1006, 646), 0, B:
TableCards = TableCards + 1: TableCard(TableCards) = PlayCard: TableColor(TableCards) = PlayColor:
X1 = TableX(TableCards): X2 = TableY(TableCards): X3 = PlayCard: X4 = CardColor(PlayColor): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4: GoTo EndTurn
End If
' Place Card on Board
For Z = 1 To 4
For Y = 1 To 4
If _MouseX > BoardX(Player, Z, Y) - 35 And _MouseX < BoardX(Player, Z, Y) + 35 And _MouseY > BoardY(Player, Z, Y) - 35 And _MouseY < BoardY(Player, Z, Y) + 35 And _MouseButton(1) = -1 Then
GoSub ReleaseButton: Row = Z: Column = Y: DrawPile = 1: Table = 0: Routine = 1: GoTo CheckBoardPosition
End If
A$ = InKey$: If A$ <> "" Then If Asc(A$) = 27 And FullScreen = 0 Then FullScreen = -1: _FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth Else If Asc(A$) = 27 Then FullScreen = 0: _FullScreen _Off
GoTo ChoosePlay
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath1$, 16): _Font font&
Locate 43, 750: Print " Choose a Table Card to Play ";
Locate 45, 750: Print " Or Draw a Card From the Deck ";
Do While _MouseInput
' Choose a Card From the Table
For Z = 1 To TableCards
If _MouseX > TableX(Z) - 35 And _MouseX < TableX(Z) + 35 And _MouseY > TableY(Z) - 35 And _MouseY < TableY(Z) + 35 And _MouseButton(1) = -1 Then
GoSub ReleaseButton: Line (756, 316)-(1006, 646), 0, B: Line (777, 196)-(865, 284), 0, B
Line (TableX(Z) - 41, TableY(Z) - 41)-(TableX(Z) + 41, TableY(Z) + 41), 15, B
PlayCard = TableCard(Z): PlayColor = TableColor(Z): Position = Z: Table = 1: DrawPile = 0: GoTo ChooseBoardPosition
End If
' Choose Draw a Card From the Deck
If _MouseX > 777 And _MouseX < 865 And _MouseY > 196 And _MouseY < 284 And _MouseButton(1) = -1 Then
GoSub ReleaseButton: Line (777, 196)-(865, 284), 0, B: Line (756, 316)-(1006, 646), 15, B
PlayCard = DeckCard(DeckCards): PlayColor = DeckColor(DeckCards): DeckCards = DeckCards - 1
X1 = 941: X2 = 240: X3 = PlayCard: X4 = CardColor(PlayColor): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4: GoTo PlayDeckCard
End If
A$ = InKey$: If A$ <> "" Then If Asc(A$) = 27 And FullScreen = 0 Then FullScreen = -1: _FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth Else If Asc(A$) = 27 Then FullScreen = 0: _FullScreen _Off
GoTo GetTableCard
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath1$, 16): _Font font&
Locate 43, 750: Print " Play Card on Your Board ";
If TableCards > 0 Then Locate 45, 750: Print " Or a Choose Table Card ";
Do While _MouseInput
' Reselect Card on Table
If _MouseX > TableX(Position) - 41 And _MouseX < TableX(Position) + 41 And _MouseY > TableY(Position) - 41 And _MouseY < TableY(Position) + 41 And _MouseButton(1) = -1 Then
GoSub ReleaseButton: Line (TableX(Position) - 41, TableY(Position) - 41)-(TableX(Position) + 41, TableY(Position) + 41), 0, B
Line (777, 196)-(865, 284), 15, B: Line (756, 316)-(1006, 646), 15, B: GoTo ChooseTableCard
End If
' Place Card on Board
For Z = 1 To 4
For Y = 1 To 4
If _MouseX > BoardX(Player, Z, Y) - 35 And _MouseX < BoardX(Player, Z, Y) + 35 And _MouseY > BoardY(Player, Z, Y) - 35 And _MouseY < BoardY(Player, Z, Y) + 35 And _MouseButton(1) = -1 Then
GoSub ReleaseButton: Row = Z: Column = Y:: Routine = 2: GoTo CheckBoardPosition
End If
A$ = InKey$: If A$ <> "" Then If Asc(A$) = 27 And FullScreen = 0 Then FullScreen = -1: _FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth Else If Asc(A$) = 27 Then FullScreen = 0: _FullScreen _Off
GoTo GetBoardPosition
If BoardCard(Player, Row, Column) > 0 Then Occupied = 1: OldCard = BoardCard(Player, Row, Column): OldColor = BoardColor(Player, Row, Column)
X = 1: X1 = 0: X2 = 0: X3 = 0: X4 = 0
Up: If Row - X >= 1 Then
If BoardCard(Player, Row - X, Column) = 0 Then X = X + 1: GoTo Up Else If PlayCard > BoardCard(Player, Row - X, Column) Then X1 = 1
X1 = 1
End If
X = 1
Dn: If Row + X <= 4 Then
If BoardCard(Player, Row + X, Column) = 0 Then X = X + 1: GoTo Dn Else If PlayCard < BoardCard(Player, Row + X, Column) Then X2 = 1
X2 = 1
End If
X = 1
Lt: If Column - X >= 1 Then
