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  Lesson's 10 Exercise (Partial solution)
Posted by: marbac74 - 06-05-2024, 02:03 PM - Forum: Terry Ritchie's Tutorial - Replies (4)

Hello everyone,
I'm working on Lesson's 10 assignment...it's definitely more complicated than the previous ones  Sick I'm not finished with it yet, but I wanted to post the intermediate result, because there are a couple of things worth noticing: the exercise is full of tricks so make use of the wiki information...for example at line 49 in the code below...you need to use a semicolon otherwise some of your print statements will disappear from screen and you'll be left wondering why..."they were there ten minutes ago and now they don't show up anymore...but I didn't change anything so how can it be?". If you reach the end of screen you must add a semicolon to the last print statement to prevent...I don't remember the name but in order that everything shows up as it is written. Today I worked on the DrawSymbol subroutine and I'm quite happy with it, it works as expected, but I don't know if there is a more efficient way to code it... Here is the partial solution to the exercise:

Code: (Select All)

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(340, 340, 32)
_TITLE "Slot Machine"

CONST RED = _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
CONST GREEN = _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
CONST BLUE = _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
CONST PURPLE = _RGB32(255, 0, 255)
CONST YELLOW = _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
CONST CYAN = _RGB32(0, 255, 255)

DIM Score%

Score% = 0

PAINT (170, 170), GREY
LOCATE 1, 16

LINE (10, 20)-(110, 120), BLACK, BF
DrawSymbol "DIAMOND", 1
LINE (120, 20)-(220, 120), BLACK, BF
DrawSymbol "DIAMOND", 2
LINE (230, 20)-(330, 120), BLACK, BF
DrawSymbol "DIAMOND", 3

COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "ENTER to spin"; SPC(7); Score%; SPC(7); "ESC to exit"
LOCATE 11, 18
LOCATE 13, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Double Circles - 500"
LOCATE 14, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Squares        -  25"
LOCATE 15, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Triangles      -  25"
LOCATE 16, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Circles        -  25"
LOCATE 17, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "2 Circles        -  10"
LOCATE 18, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "3 Diamonds      -  10"
LOCATE 19, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "2 Diamonds      -  5"
LOCATE 20, 10
COLOR YELLOW: PRINT "1 Diamond        -  1";

SUB DrawSymbol (Figure$, Box%)
    IF Figure$ = "SQUARE" AND Box% = 1 THEN
        LINE (20, 30)-(100, 110), BLUE, BF
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "SQUARE" AND Box% = 2 THEN
        LINE (130, 30)-(210, 110), BLUE, BF
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "SQUARE" AND Box% = 3 THEN
        LINE (240, 30)-(320, 110), BLUE, BF
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "CIRCLE" AND Box% = 1 THEN
        CIRCLE (60, 70), 40, RED
        PAINT (60, 70), RED, RED
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "CIRCLE" AND Box% = 2 THEN
        CIRCLE (170, 70), 40, RED
        PAINT (170, 70), RED, RED
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "CIRCLE" AND Box% = 3 THEN
        CIRCLE (280, 70), 40, RED
        PAINT (280, 70), RED, RED
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "SPECIAL" AND Box% = 1 THEN
        CIRCLE (60, 70), 40, CYAN
        PAINT (60, 70), CYAN, CYAN
        CIRCLE (60, 70), 20, BLUE
        PAINT (60, 70), BLUE, BLUE
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "SPECIAL" AND Box% = 2 THEN
        CIRCLE (170, 70), 40, CYAN
        PAINT (170, 70), CYAN, CYAN
        CIRCLE (170, 70), 20, BLUE
        PAINT (170, 70), BLUE, BLUE
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "SPECIAL" AND Box% = 3 THEN
        CIRCLE (280, 70), 40, CYAN
        PAINT (280, 70), CYAN, CYAN
        CIRCLE (280, 70), 20, BLUE
        PAINT (280, 70), BLUE, BLUE
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "UPTRIANGLE" AND Box% = 1 THEN
        LINE (20, 110)-(100, 110), YELLOW
        LINE -(60, 30), YELLOW
        LINE -(20, 110), YELLOW
        PAINT (60, 70), YELLOW, YELLOW
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "UPTRIANGLE" AND Box% = 2 THEN
        LINE (130, 110)-(210, 110), YELLOW
        LINE -(170, 30), YELLOW
        LINE -(130, 110), YELLOW
        PAINT (170, 70), YELLOW, YELLOW
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "UPTRIANGLE" AND Box% = 3 THEN
        LINE (240, 110)-(320, 110), YELLOW
        LINE -(280, 30), YELLOW
        LINE -(240, 110), YELLOW
        PAINT (280, 70), YELLOW, YELLOW
        LINE (20, 30)-(100, 30), PURPLE
        LINE -(60, 110), PURPLE
        LINE -(20, 30), PURPLE
        PAINT (60, 70), PURPLE, PURPLE
        LINE (130, 30)-(210, 30), PURPLE
        LINE -(170, 110), PURPLE
        LINE -(130, 30), PURPLE
        PAINT (170, 70), PURPLE, PURPLE
        LINE (240, 30)-(320, 30), PURPLE
        LINE -(280, 110), PURPLE
        LINE -(240, 30), PURPLE
        PAINT (280, 70), PURPLE, PURPLE
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "DIAMOND" AND Box% = 1 THEN
        LINE (60, 110)-(100, 70), GREEN
        LINE -(60, 30), GREEN
        LINE -(20, 70), GREEN
        LINE -(60, 110), GREEN
        PAINT (60, 70), GREEN, GREEN
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "DIAMOND" AND Box% = 2 THEN
        LINE (170, 110)-(210, 70), GREEN
        LINE -(170, 30), GREEN
        LINE -(130, 70), GREEN
        LINE -(170, 110), GREEN
        PAINT (170, 70), GREEN, GREEN
    ELSEIF Figure$ = "DIAMOND" AND Box% = 3 THEN
        LINE (280, 110)-(320, 70), GREEN
        LINE -(280, 30), GREEN
        LINE -(240, 70), GREEN
        LINE -(280, 110), GREEN
        PAINT (280, 70), GREEN, GREEN
    END IF

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  Extended KotD #15.2: _UPRINTSTRING (Part 2)
Posted by: SMcNeill - 06-04-2024, 11:28 PM - Forum: Keyword of the Day! - Replies (1)

As before, let me ask folks reading this to do a few things first:

1) Grab the following font for use with examples/discussion:
.7z   DejaVuSansMono.7z (Size: 159.23 KB / Downloads: 61)
2) Extract that in your QB64PE folder so QB64PE can find it and make use of it.

