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DIM AT -- feature request |
Posted by: Jack - 08-14-2023, 03:49 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (2)
PowerBasic has a very handy feature, the ability to dim at a certain address, for example suppose that you want to use a fixed-length string as a memory buffer
DIM buff As String * 256
DIM m(31) AS _Unsigned Long AT VARPTR(buff)
then you could access the array as usual but the values of the array m would be stored in the string buff
since QB64pe lacks arrays in Type, you could almost have that flexibility if you had Dim At
Mouse Routines to Use and Hack |
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 08-13-2023, 08:21 PM - Forum: Works in Progress
- Replies (3)
In another post I created some quick and dirty mouse code that set up mouse zones. I started playing around with the code some more last night and ended up writing the start of a library.
I wanted to see how efficiently I could incorporate detecting clicks, double clicks, and mouse tracking along with the mouse zone functions. Below is what I ended up with.
The two subroutines that drive the new functionality are UpdateMouse and CheckMouseButton. I coded them to have the double clicks timed in such a way as to be independent of the frames per second any loop is running at.
The code also includes the 15 system default mouse pointer icons to choose from.
There is complete documentation located at the bottom of the source code detailing how to use it. There is also an example code section highlighting most of the functions and subroutines in use.
I figured someone could use this code as a basis for a GUI or mouse driven game project. As always it's free to use as you wish and hack away at.
Code: (Select All) '+--------------------------------------------------------------+
'| Ritchie's mouse routines |
'| 08/13/23 |
'| Written in QB64 Phoenix Edition v3.8.0 |
'| Should function correctly in any version of QB64 however. |
'| |
'| Just playing around one day and came up with these routines. |
'| Use them as a basis for your project, such as a GUI or a |
'| mouse driven game. |
'| Hack and use these routines as you wish. |
'| |
'| Code includes a simple program section showing use. |
'| |
'| Scroll to the bottom of the code for documentation. |
OPTION _EXPLICIT ' declare those variables son!
CONST FALSE = 0, TRUE = NOT FALSE ' truth detectors
CONST NORMALSELECT = 0 ' mouse pointer names and their associated value
x AS SINGLE ' x coordinate
y AS SINGLE ' y coordinate
Min AS TYPE_VECTOR ' upper left coordinate
Max AS TYPE_VECTOR ' lower right coordinate
Area AS TYPE_AREA ' zone area
Active AS INTEGER ' zone is available to mouse (t/f)
Value AS INTEGER ' pointer number
Image AS LONG ' pointer image
Offset AS TYPE_VECTOR ' pointer image offset from mousex, mousey
Held AS INTEGER ' button held down (t/f)
DCTime AS DOUBLE ' double click time interval
DCTimer AS DOUBLE ' time between 2 subsequent clicks
Clicked AS INTEGER ' button clicked (t/f)
DoubleClicked AS INTEGER ' button double clicked (t/f)
Location AS TYPE_VECTOR ' current mouse location
Previous AS TYPE_VECTOR ' previous mouse location
Right AS TYPE_MOUSEBUTTON ' right mouse button properties
Left AS TYPE_MOUSEBUTTON ' left mouse button properties
Middle AS TYPE_MOUSEBUTTON ' middle mouse button properties
Vector AS TYPE_VECTOR ' vector from previous location to current
Normal AS TYPE_VECTOR ' normalized vector from previous location to current
Degree AS SINGLE ' angle from previous location to current
Speed AS SINGLE ' speed of mouse from previous location to current
Wheel AS INTEGER ' wheel turns counted
Pointer AS TYPE_POINTER ' mouse pointer properties
ZoneTrap AS INTEGER ' zone area mouse trapped in (0 for none)
Hovering AS INTEGER ' zone area mouse is hovering (0 for none)
Area AS TYPE_AREA ' area mouse is trapped within (if ZoneTrap > 0)
REDIM Zone(0) AS TYPE_ZONE ' mouse zones
DIM Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' mouse properties
DIM Pointer(14) AS TYPE_POINTER ' mouse pointer images
'| Begin demo use of code | <<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DIM AS INTEGER Zone1, Zone2, Zone3, Zone4, Zone5 ' handles for mouse zone areas
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32) ' graphics screen
Initialize ' initialize mouse
_TITLE "Mouse Utilities" ' window title
_MOUSEHIDE ' hide system mouse
'| Create a few mouse zones |
Zone1 = DefineMouseZone(10, 10, 80, 80, TRUE) ' (x1, y1, width, height, Active)
Zone2 = DefineMouseZone(100, 10, 80, 80, TRUE)
Zone3 = DefineMouseZone(10, 100, 170, 80, TRUE)
Zone4 = DefineMouseZone(190, 10, 170, 170, TRUE)
Zone5 = DefineMouseZone(10, 190, 350, 350, TRUE)
'| Main loop |
_LIMIT 15 ' stay at or above 15 or greater for best results (sometimes double click gets missed with a lower frame rate)
UpdateMouse ' update mouse information
DrawBorder 0 ' draw borders around all zones
IF AnyClick THEN SOUND 440, 1 ' sound when click occurs
IF AnyDoubleClick THEN SOUND 880, 1 ' sound octave higher when double click occurs
IF SGN(MouseWheel) THEN SetMousePointer MousePointer + SGN(MouseWheel) ' select mouse pointer
LOCATE 2, 50: PRINT "AnyClick : "; AnyClick
LOCATE 3, 50: PRINT "AnyDoubleClick : "; AnyDoubleClick
LOCATE 4, 50: PRINT "Click : "; Click ' default left click (same as LeftClick)
LOCATE 5, 50: PRINT "DoubleClick : "; DoubleClick ' default left double click (same as LeftDoubleClick)
LOCATE 6, 50: PRINT "LeftClick : "; LeftClick
LOCATE 7, 50: PRINT "MiddleClick : "; MiddleClick
LOCATE 8, 50: PRINT "RightClick : "; RightClick
LOCATE 9, 50: PRINT "LeftDoubleClick : "; LeftDoubleClick
LOCATE 10, 50: PRINT "MiddleDoubleClick: "; MiddleDoubleClick
LOCATE 11, 50: PRINT "RightDoubleClick : "; RightDoubleClick
LOCATE 12, 50: PRINT "AnyHold : "; AnyHold
LOCATE 13, 50: PRINT "ClickAndHold : "; ClickAndHold ' default left click and hold (same as LeftHold)
LOCATE 14, 50: PRINT "LeftHold : "; LeftHold
LOCATE 15, 50: PRINT "MiddleHold : "; MiddleHold
LOCATE 16, 50: PRINT "RightHold : "; RightHold
LOCATE 17, 50: PRINT "MouseAngle : "; MouseAngle
LOCATE 18, 50: PRINT "MouseVectorX : "; MouseVectorX
LOCATE 19, 50: PRINT "MouseVectorY : "; MouseVectorY
LOCATE 20, 50: PRINT "MouseX : "; MouseX
LOCATE 21, 50: PRINT "MouseY : "; MouseY
LOCATE 22, 50: PRINT "MousePreviousX : "; MousePreviousX
LOCATE 23, 50: PRINT "MousePreviousY : "; MousePreviousY
LOCATE 24, 50: PRINT "MouseWheel : "; MouseWheel
LOCATE 25, 50: PRINT "MouseSpeed : "; MouseSpeed
LOCATE 26, 50: PRINT "MousePointer : "; MousePointer;
SELECT CASE MousePointer
CASE 0: PRINT "Normal Select"
CASE 1: PRINT "Help Select"
CASE 2: PRINT "Working in Background"
CASE 3: PRINT "Busy"
CASE 4: PRINT "Precision Select"
CASE 5: PRINT "Text Select"
CASE 6: PRINT "Handwriting"
CASE 7: PRINT "Unavailable"
CASE 8: PRINT "Vertical Resize"
CASE 9: PRINT "Horizontal Resize"
CASE 10: PRINT "Diagonal Resize 1"
CASE 11: PRINT "Diagonal Resize 2"
CASE 12: PRINT "Move"
CASE 13: PRINT "Alternate Select"
CASE 14: PRINT "Link Select"
IF MouseHovering(0) THEN
LOCATE 27, 50: PRINT "MouseHovering : Zone"; MouseHovering(0)
LOCATE 27, 50: PRINT "MouseHovering : Not hovering"
IF MouseTrapped(0) THEN
LOCATE 28, 50: PRINT "MouseTrapped : Zone"; MouseTrapped(0)
LOCATE 28, 50: PRINT "MouseTrapped : Not trapped"
LOCATE 30, 50: PRINT "- Move mouse pointer to select zone area."
