FILELIST$ (function)
The FILELIST$ function can be used in place of the old QBasic FILES statement to view a list of files. Displays long and short(8.3) DOS filenames with the last modified information. Function name returns the short filename while SHARED string variables LFN$ and Path$ return the long name and absolute path from the current root drive. The leading underscore should make it compatible with most older QBasic program code run in QB64. The function allows mouse click file selection, letter press searches, file name exist verification without a screen display, and many of the DIR options available in DOS. Including sorting by name, extension, attributes and more! Your program screens are not changed after a display and the function can be integrated into a program using Putimage!
FILELIST$ Function Features 1) Only displays a file list when necessary. Otherwise one or no files found work "silently". Can be used to check if a file exists without an error! 2) Completely restores the program screen after a file list display! It is not necessary to create a new screen like you did after FILES. See Demo. 3) Users can jump to the leading filename letter by pressing a letter key. 4) Selection of files is done by a mouse click anywhere on a filename row. Clicking near the bottom or keypress can advance to the next page list. 5) Does not require *.*! Press Enter to display all files in current folder. No program typing errors! Just press Enter after a valid path for list! 6) If it doesn't find a file, it returns a 0 length string. NO FILE ERRORS! Just check for empty or zero length string returns in your program. 7) Includes various filename options for sorting as described below the code. 8) To view the current sub-directories, use Spec$ = "/A:D" in any lettercase. 9) Update: Display now highlights the mouse selection rows for clarity. Also Displays the present search path. Option /S will search all sub-directories. The file's actual Path$ will be returned even if it was not displayed! 10) The newest version sets up the entire process using two position parameters so that it can be viewed on your program screen area. See FILELIST$ |
The function is NOT a QB64 authorized function! This program code is free to use in your programs! No claims are made as to the suitability of the code and the user is responsible for any damages. You are free to alter the code as you see fit.
_TITLE "Demo of FILELIST$ Function by Ted Weissgerber 2010" handle& = _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 256) 'Demo code creates custom sized screen mode SCREEN handle& Align 15, 2, "SUPER " + QQ$("FILELIST$") + " SEARCH" Align 10, 5, "The FILELIST$ function locates files from any input. Enter or " + QQ$("") + " same as " + QQ$("*.*") Align 10, 6, "Shared variables Path$ and LFN$ return path and long name if available." DO LOCATE 10, 20: PRINT SPACE$(70) 'entry below can enclose file names in quotes LINEPUT 14, 10, "Enter a filename Search spec: ", spec$ IF UCASE$(spec$) = "END" THEN EXIT DO filename$ = FILELIST$(spec$) LOCATE 13, 20: PRINT SPACE$(70) Align 11, 13, filename$ LOCATE 15, 1: PRINT SPACE$(90) Align 15, 15, Path$ + spec$ Align 10, 17, "Note that your " + QQ$("spec$") + " also returns the selected file name." LOCATE 20, 20: PRINT SPACE$(50) Align 13, 20, "LFN$ = " + LFN$ + " LEN =" + STR$(LEN(LFN$)) Align 11, 23, "Enter " + QQ$("END") + " to quit" LOOP SYSTEM '----------------------------- End of Demo Code ------------------------------- SUB Align (c0l0r%, Tr0w%, t3xt$) 'auto centers printed text Tc0l% = (_WIDTH \ 16) + 1 - (LEN(t3xt$) \ 2) IF Tc0l% <= 0 THEN Tc0l% = 2 COLOR c0l0r%: LOCATE Tr0w%, Tc0l%: PRINT t3xt$; END SUB SUB LINEPUT (c0l0r%, Tr0w%, t3xt$, r3turn$) 'Auto centering LINE INPUT entry allows quotation marks around filenames with spaces Tc0l% = ((_WIDTH \ 16) - 10) - (LEN(t3xt$) \ 2) IF Tc0l% <= 0 THEN Tc0l% = 2 COLOR c0l0r%: LOCATE Tr0w%, Tc0l%: PRINT t3xt$; LINE INPUT ; "", r3turn$ 'semicolon in case bottom 2 rows END SUB FUNCTION QQ$ (t3xt$) 'Quote unQuote text in quotes QQ$ = CHR$(34) + t3xt$ + CHR$(34) END FUNCTION ' >>>>>>>>> Place INCLUDE file reference here when used as library <<<<<<<<< |