And with that out of the way, let me start by backing up and illustrating perfectly what I was talking about back in 15.1:

Code: (Select All)
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1000, 600, 32)
Font$ = "DejaVuSansMono.ttf"
LargeFont = _LOADFONT(Font$, 40, "monospace")

_FONT LargeFont
FOR i = 14 TO 24
    Font = _LOADFONT(Font$, i, "monospace")
    _UPRINTSTRING (100, 25), "Deja Vu Sans Mono Font, Size" + STR$(i)
    _UPRINTSTRING (0, 100), " Print      :"
    _UPRINTSTRING (0, 200), "_PrintString :"
    _UPRINTSTRING (0, 300), "_UPrintString:"
    _FONT Font
    _PRINTSTRING (350, 230), Text$
    _UPRINTSTRING (350, 330), Text$
    _FONT LargeFont
    _FREEFONT Font

Run that, and pay attention to those underscores at each font size.  In particular, tell me where they are at sizes 14 through 16...

And THAT's the issue with our existing PRINT and _PRINTSTRING in a noticeable, testable, very visible way!  As you can plainly see (or NOT see, in this case), PRINT and _PRINTSTRING aren't large enough (they max size at the size you specify) that it even draws those underscores at size 15 and 16.  It just cuts them off and gives you a basic blank space where they exist.


Now, when folks ask, "Should I go back and redo all my old code?", I have one simple question for them:

"Do you see that problem with your existing code and fonts?"

If not, then I wouldn't worry over it.  What you have works.  Going back and redoing old stuff is a PITA.  Why break what's working??

I'm certainly not in a rush to go back and redo all my old stuff to swap over from PRINT and _PRINTSTRING.  I just plan on making use of _UPRINTSTRING in the future, when I make use of any custom fonts.  Smile

And with that basic recap out of the way, let's take a look at the actual syntax and how to use this command:

QB64PE Wiki Link: https://qb64phoenix.com/qb64wiki/index.php/UPRINTSTRING
Format Syntax:  _UPRINTSTRING (column, row), textExpression$[, maxWidth&][, utfEncoding&][, fontHandle&]

And for those who want to compare, here's the PRINSTSTRING pages/info:

QB64PE Wiki Link: https://qb64phoenix.com/qb64wiki/index.php/PRINTSTRING
Format Syntax:  _PRINTSTRING(column, row), textExpression$[, imageHandle&]

As you can see, _UPRINTSTRING does everything that PRINTSTRING does, plus more -- with the exception of [,&imageHandle].... 

...and, to be 100% honest, we simply overlooked adding [,imageHandle] as an optional parameter to _UPRINTSTRING.  Expect to see it added as an option to the command, in an upcoming update.

(Hey, what can I say??  We're human too!  We overlook stuff.  It's why posts and topics such as these KotD are so important -- they help make certain we double, then triple back to our work -- and then go back to it one more time!  We miss stuff.  We admit it.  We fit it.  Everyone prospers and we move on!  Big Grin )

And with all that said, let me break down that syntax for us:

_UPRINTSTRING (column, row), textExpression$[, maxWidth&][, utfEncoding&][, fontHandle&][,imageHandle&]

Note the red [,imageHandle&] parameter in there.  It doesn't exist yet in our language, but will probably with the next update, so I'm going to go ahead and include it in here first.  Wink

_UPRINTSTRING  <-- essential name of the command

(column, row)  <-- exact same coordinate system that we currently use with _PRINTSTRING.  (Though the wiki should read (x, y) here, in my opinion.)

textExpression$  <-- the text that we want to print.  Works exactly the same as _PRINTSTRING (though we don't clip off characters like Print and PrintString do.)

So, for most folks, this is all they're going to need -- and it works exactly like _PRINTSTRING does.  The only difference is the font height/width is going to be a little wider/taller, but if you're used to using _PRINTSTRING, you should be able to adapt to _UUPRINTSTRING with zero issues.

Just get in the habit of typing that U between the underscore and the P, and for most folks, this command -- by itself -- should work with no issues for them. 

(Keeping in mind that I continue to mention that we'll print a little taller/wider to the screen.  I'll cover the new commands to deal with those in the next few days with _UFontHeight, _UPrintWidth, and such.)

So basic functionality for this command shouldn't be anything new for folks.  At its core, it's simply a FIX (at least Steve will always consider this a FIX) for a serious problem with Print and PrintString, without breaking folks existing code.  The basic syntax is the same.  Usage is the same.  It's just got an U in front of it to distingish it from the old command.  Big Grin

That, and while working on adding this command, we added in some missing functionality with those new, optional, parameters that I haven't covered yet.  Let me get to them now:

[, maxWidth&] <-- This new parameter lets you set a max width for what you want to print.  Like PrintString, _UPrintString does *NOT* do any word wrap, page scrolling, or printing down on the next line.  Send it a line of 1000 characters, for a screen which can only hold 80, and it'll print 1000 characters....

...the only problem is it'll only print 80 on the given line, with 920 characters being "printed" and lost off-screen!!

Set the maxWidth& here, and the command will quit once it reaches the width you specify, which can help speed up your programs and keep things organized neatly for you.

[, utfEncoding&]  <--  Now this parameter is one more for "Advanced Users".  It lets you specify if the text$ you're sending it is going to be ASC, or UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32. 

Note that the IDE only supports ASC encoding, so it's going to be hard to type the unicode into the IDE.  This parameter will probably only be of use with external text files.

Honestly, I imagine 99.9999% of the user-base can just safely skip this parameter, in most cases.  IF *YOU* happen to be the one guy who needs something like this, then you already know it.  If you're uncertain, then just skip this parameter and move on to the next one.  Big Grin

[, fontHandle&]  <--  A new, optional paramater so you don't have to _FONT this and _FONT that, all the dang time.  Supply the loaded handle here, use it, and don't change what you already have set for your screen.  In my personal opinion, this is brilliant!!

And that's it, in a nutshell!

The new command works basically with the same syntax as the old command.  The only difference really being:

1) The font rendered is going to be a little wider and taller.
2) That font isn't going to get cut off like it did with the old statements.  It'll look crisper, prettier, and overall nicer.
3) There's a few extra parameters added as options to this new statement, just for ease and quality of life.

For most folks, if they've ever used _PrintString in the past, swapping over to _UPrintString should be just 100% intuitive for them.

If anyone has questions, concerns, or comments, feel free to ask below.  I'll cover them ASAP for everyone.  Wink

Print this item

  Some MOUSE Routines
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 06-04-2024, 10:01 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (2)

I was updating my mouse library to incorporate a windows API call and was having a heck of a time. So I wrote this little program to get everything straight in my head before incorporating the changes. I thought others might find the code useful.

Note: This will only work with Windows.

If you run the code let me know if you find any of the values off. Everything tests ok with my Windows 7 Pro machine but I know some changes related to DPI were introduced with Windows 10 that may cause these to be inaccurate. Please let me know if this is the case.