LOCATE 31, 50: PRINT "- Left click inside zone area to trap pointer."
LOCATE 32, 50: PRINT "- Right click to release pointer from zone."
LOCATE 33, 50: PRINT "- Rotate mouse wheel to select mouse pointer."
LOCATE 34, 50: PRINT "- ESC to exit."
LINE (600, 20)-(770, 200), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF ' icon viewing area
IF LeftClick AND MouseHovering(0) THEN TrapMouse MouseHovering(0) ' trap mouse in zone
IF MouseTrapped(0) AND RightClick THEN FreeMouse ' free trapped mouse
DrawMousePointer ' display mouse pointer
_DISPLAY ' udate screen with changes (no flicker)
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) ' leave when ESC pressed
SYSTEM ' return to OS
'| End demo use of code | <<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB UpdateMouse () ' UpdateMouse |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Updates the mouse properties. |
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
SHARED Zone() AS TYPE_ZONE ' need access to mouse zones
DIM z AS INTEGER ' zone counter
Mouse.Wheel = 0 ' reset mouse wheel value
WHILE _MOUSEINPUT ' while mouse input exists
Mouse.Wheel = Mouse.Wheel + _MOUSEWHEEL ' get all cumulative wheel updates
CheckMouseButton Mouse.Left, _MOUSEBUTTON(1) ' update status of mouse buttons
CheckMouseButton Mouse.Right, _MOUSEBUTTON(2)
CheckMouseButton Mouse.Middle, _MOUSEBUTTON(3)
Mouse.Previous.x = Mouse.Location.x ' record previous mouse location
Mouse.Previous.y = Mouse.Location.y
Mouse.Location.x = _MOUSEX ' record current mouse location
Mouse.Location.y = _MOUSEY
IF UBOUND(Zone) THEN ' are any mouse zones defined?
IF Mouse.ZoneTrap THEN ' yes, is mouse trapped in a zone?
IF Mouse.Location.x < Mouse.Area.Min.x THEN Mouse.Location.x = Mouse.Area.Min.x ' yes, confine mouse to zone area
IF Mouse.Location.x > Mouse.Area.Max.x THEN Mouse.Location.x = Mouse.Area.Max.x
IF Mouse.Location.y < Mouse.Area.Min.y THEN Mouse.Location.y = Mouse.Area.Min.y
IF Mouse.Location.y > Mouse.Area.Max.y THEN Mouse.Location.y = Mouse.Area.Max.y
_MOUSEMOVE Mouse.Location.x, Mouse.Location.y ' force mouse to any updated coordinates
ELSE ' no, mouse is free
Mouse.Hovering = 0 ' assume mouse is not hovering a zone
z = 0 ' reset zone counter
DO ' cycle through zones
z = z + 1 ' increment zone counter
IF MouseZone(z) THEN Mouse.Hovering = z ' if mouse interacting with zone then record it hovering
LOOP UNTIL z = UBOUND(Zone) OR Mouse.Hovering ' leave when all zones checked or mouse is hovering
Mouse.Vector.x = Mouse.Location.x - Mouse.Previous.x ' calculate mouse vector movement from last position
Mouse.Vector.y = Mouse.Location.y - Mouse.Previous.y
Mouse.Degree = Vector2Degree(Mouse.Vector) ' calculate mouse degree movement from last position
Normalize Mouse.Vector, Mouse.Normal ' calculate normalized vector quantities
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB CheckMouseButton (Button AS TYPE_MOUSEBUTTON, Pressed AS INTEGER) ' CheckMouseButton |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Checks a mouse button for hold, click, and double click conditions and sets the appropriate mouse properties. This subroutine uses TIMER |
'| to determine double click intervals therefore it is independent of any FPS limit set by _LIMIT. However, this subroutine should be called at |
'| least 15 times per second for best results. |
'| |
'| Button - the mouse button UDT to check (Note: values are changed and passed back) |
'| Pressed - the related _MOUSEBUTTON() status |
Button.Clicked = 0 ' reset button click flag
Button.DoubleClicked = 0 ' reset button double click flag
IF Pressed THEN ' is button pressed?
Button.Held = -1 ' yes, button is held down
ELSEIF Button.Held THEN ' no, was button previously down?
Button.Held = 0 ' yes, no longer being held
Button.Clicked = -1 ' button was single clicked
IF Button.DCTimer = 0 THEN ' first click of a possible double click?
Button.DCTimer = TIMER(.001) + Button.DCTime ' yes, set future double click time
ELSEIF TIMER(.001) <= Button.DCTimer THEN ' no, was second click within double click time?
Button.DoubleClicked = -1 ' yes, button was double clicked
Button.Clicked = 0 ' not a single click
Button.DCTimer = 0 ' reset double click timer
ELSEIF Button.DCTimer THEN ' no, is double click timer set?
IF TIMER(.001) > Button.DCTimer THEN ' yes, has time been exceeded for a double click?
Button.DCTimer = 0 ' yes, reset double click timer
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB DrawMousePointer () ' DrawMousePointer |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Draws the mouse pointer at the current mouse coordinates. |
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
_PUTIMAGE (MouseX - Mouse.Pointer.Offset.x, MouseY - Mouse.Pointer.Offset.y), Mouse.Pointer.Image ' draw the pointer
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB SetMousePointer (p AS INTEGER) ' SetMousePointer |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Set the mouse pointer (0 to 14) |
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
SHARED Pointer() AS TYPE_POINTER ' need access to pointer images
IF p < 0 THEN p = 14 ELSE IF p > 14 THEN p = 0 ' keep mouse pointer within limits
Mouse.Pointer = Pointer(p) ' set mouse pointer
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB SetLeftDoubleClickTime (dc AS SINGLE) ' SetLeftDoubleClickTime |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Sets the maximum time delay between two left button clicks to be considered a double click. |
'| |
'| dc - the time between two left clicks |
'| |
'| NOTE: dc is given in milliseconds, therefore a value such as .3 = 300 milliseconds or approximately 1/3rd of a second. |
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
Mouse.Left.DCTime = dc ' record left button double click time
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB SetMiddleDoubleClickTime (dc AS SINGLE) ' SetMiddleDoubleClickTime |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Sets the maximum time delay between two middle button clicks to be considered a double click. |
'| |
'| dc - the time between two middle clicks |
'| |
'| NOTE: dc is given in milliseconds, therefore a value such as .3 = 300 milliseconds or approximately 1/3rd of a second. |
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
Mouse.Middle.DCTime = dc ' record middle button double click time
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB SetRightDoubleClickTime (dc AS SINGLE) ' SetRightDoubleClickTime |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Sets the maximum time delay between two right button clicks to be considered a double click. |
'| |
'| dc - the time between two right clicks |
'| |
'| NOTE: dc is given in milliseconds, therefore a value such as .3 = 300 milliseconds or approximately 1/3rd of a second. |
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
Mouse.Right.DCTime = dc ' record right button double click time
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB Normalize (vin AS TYPE_VECTOR, vout AS TYPE_VECTOR) ' Normalize |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Normalizes a vector passed in (0 to 1 for both quantities) and passes the result back. |
'| |
'| vin - the vector quantity pair to normalize |
'| vout - the normalized vector quantity pair result |
DIM VectorLength AS SINGLE ' vector length (hypotenuse)
VectorLength = _HYPOT(vin.x, vin.y) ' calculate vector length
vout.x = vin.x / VectorLength ' normalize x quantity and pass back
vout.y = vin.y / VectorLength ' normalize y quantity and pass back
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
FUNCTION Vector2Degree (v AS TYPE_VECTOR) ' Vector2Degree |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Converts a vector quantity pair to a degree heading (0 to 359) |
'| |
'| Degree = Vector2Degree(Vector) |
'| |
'| v - the vector quantity pair |
'| .x = x quantity |
'| .y = y quantity |
'| |
'| Returns an integer degree value from 0 to 359 |
DIM v2d AS SINGLE ' vector converted to degree
IF v.x = 0 AND v.y = 0 THEN ' vector passed in?