'****** NOTE: FILELIST$ Function can also be included as an external library(see below) ****** FUNCTION FILELIST$ (Spec$) SHARED Path$, LFN$ 'values also accessable by main program REDIM LGFN$(25), SHFN$(25), Last$(25), DIR$(25), Paths$(25) '<<< $DYNAMIC only IF LEN(ENVIRON$("OS")) = 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION 'DIR X cannot be used on Win 9X f% = FREEFILE SHELL _HIDE "CD > D0S-DATA.INF" '********************** Optional TITLE <<<<<<<<<< OPEN "D0S-DATA.INF" FOR INPUT AS #f% LINE INPUT #f%, current$ CLOSE #f% ' ******************************************** END TITLE(see _TITLE below) Spec$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(Spec$))) IF INSTR(Spec$, "/A:D") OR INSTR(Spec$, "/O:G") THEN DL$ = "DIR": BS$ = "\" 'directory searches only ELSE: DL$ = SPACE$(3): BS$ = "" END IF mode& = _COPYIMAGE(0) 'save previous screen value to restore if files displayed. ' Get Specific file information if available SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c dir " + Spec$ + " /X > D0S-DATA.INF" 'get data Head$ = " Short Name Long Name Last Modified " tmp$ = " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \" OPEN "D0S-DATA.INF" FOR INPUT AS #f% 'read the data file DO UNTIL EOF(f%) LINE INPUT #f%, line$ IF INSTR(line$, ":\") THEN Path$ = MID$(line$, INSTR(line$, ":\") - 1) IF RIGHT$(Path$, 1) <> "\" THEN Path$ = Path$ + "\" setcode% = 0: filecode% = 0 END IF IF LEN(line$) > 25 AND MID$(line$, 1, 1) <> " " THEN 'don't read other info IF format% = 0 THEN IF MID$(line$, 20, 1) = "M" OR INSTR(line$, "<") = 25 THEN Sst% = 40: Lst% = 53: Dst% = 26: format% = 1 ' XP ELSE: Sst% = 37: Lst% = 50: Dst% = 23: format% = 2 'VISTA END IF END IF IF LEN(line$) >= Lst% THEN filecode% = ASC(UCASE$(MID$(line$, Lst%, 1))) ELSE filecode% = 0 D1R$ = MID$(line$, Dst%, 3) 'returns directories only with Spec$ = "/A:D" or "/O:G" IF D1R$ <> "DIR" THEN D1R$ = SPACE$(3) 'change if anything else IF D1R$ = DL$ AND filecode% >= setcode% THEN cnt% = cnt% + 1 DIR$(cnt%) = D1R$: Paths$(cnt%) = Path$ Last$(cnt%) = MID$(line$, 1, 20) IF MID$(line$, Sst%, 1) <> SPACE$(1) THEN SHFN$(cnt%) = MID$(line$, Sst%, INSTR(Sst%, line$, " ") - Sst%) LGFN$(cnt%) = MID$(line$, Lst%) ELSE: SHFN$(cnt%) = MID$(line$, Lst%): LGFN$(cnt%) = "" END IF IF LEN(Spec$) AND (Spec$ = UCASE$(SHFN$(cnt%)) OR Spec$ = UCASE$(LGFN$(cnt%))) THEN Spec$ = SHFN$(cnt%) + BS$: FILELIST$ = Spec$: LFN$ = LGFN$(cnt%) + BS$ noshow = -1: GOSUB KILLdata ' verifies file exist query (no display) END IF IF page% > 0 THEN ' pages after first IF cnt% = 1 THEN GOSUB NewScreen COLOR 11: LOCATE , 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(cnt%); SHFN$(cnt%); LGFN$(cnt%); Last$(cnt%) IF DIR$(cnt%) = "DIR" AND LEFT$(SHFN$(cnt%), 1) = "." THEN SHFN$(cnt%) = "": LGFN$(cnt%) = "" ELSE 'first page = 0 IF cnt% = 2 THEN 'only display to screen if 2 or more files are found FList& = _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 256) SCREEN FList&: _TITLE current$: GOSUB NewScreen '********* Optional TITLE <<<<<<< COLOR 11: LOCATE , 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(1); SHFN$(1); LGFN$(1); Last$(1) _DISPLAY IF DIR$(1) = "DIR" AND LEFT$(SHFN$(1), 1) = "." THEN SHFN$(1) = "": LGFN$(1) = "" END IF IF cnt% > 1 THEN COLOR 11: LOCATE , 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(cnt%); SHFN$(cnt%); LGFN$(cnt%); Last$(cnt%) IF DIR$(cnt%) = "DIR" AND LEFT$(SHFN$(cnt%), 1) = "." THEN SHFN$(cnt%) = "": LGFN$(cnt%) = "" END IF END IF 'page% IF cnt% MOD 25 = 0 THEN 'each page holds 25 file names COLOR 14: LOCATE 28, 24: PRINT "Select file or click here for next."; '<<<< Prompt text can be changed GOSUB pickfile page% = page% + 1: cnt% = 0 REDIM LGFN$(25), SHFN$(25), Last$(25), DIR$(25), Paths$(25) '<<< $DYNAMIC only END IF 'mod 25 END IF 'DIR = DL$ END IF 'len line$ > 25 LOOP CLOSE #f% last = 1: total% = cnt% + (page% * 25) IF total% = 0 THEN FILELIST$ = "": Spec$ = "": LFN$ = "": noshow = -1: GOSUB KILLdata: 