Code: (Select All)
'MOUSE test

TYPE TYPE_IPOINT ' 2D x,y point definition
    x AS LONG '    x long integer coordinate
    y AS LONG '    y long integer coordinate

    'get current mouse x/y position
    FUNCTION GetCursorPos% (lpPoint AS TYPE_IPOINT)
    'system window metrics in pixels
    FUNCTION GetSystemMetrics% (BYVAL nIndex AS INTEGER)

DIM GetXY AS INTEGER '        dummy variable to use with API function call
DIM Mouse AS TYPE_IPOINT '    absolute mouse location on dekstop
DIM CaptionHeight AS INTEGER ' program window caption height
DIM BorderHeight AS INTEGER '  program window border height
DIM BorderWidth AS INTEGER '  program window border width
DIM WindowX1 AS INTEGER '      location of program window on desktop
DIM WindowY1 AS INTEGER '      (everything including borders)
DIM ClientX1 AS INTEGER '      location of client window on desktop
DIM ClientY1 AS INTEGER '      (the SCREEN statement)
DIM CaptionX1 AS INTEGER '    location of client window caption on desktop
DIM CaptionY1 AS INTEGER '    (the _TITLE bar)
DIM ClientMouseX AS INTEGER '  relative mouse location on client window
DIM WindowMouseX AS INTEGER '  relative mouse location on program window
DIM CaptionMouseX AS INTEGER ' relative mouse location on program window's caption
DIM ProgramTitle AS STRING '  program title to display
DIM OldTitle AS STRING '      the old program title (to reduce flickering)

'| Begin main code |

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32) ' create client window

'| Get the program window's caption height and border dimensions |
'|                                                              |
'| Note: This would need to go into the loop to pick up theme    |
'|      changes made by user.                                  |

CaptionHeight = GetSystemMetrics(4) '                        caption height                              (from windows)
BorderHeight = GetSystemMetrics(33) - GetSystemMetrics(6) '  sizing border width - window border width  (from windows)
BorderWidth = GetSystemMetrics(32) - GetSystemMetrics(5) '  sizing border height - window border height (from windows)

    '| Calculate absolute x,y locations of program window on desktop |

    WindowX1 = _SCREENX
    WindowY1 = _SCREENY
    WindowX2 = WindowX1 + BorderWidth * 2 + _WIDTH - 1
    WindowY2 = WindowY1 + CaptionHeight + BorderHeight * 2 + _HEIGHT - 1

    '| Calculate absolute x,y locations of client window on desktop |

    ClientX1 = _SCREENX + BorderWidth
    ClientY1 = _SCREENY + CaptionHeight + BorderHeight
    ClientX2 = ClientX1 + _WIDTH - 1
    ClientY2 = ClientY1 + _HEIGHT - 1

    '| Calculate absolute x,y locations of program window caption on desktop |

    CaptionX1 = ClientX1
    CaptionY1 = _SCREENY + BorderHeight
    CaptionX2 = ClientX2
    CaptionY2 = CaptionY1 + CaptionHeight

    '| Get absolute mouse location on desktop              |
    '|                                                    |
    '| Calculate relative mouse location on program window |
    '| Calculate relative mouse location on client window  |

    GetXY = GetCursorPos(Mouse) '        absolute mouse location on desktop
    WindowMouseX = Mouse.x - WindowX1 '  relative mouse location on program window
    WindowMouseY = Mouse.y - WindowY1
    ClientMouseX = Mouse.x - ClientX1 '  relative mouse location on client window
    ClientMouseY = Mouse.y - ClientY1
    CaptionMouseX = Mouse.x - CaptionX1
    CaptionMouseY = Mouse.y - CaptionY1

    LOCATE 2, 1 '                        print some variables
    PRINT " Mouse Locations:"
    PRINT " RELATIVE WINDOW  X ="; WindowMouseX
    PRINT " RELATIVE WINDOW  Y ="; WindowMouseY
    PRINT " RELATIVE CAPTION X ="; CaptionMouseX
    PRINT " RELATIVE CAPTION Y ="; CaptionMouseY

    '| Note: _MOUSEX and _MOUSEY won't even be needed and probably should be avoided because of delays |
    '|      caused by calling the API and then clearing the buffer with WHILE _MOUSEINPUT: WEND      |

    PRINT " RELATIVE CLIENT  X ="; ClientMouseX, "_MOUSEX ="; _MOUSEX; "  ", "These values should equal"
    PRINT " RELATIVE CLIENT  Y ="; ClientMouseY, "_MOUSEY ="; _MOUSEY; "  ", "when pointer is in client"
    PRINT " Program window coordinates on desktop: ("; WindowX1; ","; WindowY1; ") - ("; WindowX2; ","; WindowY2; ")"
    PRINT " Client  window coordinates on desktop: ("; ClientX1; ","; ClientY1; ") - ("; ClientX2; ","; ClientY2; ")"
    PRINT " Caption window coordinates on desktop: ("; CaptionX1; ","; CaptionY1; ") - ("; CaptionX2; ","; CaptionY2; ")"

    IF MouseWithin(Mouse.x, Mouse.y, ClientX1, ClientY1, ClientX2, ClientY2) THEN
        ProgramTitle = "In CLIENT Area          "
    ELSEIF MouseWithin(Mouse.x, Mouse.y, CaptionX1, CaptionY1, CaptionX2, CaptionY2) THEN
        ProgramTitle = "In CAPTION Area        "
    ELSEIF MouseWithin(Mouse.x, Mouse.y, WindowX1, WindowY1, WindowX2, WindowY2) THEN
        ProgramTitle = "On WINDOW Border        "
        ProgramTitle = "Mouse OUTSIDE of program"
    END IF
    PRINT " "; ProgramTitle
    IF OldTitle <> ProgramTitle THEN
        _TITLE ProgramTitle
        OldTitle = ProgramTitle
    END IF



    'Quick and dirty rectangular collision routine

    MouseWithin% = 0
    IF mx >= x1 AND mx <= x2 AND my >= y1 AND my <= y2 THEN MouseWithin% = -1


Print this item

  CrossMath Game
Posted by: SMcNeill - 06-04-2024, 03:48 AM - Forum: Works in Progress - Replies (10)

Inspired by some of @Dav 's latest works, this is the start of a little Crossword type game, but which features addition instead of letters.