Vector2Degree = 0 ' no, return no degree
ELSEIF v.x = 0 THEN ' horizontal direction?
IF v.y > 0 THEN ' no, vertical downward direction?
Vector2Degree = 180 ' yes, must be 180 degrees
ELSEIF v.y < 0 THEN ' vertical upward direction?
Vector2Degree = 0 ' yes, must be 0 degrees
ELSE ' no, no vertical direction
Vector2Degree = 0 ' return no degree
ELSEIF v.y = 0 THEN ' no, vertical direction?
IF v.x > 0 THEN ' no, right horizontal direction?
Vector2Degree = 90 ' yes, must be 90 degrees
ELSEIF v.x < 0 THEN ' left horizontal direction?
Vector2Degree = 270 ' yes, must be 270 degrees
ELSE ' no, no horizontal direction
Vector2Degree = 0 ' return no degree
ELSE ' no, horizontal and vertical direction
v2d = _R2D(_ATAN2(v.y, v.x)) + 90 ' calculate radian converted to degree (rotated 90 for 0 degrees up)
IF v.x < 0 AND v.y < 0 THEN v2d = v2d + 360 ' add 360 if in 4th quadrant
Vector2Degree = INT(v2d) ' return degree
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB HideZone (z AS INTEGER) ' HideZone |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Hide a zone from being detected by the mouse pointer. |
'| |
'| z - the zone handle to hide |
SHARED Zone() AS TYPE_ZONE ' need access to mouse zones
Zone(z).Active = 0 ' hide zone from mouse
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB ShowZone (z AS INTEGER) ' ShowZone |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Reveal a previously hidden zone from the mouse pointer. |
'| |
'| z - the zone handle to reveal |
SHARED Zone() AS TYPE_ZONE ' need access to mouse zones
Zone(z).Active = -1 ' reveal zone to mouse
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB DrawBorder (z AS INTEGER) ' DrawBorder |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Draws a border around a zone area depecting the current state: |
'| Bright white - mouse is trapped in this zone |
'| White - mouse is hovering over this zone |
'| Gray - mouse has no interation with this zone |
'| |
'| z - The zone to draw a border around |
'| Supply the value of 0 to have borders drawn around all zones |
SHARED Zone() AS TYPE_ZONE ' need access to mouse zones
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
STATIC Colour(2) AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' border colors
DIM c AS INTEGER ' zone counter (start of count)
DIM Finish AS INTEGER ' end of zone counter
DIM Border AS INTEGER ' border color
IF UBOUND(Zone) = 0 OR z > UBOUND(Zone) THEN EXIT SUB ' leave if no defined zone areas
IF NOT Colour(0) THEN ' set border colors if not set yet
Colour(0) = _RGB32(127, 127, 127) ' not hovering (gray)
Colour(1) = _RGB32(192, 192, 192) ' hovering (white)
Colour(2) = _RGB32(255, 255, 255) ' trapped (bright white)
IF z = 0 THEN ' draw borders around all zones?
c = 0 ' yes, start at the beginning of zone array
Finish = UBOUND(Zone) ' finish at the end of the zone array
ELSE ' no, just a single zone
c = z - 1 ' start at the individual zone in array
Finish = z ' finish at the individual zone in array
DO ' cycle through chosen zone(s)
c = c + 1 ' increment zone counter
IF Zone(c).Active THEN ' is tis zone active?
Border = 0 ' yes, assume no interaction with zone
IF MouseHovering(c) THEN Border = 1 ' white border if mouse is hovering this zone
IF MouseTrapped(c) THEN Border = 2 ' bright white border if mouse is trapped in this zone
LINE (Zone(c).Area.Min.x, Zone(c).Area.Min.y)-(Zone(c).Area.Max.x, Zone(c).Area.Max.y), Colour(Border), B ' draw border
LOOP UNTIL c = Finish ' leave when zone(s) processed
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
FUNCTION MouseHovering (z AS INTEGER) ' MouseHovering |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Report mouse hovering status over a zone(s) |
'| |
'| z - the zone's handle to check for a hovering mouse (>0) |
'| supplying a value of 0 will simply return the zone handle where the mouse is hovering (0) |
'| Returns -1 (TRUE) if the mouse is hovering on the requested zone (-1) |
'| Returns a zone handle value if the zone requested is 0 and the mouse is hovering somewhere (>=0) |
'| Returns 0 (FALSE) if the mouse is not hovering in either scenario (0) |
SHARED Zone() AS TYPE_ZONE ' need access to mouse zones
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
MouseHovering = 0 ' assume mouse is not hovering (0 FALSE return)
IF Mouse.Hovering THEN ' is the mouse hovering over a zone?
IF z > 0 THEN ' yes, was a zone requested? (>0)
IF z = Mouse.Hovering THEN ' yes, is mouse hovering over the zone requested?
MouseHovering = z ' yes, report that mouse is hovering over requested zone (-1 TRUE return)
ELSE ' no, a zone was not requested
MouseHovering = Mouse.Hovering ' report any zone handle the mouse may be hovering over (>=0 TRUE or FALSE return)
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
FUNCTION MouseZone (z AS INTEGER) ' MouseZone |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Report interaction status of mouse and zone area |
'| |
'| z - the zone's handle |
'| Returns -1 (TRUE) if interaction, 0 (FALSE) otherwise |
SHARED Zone() AS TYPE_ZONE ' need access to mouse zones
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
DIM Trapped AS INTEGER ' mouse trapped status
IF NOT Zone(z).Active THEN EXIT FUNCTION ' leave is zone is inactive
MouseZone = 0 ' assume mouse not interacting with zone (0 FALSE return)
Trapped = MouseTrapped(0) ' record zone mouse may be trapped in
IF Trapped THEN ' is mouse trapped in a zone?
IF z = Trapped THEN ' yes, is it this zone?
MouseZone = -1 ' yes, report the only interaction that can happen (-1 TRUE return)
ELSE ' no, mouse if currently free
IF MouseHover(Zone(z).Area) THEN ' is mouse interacting with this zone?
MouseZone = -1 ' yes, report that mouse is in this zone (-1 TRUE return)
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB TrapMouse (z AS INTEGER) ' TrapMouse |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Trap mouse within a zone's area |
'| |
'| z - the handle of the zone to trap mouse in |
SHARED Zone() AS TYPE_ZONE ' need access to mouse zones
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
IF NOT Zone(z).Active THEN EXIT SUB ' can't trap mouse in inactive zone
Mouse.Area = Zone(z).Area ' define trapped area
Mouse.ZoneTrap = z ' mouse trapped in this zone (>0)
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB FreeMouse () ' FreeMouse |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Releases a trapped mouse. |
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
Mouse.ZoneTrap = 0
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
FUNCTION MouseTrapped (z AS INTEGER) ' MouseTrapped |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Report mouse trapped status |
'| |
'| z - the zone's handle to check for a trapped mouse (>0) |
'| supplying a value of 0 will simply return the zone handle where the mouse is trapped (0) |
'| Returns -1 (TRUE) if the mouse is trapped in the requested zone (-1) |
'| Returns a zone handle value if the zone requested is 0 and the mouse is trapped somewhere (>=0) |
'| Returns 0 (FALSE) if the mouse is not trapped in either scenario (0) |
SHARED Zone() AS TYPE_ZONE ' need access to mouse zones
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
MouseTrapped = 0 ' assume mouse is not trapped (0 FALSE return)
IF Mouse.ZoneTrap THEN ' is the mouse trapped in a zone?