'no files(no display) IF total% = 1 THEN 'one file(no display) Spec$ = SHFN$(1) + BS$: FILELIST$ = Spec$: LFN$ = LGFN$(1) + BS$: noshow = -1: GOSUB KILLdata END IF IF DL$ = SPACE$(3) THEN COLOR 10: LOCATE 28, 65: PRINT total%; "Files" ELSE: COLOR 10: LOCATE 28, 65: PRINT total%; "Folders" END IF COLOR 14: LOCATE 28, 24: PRINT "Select file or click here to Exit. "; '<<< Prompt text can be changed pickfile: _DEST FList& ShowPath$ = RIGHT$(Path$, 78) COLOR 15: LOCATE 29, 41 - (LEN(ShowPath$) \ 2): PRINT ShowPath$; _DISPLAY DO: Key$ = UCASE$(INKEY$): _LIMIT 30 DO WHILE _MOUSEINPUT Tcol% = ((_MOUSEX - xpos%) \ 8) + 1 'mouse column with Putimage offset Trow% = ((_MOUSEY - ypos%) \ 16) + 1 'mouse row with offset Pick = _MOUSEBUTTON(1) ' get left button selection click LOOP IF Trow% > 2 AND Trow% < cnt% + 3 AND Tcol% > 0 AND Tcol% < 80 THEN 'when mouse in area R% = Trow% - 2 IF P% = 0 OR P% > cnt% + 3 THEN P% = R% IF P% = R% THEN COLOR 15: LOCATE R% + 2, 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(R%); SHFN$(R%); LGFN$(R%); Last$(R%) ELSE COLOR 11: LOCATE P% + 2, 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(P%); SHFN$(P%); LGFN$(P%); Last$(P%) END IF _DISPLAY P% = R% IF Pick THEN Spec$ = SHFN$(R%) IF LEN(Spec$) THEN COLOR 13: LOCATE R% + 2, 3: PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$(R%); SHFN$(R%); LGFN$(R%); Last$(R%) _DISPLAY Spec$ = Spec$ + BS$: FILELIST$ = Spec$: Path$ = Paths$(R%) IF LEN(LGFN$(R%)) THEN LFN$ = LGFN$(R%) + BS$ ELSE LFN$ = "" _DELAY 1.5: CLS: SCREEN mode&: GOSUB KILLdata 'exit if user selection END IF END IF 'len spec END IF 'pick IF LEN(Key$) THEN usercode% = ASC(Key$) ELSE usercode% = 0 IF usercode% > setcode% THEN setcode% = usercode% 'user can press letter to jump to IF Pick AND Trow% > 27 THEN EXIT DO LOOP UNTIL LEN(Key$) _DELAY .4 'adjust delay for page scroll speed DO: Key$ = INKEY$: LOOP UNTIL Key$ = "" IF last = 0 THEN RETURN 'exit if file no more data FILELIST$ = "": Spec$ = "": LFN$ = "" CLS: SCREEN mode& 'resets program screen to previous condition KILLdata: CLOSE #f%: KILL "D0S-DATA.INF" 'kill D0S-DATA.INF file and exit IF FList& < -1 THEN _FREEIMAGE FList& IF noshow = -1 AND mode& < -1 THEN _FREEIMAGE mode& _AUTODISPLAY 'reset default settings EXIT FUNCTION RETURN NewScreen: 'clear screen and set display format LINE (0, 0)-(639, 499), 0, BF COLOR 14: LOCATE 2, 3: PRINT Head$ LINE (4, 4)-(636, 476), 13, B: LINE (5, 5)-(635, 475), 13, B RETURN END FUNCTION |
Updated for VISTA screen format 8/20/2010.
Updated for programs using $DYNAMIC Metacommand 9/16/2010.
Added option for current path to TITLE bar 11/16/2010
Function Screenshot
FILELIST$(Spec$) OPTIONS (/X already used!) Syntax: FILELIST$([drive:][path][filename][/A[[:]attrib]][/L][/O[[:]sortorder]][/S][/T[[:]timefield]]) NOTE: When path is specified, that path is returned to the SHARED Path$ variable. The FILELIST$ function can use the following options: /A List by attribute. Syntax: /A:attribute :D Directories (use /A:D after any path or by itself) :R Read-only files :H Hidden files :A Files ready for archiving :S System files - Prefix means not /L Use lowercase. /O List of files in sorted order. Syntax: /O:sortorder :N By name (alphabetical is default) :S By size (smallest first) :E By extension (alphabetical) :D By date/time (oldest first) :G Group directories only (/O:G) - Prefix to reverse order NOTE: Alphabetical keypress is disabled when using /O. /S Searches all directory and subdirectory files /T Time field displayed or used for sorting. Syntax: /T:timefield :A Last Access :C Creation :W Last Written DIR commands that don't work: /B, /C, /D, /N, /P, /Q, and /W. (/X already used) These options return nothing or do not change a search! To Search filenames with spaces, add CHR$(34) quote to each side of the spec file name! filename$ = FILELIST$(CHR$(34) + Spec$ + CHR$(34)) NOTE: LINE INPUT allows quoted entries such as: "free cell.ico" for filenames with spaces. |
- NOTE: The data file name "D0S-DATA.INF" uses a zero instead of an "O" in D0S and is deleted after a search!
See also