Code: (Select All)
CONST ShowAnswers = 0, Difficulty = 5 'can toggle to show answers, or change difficulty (1 to 10, higher = harder)
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1280, 720, 32)
DIM SHARED AS INTEGER grid(-1 TO 10, -1 TO 10), player(-1 TO 10, -1 TO 10)


SUB PlayGame
    'find first block
    Show = 10 - Difficulty 'player can show up to 3 blocks to help them with the puzzle
    IF Show < 0 THEN Show = 0
    LargeFont = _LOADFONT("courbd.ttf", 48, "monospace")
    FOR y = 0 TO 9
        FOR x = 0 TO 9
            IF grid(x, y) GOTO start
    Xon = x: Yon = y
        'draw player highlight
        LINE (Xon * 60 + 60, Yon * 60 + 60)-STEP(60, 60), Green, BF
        k = _KEYHIT
        IF _KEYDOWN(100306) OR _KEYDOWN(100305) THEN
            SELECT CASE k
                CASE 19200: IF Xon > 0 THEN x = Xon - 1 'CTRL + left arrow
                CASE 19712: IF Xon < 9 THEN Xon = Xon + 1 'CTRL + right arrow
                CASE 18432: IF Yon > 0 THEN Yon = Yon - 1 'CTRL + up arrow
                CASE 20480: IF Yon < 9 THEN Yon = Yon + 1 'CTRL + down arrow
            END SELECT
            SELECT CASE k
                CASE 48 TO 57 'number keys
                    IF grid(Xon, Yon) THEN player(Xon, Yon) = k - 48
                CASE 27 'ESC
                CASE 19200 'left arrow
                    FOR x = Xon - 1 TO 0 STEP -1
                        IF grid(x, Yon) THEN Xon = x: EXIT FOR
                CASE 19712 'right arrow
                    FOR x = Xon + 1 TO 9
                        IF grid(x, Yon) THEN Xon = x: EXIT FOR
                CASE 18432 'up arrow
                    FOR y = Yon - 1 TO 0 STEP -1
                        IF grid(Xon, y) THEN Yon = y: EXIT FOR
                CASE 20480 'down arrow
                    FOR y = Yon + 1 TO 9
                        IF grid(Xon, y) THEN Yon = y: EXIT FOR
                CASE ASC("S"), ASC("s"), ASC("H"), ASC("h"), ASC("?")
                    IF Show THEN
                        player(Xon, Yon) = grid(Xon, Yon)
                        Show = Show - 1
                    END IF
            END SELECT
        END IF
        _FONT LargeFont
        _PRINTSTRING (800, 40), "HINTS:" + STR$(Show)
        FOR x = 0 TO 9 'Display the current numbers
            FOR y = 0 TO 9
                IF player(x, y) THEN _PRINTSTRING (x * 60 + 70, y * 60 + 66), _TRIM$(STR$(player(x, y)))
        win = -1
        FOR x = -1 TO 9
            FOR y = -1 TO 9
                IF CheckDown(grid(), x, y) <> CheckDown(player(), x, y) THEN win = 0: GOTO keep_playing
        IF win THEN
            _PRINTSTRING (800, 110), "YOU WIN!!!"
            EXIT SUB
        END IF
        _FONT 16
        _LIMIT 30

SUB randomgrid
    FOR x = -1 TO 10 'reset the game values to 0
        FOR y = -1 TO 10
            grid(x, y) = 0
            player(x, y) = 0
    FOR j = 1 TO 90
        x = INT(RND * 10)
        y = INT(RND * 10)
        z = INT(RND * 9) + 1
        grid(x, y) = z
    DO 'this eliminates any stray numbers just floating off by themselves
        fixed = -1
        FOR x = 0 TO 9
            FOR y = 0 TO 9
                IF grid(x, y) <> 0 THEN
                    IF grid(x - 1, y) = 0 AND grid(x, y - 1) = 0 AND grid(x, y + 1) = 0 AND grid(x + 1, y) = 0 THEN
                        grid(x, y) = 0
                        x = INT(RND * 10)
                        y = INT(RND * 10)
                        z = INT(RND * 10)
                        grid(x, y) = z
                        fixed = 0
                    END IF
                END IF
    LOOP UNTIL fixed

SUB drawgrid
    startX = 60
    startY = 60
    endX = 660
    endY = 660
    FOR x = startX TO endX STEP 60
        LINE (x, 60)-(x, 660)
    FOR y = startY TO endY STEP 60
        LINE (60, y)-(660, y)
    FOR y = -1 TO 9
        FOR x = -1 TO 9
            IF grid(x, y) = 0 THEN
                x1 = x * 60 + 60: y1 = y * 60 + 60
                LINE (x1, y1)-STEP(60, 60), LightGray, BF
                sum = CheckDown(grid(), x, y)
                IF sum THEN
                    COLOR Black, 0
                    FillTriangle x1, y1, x1 + 60, y1, x1, y1 + 60, Red
                    _PRINTSTRING (x1 + 5, y1 + 5), STR$(sum)
                END IF
                sum = CheckRight(grid(), x, y)
                IF sum THEN
                    COLOR White, 0
                    FillTriangle x1 + 60, y1, x1, y1 + 60, x1 + 60, y1 + 60, Blue
                    _PRINTSTRING (x1 + 35, y1 + 35), STR$(sum)
                END IF
                COLOR White, 0
                IF ShowAnswers THEN _PRINTSTRING (x * 60 + 80, y * 60 + 80), "(" + STR$(grid(x, y)) + ")"
            END IF

SUB FillTriangle (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, K AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
    STATIC a&, m AS _MEM
    IF a& = 0 THEN a& = _NEWIMAGE(1, 1, 32): m = _MEMIMAGE(a&)
    _MEMPUT m, m.OFFSET, K
    _MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(0, 0)-(0, 0), a& TO(x1, y1)-(x2, y2)-(x3, y3)

FUNCTION CheckDown (array() AS INTEGER, x, y)
    sum = 0
    FOR i = y + 1 TO 9
        IF array(x, i) <> 0 THEN
            sum = sum + array(x, i)
            EXIT FOR
        END IF
    IF sum <> array(x, y + 1) THEN CheckDown = sum ELSE CheckDown = 0

FUNCTION CheckRight (array() AS INTEGER, x, y)
    sum = 0
    FOR i = x + 1 TO 9
        IF array(i, y) <> 0 THEN
            sum = sum + array(i, y)
            EXIT FOR
        END IF
    IF sum <> array(x + 1, y) THEN CheckRight = sum ELSE CheckRight = 0

The way this works is it creates a crossword style grid, and then it gives you some clues in the form of the colored tiles and numbers.  Red is the sum of the numbers adding downwards.  Blue is the sum of the numbers adding right.

Game is loosely based off a variety of the puzzle Kakuro: https://www.kakuroconquest.com

Main difference here is I'm not checking for unique values, so you can have the same value multiple times in a row/column, which means there's no "unique" solution to puzzle.