IF z > 0 THEN ' yes, was a zone requested? (>0)
IF z = Mouse.ZoneTrap THEN ' yes, is mouse trapped in zone requested?
MouseTrapped = -1 ' yes, report that mouse is trapped in requested zone (-1 TRUE return)
ELSE ' no, a zone was not requested (0)
MouseTrapped = Mouse.ZoneTrap ' report any zone handle the mouse may be trapped in (>=0 TRUE or FALSE return)
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
FUNCTION MouseHover (Area AS TYPE_AREA) ' MouseHover |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Returns a value of 1 if the mouse is hovering over the given area, 0 otherwise |
'| |
'| Area = the rectangular area |
MouseHover = 0 ' assume mouse not hovering over area
WHILE _MOUSEINPUT: WEND ' get latest mouse updates
IF _MOUSEX >= Area.Min.x THEN ' is mouse pointer currently within area limits?
IF _MOUSEX <= Area.Max.x THEN
IF _MOUSEY >= Area.Min.y THEN
IF _MOUSEY <= Area.Max.y THEN
MouseHover = 1 ' yes, report that mouse is hovering this area
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
FUNCTION DefineMouseZone (x1 AS INTEGER, y1 AS INTEGER, w AS INTEGER, h AS INTEGER, Active AS INTEGER) ' DefineMouseZone |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Defines mouse zones within the main screen |
'| |
'| x1,y1 - upper left coordinate of zone area |
'| w - width of zone area |
'| h - height of zone area |
'| Active - mouse can see zone area (t/f) |
SHARED Zone() AS TYPE_ZONE ' need access to zone areas
REDIM _PRESERVE Zone(UBOUND(Zone) + 1) AS TYPE_ZONE ' increase array size
Zone(UBOUND(Zone)).Area.Min.x = x1 ' set new zone area coordinates
Zone(UBOUND(Zone)).Area.Max.x = x1 + w - 1
Zone(UBOUND(Zone)).Area.Min.y = y1
Zone(UBOUND(Zone)).Area.Max.y = y1 + h - 1
Zone(UBOUND(Zone)).Active = Active ' set active status
DefineMouseZone = UBOUND(Zone) ' return handle of zone area
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB MakePointer (p AS INTEGER, c AS STRING, d AS TYPE_VECTOR, Offset AS TYPE_VECTOR) ' MakePointer |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Used by the Initialize() subroutine to create mouse pointers. |
SHARED Pointer() AS TYPE_POINTER ' need access to pointer images
DIM clr(2) AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' colors used to draw pointers
DIM x AS INTEGER ' horizontal counter
DIM y AS INTEGER ' vertical counter
DIM Cpos AS INTEGER ' character position counter within string
DIM ch AS STRING * 1 ' current character within string
DIM Odest AS LONG ' calling destination
Odest = _DEST ' save calling destination
clr(0) = _RGB32(0, 0, 0) ' set colors
clr(1) = _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
clr(2) = _RGB32(43, 47, 55)
Pointer(p).Value = p ' record pointer handle
Pointer(p).Image = _NEWIMAGE(d.x, d.y, 32) ' create image canvas for pointer
Pointer(p).Offset = Offset ' record pointer offset values
_DEST Pointer(p).Image ' draw on pointer image
Cpos = 0 ' reset character position counter
FOR y = 0 TO d.y - 1 ' cycle through vertical pixels
FOR x = 0 TO d.x - 1 ' cycle through horizontal pixels
Cpos = Cpos + 1 ' increment character position counter
ch = MID$(c, Cpos, 1) ' get character from within string
IF ch <> " " THEN PSET (x, y), clr(VAL(ch)) ' draw pixel if one exists
_DEST Odest ' restore calling destination
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
SUB Initialize () ' Initialize |
' __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|____
'/ \
'| Draw the pointer icons and initialize mouse variables. |
SHARED Mouse AS TYPE_MOUSE ' need access to mouse properties
SHARED Pointer() AS TYPE_POINTER ' need access to pointer images
DIM c(14) AS STRING ' ASCII representation of pointer image
DIM d(14) AS TYPE_VECTOR ' pointer dimensions
DIM o(14) AS TYPE_VECTOR ' pointer image offset from mousex and mousey
DIM p AS INTEGER ' pointer counter
'---------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
' Busy 13x22 Normal Select 12x21 Working in Background 22x21 Help Select 22x19
'---------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
c(3) = c(3) + "0000000000000": c(0) = c(0) + "0 ": c(2) = c(2) + "0 ": c(1) = c(1) + "0 "
c(3) = c(3) + "0011111111100": c(0) = c(0) + "00 ": c(2) = c(2) + "00 0000000000": c(1) = c(1) + "00 1111111 "
c(3) = c(3) + "0000000000000": c(0) = c(0) + "010 ": c(2) = c(2) + "010 0011111100": c(1) = c(1) + "010 100000001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 01111111110 ": c(0) = c(0) + "0110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "0110 0000000000": c(1) = c(1) + "0110 10001100001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 01111111110 ": c(0) = c(0) + "01110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "01110 01111110 ": c(1) = c(1) + "01110 10001 100001"
c(3) = c(3) + " 01101010110 ": c(0) = c(0) + "011110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "011110 01111110 ": c(1) = c(1) + "011110 10001 100001"
c(3) = c(3) + " 01110101110 ": c(0) = c(0) + "0111110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "0111110 01110110 ": c(1) = c(1) + "0111110 10001 100001"
c(3) = c(3) + " 00111011100 ": c(0) = c(0) + "01111110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "01111110 00101100 ": c(1) = c(1) + "01111110 10001 10001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 001111100 ": c(0) = c(0) + "011111110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "011111110 001100 ": c(1) = c(1) + "01111111011111 10001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 0010100 ": c(0) = c(0) + "0111111110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "0111111110 0010 ": c(1) = c(1) + "0111111110 10001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 00100 ": c(0) = c(0) + "01111111110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "01111111110 001100 ": c(1) = c(1) + "01111100000 10001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 00100 ": c(0) = c(0) + "011111100000": c(2) = c(2) + "011111100000 00111100 ": c(1) = c(1) + "0110110 10001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 0011100 ": c(0) = c(0) + "01110110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "01110110 01101110 ": c(1) = c(1) + "010 0110 10001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 001101100 ": c(0) = c(0) + "01100110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "01100110 01010110 ": c(1) = c(1) + "00 0110 111 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 00111111100 ": c(0) = c(0) + "010 0110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "010 0110 00101010 ": c(1) = c(1) + "0 0110 10001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 01111011110 ": c(0) = c(0) + "00 0110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "00 0110 0000000000": c(1) = c(1) + " 0110 1000001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 01110101110 ": c(0) = c(0) + "0 0110 ": c(2) = c(2) + "0 0110 0011111100": c(1) = c(1) + " 0110 10001 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 01101010110 ": c(0) = c(0) + " 0110 ": c(2) = c(2) + " 0110 0000000000": c(1) = c(1) + " 0110 111 "
c(3) = c(3) + " 01010101010 ": c(0) = c(0) + " 0110 ": c(2) = c(2) + " 0110 ": c(1) = c(1) + " 00 "
c(3) = c(3) + "0000000000000": c(0) = c(0) + " 0110 ": c(2) = c(2) + " 0110 "
c(3) = c(3) + "0011111111100": c(0) = c(0) + " 00 ": c(2) = c(2) + " 00 "
c(3) = c(3) + "0000000000000"
'--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
' Precision Select 24x24 Handwriting 24x24 Link Select 17x22 Move 21x21
