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Sierpinski Triangle in QB64PE (and others)
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Sierpinski Triangle in QB64PE"
Screen _NewImage(800, 800, 32)
For d = 0 To 7
SierpinskiTriangle 50, 50, 700, d
_Delay 2

Sub SierpinskiTriangle (x As Integer, y As Integer, size As Integer, depth As Integer)
If depth = 0 Then
Line (x, y)-(x + size, y)
Line (x + size, y)-(x + size / 2, y + Int(size * Sin(_Pi / 3)))
Line (x + size / 2, y + Int(size * Sin(_Pi / 3)))-(x, y)
Color _RGB32(255 * Rnd, 255 * Rnd, 255 * Rnd)
SierpinskiTriangle x, y, size / 2, depth - 1
SierpinskiTriangle x + size / 2, y, size / 2, depth - 1
SierpinskiTriangle x + size / 4, y + Int((size / 2) * Sin(_Pi / 3)), size / 2, depth - 1
End If
End Sub
Never heard of that, but an interesting effect! Might be useful sometime!
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
In a similar vein to the above, we have a Koch Snowflake as well:

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Koch Snowflake in QB64PE with 32-bit Color"
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
Randomize Timer

Const xmid = 320, ymid = 240, side = 200, PI = _Pi
depth = 8

' Calculate the initial points of the equilateral triangle
x1 = xmid - side / 2: y1 = ymid + side * Sin(PI / 3) / 2
x2 = xmid + side / 2: y2 = ymid + side * Sin(PI / 3) / 2
x3 = xmid: y3 = ymid - side * Sin(PI / 3)

' Draw the three sides of the Koch Snowflake
For depth = 0 To 7
Color _RGB32(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
DrawKoch x1, y1, x2, y2, depth
DrawKoch x2, y2, x3, y3, depth
DrawKoch x3, y3, x1, y1, depth
_Delay 2

Sub DrawKoch (x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, depth As Integer)
If depth = 0 Then
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
Else ' Calculate the points for the Koch Snowflake segment
dx = x2 - x1
dy = y2 - y1
xA = x1 + dx / 3
yA = y1 + dy / 3
xB = x1 + dx * 2 / 3
yB = y1 + dy * 2 / 3
xC = (x1 + x2) / 2 - (Sin(PI / 3) * (y2 - y1)) / 3
yC = (y1 + y2) / 2 + (Sin(PI / 3) * (x2 - x1)) / 3
' Recursively draw the four segments of the Koch Snowflake
DrawKoch x1, y1, xA, yA, depth - 1
DrawKoch xA, yA, xC, yC, depth - 1
DrawKoch xC, yC, xB, yB, depth - 1
DrawKoch xB, yB, x2, y2, depth - 1
End If
End Sub

(Edited the original post title to include (AND OTHERS).  If I keep doing more of these, I'll just put them all here together, rather than create a dozen topics with such similar snippets and programs.)
Code: (Select All)
_TITLE "Rainbow Tunnel Fractal in QB64PE"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)

For d = 0 To 8
Cls , &HFF000000&&
DrawRainbowTunnel 400, 300, 250, d
_Delay 2

Sub DrawRainbowTunnel (x As Single, y As Single, radius As Single, depth As Integer)
If depth = 0 Then Exit Sub
Color _RGB32(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
For i = 1 To 8
Circle (x, y), radius, , , , _Pi / 4 * i
Next i
DrawRainbowTunnel x + radius / 2, y, radius / 2, depth - 1
DrawRainbowTunnel x - radius / 2, y, radius / 2, depth - 1
DrawRainbowTunnel x, y + radius / 2, radius / 2, depth - 1
DrawRainbowTunnel x, y - radius / 2, radius / 2, depth - 1
End Sub
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Recursion Flower Fractal in QB64PE"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)

For d = 0 To 10
Cls , &HFF000000&&
DrawRecursionFlower 400, 300, 200, 0, d
_Delay 2

Sub DrawRecursionFlower (x As Single, y As Single, size As Single, angle As Single, depth As Integer)
If depth = 0 Then Exit Sub
Color _RGB32(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
Line (x, y)-(x + size * Cos(angle), y - size * Sin(angle)), , BF
For i = 0 To 5
DrawRecursionFlower x + size * Cos(angle + i * _Pi / 3), y - size * Sin(angle + i * _Pi / 3), size / 3, angle + i * _Pi / 3, depth - 1
Next i
End Sub
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Stochastic Tree in QB64PE"
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)

For a = -_Pi / 2 To 0 Step .1 'just to show how to rotate the angle of the tree
For d = 1 To 10 'the depth of branches on the tree
Cls , &HFF000000&&
DrawStochasticTree 400, 550, a, 100, d
_Delay .25 'as these are the same and we're repeating them for various angles, I went with a low pause

Sub DrawStochasticTree (x As Single, y As Single, angle As Single, length As Single, depth As Integer)
If depth = 0 Or length < 2 Then Exit Sub
x2 = x + length * Cos(angle)
y2 = y + length * Sin(angle)
Line (x, y)-(x2, y2), _RGB32(139, 69, 19)
new_length = length * 0.7
new_depth = depth - 1
DrawStochasticTree x2, y2, angle + RandomAngle, new_length, new_depth
DrawStochasticTree x2, y2, angle - RandomAngle, new_length, new_depth
End Sub

Function RandomAngle
RandomAngle = (Rnd * _Pi / 4 + _Pi / 8) - _Pi / 16
End Function

(And that's the last of these that I'm playing with for tonight. More may come later sometime.)
(02-06-2025, 06:35 AM)PhilOfPerth Wrote: Never heard of that, but an interesting effect! Might be useful sometime!

Sierpinsky has been around for ages and even here at this forum:
Reply #2&3
b = b + ...
Those are cool, Steve. Thanks for posting. The stochastic tree is my fave even though it's crashing to the ground. Wink  
I added a SLEEP after line 11 on that one to appreciate the pretty trees...
Awesome stuff!
(The triangle in the first post is back.  Where it disappeared off to is beyond me.  When I renamed the topic to include the (and others), it erased itself somehow.   Luckily, it's a short code snippet and not hard to recreate.  It's just... odd that the forum is so picky over editing the topic's titles like that.  /sigh )

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