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  Makes shift lights blink in a binary pattern
Posted by: eoredson - 06-04-2024, 03:37 AM - Forum: Programs - Replies (1)

Here is a fun post that makes the shift lights blink in a binary pattern:

Code: (Select All)
Rem makes shift lights blink in a binary pattern.
Color 15, 1
Print "Blink lights.."
Color , 0
Color 14
C = 8 ' set default color.
  ' rotate color.
  C = C + 1
  If C = 15 Then C = 9
  Color C
  For x = 0 To 7
      Select Case x
        Case 0 ' off
            _Numlock Off
            _CapsLock Off
            _Scrolllock Off
            Print "Numlock Off  Capslock Off  Scrolllock Off"
        Case 1
            _Numlock On
            _CapsLock Off
            _Scrolllock Off
            Print "Numlock On  Capslock Off  Scrolllock Off"
        Case 2
            _Numlock Off
            _CapsLock On
            _Scrolllock Off
            Print "Numlock Off  Capslock On  Scrolllock Off"
        Case 3
            _Numlock Off
            _CapsLock Off
            _Scrolllock On
            Print "Numlock Off  Capslock Off  Scrolllock On"
        Case 4
            _Numlock On
            _CapsLock On
            _Scrolllock Off
            Print "Numlock On  Capslock On  Scrolllock Off"
        Case 5
            _Numlock On
            _CapsLock Off
            _Scrolllock On
            Print "Numlock On  Capslock Off  Scrolllock On"
        Case 6
            _Numlock Off
            _CapsLock On
            _Scrolllock On
            Print "Numlock Off  Capslock On  Scrolllock On"
        Case 7 ' all on
            _Numlock On
            _CapsLock On
            _Scrolllock On
            Print "Numlock On  Capslock On  Scrolllock On"
      End Select
      _Delay 1.5
      If Len(InKey$) Then
        _Numlock Off
        _CapsLock Off
        _Scrolllock Off
        Color 7
      End If
Enjoy! Erik.

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  Geometry Tools
Posted by: bplus - 06-04-2024, 01:33 AM - Forum: Works in Progress - Replies (1)

Needs lots of clean up eg 2 slope routines but things appear to be working correctly:

circumscribe any triangle

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Circumscribe Triangle" ' b+ 2024-06-03 trans to qb64pe from
'circumscribe Triangle.bas in SmallBASIC 2015-09-12 MGA/B+
'Thanks to ScriptBasic for posting 1968 Dartmouth Code
'OK now try to find point where I can circumscribe a circle about triangle

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 200, 60
Dim Shared A, B, C, D, E, F, U, V, W ' standard eq coefficients
Dim Shared SolvedX, SolvedY
Dim px(0 To 2), py(0 To 2), mpx(0 To 2), mpy(0 To 2)

    Color &HFFFFFFFF
    Print "To find origin to circumscribe triangle, click 3 points to draw Triangle."
    For i = 0 To 2
        getClick px(i), py(i), kh&
        If kh& = 0 Then
            Circle (px(i), py(i)), 2
            Print "point"; Str$(i); " = ("; ts$(px(i)); ","; ts$(py(i)); ")"
            _Delay .2
        End If
    drawTri px(), py() ' draw triangle

    'line p1x,p1y,p2x,p2y
    ' calc midpoints
    For i = 0 To 2
        mpx(i) = (px(i) + px((i + 1) Mod 3)) / 2
        mpy(i) = (py(i) + py((i + 1) Mod 3)) / 2
        Circle (mpx(i), mpy(i)), 2

    '? "and...Center!"
    ABCs4StdFrm px(1), py(1), mpx(0), mpy(0) ' sets U, V, W
    A = U: B = V: C = W ' Save as A, B, C

    ABCs4StdFrm px(2), py(2), mpx(1), mpy(1) ' sets U, V, W
    D = U: E = V: F = W 'Save as D, E, F

    Circle (SolvedX, SolvedY), 2, &HFFFFFF00
    Line (SolvedX, SolvedY)-(mpx(0), mpy(0)), &HFFFFFF00
    Line (SolvedX, SolvedY)-(mpx(1), mpy(1)), &HFFFFFF00
    Line (SolvedX, SolvedY)-(mpx(2), mpy(2)), &HFFFFFF00

    radius = ((px(0) - SolvedX) ^ 2 + (py(0) - SolvedY) ^ 2) ^ .5
    Circle (SolvedX, SolvedY), radius, &HFFFFFF00

    _PrintString (50, _Height - 20), "zzz... press any for another run"

Function slope (q1x, q1y, q2x, q2y)
    slope = (q2y - q1y) / (q2x - q1x)
End Function

Sub ABCs4StdFrm (r1x, r1y, r2x, r2y)
    'takes two points that define line and gets A,B,C's for Standard Form of line

    m = slope(r1x, r1y, r2x, r2y)
    'Ax + By = C   find equation of line perpendicular through point r2x,r2y
    U = 1 / m: V = 1: W = r2x / m + r2y 'U,V,W are global these are perpendicular line calcs
End Sub

Sub Solve4XY ()
    'globals A,B,C of eq1 Ax+By=C  D,E,F of eq2 Dx+Ey=F
    G = A * E - B * D
    If G = 0 Then Print "NO UNIQUE SOLUTION": Exit Sub
    SolvedX = (C * E - B * F) / G
    SolvedY = (A * F - C * D) / G
End Sub

Sub getClick (mx, my, q) ' from 000 test\getClick test
    'getClick returns the mouse x, y position WHEN THE MOUSE WAS RELEASED! or keypress ASC 27 or 32 to 125
    '2019-08-06 Test now with new mBox and inputBox procedures
    'found  mBox needed a _KEYCLEAR, how about inputBox?  OK had _KEYCLEAR already

    mb = _MouseButton(1)
    While mb
        While _MouseInput: Wend '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  clear previous mb
        mb = _MouseButton(1)
    _KeyClear 'clear previous key presses
    mx = -1: my = -1: q = 0
    Do While mx = -1 And my = -1
        q = _KeyHit
        If q = 27 Or (q > 31 And q < 126) Then _KeyClear: Exit Sub
        i = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1)
        'IF mb THEN
        Do While mb 'wait for release
            q = _KeyHit
            If q = 27 Or (q > 31 And q < 126) Then Exit Sub
            i = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
            _Limit 1000
        _Limit 1000
End Sub

Function ts$ (N)
    ts$ = _Trim$(Str$(Int(N)))
End Function

Sub drawTri (px(), py())
    ' px(), py() arrays 1 to 3 of points
    Line (px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))
    Line (px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
    Line (px(2), py(2))-(px(0), py(0))
End Sub

that was the easy one Smile

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  Need a Printer/Tester
Posted by: SMcNeill - 06-03-2024, 11:08 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (14)

A little routine I wrote which should print out a file to the printer:

Code: (Select All)
PrintScreen = _NEWIMAGE(850, 1100, 32) 'to represent an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper
SCREEN PrintScreen
File$ = _OPENFILEDIALOG$("Choose file to Print", _CWD$, "*.*", "Any File")

CLS , White, PrintScreen
COLOR Black, 0
    LINE INPUT #1, temp$
    PCOPY 0, 1
    PRINT temp$
    IF CSRLIN >= _HEIGHT - 3 THEN 'we probably scrolled the page.  Rip off this sheet of paper and start a new page!
        PCOPY 1, 0
        _PRINTIMAGE PrintScreen
        CLS , White, PrintScreen
        PRINT temp$
    END IF

Problem is, when I went to test it, my printer is all out of ink and such.  Tongue

Anyone want to give this a test run for us?  Uses _PrintImage, so is a Windows-Only program, so Linux and Mac folks can't make yse of this until we expand the functionality to include them.

