Posts: 4,121
Threads: 188
Joined: Apr 2022
June, July, August, Sept, due October yeah a little off.
See these guys know how to count!
b = b + ...
Posts: 2,520
Threads: 254
Joined: Apr 2022
Ya not getsing out of it that easy ya lop-eared polecat. When I comes knockin' on yur door on August 31sty, ya best be having my Halloweenie candy ready!
- Sam
Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.
Posts: 4,121
Threads: 188
Joined: Apr 2022
Just remember, it's Trick or Treat and if you knock on my door Aug 31st consider yourself treated to a trick
But I am not worried about being reciprocated by being treated to some lead.
To get to my place will require a train trip to Willoughby or take the plane moo ha, ha!
b = b + ...
Posts: 4,121
Threads: 188
Joined: Apr 2022
OK I am throwing up a Challenge to the forum members.
From bplus Screen Savers thread allot of people remember Mystify as their favorite Screen Saver from past .
Quote:I found this, slightly better than my version that starts this thread:
It appears to be doing shapely curves. Can anyone, duplicate or even better that!?
I don't think it would be a major overhaul to get those nice curvy lines going, maybe?
b = b + ...
Posts: 586
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Joined: Apr 2022
Are there any rules to this one or just a free-for-all Halloween extravaganza?
Posts: 4,121
Threads: 188
Joined: Apr 2022
Hi Ken,
No rules just get the screen saver looking like that guy's in video and enjoy your time trying.
Probably get a thumbs up for being first. Rho Sigma almost has it in an old screen saver he had called Splines, check out his "ScreenBlankers"
Here is a copy:
Code: (Select All) '+---------------+---------------------------------------------------+
'| ###### ###### | .--. . .-. |
'| ## ## ## # | | )| ( ) o |
'| ## ## ## | |--' |--. .-. `-. . .-...--.--. .-. |
'| ###### ## | | \ | |( )( ) | ( || | |( ) |
'| ## ## | ' `' `-`-' `-'-' `-`-`|' ' `-`-'`- |
'| ## ## # | ._.' |
'| ## ###### | Sources & Documents placed in the Public Domain. |
'| |
'| === Splines.bas === |
'| |
'| == Similar to the Mystify screen blanker, but adds Splines. |
'| |
'| Done by RhoSigma, R.Heyder, provided AS IS, use at your own risk. |
'| Find me in the QB64 Forum or mail to for |
'| any questions or suggestions. Thanx for your interest in my work. |
Dim Shared scrw%, scrh%
di& = _ScreenImage
scrw% = _Width(di&)
scrh% = _Height(di&)
_FreeImage di&
si& = _NewImage(scrw%, scrh%, 256)
Screen si&
_Delay 0.2: _ScreenMove _Middle
_Delay 0.2: _FullScreen
Const MAX_LINES = 30 'at least 1 !!!
Const MAX_POINTS = 20 'at least 16 !!!
Const ANIM_INTERVAL = 15 'change anim type every n seconds
Dim Shared storex%(MAX_LINES - 1, MAX_POINTS - 1)
Dim Shared storey%(MAX_LINES - 1, MAX_POINTS - 1)
Dim Shared ptr%, eptr%
Dim Shared numLines%, mdelta%, maxLines%
mdelta% = -1: maxLines% = MAX_LINES \ 2
Dim Shared maxPoints%
Dim Shared dx%(MAX_POINTS - 1), dy%(MAX_POINTS - 1)
Dim Shared ox%(MAX_POINTS - 1), oy%(MAX_POINTS - 1)
Dim Shared nx%(MAX_POINTS - 1), ny%(MAX_POINTS - 1)
Dim Shared dr%, dg%, db%
Dim Shared nr%, ng%, nb%
Dim Shared animTimeout%
Dim Shared closed%
Dim Shared nextlegal$(9)
nextlegal$(0) = "01458": nextlegal$(1) = "236": nextlegal$(2) = "01458"
nextlegal$(3) = "236": nextlegal$(4) = "01458": nextlegal$(5) = "23"
