08-16-2024, 10:21 PM
(08-16-2024, 09:38 PM)TerryRitchie Wrote:(08-16-2024, 09:26 PM)SMcNeill Wrote: Set a flag. That checks for 16 NON-BLACK colors.I think I'm getting dense in my old age. I've re-read this a few times and can't wrap my head around what you are getting at. Isn't the variable c already counting the valid colors?
If theres a black in those first palette entries, and then 16 other colors, that's NOT a 16-color palette.
For example:
Black * 250
The above would count as 4 non-black colors, but there's a valid Black in the 5-color palette. I wouldn't call that a 4-color image.
The <= 16 check is for:
standard 16 color palette (black + 15 others)
non-black palette (someone swapped black for midnight blue.)
But it's going to glitch with:
Black + 16 other colors, which is actually a 17-color palette and probably a 256 color image.
Subtle glitch, but one that a library function should account for. You never know who or where a library ends up being exposed to.
Could you modify the function I created that shows the code you are referring to that needs to be added?
It's counting NON-BLACK colors:
IF _PALETTECOLOR(p, i) <> &HFF000000 <--- This line right here. &HFF000000 is full alpha black. If the palette we're using isn't a black color then... we count a color. But, what if the color IS black? it never gets counted.
Try this example with the glitch. I'll zap up a fix in a bit, but this highlights the issue for you, I think.
Code: (Select All)
Dim a(5)
a(1) = _NewImage(640, 480, 32) ' 32 bit color
a(2) = _NewImage(640, 480, 256) ' 256 color
a(3) = _NewImage(640, 480, 12) ' 16 color
a(4) = _NewImage(80, 25, 0) ' text (16 color)
a(5) = _NewImage(640, 480, 256) '256 colors, but with a very weird palette
For i = 17 To 255 'colors 17 to 255 are black
_PaletteColor i, &HFF000000&&, a(5)
Print IMG_ColorDepth(a(1)) ' 32 bit color return
Print IMG_ColorDepth(a(2)) ' 256 color return
Print IMG_ColorDepth(a(3)) ' 16 color return
Print IMG_ColorDepth(a(4)) ' text color return
Print IMG_ColorDepth(a(5)); " <--- Note here" ' 256 weird palette color return
'PRINT IMG_ColorDepth(-30) ' this line will cause the error described in the function's documentation
Function IMG_ColorDepth% (i As Long)
'| Returns the color depth of an image passed in. |
'| |
'| i - the image handle |
'| |
'| Returns: 0 : not an image |
'| 32 : 32 bit color image |
'| 256 : 256 color image |
'| 16 : 16 color image (or text only) |
'| |
'| Note: this function will fail if an image |
'| handle value passed in is less than -1 |
'| but does not belong to an actual image. |
Dim c As Integer ' color counter
Dim p As Integer ' palette counter
If i > -2 Then Exit Function ' not an image, return 0
If _PixelSize(i) = 4 Then ' 4 bytes per pixel?
IMG_ColorDepth% = 32 ' yes, 32 bit color image
Else ' no, 1 byte per pixel
p = 0 ' reset palette counter
c = 0 ' reset color counter
Do ' begin palette search
If _PaletteColor(p, i) <> &HFF000000 Then c = c + 1 ' increment color counter if color found
p = p + 1 ' increment palette counter
Loop Until p = 256 ' leave when entire palette searched
If c <= 16 Then ' 16 colors or less?
IMG_ColorDepth% = 16 ' yes, 16 color image
Else ' no, greater than 16
IMG_ColorDepth% = 256 ' 256 color image
End If
End If
End Function