If you can, try this with a short, 1-page program (Hello World would work fine.)  Then try it with something that might take a couple of pages to print out.  It *should* sort things out and print across multiple pages without issue.

I hope, anyway.  Smile

Note:  IF this prints out 1000 pages and doesn't stop....  I apologize in advance!  Big Grin

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  ClickAwayBalls - click moving balls in order before timer ends
Posted by: Dav - 06-03-2024, 12:04 AM - Forum: Games - Replies (1)

ClickAwayBalls is another little game that @bplus helped me with at the old forum.  Numbered balls bounce around over a moving plasma background.  You click them away in order before the timer runs out.  Updated it to fit larger desktops and added new font style and win/lose message. 

- Dav

Code: (Select All)

'ClickAwayBalls.bas v1.2
'by Dav, JUN/2024

'* NEW: using a new font, larger screen size, fixed gameover flag.

'Some helpful mod & tweaks by bplus.  Thanks bplus!!!

'Click on balls in order, starting at 1 until all gone,
'Do this before the timer runs out.

Randomize Timer
dw = Int(_DesktopWidth * .75) 'set board size based on user desktop size
dh = Int(_DesktopHeight * .75)

Screen _NewImage(dw, dh, 32)

_Delay .25
_ScreenMove _Middle
_PrintMode _KeepBackground

balls = 15: size = 45: speed = 3

ReDim BallX(balls), BallY(balls), BallDx(balls), BallDy(balls), BallSize(balls), BallShow(balls), BallC(balls) As _Unsigned Long

w = _Width: h = _Height: w2 = _Width / 2: h2 = _Height / 2


'Generate random ball data
For B = 1 To balls
    BallSize(B) = 50 + (Rnd * 50)
    BallX(B) = BallSize(B) + Rnd * (w - 2 * BallSize(B)): BallY(B) = BallSize(B) + Rnd * (h - 2 * BallSize(B))
    a = Rnd * _Pi(2): Ballspeed = 2 + B
    BallDx(B) = Ballspeed * Cos(a): BallDy(B) = Ballspeed * Sin(a)
    BallShow(B) = 1: BallC(B) = _RGB32(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)

curball = 1
gametime = Timer
gameover = 0

timelimit = 45

    'compute ball movement
    For t = 1 To balls
        BallX(t) = BallX(t) + BallDx(t) 'move ball then make sure in bounds
        BallY(t) = BallY(t) + BallDy(t)
        If BallX(t) > w - BallSize(t) Then BallDx(t) = -BallDx(t): BallX(t) = w - BallSize(t)
        If BallX(t) < BallSize(t) Then BallDx(t) = -BallDx(t): BallX(t) = BallSize(t)
        If BallY(t) > h - BallSize(t) Then BallDy(t) = -BallDy(t): BallY(t) = h - BallSize(t)
        If BallY(t) < BallSize(t) Then BallDy(t) = -BallDy(t): BallY(t) = BallSize(t)
    'draw background
    t = Timer
    For x = 0 To w Step 6
        For y = 0 To h Step 6
            r = Sin(1.1 * t) * h2 - y + h2
            Line (x, y)-Step(5, 5), _RGB(r, r - y, -r), BF
        t = t + .01
        GoSub GetMouseClick

    If gameover = 1 Then
        Play "o2l16cegagfefgabgc3l4"
        cx = _Width / 2: cy = _Height / 2
        Line (cx - 300, cy - 130)-(cx + 300, cy + 30), _RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150), BF
        Line (cx - 300, cy - 130)-(cx + 300, cy + 30), _RGB(128, 255, 128), B
        PPRINT cx - 200, cy - 90, 60, _RGB(128, 255, 128), 1, "WINNER!!"
        Sleep 4
        GoTo restart
    End If

    'draw balls
    For i = 1 To balls
        If BallShow(i) = 1 Then
            drawBall BallX(i), BallY(i), BallSize(i), BallC(i)
            'PPRINT BallX(i) - 12, BallY(i) - 12, 30, _RGB(1, 1, 1), 1, Right$("0" + _Trim$(Str$(i)), 2)
            PPRINT BallX(i) - 10, BallY(i) - 20, 30, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 1, Right$("0" + _Trim$(Str$(i)), 2)
        End If

    'Locate 1, 1: Print "Click ball.."; curball;
    PPRINT 20, 10, 20, _RGB(255, 0, Rnd * 255), 1, "Click ball: " + _Trim$(Str$(curball))
    'Locate 2, 1: Print timelimit - Int(Timer - gametime);
    PPRINT 20, 40, 30, _RGB(255, 0, Rnd * 255), 1, Str$(timelimit - Int(Timer - gametime))

    _Display: _Limit 30

    'If click on one ball (no overlayed oned) remove it
    If found = 1 Then
        If firstball = curball Then
            'erase ball
            drawBall BallX(firstball), BallY(firstball), BallSize(firstball), BallC(firstball)
            BallShow(firstball) = 0
            Play "mbl32o2ceg"
            _Display: _Delay .05
            curball = curball + 1
            found = 0
            found = found + 1
            lastfound = firstball
        End If
    End If

    'check if all clicked
    anyleft = 0
    For c = 1 To balls
        If BallShow(c) = 1 Then anyleft = anyleft + 1
    If anyleft = 0 Then
        gameover = 1
    End If

    If Timer - gametime > timelimit Then
        Play "mbo1l4dl8ddl4dl8feeddc#l2d"
        cx = _Width / 2: cy = _Height / 2
        Line (cx - 300, cy - 130)-(cx + 300, cy + 30), _RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150), BF
        Line (cx - 300, cy - 130)-(cx + 300, cy + 30), _RGB(128, 255, 128), B
        PPRINT cx - 200, cy - 90, 60, _RGB(128, 255, 128), 1, "TIME OUT"
        Sleep 4
        GoTo restart
    End If




mi = _MouseInput
If _MouseButton(1) = 0 Then done = 0
If _MouseButton(1) And done = 0 Then
    mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
    found = 0
    For m = 1 To balls
        If BallShow(m) = 1 Then
            If Sqr((mx - BallX(m)) ^ 2 + (my - BallY(m)) ^ 2) < BallSize(m) Then
                If found = 0 Then firstball = m
                found = found + 1
                If found > 1 Then
                    lastfound = m
                End If
            End If
        End If
    done = 1
End If