nextlegal$(6) = "01458": nextlegal$(7) = "": nextlegal$(8) = "0145"
nextlegal$(9) = ""
Dim Shared advval%(9)
advval%(0) = 3: advval%(1) = 2: advval%(2) = 3: advval%(3) = 2: advval%(4) = 1
advval%(5) = 0: advval%(6) = 1: advval%(7) = 0: advval%(8) = 1: advval%(9) = 0
Dim Shared realfunc%(13)
Dim Shared sp&
sp& = 1000
Dim Shared stack&(sp& - 1)
Dim Shared oldx&, oldy&
Randomize Timer
animTimeout% = 0
Color 1
On Timer(1) GoSub raiseTimeout
Timer On
While InKey$ = "" And mx% = 0 And my% = 0
If animTimeout% >= ANIM_INTERVAL Then
Randomize Timer
animTimeout% = 0
End If
_Limit 60
Do While _MouseInput
mx% = mx% + _MouseMovementX
my% = my% + _MouseMovementY
Timer Off
_FullScreen _Off
_Delay 0.2: Screen 0
_Delay 0.2: _FreeImage si&
animTimeout% = animTimeout% + 1
Sub StartLines
ptr% = 0
eptr% = 0
numLines% = 0
If dx%(0) = 0 Then
For i% = 0 To MAX_POINTS - 1
ox%(i%) = RangeRand%(0, scrw% - 1)
oy%(i%) = RangeRand%(0, scrh% - 1)
dx%(i%) = RangeRand%(4, 7)
dy%(i%) = RangeRand%(4, 7)
Next i%
End If
nr% = 53
ng% = 33
nb% = 35
dr% = -3
dg% = 5
db% = 7
_PaletteColor 1, _RGB32(nr%, ng%, nb%)
For i% = 0 To maxLines% - 1
Next i%
End Sub
Sub AdvanceLines
For i% = 0 To maxPoints% - 1
Adv ox%(i%), dx%(i%), nx%(i%), scrw%
Adv oy%(i%), dy%(i%), ny%(i%), scrh%
Next i%
End Sub
Sub DrawNew
While numLines% >= maxLines%
Color 0
bptr% = eptr%
DrawFunc bptr%
Color 1
numLines% = numLines% - 1
bptr% = bptr% + 1
If bptr% = MAX_LINES Then bptr% = 0
eptr% = bptr%
bptr% = ptr%
For i% = 0 To maxPoints% - 1
ox%(i%) = nx%(i%)
storex%(bptr%, i%) = ox%(i%)
oy%(i%) = ny%(i%)
storey%(bptr%, i%) = oy%(i%)
Next i%
DrawFunc bptr%
numLines% = numLines% + 1
bptr% = bptr% + 1
If bptr% = MAX_LINES Then
bptr% = 0
If mdelta% = 1 Then
maxLines% = maxLines% + 1
If maxLines% >= MAX_LINES - 1 Then mdelta% = -1
maxLines% = maxLines% - 1
If maxLines% <= 2 Then mdelta% = 1
End If
End If
ptr% = bptr%
End Sub
Sub MakeFunc
closed% = RangeRand%(0, 3)
Select Case closed%
Case 3: closed% = 2: goallen% = RangeRand%(3, 6)
Case 2: goallen% = RangeRand%(3, 6)
Case 1: goallen% = RangeRand%(4, 10)
Case 0: goallen% = RangeRand%(2, 9)
End Select
If closed% = 0 Then nextpossib$ = "0145": Else nextpossib$ = "0123456"
sofar% = 0: p% = 0
While sofar% < goallen%
i% = Asc(Mid$(nextpossib$, RangeRand%(1, Len(nextpossib$)), 1)) - 48
realfunc%(p%) = i%
p% = p% + 1
nextpossib$ = nextlegal$(i%)
sofar% = sofar% + advval%(i%)
If sofar% = goallen% Then
If closed% = 0 Then
If Left$(nextpossib$, 1) = "0" Then Exit Do
If (Left$(nextpossib$, 1) = "0") Or (realfunc%(0) < 4) Or (realfunc%(p% - 1) < 4) Then
If ((Left$(nextpossib$, 1) = "0") And ((realfunc%(0) And 2) <> 0)) Or ((Left$(nextpossib$, 1) <> "0") And ((realfunc%(0) And 2) = 0)) Then
If realfunc%(0) <> 5 Then
realfunc%(0) = realfunc%(0) ^ 2
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
End If
realfunc%(p%) = 100
maxPoints% = goallen%
Select Case closed%
Case 2
For i% = 0 To p% - 1
realfunc%(p% + i%) = realfunc%(i%)
Next i%
realfunc%(p% + i%) = 100
Case 0
maxPoints% = maxPoints% + 1
End Select
End Sub
Sub DrawFunc (bptr%)
Select Case closed%
Case 2
For i% = 0 To maxPoints% - 1
storex%(bptr%, maxPoints% + i%) = scrw% - 1 - storex%(bptr%, i%)
storey%(bptr%, maxPoints% + i%) = scrh% - 1 - storey%(bptr%, i%)
Next i%
GoSub setup
Case 1
i% = 0
GoSub setup
