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(Updated all new miniaudio _MEMSOUND behavior and features. Updated example 2 that works for both OpenAL and miniaudio backends)
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* The {{Parameter|soundBlock}} [[_MEM]] type variable holds the read-only elements .OFFSET, .SIZE, .ELEMENTSIZE, and .SOUND.
* The {{Parameter|soundBlock}} [[_MEM]] type variable holds the read-only elements .OFFSET, .SIZE, .ELEMENTSIZE, .TYPE and .SOUND.
** .ELEMENTSIZE will contain the number of bytes-per-sample the audio contains. Usually returns 2 (16-bit audio).
** .OFFSET is the starting memory address of the sound sample data.
** .SIZE is the size of the sample data in '''bytes'''
** .ELEMENTSIZE will contain the number of '''bytes-per-sample''' the audio contains.
*** Can return 1 (8-bit mono), 2 (8-bit stereo), 2 (16-bit mono), 4 (16-bit stereo), 4 (32-bit floating point mono) or 8 (32-bit floating point stereo).
*** Use .TYPE to determine the data type of the sample data ([[UNSIGNED]] [[_BYTE]], [[INTEGER]] or [[SINGLE]]).
** .TYPE will contain the data type of the sample data. This can be 0 ([[INTEGER]]), 1 ([[INTEGER]]), 2 ([[_UNSIGNED]] [[BYTE]]) or 4 ([[SINGLE]])
** .SOUND will contain the same handle value as returned by the [[_SNDOPEN]] function.
** .SOUND will contain the same handle value as returned by the [[_SNDOPEN]] function.
* The second parameter {{Parameter| channel%}} must be 1 (left channel/mono) or 2 (right channel, for stereo files).
* The second parameter {{Parameter| channel%}} must be 0 (interleaved/mono; version 3.1.0 and up), 1 (left channel/mono) or 2 (right channel, for stereo files).

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''Example 2:'' Plotting a sound's waves.
''Example 2:'' Plotting a sound's waves.
{{Cl|SCREEN}} {{Cl|_NEWIMAGE}}(800, 327, 32)
{{Cl|SCREEN}} {{Cl|_NEWIMAGE}}(800, 327, 32)
song& = {{Cl|_SNDOPEN}}("drums.ogg") 'replace drums.ogg with a sound file you have
{{Cl|IF}} song& = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PRINT}} "Load failed.": {{Cl|END}}

{{Cl|DIM}} leftchannel {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|_MEM}}
{{Cl|PRINT}} "Loading...";
leftchannel = {{Cl|_MEMSOUND}}(song&, 1)
{{Cl|DIM}} Song {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|LONG}}
Song = {{Cl|_SNDOPEN}}("OPL3 Groove.rad") ' Replace this with your (rad, mid, it, xm, s3m, mod, mp3, flac, ogg, wav) sound file
{{Cl|IF}} Song < 1 {{Cl|THEN}}
    {{Cl|PRINT}} "Failed to load song!"
{{Cl|END}} {{Cl|IF}}
{{Cl|PRINT}} "Done!"
{{Cl|_SNDPLAY}} Song

{{Cl|IF}} leftchannel.SIZE = 0 {{Cl|THEN}}
{{Cl|DIM}} SampleData {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|_MEM}}
     {{Cl|PRINT}} "An error occurred."
SampleData = {{Cl|_MEMSOUND}}(Song, 1) ' This can now be 0 or 1
{{Cl|IF}} SampleData.SIZE = 0 {{Cl|THEN}}
     {{Cl|PRINT}} "Failed to access sound sample data."
{{Cl|END IF}}
{{Cl|END}} {{Cl|IF}}
{{Cl|DIM}} x {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|LONG}}, i {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|_UNSIGNED}} {{Cl|_INTEGER64}}, sf {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|SINGLE}}, si {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|INTEGER}}
{{Cl|DIM}} sz {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|_UNSIGNED}} {{Cl|_INTEGER64}}
sz = {{Cl|_CV}}({{Cl|_UNSIGNED}} {{Cl|_INTEGER64}}, {{Cl|_MK$}}({{Cl|_OFFSET}}, SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE)) ' sz is the total size of the sound in bytes
{{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|_KEYHIT}} = 27 {{Cl|OR}} {{Cl|NOT}} {{Cl|_SNDPLAYING}}(Song) {{Cl|OR}} i + ({{Cl|_WIDTH}} * sz) > SampleData.SIZE
    {{Cl|LOCATE}} 1, 1: {{Cl|PRINT}} i; "/"; SampleData.SIZE, "Frame Size ="; sz, "Data Type ="; SampleData.TYPE

