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MouseMovement Demo |
Posted by: SMcNeill - 10-15-2023, 11:42 PM - Forum: SMcNeill
- No Replies
Code: (Select All)
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 720, 32)
arrow = _NEWIMAGE(75, 100, 32)
font = _LOADFONT("courbd.ttf", 100, "monospaced")
_DEST arrow
_FONT font
angle = angle + _MOUSEMOVEMENTX
CLS , 0
PRINT "Angle:"; angle
DisplayImage arrow, 512, 360, 3, 3, angle, 0
SUB DisplayImage (Image AS LONG, x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER, xscale AS SINGLE, yscale AS SINGLE, angle AS SINGLE, mode AS _BYTE)
'Image is the image handle which we use to reference our image.
'x,y is the X/Y coordinates where we want the image to be at on the screen.
'angle is the angle which we wish to rotate the image.
'mode determines HOW we place the image at point X,Y.
'Mode 0 we center the image at point X,Y
'Mode 1 we place the Top Left corner of oour image at point X,Y
'Mode 2 is Bottom Left
'Mode 3 is Top Right
'Mode 4 is Bottom Right
DIM AS INTEGER px(3), py(3), w, h, w1, h1
w = _WIDTH(Image): h = _HEIGHT(Image)
w1 = w * xscale: h1 = h * yscale
CASE 0 'center
px(0) = -w1 / 2: py(0) = -h1 / 2: px(3) = w1 / 2: py(3) = -h1 / 2
px(1) = -w1 / 2: py(1) = h1 / 2: px(2) = w1 / 2: py(2) = h1 / 2
CASE 1 'top left
px(0) = 0: py(0) = 0: px(3) = w1: py(3) = 0
px(1) = 0: py(1) = h1: px(2) = w1: py(2) = h1
CASE 2 'bottom left
px(0) = 0: py(0) = -h1: px(3) = w1: py(3) = -h1
px(1) = 0: py(1) = 0: px(2) = w1: py(2) = 0
CASE 3 'top right
px(0) = -w1: py(0) = 0: px(3) = 0: py(3) = 0
px(1) = -w1: py(1) = h1: px(2) = 0: py(2) = h1
CASE 4 'bottom right
px(0) = -w1: py(0) = -h1: px(3) = 0: py(3) = -h1
px(1) = -w1: py(1) = 0: px(2) = 0: py(2) = 0
sinr = SIN(angle / 57.2957795131): cosr = COS(angle / 57.2957795131)
FOR i = 0 TO 3
x2 = (px(i) * cosr + sinr * py(i)) + x: y2 = (py(i) * cosr - px(i) * sinr) + y
px(i) = x2: py(i) = y2
_MAPTRIANGLE (0, 0)-(0, h - 1)-(w - 1, h - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
_MAPTRIANGLE (0, 0)-(w - 1, 0)-(w - 1, h - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))
I think a lot of folks misunderstand what MouseMovementX and MouseMovementY are for.
First thing to note: They're NOT for tracking your mouse's absolute position on the screen. There's _MouseX and _MouseY for that.
So what are they for??
Let's move our thinking from QB64PE out to just playing some game. Now, in this game, you're in a spaceship flying through outer space. To control your ship, it's set up to use a simple scroll ball as the navigation tool.
Scroll that ball right, and the ship turns right.
Scroll that ball left, and the ship turns left.
Scroll that ball up, and the ship flys down. (The arse end goes up, the nose goes down.)
Scroll that ball down, and the ship flys up. (The arse end goes down, the nose goes up.)
Now, tracking mouse position in this situation is just foolish. You scroll right.... right... right.... right.... Hit the edge of the screen with the mouse, and BOOM!! Your ship can no longer rotate to the right in outer space!!
See the problem with trying to use _MouseX in this situation? You can turn right and go around in circles till the end of time. Your mouse cursor, however, is going to stop at the edge of your screen.
So, how to track this "ball rotated right" event?? _MouseMovementX. Even if the mouse is at the right edge of the screen, you can scroll that mouseball on your desk endlessly to the right. It won't move the mouse pointer -- it's already at the limit -- but _MouseMovementX will record that rotation and report it to you.
MouseMovementX simply tells you if your mouseball has rotated left or right.
MouseMovementY tells you if that mouseball has rotated up or down.
It has nothing to do with screen coordinates. Just mouse wheel scrolling itself. I hope the demo above helps to highlight what these commands are actually used for, for us.
