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Posted by: musss1 - 06-10-2024, 08:46 AM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (12)
Hello everyone, I am having a hard time trying to run a code, (which I copied and pasted from a PDF text book ^^),
The program was written in Microsoft QuickBASIC for Apple Macintosh, so i investigated a little and
close to that i found QB64 programing languaje , i dont know if the syntax is the same, but the file (.bas), gets executed,
If someone can help me resolve the problem, I would appreciate it. ♥
I am leaving the link to the GitHub repository if you want to download the files and try them out yourselves.
its strange because the code is from a book, So it shouldn't be an issue !
I am also attaching a video with two images, showing what happens when I try to run the code completely!
link to github :
first image :
The main program, calls the file "uflo.dat",which i highlighted in yellow, it stores numbers in a 21x41 array format,
with 21 columns and each column containing 41 numbers, separated by commas.
I = 21 and J = 41.
It is used to perform some calculations for sonic and subsonic flow, "gas dynamics."
second image:
i marked in red where the syntaxis problem is
reference video:
the code should look like this :
please help !!! thank you guys
Lesson 10: Slot Machine |
Posted by: SMcNeill - 06-08-2024, 11:02 PM - Forum: Terry Ritchie's Tutorial
- Replies (7)
So, I saw the other post for the slot machine, and thought I'd take a quick shot at seeing how I'd come up with something like you suggested.
Code: (Select All)
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(340, 340, 32)
_TITLE "Slot Machine!"
COLOR White, 0
Money = 300
DIM AS _FLOAT spin1, spin2, spin3
CLS , DarkGray
CenterText 10, "ENTER TO SPIN! (You have $" + STR$(Money) + ")"
CenterText 140, "PAYOUTS"
CenterText 160, "Three Double Circles -- 500"
CenterText 180, "Three Squares -- 25"
CenterText 200, "Three Triangles -- 25"
CenterText 220, "Three Circles -- 25"
CenterText 240, "Two Circles -- 10"
CenterText 260, "Three Diamonds -- 10"
CenterText 280, "Two Diamonds -- 5"
CenterText 300, "One Diamond -- 1"
DO: a$ = INPUT$(1): LOOP UNTIL a$ = CHR$(13) OR a$ = CHR$(27)
LINE (0, 0)-(340, 340), DarkGray, BF
spin1 = TIMER + RND * 2 + 1: spin2 = RND * 2 + 1 + spin1: spin3 = RND * 2 + 1 + spin2
finished = -1
IF spin1 > TIMER THEN slot1 = Slot(INT(RND * 32)): DrawSlot 0, slot1
IF spin2 > TIMER THEN slot2 = Slot(INT(RND * 32)): DrawSlot 1, slot2
IF spin3 > TIMER THEN slot3 = Slot(INT(RND * 32)): DrawSlot 2, slot3: finished = 0
LOOP UNTIL finished
win = -10 'the "ante" of $10 to spin.
IF slot1 = slot2 AND slot2 = slot3 THEN 'three of a kind!
CASE 1: win = 250 '3 circles
CASE 2: win = 250 '3 triangles
CASE 3: win = 100 '3 diamonds
CASE 4: win = 5000 '3 double circles
CASE 5: win = 250 '3 squares
diamond = 0: circles = 0
IF slot1 = 3 THEN diamond = diamond + 1 ELSE IF slot1 = 1 THEN circles = circles + 1
IF slot2 = 3 THEN diamond = diamond + 1 ELSE IF slot2 = 1 THEN circles = circles + 1
IF slot3 = 3 THEN diamond = diamond + 1 ELSE IF slot2 = 1 THEN circles = circles + 1
IF diamond = 1 THEN win = 10 ELSE IF diamond = 2 THEN win = 50 '1 diamond or 2 diamond
IF circles = 2 THEN win = 100 '2 circles
IF win < 0 THEN CenterText 250, "Sorry. No Match. You lose." ELSE CenterText 250, "Congrats! You win!"
Money = Money + win
SUB DrawSlot (where, what)
LINE (10 + 110 * where, 50)-STEP(100, 100), Black, BF
w = 110 * where
CASE 1: CircleFill 60 + w, 100, 50, Blue 'circle
CASE 2: FillTriangle 60 + w, 50, 10 + w, 150, 110 + w, 150, Yellow 'triangle
CASE 3: FillQuad 60 + w, 50, 10 + w, 100, 60 + w, 150, 110 + w, 100, Green 'diamond
CASE 4: CircleFill 60 + w, 100, 50, Red: CircleFill 60 + w, 100, 25, Yellow 'double circle
CASE 5: LINE (20 + 110 * where, 60)-STEP(80, 80), Gold, BF: 'square
CASE 0 TO 1: Slot = 1
CASE 1 TO 3: Slot = 2
CASE 3 TO 7: Slot = 5
CASE 7 TO 15: Slot = 4
CASE ELSE: Slot = 3
SUB CenterText (y, text$)
l = _PRINTWIDTH(text$)
w = _WIDTH
x = (w - l) \ 2
_PRINTSTRING (x, y), text$
SUB FillTriangle (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, K AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
IF a& = 0 THEN a& = _NEWIMAGE(1, 1, 32): m = _MEMIMAGE(a&)
_MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(0, 0)-(0, 0), a& TO(x1, y1)-(x2, y2)-(x3, y3)
SUB FillQuad (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, K AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
FillTriangle x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, K
FillTriangle x3, y3, x4, y4, x1, y1, K
Radius = ABS(R)
RadiusError = -Radius
X = Radius
Y = 0
LINE (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
IF RadiusError >= 0 THEN
IF X <> Y + 1 THEN
LINE (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
LINE (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
Y = Y + 1
LINE (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
LINE (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
About 120ish lines of code, and I don't think I missed anything out of the instructions. Did I?
I haven't looked to see how anyone else has tackled this task yet, as I wanted to give it a go all on my own, so I'm hoping I didn't hit too far off the mark.
Memory Warning |
Posted by: Dimster - 06-08-2024, 12:21 PM - Forum: Site Suggestions
- Replies (10)
I have a vague recollection that a discussion on memory usage was kicked around however I can't seem to find if that discussion specifically dealt with a Warning being displayed in the IDE.
Every now and then I could use a quick guide to how much memory a particular array that I have just dimmed will take up. I know the act of dimming sets aside memory for the array however the amount of memory set aside is not immediately known. You have to do the math yourself.
As well, how much available memory is also difficult to know at the time of dimming. I don't know if the IDE, in reserving the memory would have access to the total ram in one's computer and therefore, knowing the size of the array being set up in memory, would also be able to calculate the amount of memory left for future arrays.
Would it be possible for the IDE to have a Warning on Memory Available ... or if upon Dimming an array the amount of memory set aside be displayed ... or if the Warning on Unused arrays and variables would display the amount of memory.
