For @Dimster. (Beta Version).
Note: Formerly incorrectly titled as a Remline clone. Thanks ahenry for the heads up!
This one lets you use the clipboard to add the path and file name, but if you prefer to just open a dialog box and select the file, I combined my remover with Steve's open dialog in post #14, here:
Utility to remove remarks and make a new file using your old file name + "_nc" added for "no comments."
It will not overwrite your original file and warns if you are going to overwrite a "_nc" file. (Like if you run it more than once).
1) Run program.
2) Go to File Explorer and copy the path to the clipboard. It will be included on the screen. You can also just press Enter if you are working out of the QB64 folder, or you can press the spacebar and it will let you type the path, manually.
3) Do the same for the file name. For .bas files you do not ave to add the extension.
4) Press any key to begin.
It will make the new 'remarkless' version and open it in QB64. If you don't want that 'feature' just REMARK out the SHELL statement.
This is a beta version, so let me know if you find any bugs or a remark situation it can't handle. Oh, it does remove trailing colons, and lines that are fully remarked, and it also skips removal for any ' or Rem keywords inside quotes. What I didn't add is the remote instances where QB64 programs have that trailing _ symbol to line wrap code that is very long.
test file: Name as: "junkme.bas"
Note: Formerly incorrectly titled as a Remline clone. Thanks ahenry for the heads up!
This one lets you use the clipboard to add the path and file name, but if you prefer to just open a dialog box and select the file, I combined my remover with Steve's open dialog in post #14, here:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Pete's Remark-Disable"
Width 80, 25
_Font 16
_ScreenMove 20, 0
Dim i As _Integer64
Dim col As Integer
_Clipboard$ = "C:\qb64pe\steve-junk.bas"
If Len(_Clipboard$) > 100 Then
Print "Warning: This application will erase your current clipboard contents."
Print: Print "Press Enter to continue or Esc to quit..."
b$ = InKey$
If Len(b$) Then
If b$ = Chr$(27) Then System
If b$ = Chr$(13) Then Exit Do
End If
_Limit 60
_Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
hold$ = _Clipboard$
_Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
End If
While -1
Locate 1, 1: View Print CsrLin To _Height - 1: Cls 2: View Print
Locate 1, 1: Print "Paste directory name: ": Locate 3, 1, 1, 7, 30
_Limit 60
b$ = InKey$
If Len(b$) Then
_Limit 10
Select Case b$
Case Chr$(27): System
Case Chr$(13): dir1$ = _CWD$: Exit Do
Case Chr$(32): GoSub manual: If x$ = "" Then redo = 1: b$ = Chr$(8): Exit While
End Select
End If
If Len(_Clipboard$) Then GoSub clip: dir1$ = x$: Exit Do
_Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
If Right$(dir1$, 1) <> "\" Then dir1$ = dir1$ + "\"
Locate 3, 1: Print dir1$
If _DirExists(dir1$) Then Exit While Else Print "Directory not found: "; dir1$; " Any key to redo...";: Sleep
If b$ = Chr$(8) Then Exit Do
While -1
Locate 5, 1: View Print CsrLin To _Height - 1: Cls 2: View Print
Locate 5, 1: Print "Paste file name: ": Locate 7, 1
If Len(filehold$) Then
file1$ = filehold$: filehold$ = ""
_Limit 60
b$ = InKey$
If Len(b$) Then
Select Case b$
Case Chr$(27): System
Case Chr$(8): redo = 1: Exit While
Case Chr$(32): GoSub manual: If x$ = "" Then redo = 2: b$ = Chr$(8): Exit While
End Select
End If
If Len(_Clipboard$) Then GoSub clip: file1$ = x$: Exit Do
End If
_Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
If InStr(file1$, ".") = 0 Then file1$ = file1$ + ".bas"
Print file1$
If _FileExists(dir1$ + file1$) Then Exit Do Else Print "File not found: "; dir1$ + file1$; " Any key to redo...";: Sleep
If b$ = Chr$(8) Then Exit Do
If b$ = Chr$(8) Then GoTo redo1
If _FileExists(dir1$ + file1$) Then Else Print: Print "Error. File not found: "; dir1$ + file1$: End
Open dir1$ + file1$ For Binary As #1
a$ = Space$(LOF(1))
Get #1, , a$
Close #1
quote = 0: col = 0: i = 0: new$ = ""
i = i + 1
x$ = Mid$(a$, i, 1)
If Asc(x$) > 32 Then col = col + 1
x2$ = LCase$(Mid$(a$, i, 4))
If Mid$(x2$, 1, 1) = "'" Then
If LTrim$(Mid$(a$, i + 2, 1)) = "$" Then x2$ = ""
ElseIf x2$ = "rem " Then
If Mid$(a$, i + 4, 1) <> "$" Then x2$ = "'" Else x2$ = ""
End If
If LCase$(Mid$(a$, i, 5)) = "data " Then dta = -1
Select Case Mid$(x2$, 1, 1)
Case "'"
If quote = 0 And dta = 0 Then
q = InStr(i, a$ + Chr$(13), Chr$(13))
If col = 1 Then lineout% = 2 Else lineout% = 0
i = q + lineout% - 1
new$ = RTrim$(new$)
If Right$(new$, 1) = ":" Then
new$ = Mid$(new$, 1, Len(new$) - 1) ' Remove trailing colon.
