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Attention!! - This page is outdated and provided for reference and/or education only.
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Starting with QB64-PE v3.4.0 the functionality described here was superseded by _OPENFILEDIALOG$.
Additionally since QB64-PE v3.11.0 _FILES$ can be used to read file names programmatically.

FILELIST$ Function Automatic Setup Version

This version of the FILELIST$ string Function can be set up as a separate Window or be positioned anywhere on program screens larger than 640 X 480. Two position parameters are added to place the top left corner position on a QB64 custom _NEWIMAGE screen. It can be used with ANY screen mode either as a separate window or combined with your program screen! Simply set the parameters to zero if you want to use it as a Window. It will completely restore your program after a file list is displayed. Like the original version, this setup can also be INCLUDEd as a library and supports all of the original file specifications listed on the FILELIST$ (function) page.

Function Window Screenshot

_TITLE "Demo of FILELIST$ Function by Ted Weissgerber 2010"
dst& = _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32) 'for console bitmap

PAINT (799, 599), _RGB(180, 180, 180)
LINE (7, 15)-(648, 496), _RGB(0, 0, 80), BF

LOCATE 33, 10: PRINT "Do you want file display in a new window? (Y/N)"
DO: SLEEP: yesno$ = UCASE$(INKEY$): LOOP UNTIL yesno$ <> ""
IF yesno$ = "Y" THEN x% = 0: y% = 0 ELSE x% = 8: y% = 16 'set parameters

LOCATE 33, 10: INPUT "Enter a File Type extension(*.BMP, *.TXT, etc): ", spec$
spec$ = UCASE$(spec$)
IF LEN(spec$) = 0 THEN spec$ = "*.BMP"
'IF INSTR(spec$, "*.") = 0 THEN spec$ = "*." + spec$

'<<<<<<< If x% and y% parameters are 0, the display is in separate window.>>>>>>
filename$ = FILELIST$(spec$, x%, y%) '<<<<<<<< added display position parameters