'--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + "11 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 00 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 1 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + "1011 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 0110 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 101 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 10011 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 0110 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 10001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 100001 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 0110 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 1000001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 100101 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 0110 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 100000001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1000101 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 011000 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 111101111 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1001101 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 011011000 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 11 101 11 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1001101 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 01101101100 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 101 101 101 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1001101 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 011011011010 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 1001 101 1001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1001101 ": c(14) = c(14) + "000 0110110110110": c(12) = c(12) + " 1000111110111110001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1001101 ": c(14) = c(14) + "01100111111110110": c(12) = c(12) + "100000000000000000001"
c(4) = c(4) + "222222222222222222222222": c(6) = c(6) + " 1001101 1 ": c(14) = c(14) + "01110111111111110": c(12) = c(12) + " 1000111110111110001 "
c(4) = c(4) + "222222222222222222222222": c(6) = c(6) + " 1001101101 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 0110111111111110": c(12) = c(12) + " 1001 101 1001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1010101001 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 010111111111110": c(12) = c(12) + " 101 101 101 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1000100001 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 011111111111110": c(12) = c(12) + " 11 101 11 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1000101001 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 01111111111110": c(12) = c(12) + " 111101111 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1000101001 ": c(14) = c(14) + " 0111111111110 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 100000001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1000101001": c(14) = c(14) + " 011111111110 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 1000001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 100010101": c(14) = c(14) + " 011111111110 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 10001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 10001001": c(14) = c(14) + " 0111111110 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 101 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1000101": c(14) = c(14) + " 0111111110 ": c(12) = c(12) + " 1 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 100001": c(14) = c(14) + " 0000000000 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 1001 "
c(4) = c(4) + " 22 ": c(6) = c(6) + " 11 "
'------------------------ ------------------------------------ --------------------------- -----------------------
' Vertical Resize 9x21 Unavailable 20x20 Alternate Select 9x19 Text Select 7x16
'------------------------ ------------------------------------ --------------------------- -----------------------
c(8) = c(8) + " 1 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 111111 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 1 ": c(5) = c(5) + "222 222"
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 1100000011 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 10001 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 100000000001 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 10001 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 1000001 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 10000111100001 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 1000001 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + "100000001": c(7) = c(7) + " 100011 110001 ": c(13) = c(13) + "100000001": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + "111101111": c(7) = c(7) + " 1000001 10001 ": c(13) = c(13) + "111101111": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 10010001 1001 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + "1000110001 10001": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + "1001 10001 1001": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + "1001 10001 1001": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + "1001 10001 1001": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + "1001 10001 1001": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + "10001 1000110001": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 1001 10001001 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 10001 1000001 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + " 2 "
c(8) = c(8) + "111101111": c(7) = c(7) + " 100011 110001 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 ": c(5) = c(5) + "222 222"
c(8) = c(8) + "100000001": c(7) = c(7) + " 10000111100001 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 1000001 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 100000000001 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 101 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 10001 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 1100000011 ": c(13) = c(13) + " 111 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 101 ": c(7) = c(7) + " 111111 "
c(8) = c(8) + " 1 "
'-------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------
' Diagonal Resize 2 15x15 Diagonal Resize 1 15x15 Horizontal Resize 21x9
'-------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------
c(11) = c(11) + " 1111111": c(10) = c(10) + "1111111 ": c(9) = c(9) + " 11 11 "
c(11) = c(11) + " 1000001": c(10) = c(10) + "1000001 ": c(9) = c(9) + " 101 101 "
c(11) = c(11) + " 100001": c(10) = c(10) + "100001 ": c(9) = c(9) + " 1001 1001 "
c(11) = c(11) + " 10001": c(10) = c(10) + "10001 ": c(9) = c(9) + " 1000111111111110001 "
c(11) = c(11) + " 101001": c(10) = c(10) + "100101 ": c(9) = c(9) + "100000000000000000001"
c(11) = c(11) + " 101 101": c(10) = c(10) + "101 101 ": c(9) = c(9) + " 1000111111111110001 "
c(11) = c(11) + " 101 11": c(10) = c(10) + "11 101 ": c(9) = c(9) + " 1001 1001 "
c(11) = c(11) + " 101 ": c(10) = c(10) + " 101 ": c(9) = c(9) + " 101 101 "
c(11) = c(11) + "11 101 ": c(10) = c(10) + " 101 11": c(9) = c(9) + " 11 11 "
c(11) = c(11) + "101 101 ": c(10) = c(10) + " 101 101"
c(11) = c(11) + "100101 ": c(10) = c(10) + " 101001"
c(11) = c(11) + "10001 ": c(10) = c(10) + " 10001"
c(11) = c(11) + "100001 ": c(10) = c(10) + " 100001"
c(11) = c(11) + "1000001 ": c(10) = c(10) + " 1000001"
c(11) = c(11) + "1111111 ": c(10) = c(10) + " 1111111"
d(0).x = 12: d(0).y = 21: o(0).x = 0: o(0).y = 0 ' Normal Select Mouse pointer widths and heights ( d().x and d().y )
d(1).x = 22: d(1).y = 19: o(1).x = 0: o(1).y = 0 ' Help Select
d(2).x = 22: d(2).y = 21: o(2).x = 0: o(2).y = 0 ' Working in Background Mouse pointer offsets ( o().x and o().y )
d(3).x = 13: d(3).y = 22: o(3).x = 6: o(3).y = 11 ' Busy
d(4).x = 24: d(4).y = 24: o(4).x = 12: o(4).y = 12 ' Precision Select
d(5).x = 7: d(5).y = 16: o(5).x = 3: o(5).y = 8 ' Text Select
d(6).x = 24: d(6).y = 24: o(6).x = 0: o(6).y = 0 ' Handwriting
d(7).x = 20: d(7).y = 20: o(7).x = 10: o(7).y = 10 ' Unavailable
d(8).x = 9: d(8).y = 21: o(8).x = 4: o(8).y = 10 ' Vertical Resize
d(9).x = 21: d(9).y = 9: o(9).x = 10: o(9).y = 4 ' Horizontal Resize
d(10).x = 15: d(10).y = 15: o(10).x = 7: o(10).y = 7 ' Diagonal Resize 1
d(11).x = 15: d(11).y = 15: o(11).x = 7: o(11).y = 7 ' Diagonal Resize 2
