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time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video?
+1 @Darcos yes your effort shamed into trying myself! LOL

Good for you, trying out new stuff, keeps us from getting old too fast. Smile
b = b + ...
Anybody who has watched Time Tunnel knows.

It's not a good simulation unless there are big sparks, alarms going off and explosions with large puffs of smoke.
And hot Lee Meriwether sitting at the controls.
(09-21-2024, 12:25 PM)bplus Wrote: Ah! Less LOC AND we might be able to do tunnels!

Okay, I'm officially nauseous... great work! 
Yard work has kept me from code work, but I will find some time to play with this yet! 
Here's one I was playing around with for a bit. There's a lot of ways to tweak this to get a ton of different effects. Play around and experiment with it and see how quickly you can unravel time!

Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1024, 720, 32)

Type Circle_type
x As Single
y As Single
r As Single
t As Single
c As _Unsigned Long
End Type

Dim circles(110) As Circle_type

For i = 0 To 110
circles(i).x = 512
circles(i).y = 360
circles(i).r = 20 * i
circles(i).t = 20
If i Mod 2 Then circles(i).c = Black Else circles(i).c = White 'Change these two line from black/white to color
'circles(i).c = &HFF000000&& + Rnd * &HFFFFFF&&

xchange = 10 'speed settings. experiment with them for some wild effects
ychange = 10
schange = .5
speed = 10
For i = 0 To 43 'unremark some of the lines below or remark out others and play around
circles(i).x = circles(i).x + xchange: If circles(i).x > 800 Or circles(i).x < 200 Then xchange = -xchange
' circles(i).y = circles(i).y + ychange: If circles(i).y > 500 Or circles(i).y < 200 Then ychange = -ychange
circles(i).r = circles(i).r + speed: If circles(i).r > 860 Then circles(i).r = 0
thickCircle circles(i).x, circles(i).y, circles(i).r, circles(i).t, circles(i).c
' speed = speed + schange: If speed > 100 Or speed < 10 Then schange = -schange
Loop Until _KeyHit

Sub thickCircle (x As Single, y As Single, radius As Single, thickness As Single, colour As _Unsigned Long)
Dim rp As Single, rm As Single, rp2 As Single, rm2 As Single
Dim sm As Single, rpi2 As Single, rmi2 As Single, sp As Single
Dim i As Single

rp = radius + thickness / 2
rm = radius - thickness / 2
rp2 = rp ^ 2
rm2 = rm ^ 2
For i = -rp To -rm Step .2
rpi2 = rp2 - i ^ 2
sp = Sqr(rpi2)
Line (x + i, y)-(x + i, y + sp), colour, BF
Line (x + i, y)-(x + i, y - sp), colour, BF
For i = -rm To 0 Step .2
rpi2 = rp2 - i ^ 2
rmi2 = rm2 - i ^ 2
sm = Sqr(rmi2)
sp = Sqr(rpi2)
Line (x + i, y + sm)-(x + i, y + sp), colour, BF
Line (x - i, y + sm)-(x - i, y + sp), colour, BF
Line (x + i, y - sm)-(x + i, y - sp), colour, BF
Line (x - i, y - sm)-(x - i, y - sp), colour, BF
For i = rm To rp Step .2
rpi2 = rp2 - i ^ 2
sp = Sqr(rpi2)
Line (x + i, y)-(x + i, y + sp), colour, BF
Line (x + i, y)-(x + i, y - sp), colour, BF
End Sub
(09-23-2024, 05:52 AM)SMcNeill Wrote: Here's one I was playing around with for a bit.  There's a lot of ways to tweak this to get a ton of different effects.  Play around and experiment with it and see how quickly you can unravel time!

These just keep getting funkier! 
Thanks everyone, for all this food for thought!

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