LOCATE 35, 10: PRINT filename$, LFN$
'------------------------------------- END DEMO CODE -------------------------------
FUNCTION FILELIST$ (Spec$, xpos%, ypos%)
SHARED Path$, LFN$ 'values also accessable by program
REDIM LGFN$(25), SHFN$(25), Last$(25), DIR$(25), Paths$(25) '<<<< $DYNAMIC only
IF LEN(ENVIRON$("OS")) = 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION 'DIR X cannot be used on Win 9X
IF xpos% + ypos% = 0 THEN '****************** Root path TITLE in separate window only
  LINE INPUT #f%, current$
  CLOSE #f%
END IF ' ******************************************** END TITLE(see _TITLE below)
Spec$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(Spec$)))
IF INSTR(Spec$, "/A:D") OR INSTR(Spec$, "/O:G") THEN
  DL$ = "DIR": BS$ = "\" 'directory searches only
ELSE: DL$ = SPACE$(3): BS$ = ""
mode& = _COPYIMAGE(0) 'save previous screen value to restore if files displayed.
' Get Specific file information if available
SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c dir " + Spec$ + " /X > D0S-DATA.INF" 'get data
Head$ = "      Short Name          Long Name                     Last Modified     "
tmp$ = " \ \  \          \   \                              \ \                  \"
OPEN "D0S-DATA.INF" FOR INPUT AS #f% 'read the data file
  LINE INPUT #f%, line$
  IF INSTR(line$, ":\") THEN
    Path$ = MID$(line$, INSTR(line$, ":\") - 1)
    IF RIGHT$(Path$, 1) <> "\" THEN Path$ = Path$ + "\"
    setcode% = 0: filecode% = 0
  IF LEN(line$) > 25 AND MID$(line$, 1, 1) <> " " THEN 'don't read other info
    IF format% = 0 THEN
      IF MID$(line$, 20, 1) = "M" OR INSTR(line$, "<") = 25 THEN
        Sst% = 40: Lst% = 53: Dst% = 26: format% = 1 ' XP
      ELSE: Sst% = 37: Lst% = 50: Dst% = 23: format% = 2 'VISTA
      END IF
    END IF
    IF LEN(line$) >= Lst% THEN filecode% = ASC(UCASE$(MID$(line$, Lst%, 1))) ELSE filecode% = 0
    D1R$ = MID$(line$, Dst%, 3) 'returns directories only with Spec$ = "/A:D" or "/O:G"
    IF D1R$ <> "DIR" THEN D1R$ = SPACE$(3) 'change if anything else
    IF D1R$ = DL$ AND filecode% >= setcode% THEN
      cnt% = cnt% + 1
      DIR$(cnt%) = D1R$: Paths$(cnt%) = Path$
      Last$(cnt%) = MID$(line$, 1, 20)
      IF MID$(line$, Sst%, 1) <> SPACE$(1) THEN
        SHFN$(cnt%) = MID$(line$, Sst%, INSTR(Sst%, line$, " ") - Sst%)
        LGFN$(cnt%) = MID$(line$, Lst%)
      ELSE: SHFN$(cnt%) = MID$(line$, Lst%): LGFN$(cnt%) = ""
      END IF
      IF LEN(Spec$) AND (Spec$ = UCASE$(SHFN$(cnt%)) OR Spec$ = UCASE$(LGFN$(cnt%))) THEN
        Spec$ = SHFN$(cnt%) + BS$: FILELIST$ = Spec$: LFN$ = LGFN$(cnt%) + BS$
        noshow = -1: GOSUB KILLdata ' verifies file exist query (no display)
      END IF
      IF page% > 0 THEN ' pages after first
        IF cnt% = 1 THEN GOSUB NewScreen
        COLOR 11: LOCATE , 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(cnt%); SHFN$(cnt%); LGFN$(cnt%); Last$(cnt%)
        IF DIR$(cnt%) = "DIR" AND LEFT$(SHFN$(cnt%), 1) = "." THEN SHFN$(cnt%) = "": LGFN$(cnt%) = ""
      ELSE 'first page = 0
        IF cnt% = 2 THEN 'only display to screen if 2 or more files are found
          FList& = _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 256)
          IF xpos% + ypos% > 0 THEN ' user wants display on program screen
            Show& = _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 256) '<<<<<< ONSCREEN program displays only
            _DEST FList&
          ELSE: SCREEN FList& ' <<<<<<<<< Separate Window
            _TITLE current$ '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< TITLE optional
          END IF
          GOSUB NewScreen '<<<< update function's screen with Putimage(see notes)
          COLOR 11: LOCATE , 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(1); SHFN$(1); LGFN$(1); Last$(1)