d(12).x = 21: d(12).y = 21: o(12).x = 10: o(12).y = 10 ' Move
d(13).x = 9: d(13).y = 19: o(13).x = 4: o(13).y = 0 ' Alternate Select
d(14).x = 17: d(14).y = 22: o(14).x = 5: o(14).y = 0 ' Link Select
FOR p = 0 TO 14 ' create mouse pointer images
MakePointer p, c(p), d(p), o(p) ' value, string representation, dimensions, offset
Mouse.Left.DCTime = .3 ' set button double click times
Mouse.Right.DCTime = .3
Mouse.Middle.DCTime = .3
Mouse.Pointer = Pointer(0) ' default pointer (normal select)
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
'| Mouse property reporting functions |
'| \
'| The following functions return the various mouse properties available. |
FUNCTION MousePointer () ' report the current mouse pointer number
MousePointer = Mouse.Pointer.Value
FUNCTION MouseSpeed () ' report speed of mouse as it moves from one position to the next
MouseSpeed = INT(_HYPOT(Mouse.Vector.x, Mouse.Vector.y))
FUNCTION MouseWheel () ' report cumulative wheel value between updates
MouseWheel = Mouse.Wheel
FUNCTION MouseVectorX () ' report the x vector quantity change from one position to the next
MouseVectorX = Mouse.Vector.x
FUNCTION MouseVectorY () ' report the y vector quantity change from one position to the next
MouseVectorY = Mouse.Vector.y
FUNCTION MouseNormalX () ' report the normalized x vector quantity change from one position to the next
MouseNormalX = Mouse.Normal.x
FUNCTION MouseNormalY () ' report the normalized y vector quantity change from one position to the next
MouseNormalY = Mouse.Normal.y
FUNCTION AnyClick () ' report any button that has been clicked
AnyClick = LeftClick OR MiddleClick OR RightClick
FUNCTION AnyDoubleClick () ' report any button that has been double clicked
AnyDoubleClick = LeftDoubleClick OR MiddleDoubleClick OR RightDoubleClick
FUNCTION Click () ' report if the left button has been clicked
Click = LeftClick
FUNCTION DoubleClick () ' report if the left button has been double clicked
DoubleClick = LeftDoubleClick
FUNCTION LeftClick () ' report if the left button has been clicked
LeftClick = Mouse.Left.Clicked
FUNCTION LeftDoubleClick () ' report if the left button has been double clicked
LeftDoubleClick = Mouse.Left.DoubleClicked
FUNCTION RightClick () ' report if the right button has been clicked
RightClick = Mouse.Right.Clicked
FUNCTION RightDoubleClick () ' report if the right button has been double clicked
RightDoubleClick = Mouse.Right.DoubleClicked
FUNCTION MiddleClick () ' report if the middle button has been clicked
MiddleClick = Mouse.Middle.Clicked
FUNCTION MiddleDoubleClick () ' report if the middle button has been double clicked
MiddleDoubleClick = Mouse.Middle.DoubleClicked
FUNCTION MouseAngle () ' report the degree angle the mouse moved in from one position to the next
MouseAngle = Mouse.Degree
FUNCTION ClickAndHold () ' report if the left button is being held down
ClickAndHold = LeftHold
FUNCTION AnyHold () ' report if any button is being held down
AnyHold = LeftHold OR MiddleHold OR RightHold
FUNCTION LeftHold () ' report if the left button is being held down
LeftHold = Mouse.Left.Held
FUNCTION MiddleHold () ' report if the middle button is being held down
MiddleHold = Mouse.Middle.Held
FUNCTION RightHold () ' report if the right button is being held down
RightHold = Mouse.Right.Held
FUNCTION MouseX () ' report the current x coordinate of the pointer
MouseX = Mouse.Location.x
FUNCTION MouseY () ' report the current y coordinate of the pointer
MouseY = Mouse.Location.y
FUNCTION MousePreviousX () ' report the previous x coodinate of the pointer
MousePreviousX = Mouse.Previous.x
FUNCTION MousePreviousY () ' report the previous y coordinate of the pointer
MousePreviousY = Mouse.Previous.y
' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'/ \
'| Documentation Documentation |
'| \
'| This set of functions and subroutines is used to track all mouse and mouse button activity and give the ability to report on the status of all |
'| that activity. This code also gives you the ability to set up predefined mouse zones that the mouse pointer can interact with and get trapped |
'| within. |
'| |
'| ---------------- |
'| Basic Mouse Use: |
'| ---------------- |
'| |
'| The snippet of code below will give you access to the status of the mouse buttons and mouse pointer coordinate related functions. |
'| |
'| SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) ' these mouse routines only work in a graphics screen |
'| _MOUSEHIDE ' hide system mouse pointer |
'| Initialize ' initialize the mouse pointers and settings |
'| DO ' main program loop |
'| CLS |
'| _LIMIT 30 ' optional frames per second limit (keep at >=15 for best results) |
'| UpdateMouse ' update mouse values |
'| |
'| '+----------------+ |
'| '| Your code here | |
'| '+----------------+ |
'| |
'| DrawMousePointer ' draw the mouse pointer at the current x and y coordinates |
'| LOOP |
'| |
'| --------------------- |
'| Basic Mouse Zone Use: |
'| --------------------- |
'| |
'| The snippet of code below will create a single mouse zone and give you access to the status of the mouse interacting with zone related functions. |
'| |
'| DIM Zone AS INTEGER ' create handle to hold mouse zone properties |
'| |
'| Zone = DefineMouseZone(10, 10, 100, 100, TRUE) ' create a mouse zone that is visible to the mouse |
'| |
'| SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) ' these mouse routines only work in a graphics screen |
'| _MOUSEHIDE ' hide system mouse pointer |
'| Initialize ' initialize the mouse pointers and settings |
'| DO ' main program loop |
'| CLS |
'| _LIMIT 30 ' optional frames per second limit (keep at >=15 for best results) |
'| UpdateMouse ' update mouse values |
'| |
'| '+----------------+ |
'| '| Your code here | |
'| '+----------------+ |
'| |
'| DrawBorder Zone ' draw a border around the mouse zone (optional) |
'| DrawMousePointer ' draw the mouse pointer at the current x and y coordinates |
'| LOOP |
'| |
'| ---------------------------------------- |
'| Mouse related subroutines and functions: |
'| ---------------------------------------- |
'| |
'| UpdateMouse |
'| |
'| - Updates the mouse properties. Must be called at the beginning of the main program loop. |
'| |
'| DrawMousePointer |
'| |
'| - Draws the current mouse pointer to the current x,y coordinate of the mouse on screen. Use this subroutine in your main program loop after all |
'| other drawing to the screen has been done. |
'| |
'| SetMousePointer PointerValue |
'| |
'| - Sets the mouse pointer to one of 15 different mouse pointer icons. |
'| - PointerValue - can be any value from 0 to 14. |
'| |
'| Pointer = MousePointer |
'| |
'| - Returns the current icon pointer value. |
'| - Pointer - will contain a value from 0 to 14. |
'| |
'| SetLeftDoubleClickTime DCTime |
'| |
'| - Sets the maximum time interval between two left button clicks to be considered a double click. |
'| - The default time, as set by Initialize, is 300 milliseconds. |
'| - DCTime - the time in milliseconds (i.e. .3 = 300 Milliseconds or approximatly 1/3rd of a second) |
'| |
'| SetMiddleDoubleClickTime DCTime |
'| |
'| - Sets the maximum time interval between two middle button clicks to be considered a double click. |
'| - The default time, as set by Initialize, is 300 milliseconds. |
'| - DCTime - the time in milliseconds (i.e. .3 = 300 Milliseconds or approximatly 1/3rd of a second) |
'| |
'| SetRightDoubleClickTime DCTime |
'| |
'| - Sets the maximum time interval between two right button clicks to be considered a double click. |
'| - The default time, as set by Initialize, is 300 milliseconds. |
'| - DCTime - the time in milliseconds (i.e. .3 = 300 Milliseconds or approximatly 1/3rd of a second) |
'| |
'| --------------------------------------------- |
'| Mouse zone related subroutines and functions: |
'| --------------------------------------------- |
'| |
'| DefineMouseZone x1, y1, Width, Height, Active |
'| |
'| - Creates an area on screen that the mouse will actively monitor for activity. |