Just a thought
Simple Sudoku puzzle (updated with 500 puzzles) |
Posted by: Dav - 06-08-2024, 01:59 AM - Forum: Games
- Replies (7)
This is a simple to play sudoku puzzle with 500 easy level puzzles to solve. I hesitated sharing this because the code is so jumbled up, but I probably won't ever clean it up so here it is. Maybe somebody would like a portable sudoku program. Screen size will adjust to 75% of users desktop height, so the puzzle should look nice on any screen. If you want to see a REALLy good sudoku in QB64 then I highly recommend looking up the one @bplus made.
Left click to add a number to a cell, right click on a number to erase it.
SPACE will reset puzzle, ENTER will go to a random puzzle #.
Use +/- keys to jump to different puzzles quickly.
Press T to play with timer (shows in title bar).
R will reset all puzzles to unsolved.
Game progress now saved to a sudoko.dat file in current directory so you can continue where you left off.
- Dav
EDIT: Updated version - now saves game progress and solved puzzles.
Code: (Select All) '==========
'A simple and easy to use sudoku puzzle.
'Contains 500 solvable easy level puzzles.
'Coded by Dav JUN/2024 using QB64PE v3.13.0
'Added: Puzzle progress now saved.
' Continue where you left off!
' (sudoku.dat file is saved in dir)
'Added: Press 'R' to reset all 500 puzzles
'This is a classic sudoku puzzle implementation.
'Left click on a cell to assign a number to it.
'A number box will pop up. Click on desired number.
'(keys 1 - 9 can also be used when number box shows)
'Number turn red whenever there's a conflict.
'Right click on numbers to remove them off the board.
'(or select same number from numbox to remove it).
'The current puzzle number is displayed in Title bar.
'Use +/- keys to navigate to a certain puzzle number.
'ENTER gets a random puzzle number.
'SPACE will reset current puzzle.
'R will reset(clear) all puzzles.
'ESC key quits the game.
'You can press T to turn Timer ON/OFF if you want
'to play with a timer. (time shows in title bar).
'The timer shows how long you has spent on the
'current puzzle.
'When the current puzzle is solved the next puzzle
'number is selected automatically.
'Visit my little QB64PE Programming Corner here:
grid = 9 ' grid size is is 9x9
cells = grid * grid ' number of cells on grid
Dim cellx(grid * grid), celly(grid * grid) 'top x/y cords of cells
Dim cellx2(grid * grid), celly2(grid * grid) ' bottom x/y cords of cells
Dim Shared cellstate(grid * grid) 'flag that for hard coded numbers (can't change these on board)
Dim Shared cellvalue(grid * grid) 'holds the cell number values
Dim Shared puznum, puzmax: puzmax = 500
Dim Shared puz$(puzmax)
dh = _DesktopHeight * .75
size = Int(dh / grid) ' size of cells
Screen _NewImage(size * grid, size * grid, 32)
BIGFONT Int(_Height / 9)
Randomize 1234 'define seed so generated puzzle # stay same every run
puznum = 1 'defaults to puzzle 1
On Timer(1) GoSub TitleTimer
TimerFlag = 0
If Not _FileExists("sudoku.dat") Then
Open "sudoku.dat" For Output As #1
'=== Generate 500 puzzles
For p = 1 To puzmax
puz$(p) = NewPuz$
Print #1, puz$(p); 'save puzzle data
Print #1, MKL$(1); 'save current puzzle #
Close 1
End If
Open "sudoku.dat" For Binary As #1
'check for correct data size
If LOF(1) <> ((162 * puzmax) + 4) Then
Close 1
Kill "sudoku.dat"
GoTo createdat
End If
'load puzzle data
For p = 1 To puzmax
in$ = Input$(162, 1) 'load puzzle data
puz$(p) = in$
'=== load current puzzle
puznum = CVL(Input$(4, 1))
Close 1
_Title "Sudoku #" + _Trim$(Str$(puznum))
bc = 1 'counter
For col = 1 To grid
For row = 1 To grid
x = (row * size): y = (col * size)
cellx(bc) = x - size: cellx2(bc) = x ' generate x/y values
celly(bc) = y - size: celly2(bc) = y
cellvalue(bc) = Val(Mid$(puz$(puznum), bc, 1))
cellstate(bc) = Val(Mid$(puz$(puznum), 81 + bc, 1))
bc = bc + 1
If TimerFlag = 1 Then
StartTime = Timer
Timer On
Timer Off
End If
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
GoSub UpdateBoard
ky$ = InKey$
If ky$ = " " Then
'clear puz$ data with cellstate of 0
For p = 1 To 81
If cellstate(p) = 0 Then Mid$(puz$(puznum), p, 1) = "0"
GoTo Start 'SPACE resets puzzle
End If
If ky$ = Chr$(13) Then 'get a random puzzle to play
'sets a random new puzzle
'make sure it's not same as current puznum
curpuz = puznum
puznum = Int(Rnd * puzmax) + 1
Loop Until puznum <> curpuz
GoTo Start
End If
If ky$ = "+" Then
puznum = puznum + 1
If puznum > puzmax Then
puznum = 1
End If
GoTo Start
End If
If ky$ = "-" Then
puznum = puznum - 1
If puznum < 1 Then
puznum = puzmax
End If
GoTo Start
End If
If UCase$(ky$) = "R" Then
Kill "sudoku.dat"
GoTo createdat
End If
If UCase$(ky$) = "T" Then
_Delay .25
If TimerFlag = 1 Then
Timer Off
TimerFlag = 0
'refresh titlebar without time display
_Title "Sudoku #" + _Trim$(Str$(puznum))
TimerFlag = 1
StartTime = Timer
Timer On
End If
End If
If ky$ = Chr$(27) Then System
While _MouseInput: Wend
If _MouseButton(1) Or _MouseButton(2) Then
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
'see if a button was pressed
For T = 1 To cells
bx = cellx(T): bx2 = cellx2(T)
by = celly(T): by2 = celly2(T)
If mx >= bx And mx <= bx2 And my >= by And my <= by2 Then
If _MouseButton(1) Then
'only if clicking no assigned number
If cellstate(T) = 0 Then
'popup number box here
'keep x box values in bounds
x1 = cellx(T) + (size / 2) - size
If x1 < (size / 2) Then x1 = (size / 2)
If x1 + (size * 3) > _Width Then
x1 = _Width - (size * 3) - (size / 2)
End If
x2 = x1 + (size * 3)
'keep y box values in bounds
y1 = celly(T) + (size / 2) - size
If y1 < (size / 2) Then y1 = (size / 2)
If y1 + (size * 3) > _Height Then
y1 = _Height - (size * 3) - (size / 2)
End If
y2 = y1 + (size * 3)
'highlight the number to change