{{Cl|DIM}} i {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|_OFFSET}}
i = 0
    {{Cl|IF}} (sz = 4 {{Cl|OR}} sz = 2) {{Cl|AND}} SampleData.TYPE = 1 {{Cl|THEN}} ' integer stereo or mono
        {{Cl|FOR}} x = 0 {{Cl|TO}} {{Cl|_WIDTH}} - 1
    {{Cl|_MEMGET}} leftchannel, leftchannel.OFFSET + i, a% 'get sound data
            si = {{Cl|_MEMGET}}(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + x * sz, {{Cl|INTEGER}}) 'get sound data
     {{Cl|LOCATE}} 1, 1: {{Cl|PRINT}} i; "/"; leftchannel.SIZE
            {{Cl|LINE}} (x, {{Cl|_HEIGHT}} / 2)-{{Cl|STEP}}(0, 300 * si / 32768), {{Cl|_RGB32}}(0, 111, 0) 'plot wave
    {{Cl|LINE}} (x, {{Cl|_HEIGHT}} / 2)-{{Cl|STEP}}(0, a% / 100), {{Cl|_RGB32}}(0, 111, 0) 'plot wave
    x = x + 1
     {{Cl|ELSEIF}} (sz = 8 {{Cl|OR}} sz = 4) {{Cl|AND}} SampleData.TYPE = 4 {{Cl|THEN}} ' floating point stereo or mono
     {{Cl|IF}} x > {{Cl|_WIDTH}} {{Cl|THEN}}
        {{Cl|FOR}} x = 0 {{Cl|TO}} {{Cl|_WIDTH}} - 1
         x = 0
            sf = {{Cl|_MEMGET}}(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + x * sz, {{Cl|SINGLE}}) 'get sound data
        {{Cl|LINE}} (0, 0)-({{Cl|_WIDTH}}, {{Cl|_HEIGHT}}), {{Cl|_RGB32}}(0, 120), BF 'fade out screen
            {{Cl|LINE}} (x, {{Cl|_HEIGHT}} / 2)-{{Cl|STEP}}(0, sf * 300), {{Cl|_RGB32}}(0, 111, 0) 'plot wave
     {{Cl|ELSEIF}} sz = 2 {{Cl|AND}} SampleData.TYPE = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} ' integer mono (QB64 OpenAL stuff)
         {{Cl|FOR}} x = 0 {{Cl|TO}} {{Cl|_WIDTH}} - 1
            si = {{Cl|_MEMGET}}(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + x * sz, {{Cl|INTEGER}}) 'get sound data
            {{Cl|LINE}} (x, {{Cl|_HEIGHT}} / 2)-{{Cl|STEP}}(0, 300 * si / 32768), {{Cl|_RGB32}}(0, 111, 0) 'plot wave
     {{Cl|END}} {{Cl|IF}}
     {{Cl|END}} {{Cl|IF}}
     i = i + 2
     {{Cl|IF}} i + 2 > leftchannel.SIZE {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|EXIT}} {{Cl|DO}}
    {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 500
    {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 60
    i = {{Cl|FIX}}({{Cl|_SNDGETPOS}}(Song) * {{Cl|_SNDRATE}}) * sz ' Calculate the new sample frame position

{{Cl|_SNDCLOSE}} song& 'closing the sound releases the mem blocks  
{{Cl|_SNDCLOSE}} Song 'closing the sound releases the mem blocks

Revision as of 11:14, 27 August 2022

The _MEMSOUND function returns a _MEM value referring to a sound's raw data in memory using a designated sound handle created by the _SNDOPEN function.


soundBlock = _MEMSOUND[(soundHandle&, channel%)]