End Select
p% = 0: i% = 0
While realfunc%(p%) < 10
Select Case realfunc%(p%)
Case 0: DrawSF bptr%, i%
Case 1: DrawS_F bptr%, i%
Case 2: Draw_SF bptr%, i%
Case 3: Draw_S_F bptr%, i%
Case 4: DrawLF bptr%, i%
Case 5: DrawL_F bptr%, i%
Case 6: Draw_LF bptr%, i%
End Select
i% = i% + advval%(realfunc%(p%))
p% = p% + 1
If p% = 0 Then animTimeout% = ANIM_INTERVAL 'skip null random loop
Exit Sub
storex%(bptr%, maxPoints% + i%) = storex%(bptr%, 0)
storey%(bptr%, maxPoints% + i%) = storey%(bptr%, 0)
storex%(bptr%, maxPoints% + i% + 1) = storex%(bptr%, 1)
storey%(bptr%, maxPoints% + i% + 1) = storey%(bptr%, 1)
End Sub
Sub DrawSF (l%, p%)
oldx& = storex%(l%, p% + 0)
oldy& = storey%(l%, p% + 0)
DrawSpline storex%(l%, p%+0) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+0) * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+1) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+1) * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+2) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+2) * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+3) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+3) * 128
End Sub
Sub DrawS_F (l%, p%)
oldx& = storex%(l%, p% + 0)
oldy& = storey%(l%, p% + 0)
DrawSpline storex%(l%, p%+0) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+0) * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+1) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+1) * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+2) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+2) * 128,_
((storex%(l%, p%+2) + storex%(l%, p%+3)) \ 2) * 128,_
((storey%(l%, p%+2) + storey%(l%, p%+3)) \ 2) * 128
End Sub
Sub Draw_SF (l%, p%)
oldx& = (storex%(l%, p% + 0) + storex%(l%, p% + 1)) \ 2
oldy& = (storey%(l%, p% + 0) + storey%(l%, p% + 1)) \ 2
DrawSpline oldx& * 128, oldy& * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+1) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+1) * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+2) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+2) * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+3) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+3) * 128
End Sub
Sub Draw_S_F (l%, p%)
oldx& = (storex%(l%, p% + 0) + storex%(l%, p% + 1)) \ 2
oldy& = (storey%(l%, p% + 0) + storey%(l%, p% + 1)) \ 2
DrawSpline oldx& * 128, oldy& * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+1) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+1) * 128,_
storex%(l%, p%+2) * 128, storey%(l%, p%+2) * 128,_
((storex%(l%, p%+2) + storex%(l%, p%+3)) \ 2) * 128,_
((storey%(l%, p%+2) + storey%(l%, p%+3)) \ 2) * 128
End Sub
Sub DrawLF (l%, p%)
PSet (storex%(l%, p% + 0), storey%(l%, p% + 0))
Line -(storex%(l%, p% + 1), storey%(l%, p% + 1))
End Sub
Sub DrawL_F (l%, p%)
PSet (storex%(l%, p% + 0), storey%(l%, p% + 0))
LINE -((storex%(l%, p%+0) + storex%(l%, p%+1)) \ 2,_
(storey%(l%, p%+0) + storey%(l%, p%+1)) \ 2)
End Sub
Sub Draw_LF (l%, p%)
PSET ((storex%(l%, p%+0) + storex%(l%, p%+1)) \ 2,_
(storey%(l%, p%+0) + storey%(l%, p%+1)) \ 2)
Line -(storex%(l%, p% + 1), storey%(l%, p% + 1))
End Sub
Sub Colors
ar% = nr%
ag% = ng%
ab% = nb%
Adv ar%, dr%, nr%, 240
Adv ag%, dg%, ng%, 240
Adv ab%, db%, nb%, 240
_PaletteColor 1, _RGB32(nr%, ng%, nb%)
End Sub
Sub Adv (a%, d%, n%, w%)
n% = a% + d%
If n% < 0 Then