End If
col = 0
End If
Case Chr$(34)
If dta = 0 Then quote = 1 - quote
Case ":"
If dta Then dta = 0
Case Chr$(13), Chr$(10)
quote = 0: col = 0: dta = 0
End Select
new$ = new$ + x$
Loop Until i >= Len(a$)
_Clipboard$ = a$
GoSub makefile
Sleep 5
x$ = _Trim$(_Clipboard$)
If InStr(x$, Chr$(13)) Then x$ = Mid$(x$, 1, InStr(x$, Chr$(13)) - 1)
If InStr(x$, ".") And InStr(x$, "\") <> 0 Then
If dir1$ = "" Then
filehold$ = Mid$(x$, _InStrRev(x$, "\") + 1)
x$ = Mid$(x$, 1, _InStrRev(x$, "\"))
ElseIf dir2$ = "" Then
filehold$ = Mid$(x$, _InStrRev(x$, "\") + 1)
x$ = Mid$(x$, 1, _InStrRev(x$, "\"))
End If
End If
y = CsrLin: x = 12
Line Input "Type name: ", x$: Locate y, x
If Len(x$) Then _Clipboard$ = x$ Else _Clipboard$ = Chr$(0)
file1_nc$ = Mid$(file1$, 1, InStr(file1$, ".") - 1) + "_nc" + Mid$(file1$, InStr(file1$, "."))
If _FileExists(dir1$ + file1_nc$) Then
x$ = "File: " + file1_nc$ + " already exists. Overwrite? Y/N: "
Print: Print x$;
_Limit 30
b$ = InKey$
If Len(b$) Then
Select Case UCase$(b$)
Case "Y": Print "Y": Exit Do
Case "N", Chr$(27): Print: Print "File creation aborted by user...": End
End Select
End If
End If
Open dir1$ + file1_nc$ For Output As #3
Print #3, new$
Close #3
Print: Print "Loading "; file1_nc$
Shell _DontWait _Hide "QB64pe.exe " + file1_nc$
Rem Shell _DontWait _Hide "notepad " + file1_nc$
Utility to remove remarks and make a new file using your old file name + "_nc" added for "no comments."
It will not overwrite your original file and warns if you are going to overwrite a "_nc" file. (Like if you run it more than once).
1) Run program.
2) Go to File Explorer and copy the path to the clipboard. It will be included on the screen. You can also just press Enter if you are working out of the QB64 folder, or you can press the spacebar and it will let you type the path, manually.
3) Do the same for the file name. For .bas files you do not ave to add the extension.
4) Press any key to begin.
It will make the new 'remarkless' version and open it in QB64. If you don't want that 'feature' just REMARK out the SHELL statement.
This is a beta version, so let me know if you find any bugs or a remark situation it can't handle. Oh, it does remove trailing colons, and lines that are fully remarked, and it also skips removal for any ' or Rem keywords inside quotes. What I didn't add is the remote instances where QB64 programs have that trailing _ symbol to line wrap code that is very long.
test file: Name as: "junkme.bas"
Code: (Select All)
' $Dynamic
Rem $Dynamic
' Simple rem line.
' "***": for i = 1 to 5
Print " ' this should not be removed. Rem 123" rem this should be removed.
a$ = "apple": ' apple
b$ = "orange": Rem orange
c$ = "pear" ' pear
d$ = "banana" Rem banana
' line 1
' line 2
Rem line 3
Data don't
Data "don't"
Data "don't": ' remark.
Data "don't": Rem remark.
Data don't ' remark is part of data and should stay.
Data don't rem remark is part of data and should stay, too.