  • The soundBlock _MEM type variable holds the read-only elements .OFFSET, .SIZE, .ELEMENTSIZE, .TYPE and .SOUND.
    • .OFFSET is the starting memory address of the sound sample data.
    • .SIZE is the size of the sample data in bytes
    • .ELEMENTSIZE will contain the number of bytes-per-sample the audio contains.
      • Can return 1 (8-bit mono), 2 (8-bit stereo), 2 (16-bit mono), 4 (16-bit stereo), 4 (32-bit floating point mono) or 8 (32-bit floating point stereo).
      • Use .TYPE to determine the data type of the sample data (UNSIGNED _BYTE, INTEGER or SINGLE).
    • .TYPE will contain the data type of the sample data. This can be 0 (INTEGER), 1 (INTEGER), 2 (_UNSIGNED BYTE) or 4 (SINGLE)
    • .SOUND will contain the same handle value as returned by the _SNDOPEN function.
  • The second parameter channel% must be 0 (interleaved/mono; version 3.1.0 and up), 1 (left channel/mono) or 2 (right channel, for stereo files).


  • Use the function to access raw sound data in memory for direct access.
  • Sound handle values and the memory used must still be freed using _SNDCLOSE when no longer required.
  • If .SIZE returns 0, that means the data could not be accessed. It may happen if you try to access the right channel in a mono file, for example.


  • QB64 1.5 and up (QB64 Team)
  • QBPE 0.5 and up (QB64 Phoenix Edition)


Example 1: Checking that a sound file is stereo.

song& = _SNDOPEN("song.wav") 'replace song.wav with a sound file you have
IF song& = 0 THEN PRINT "Load failed.": END

DIM leftchannel AS _MEM, rightchannel AS _MEM
leftchannel = _MEMSOUND(song&, 1)
rightchannel = _MEMSOUND(song&, 2)

IF rightchannel.SIZE > 0 THEN PRINT "This file is STEREO"
IF rightchannel.SIZE = 0 AND leftchannel.SIZE > 0 THEN
    PRINT "This file is MONO"
ELSEIF rightchannel.SIZE = 0 AND leftchannel.SIZE = 0 THEN
    PRINT "An error occurred."

_SNDCLOSE song& 'closing the sound releases the mem blocks 

Example 2: Plotting a sound's waves.


SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 327, 32)

PRINT "Loading...";
Song = _SNDOPEN("OPL3 Groove.rad") ' Replace this with your (rad, mid, it, xm, s3m, mod, mp3, flac, ogg, wav) sound file
IF Song < 1 THEN
    PRINT "Failed to load song!"
PRINT "Done!"


DIM SampleData AS _MEM
SampleData = _MEMSOUND(Song, 1) ' This can now be 0 or 1
IF SampleData.SIZE = 0 THEN
    PRINT "Failed to access sound sample data."


sz = _CV(_UNSIGNED _INTEGER64, _MK$(_OFFSET, SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE)) ' sz is the total size of the sound in bytes

DO UNTIL _KEYHIT = 27 OR NOT _SNDPLAYING(Song) OR i + (_WIDTH * sz) > SampleData.SIZE
    LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT i; "/"; SampleData.SIZE, "Frame Size ="; sz, "Data Type ="; SampleData.TYPE

    IF (sz = 4 OR sz = 2) AND SampleData.TYPE = 1 THEN ' integer stereo or mono
        FOR x = 0 TO _WIDTH - 1
            si = _MEMGET(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + x * sz, INTEGER) 'get sound data
            LINE (x, _HEIGHT / 2)-STEP(0, 300 * si / 32768), _RGB32(0, 111, 0) 'plot wave
    ELSEIF (sz = 8 OR sz = 4) AND SampleData.TYPE = 4 THEN ' floating point stereo or mono
        FOR x = 0 TO _WIDTH - 1
            sf = _MEMGET(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + x * sz, SINGLE) 'get sound data
            LINE (x, _HEIGHT / 2)-STEP(0, sf * 300), _RGB32(0, 111, 0) 'plot wave
    ELSEIF sz = 2 AND SampleData.TYPE = 0 THEN ' integer mono (QB64 OpenAL stuff)
        FOR x = 0 TO _WIDTH - 1
            si = _MEMGET(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + x * sz, INTEGER) 'get sound data
            LINE (x, _HEIGHT / 2)-STEP(0, 300 * si / 32768), _RGB32(0, 111, 0) 'plot wave
    END IF

    _LIMIT 60

    i = FIX(_SNDGETPOS(Song) * _SNDRATE) * sz ' Calculate the new sample frame position

_SNDCLOSE Song 'closing the sound releases the mem blocks

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage
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