Sub drawBall (x, y, r, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim rred As Long, grn As Long, blu As Long, rr As Long, f
    rred = _Red32(c): grn = _Green32(c): blu = _Blue32(c)
    For rr = r To 0 Step -1
        f = 1 - rr / r
        fcirc x, y, rr, _RGB32(rred * f, grn * f, blu * f)
End Sub

Sub fcirc (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
    Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
    Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
    If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
    Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
    While X > Y
        RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
        If RadiusError >= 0 Then
            If X <> Y + 1 Then
                Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
                Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
            End If
            X = X - 1
            RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
        End If
        Y = Y + 1
        Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
        Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub

Sub PPRINT (x, y, size, clr&, trans&, text$)
    'This sub outputs to the current _DEST set
    'It makes trans& the transparent color

    'x/y is where to print text
    'size is the font size to use
    'clr& is the color of your text
    'trans& is the background transparent color
    'text$ is the string to print

    '=== get users current write screen
    orig& = _Dest

    '=== if you are using an 8 or 32 bit screen
    bit = 32: If _PixelSize(0) = 1 Then bit = 256

    '=== step through your text
    For t = 0 To Len(text$) - 1
        '=== make a temp screen to use
        pprintimg& = _NewImage(16, 16, bit)
        _Dest pprintimg&
        '=== set colors and print text
        Cls , trans&: Color clr&
        Print Mid$(text$, t + 1, 1);
        '== make background color the transprent one
        _ClearColor _RGB(0, 0, 0), pprintimg&
        '=== go back to original screen  to output
        _Dest orig&
        '=== set it and forget it
        x1 = x + (t * size): x2 = x1 + size
        y1 = y: y2 = y + size
        _PutImage (x1 - (size / 2), y1)-(x2, y2 + (size / 3)), pprintimg&
        _FreeImage pprintimg&

End Sub


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  RocoLoco - Row & Column math puzzle game.
Posted by: Dav - 06-02-2024, 05:35 PM - Forum: Games - Replies (3)

RocoLoco is a math puzzle game where you make the rows & columns of numbers in the red inside grid add up the total amount on the edges.  Click the red numbers on/off.  When the row/column adds up correct, the edge total number will turn on white.  Goal is to make the grid numbers all add up correct so all edge numbers are lit up at the same time.

Grid size increases with each level.  You can jump to other levels by using the +/- keys.  Press H for help menu.  ESC quits.

- Dav

Code: (Select All)

'RoCoLoco.bas v2.0
'Row & Column number adding puzzle game.
'Based on popular math game found online.
'Coded by Dav for QB64-PE, Nov/2022

'New for v2:  * Playing board now adapts to users desktop size.
'              It should displays the same on every screen.
'              (Screen size is not hardcoded to specific size)
'            * No longer uses external .jpg images for numbers.
'            * Change grid size using the +/- keys.
'            * Added HELP screen (not much) - press H for it.
'            * Added some cheap sound effects.

'Click numbers inside the grid to turn them on/off.
'Each row/column of red number totals must add up to the number
'on the edge of the grid. When they do, the edge numbers will
'turn on too. You must tun on all the edge numbers to solve it.
'You can change the grid size anytime by using +/- keys.
'H = Show a simple help screen
'SPACE = Generate a new puzzle grid
'ESC = Quits game


ReDim Shared grid, tiles

grid = 6 '4x4 grid size (4 for inside tiles, 2 for edges  = 6)
gridmax = 15


_Title "RoCoLoco - Working..."

tiles = grid * grid '  total number of tiles on board

Screen _NewImage(_DesktopHeight * .80, _DesktopHeight * .80, 32)

tilesize = (_DesktopHeight * .80) / grid

Cls , _RGB(77, 77, 77)

ReDim Shared tilev(tiles) 'make array for all titles values
ReDim Shared tilef(tiles) 'make array for flag if tile is on/off
ReDim Shared tilex(tiles), tiley(tiles) 'x/y positions for tiles

Randomize Timer 'set random seed

'init x/y values for drawing tiles
bc = 1
For x = 1 To grid
    For y = 1 To grid
        tilex(bc) = (x * tilesize) - tilesize: tiley(bc) = (y * tilesize) - tilesize
        tilev(bc) = Int(Rnd * 9 + 1) '<<< for testing only, give all some data
        bc = bc + 1



Sound 500 + Rnd * 1000, 1

'generate random tile value and on/off settings
T = grid + 2
For y = 2 To grid - 1
    makesurex = 0: thold = T
    For x = 2 To grid - 1
        tilev(thold) = Int(Rnd * 5 + 1) 'make random number, from 1-5
        If Int(Rnd * grid - (Int(Rnd * 1.5))) = 0 Then
            tilef(thold) = 0 'randomly turn tile on/off
            makesurex = 1 'make sure at least one out on this column
            tilef(thold) = 1
        End If
        'show something while computing...
        Line (tilex(thold), tiley(thold))-(tilex(thold) + tilesize, tiley(thold) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 100, 100), BF
        PPRINT tilex(thold) + (tilesize / 1.8), tiley(thold) + (tilesize / 4.5), tilesize / 2, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(thold)))
        thold = thold + 1
    'if row didnt have one turned off, do this column over...
    If makesurex = 0 Then GoTo regeneratex
    T = thold + 2
    _Limit 10 * grid 'slow down, let's see it.

'now check rows left to right for on/off, if none off, regenerate
For x = 0 To grid - 3
    makesurex = 0
    For y = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
        If tilef(y + x) = 0 Then makesurex = 1
    If makesurex = 0 Then GoTo regenerate

If Timer < (SCRAMTIME + 1) Then GoTo regenerate

'compute left/right edges totals
For y = 0 To grid - 3
    total = 0
    For x = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
        If tilef(y + x) = 1 Then
            total = total + tilev(y + x)
        End If
    tilev(y + x) = total 'set total data to tile

'compute top/bottom edges
For x = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
    total = 0
    For y = 0 To grid - 3
        If tilef(y + x) = 1 Then
            total = total + tilev(y + x)
        End If
    tilev(y + x) = total

'Lastly, mark all inside grid tiles as on, hiding generated solution.
For T = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 1
    'skip the outside rows
    For tt = 1 To grid * grid Step grid
        If T = tt Then GoTo skipmark
        If T = tt + (grid - 1) Then GoTo skipmark
    tilef(T) = 1

GoSub RedrawBoard

tit$ = "RoCoLoco" + Str$(grid - 2) + "x" + LTrim$(Str$(grid - 2)) + " | H = Help"
_Title tit$
_Icon _Display