Line (cellx(T), celly(T))-(cellx2(T), celly2(T)), _RGBA(255, 255, 255, 100), BF
_Delay .25
'wait until mouse button up to continue
While _MouseButton(1) <> 0: n = _MouseInput: Wend
'draw popup box
tk = size * .03
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200), BF
Line (x1 + tk, y1 + tk)-(x2 - tk, y2 - tk), _RGBA(132, 62, 32, 164), BF
'make temp numbox values (assign and show)
ReDim boxx(9), boxy(9), boxx2(9), boxy2(9), boxv(9)
'first row
boxx(1) = x1: boxy(1) = y1: boxx2(1) = x1 + size: boxy2(1) = y1 + size: boxv(1) = 1
bx = boxx(1) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5): by = boxy(1) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 12.5)
Color _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200): _PrintString (bx, by), Str$(boxv(1))
boxx(2) = x1 + size: boxy(2) = y1: boxx2(2) = x1 + (size * 2): boxy2(2) = y1 + size: boxv(2) = 2
bx = boxx(2) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5): by = boxy(2) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 12.5)
Color _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200): _PrintString (bx, by), Str$(boxv(2))
boxx(3) = x1 + (size * 2): boxy(3) = y1: boxx2(3) = x1 + (size * 3): boxy2(3) = y1 + size: boxv(3) = 3
bx = boxx(3) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5): by = boxy(3) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 12.5)
Color _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200): _PrintString (bx, by), Str$(boxv(3))
'second row
boxx(4) = x1: boxy(4) = y1 + size: boxx2(4) = x1 + size: boxy2(4) = y1 + (size * 2): boxv(4) = 4
bx = boxx(4) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5): by = boxy(4) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 12.5)
Color _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200): _PrintString (bx, by), Str$(boxv(4))
boxx(5) = x1 + size: boxy(5) = y1 + size: boxx2(5) = x1 + (size * 2): boxy2(5) = y1 + (size * 2): boxv(5) = 5
bx = boxx(5) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5): by = boxy(5) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 12.5)
Color _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200): _PrintString (bx, by), Str$(boxv(5))
boxx(6) = x1 + (size * 2): boxy(6) = y1 + size: boxx2(6) = x1 + (size * 3): boxy2(6) = y1 + (size * 2): boxv(6) = 6
bx = boxx(6) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5): by = boxy(6) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 12.5)
Color _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200): _PrintString (bx, by), Str$(boxv(6))
'third row
boxx(7) = x1: boxy(7) = y1 + (size * 2): boxx2(7) = x1 + size: boxy2(7) = y1 + (size * 7): boxv(7) = 7
bx = boxx(7) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5): by = boxy(7) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 12.5)
Color _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200): _PrintString (bx, by), Str$(boxv(7))
boxx(8) = x1 + size: boxy(8) = y1 + (size * 2): boxx2(8) = x1 + (size * 2): boxy2(8) = y1 + (size * 3): boxv(8) = 8
bx = boxx(5) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5): by = boxy(8) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 12.5)
Color _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200): _PrintString (bx, by), Str$(boxv(8))
boxx(9) = x1 + (size * 2): boxy(9) = y1 + (size * 2): boxx2(9) = x1 + (size * 3): boxy2(9) = y1 + (size * 3): boxv(9) = 9
bx = boxx(6) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5): by = boxy(9) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 12.5)
Color _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 200): _PrintString (bx, by), Str$(boxv(9))
'wait until mouse button up to continue
While _MouseButton(1) <> 0: n = _MouseInput: Wend
'Sleep 1
'get click in numbox
While _MouseInput: Wend
If _MouseButton(1) Then
mmx = _MouseX: mmy = _MouseY
'see if a button was pressed in numbox
For tt = 1 To 9
If mmx >= boxx(tt) And mmx <= boxx2(tt) And mmy >= boxy(tt) And mmy <= boxy2(tt) Then
Line (boxx(tt), boxy(tt))-Step(size, size), _RGBA(255, 255, 255, 100), BF
_Delay .25
'assign picked number with board number
If boxv(tt) = cellvalue(T) Then
cellvalue(T) = 0 'if same, then clear it
Mid$(puz$(puznum), T, 1) = "0"
cellvalue(T) = boxv(tt)
Mid$(puz$(puznum), T, 1) = _Trim$(Str$(cellvalue(T)))
End If
Exit Do
End If
End If
'optional keyboard input
k$ = InKey$
Select Case k$
Case Is = "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
kv = Val(k$)
If kv = cellvalue(T) Then
cellvalue(T) = 0 'if same, then clear it
Mid$(puz$(puznum), T, 1) = "0"
cellvalue(T) = kv
Mid$(puz$(puznum), T, 1) = _Trim$(Str$(kv))
End If
Exit Do
End Select
_Limit 200
Loop Until _MouseButton(1)
'wait until mouse button up to continue
While _MouseButton(1) <> 0: n = _MouseInput: Wend
End If
'must be right click, so remove number here
'only if clicking no assigned number
If cellstate(T) = 0 Then
cellvalue(T) = 0
Mid$(puz$(puznum), T, 1) = "0"
End If
End If
End If
GoSub UpdateBoard
'check for win here...
'first see if any 0's present (empty cells)
'and if any conflicts are present
solved = 1
For c = 1 To 81
If cellvalue(c) = 0 Then solved = 0: Exit For
If Conflict(c) = -1 Then solved = 0: Exit For
'if solved = 1 then level solved!.
If solved = 1 Then
Line (size * 2, size * 2)-(size * 7, size * 4), _RGBA(32, 32, 32, 200), BF
Line (size * 2.1, size * 2.1)-(size * 6.9, size * 3.9), _RGBA(250, 200, 200, 200), B
Color _RGBA(250, 250, 250, 200)
_PrintString (size * 2.5, size * 2.5), "Solved!!"
_Delay 4
GoSub UpdateBoard
_Delay 2
puznum = puznum + 1
If puznum > puzmax Then
puznum = 1
End If
GoTo Start
End If
End If
_Limit 200
Cls , _RGB(100, 0, 0)
bc = 1
For row = 1 To grid
For col = 1 To grid
bx = cellx(bc) - (Int(_Height / 9) / 4.5)
by = celly(bc) + (Int(_Height / 9) / 14.5)
'if value not a zero...
