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Date functions
This has all been worked on already, in pure 100% QB64PE code, by yours truly.  All one has to do is plug what they need into their work, as below:

Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1280, 720, 32)

Print "Is the date in proper format?  The skies say "; CheckDayFormat(Date$)
Print "The Date = "; Date$
Print "Weekday  = "; GetWeekDayName(Date$); ", which is day number"; GetWeekDay(Date$); "of the week."
Print "Day      ="; GetDay(Date$)
Print "Month    ="; GetMonth(Date$)
Print "Year    ="; GetYear(Date$)
Print "And to reverse the process we take those values and make them a date with :"; MakeDate(GetMonth(Date$), GetDay(Date$), GetYear(Date$))
Print "And we can always fancify our date to universal formats: "
Print UniDate$("mm/dd/yyyy", Date$)
Print UniDate$("w, MM dd, YYYY", Date$)
Print UniDate$("W, MM DD, YYYY", Date$)
Print UniDate$("dd/mm/yyyy", Date$)
Print UniDate$("W, E D, YYYY", Date$)
Print UniDate$("mm-dd-yy", Date$)

    Print "If you want to know the day that belongs to any date, give me a date in MM/DD/YYYY format =>";
    Input dat$
    If CheckDayFormat(dat$) Then
        Exit Do
        Print "Bad format for your date.  Sorry."

    End If
Print dat$; "was a "; GetWeekDayName$(dat$)
Print "Do you want to know how many days were between two dates?"
Print "Give me the first date in MM/DD/YYYY format =>";
Input dat$
Print "Give me the first date in MM/DD/YYYY format =>";
Input dat2$
Print "There were "; DaysBetween(dat$, dat2$); " days between "; dat$; " and "; dat2$; "."

Function DaysBetween&& (t1$, t2$)
    t1## = TimeStamp(t1$, 0)
    t2## = TimeStamp(t2$, 0)
    If t2## < t1## Then Swap t1##, t2##
    DaysBetween = (t2## - t1##) / (60 * 60 * 24)
End Function

Function CheckDayFormat (Day As String) 'use MM/DD/YYYY format
    Dim As String DD, MM, YYYY, TD, TM, TY
    If Len(Day$) <> 10 Then Glitch = -1
    DD = Left$(Day, 2)
    MM = Mid$(Day, 4, 2)
    YYYY = Right$(Day, 4)
    TD = Right$("00" + _Trim$(Str$(Val(DD))), 2)
    TM = Right$("00" + _Trim$(Str$(Val(MM))), 2)
    TY = Right$("0000" + _Trim$(Str$(Val(YYYY))), 4)
    If TD <> DD Then Glitch = -1
    If TM <> MM Then Glitch = -1
    If TY <> YYYY Then Glitch = -1
    If Glitch = 0 Then CheckDayFormat = -1
End Function

Function GetDay& (Day As String) 'use MM/DD/YYYY format
    If CheckDayFormat(Day$) = 0 Then GetDay = 0: Exit Function
    GetDay = Val(Mid$(Day, 4, 2))
End Function

Function GetMonth& (Day As String) 'use MM/DD/YYYY format
    If CheckDayFormat(Day$) = 0 Then GetMonth = 0: Exit Function
    GetMonth = Val(Left$(Day, 2))
End Function

Function GetYear& (Day As String) 'use MM/DD/YYYY format
    If CheckDayFormat(Day$) = 0 Then GetYear = 0: Exit Function
    GetYear = Val(Right$(Day, 4))
End Function

Function GetWeekDay& (Day$) 'use MM/DD/YYYY format
    'From Zeller's congruence:
    If CheckDayFormat(Day$) = 0 Then GetWeekDay = 0: Exit Function
    Dim As Long century, zerocentury, result
    Dim As Long MM, DD, YYYY
    MM = GetMonth(Day$): DD = GetDay(Day$): YYYY = GetYear(Day$)
    If MM < 3 Then MM = MM + 12: YYYY = YYYY - 1
    century = YYYY Mod 100
    zerocentury = YYYY \ 100
    result = (DD + Int(13 * (MM + 1) / 5) + century + Int(century / 4) + Int(zerocentury / 4) + 5 * zerocentury) Mod 7
    If result = 0 Then result = 7
    GetWeekDay& = result 'results are 1 to 7, from Sunday to Saturday
End Function

