Controller Devices
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QB64 supports all kinds of keyboard, mouse, joystick, gamepad, steering wheel and other multi-stick controller input devices.
- In order to read the device controls, the number of input devices MUST first be found using _DEVICES.
- After the device count is determined we can find out the type of device, the device name and the type of controls available using the _DEVICE$(device_number) function. The function returns a STRING containing information about each numbered device.
- "[CONTROLLER][[DEVICENAME] device description][BUTTON][AXIS][WHEEL]"
- _DEVICEINPUT can indicate a used device number or true when a specified device number is active.
- device = _DEVICEINPUT would return 1 for a keyboard event and 2 for a mouse event.
- mouse = _DEVICEINPUT(2) would return -1(true) when the mouse was moved, clicked or scrolled.
Normally the number 1 device, it usually only has [[[:Template:KW]]] controls. Program window must be in focus to read key activity.
- _LASTBUTTON(1) will normally return 512 buttons.
- _BUTTONCHANGE(number) returns -1 when pressed, 1 when released and 0 when there is no event since the last read.
- _BUTTON(number) returns -1 when a button is pressed and 0 when released.
' Keyboard Device Button Numbers ' ' Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 SysReq ScrL Pause ' 177 436 433 434 439 440 437 438 395 396 393 394 399 402 392 --- ' `~ 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ BkSpc Insert Home PgUp NumL / * - ' 246 155 156 153 154 159 160 157 158 147 134 135 151 174 447 448 446 386 417 418 423 ' Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [{ ]} \| Delete End PgDn 7/Home 8/▲ 9/PU + ' 163 219 221 207 220 218 211 223 195 197 198 241 247 242 213 445 435 429 430 419 424 ' CapL A S D F G H J K L ;: '" Enter 4/◄- 5 6/-► E ' 391 203 217 202 208 205 206 196 193 194 145 141 167 426 431 432 n ' Shift Z X C V B N M ,< .> /? Shift ▲ 1/End 2/▼ 3/PD t ' 390 212 222 201 224 204 200 199 130 136 133 389 443 427 428 432 e ' Ctrl Win Alt Spacebar Alt Win Menu Ctrl ◄- ▼ -► 0/Insert ./Del r ' 412 413 410 182 409 414 405 411 442 444 441 86 420 421 ' |
Normally the number 2 device, a mouse usually has [[[:Template:KW]]], [[[:Template:KW]]] and [[[:Template:KW]]] controls. Pointer must be in program screen area.
- _LASTAXIS(2) normally returns 2 axis representing the horizontal and vertical mouse, trackball, touch pad or touchscreen axis.
- _LASTBUTTON(2) will normally return 3 buttons when mouse has a center or scroll wheel button.
- _BUTTONCHANGE(number) returns -1 when pressed, 1 when released and 0 when there is no event since the last read.
- _BUTTON(number) returns -1 when corresponding button is pressed and 0 when released.
- _BUTTON(1) returns Left button presses like _MOUSEBUTTON(1) and _BUTTONCHANGE(1) returns events.
- _BUTTON(2) returns Center button presses like _MOUSEBUTTON(3) and _BUTTONCHANGE(2) returns events.
- _BUTTON(3) returns Right button presses like _MOUSEBUTTON(2) and _BUTTONCHANGE(3) returns events.
- _LASTWHEEL(2) will normally return 3 wheels where the first two return relative coordinate movements when set.
- _WHEEL(number) returns -1 when wheel is scrolled up or forward and 1 when wheel is scrolled down or backward.
- _WHEEL(1) returns relative horizontal pixel moves after _MOUSEMOVEMENTX or Y enables relative mode.
- _WHEEL(2) returns relative vertical pixel moves after _MOUSEMOVEMENTX or Y enables relative mode.
- _WHEEL(3) returns -1 when scroll wheel is moved forward or up and 1 when scrolled backward or down.
- _WHEEL(number) returns -1 when wheel is scrolled up or forward and 1 when wheel is scrolled down or backward.
[[NAME][manufacturer name]] may follow in the controller _DEVICE$ string. Devices can be joysticks, game pads or multi-stick.
- [CONTROLLER][[DeviceName]description][BUTTON][AXIS][WHEEL]
Normally device numbers 3 or higher, controllers may have any number of [[[:Template:KW]]], [[[:Template:KW]]] and/or [[[:Template:KW]]] controls.
- _LASTAXIS(device_number) normally returns dual axis representing the horizontal and vertical axis or view point("top hat").
- _LASTBUTTON(device_number) will return the number of buttons or triggers a device has.
- _BUTTONCHANGE(number) returns -1 when pressed, 1 when released and 0 when there is no event since the last read.
- _BUTTON(number) returns -1 when button number is pressed and 0 when released.
- _LASTWHEEL(device_number) will return the number of wheel controls a device has.
- _WHEEL(number) returns -1 when wheel is scrolled up or forward and 1 when wheel is scrolled down or backward.
- Displays all keyboard, mouse and game controller button, axis and wheel control input values when each device is being used.
PRINT "Use relative mouse movement mode with ESC key exit only?(Y/N) "; K$ = UCASE$(INPUT$(1)) PRINT K$ PRINT FOR i = 1 TO _DEVICES 'DEVICES MUST be read first! PRINT STR$(i) + ") " + _DEVICE$(i) + " Buttons:"; _LASTBUTTON(i); ",Axis:"; _LASTAXIS(i); ",Wheel:"; _LASTWHEEL(i) NEXT IF K$ = "Y" THEN dummy = _MOUSEMOVEMENTX 'enable relative mouse movement reads PRINT DO x& = _DEVICEINPUT 'determines which device is currently being used IF x& = 1 THEN PRINT "Keyboard: "; FOR b = 1 TO _LASTBUTTON(x&) bb = _BUTTONCHANGE(b) IF bb THEN PRINT b; bb; _BUTTON(b); NEXT PRINT END IF IF x& > 1 THEN ' skip keyboard reads PRINT "Device:"; x&; FOR b = 1 TO _LASTBUTTON(x&) PRINT _BUTTONCHANGE(b); _BUTTON(b); NEXT FOR a = 1 TO _LASTAXIS(x&) PRINT _AXIS(a); 'mouse axis returns -1 to 1 with 0 center screen NEXT FOR w = 1 TO _LASTWHEEL(x&) PRINT _WHEEL(w); 'wheels 1 and 2 of mouse return relative pixel moves when enabled NEXT PRINT END IF LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) 'escape key exit END |
- Note: When there is no device control to read, a FOR n = 1 TO 0 loop will not run thus avoiding a control function read error.
- Using _MOUSEMOVEMENTX or Y will hide the mouse cursor and return relative mouse movements with the 1 and 2 _WHEEL controls.
- STRIG (button), STICK (axis)