If cellvalue(bc) <> 0 Then
Color _RGB(0, 0, 0)
_PrintString (bx + (size * .03), by + (size * .03)), Str$(cellvalue(bc))
'if assigned puz number
If cellstate(bc) = 1 Then
Color _RGB(230, 130, 80)
'check if conflict on row or column here <<<<<
If Conflict(bc) = -1 Then
'red color
Color _RGB(255, 64, 64)
Color _RGB(255, 180, 125)
End If
End If
_PrintString (bx, by), Str$(cellvalue(bc))
End If
Line (cellx(bc), celly(bc))-(cellx2(bc), celly2(bc)), _RGB(200, 100, 50), B
bc = bc + 1
'draw thicker lines
tk = size * .03
Line (0, size * 3 - tk)-(_Width, size * 3 + tk + tk), _RGB(0, 0, 0), BF
Line (0, size * 3 - tk)-(_Width, size * 3 + tk), _RGB(200, 100, 50), BF
Line (0, size * 6 - tk)-(_Width, size * 6 + tk + tk), _RGB(0, 0, 0), BF
Line (0, size * 6 - tk)-(_Width, size * 6 + tk), _RGB(200, 100, 50), BF
Line (size * 3 - tk, 0)-(size * 3 + tk, _Height), _RGB(200, 100, 50), BF
Line (size * 6 - tk, 0)-(size * 6 + tk, _Height), _RGB(200, 100, 50), BF
For f = 0 To (size * .06)
Line (0 + f, 0 + f)-(_Width - f, _Height - f), _RGB(200, 100, 50), B
'====== Update sudoku.dat with changes
Open "sudoku.dat" For Output As 1
For p = 1 To puzmax
Print #1, puz$(p);
'save current puzzle place#
Print #1, MKL$(puznum);
Close 1
Elapsed = Timer - StartTime
secs = Elapsed
If Elapsed >= 60 Then
Mins = Fix(Elapsed / 60)
secs = Elapsed - (60 * Mins)
End If
If Mins >= 60 Then
Hrs = Fix(Mins / 60)
Mins = Mins - (60 * Hrs)
End If
secs = Fix(secs)
Hrs$ = _Trim$(Str$(Hrs)): If Len(Hrs$) = 1 Then Hrs$ = "0" + Hrs$
min$ = _Trim$(Str$(Mins)): If Len(min$) = 1 Then min$ = "0" + min$
Secs$ = _Trim$(Str$(secs)): If Len(Secs$) = 1 Then Secs$ = "0" + Secs$
tit$ = Hrs$ + ":" + min$ + ":" + Secs$
_Title "Sudoku #" + _Trim$(Str$(puznum)) + " - " + tit$
Function NewPuz$
'generates different sudoku puzzles using randomizing techniques
'and from a pool of pre-made solved sudoku puzzles.
'select from a pool of 15 puzzles
p = Int(Rnd * 15) + 1
If p = 1 Then p$ = "564973128819624375372815946247356891938741652651289734126597483495138267783462519"
If p = 2 Then p$ = "743589162219634758856271349137956284684723591592148673368417925475392816921865437"
If p = 3 Then p$ = "395842716762931845841765293986123457417589362253476981674218539538697124129354678"
If p = 4 Then p$ = "954182367163794258278563194749625813681379425532418976426851739395247681817936542"
If p = 5 Then p$ = "387142695954386271126957483571263948248579316639418752893721564462895137715634829"
If p = 6 Then p$ = "859643271371925684264187359927316845543872916618594723735261498192438567486759132"
If p = 7 Then p$ = "547368291296751348183429675871543962965872134432196587714935826328617459659284713"
If p = 8 Then p$ = "329654817761389524584712369843971652615423798972865143458197236296538471137246985"
If p = 9 Then p$ = "254376819178594362369281745495762138632819457781453296513628974846937521927145683"
If p = 10 Then p$ = "184597362923684571765132489649273815518469723237815694472958136391746258856321947"
If p = 11 Then p$ = "314872695857469321296135748529741863731986452468523917943217586175698234682354179"
If p = 12 Then p$ = "248931657637852914915647238586423791194768523372519846853274169429186375761395482"
If p = 13 Then p$ = "734521986962873145158469372345796821817235469629184537571648293283917654496352718"
If p = 14 Then p$ = "795243618138659427624178539263497185549812763871536294452981376917365842386724951"
If p = 15 Then p$ = "416598723259743861873162495624815379791324586385679214962437158148256937537981642"
'load selected puz$ into cellvalue()
For c = 1 To 81
cellvalue(c) = Val(Mid$(p$, c, 1))
'========== swap rows
'swap top 3 rows randomly
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1 'swap row 1 and 2
For s = 1 To 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 9): Next
Case 2 'swap row 1 and 3
For s = 1 To 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 18): Next
Case 3 'swap row 2 and 3
For s = 10 To 18: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 9): Next
End Select
'swap middle 3 rows randomly
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1 'swap row 4 and 5
For s = 28 To 36: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 9): Next
Case 2 'swap row 4 and 6
For s = 28 To 36: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 18): Next
Case 3 'swap row 5 and 6
For s = 37 To 45: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 9): Next
End Select
'swap bottom 3 rows a few times
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1 'swap row 7 and 8
For s = 55 To 63: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 9): Next
Case 2 'swap row 7 and 9
For s = 55 To 63: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 18): Next
Case 3 'swap row 8 and 9
For s = 64 To 72: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 9): Next
End Select
'============ swap columns
'swap left 3 columns
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1 'swap column 1 and 2
For s = 1 To 73 Step 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 1): Next
Case 2 'swap column 1 and 3
For s = 1 To 73 Step 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 2): Next
Case 3 'swap column 2 and 3
For s = 2 To 74 Step 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 1): Next
End Select
'swap middle 3 columns
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1 'swap column 4 and 5
For s = 4 To 76 Step 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 1): Next
Case 2 'swap column 4 and 6
For s = 4 To 76 Step 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 2): Next
Case 3 'swap column 5 and 6
For s = 5 To 77 Step 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 1): Next
End Select
'swap right 3 columns
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1 'swap column 7 and 8
For s = 7 To 79 Step 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 1): Next
Case 2 'swap column 7 and 9
For s = 7 To 79 Step 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 2): Next
Case 3 'swap column 8 and 9
For s = 8 To 80 Step 9: Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 1): Next
End Select
'====== now swap blocks of rows (3)
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1 'swap top row of blocks with and middle row
For s = 1 To 9
Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 27)
Swap cellvalue(s + 9), cellvalue(s + 36)
Swap cellvalue(s + 18), cellvalue(s + 45)
Case 2 'swap top row of blocks with bottom row of blocks
For s = 1 To 9
Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 54)
Swap cellvalue(s + 9), cellvalue(s + 63)
Swap cellvalue(s + 18), cellvalue(s + 72)
Case 3 'swap middle row of blocks with bottom row of blocks
For s = 28 To 36
Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 27)
Swap cellvalue(s + 9), cellvalue(s + 36)
Swap cellvalue(s + 18), cellvalue(s + 45)
End Select
'====== now swap columns of blocks
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1 'swap left block column with middle
For s = 1 To 73 Step 9
Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 3)
Swap cellvalue(s + 1), cellvalue(s + 4)
Swap cellvalue(s + 2), cellvalue(s + 5)
Case 2 'swap left block column with right
For s = 1 To 73 Step 9
Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 6)
Swap cellvalue(s + 1), cellvalue(s + 7)
Swap cellvalue(s + 2), cellvalue(s + 8)
Case 3 'swap middle block of columns withright one
For s = 4 To 76 Step 9
Swap cellvalue(s), cellvalue(s + 3)
Swap cellvalue(s + 1), cellvalue(s + 4)
Swap cellvalue(s + 2), cellvalue(s + 5)
End Select
'=========== swap some numbers..