Function GetWeekDayName$ (Day$) 'use MM/DD/YYYY format
    Dim result As Long
    result = GetWeekDay(Day$)
    Select Case result
        Case 1: GetWeekDayName = "Sunday"
        Case 2: GetWeekDayName = "Monday"
        Case 3: GetWeekDayName = "Tuesday"
        Case 4: GetWeekDayName = "Wednesday"
        Case 5: GetWeekDayName = "Thursday"
        Case 6: GetWeekDayName = "Friday"
        Case 7: GetWeekDayName = "Saturday"
    End Select
End Function

Function MakeDate$ (MM As _Unsigned Long, DD As _Unsigned Long, YYYY As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim As String TD, TM, TY
    TM = Right$("00" + _Trim$(Str$(MM)), 2)
    TD = Right$("00" + _Trim$(Str$(DD)), 2)
    TY = Right$("0000" + _Trim$(Str$(YYYY)), 4)
    MakeDate = TM + "-" + TD + "-" + TY
End Function

Function UniDate$ (format$, userdate$)
    'some basic documentation for formatting:
    'dates sent via userdate$ should be in the standardized QB64 DATE$ format -- MM/DD/YYYY
    'To customize your return date format, use the following syntax
    'w = short weekday names.  (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun)
    'W = long weekday names.  (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
    'E = Extended month names.  (January, February, March....)
    'M = long month names.  (Jan, Feb, Mar...)
    'm = short month names.  (01, 02, 03...)
    'D = long day names.  (01st, 02nd, 03rd...)
    'd = short day names.  (01, 02, 03...)
    'Y or y (case insensitive) = year.  Number of Yy present determines the number of digits we return.
    '      YY = 2-digit year
    '      YYYY = 4 digit year
    '      Y with any additional number of y's = 4 digit year by default, so a typo of YYYYY is the same as YYYY.
    'Any other character is simply considered part of the desired output and faithfully carried over into the proper spot.
    '      For example, "mm/dd/yyyy" gives us "02/10/2023" for Feb 10th, 2023.
    '      Second example, "" gives us "10.02.2023" for the same date.
    '      Third example, "dd EE YYYY" gives us "02 February 2023" for that same date.
    'Note:  Extra digits of most of these codes are simply ignored for error proofing purposes, with only the initial code being accepted.
    '      For example "mM YYYY" is actually processed as a simple "m YYYY".  The process won't mix short, long, or extended results.
    '      Also for example, "m YY" is the *exact* same as "mm YY".
    '      Feel free to use extra digits as you desire to help you keep track of positional spacing in your format string.
    '      Even though "M D, yyyy" may process the same as "MMM DDDD, YYYY", the second may work better for you if you're trying to track
    '            position of formatted objects.  (The output would be "Feb 10th, 2023", and those extra characters help hold that
    '            positioning for us easily.)

    'And, I think that's it.  Enjoy, guys!

    Dim As String temp, m, d, y, firstchar, Day
    Dim out$
    Dim As Long MonthSet, DaySet, WeekdaySet, result, YearSet, mm, dd, yyyy, century, zerocentury