Can _MOUSEMOVEMENTX & Y be used for something like this? |
Posted by: Dav - 10-15-2023, 11:17 PM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (4)
I'm trying to grasp using_MOUSEMOVEMENTX & Y in a program, not sure I fully understand these two functions yet. I have run the wiki examples, but I'm not seeing how they could be used for something like below. Could those functions be used to easier compute mouse movement for like grabing an object and move it only for as much as the mouse has moved since clicking on it?
Here's some code I was playing with for testing. Could something like this be streamlined with _MOUSEMOVEMENTX & Y instead of using another DO/LOOP to calculate mouse movement?
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
cx = 400: cy = 400
Cls , _RGB(32, 0, 0)
Locate 1, 1: Print "Click on and drag curves to shape...";
While _MouseInput: Wend
'grabbed screen
If _MouseButton(1) Then
startmx = _MouseX: startmy = _MouseY
'Can _MOUSEMOVEMENTX/Y be used instead of below?
Cls , _RGB(32, 0, 0)
While _MouseInput: Wend
newcx = cx + (_MouseX - startmx)
newcy = cy + (_MouseY - startmy)
For c = -300 To 300 Step 20
Curve 400, 100, 400, 500, newcx + c, newcy, _RGB(255, 0, 0)
_Limit 30
Loop Until _MouseButton(1) = 0
cx = newcx: cy = newcy
End If
For c = -300 To 300 Step 20
Curve 400, 100, 400, 500, cx + c, cy, _RGB(255, 0, 0)
_Limit 30
Sub Curve (x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, clr&)
'Draws a curved line using a quadratic bezier curve formula
'x1/y1 = start point
'x2/y2 = end point
'cx.cy = control point
Do While t <= 1
x = (1 - t) ^ 2 * x1 + 2 * (1 - t) * t * cx + t ^ 2 * x2
y = (1 - t) ^ 2 * y1 + 2 * (1 - t) * t * cy + t ^ 2 * y2
PSet (x, y), clr&
t = t + .001
End Sub
Help a lazy developer! |
Posted by: SMcNeill - 10-15-2023, 08:14 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (22)
Terry posted an idea for improving QB64PE here: https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2075
Basically, his idea was simple -- Add an optional parameter to CLS so you don't have to change _DEST when using it.
And hey, let's be honest, that's a GREAT idea!! But, let's take it a step further: How many times have you wished you could just do a simple PSET (x, y), color, optional_imagehandle? Set a color of a pixel on an image, without having to alter source and dest to do so!
And how many other commands are there that could benefit from this type improvement? Off the top of my head, I can think of:
CLS ,background, imagehandle
PSET (x, y), color, imagehandle
LINE (x, y) - (x,y), color, BF, imagehandle
CIRCLE (though I'm too lazy to look up all its syntax), imagehandle
Now, here's my question for you guys, and here's where you can help with some easy development tasks: Give me a list of any and all other commands which could benefit from this simple optional parameter addition. A change like this won't affect existing code at all. Your old stuff won't break. All it'll do is allow a little more flexibility to be added to new stuff, and make it just a little simpler to code things in the future. And, honestly, making such changes is more or less a trivial matter which even someone like myself can push into the repo with just a few hours work and a couple lines of code.
Wrack your brain and help list what needs this style improvement. Heck, if you're brain damaged like me, yet have a ton of free time, pop over to the wiki and scroll down the command list and see what it seems like an optional parameter could help improve.
List those ideas here, and I'll see about taking a little free time this week and next weekend, and making the changes for us and push them into the repo for folks to enjoy in future versions of QB64PE. I'm getting older, and my eyes go all crosseyed and I fall asleep scrolling up and down lists of raw documentation anymore. You guys make me a list, and I'll make what changes I can. You won't get a better offer than that for $1.29 at your local McDonalds!
Pixel life |
Posted by: James D Jarvis - 10-15-2023, 04:11 PM - Forum: Programs
- Replies (9)
An attempt to do Conways' game of life as two images without using defined arrays. Not sure it works right but it simulates working right. The overall program can surely be trimmed down. I posted this on a facebook group a couple weeks a go and figured.. heck why not post it here?