Select Case Int(Rnd * 5) + 1
Case 1 'swap 1's and 5's
For c = 1 To 81
Select Case cellvalue(c)
Case 1: cellvalue(c) = 5
Case 5: cellvalue(c) = 1
End Select
Case 2 'swap 2's and 6's
For c = 1 To 81
Select Case cellvalue(c)
Case 2: cellvalue(c) = 6
Case 6: cellvalue(c) = 2
End Select
Case 3 'swap 3's and 7's
For c = 1 To 81
Select Case cellvalue(c)
Case 3: cellvalue(c) = 7
Case 7: cellvalue(c) = 3
End Select
Case 4 'swap 4's and 8's
For c = 1 To 81
Select Case cellvalue(c)
Case 4: cellvalue(c) = 8
Case 8: cellvalue(c) = 4
End Select
Case 5 'swap 9's and 1's
For c = 1 To 81
Select Case cellvalue(c)
Case 1: cellvalue(c) = 9
Case 9: cellvalue(c) = 1
End Select
End Select
t$ = ""
'Build NewPuz$, clearing some pieces
For c = 1 To 81
If Int(Rnd * 2) = 1 Then
t$ = t$ + _Trim$(Str$(cellvalue(c)))
t$ = t$ + "0"
End If
e$ = ""
For c = 1 To Len(t$)
If Mid$(t$, c, 1) = "0" Then
e$ = e$ + "0"
e$ = e$ + "1"
End If
t$ = t$ + e$
NewPuz$ = t$
End Function
Function Conflict (num)
'this function checks rows/columns/blocks for any conflicts.
'p$ holds all the other cell numbers to compare 'num' with.
Select Case num
'first row, 01-09
Case 1: p$ = "0203040506070809101928374655647311122021"
Case 2: p$ = "0103040506070809112029384756657410121921"
Case 3: p$ = "0102040506070809122130394857667510111920"
Case 4: p$ = "0102030506070809132231404958677614152324"
Case 5: p$ = "0102030406070809142332415059687713152224"
Case 6: p$ = "0102030405070809152433425160697813142223"
Case 7: p$ = "0102030405060809162534435261707917182627"
Case 8: p$ = "0102030405060709172635445362718016182527"
Case 9: p$ = "0102030405060708182736455463728116172526"
'second row, 10-18
Case 10: p$ = "1112131415161718011928374655647302032021"
Case 11: p$ = "1012131415161718022029384756657401031921"
Case 12: p$ = "1011131415161718032130394857667501021920"
Case 13: p$ = "1011121415161718042231404958677605062324"
Case 14: p$ = "1011121315161718052332415059687704062224"
Case 15: p$ = "1011121314161718062433425160697804052223"
Case 16: p$ = "1011121314151718072534435261707908092627"
Case 17: p$ = "1011121314151618082635445362718007092527"
Case 18: p$ = "1011121314151617092736455463728107082526"
'third row, 19-27
Case 19: p$ = "2021222324252627011028374655647302031112"
Case 20: p$ = "1921222324252627021129384756657401031012"
Case 21: p$ = "1920222324252627031230394857667501021011"
Case 22: p$ = "1920212324252627041331404958677605061415"
Case 23: p$ = "1920212224252627051432415059687704061315"
Case 24: p$ = "1920212223252627061533425160697804051314"
Case 25: p$ = "1920212223242627071634435261707908091718"
Case 26: p$ = "1920212223242527081735445362718007091618"
Case 27: p$ = "1920212223242526091836455463728107081617"
'forth row,28-36
Case 28: p$ = "2930313233343536011019374655647338394748"
Case 29: p$ = "2830313233343536021120384756657437394648"
Case 30: p$ = "2829313233343536031221394857667537384647"
Case 31: p$ = "2829303233343536041322404958677641425051"
Case 32: p$ = "2829303133343536051423415059687740424951"
Case 33: p$ = "2829303132343536061524425160697840414950"
Case 34: p$ = "2829303132333536071625435261707944455354"
Case 35: p$ = "2829303132333436081726445362718043455254"
Case 36: p$ = "2829303132333435091827455463728143445253"
'fifth row,37-45
Case 37: p$ = "3839404142434445011019284655647329304748"
Case 38: p$ = "3739404142434445021120294756657428304648"
Case 39: p$ = "3738404142434445031221304857667528294647"
Case 40: p$ = "3738394142434445041322314958677632335051"
Case 41: p$ = "3738394042434445051423325059687731334951"
Case 42: p$ = "3738394041434445061524335160697831324950"
Case 43: p$ = "3738394041424445071625345261707935365354"
Case 44: p$ = "3738394041424345081726355362718034365254"
Case 45: p$ = "3738394041424344091827365463728134355253"
'sixth row,46-54
Case 46: p$ = "4748495051525354011019283755647329303839"
Case 47: p$ = "4648495051525354021120293856657428303739"
Case 48: p$ = "4647495051525354031221303957667528293738"
Case 49: p$ = "4647485051525354041322314058677632334142"
Case 50: p$ = "4647484951525354051423324159687731334042"
Case 51: p$ = "4647484950525354061524334260697831324041"
Case 52: p$ = "4647484950515354071625344361707935364445"
Case 53: p$ = "4647484950515254081726354462718034364345"
Case 54: p$ = "4647484950515253091827364563728134354344"
'seventh row, 55-63
Case 55: p$ = "5657585960616263011019283746647365667475"
Case 56: p$ = "5557585960616263021120293847657464667375"
Case 57: p$ = "5556585960616263031221303948667564657374"
Case 58: p$ = "5556575960616263041322314049677668697778"
Case 59: p$ = "5556575860616263051423324150687767697678"
Case 60: p$ = "5556575859616263061524334251697867687677"
Case 61: p$ = "5556575859606263071625344352707971728081"
Case 62: p$ = "5556575859606163081726354453718070727981"
Case 63: p$ = "5556575859606162091827364554728170717980"
'eight row, 64-72
Case 64: p$ = "6566676869707172011019283746557356577475"
Case 65: p$ = "6466676869707172021120293847567455577375"
Case 66: p$ = "6465676869707172031221303948577555567374"
Case 67: p$ = "6465666869707172041322314049587659607778"
Case 68: p$ = "6465666769707172051423324150597758607678"
Case 69: p$ = "6465666768707172061524334251607858597677"
Case 70: p$ = "6465666768697172071625344352617962638081"
Case 71: p$ = "6465666768697072081726354453628061637981"
Case 72: p$ = "6465666768697071091827364554638161627980"
'ninth row, 73-81
Case 73: p$ = "7475767778798081011019283746556456576566"
Case 74: p$ = "7375767778798081021120293847566555576466"
Case 75: p$ = "7374767778798081031221303948576655566465"
Case 76: p$ = "7374757778798081041322314049586759606869"
Case 77: p$ = "7374757678798081051423324150596858606769"
Case 78: p$ = "7374757677798081061524334251606958596768"
Case 79: p$ = "7374757677788081071625344352617062637172"
Case 80: p$ = "7374757677787981081726354453627161637072"
Case 81: p$ = "7374757677787980091827364554637261627071"
End Select
For c = 1 To Len(p$) Step 2
chk = Val(Mid$(p$, c, 2))
If cellvalue(chk) = cellvalue(num) Then Conflict = -1
End Function
Sub BIGFONT (size)
'make/load another CP437 font (like QB64's built-in one)'
'This one is resizable so you can make/use larger size SCREEN font.