    temp$ = userdate$
    If temp$ = "" Then temp$ = Date$
    m$ = Left$(temp$, 2)
    d$ = Mid$(temp$, 4, 2)
    y$ = Right$(temp$, 4)
    temp$ = format$
        firstchar$ = Left$(temp$, 1)
        Select Case firstchar$
            Case "E" 'extended month
                temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                If Not MonthSet Then
                    MonthSet = -1
                    Select Case Val(m$)
                        Case 1: out$ = out$ + "January"
                        Case 2: out$ = out$ + "February"
                        Case 3: out$ = out$ + "March"
                        Case 4: out$ = out$ + "April"
                        Case 5: out$ = out$ + "May"
                        Case 6: out$ = out$ + "June"
                        Case 7: out$ = out$ + "July"
                        Case 8: out$ = out$ + "August"
                        Case 9: out$ = out$ + "September"
                        Case 10: out$ = out$ + "October"
                        Case 11: out$ = out$ + "November"
                        Case 12: out$ = out$ + "December"
                    End Select
                End If
            Case "M" 'long month
                temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                If Not MonthSet Then
                    MonthSet = -1
                    Select Case Val(m$)
                        Case 1: out$ = out$ + "Jan"
                        Case 2: out$ = out$ + "Feb"
                        Case 3: out$ = out$ + "Mar"
                        Case 4: out$ = out$ + "Apr"
                        Case 5: out$ = out$ + "May"
                        Case 6: out$ = out$ + "Jun"
                        Case 7: out$ = out$ + "Jul"
                        Case 8: out$ = out$ + "Aug"
                        Case 9: out$ = out$ + "Sep"
                        Case 10: out$ = out$ + "Oct"
                        Case 11: out$ = out$ + "Nov"
                        Case 12: out$ = out$ + "Dec"
                    End Select
                End If
            Case "m" 'short month
                temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                If Not MonthSet Then
                    MonthSet = -1
                    Select Case Val(m$)
                        Case 1: out$ = out$ + "01"
                        Case 2: out$ = out$ + "02"
                        Case 3: out$ = out$ + "03"
                        Case 4: out$ = out$ + "04"
                        Case 5: out$ = out$ + "05"
                        Case 6: out$ = out$ + "06"
                        Case 7: out$ = out$ + "07"
                        Case 8: out$ = out$ + "08"
                        Case 9: out$ = out$ + "09"
                        Case 10: out$ = out$ + "10"
                        Case 11: out$ = out$ + "11"
                        Case 12: out$ = out$ + "12"
                    End Select
                End If
            Case "D" 'long day
                temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                If Not DaySet Then
                    DaySet = -1
                    out$ = out$ + Right$("00" + _Trim$(d$), 2)
                    Select Case Val(d$)
                        Case 1, 11, 21, 31: out$ = out$ + "st"
                        Case 2, 22: out$ = out$ + "nd"
                        Case 3, 23: out$ = out$ + "rd"
                        Case Else: out$ = out$ + "th"
                    End Select
                End If
            Case "d" 'short day
                temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                If Not DaySet Then
                    DaySet = -1
                    out$ = out$ + Right$("00" + _Trim$(d$), 2)
                End If

            Case "W" 'long weekday
                temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                If Not WeekdaySet Then
                    GoSub getday
                    Select Case result
                        Case 0: Day$ = "Saturday"
                        Case 1: Day$ = "Sunday"
                        Case 2: Day$ = "Monday"
                        Case 3: Day$ = "Tuesday"
                        Case 4: Day$ = "Wednesday"
                        Case 5: Day$ = "Thursday"
                        Case 6: Day$ = "Friday"
                    End Select
                    out$ = out$ + Day$
                End If
            Case "w" 'short weekday
                temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                If Not WeekdaySet Then
                    GoSub getday
                    Select Case result
                        Case 0: Day$ = "Sat"
                        Case 1: Day$ = "Sun"
                        Case 2: Day$ = "Mon"
                        Case 3: Day$ = "Tue"
                        Case 4: Day$ = "Wed"
                        Case 5: Day$ = "Thr"
                        Case 6: Day$ = "Fri"
                    End Select
                    out$ = out$ + Day$
                End If
            Case "Y", "y" 'year
                If Not YearSet Then
                    YearSet = -1
                    If Left$(UCase$(temp$), 4) = "YYYY" Then
                        temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 5)
                        out$ = out$ + y$
                    ElseIf Left$(UCase$(temp$), 2) = "YY" Then
                        temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 3)
                        out$ = out$ + Right$(y$, 2)
                        temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                        out$ = out$ + y$
                    End If
                    temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                End If
            Case Else 'seperator
                temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2)
                out$ = out$ + firstchar$
        End Select
    Loop Until temp$ = ""
    UniDate$ = out$
    Exit Function