If BoardCard(Player, Row, Column - X) = 0 Then X = X + 1: GoTo Lt Else If PlayCard > BoardCard(Player, Row, Column - X) Then X3 = 1
X3 = 1
End If
X = 1
Rt: If Column + X <= 4 Then
If BoardCard(Player, Row, Column + X) = 0 Then X = X + 1: GoTo Rt Else If PlayCard < BoardCard(Player, Row, Column + X) Then X4 = 1
X4 = 1
End If
CanPlay = 0
If X1 = 1 And X2 = 1 And X3 = 1 And X4 = 1 Then
CanPlay = 1
If Routine = 1 Then GoTo ChoosePlay
If Routine = 2 Then GoTo GetBoardPosition
End If
' Place Card on Board
If CanPlay = 1 Then
' Move Card to the Board
BoardCard(Player, Row, Column) = PlayCard: BoardColor(Player, Row, Column) = PlayColor
X1 = BoardX(Player, Row, Column): X2 = BoardY(Player, Row, Column): X3 = PlayCard: X4 = CardColor(PlayColor): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4
' Move Card from Draw Pile
If DrawPile = 1 Then Line (897, 196)-(985, 284), 0, BF
' Move Card from Table
If Table = 1 Then
Line (TableX(Position) - 41, TableY(Position) - 41)-(TableX(Position) + 41, TableY(Position) + 41), 0, BF
While Position < TableCards
TableCard(Position) = TableCard(Position + 1): TableColor(Position) = TableColor(Position + 1)
Line (TableX(Position + 1) - 41, TableY(Position + 1) - 41)-(TableX(Position + 1) + 41, TableY(Position + 1) + 41), 0, BF
X1 = TableX(Position): X2 = TableY(Position): X3 = TableCard(Position): X4 = CardColor(TableColor(Position)): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4
Position = Position + 1
TableCards = TableCards - 1
End If
' Move Old Card to Table
If Occupied = 1 Then
TableCards = TableCards + 1: TableCard(TableCards) = OldCard: TableColor(TableCards) = OldColor
X1 = TableX(TableCards): X2 = TableY(TableCards): X3 = OldCard: X4 = CardColor(OldColor): DrawCard X1, X2, X3, X4
End If
End If
' Check for Winner
X = 0
For Z = 1 To 4
For Y = 1 To 4
If BoardCard(Player, Z, Y) > 0 Then X = X + 1
If X = 16 Then
Color 15, 0: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath1$, 16): _Font font&
Locate 43, 750: Print " Player"; Player; "is the Winner! ";
Locate 45, 750: Print " Play Another Game? Y or N ";
GetYorN: A$ = UCase$(InKey$): If A$ = "" GoTo GetYorN
If Asc(A$) = 27 And FullScreen = 0 Then FullScreen = -1: _FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth Else If Asc(A$) = 27 Then FullScreen = 0: _FullScreen _Off
If A$ = "Y" Then Run
If A$ = "N" Then System
GoTo GetYorN
End If
Line (BoardCenterX(Player) - 176, BoardCenterY(Player) - 176)-(BoardCenterX(Player) + 176, BoardCenterY(Player) + 176), 0, B
Line (BoardCenterX(Player) - 177, BoardCenterY(Player) - 177)-(BoardCenterX(Player) + 177, BoardCenterY(Player) + 177), 0, B
If Player = Players Then Player = 1 Else Player = Player + 1
GoTo StartGame
Do While _MouseInput
If _MouseButton(1) = 0 Then Return
GoTo ReleaseButton
Sub DrawCard (X1, X2, X3, X4)
fontpath$ = Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\Arialbd.ttf"
Line (X1 - 34, X2 - 26)-(X1 - 34, X2 + 26), 2: Line (X1 + 34, X2 - 26)-(X1 + 34, X2 + 26), 2: Line (X1 - 26, X2 - 34)-(X1 + 26, X2 - 34), 2: Line (X1 - 26, X2 + 34)-(X1 + 26, X2 + 34), 2
Circle (X1 - 26, X2 - 26), 8, 2, 1.5, 3.0: Circle (X1 + 26, X2 - 26), 8, 2, 0, 1.6: Circle (X1 - 26, X2 + 26), 8, 2, 3.0, 4.8: Circle (X1 + 26, X2 + 26), 8, 2, 4.5,
If X3 = 100 Then
Paint (X1, X2), 15, 2: Color X4, 15: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath$, 13): _Font font&
Color 2, 15: _PrintString (804, 225), "Lucky": _PrintString (793, 245), "Numbers"
ElseIf X3 > 0 Then
Paint (X1, X2), 2
Line (X1 - 25, X2 - 22)-(X1 - 25, X2 + 22), 15: Line (X1 + 25, X2 - 22)-(X1 + 25, X2 + 22), 15: Line (X1 - 22, X2 - 25)-(X1 + 22, X2 - 25), 15: Line (X1 - 22, X2 + 25)-(X1 + 22, X2 + 25), 15
Circle (X1 - 22, X2 - 22), 3, 15, 1.5, 3.0: Circle (X1 + 22, X2 - 22), 3, 15, 0, 1.6: Circle (X1 - 22, X2 + 22), 3, 15, 3.0, 4.8: Circle (X1 + 22, X2 + 22), 3, 15, 4.5, 0
Paint (X1, X2), 15
Color X4, 15: font& = _LoadFont(fontpath$, 40): _Font font&
If X3 < 10 Then X = 20 Else X = 22
_PrintString (X1 - X, X2 - 15), Right$(Str$(X3), 2)
End If
End Sub