Code: (Select All)
' an attmept to repilicate Conway's game of life without arrays by using 2 images
'not sure if I got it working right just yet
'feel free to fiddle with it, press <esc> to exit the program at any time
'there are multiple start states you can change by editing the comments
Dim Shared xmax, ymax
xmax = 400: ymax = 400 'change these as you wish , high numbers may be slow on older machines
Dim Shared s0 As Long
Dim Shared s1 As Long
Dim Shared klr As _Unsigned Long
s0 = _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
s1 = _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
Screen s0
_Title "Pixel Life <esc> to exit"
Randomize Timer
klr = _RGB32(30, 200, 0)
'use comments to change starting population of dots
t = 0
rr = 0: gg = 80: bb = 0
_Limit 6 'I want to be able to see the changes as the generations go on
gg = gg + 2
t = t + 1
_PutImage (0, 0), s1, s0
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
_Dest s0
Print t, " generations"
Sub test_genA
_Dest s1
Cls , _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
PSet (xmax \ 2, ymax \ 2 - 2), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2, ymax \ 2 - 1), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2, ymax \ 2), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2, ymax \ 2 + 1), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2, ymax \ 2 + 2), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2 + 1, ymax \ 2), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2 - 1, ymax \ 2), klr
End Sub
Sub test_genB
_Dest s1
Cls , _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
PSet (xmax \ 2, ymax \ 2), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2 + 1, ymax \ 2), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2 + 2, ymax \ 2 + 1), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2, ymax \ 2 + 2), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2 + 1, ymax \ 2 + 2), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2 + 2, ymax \ 2 + 2), klr
PSet (xmax \ 2 + 3, ymax \ 2 + 2), klr
End Sub
Sub test_mousepop
_Dest s1
Screen s1
Cls , _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
' press space when done drawing
Do While _MouseInput
mx = _MouseX
my = _MouseY
If mx > 0 And mx < xmax And my > 0 And my < ymax Then
If _MouseButton(2) Then
PSet (mx, my), klr
End If
End If
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(32)
Screen s0
_Dest s0
End Sub
Sub rand_gen0
_Dest s1
Cls , _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
For y = 0 To ymax - 1
For x = 0 To xmax - 1
If Rnd * 30 < 2 Then PSet (x, y), klr
_Dest s0
End Sub
Sub update_gen
'change each generation
_Dest s1
Cls , _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
_Dest s0
For y = 0 To ymax - 1
For x = 0 To xmax - 1
update_cell x, y
End Sub
Sub update_cell (sx, sy)
'check each cell for neighbors and update life
_Source s0
_Dest s1
ds = -1 'set to -1 because we are going to count the cell itself and ignore it this way
If sx > 1 Then x0 = sx - 1 Else x0 = 0
If sy > 1 Then y0 = sy - 1 Else y0 = 0
If sx < xmax - 1 Then x1 = sx + 1 Else x1 = xmax - 1
If sy < ymax - 1 Then y1 = sy + 1 Else y1 = ymax - 1
For y = y0 To y1
For x = x0 To x1
If Point(x, y) <> _RGB32(0, 0, 0) Then ds = ds + 1
Select Case ds
Case 0, 1
PSet (sx, sy), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
Case 2,3
PSet (sx, sy), klr
' Case 3 'yeah this was strange... keeping it here as comments for reasons
' If Point(sx, sy) = _RGB32(0, 0, 0) Then PSet (sx, sy), klr Else PSet (sx, sy), klr
Case Is > 3
PSet (sx, sy), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
End Select
End Sub
Is my Logic wrong or QB64's ? |
Posted by: bplus - 10-15-2023, 08:15 AM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (10)
I am doing a demo of setting up Conways Game of Life at other forum and run into a problem getting proper neighbor counts of a cell with this code:
Code: (Select All) nc = 0
For yy = y - 1 To y + 1
For xx = x - 1 To x + 1
If (xx <> x) And (yy <> y) Then 'dont count cell(x, y) the cell whose neighbors we are counting
If Cells(xx, yy) Then nc = nc + 1 ' : Beep ' debug OK
End If
x and y are just in outer loops scanning the whole array to display on screen.
If I rework that first IF line to this:
Code: (Select All) nc = 0
For yy = (y - 1) To (y + 1)
For xx = (x - 1) To (x + 1)
If xx = x And yy = y Then
'dont count cell(x, y) the cell whose neighbors we are counting
If Cells(xx, yy) Then nc = nc + 1: Beep ' debug OK
End If
All is well! Fine I can get the code to work as expected with 2nd block but I am not understanding what is going wrong with the first code example?