A$ = ""
A$ = A$ + "haIgm]0MLEMMXkS^ST\\T]lHiaboe<Nl8c71HYa3f0VPiWa9H07n5a_0bn:K"
A$ = A$ + ";#FB8;c773hBD8T42E_#C:=QBC39PSQB=DB2UhdhVBB^9=_D2EQ#Ala?JFmi"
A$ = A$ + "ejeGKNiYTV4\UNkOWcmL791Y0Iefg<NdmNWiLfWmIoO_?WkeP10H6`NP0HS["
A$ = A$ + "KMGj5l9Nf7lH0HC;3of5MAGb9ef>>V6V60Vfa[_^=_m>j[Y]NOC7PDY`?kKc"
A$ = A$ + "gd0IQB1o20VfnaO?eFkH7m=nh8TP=]8ljY]e^_e]DhRj<;0CoG1`5>lfj\S`"
A$ = A$ + "IOn5Z6o]G6oLbK3oRZONcW6QoL`[Gfffn0gBQ5]P_=NmC3#5__^kMcMlg=[o"
A$ = A$ + "a=RPjY`[?W]ga]dWICVEPonZafW]W>fNWObWOGk3P[h7POg7[_Nga07oM<8f"
A$ = A$ + "f[2agZnF0=g`?kjkmmOT[]nel;PVZJ]hg0?OKcLadaGiKoLOB06[_P\Y8lOJ"
A$ = A$ + "#5Pl2kCZm?FO04TU^4o[1Bn:5m=VLhOH8jj9mj4UF4Te<4D9R7[U6eP\fS#H"
A$ = A$ + "5]c]X6G?2l1mUORGl9Rl3CcgPP3Yf?27leNXQi017VViP9PXlI5<D`Bg[8lC"
A$ = A$ + "8OFXkk2MW7jMNL?lKIT21l_VF:3>F2D;LOV8TRaP9n:<aIA^f=aF7iJaK2<#"
A$ = A$ + "L8<Ak3Q9<_mJcKe[TDPTc\936fA:ngRlXaf?Q:5<^GQ:NaoU>Jo437Vj6iV1"
A$ = A$ + "CjiCm;DJYL^oDO^mEPnIARTN`G4_b`GW:h^aS?8:nE5\4h>P72nB`S0?6lT`"
A$ = A$ + "G3n6`g4n^`g3nA`;PJd_>l_2S2oK`APa=OZPk;hn3NXP7>h;7l41OUP36l\1"
A$ = A$ + "OW\;=kJbN7IOTLOjLkMY;HY=]dSMY[OYM\d>cGAnIU?G1X#55Z[`\:<W2c[`"
A$ = A$ + "R:\\2]DHU5FCQ^;\W23Fh^;L?5^_2On2?FQW\`cDh05Nf2o]5n7JN==_fV?["
A$ = A$ + "V_^VgLcKYiK0]l#_nl<n]?Ho`G1N64oNF7nmJ`?5no0oBhG?1lkY#lk_a3o6"
A$ = A$ + "2a_i_dUXhG8SOIW2lKS>lKXb`_G\iCeQOMfleChgho?6o#SoJSo:SoBSoRSo"
A$ = A$ + "2SoS7o7=nc=ngKl_mh7LloZao6SOPaojSo<SodSglAKnX;mXckXcmXciXchX"
A$ = A$ + "eNDcA6o8SMX7j#Ol3]n3Uke>UGKi_jGkEOZGmAOe?i[^cGM7_b?iEnn_bGOT"
A$ = A$ + "GITGNTonAN^An_?bgOT_k87LTobANbANdA^oAn8SLWSL7S\kA^eAfn8KJT[I"
A$ = A$ + "T;OT;KT;LTe?bJNYGnUn7NYGlUnj_dOi;md_dG1if?hKUTeoQnbPBTY#kYE1"
A$ = A$ + "ESFZ[1V>D;D7jiJVX]gjQI1YQI3=0c1b0c5J4V7<OH1`2Aig5SB]=QF<c1;5"
A$ = A$ + "b3;3:0=3;7>6hHQS3>NX5h4#keW4\2XEX=X8\BX4Lb`ZPE3W2LZ`Y1[1>Mhm"
A$ = A$ + "0W1JUo<Qc2>KhLPc5F7LN`jQg;lnPc7f0L1`52G4\Ahm3G<L9`U2G6Li`70J"
A$ = A$ + "7^2h:Q[2^JhJP?8L]`e1M0K2f<Zke9\5H[`fP^P[7^1XKHk#?#_#O`=2m3k0"
A$ = A$ + "60f9LC`=3g2L[`^P?4\KhfPK7ejf3B0Z2o4TZbZZNJe<mJ[K6c\RjWEjIg`L"
A$ = A$ + "b<g6WglG`2GdRGBCIc]dl;[#c;oH>fSkhKi4>aCJ5]fFaEFjTGeZ?UCmdFcY"
A$ = A$ + "oN>SeNVWeIO>Wkj>_eoNOOWo6^P;lRfhkoR_T;mb^l?#kGaENEGmel1_f[[S"
A$ = A$ + "=]i`>gbFgFGGo=dmfkYgn^anga0klV^iKiFge7Jggf]O7kiCoI^ooX?kWk1n"
A$ = A$ + "CN`?oO:l5nR?lGjAfknnb?jSmWmWohko9PWj_h[lEQ?n7N`kjKO_oa2;k?4N"
A$ = A$ + "n?a?i5o8X?Fh_6nX3m=N8h?h>oHoXWn73gmo=hgcSeBVBdGon_Ub1Ll68O[5"
A$ = A$ + "Tn_7d>d?4niViJ>Ec5J^NcmJN6coD5c\REDAgEL?ElHEllElc2VE`E7\]P?E"
A$ = A$ + "`S5lM2NmD#ZIUJUYf#Z#lmNBMoYNfDoZ:?V:_^:k_bQZlaZliZlWFi_\Z:ZJ"
A$ = A$ + "VEeFEQE][ZfKE?GEoZZWGe[Yj[^jk^j7_j3Fm;<]:VfLWfI=]]<]kJJ?nd6N"
A$ = A$ + "JSECfJFG=K[Vk_VmGcgYV3=mY=mU>me>m?hdgedo\Co_Jj_N]cZfFZm\Z=\f"
A$ = A$ + "k\f7_fOH]7Y^IFg:[KMe]Ujj_^1[K_emm[k`cX^I\RILYcHgch1VaGM63?SO"
A$ = A$ + "c<Wi<?^I^^I^YINGcLOc<JVobjWKm]Eo6Zoj[ocDoG]nG]naVe\Ve9>[e?[^"
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A$ = A$ + "=llcYZidfLfdL^WilhcIh<EUIeIj9c3TIhi2cmHVkE>g?nL?hLoI=>k6GISG"
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A$ = A$ + "lIGbC]TXUlB;iWeDE=U]YEfdjKjjJjVJjNJjQKj0=ml=m?W=Ef5UmmTmbcfG"
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btemp$ = ""
For i& = 1 To Len(A$) Step 4: B$ = Mid$(A$, i&, 4)
If InStr(1, B$, "%") Then
For C% = 1 To Len(B$): F$ = Mid$(B$, C%, 1)
If F$ <> "%" Then C$ = C$ + F$
Next: B$ = C$: End If: For j = 1 To Len(B$)
If Mid$(B$, j, 1) = "#" Then
Mid$(B$, j) = "@": End If: Next
For t% = Len(B$) To 1 Step -1
B& = B& * 64 + Asc(Mid$(B$, t%)) - 48
Next: X$ = "": For t% = 1 To Len(B$) - 1
X$ = X$ + Chr$(B& And 255): B& = B& \ 256
Next: btemp$ = btemp$ + X$: Next
BASFILE$ = _Inflate$(btemp$, 25152): btemp$ = ""
_Font _LoadFont(BASFILE$, size, "memory, monospace")
End Sub
GetWindowTextW - can you get it to work? |
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 06-07-2024, 07:01 PM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (12)
I'm trying to get the name of the current window that has focus. I've already successfully figured out how to get the window handle of any window in focus but I'm having trouble getting the window's title. According to Microsoft's docs here:
GetWindowTextW should be able to do this. ( There is also a GetWindowTextA function for ASCII return but that's not working for me either. )
It's pretty straight forward:
_TITLE "This is a test"
Dummy = GetWindowTextW(_WINDOWHANDLE, n, 255)
Does anyone have any insights on why this is not working? The string seems to be null and Dummy returns the value of 0.
Extended KotD #16: _UPRINTWIDTH |
Posted by: SMcNeill - 06-07-2024, 09:01 AM - Forum: Keyword of the Day!