    WeekdaySet = -1
    'From Zeller's congruence:
    mm = Val(m$): dd = Val(d$): yyyy = Val(y$)
    If mm < 3 Then mm = mm + 12: yyyy = yyyy - 1
    century = yyyy Mod 100
    zerocentury = yyyy \ 100
    result = (dd + Int(13 * (mm + 1) / 5) + century + Int(century / 4) + Int(zerocentury / 4) + 5 * zerocentury) Mod 7
End Function

Function TimeStamp## (d1$, t##) 'date and timer
    'Based on Unix Epoch time, which starts at year 1970.
    Dim l As _Integer64, l1 As _Integer64, m As _Integer64
    Dim d As _Integer64, y As _Integer64, i As _Integer64
    Dim s As _Float, d$
    If CheckDayFormat(d1$) = 0 Then
        Print "Bad format for date.  Can not get a timestamp.  Default value of ERROR ERROR issued instead!"
        Error 5
        Exit Function
    End If
    d$ = d1$
    For i = 1 To Len(d$) 'replace hypens with /
        If Mid$(d$, i, 1) = "\" Then Mid$(d$, i) = "-"
        If Mid$(d$, i, 1) = "/" Then Mid$(d$, i) = "-"
    l = InStr(d$, "-")
    l1 = InStr(l + 1, d$, "-")
    m = Val(Left$(d$, l))
    d = Val(Mid$(d$, l + 1))
    y = Val(Mid$(d$, l1 + 1))
    If y < 1970 Then 'calculate shit backwards
        Select Case m 'turn the day backwards for the month
            Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12: d = 31 - d '31 days
            Case 2: d = 28 - d 'special 28 or 29.
            Case 4, 6, 9, 11: d = 30 - d '30 days
        End Select
        If y Mod 4 = 0 And m < 3 Then 'check for normal leap year, and we're before it...
            d = d + 1 'assume we had a leap year, subtract another day
            If y Mod 100 = 0 And y Mod 400 <> 0 Then d = d - 1 'not a leap year if year is divisible by 100 and not 400
        End If

        'then count the months that passed after the current month
        For i = m + 1 To 12
            Select Case i
                Case 2: d = d + 28
                Case 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12: d = d + 31
                Case 4, 6, 9, 11: d = d + 30
            End Select

        'we should now have the entered year calculated.  Now lets add in for each year from this point to 1970
        d = d + 365 * (1969 - y) '365 days per each standard year
        For i = 1968 To y + 1 Step -4 'from 1968 onwards,backwards, skipping the current year (which we handled previously in the FOR loop)
            d = d + 1 'subtract an extra day every leap year
            If (i Mod 100) = 0 And (i Mod 400) <> 0 Then d = d - 1 'but skipping every year divisible by 100, but not 400
        s## = d * 24 * 60 * 60 'Seconds are days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
        TimeStamp## = -(s## + 24 * 60 * 60 - t##)
        Exit Function
        y = y - 1970
    End If

    For i = 1 To m 'for this year,
        Select Case i 'Add the number of days for each previous month passed
            Case 1: d = d 'January doestn't have any carry over days.
            Case 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11: d = d + 31
            Case 3 'Feb might be a leap year
                If (y Mod 4) = 2 Then 'if this year is divisible by 4 (starting in 1972)
                    d = d + 29 'its a leap year
                    If (y Mod 100) = 30 And (y Mod 400) <> 30 Then 'unless..
                        d = d - 1 'the year is divisible by 100, and not divisible by 400
                    End If
                Else 'year not divisible by 4, no worries
                    d = d + 28
                End If
            Case 5, 7, 10, 12: d = d + 30
        End Select
    d = (d - 1) + 365 * y 'current month days passed + 365 days per each standard year
    For i = 2 To y - 1 Step 4 'from 1972 onwards, skipping the current year (which we handled previously in the FOR loopp)
        d = d + 1 'add an extra day every leap year
        If (i Mod 100) = 30 And (i Mod 400) <> 30 Then d = d - 1 'but skiping every year divisible by 100, but not 400
    s## = d * 24 * 60 * 60 'Seconds are days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
    TimeStamp## = (s## + t##)
End Function