'| - x1, y1 - the upper left corner of the area |
'| - Width - the width of the area |
'| - Height - the height of the area |
'| - Active - zone is visible to the mouse pointer (-1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE)) |
'| |
'| DrawBorder Zone |
'| |
'| - Draws a border around a visible (active) defined mouse zone. The border will change color according to mouse pointer activity: |
'| : Gray - no mouse pointer interaction. |
'| : White - mouse pointer is hovering over the mouse zone. |
'| : Bright White - mouse pointer is trapped within the mouse zone. |
'| - Zone - the mouse zone to draw a border around. |
'| - supplying a value of 0 (zero) will draw borders around all defined and visible mouse zones. |
'| |
'| Hovering = MouseHovering(Zone) |
'| |
'| - Returns the status of the mouse pointer hovering over a zone. |
'| - Zone - the mouse zone to check for the mouse pointer hovering over. |
'| - supplying a value of 0 (zero) will check all mouse zones for mouse pointer hovering. |
'| - Hovering - will return -1 (TRUE), 0 (FALSE), or a mouse zone handle depending on the setting of Zone. |
'| - -1 (TRUE) when the mouse pointer is hovering over the Zone specified. |
'| - 0 (FALSE) when the mouse is not hovering over the Zone specified. |
'| - a zone handle value if the value of 0 (zero) was passed in for Zone and the mouse is hovering a defined and visible mouse zone. |
'| - 0 (FALSE) if the value of 0 (zero) was passed in for Zone and the mouse is not hovering a defined and visible mouse zone. |
'| |
'| Trapped = MouseTrapped(Zone) |
'| |
'| - Returns the status of a mouse trapped within a zone. |
'| - Zone - the mouse zone to check for the mouse pointer trapped in. |
'| - supplying a value of 0 (zero) will check all mouse zones for a trapped mouse pointer. |
'| - Trapped - will return -1 (TRUE), 0 (FALSE), or a mouse zone handle depending on the setting of Zone. |
'| - -1 (TRUE) when the mouse pointer is trapped in the Zone specified. |
'| - 0 (FALSE) when the mouse pointer is not trapped within the Zone specified. |
'| - a zone handle value if the value of 0 (zero) was passed in for Zone and the mouse is trapped in a defined and visible mouse zone. |
'| - 0 (FALSE) if the value of 0 (zero) was passed in for Zone and the mouse is not trapped in a defined and visible mouse zone. |
'| |
'| Status = MouseZone(Zone) |
'| |
'| - Returns the status of any type of interaction with the mouse pointer an a defined visible zone. |
'| - Status - -1 (TRUE) if mouse pointer interaction with Zone, 0 (FALSE) otherwise. |
'| - Zone - the mouse to check for mouse pointer interation. |
'| |
'| HideZone Zone |
'| |
'| - Hides a zone from the moue pointer. |
'| - Zone - the zone to hide the mouse from. |
'| |
'| ShowZone Zone |
'| |
'| - Reveals a mouse zone previously hidden to the mouse pointer. |
'| - Zone - the zone to reveal to the mouse pointer. |
'| |
'| TrapMouse Zone |
'| |
'| - Traps a mouse pointer within the confines of a defined mouse zone. |
'| - Zone - the zone to trap the mouse pointer in. |
'| |
'| FreeMouse |
'| |
'| - Frees a trapped mouse from within any mouse zone. |
'| |
'| --------------------------------------------------------------- |
'| The following functions return the status of the mouse buttons: |
'| --------------------------------------------------------------- |
'| |
'| AnyClick - returns -1 (TRUE) when the left, middle, or right button is clicked. |
'| AnyDoubleClick - returns -1 (TRUE) when the left, middle, or right button is double clicked. |
'| Click - returns -1 (TRUE) when the left button is clicked (same as LeftClick). |
'| DoubleClick - returns -1 (TRUE) when the left button is double clicked (same as LeftDoubleClick). |
'| LeftClick - returns -1 (TRUE) when the left button is clicked. |
'| LeftDoubleClick - returns -1 (TRUE) when the left button is double clicked. |
'| RightClick - returns -1 (TRUE) when the right button is clicked. |
'| RightDoubleClick - returns -1 (TRUE) when the right button is double clicked. |
'| MiddleClick - returns -1 (TRUE) when the middle button is clicked. |
'| MiddleDoubleClick - returns -1 (TRUE) when the middle button is double clicked. |
'| AnyHold - Returns -1 (TRUE) when the left, middle, or right button is held down. |
'| ClickAndHold - returns -1 (TRUE) when the left button is held down (same as LeftHold). |
'| LeftHold - returns -1 (TRUE) when the left button is held down. |
'| MiddleHold - returns -1 (TRUE) when the middle button is held down. |
'| RightHold - returns -1 (TRUE) when the right button is held down. |
'| MouseWheel - returns the cumulative result of mouse wheel turns from the previous mouse update to the current mouse update. |
'| |
'| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
'| The following functions return the status of the mouse pointer coordinates: |
'| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
'| |
'| MouseX - the current x coordinate location of the mouse pointer. |
'| MouseY - the current y coordinate location of the mouse pointer. |
'| MousePreviousX - the x coordinate location of the mouse pointer during the previous mouse update. |
'| MousePreviousY - the y coordinate location of the mouse pointer during the previous mouse update. |
'| MouseVectorX - the x movement vector of the mouse pointer from the previous coordinate location to the current coordinate location. |
'| MouseVectorY - the y movement vector of the mouse pointer from the previous coordinate location to the current coordinate location. |
'| MouseNormalX - the normalized value of MouseVectorX (-1 to 1). |
'| MouseNormalY - the normalized value of MouseVectorY (-1 to 1). |
'| MouseAngle - the degree angle of mouse pointer movement from the previous coordinate location to the current coordinate location (0 to 359). |
'| MouseSpeed - the speed of mouse pointer movement from the previous coordinate location to the current coordinate location. |
OmniPeg |
Posted by: PhilOfPerth - 08-13-2023, 12:57 AM - Forum: Games
- Replies (2)
Here is my version of the Peg Solitaire game, which has a couple of twists to the original.
Coding is not economized, and could be probably halved by some members (?), but it works.
Code: (Select All) Screen _NewImage(1024, 820, 32)
SetFont: f& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", 24, "monospace") ' 31 rows, 73 columns text, allows chr$(95)
_Font f&
dw = _DesktopWidth: dh = _DesktopHeight
lhs = (dw - 1024) / 2: top = 100
_ScreenMove lhs, top ' centre display horiz on screen, down 100
Common Shared board$(), cell$, v, h, pick$, bad$, Mode, score
Dim board$(7, 7)
pick$ = "o2l32dg": ok$ = "l32o2cego3c": bad$ = "l32o2co1bagfedc"
Locate 4, 30: Print "Peg Solitaire": white
Locate 7, 1
Print " A board of 49 cells is displayed, with 48 of these occupied by pegs."
Print " Try to remove all pegs (except one) by jumping another peg over them."
Print " Jumps may be in any direction (but see ";: yellow: Print "Modes";: white: Print " below), over a single"
Print " peg, and the landing cell must be vacant."
Print " Enter each jump as a ";: yellow: Print "FROM";: white: Print ", then a";
yellow: Print " TO";: white: Print " row and column e.g. A3, then C5."
Print " Each move must jump 2 cells, over an existing ";: yellow: Print "REMOVE";: white: Print " peg."
Print " The FROM and REMOVE cells must be occupied, and the ";: yellow: Print "TO";: white: Print " cell must be"
Print " empty, otherwise the move is rejected."
Print " If legal, the REMOVE cell is cleared, and the action can be repeated"
Print " until no more jumps are possible."
Print " There are 3 ";: yellow: Print "Modes";: white: Print " of play, each with different directions for jumps:"
Print " 1: Jump in any direction 2: Hor and Vert only 3: Diagonal only."
Print Tab(12); "(Mode 1 is a simple version, mostly for children)."
yellow: Print: Print Tab(24); " Which Mode would you like?"