- No Replies
Now, since my last couple of entries was for _UPrintString, I imagine that everyone could guess that _UPrintWidth is probably some sort of helper function for that command. Right?
I also imagine that since most folks already know that _PrintWidth will tell you how many pixels wide a text string is, most can probably hazard a guess as to what _UPrintWidth does. Right?
Well, for those who aren't brave enough to guess, let me tell you! _UPrintWidth tells you the pixel width of a text string that will be printed to the screen!
And, I can hear some of you guys muttering under your breath, saying stuff like, "And we needed a new command for this? Why?! We already have _PrintWidth!"
And, I hope the basic answer to that was already stressed via my last couple of posts. _UPrintString tends to print wider and taller characters than _PrintString and PRINT does, as they both can tend to "clip" characters off with various fonts and font sizes.
_PRINTWIDTH returns the width of text that is going to be printed to the screen using _PRINTSCREEN, or plain PRINT.
_UPRINTWIDTH returns the width of text that is going to be printed to the screen using _UPRINTSCREEN.
^ That is the basic -- and most important -- difference in the two commands. If you're used to using _PrintWidth, then there should be zero issue with you swapping over to _UPrintWidth -- with a few syntax changes which I'll go over below.
For starters, let me share the relevant wiki page for each command:
And their syntax:
pixelWidth& = _UPRINTWIDTH(text$[, utfEncoding&][, fontHandle&])
pixelWidth% = _PRINTWIDTH(textToPrint$[, destinationHandle&])
Now, as you can see, the REQUIRED portions of the commands are both the same, in their simplest form:
width = _command(text$) <whereas command is whichever of those two commands you want to substitute in there>
But, there ARE a few differences in the optional parameters, which I'll cover below:
_PRINSTSTRING has only one optional parameter -- destinationHandle&. Basically, you can point it to the SCREEN that you want to get the width for, and it'll return the size for any text that you'd print to that screen.
_UPRINTSTRING has two optional parameters:
1) utfEncoding& --- this is a parameter which you can use to tell it what encoding you're using with the chosen font. Are you wanting the width for ASCII/ANSI formatted text? UTF-8 formatted text? UTF-16? UTF-32? Like I mentioned yesterday, *MOST* folks can basically just skip this parameter completely. Unless you're working with UniCode text strings (which UPrintString does, but PrintString can't), then you can just skip messing with this parameter completely.
fontHandle& -- and here you can specify the FONT HANDLE that you want, when you're getting the width of that text to the screen.
Note that this is NOT the same as the destinationHandle&, that _PrintString uses. Don't let that old habit catch you unaware and cause issues for you.
_PrintString returns the width for whatever font is currently loaded on the screen you specify.
_UPrintString returns the width for whatever font you specify. It doesn't have to be loaded on the screen whatsoever, for it to work for you.
This difference can save you from having to write code such as:
Code: (Select All) F = _FONT 'get the old font
_FONT newfonthandle 'set the new fonthandle to the screen in question
pw = _PrintWidth("Hello World") 'get the width, in the chosen font
_FONT F 'restore the old font
Instead, you can just do something as simple as:
Code: (Select All) upw = _UPrintWidth("Hello World", ,newfonthandle) 'get the uprintwidth of the text in the chosen font.
The most important thing is just to remember:
When using _UPRINTSTRING, then use _UPrintWidth with it
If you're using _PrintString or just PRINT, then use _PrintWidth with those commands.
There's a few slight differences in things here, between _PrintWidth and _UPrintWidth, but they're subtle enough that I don't think anyone will have any trouble adjusting to them once they're aware of them.
And since you guys all read this post, you're all aware of those minute differences now, and shouldn't have any issues whatsoever making using of _UPrintWidth properly.
$RESIZE questions |
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 06-06-2024, 09:09 PM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (8)
With $RESIZE:ON I've noticed that _WIDTH and _HEIGHT will not update when the screen is resized (which I assume is correct behavior).