n% = 0
d% = RangeRand%(1, 6)
ElseIf n% >= w% Then
n% = w% - 1
d% = RangeRand%(-6, -1)
End If
End Sub
Sub DrawSpline (x1&, y1&, x2&, y2&, x3&, y3&, x4&, y4&)
PSet (oldx&, oldy&) 'move to start point
GoSub rspline
Exit Sub
'line by line convert from Motorola 68k assembler
'a0-a7 -> 32 bits long address registers (a7 = sp)
'd0-d7 -> 32 bits long data registers
'a0 AS LONG x1, a1 AS LONG y1
'a2 AS LONG x2, a3 AS LONG y2
'a5 AS LONG x3, a6 AS LONG y3
'd6 AS LONG x4, d7 AS LONG y4
d0& = x1& ' move.l a0,d0
d0& = d0& - x4& ' sub.l d6,d0
d3& = d0& ' move.l d0,d3
If d0& >= 0 GoTo save1 ' bpl.s save1
d0& = -d0& ' neg.l d0
d1& = y1& ' move.l a1,d1
d1& = d1& - y4& ' sub.l d7,d1
d4& = d1& ' move.l d1,d4
If d1& >= 0 GoTo save2 ' bpl.s save2
d1& = -d1& ' neg.l d1
d2& = d0& ' move.l d0,d2
tmp& = d1& - d0& ' cmp.l d0,d1
If tmp& < 0 GoTo save3 ' bmi.s save3
d2& = (d2& \ 8) And &H1FFFFFFF~& ' lsr.l #3,d2
GoTo save9 ' bra.s save9
d1& = (d1& \ 8) And &H1FFFFFFF~& ' lsr.l #3,d1
d2& = d2& + d1& ' add.l d1,d2
d2& = d2& \ 8 ' asr.l #3,d2
If d2& = 0 GoTo check2 ' beq.s check2
d3& = d3& \ 32 ' asr.l #5,d3
d4& = d4& \ 32 ' asr.l #5,d4
d0& = x2& ' move.l a2,d0
d0& = d0& - x1& ' sub.l a0,d0
d1& = y2& ' move.l a3,d1
d1& = d1& - y1& ' sub.l a1,d1
d0& = d0& \ 32 ' asr.l #5,d0
d1& = d1& \ 32 ' asr.l #5,d1
d0& = (d0& And &HFFFF~&) * (d4& And &HFFFF~&) ' muls.w d4,d0
d1& = (d1& And &HFFFF~&) * (d3& And &HFFFF~&) ' muls.w d3,d1
d0& = d0& - d1& ' sub.l d1,d0
If d0& >= 0 GoTo save4 ' bpl.s save4
d0& = -d0& ' neg.l d0
tmp& = d2& - d0& ' cmp.l d0,d2
If tmp& <= 0 GoTo pushem ' ble.s pushem
d0& = x3& ' move.l a5,d0
d0& = d0& - x1& ' sub.l a0,d0
d1& = y3& ' move.l a6,d1
d1& = d1& - y1& ' sub.l a1,d1
d0& = d0& \ 32 ' asr.l #5,d0
d1& = d1& \ 32 ' asr.l #5,d1
d0& = (d0& And &HFFFF~&) * (d4& And &HFFFF~&) ' muls.w d4,d0
d1& = (d1& And &HFFFF~&) * (d3& And &HFFFF~&) ' muls.w d3,d1
d0& = d0& - d1& ' sub.l d1,d0
If d0& >= 0 GoTo save5 ' bpl.s save5
d0& = -d0& ' neg.l d0
tmp& = d2& - d0& ' cmp.l d0,d2
If tmp& <= 0 GoTo pushem ' ble.s pushem
y4& = (y4& \ 128) And &H01FFFFFF~& ' lsr.l #7,d7
d1& = y4& ' move.l d7,d1
x4& = (x4& \ 128) And &H01FFFFFF~& ' lsr.l #7,d6
d0& = x4& ' move.l d6,d0
oldx& = d0& ' move.l d0,_oldx
oldy& = d1& ' move.l d1,_oldy
Line -(d0&, d1&) ' jsr _LVODraw
Return ' rts
d0& = x1& ' move.l a0,d0
d0& = d0& - x2& ' sub.l a2,d0
If d0& >= 0 GoTo ch1 ' bpl.s ch1
d0& = -d0& ' neg.l d0
d1& = y1& ' move.l a1,d1
d1& = d1& - y2& ' sub.l a3,d1
If d1& >= 0 GoTo ch2 ' bpl.s ch2
d1& = -d1& ' neg.l d1
d1& = d1& + d0& ' add.l d0,d1
d1& = d1& \ 8 ' asr.l #3,d1
If d1& <> 0 GoTo pushem ' bne.s pushem
d0& = x1& ' move.l a0,d0
d0& = d0& - x3& ' sub.l a5,d0
If d0& >= 0 GoTo ch3 ' bpl.s ch3
d0& = -d0& ' neg.l d0
d1& = y1& ' move.l a1,d1
d1& = d1& - y3& ' sub.l a6,d1
If d1& >= 0 GoTo ch4 ' bpl.s ch4
d1& = -d1& ' neg.l d1
d1& = d1& + d0& ' add.l d0,d1
d1& = d1& \ 8 ' asr.l #3,d1
If d1& = 0 GoTo makeline ' beq.s makeline
sp& = sp& - 2: stack&(sp&) = x4&: stack&(sp& + 1) = y4& 'movem.l d6/d7,-(sp)
d0& = x3& ' move.l a5,d0
d0& = d0& + x4& ' add.l d6,d0
d0& = d0& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d0
d1& = y3& ' move.l a6,d1
d1& = d1& + y4& ' add.l d7,d1
d1& = d1& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d1
sp& = sp& - 2: stack&(sp&) = d0&: stack&(sp& + 1) = d1& 'movem.l d0/d1,-(sp)