k$ = InKey$
If k$ = "" Then GoTo GetMode
If k$ <= "1" Or k$ > "3" Then Mode = 1 Else Mode = Val(k$)
Locate 2, 32: Print "Mode"; Mode
Locate 26, 32: Print "Score:"; score
WIPE "2829": Play pick$
white: Locate 28, 24: Print "Input ";: yellow: Print "FROM";: white: Print " as VH (e.g. A3)"
Print Tab(30); "or Q to quit"
Locate 28, 50: Input cell$
cell$ = UCase$(cell$)
If cell$ = "Q" Then Finish
v = Asc(Left$(cell$, 1)) - 64: h = Val(Right$(cell$, 1))
If Len(cell$) <> 2 Or Left$(cell$, 1) < "A" Or Left$(cell$, 1) > "G" Or Val(Right$(cell$, 1)) < 1 Or Val(Right$(cell$, 1)) > 7 Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 13: red: Print "FROM must be entered as VH (vert and horiz) e.g. A3"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": GoTo GetFrom
fromv = Asc(Left$(cell$, 1)) - 64: fromh = Val(Right$(cell$, 1))
End If
If board$(fromv, fromh) = " " Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 27: red: Print "That cell is empty"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": GoTo GetFrom
End If
AcceptFROM: ' FROM meets specs
red: Locate 8 + (fromv - 1) * 2, 27 + (fromh - 1) * 3: Print Chr$(249): yellow
WIPE "24"
white: Locate 24, 33: Print cell$; " -"
WIPE "28": Play pick$
Locate 28, 25: Print "Input ";: yellow: Print "TO";: white: Print " as VH (e.g. A3)"; Tab(21); "(or <Space> to restart this move)"
Locate 28, 49: Input cell$
cell$ = UCase$(cell$)
Locate 24, 38: Print cell$
Restart: ' player pressed <Space> to restart their move
If cell$ = " " Then
yellow: Locate 8 + (fromv - 1) * 2, 27 + (fromh - 1) * 3: Print "*"
board$(fromv, fromh) = "*"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "2428": GoTo GetFrom
End If
v = Asc(Left$(cell$, 1)) - 64: h = Val(Right$(cell$, 1))
tov = v: toh = h ' we have fromh, fromv, toh and tov to identify middle cell
If Len(cell$) <> 2 Or Left$(cell$, 1) < "A" Or Left$(cell$, 1) > "H" Or Right$(cell$, 1) < "1" Or Right$(cell$, 1) > "8" Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 13: red: Print "TO must be entered as vh (vert and horiz) e.g. C5"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
Select Case Mode
Case 1 ' children
fail = 0
If Abs(fromv - tov) = 2 And (Abs(fromh - toh) <> 2 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 0) Then fail = 1
If fromv - tov = 0 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 2 Then fail = 1
If fail = 1 Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 22: red: Print "Jump must be exactly 2 cells"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
Case 2 ' horiz and vert
fail = 0
If ((Abs(fromv - tov) = 2 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 0)) Or ((Abs(fromv - tov) = 2 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 0)) Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 14: red: Print "Jump must be 2 cells, vertically or horizontally"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
Case 3 ' diag
fail = 0
If Abs(fromv - tov) <> 2 Or Abs(fromh - toh) <> 2 Then fail = 1
If fail = 1 Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 20: red: Print "Jump must be 2 cells, diagonally"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
End Select
If fromv < tov Then midlv = fromv + 1
If fromv = tov Then midlv = fromv
If fromv > tov Then midlv = fromv - 1
If fromh < toh Then midlh = fromh + 1
If fromh = toh Then midlh = fromh
If fromh > toh Then midlh = fromh - 1
If board$(midlv, midlh) <> "*" Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 25: red: Print "The jumped cell is not occupied"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
If oard$(tov, toh) = "*" Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 25: red: Print "That cell is occupied"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
Locate 8 + (tov - 1) * 2, 27 + (toh - 1) * 3: Print "*"
Locate 8 + (fromv - 1) * 2, 27 + (fromh - 1) * 3: red: Print " "
Locate 8 + (midlv - 1) * 2, 27 + (midlh - 1) * 3: red: Print " "
board$(fromv, fromh) = " ": board$(tov, toh) = "*": board$(midlv, midlh) = " "
score = score + 1
WIPE "24"
GoTo GetFrom
End If
Sub drawgrid
Locate 6, 27: Print "1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
For a = 1 To 7
Locate 6 + a * 2, 24
Print Chr$(64 + a)
' all pegs
For a = 1 To 7
For b = 1 To 7
board$(a, b) = "*"
Locate a * 2 + 6, b * 3 + 24
Print "*"
'centre hole
red: Locate 14, 36: Print Chr$(249)
board$(4, 4) = " "
'draw frame
top = 160
For a = 0 To 6
PSet (355, top + a * 48)
For b = 1 To 7 ' row of 7 boxes
Draw "r30d33l30u33bm+42,0"
End Sub
Sub Finish
Locate 15, 18: Print "You scored"; score; "points, from a possible 47."
End Sub
Sub red
Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub
Sub yellow
Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub
Sub white
Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub
Sub WIPE (ln$) ' call with string of 2-digit line numbers only eg "0122" for lines 1 and 23
For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2
Locate Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2))
Print Space$(73)
End Sub
Filled Triangle for BAM? |
Posted by: bplus - 08-12-2023, 09:15 PM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs
- Replies (3)
Charlie I have some code for a Triangle Fill that I picked up from Andy Amaya at Just Basic Forum.
I've used it with SmallBASIC and I think it would be really handy for BAM if you don't have anything like that. QB64 has the _MapTriangle method so not really needed in that?
Your Area question reminded me of that and filling a polygon without Paint keyword.
A 'retro' BASIC 'system' |
Posted by: Michelle - 08-12-2023, 08:52 PM - Forum: Works in Progress
- Replies (11)
Well, awhile back, I got a wild hair. And well, that hair got me to building an old Z-80 CP/M machine, starting on a second one, and buying an old IBM PS/2 8560. Why you are probably asking... Other than, 'I can', I have no idea. Anyway, the 8560 (80286) is running DOS and I'm setting it up as a file-server via RS-232 to the two Z-80 CP/M machines. I have been writing a bunch of Z-80 assembly code for the CP/M machines to talk to the 8560. I'm writing the file-server code in good 'ol BASIC. Archaic as hell I know, but it is a good challenge....
One thing that does have me sorta stumped is how to have the file-server code 'poll' the open comm ports (old 16bit BASIC only supports two of them), to see if a command has come in. If there is nothing pending, then go to check the next one. Kind of like INKEY$ for a comm port. Of course, I'd love it if there was a 16 bit version of QB64 Phoenix. Anyway, Michelle
Simple Regex matching |
Posted by: RhoSigma - 08-11-2023, 08:31 AM - Forum: RhoSigma
- No Replies
A simple wrapper for the standard library regex_match() function. Save all files into the QB64pe folder to test.
Code: (Select All) //====================================================================
//=== Regular Expressions support ====================================
#include <regex>
// Check whether the given string does match the given regular expression.
// The regex must match entirely to be true (ie. without any additional
// characters before or after the match), hence the use of ^ or $ for
// line start or line end respectively is not required/supported.
// In: string, regex (both STRINGs, add CHR$(0) to end of strings)
// Out: match (INTEGER, 0 = no match, 1 = positive match)
// Err: out < 0 (call RegexError() to get the error message)
int16_t RegexMatch(const char *qbStr, const char *qbRegex) {
int16_t result;
try {result = regex_match(qbStr, std::regex(qbRegex));}
catch (const std::regex_error& e) {result = ~e.code();}
return result;
// Return a detailed error description message for any negative error code,
// which might be returned by the RegexMatch() function.
// In: error code (INTEGER, usually the code returned by RegexMatch())
// Out: error text (STRING, description for the given error code)
const char *RegexError(int16_t errCode) {
switch (~errCode) {
// just in case somebody pass in the regular matching result as error
case -2: {return "No error, it was a positive RegEx match."; break;}
case -1: {return "No error, the RegEx just didn't match."; break;}
// and now the real errors known to the regex library
case std::regex_constants::error_collate: {return "RegEx has an invalid collating element name."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_ctype: {return "RegEx has an invalid character class name."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_escape: {return "RegEx has an invalid escaped character, or a trailing escape."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_backref: {return "RegEx has an invalid back reference."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_brack: {return "RegEx has mismatched brackets [ and ]."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_paren: {return "RegEx has mismatched parentheses ( and )."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_brace: {return "RegEx has mismatched braces { and }."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_badbrace: {return "RegEx has an invalid range between braces { and }."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_range: {return "RegEx has an invalid character range."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_space: {return "Out of memory while converting RegEx into a finite state machine."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_badrepeat: {return "RegEx has a repeat specifier, one of *?+{, that was not preceded by a valid token."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_complexity: {return "Complexity of an attempted match exceeded a pre-set level."; break;}
case std::regex_constants::error_stack: {return "Out of memory while trying to match the specified string."; break;}
// everything else is unknown
default: {return "Unknown RegEx error."; break;}
Code: (Select All)
DECLARE LIBRARY "qbregex" 'Do not add .h here !!
FUNCTION RegexMatch% (qbStr$, qbRegex$) 'add CHR$(0) to both
FUNCTION RegexError$ (BYVAL errCode%)
Code: (Select All)
'$INCLUDE: 'qbregex.bi'
PRINT "Type a short phrase with your or others username in it: "
LINE INPUT "Phrase: "; phrase$
'remove one open or close parantheses to check error part
you$ = "(.*)grymmjack(.*)"
res% = RegexMatch%(UCASE$(phrase$) + CHR$(0), UCASE$(you$) + CHR$(0)) 'match ignoring case
IF res% > 0 THEN
PRINT "Hey, must be you, grymmjack."
ELSEIF res% = 0 THEN
PRINT "Hello unknown user."
PRINT "Error: "; RegexError$(res%)