    'wait until mouse button up to continue
    While _MouseButton(1) <> 0: n = _MouseInput: Wend

    trap = _MouseInput
    If _MouseButton(1) Then
        mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
        'cycle through tiles
        For T = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 1
            'skip the outside rows
            For tt = 1 To grid * grid Step grid
                If T = tt Then GoTo skip
                If T = tt + (grid - 1) Then GoTo skip

            tx = tilex(T): tx2 = tilex(T) + tilesize
            ty = tiley(T): ty2 = tiley(T) + tilesize

            If mx >= tx And mx <= tx2 Then
                If my >= ty And my <= ty2 Then

                    If tilef(T) = 0 Then
                        tilef(T) = 1: 'mark it on
                        Sound 2500, .1
                        tilef(T) = 0: 'mark it off
                        Sound 2000, .1
                    End If

                    GoSub RedrawBoard

                    'check for win

                End If
            End If

    End If

    k$ = UCase$(InKey$)
    If k$ <> "" Then

        'ESC key quits
        If k$ = Chr$(27) Then System

        'space key generates new board
        If k$ = " " Then GoTo top

        If k$ = "+" Then
            If grid < 15 Then grid = grid + 1: GoTo top
        End If

        If k$ = "-" Then
            If grid > 5 Then grid = grid - 1: GoTo top
        End If

        If k$ = "H" Then
            back& = _CopyImage(_Display)
            Cls , _RGB(77, 77, 77)
            ps = (_DesktopHeight * .80) / 5
            PPRINT ps / 2 + 2, ps / 3 + 2, ps / 3, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, "ROCOLOCO HELP"
            PPRINT ps / 2, ps / 3, ps / 3, _RGB(255, 100, 100), 0, "ROCOLOCO HELP"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 3, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "Click on the numbers to"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 4, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "turn them On or Off."
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 5, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "Rows And Columns must"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 6, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "add up to the number on"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 7, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "the edges. When correct,"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 8, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "edges will turn white."
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 9, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "Make all edges white to"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 10, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "solve the math puzzle."
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 11, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "Use +/- keys to change"
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 12, ps / 6, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, "the size of the grid."
            PPRINT ps / 2, (ps / 3) * 14, ps / 6, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, "  - PRESS ANY KEY - "
            A$ = Input$(1)
            _PutImage (0, 0), back&
            _FreeImage back&
        End If

    End If




win = 1

'Draw inside grid numbers first
For d = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 1
    'skiping the outside rows
    For dd = 1 To grid * grid Step grid
        If d = dd Then GoTo skipit
        If d = dd + (grid - 1) Then GoTo skipit
    If tilef(d) = 1 Then
        Line (tilex(d), tiley(d))-(tilex(d) + tilesize, tiley(d) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 100, 100), BF
        PPRINT tilex(d) + (tilesize / 1.8), tiley(d) + (tilesize / 4.5), tilesize / 2, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(d)))
        Line (tilex(d), tiley(d))-(tilex(d) + tilesize, tiley(d) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF
        PPRINT tilex(d) + (tilesize / 1.8), tiley(d) + (tilesize / 4.5), tilesize / 2, _RGB(96, 96, 96), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(d)))
    End If

'compute and draw left/right edges
For y = 0 To grid - 3
    total = 0
    For x = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
        If tilef(y + x) = 1 Then
            total = total + tilev(y + x)
        End If
    If tilev(y + x) = total Then
        'if total match, highlight it
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 255, 255), BF 'right side
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        Line (tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x)), tiley(y + x))-((tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x))) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 255, 255), BF 'left side
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) - tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) - tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If

        'total doesnt match, don't highlight edge
        win = 0
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF 'right side
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(196, 196, 196), B 'right side
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(195, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        Line (tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x)), tiley(y + x))-((tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x))) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF 'left side
        Line (tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x)), tiley(y + x))-((tilex(y + x) - (tilex(y + x))) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(196, 196, 196), B 'left side
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) - tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) - tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If

    End If


'compute and draw top/bottom edges
For x = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 2 Step grid
    total = 0
    For y = 0 To grid - 3
        If tilef(y + x) = 1 Then
            total = total + tilev(y + x)
        End If
    If tilev(y + x) = total Then
        'total matches, hight top/bottom
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 255, 255), BF 'bottom
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, (tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x)) + tilesize), _RGB(255, 255, 255), BF 'top
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(32, 32, 32), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        'doesnt' match, dont hightlight top/bottom edges
        win = 0
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF 'bottom
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, tiley(y + x) + tilesize), _RGB(196, 196, 196), B 'bottom
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, (tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x)) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF 'top
        Line (tilex(y + x), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x))-(tilex(y + x) + tilesize, (tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x)) + tilesize), _RGB(196, 196, 196), B 'top
        If Len(LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))) = 2 Then
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 2.5), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
            PPRINT tilex(y + x) + (tilesize / 1.7), tiley(y + x) - tiley(y + x) + (tilesize / 3.2), tilesize / 3, _RGB(196, 196, 196), 0, LTrim$(Str$(tilev(y + x)))
        End If

    End If

'see if puzzle completed
If win = 1 Then
    Play "mbl16o2cdedefgabagfedc"

    'remove unused numbers
    For T = grid + 2 To (grid * grid) - grid - 1
        'skip the outside rows
        For tt = 1 To grid * grid Step grid
            If T = tt Then GoTo skipcheck
            If T = tt + (grid - 1) Then GoTo skipcheck
        If tilef(T) = 0 Then
            Line (tilex(T), tiley(T))-(tilex(T) + tilesize, tiley(T) + tilesize), _RGB(77, 77, 77), BF
        End If

    _Delay 5

    If grid < 15 Then grid = grid + 1

    GoTo top
End If


Sub PPRINT (x, y, SquareSize, clr&, trans&, text$)
    orig& = _Dest
    bit = 32: If _PixelSize(0) = 1 Then bit = 256
    For t = 0 To Len(text$) - 1
        pprintimg& = _NewImage(16, 16, bit)
        _Dest pprintimg&
        Cls , trans&: Color clr&
        Print Mid$(text$, t + 1, 1);
        _ClearColor _RGB(0, 0, 0), pprintimg&
        _Dest orig&
        x1 = x + (t * SquareSize): x2 = x1 + SquareSize
        y1 = y: y2 = y + SquareSize
        _PutImage (x1 - (SquareSize / 2), y1)-(x2, y2 + (SquareSize / 3)), pprintimg&
        _FreeImage pprintimg&
End Sub


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  3.13.1 bug report - keyboard characters swapped
Posted by: Circlotron - 06-02-2024, 10:54 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Just loaded version 3.13.1 on my HP Envy Win10 laptop and found the characters " and @ are swapped.
Also, # produces u with a right tilted accent above it.
Using the default lucon.ttf font.

Tried DejaVu Sans Mono that I normally use on Linux, but this time on Win10 and same problem.

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