A professional Basic coder (non QB64 fan) said the logic is correct, has QB64 another glitch?
BTW he showed a much better method to do count without IF.
If anyone a connoisseur of methods it was this:
Code: (Select All) nc = 0
For yy = y - 1 To y + 1
For xx = x - 1 To x + 1
nc = nc + Cells(xx, yy) ' no ifs
nc = nc - Cells(x, y)
I switched from using -1's to using 1's for live cell (0 for dead)
As I recall my debug checks with the first block of code was messing up neighbor counts of live cells not that it should matter but with either -1 or 1 for live cell signal.
oh wait, I see it now, the logic is wrong because if I break the first IF line into 2 it becomes obvious why the counts were failing:
Code: (Select All) nc = 0
For yy = y - 1 To y + 1
For xx = x - 1 To x + 1
If (xx <> x) Then
If (yy <> y) Then
'dont count cell(x, y) the cell whose neighbors we are counting
If Cells(xx, yy) Then nc = nc + 1 ' : Beep ' debug OK
End If
End If
OK never mind, I got it now
QBJS - General Question for Web Development |
Posted by: JamesAlexander - 10-14-2023, 09:52 PM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs
- Replies (3)
Hi there!
I'm actually a long time veteran with a new name (aren't we all?) I have a general question concerning web development and QBJS.
Although it seems interesting enough with ElectronJS, I am primarily interested in embedding an HTML5 module for Chrome and Firefox to implement my web sites as standalone projects. About 10 or 15 years ago, QB64 was just a standalone compiler, but it has grown significantly over the past 10 years, and with the QBJS project, it's really starting to "PEEK" my interest.
Is there a compiler I can use to where I can generate QB64 code and save the output as a package, resource, or folder where I can just plug it on and go?
I will be using an old version of Dreamweaver for this, and basically link to my pages in an old-school fashion.
I'm relatively out of the do/loop for this, though.
Last time I generated a project in was 2012 and I was using NSBASIC. I've heard a few years ago that SpiderBasic can do this too, but haven't checked it out yet.
Is there a wiki for this or a simple framework in a cookbook fashion where I can just automatically write ny QB64 code, and instead of compiling it, I can automatically export it to Javascript as I would NSBASIC?
Thanks in advance!
Is vwatch reserved for internal/debugging stuff? |
Posted by: Dav - 10-14-2023, 08:40 PM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (2)
I was making a stop watch thing, couldn't make/use a variable named vwatch. IDE info in the status box says it's a SUB VWATCH. I'm guessing it's an internal name for debugging or something? Has me curious.
- Dav
Toolbox: GetFileList |
Posted by: SMcNeill - 10-14-2023, 12:03 PM - Forum: SMcNeill
- No Replies
Standard Toolbox message: As I'm working up my new library (details here: https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2085), I'm going to be working up samples and demos highlighting how simple I'm trying to make it to use all these additional subs and functions. Many of these routines I've uploaded in one version, demo, sample, or another, over the years, but I'm changing the format on a few of them for simplicity's sake.
To run this download:
1) First head your browser over to: https://github.com/SteveMcNeill/QB64-Pho...on-Toolbox
2) Click the GREEN <> Code button. It stands out; it's the only green item on the whole page.
3) Click the "Download Zip" link and you'll download all the files in the Github down to your PC.
4) Extract that file, as you would any ZIP file before trying to use it.
5) Start QB64, navigate to that file folder that you extracted things to, and open the "Samples" folder.