_RESIZEWIDTH and _RESIZEHEIGHT do however as detailed in the Wiki.
Without $RESIZE:ON in the code I've noticed that _RESIZEWIDTH and _RESIZEHEIGHT report the same as _WIDTH and _HEIGHT. According to the Wiki the RESIZE command set should not be available without $RESIZE:ON.
Is _RESIZEWIDTH and _RESIZEHEIGHT reporting values without $RESIZE:ON a bug or is this expected behavior?
If this is not expected behavior and will get fixed (a bug) how can I detect when a program is allowed to resize? I would need to know to use _WIDTH and _HEIGHT when a window has a fixed size or use _RESIZEWIDTH and _RESIZEHEIGHT when a window is allowed to resize. I need to be able to incorporate this detection into libraries.
If this is expected behavior then why use _WIDTH and _HEIGHT at all? _RESIZEWIDTH and _RESIZEHEIGHT will always report the correct client _WIDTH and _HEIGHT whether $RESIZE:ON is present or not.
Any insights?
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 06-05-2024, 09:57 PM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (8)
Just a head's up for everyone. I've just spent an hour cursing at my code until I figured out what was going on.
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
The above code will not return the correct window handle.
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
_DELAY .25
This code above will. Very frustrating.
Lesson's 10 Exercise (Partial solution) |
Posted by: marbac74 - 06-05-2024, 02:03 PM - Forum: Terry Ritchie's Tutorial
- Replies (4)
Hello everyone,
I'm working on Lesson's 10 assignment...it's definitely more complicated than the previous ones I'm not finished with it yet, but I wanted to post the intermediate result, because there are a couple of things worth noticing: the exercise is full of tricks so make use of the wiki information...for example at line 49 in the code below...you need to use a semicolon otherwise some of your print statements will disappear from screen and you'll be left wondering why..."they were there ten minutes ago and now they don't show up anymore...but I didn't change anything so how can it be?". If you reach the end of screen you must add a semicolon to the last print statement to prevent...I don't remember the name but in order that everything shows up as it is written. Today I worked on the DrawSymbol subroutine and I'm quite happy with it, it works as expected, but I don't know if there is a more efficient way to code it... Here is the partial solution to the exercise:
Code: (Select All)
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(340, 340, 32)
_TITLE "Slot Machine"
CONST RED = _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
CONST GREEN = _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
CONST BLUE = _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
CONST PURPLE = _RGB32(255, 0, 255)
CONST YELLOW = _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
CONST CYAN = _RGB32(0, 255, 255)
DIM Score%
Score% = 0
PAINT (170, 170), GREY
LOCATE 1, 16
LINE (10, 20)-(110, 120), BLACK, BF
DrawSymbol "DIAMOND", 1
LINE (120, 20)-(220, 120), BLACK, BF
DrawSymbol "DIAMOND", 2
LINE (230, 20)-(330, 120), BLACK, BF
DrawSymbol "DIAMOND", 3
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "ENTER to spin"; SPC(7); Score%; SPC(7); "ESC to exit"
LOCATE 11, 18
LOCATE 13, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Double Circles - 500"
LOCATE 14, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Squares - 25"
LOCATE 15, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Triangles - 25"
LOCATE 16, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Circles - 25"
LOCATE 17, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "2 Circles - 10"
LOCATE 18, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Diamonds - 10"
LOCATE 19, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "2 Diamonds - 5"
LOCATE 20, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "1 Diamond - 1";
SUB DrawSymbol (Figure$, Box%)
IF Figure$ = "SQUARE" AND Box% = 1 THEN
LINE (20, 30)-(100, 110), BLUE, BF
ELSEIF Figure$ = "SQUARE" AND Box% = 2 THEN
LINE (130, 30)-(210, 110), BLUE, BF
ELSEIF Figure$ = "SQUARE" AND Box% = 3 THEN
LINE (240, 30)-(320, 110), BLUE, BF
ELSEIF Figure$ = "CIRCLE" AND Box% = 1 THEN
CIRCLE (60, 70), 40, RED
PAINT (60, 70), RED, RED
ELSEIF Figure$ = "CIRCLE" AND Box% = 2 THEN
CIRCLE (170, 70), 40, RED
PAINT (170, 70), RED, RED
ELSEIF Figure$ = "CIRCLE" AND Box% = 3 THEN
CIRCLE (280, 70), 40, RED
PAINT (280, 70), RED, RED
ELSEIF Figure$ = "SPECIAL" AND Box% = 1 THEN
CIRCLE (60, 70), 40, CYAN
PAINT (60, 70), CYAN, CYAN
CIRCLE (60, 70), 20, BLUE
PAINT (60, 70), BLUE, BLUE
ELSEIF Figure$ = "SPECIAL" AND Box% = 2 THEN
CIRCLE (170, 70), 40, CYAN
PAINT (170, 70), CYAN, CYAN
CIRCLE (170, 70), 20, BLUE
PAINT (170, 70), BLUE, BLUE
ELSEIF Figure$ = "SPECIAL" AND Box% = 3 THEN
CIRCLE (280, 70), 40, CYAN
PAINT (280, 70), CYAN, CYAN
CIRCLE (280, 70), 20, BLUE
PAINT (280, 70), BLUE, BLUE
LINE (20, 110)-(100, 110), YELLOW
LINE -(60, 30), YELLOW
LINE -(20, 110), YELLOW
LINE (130, 110)-(210, 110), YELLOW
LINE -(170, 30), YELLOW
LINE -(130, 110), YELLOW
LINE (240, 110)-(320, 110), YELLOW
LINE -(280, 30), YELLOW
LINE -(240, 110), YELLOW
LINE (20, 30)-(100, 30), PURPLE
LINE -(60, 110), PURPLE
LINE -(20, 30), PURPLE
LINE (130, 30)-(210, 30), PURPLE
LINE -(170, 110), PURPLE
LINE -(130, 30), PURPLE
LINE (240, 30)-(320, 30), PURPLE
LINE -(280, 110), PURPLE
LINE -(240, 30), PURPLE
ELSEIF Figure$ = "DIAMOND" AND Box% = 1 THEN
LINE (60, 110)-(100, 70), GREEN
LINE -(60, 30), GREEN
LINE -(20, 70), GREEN
LINE -(60, 110), GREEN
ELSEIF Figure$ = "DIAMOND" AND Box% = 2 THEN
LINE (170, 110)-(210, 70), GREEN
LINE -(170, 30), GREEN
LINE -(130, 70), GREEN
LINE -(170, 110), GREEN
ELSEIF Figure$ = "DIAMOND" AND Box% = 3 THEN
LINE (280, 110)-(320, 70), GREEN
LINE -(280, 30), GREEN
LINE -(240, 70), GREEN
LINE -(280, 110), GREEN