          IF DIR$(1) = "DIR" AND LEFT$(SHFN$(1), 1) = "." THEN SHFN$(1) = "": LGFN$(1) = ""
        END IF
        IF cnt% > 1 THEN
          COLOR 11: LOCATE , 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(cnt%); SHFN$(cnt%); LGFN$(cnt%); Last$(cnt%)
          IF DIR$(cnt%) = "DIR" AND LEFT$(SHFN$(cnt%), 1) = "." THEN SHFN$(cnt%) = "": LGFN$(cnt%) = ""
        END IF
      END IF 'page%
      IF cnt% MOD 25 = 0 THEN 'each page holds 25 file names
        COLOR 14: LOCATE 28, 24: PRINT "Select file or click here for next.";
        GOSUB pickfile
        page% = page% + 1: cnt% = 0
        REDIM LGFN$(25), SHFN$(25), Last$(25), DIR$(25), Paths$(25) '<<<< $DYNAMIC only
      END IF 'mod  25
    END IF 'DIR = DL$
  END IF 'len line$ > 25
last = 1: total% = cnt% + (page% * 25)
IF total% = 0 THEN FILELIST$ = "": Spec$ = "": LFN$ = "": noshow = -1: GOSUB KILLdata: 'no files(no display)
IF total% = 1 THEN   'one file(no display)
  Spec$ = SHFN$(1) + BS$: FILELIST$ = Spec$: LFN$ = LGFN$(1) + BS$: noshow = -1: GOSUB KILLdata
  COLOR 10: LOCATE 28, 65: PRINT total%; "Files"
ELSE: COLOR 10: LOCATE 28, 65: PRINT total%; "Folders"
COLOR 14: LOCATE 28, 24: PRINT "Select file or click here to Exit. ";
_DEST FList&
ShowPath$ = RIGHT$(Path$, 78)
COLOR 15: LOCATE 29, 41 - (LEN(ShowPath$) \ 2): PRINT ShowPath$;
GOSUB NewDisplay
DO: Key$ = UCASE$(INKEY$): _LIMIT 30
    Tcol% = ((_MOUSEX - xpos%) \ 8) + 1 'mouse column with Putimage offset
    Trow% = ((_MOUSEY - ypos%) \ 16) + 1 'mouse row with offset
    Pick = _MOUSEBUTTON(1) ' get left button selection click
  IF Trow% > 2 AND Trow% < cnt% + 3 AND Tcol% > 0 AND Tcol% < 80 THEN 'when mouse in area
    R% = Trow% - 2
    IF P% = 0 OR P% > cnt% + 3 THEN P% = R%
    IF P% = R% THEN
      COLOR 15: LOCATE R% + 2, 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(R%); SHFN$(R%); LGFN$(R%); Last$(R%)
      COLOR 11: LOCATE P% + 2, 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(P%); SHFN$(P%); LGFN$(P%); Last$(P%)
    END IF
    GOSUB NewDisplay
    P% = R%
    IF Pick THEN
      Spec$ = SHFN$(R%)
      IF LEN(Spec$) THEN
        COLOR 13: LOCATE R% + 2, 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(R%); SHFN$(R%); LGFN$(R%); Last$(R%)
        GOSUB NewDisplay
        Spec$ = Spec$ + BS$: FILELIST$ = Spec$: Path$ = Paths$(R%)
        IF LEN(LGFN$(R%)) THEN LFN$ = LGFN$(R%) + BS$ ELSE LFN$ = ""
        _DELAY 1.5: CLS: SCREEN mode&: GOSUB KILLdata 'exit if user selection
      END IF
    END IF 'len spec
  END IF 'pick
  IF LEN(Key$) THEN usercode% = ASC(Key$) ELSE usercode% = 0
  IF usercode% > setcode% THEN setcode% = usercode% 'user can press letter to jump to
  IF Pick AND Trow% > 27 THEN EXIT DO
_DELAY .4 'adjust delay for page scroll speed
DO: Key$ = INKEY$: LOOP UNTIL Key$ = ""
IF last = 0 THEN RETURN 'exit if file no more data
FILELIST$ = "": Spec$ = "": LFN$ = ""
CLS: SCREEN mode& 'resets program screen to previous condition
CLOSE #f%: KILL "D0S-DATA.INF" 'kill D0S-DATA.INF file and exit
IF Show& < -1 THEN _FREEIMAGE Show&
IF noshow = -1 AND mode& < -1 THEN _FREEIMAGE mode&
_AUTODISPLAY 'reset default settings
NewScreen: 'clear screen and set display format
LINE (0, 0)-(639, 499), 0, BF
COLOR 14: LOCATE 2, 3: PRINT Head$
LINE (4, 4)-(636, 476), 13, B: LINE (5, 5)-(635, 475), 13, B
GOSUB NewDisplay
NewDisplay: 'show program or window displays
IF xpos% + ypos% > 0 THEN
  _PUTIMAGE , FList&, Show&
  _DEST 0: _PUTIMAGE (xpos%, ypos%), Show&: _DISPLAY
  _DEST FList&
NOTE: Refresh browser if full code is not displayed!

Updated for VISTA Screen format 8/20/2010
Added optional root path in _TITLE bar of windowed mode only 11/16/2010

NOTE: IF $STATIC Metacommand is required, change function Arrays to STATIC and ERASE them at start and every loop!

See also

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