Function ExtendedTimer##
    'Simplified version of the TimeStamp routine, streamlined to only give positive values based on the current timer.
    'Note:  Only good until the year 2100, as we don't do all the fancy calculations for leap years.
    'A timer should work quickly and efficiently in the background; and the less we do, the less lag we might insert
    'into a program.

    Dim m As Integer, d As Integer, y As Integer
    Dim s As _Float, day As String
    day = Date$
    m = Val(Left$(day, 2))
    d = Val(Mid$(day, 4, 2))
    y = Val(Right$(day, 4)) - 1970
    Select Case m 'Add the number of days for each previous month passed
        Case 2: d = d + 31
        Case 3: d = d + 59
        Case 4: d = d + 90
        Case 5: d = d + 120
        Case 6: d = d + 151
        Case 7: d = d + 181
        Case 8: d = d + 212
        Case 9: d = d + 243
        Case 10: d = d + 273
        Case 11: d = d + 304
        Case 12: d = d + 334
    End Select
    If (y Mod 4) = 2 And m > 2 Then d = d + 1 'add a day if this is leap year and we're past february
    d = (d - 1) + 365 * y 'current month days passed + 365 days per each standard year
    d = d + (y + 2) \ 4 'add in days for leap years passed
    s = d * 24 * 60 * 60 'Seconds are days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
    ExtendedTimer## = (s + Timer)
End Function

Messages In This Thread
Date functions - by dritter - 03-04-2024, 05:49 AM
RE: Date functions - by Pete - 03-04-2024, 06:43 AM
RE: Date functions - by Dimster - 03-04-2024, 03:04 PM
RE: Date functions - by mdijkens - 03-04-2024, 04:00 PM
RE: Date functions - by Dimster - 03-04-2024, 04:43 PM
RE: Date functions - by SMcNeill - 03-04-2024, 05:51 PM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-04-2024, 06:12 PM
RE: Date functions - by mdijkens - 03-04-2024, 06:46 PM
RE: Date functions - by madscijr - 03-05-2024, 07:18 PM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-05-2024, 10:52 PM
RE: Date functions - by madscijr - 03-05-2024, 11:15 PM
RE: Date functions - by bplus - 03-04-2024, 06:16 PM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-04-2024, 06:19 PM
RE: Date functions - by Pete - 03-04-2024, 06:43 PM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-05-2024, 11:13 PM
RE: Date functions - by madscijr - 03-05-2024, 11:28 PM
RE: Date functions - by mdijkens - 03-06-2024, 07:47 AM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-05-2024, 11:27 PM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-05-2024, 11:48 PM
RE: Date functions - by SMcNeill - 03-06-2024, 12:23 AM
RE: Date functions - by SpriggsySpriggs - 03-06-2024, 12:24 PM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-07-2024, 11:17 PM
RE: Date functions - by mdijkens - 03-08-2024, 08:03 AM
RE: Date functions - by SMcNeill - 03-07-2024, 11:29 PM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-07-2024, 11:41 PM
RE: Date functions - by SpriggsySpriggs - 03-08-2024, 12:48 PM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-08-2024, 03:20 PM
RE: Date functions - by mdijkens - 03-08-2024, 04:06 PM
RE: Date functions - by bplus - 03-08-2024, 04:48 PM
RE: Date functions - by mdijkens - 03-08-2024, 05:01 PM
RE: Date functions - by Kernelpanic - 03-08-2024, 09:30 PM
RE: Date functions - by dano - 05-20-2024, 04:22 PM

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