In this case, you can select "GetFileList.bas" and run it. It contains the code below:
Code: (Select All)
'$INCLUDE:'..\Library Files\Toolbox.BI'
GetFileList _CWD$
FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(FileList)
PRINT FileList(i);
PRINT "(File)"
PRINT "(Dir)"
PRINT "(Unidentified)"
'$INCLUDE:'..\Library Files\Toolbox.BM'
That's all there is to it! Simple as can be, right? The output should be something similar to the following:
Rounded Rectangles and Thick Circles |
Posted by: SMcNeill - 10-14-2023, 01:45 AM - Forum: SMcNeill
- Replies (1)
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
RoundRect 100, 100, 200, 200, 15, Red
RoundRectFill 200, 210, 300, 250, 5, Green
thickCircle 300, 325, 50, 4, Blue
Sub RoundRect (x As Single, y As Single, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, r As Single, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim a As Single, b As Single, e As Single
'Draw the 4 straight lines first
Line (x, y + r)-(x, y1 - r), c
Line (x1, y + r)-(x1, y1 - r), c
Line (x + r, y)-(x1 - r, y), c
Line (x + r, y1)-(x1 - r, y1), c
a = r: b = 0: e = -a
'And then draw the rounded circle portions of the RoundRect
Do While a >= b
PSet (x + r - b, y + r - a), c: PSet (x1 - r + b, y + r - a), c
PSet (x + r - a, y + r - b), c: PSet (x1 - r + a, y + r - b), c
PSet (x + r - b, y1 - r + a), c: PSet (x1 - r + b, y1 - r + a), c
PSet (x + r - a, y1 - r + b), c: PSet (x1 - r + a, y1 - r + b), c
b = b + 1: e = e + b + b
If e > 0 Then a = a - 1: e = e - a - a
End Sub
Sub RoundRectFill (x As Single, y As Single, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, r As Single, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim a As Single, b As Single, e As Single
Line (x, y + r+1)-(x1, y1 - r-1), c, BF
a = r: b = 0: e = -a
Do While a >= b
Line (x + r - b, y + r - a)-(x1 - r + b, y + r - a), c, BF
Line (x + r - a, y + r - b)-(x1 - r + a, y + r - b), c, BF
Line (x + r - b, y1 - r + a)-(x1 - r + b, y1 - r + a), c, BF
Line (x + r - a, y1 - r + b)-(x1 - r + a, y1 - r + b), c, BF
b = b + 1: e = e + b + b
If e > 0 Then a = a - 1: e = e - a - a
End Sub
Sub thickCircle (x As Single, y As Single, radius As Single, thickness As Single, colour As _Unsigned Long)
Dim rp As Single, rm As Single, rp2 As Single, rm2 As Single
Dim sm As Single, rpi2 As Single, rmi2 As Single, sp As Single
Dim i As Single
rp = radius + thickness / 2
rm = radius - thickness / 2
rp2 = rp ^ 2
rm2 = rm ^ 2
For i = -rp To -rm Step .2
rpi2 = rp2 - i ^ 2
sp = Sqr(rpi2)
Line (x + i, y)-(x + i, y + sp), colour, BF
Line (x + i, y)-(x + i, y - sp), colour, BF
For i = -rm To 0 Step .2
rpi2 = rp2 - i ^ 2
rmi2 = rm2 - i ^ 2
sm = Sqr(rmi2)
sp = Sqr(rpi2)
Line (x + i, y + sm)-(x + i, y + sp), colour, BF
Line (x - i, y + sm)-(x - i, y + sp), colour, BF
Line (x + i, y - sm)-(x + i, y - sp), colour, BF
Line (x - i, y - sm)-(x - i, y - sp), colour, BF
For i = rm To rp Step .2
rpi2 = rp2 - i ^ 2
sp = Sqr(rpi2)
Line (x + i, y)-(x + i, y + sp), colour, BF
Line (x + i, y)-(x + i, y - sp), colour, BF
End Sub
So, while I was searching my hard drives for little routines and utilities to add to my new little Github Toolbox project, I came across these old routines -- RoundRectFill and thickCircle. I don't know who the original author of these were; I don't think I wrote them, but the drive they were on was probably 5 to 10 years old and dated all the way back to the days of Galleon's Forums (.net?), and back when we were all chatting and talking over on the freenode IRC chat channels. (MY original SBot which ran via freenode was in the same folders, which is what helps me date how old these things are! LOL!)
My best guess is STxATxIC or perhaps vince helped create these originally. If anyone knows for certain who the original author of RoundRectFill and thickCircle are, let me know and I'll be certain to add their names to the routines to give them credit for their work.
(If you notice, I didn't list RoundRect as being unknown. That's simple -- I wrote it this evening to go with the filled version. If there was ever an original RoundRect routine somewhere, I didn't save it, so the one here is one I derived myself. It's no mystery code! )
Anyways, I thought I'd share these here to see if anyone knows for certain who the original authors were, before just tossing them all slappy-happy into my toolbox. Kindly speak up if they were yours. Heck, they might've even been mine -- though it's been so long, I certainly don't remember them! LOL! Solve the mystery, if you have information on "Where the heck did those come from?"