d2& = x2& ' move.l a2,d2
d2& = d2& + x3& ' add.l a5,d2
d2& = d2& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d2
d3& = y2& ' move.l a3,d3
d3& = d3& + y3& ' add.l a6,d3
d3& = d3& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d3
d4& = d0& ' move.l d0,d4
d4& = d4& + d2& ' add.l d2,d4
d4& = d4& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d4
d5& = d1& ' move.l d1,d5
d5& = d5& + d3& ' add.l d3,d5
d5& = d5& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d5
sp& = sp& - 2: stack&(sp&) = d4&: stack&(sp& + 1) = d5& 'movem.l d4/d5,-(sp)
x4& = x1& ' move.l a0,d6
x4& = x4& + x2& ' add.l a2,d6
x4& = x4& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d6
y4& = y1& ' move.l a1,d7
y4& = y4& + y2& ' add.l a3,d7
y4& = y4& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d7
d0& = d2& ' move.l d2,d0
d0& = d0& + x4& ' add.l d6,d0
d0& = d0& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d0
d1& = d3& ' move.l d3,d1
d1& = d1& + y4& ' add.l d7,d1
d1& = d1& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d1
x2& = x4& ' move.l d6,a2
y2& = y4& ' move.l d7,a3
x4& = d0& ' move.l d0,d6
x4& = x4& + d4& ' add.l d4,d6
x4& = x4& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d6
y4& = d1& ' move.l d1,d7
y4& = y4& + d5& ' add.l d5,d7
y4& = y4& \ 2 ' asr.l #1,d7
sp& = sp& - 2: stack&(sp&) = x4&: stack&(sp& + 1) = y4& 'movem.l d6/d7,-(sp)
x3& = d0& ' move.l d0,a5
y3& = d1& ' move.l d1,a6
GoSub rspline ' bsr rspline
x1& = stack&(sp&): y1& = stack&(sp& + 1): sp& = sp& + 2 'movem.l (sp)+,a0/a1
x2& = stack&(sp&): y2& = stack&(sp& + 1): sp& = sp& + 2 'movem.l (sp)+,a2/a3
x3& = stack&(sp&): y3& = stack&(sp& + 1): sp& = sp& + 2 'movem.l (sp)+,a5/a6
x4& = stack&(sp&): y4& = stack&(sp& + 1): sp& = sp& + 2 'movem.l (sp)+,d6/d7
GoTo rspline ' bra rspline
End Sub
Function RangeRand% (low%, high%)
RangeRand% = Int(Rnd(1) * (high% - low% + 1)) + low%
End Function
Looks kind of long and complicated, so thumbs up if can do something about that ;-))
b = b + ...
Posts: 4,121
Threads: 188
Joined: Apr 2022
draw this:
b = b + ...
Posts: 2,895
Threads: 341
Joined: Apr 2022
Aren't those mainly just overlapping circles, offset by length of radius on the x/y axis? I swear, I'm certain I've seen this before, and that's basically all they are. Unless I'm just getting senile in my older age.
Posts: 2,895
Threads: 341
Joined: Apr 2022
Not quite the same, but it produces a very similar pattern.
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(600, 600, 32)
r = 100
For x = 0 To 600 Step r
For y = 0 To 600 Step r
Circle (x, y), r
Posts: 4,121
Threads: 188
Joined: Apr 2022
03-27-2024, 01:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2024, 02:02 AM by bplus.)
yes it is a special case of overlapping circles, this particuar design is called the Flower of Life in Sacred Geometry
and I found getting the pattern exactly correct around the edges quite difficult.
i figured to do it right i had to be able to draw this:
and to do that i had to be able to draw this:
thats why i did the border as i did, to show that off.
here is oldest record of Flower of Life and apparently it inspires allot of jewlery sales
thats funny, wiki says it's 19 circles 5 down middle plus 4 more on both sides plus 3 more left and right but i drew the thing with 13.
b = b + ...